
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, ah nice !01:57
akiva-thinkpadI just saw your merge01:57
akiva-thinkpadI'm going to work on getting it merged immediatel.01:58
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, what does cancel do?02:08
akiva-thinkpadit just turned my screen blank o_o02:08
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: howdy... I have bad news02:36
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, ?02:36
ajalkaneThe designers have been too busy, there's just have not been time to take a look at the different propositions02:37
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, yah I know that ~02:37
ajalkaneBut I really want to get this top header merged02:37
akiva-thinkpadI'm not expecting this to make rtm02:37
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, all in due course02:37
akiva-thinkpadbtw I merged your branch02:37
ajalkaneSo I hope you don't mind me taking the conservative approach, and with future branches more experimental stuff can be tried?02:38
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, Doesnt bother me.02:38
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: that's great to hear. How about I make a new merge request to your branch, that has many fixes and a simplified approach that I can sign off on. And then in future you can make new propositions if you feel necessary?02:39
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, sounds good.02:40
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: good... do you have time to work on the autopilot tests once I have made the merge request to your branch? I think I can try to do some autopilot tests tomorrow also to help it make through02:41
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, I have been a bit preoccupied by the recent stuff in Canada, but yes; I have all the time in the world otherwise.02:41
ajalkaneheh okay... it'd be great if you can do some autopilot tests tonight and push them in the branch after you've checked the merge request I'm about to do02:42
akiva-thinkpadajalkane feel free to delete the unused code; we can go back to it in a previous branch.02:42
ajalkaneI will try to continue with it tomorrow and make new merge requests02:42
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, Well I need to know what exactly is sticking first.02:43
ajalkaneYeah I have done such clean-up, the old code is available anway as its been pushed02:43
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, exactly02:43
akiva-thinkpadso feel free to delete unused code; we can grab it later if need be.02:43
ajalkaneok good!02:43
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, As it stands; the only thing I have any semblence of emotional investement in is the contentx behaviour of the flickable, and the flickable itself. Anything else is free for the chopping block without debate.02:45
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, have the branch uploaded within the next hour and a half, and I'll branch it and start working on getting it ready for a merge.02:46
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, does this work?02:46
ajalkaneThat sounds good, I will try to do it02:50
ajalkaneYeah I see you have done much work on that and I think I preserved the essence of it02:50
akiva-thinkpadCool beans02:51
ajalkaneLike, most of it. I just changed where it positions it when changing folders02:51
ajalkaneIt's, by the way, very cool work - so thanks for it02:51
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, Np ~02:52
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: I've done the merge request, check it out03:03
ajalkaneAnd once we've done the autopilot tests it's good to go for merging in my opinion03:04
ajalkaneAfter that there's good time to look if it needs some improving and wait for design decisions03:04
ajalkaneThanks already for the great work you've been doing on the top header merge! It's really important improvement03:05
ajalkaneI'll be checking again in about an hour... and if you get any autopilot tests done, please commit them to your branch so that I don't duplicate your work tomorrow :)03:06
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, I'll doubt that I will get around to it today. As said, with the events happening in Canada, I am a bit preoccupied. I am merging though right now and checking out the branch.03:07
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, May I offer a bit of disagreement on the contentx?03:10
ajalkaneOf course you can, and please do offer disagreement03:10
akiva-thinkpad /disagreement time; brace yourself! -- or rather, why I chose the model the way I did.03:11
