
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 298 building (started: 20141024 02:05) ===02:04
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 124 building (started: 20141024 03:05) ===03:04
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 298 DONE (finished: 20141024 03:25) ===03:24
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/298.changes ===03:24
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 124 DONE (finished: 20141024 04:15) ===04:14
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/124.changes ===04:14
cjwatsonBTW vivid is open, auto-syncs in progress, as of last night10:38
Mirvcjwatson: \o/12:17
ogra_sil2100, moop ...12:50
* Mirv uploads first vivid PPA package12:53
davmor2Mirv: if it's a new QT I'm hunting you down to hurt you ;)12:55
* Mirv hides, quickly12:56
Mirvsil2100: stop playing with the queuebot!12:59
Mirvtvoss: is the landing-006/utopic location-service going to be utopic SRU or can the silo be freed for now until a vivid silo can be assigned?13:00
MirvI just realized I need a separate vivid Qt silo since I can't reuse the version numbers I've for the utopic builds13:00
tvossMirv, let me check with lool, will get back to you13:00
Mirvtvoss: thanks13:00
Mirvand currently "suitable for Qt" silos include 005, 006 and 015 which have been sufficiently bumped to 20+GB in size :)13:01
AlbertAtrainguards: can I have rtm landing-017 reconfigured? setup in line 4313:02
MirvAlbertA: done13:03
rsalvetiMirv: silo 16 is good to go13:03
rsalvetiabeato: ^13:03
rsalvetiMirv: not sure if we can publish it now or wait for a bit more13:03
ogra_brendand, davmor2, where do we stand with glibc ?13:06
MirvI'm not aware of any reasons not to publish13:06
brendandogra_, about to sign it off13:06
ogra_i wanted to build an image for the new -meta ... but then i'll wait13:07
Mirvrsalveti: I don't see bug #1378397 in any of the lists, though. but I assume it's the single fix that fixes the 1355095 that just happens to fix also that other bug?13:08
ubot5bug 1378397 in gst-plugins-base1.0 (Ubuntu) " video thumbnails are not generated for some divx files " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137839713:08
Mirvthumbnails sounds indeed like seeking/fastforward activity to me13:09
rsalvetiMirv: indeed13:10
rsalvetiMirv: need to raise this with the management13:10
rsalvetiabeato: ^13:10
abeatoMirv, so the bug mentioned in the mail is LP #1355095, but I asked in that mail about whether that was actually LP #1356330, olli ack'ed13:12
ubot5Launchpad bug 1355095 in Media Hub "mediaplayer hangs on fast-forward" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135509513:12
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1356330 could not be found13:12
Mirvabeato: aha, right, this the mailing list special case. indeed, 1356330 is "duplicate" of the 1378397 and was acked. thanks.13:14
abeatoMirv, np13:14
abeatoMirv, awesome, thanks13:15
olliabeato, was there a q for me?13:15
abeatoolli, not really, I was just quoting you :)13:16
davmor2Chipaca: where you at dude, need to ask what is happening with silo 12 now?13:25
Mirvogra_: so should we need to trigger a new image now, then land ^ 025, then another new image?13:33
ogra_Mirv, hmm, i guess we could as well just let 25 in before the next image13:37
* ogra_ trusts QA13:37
ogra_sil2100, ^^^^ opinion ?13:41
* Mirv waits for opinion13:41
sil210025 was the glibc?13:41
ogra_i thik it is safe to take it in the batch13:42
sil2100I wouldn't build a specific image for just that, let's land it and kick a new image then13:42
Chipacadavmor2: am here13:42
sil2100IMO it's super safe13:42
Chipacadavmor2: i'll go find you13:42
* sil2100 in meetings since the very morning13:43
ogra_brendand, there is a non-silo change for bug 1384920 ... how would you guys like to go about testing that ? i assume someone would have to manually create a trello board card ?13:54
ubot5bug 1384920 in ubuntu-touch-meta (Ubuntu RTM) "Remove hud from the image" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138492013:54
