
DalekSeczequence: You were talking about perhaps not really making note of the 14.10 release, you could also do as mythbuntu does and fully go LTS releases only.19:50
zequenceDalekSec: We had a discussion about that on the mail list, and decided to keep releasing the ISOs.20:26
zequenceThe only difference is that we recommend people to install the LTS.20:26
=== aleb_ is now known as aleb
DalekSecOK, nice.21:40
zequenceRelease announcements away. Hope I didn't mess anything up, as I usually do.21:55
DalekSecWant to do the honors in #ubuntustudio, or shall I?21:59
zequenceDalekSec: You mean change the welcome message?22:05
DalekSecThe topic, yep.22:05
zequenceDalekSec: Sure. I might have the rights, but not sure. Also, I've never done it, so be my guest :)22:06
DalekSeczequence: "14.04.1 and 14.10 Now Released"22:07
zequenceDalekSec: Cool. Thanks!22:37
DalekSecOf course.22:37

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