ajalkaneI just hope we can agree the current one is better than the trunk, because this is what I can sign-off on right now - and I really would like to get it merged :)03:11
akiva-thinkpadThe reason why I did not have the content x adjust to any new folder, and only home and its immediate subfolders03:12
akiva-thinkpadwas because you are unlikely to go into many child directories after that.03:12
akiva-thinkpadand so it made more sense in my opinion to have to let it extend on, and help keep your baring as to where you were in the current path.03:14
akiva-thinkpadNot sure if that makes sense.03:14
ajalkaneI can understand that. I did the change just because now it's for new users also clear that clicking on the folder next to "back" gets them upwards.03:14
ajalkaneYour reasoning makes perfect sense03:14
ajalkaneI was just looking at it from the going upwards in consistent way kind of eyes - you always click on the shown folder item to go up03:15
ajalkaneAnd I think any tweaking to this branch will be easy in future - this doesn't have to be the final say. Just the one to get the top header in meaningful way in reasonable time03:16
ajalkaneI'm gone for a while, and no problem if you don't have time for autopilot tests today. I'll look at them tomorrow morning if I can make any sense of them :)03:17
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, fine I'll leave it as is. If I want; I'll branch my version in the app store :P Opensource for the win03:18
akiva-thinkpadyour version is good for the phone anyways, as there is not much space for displaying full paths.03:18
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: the limited space was another worry of mine. Initially I thought why not show "> upperDir / currentDir". But then currentDir could be such a long name that you can't see the upperDir and moving up wouldn't be consistent04:19
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popeymorning all!12:42
* popey is in stadler A12:42
ajalkanemorning popey12:43
ahayzenpopey, should any of us be in there as well?12:44
ajalkaneballoons: I'm unsurprisingly having troubles with autopilot, it just crashes now. Do you know what this is about: http://pastebin.com/qF3aGECU12:44
ahayzenpopey, seems like a design thing?12:44
popeyi am not sure even I need to be here, let alone you guys ☻12:44
* ahayzen has autopilot things to fix12:44
balloonsajalkane, looking12:44
balloonsajalkane, so the application doesn't even startup?12:45
ajalkaneballoons: seems like that12:48
ajalkaneI can run it from QtCreator12:48
balloonsajalkane, mmm. so in theory it's been built12:49
balloonsajalkane, you should run with autopilot312:50
balloonsajalkane, autopilot3 run -v filemanager and show that log would be more useful12:50
ajalkanesorry, Ubuntu crashed. I'll try again12:52
ajalkaneah, it's trying to run the click package12:54
rpadovanimzanetti, lp:~rpadovani/reminders-app/uriHandler when you have time12:58
dpmrpadovani, http://pad.ubuntu.com/reminders-app-meeting13:01
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ajalkane2Sorry again, I'm having multiple problems here13:03
ajalkane2balloons: so here is an example of the output: http://pastebin.com/D9uppdiW13:06
ajalkane2this line looks suspicious: Path: /opt/click.ubuntu.com/.click/users/arto/com.ubuntu.filemanager13:07
balloonsajalkane2, are you running on the desktop or device?13:08
ajalkane2on the desktop13:08
balloonsright, so it's not finding the binary13:08
ajalkane2does it understand branches? Or does it expect to run from trunk?13:09
balloonsajalkane2, try building inside the source tree manually, that should solve it. That said, I thought support for out of tree binaries existed in file manager13:09
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balloonsajalkane2, qtcreator by default builds in a special seperate folder the test doesn't know about13:10
ajalkane2it worked a couple of days ago and I was happy13:10
balloonsajalkane2, right, so it's rather odd that changed. I don't have the source in front of me, but I'm pretty sure it's supposed to have support for these out of tree builds13:12
balloonsajalkane2, can you leave the branch you are working on and I can try?13:17
ajalkane2balloons: yeah thanks... just a sec13:24
ajalkane2balloons: https://code.launchpad.net/~ajalkane/ubuntu-filemanager-app/toolbar-to-header-modifications13:25
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ajalkane2I ran "cmake . && make" and still have the same problem13:27
ajalkane2I do have the click package installed on my desktop, might that be the cause of the problem?13:28
ajalkane2though that should have been a problem a couple of days too then13:28
ajalkane2balloons: I took a fresh checkout, and built it with only desktop target. And now it works!13:35