ogra_(essentially it is just "apt-get purge hud" on a working image and check that this doesnt regress anything)13:54
ogra_i'd like to land that before end of the day13:55
sil2100This needs to be signed-off for sure, since we were worried this might break something that was invalidly expecting hud still13:55
ChipacaMirv: do branches that are already in the pipeline need to be retargeted to comply with the land-in-vivid-then-rtm rule now?13:56
ogra_sil2100, right ... just wonderign how to get it onto the trello board :)13:56
sil2100We can artificially do it through the spreadsheet, but yeah, brendand should be able to do that by himself ;p13:57
Chipacasil2100: ogra_: ^?13:59
sil2100Chipaca: depends on how they're in the pipeline right now14:01
Chipacasil2100: ppa built, doing autopilot tests14:01
sil2100Chipaca: what are they targetting right now and what are they targeting right now?14:01
ogra_targets !14:01
sil2100I mean, what branch they target and what series they target14:01
Chipacathe target trunk; i don't think they target a series14:02
AlbertAToyKeeper: rtm landing-017 is ready for QA now14:02
ToyKeeperAlbertA: It's now in the 'ready' lane.  :)14:03
sil2100Chipaca: but the silo is for ubuntu-rtm or utopic right now?14:03
Chipacasil2100: rtm14:03
sil2100So, in this case I think we still can land that before landing it back to vivid14:04
Chipacasil2100: ok. but any new branches need to go vivid -> rtm?14:04
sil2100Chipaca: yes, best if they do14:04
ogra_triggering an image now ...14:04
Chipacacreating new target branch ...14:05
ToyKeeperAlbertA: Might be a bit...  meetings.14:07
AlbertAToyKeeper: np14:07
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 125 building (started: 20141024 14:10) ===14:09
cyphermoxToyKeeper: I thought silos were added automatically in the QA trello board, but I can't seem to see my silo 14 in14:15
cyphermoxToyKeeper: do you have any idea why that might be?14:16
Chipacasil2100: there isn't a vivid option in spreadsheet14:19
sil2100Chipaca: not yet, still in meetings14:19
ToyKeepercyphermox: Silos get added automatically by a bot after it gets both "signoff required" and "testing pass: yes".14:19
cyphermoxToyKeeper: yeah, but it is ;)14:20
ToyKeepercyphermox: ... and hopefully the kanban card will be linked directly from the dashboard soon, after CI adds a couple small features.14:20
sil2100Chipaca: preparing the vivid chroot now, CI Train should be able in ~5-10 mins14:21
ToyKeepercyphermox: I'm not sure why, but queuebot doesn't seem to have noticed it either.14:21
Chipacasil2100: thanks14:21
ToyKeepercyphermox: I see the correct state in the spreadsheet, but neither queuebot not the qa bot seem to have noticed.14:22
sil2100Sorry for that, it's hard to do work during meetings while staying active ;)14:22
cyphermoxToyKeeper: it was set yesterday even, I just re-toggled it in case.14:22
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ToyKeepercyphermox: Nevermind about queuebot; I found its notification about 1.5 hours ago.14:23
cyphermoxah, that's special14:25
cyphermoxit should have happened either > 12 hours ago, or < 1 hour ago :)14:25
ToyKeeper2014-10-24 06:59:46 -queuebot!~queuebot@ubuntu/bot/queuebot-trainguards, ubuntu-rtm/landing-014: Packages built. Testing pass. QA needs to sign off.   (in this time zone, it's currently 08:26)14:26
cyphermoxbah, as long as it notified..14:27
ToyKeepercyphermox: brendand should be looking into it as soon as he's done with a meeting...  otherwise, if it's not fixed when I finish my current silo, I'll add it manually.14:27
cyphermoxToyKeeper: brendand: thanks14:27
ToyKeepercyphermox: FWIW, the direct link from the dashboard to the kanban card should also pretty much eliminate bot errors like this, since it'll have a reliable and unique ID to use for each silo+card combo.  I suspect it may have not noticed because rtm-014 was passed, published, reallocated, and submitted for QA all within a short time.14:30
ToyKeeper(it might think the current silo is actually the old one)14:31
