
zavaHello. I need help.00:44
zavaanyone up for it? I've been researching this issue for weeks00:45
zavaI am exhausted. I want to sleep00:45
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silv3r_m00nhi there04:12
silv3r_m00ni was using kubuntu, and install the xubuntu-desktop package to get the xfce desktop, now i want to remove whatever i installed, how do i do that ?04:12
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xubuntu278non riesco a mettere il mio pc sotto dominio06:48
xubuntu278qualcuno mi puo aiutare06:48
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chrisdlpHi, I bet this is asked all the time, but when will I be able to download 14.10? :)07:19
elfywhen it's released and yes gets asked enough to be boring ;)07:20
chrisdlpbut that is today, right?07:24
elfyno - I don't know when07:24
chrisdlpThanks and sorry!07:24
elfyyou're fine :)07:24
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zavaHi I am and have a complicated case for you. Is there anyone interested in helping me find a solution?08:25
james0rzava, go ahead with your question08:26
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LinusTorvaldIIi have often wondered why there is xubuntu and lubuntu? they seem to have similar goals-lightweight ubuntu-? is there really a big difference? wouldn't it be better if the 2 teams joined forces?10:15
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bluesabreLinusTorvaldII: hey! Some good reading material, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/StrategyDocument10:25
slickymasterWorkLubuntu is lighter than Xubuntu LinusTorvaldII10:25
LinusTorvaldIIi noticed xubuntu uses close to the same ram as ubuntu10:28
bluesabreXubuntu uses the Xfce desktop environment, which is Gtk2/3, and lightweight GTK applications. Lubuntu uses LXDE, but will soon be moving to LXQT as it progresses. We've had some parallels in the past, both using Catfish, Light Locker, and similar applications, but the goals are different10:28
bluesabre"Xubuntu does not explicitly target users with low, modest, or high powered machines but instead targets the entire spectrum. Xubuntu's extra responsiveness and speed, among other positive traits, can be appreciated by all users, regardless of their hardware. "10:29
LinusTorvaldIIi once used xubuntu 9.0410:29
LinusTorvaldIIdoes xubuntu fit on a cd?10:30
slickymasterWorkLinusTorvaldII, besides the link bluesabre provided you, you can also have a read at https://www.wikivs.com/wiki/Lubuntu_vs_Xubuntu10:30
slickymasterWorkno LinusTorvaldII, it doesn't10:30
bluesabreIt does not. We keep it below just 1GB to fit on a DVD or most USB flash drives10:31
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xubuntu84oI am currently on xubuntu 12.10 and need to upgrade, but I am getting errors from the gui. It says to check the network connection. No problems are apparent. Can someone help? Thanks16:11
knomexubuntu84o, you'll want to have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:12
xubuntu84oThanks knome.16:15
knomeno problem, and good luck16:15
knomealternatively, you can simply back up your data and do a fresh install16:15
knomewhich might save you some time and hassle16:15
irgendwer4711hi, any way to check which new version of installed packages I would get with 14.10. ?16:31
knomeirgendwer4711, wait for the release announcement/notes16:32
irgendwer4711knome: I thought of a tool or command16:33
xubuntu84oI update /etc/apt/sources.list with my codename substituted... still no luck.  It is not finding the upgrades for some reason, any other ideas?16:33
knomeirgendwer4711, http://packages.ubuntu.com/16:33
knomexubuntu84o, to what did you change it to?16:33
irgendwer4711knome: this is for a query of one package. I want to check all16:34
xubuntu84oI changed the codename that was listed under lsp_release -a. Everything else I followed from the link you provided.16:35
xubuntu84oI changed it to *16:36
knomexubuntu84o, then you haven't read the article correctly16:36
xubuntu84oSorry, im a newb to linux. That is how I interpreted this sentence, "Please make sure you have the following sources.list, change CODENAME to your release, e.g. breezy." I would find my release with lsp_release -a, would I not?16:38
xubuntu84oOr is it supposed to be the release I want to update to?16:39
knomeyes, it's supposed to be the target release16:39
knomebut please make sure you have backups..16:40
xubuntu84oI do. Thanks for the help.16:41
=== mortale_ is now known as mortale
xubuntu46wHow do i add a background/ wallpaper ? i down loaded one for ubuntu, but don't know how to add it.17:36
knomexubuntu46w, check the documentation under "Settings and Preferences" -> "Customizing the appearance"17:37
=== knome changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Xubuntu support | Xubuntu 14.10 is out! http://xubuntu.org/news/14-10-release/ | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | No one around? See the complete support methods list at http://xubuntu.org/help | Offtopic: #xubuntu-offtopic
qwertz_how do kde programs integrate into xfce these days?19:01
qwertz_still different look and feel?19:01
qwertz_i'm thinking of trying kontact19:01