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ajalkane2can I run with autopilot just one test out of a suite?13:42
veebersajalkane2: you sure can, just provide the test id (i.e. application.tests.test_som_feature) on the command line13:43
ahayzenHi, How can i tell when an object created using Qt.createComponent and createObject has been destroyed?13:44
mzanettiahayzen: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtqml-component.html#destruction-signal13:47
ahayzenmzanetti, hmmm how do I use that from outside of the object.... i basically have a created page being pushed and then popped from the stack and i need to refilter the list after it has been popped13:50
ahayzenmzanetti, the issue at the moment is when it refilters the model the delegate gets removed that holds the created object causing an error and then freezing the UI13:51
ahayzenmzanetti, so i need to know after the created object has been destroyed ?13:51
mzanettivar page = component.createObject()13:52
mzanettipage.destroyed.connect(function() { print("destroyed"); } )13:52
ahayzenmzanetti, ok thanks i'll try that :)13:52
mzanettialso, you might want to use pageStage.onDepthChanged in this case?13:53
mzanettiahayzen: ^13:53
ahayzenmzanetti, ooo yeah i'll try that as well :)13:54
ahayzenmzanetti, for the first one i get... TypeError: Cannot call method 'connect' of undefined13:56
mzanettipage.destruction.connect(function() { print("destroyed"); } )13:56
mzanettiI messed up the name13:56
mzanettibasically you use object.signalName.connect()13:57
ahayzenah yeah i tried onDestruction earlier but it is a signal not a property13:57
kunalpopey, this branch lp:~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/NewDayView13:59
ahayzenmzanetti, songsPage.destruction.connect was undefined as well... and onDepthChanged is too early and causes the error that we were having :/14:02
vthompsondavmor2, do you want to try using this click to fix your playing an album from the scope issue? https://www.dropbox.com/s/3xlphjg2wx01j51/com.ubuntu.music_1.3.700_all.click?dl=014:07
vitimitiI have this problem when I open a dialog menu in my app: the text is way wider than the white portion where it's meant to be, until I click a button that changes text and click it (changing it back to the text that was overflowing), and then it's inside the white portion. Is this a known issue? Can I fix it for it to look good before touching the text changer button?14:07
popeykunal: kk14:13
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ajalkane2veebers: thanks!14:28
veebersajalkane2: nw :-)14:28
kalikianat1mp: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/pushToTemp/+merge/23956814:41
balloonskunal, file:///home/nskaggs/workspace/Collection-Change/NewEvent.qml:566: TypeError: Cannot read property 'contactSelected' of undefined14:44
mihirpopey: one of them is http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?distro=ubuntu-rtm&q=landing-01314:47
mhall119DanChapman: would Dekko be able to use http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Connectivity.NetworkingStatus/ to switch the trojita-core bits into "bandwidth saving mode" when on cellular data?14:50
mhall119and does that mode actually do anything at the moment?14:50
kalikianaelopio: please have a look at this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/138532415:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1385324 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Build timed out due to swipe_to_show_more_below" [Critical,Confirmed]15:05
kalikianaelopio: nevermind in fact, I saw the other bug and reviewed the branch15:22
mzanettirpadovani: manifest.json.in:1015:36
mzanetticomma missing15:37
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gventurimihir: kunal: I've sent you guys an email. Let me know if it makes sense. The height of the sub-header should be 1GU less then the standard header, Text should be on one line15:41
kunalgventuri, thanks, let me check15:42
gventurikunal: I can catch up today if you want15:44
kunalyes, that would be great15:44
kunalso you said its just icon, no feedback required ?15:44
kunalto notify its pressed or not ?15:44
kunaland I am not sure, but do we have icons for < and > ?15:44
kunalgventuri, and I also made some change for month view alignment issue15:46
gventurikunal: coming15:46
rpadovanimzanetti, thanks, added15:47
mzanettirpadovani: doesn't work...15:50
mzanettiUnable to dispatch url 'evernote://newnote':GDBus.Error:com.canonical.URLDispatcher.BadURL: URL 'evernote://newnote' is not handleable by the URL Dispatcher15:50
mzanettinot yet sure why15:50
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elopiokalikiana: ok.16:02