cjwatsonogra_: so we need aliases for ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09.es and ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09.es-proposed I guess?14:40
cjwatsonWas that what you were saying?14:40
ogra_cjwatson, for the ones we dont have anything yet... important is that we give the right channel name to the cusomer and that the pre-flashed devices have an unversioned channel name14:40
ogra_else it gets hairy14:41
ogra_cjwatson, the preinstalled devices should always use the alias, not the versioned channel name so we can shuffle them if needed14:42
ogra_(which we currently dont do)14:42
ToyKeeperAlbertA: Some issues I noticed...  If I let a video finish playing (in gallery), then hit 'play' again without returning to the list view, the second showing has only sound, no visuals.14:46
ToyKeeperAlbertA: Also, after playing the same video three times in gallery, I tried closing and re-opening gallery and playing the same video again, and media-hub-server crashed.14:47
ToyKeeperAlbertA: Are either of these known or expected?14:47
ToyKeeperAlbertA: http://toykeeper.net/tmp/phablet/2014-10-24/_usr_bin_media-hub-server.32011.crash.bz214:49
AlbertAToyKeeper: yeah there's some media-hub crashes that have not been addressed yet15:04
ogra_sil2100, so i created a line on the spredsheet (71) ... not sure how we want to move on here15:13
sil2100brendand, davmor2, ToyKeeper: anyone of you around?15:14
Mirvlool: did tvoss check with you whether utopic landing 006 could be freed (location-service) and you'd land it later to a vivid silo?15:15
MirvI'll just ask for another size bump of a PPA15:21
Mirvsil2100: vivid assignment seems to have gone fine https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/2928/console15:23
sil2100Mirv: phew15:23
ToyKeepersil2100: Sorry, impromptu meetings.  What's up?15:27
sil2100ToyKeeper: we have a +1'ed by management change that needs QA sign-off, but it's a seed change so it's impossible to do in a silo15:28
sil2100ToyKeeper: can you help out signing it out and adding to the trello board somehow?15:28
sil2100ToyKeeper: ogra_ prepared a landing line, but I can't really assign it anywhere - row 72 in the spreadsheet15:28
Mirvcharles: nik90: "resubmit after filing MR (aka rejected for now)"15:32
ToyKeepersil2100: Added.15:32
ToyKeepersil2100: It seems we have more of a queue than we thought though, the QA bot didn't pick up a couple silos and the silo testers have mostly been stuck in meetings all day.15:33
davmor2sil2100: yes thanks15:36
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Mirvogra_: I was asked if there's an ETA for vivid image?15:42
ogra_Mirv, nobody has talked to me about that yet ... but i guess as soon as cjwatson enables vivid desktop builds we also want phone ones15:43
Mirvogra_: ok.15:43
Chipacasil2100: i haven't set the "qa signoff needed" cell in the spreadsheet, does that break anything?15:45
MirvChipaca: it breaks that your landing doesn't go forward. so please just set it to Required so it goes to QA's radar.15:47
davmor2Mirv: we don't know how is it in a separate tab or something15:48
Mirvdavmor2: column I?15:48
Mirvdrop-down menu15:48
davmor2Mirv: Yay15:49
davmor2done it15:49
ChipacaMirv: i've set it. davmor2, please let me know if it still doesn't show up in wherever it is you look :)15:49
davmor2Chipaca: it's there now15:49
Chipacaand queuebot says to get a move on15:49
charlesMirv, ack, no problem15:52
cjwatsonogra_: I might do it today if I can ever manage to escape meetings for an hour :)15:52
ogra_cjwatson, i suspect we need a vivid channel too on system-image15:52
ogra_and move the devel and devel-proposed aliases over to that15:53
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ToyKeeperAlbertA: Not that these are your responsibility, but these are two new bugs discovered while testing your silo:16:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1385370 in gallery-app "second video playback has sound but no visuals" [Undecided,New]16:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1385358 in mediascanner "crash while pushing videos to device" [Undecided,New]16:21