xubuntu39wHello!.. Have you guys had an issue with the new kernel and the display? It seems that as soon as the kernel has been updated the display connected to VGA went blank..19:04
qwertz_xubuntu044,  nope - everything fine here (14.04)19:04
qwertz_which graphics card are you using?19:05
xubuntu39w00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03) 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03)19:06
xubuntu39wis that any helpful?19:06
xubuntu39wKernel is 3.13.0-37-generic19:06
xubuntu39wDVI1 is working but the VGA1 is not..19:07
qwertz_okay, can't test VGA here19:08
bmsdaveHello World!19:47
* genii waves feebly19:50
bmsdavethanks! this is only for testing)19:50
Alexfrenchi am trying xubuntu on virtualbox and i am stuck on 640*480 resolution ??19:53
Alexfrenchhp dv7 with ati radeon card19:53
Unit193It's virtualbox, install the guest additions (In Additional Drivers), and be done with it.19:53
Alexfrenchok thanks i'll try19:55
Alexfrenchshould i use synaptic ??19:56
Naphatulany help with this? http://kopy.io/xdeF0#kpq7hgZJ8BXDXq19:59
Naphatuli upgraded to 14.10 and steam is complaining that there is no direct rendering19:59
kosmasany hep on this please? http://askubuntu.com/questions/540333/2nd-monitor-connected-to-vga1-went-blank20:10
Naphatulare the 32 and 64 bits of those supposed to conflict?20:12
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Sia-hi, it's possible to stop autohide in dock on xubuntu 14.420:35
Sia-i don't like auto hide option, it should be like on MacOSX. it's possible or not? thnx again20:36
knomeyes, right-click the panel, select panel -> panel preferences and there uncheck the autoshow/hide option20:37
Alexfrenchis there a irc client in xubuntu ??20:38
Alexfrenchi have pigdin but i don't know how it is working20:38
Sia-knome, thnx i did few times, i think it's buggy! but any way thanx20:38
knomeAlexfrench, you can install an irc client from the repositories, some options are xchat and hexchat20:38
knomeSia-, in what way?20:39
Sia-Alexfrench, why not xchat?20:39
Alexfrenchi don't know i am just asking, i know it i use it on pc20:39
Alexfrenchxchat is freeware on xubuntu ?20:40
Sia-knome, because after check/uncheck for few times and restarting the panel "xfwm4 --replace & disown" now working well20:40
Sia-Alexfrench, yes it's free like free Beer :-D20:40
Sia-apt-get install xchat20:40
Sia-it's most popular irc client on linux distros20:41
bazhangactually hexchat is the one to install20:45
CajunTechiebazhang, why do you prefer hexchat?20:48
knomehexchat is maintained, xchat is not20:49
Sia-bazhang, thanx, i'm actually outdated with new stuff. looking great20:49
elfyunless you get fed up with it resizing when you search in channels or that ctrl+a to away fails20:49
CajunTechieUmm, yeah, I'd forgotten abou tthat.20:49
Sia-knome, that's right20:49
* elfy moved from xchat to hexchat to xchat 20:50
bazhangthe hexchat developer is also online very often20:52
alexandra_hello all20:56
alexandra_hourra on xubuntu on virtualbox20:56
alexandra_with xchat20:57
Naphatulanyone elses qt theming break? vlc and clementine are unthemed now20:59
elfyNaphatul: I get that - install qt-config - set theme to gtk+20:59
Naphatulelfy, from what package?21:02
alexandra_goodnight all21:03
elfyNaphatul: sorry - qt4-qtconfig21:04
nyuszika7hhow can I use English month and day names rather than Hungarian?21:21
nyuszika7hthe system locale is English but dates are in Hungarian, but not even a valid format21:21
nyuszika7h"23 okt"21:21
nyuszika7hwould be "okt. 23." anyway21:22
nyuszika7hfound it21:24
sushithsettings->time and date settings21:25
nyuszika7hit isn't there, I already looked, it's in language support -> reginonal21:25
LinusTorvaldIIi read an article on the internet today which stated xubuntu uses the same amount or ram (actually slightly more) than ubuntu? is this true?21:58
LinusTorvaldIIof ram*22:07
GridCubeit probably is22:41
GridCubeor maybe not, why don't you check?22:41
fdfgfgdfDL'd 14.10 installed to USB stick, booted and started playing...er...testing.  I noticed that image files (at least jpg's) all state that restretto is the default app, but Open with GIMP is the initial entry on a rightclick menu, and always the app to open the image file when double clicking. Changing the  "Open With" has no effect. I checked the release notes, etc. and saw nothing about this problem.  Will this occur on install also or is this a Live USB 22:58
brainwashfdfgfgdf: that's bug 138297723:19
ubottubug 1382977 in thunar "Thunar open default not respecting mimetype" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138297723:19
fdfgfgdfbrainwash: Thanks.23:19
fdfgfgdfBut no one thought to include this in the known issues?  It's not like clicking on file icons to open them in thunar is something done once in a blue moon :(23:24
phenomIs there a plan to address the first "known issue" in 14.04 release? e.g., Xfce4 Power Manager does not restore screen power (1259339). You can try running xrandr, which has worked as a problem-free workaround for some users.23:54
phenom@ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/Xubuntu23:54
phenomforgive me.. http://xubuntu.org/news/14-04-release/ rather23:56

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