Elleogventuri: I'm free of meetings today, so if you want to discuss the keyboard thing you started mentioning yesterday just grab me when it's convenient :)16:07
gventuriElleo: Thanks16:08
gventuriElleo: after lunch 1:30ish?16:09
Elleogventuri: sure, sounds good; shall I come to you?16:10
gventuriElleo: Thanks16:11
Elleogventuri: San Fransisco, right?16:11
gventuriElleo: Yep16:12
Elleogventuri: okay, cool16:13
boikomihir: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8658167/16:34
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DanChapmanmhall119: it's already setup to use it in a naive fashion that on limitedbandwidth it will automatically just set bandwidth saving mode http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dpniel/dekko/trunk-1/view/head:/qml/main.qml#L340.16:57
DanChapmanThe issue is the statusChanged signal of the NetworkingStatus singleton never get's fired so it still doesn't change anything in dekko. I havn't had time to dig into it yet. And yes that mode does currently does drastically reduce network usage16:57
mhall119DanChapman: you can probably listed for the onLimitedBandwidthChanged signal instead16:58
DanChapmanmhall119: nothing happens on that one either17:00
mhall119DanChapman: why the isRunningOnMir check?17:04
DanChapmanmhall119: so the NetworkWatcher still works on unity 717:05
mhall119is the API not available in 14.10 on Unity 7?17:05
mhall119Wellark: ^^ can you help DanChapman get NetworkStatus working for Dekko?17:08
DanChapmanmhall119: tbh i'm not entirely sure it doesn't seem to work on 14.10 unity 7 using the Qt c++ bindings whcich i tried here. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dpniel/dekko/UnityNetwrkWatcher/view/head:/src/Imap/Model/UnityNetworkWatcher.cpp17:09
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rpadovanimzanetti, is that the modify I have to do in uriHandler to CmakeLists.txt? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8659216/17:55
mzanettirpadovani: no... configure_file() is used to generate files out of .in files17:56
mzanettirpadovani: like, reminders.desktop.in will be reminders.desktop after the configure17:56
mzanettiand it'll replace stuff marked with % in the file17:56
mzanettibut we don't need that for the url-dispatcher file17:57
rpadovanimzanetti, ah, gotcha. So what we need to do?17:57
mzanettiwe just need to install it without change17:57
ahayzenmihir, this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/138374517:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1383745 in Mir "[mako] screen corruption/tearing after using the device for medium durations" [Medium,New]17:57
mzanettirpadovani: line 7117:58
rpadovanimzanetti, danke17:58
ahayzenmihir_, do you mind marking that ^^ bug as also affects you so it is confirmed?18:04
mihirahayzen: sure18:04
ahayzenmihir, thanks :)18:11
kunalgventuri, sorry this one http://imgur.com/hVGW0Ob18:19
gventurikunal: nice18:23
gventurikunal: how high is the subheader?18:24
rpadovanimzanetti, I updated the uriHandler branch, I dunno if you like the solution I thought, let me know!18:27
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kunalgventuri, regarding EventBubble change from UbuntuShape to Rectangle18:53
kunalshould we use some boarder ?18:53
kunalif you look at image18:53
kunalthere are two events at same time slot, it will be difficult to distinguish both if we use flat color18:54
popeyJoeyChan: do you have a copy of the photo you took outside that I can use in a presentation?18:55
JoeyChanpopey:  check my g+   (´・ω・`)18:55
popeyoh cool!18:55
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gventurikunal: yes please. which colour are you using?19:00
gventurikunal: I guess Ubuntu colour Light Grey #88888819:03
kunalgventuri, I was think white color, same as text color19:09
gventurikunal: try LightGrey or DarkGrey in Ubuntu Colours19:10
gventurikunal: eventually we are not going to use the Theme Palette anymore, just UbuntuColours19:11
gventurikunal: apps will be able to define their own theme and palette19:11
kunalgventuri, ok19:13
kunalgventuri, will try both and post some pics, let me know which you like19:13
kunalgventuri, light gray - > http://imgur.com/9jygEVI19:17
kunalgventuri, sorry , dark gray ->http://imgur.com/9jygEVI19:18
kunallight gray -> http://imgur.com/Fl26xuL19:18
gventurikunal: you are right, make it white19:20
kunalgventuri, ok, thanks19:21
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akiva-thinkpadajalkane, pingers23:10
akiva-thinkpadI tried a merge of your branch into mine, and ran into 5 conflicts. I defferred to the bottom each time, presumably the changes you made, and it isnt running for me23:11
akiva-thinkpad    function openFileManager() {23:14
akiva-thinkpad        pageStack.push(fileManagerComponent, { fileSelectorMode: true} )23:14
