
mrgoodcatbrousch: gotcha01:19
brouschNice job01:50
brouschIt looks like move 138 should have been to b1001:54
mrgoodcatno i would still have gotten it01:57
mrgoodcati would have played a1101:57
mrgoodcator maybe you're right01:58
mrgoodcati would have played a12 actually01:58
mrgoodcatand you wouldn't have had enough time01:59
brouschHm, right, so I have to go back to my single reinforcement choice02:02
brouschNot enough to win the game, but certainly a psychological win02:07
* brousch imagines mrgoodcat is running through 10,000 scenarios to disrupt the lower left corner02:21
cmaloneymrgoodcat showed me that game. i didn't see a way out of capture02:33
mrgoodcatyea i was thinking about the bottom left. seems impossible though. or at least beyond my ability04:33
mrgoodcatthat game started out very poorly for me04:33
=== mulka_ is now known as mulka
cmaloneyAnyone know offhand how to get the command-line gnu mail utility to do "mail --verbose" to show delievery information?14:59
cmaloneyApparently debug-level is not terribly useful14:59
cmaloneyAnd the only reason that I think anyone uses "mail" on the command-line is for debugging purposes15:01
cmaloneyWow, I'm really out of it.15:18
cmaloney"Alumni Pricing for Gungor Concert at Hope" <- I have NFC who this is15:18
cmaloneyApparently it's some Grammy-Winning gospel-ish sort of thingie.15:19
mrgoodcatcmaloney: did i get that disc from you yesterday?15:19
mrgoodcati can't find it in my bag15:20
mrgoodcatwas about to give it a listen15:20
cmaloneyDid you put it in your bag?15:20
mrgoodcati thought so....15:20
cmaloneyIt was on the table last I checked.15:20
cmaloneyThere was also a flyer with it15:20
mrgoodcat... i hope i didn't do anything stupid like leave it there....15:20
mrgoodcati have to go by there on the way home from work anyways. i'll see if they have it15:21
cmaloneyWorst case here's a copy: https://discosmacarras.bandcamp.com/album/iii-years-of-doom-and-dark-sounds15:21
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/Agh2Q6 - III Years of Doom and Dark Sounds | Discos Macarras Records15:21
cmaloneyI wouldn't get too upset over it15:22
mrgoodcatah nice i can at least listen to it now15:22
cmaloneyI'm going to be ordering more music from them in the near future.15:22
mrgoodcatlol just realized i don't even have an optical drive. idk how i was gonna listen to it before anyways15:22
mrgoodcatno headphones15:22
cmaloneyWell, if you left it there then someone will pick it up15:22
mrgoodcattoday is like the worst day15:22
cmaloneyWhich is fine15:22
mrgoodcathow can i be so all over the place15:23
mrgoodcatmy headphones are in my car which is in the sho15:23
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Nice.15:23
cmaloneyI'll bet that's where the disc is. :)15:23
cmaloneyAgain, don't worry about it. :)15:25
mrgoodcathow did i not know about this before?15:47
mrgoodcatgarfield minus garfield is pretty dark15:47
mrgoodcatello just filed as a public benefit corp. which means they are legally barred from showing ads or selling user data15:50
cmaloneyWonder how easy that is to change?15:52
mrgoodcatapparently not easy15:52
mrgoodcateven if they're acquired it can't be changed15:52
cmaloneyI'm not seeing where They are barred from showing ads / selling user data15:54
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/FNBqIK - Ello Raises $5.5 Million, Legally Files As Public Benefit Corp. Meaning No Ads Ever | TechCrunch15:55
mrgoodcatbasically they filed as a public benefit corp and stated that their public benefit is that they provide a social network without ads and without data collection/selling. Once a public benefit corp states their public benefit it is legally binding15:58
mrgoodcatso if they show ads, their userbase could sue them in the state of delaware15:58
cmaloneyI'll be interested to see how this plays out.16:09
cmaloneyI'm still skeptical16:10
cmaloneyThe one that really grinds me is the Ponzi-scheme ad-sharing social network16:10
brouschno mrgoodcat on DGS makes for a boring day17:09
mrgoodcatbrousch: sorry busy day at work17:13
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/nUKd9 - Surveillance Self-Defense | Reliable, up-to-date advice on how to defend your privacy and security online.19:14
cmaloneyBend over. :)19:16
brouschHm, you can make a 5x5 game on DGS19:21
mrgoodcatthat would be weird19:21
brouschBarely enough room to make 2 eyes19:21
cmaloneyMight as well play Tic Tac Tow19:21
cmaloneyToe even19:21
brouschIt's so tiny19:24
mrgoodcatlol vimium is pretty funny on DGS19:27
mrgoodcatit actually works pretty great19:27
mrgoodcatthis is like some CSI shit http://www.heise.de/video/artikel/iPhone-5s-Touch-ID-hack-in-detail-1966044.html19:30
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/OMevyv - iPhone 5s Touch ID hack in detail | heise Video19:30
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/gT5uuN - image/png19:54
brouschheh, what happens on a 19x19?19:56
brouschnot much different i guess19:58
mrgoodcatmore keys?20:11
mrgoodcat26 * 26 possible combinations of 2 keys20:12
mrgoodcat26 ** 3 possible with 3 keys, although they probably wouldn't fit on the board as well20:12

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