AlbertAToyKeeper: ack16:22
cking_hey, how do I install updates from a silo?16:27
AlbertAtrainguards: can I get rtm landing-017 published?16:28
robrucking_: "apt-get install phablet-tools-citrain" then run "citrain" for help (on your host)16:29
cking_robru, thanks!16:30
robrucking_: you're welcome!16:30
robruogra_: what's the deal with publishings? are you in the middle of doing a seed change? can i publish something unrelated?16:31
=== robru is now known as robru-aka-ribru
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ogra_robru-aka-ribru, what do you want to publish ?17:06
Mirvribru :D17:06
ogra_(i have a seed change in the pipe but want QA signoff for it first)17:06
Mirvnote that I can't find AlbertA's bug #1378311 from any list17:06
ubot5bug 1378311 in qtubuntu-media "EndOfStream event not received when QML Video component is destroyed" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137831117:06
robru-aka-ribruogra_: yeah, alberta asked if we could publish silo 1717:09
robru-aka-ribruit has qa signoff even17:09
ogra_robru-aka-ribru, sure, if it has QA signoff and approval on ollis list you can just publish17:11
robru-aka-ribruogra_: which list is the relevant one now?17:11
ogra_cjwatson, infinity, whats going on with the image builders ? i started an rtm build several hours (3) ago but they seem to not start17:12
ogra_4h estimated for x86 1h for armhf according to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/ubuntu-touch/17:12
ogra_robru-aka-ribru, always the last one he mailed to the ML17:12
robru-aka-ribruogra_: hm it doesn't seem to be there. darn17:13
ogra_robru-aka-ribru, phablet@17:13
Mirvogra_: robru-aka-ribru the thing was I didn't find the bug either on the email or the wishlist17:16
Chipacadavmor2: any news for me?17:16
davmor2Chipaca: first run failed so trying again with download turned off17:17
robru-aka-ribruMirv: which bug even? the silo looks like a trunk release, not clear to me even which bug he was trying to fix17:17
Mirvrobru-aka-ribru: the landing line claims it fixes that I quoted ^ 11 mins ago17:17
ogra_robru-aka-ribru, Mirv, then get it on there ...17:18
Mirvrobru-aka-ribru: ok I've Alberto here, he says that rsalveti (?) said yesterday it was whitelisted17:19
robru-aka-ribruMirv: so what now? ping olli?17:20
Mirvrobru-aka-ribru: maybe rsalveti could comment, and yes next olli but it'd be nice to hear what route this supposed whitelisting happened.17:21
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1367745 not found17:22
rsalvetiMirv: which silo?17:22
ogra_robru-aka-ribru, that bug has duplicates ... i guess they might be on the list17:22
Mirvrsalveti: 017 media-hub17:22
Mirvrobru-aka-ribru: you're also correct it's a trunk release that incorporates two updates17:22
rsalvetiMirv: I think that one already  landed last week17:23
Mirvoh, but it should be really just a rebuild, that latter one17:23
rsalvetibut yeah, if not, I added a comment that it needs a rebuild17:23
robru-aka-ribruMirv: rsalveti: this landing was confusing for me because AlbertA claimed there was a diff between the utopic package and the trunk contents, but I wasn't able to see any such diff (latest diff in utopic release matched latest commit on trunk). so originally this was a utopic sync but AlbertA switched it to a trunk release.17:24
ogra_robru-aka-ribru, found the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/138477617:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1384776 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Occasional hang in unity 8 dash on the phone" [High,In progress]17:24
ogra_thats on the list17:24
Mirvrobru-aka-ribru: rsalveti: yeah right so it'd seem likely it was a fix that already went in, but then there was criss-cross landing utopic <-> rtm and it needs this rebuild to get back in17:24
AlbertArobru-aka-ribru: basically the orientation change is not in utopic17:24
rsalvetiMirv: right17:24
rsalvetibut because utopic is done17:24