akiva-thinkpad    }23:14
akiva-thinkpad    function openFile(filePath) {23:14
akiva-thinkpad        pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("content-hub/FileOpener.qml"), { fileUrl: "file://" + filePath} )23:14
akiva-thinkpad    }23:14
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: hi23:16
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, o/23:16
akiva-thinkpadhows it going?23:16
ajalkaneI think I've made a mistake23:16
akiva-thinkpadsorry Ive been a bit preoccupied; I have a bit more time now to attack this.23:16
ajalkaneI think my merge proposal was something that wasn't based on correct version23:17
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, That would explain it :P~23:17
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: no problem and great if we have time now to hash this out23:17
ajalkaneLet me just start working on a good merge proposal so that there wouldn't be extra conflicts23:18
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, well how do you want to move forward with this? I am basically just merging your changes as long as it runs,23:18
akiva-thinkpadsounds good23:18
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: basically I'd like that we get this top header thing merged with tests running. If we can get that done, then if you have further improvements in mind they can be made in future merge proposals and we can try and let the designers have time to make a decision what to do23:19
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, oh don't worry about that. I forked the project23:19
akiva-thinkpadso i'll be tossing it in the store for like 20 cents or something :P23:19
akiva-thinkpadif it wants to get merged later; then that is cool23:20
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: unfortunately it's a bit more difficult than that :(23:20
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, hmmm?23:20
ajalkaneThe problem is that Ubuntu Touch applications has this permission model23:20
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, meaning?23:21
akiva-thinkpadI'm not close sourcing it23:21
ajalkaneBasically each application runs in confined mode - they can access only a little part of the filesystem that's assigned to them23:21
akiva-thinkpadah interesting23:21
ajalkaneNow FileManager has been granted an exception, and it's running "unconfined"23:21
akiva-thinkpadah fascinating23:22
ajalkaneBut you can't upload "unconfined" applications to Ubuntu Store23:22
ajalkaneSo it's not as easy as one would like...23:22
akiva-thinkpadah well23:22
akiva-thinkpadI'll call it desktop mode then23:22
akiva-thinkpadToss it in the software center :P23:22
ajalkaneYeah that'll work23:22
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, either way; as it stands, its so experimental with the design, its pretty reasonable to just fork it for the time being.23:23
akiva-thinkpadthe branch now; lets just stick to what is orthodox and safe :)23:23
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: that's my thinking also. Let's get the great improvements in, because they're really something needed, and let experimenting continue and give it good time to mature23:24
ajalkaneI deleted the previous proposal to merge, and will try now again to make all the changes so that you don't get awful conflicts23:26
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, cool; keep me posted; I'll merge it asap23:26
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: thanks dude, really appreciated23:26
* akiva-thinkpad knows how much I like it when merges go through quickly23:27
ajalkanethis is kinda tricky as there are branches, where branches are merged into, and you have to merge the changes to trunk also :P23:28
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, do you want me to merge from trunk first?23:28
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: no you don't have to do that. I will try to do all that into my merge proposal23:28
akiva-thinkpadany conflicts, I will just defer to your version.23:28
ajalkanealright, I'm running autopilot tests on my merge proposal to make sure its okay23:37
akiva-thinkpadcool beans23:38
ajalkaneand you know, this branch only has back for history. But if we use / as separator, it might be workable to have like "< > /home/phablet" thingy so that "<" goes back and ">" forward. Just an idea to think about23:40
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, I'm not so hot on the forward23:41
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, I took it out of my branch even. Its iffy to program in qml23:41
akiva-thinkpadIf someone wants to do it on the qt side of this app, then by all means.23:41
ajalkaneI'm kind of in the same mindset that I'm not sure if forward is really useful. But I guess if there's bug reports and it seems people want it we can revisit it then - but you're most likely correct that it fits better if there's C++ backend support for it23:44
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, yah its probably useful 1 percent of the time.23:44
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, it only becomes enabled once you use the back button23:45
akiva-thinkpadand considering the limited space on a phone ~23:45
ajalkaneyeah :(23:45
ajalkaneEven on desktop I don't remember when I've last used it23:45
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, heh. speaking of which23:45
ajalkaneBut on the other hand, I'm just one person and perhaps other people have used it23:45
akiva-thinkpadoh in this branch, did you keep the up history?23:46
akiva-thinkpadsorry the down history?23:46
akiva-thinkpadbecause i wanted to add a flickable to it23:46
akiva-thinkpadthat when you flick left or right, that you can go up and down.23:46
ajalkanethe down history is kept in code, and in visuals like you see in grayed where you were23:46
ajalkaneyeah that's there23:46
ajalkaneI think it's pretty cool, and shouldn't be confusing23:47
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, I might not be explaining myself; this hasnt been programmed in yet :P23:47
akiva-thinkpadanyways I'll see.23:47
ajalkaneah flick on the files section to go up or down. That's not there23:47
akiva-thinkpadyah; as said; hasnt been programmed in yet23:48
ajalkaneI just want to get these great top header changes merged and tackle any other things separately23:48
akiva-thinkpadthough, we might want to save the gensture for something else23:48
* akiva-thinkpad agrees23:48
akiva-thinkpadjust thinking out loud :)23:48
ajalkaneyeah gestures are a bit problematic, but going back/forward with those swipes seems kinda logical23:48
ajalkaneBut definitely requires some thinking about23:49
akiva-thinkpaderm up and down you mean :P23:49
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, yah and we do have an advanced options feature23:49
akiva-thinkpadso we could have best of both worlds.23:49
akiva-thinkpadmight as well put something in there23:49
akiva-thinkpadits empty atm23:49
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: true that. The settings dialog is _quite_ empty right now23:49
* akiva-thinkpad has had a lot of fun working with the filemanager app23:50
akiva-thinkpadterminal app is fun too.23:50
* akiva-thinkpad goes back to editting the reddit stylesheet23:50
ajalkanegreat to hear. Your contributions have been great. And I've seen you've contributed to a lot of core apps. Which is just awesome.23:50
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, most of us here are volunteers, so the gratitude is sent back to you as well23:51
ajalkaneit's good to work on common good :)23:52
ajalkaneI put in the merge request to your branch. There shouldn't be much or any conflicts now. Let me know if there's a problem23:53
akiva-thinkpadokay checking it now23:53
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, btw; are you an ubuntu member yet?23:54
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: I'm not sure what that means? I'm registered in launchpad23:55
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, after you contribute long enough, you become a member23:55
akiva-thinkpadand get your own ubuntu email address23:55
akiva-thinkpadand a page on ubuntu23:56
ajalkaneOh, no I'm not a member then23:56
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, neither :D23:56
ajalkaneWe'll see in some years :P23:56
akiva-thinkpadgoing for it though23:56
ajalkanedo you know what the threshold in years is?23:56
akiva-thinkpadhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership ajalkane23:56
akiva-thinkpadI can imagine that its probably no more than a good several months of consistent work on it.23:57
akiva-thinkpadah no conflicts23:57
ajalkaneah, so you have to apply for the membership. I might do that someday when I feel qualified.23:58
akiva-thinkpadah this looks wonderful23:58
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, yah I think the requirements for us may be a bit steeper given that were in application development23:59
akiva-thinkpadIve known members though who all they do is act as a moderator on kubuntu forums or something23:59
akiva-thinkpadand they don't know too much about programming23:59
akiva-thinkpadlots of irc ops too I think23:59
ajalkanegood that there's no conflicts. When you merge it to your branch, I can do one final test on device to make sure everything's okay and then I'll approve your merge proposal23:59

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