ogra_robru-aka-ribru, (for rtm silo 14 ... so just go ahead)17:25
robru-aka-ribruogra_: we're talking about 1717:25
robru-aka-ribruogra_: 14 need qa still17:26
ogra_hmm, where did i read 1417:26
Mirvrsalveti: robru-aka-ribru: so this manual diff http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8658892/ proves it only contains the fix it is supposed to have, but that really doesn't help the fact that the bug #1378311 does not seem whitelisted?17:27
ubot5bug 1378311 in qtubuntu-media "EndOfStream event not received when QML Video component is destroyed" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137831117:27
Mirvrobru-aka-ribru: the diff on the PPA page is wrong17:28
ogra_as usual17:28
robru-aka-ribruwhy are the ppa diffs wrong?17:29
ogra_because they are against the wrong base version17:29
ogra_(against the last build that was done in this PPA, not against the archive)17:29
AlbertAToyKeeper: where did you see  bug #1378311 whitelisted?17:30
ubot5bug 1378311 in qtubuntu-media "EndOfStream event not received when QML Video component is destroyed" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137831117:30
Mirvoh, right, ToyKeeper might also have knowledge of the whitelisting which is now the missing part. diff confirmed, QA sign-off:d, we just need to find it's approved or get it approved.17:31
* Chipaca wonders whether he should embed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qyf8oRF6Trg in the spreadsheet17:37
Chipacadavmor2: failed == you gave up waiting? or ... ?17:38
loolMirv: I thought utopic silos would become vivid silos?17:48
loolMirv: I've actually tested that against utopic, can we just publish it to vivid?17:49
robru-aka-ribrulool: Mirv: wondering about that myself. do we need to toss & reassign all utopic silos as vivid silos?17:53
Mirvlool: it needs at least a rebuild, and the silo configured to vivid17:54
MirvI guess we'll go through all current utopic silos at some point and consider converting them to rebuilt vivid silos17:54
robru-aka-ribruMirv: I don't think silos can be "converted" or "reconfigured" to vivid. I think to change the series you need to free the silo and start over.17:55
Mirvrobru-aka-ribru: oh, right, so freeing up would be the way to go then, but just keeping the lines intact17:55
sil2100ribru: so, we'll probably have to poke upstreams about that and just reassign17:55
* sil2100 likes the 'ribru' nickname17:55
robru-aka-ribrusil2100: we have a meeting shortly...17:56
Mirvribru: be sure to have proper highlight settings17:56
robru-aka-ribruMirv: fixed17:56
=== robru-aka-ribru is now known as ribru
Mirvribru: awesome!17:56
ribruMirv: I worried about changing the second letter of my nick, will trip people up if they type 'ro<tab>' and try to autocomplete17:57
ribrusil2100: Ursinha: I am in the hangout18:00
loolMirv: why does it need a rebuild?18:03
loolMirv: it's like a binary built in utopic from utopic times?18:03
Mirvlool: well yeah you're probably correct that a binary with 'utopic' in debian/changelog could be published into vivid and it'd simply work. reading the sil2100's landing e-mail about vivid it sounds like though that rebuilds with vivid's toolchain (even though it doesn't have much changes) would be normally done.18:04
Mirvlool: but ribru also said a silo can't be reconfigured to vivid, so it'd need to be emptied and reassigned18:05
loolMirv: I think sil2100's point was the other way around: that you can't copy binaries from vivid into rtm18:07
loolMirv: let me copy the binaries by hand then, and let's flush the silo18:07
Mirvlool: ok.18:08
loolMirv: copy done; would you mark this as landed and/or flush the silo?18:09
loolftr ./copy-package -b --to=ubuntu -s utopic --from=~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/landing-006 --to-suite=vivid-proposed location-service18:09
ChipacaMirv: sil2100: rtm-14 ready to go18:19
brendandChipaca, no it's not18:21
loolMirv: hmm what do we do with the ubuntu-download-manager utopic landing? vivid silo?18:21
loolMirv: it seems to have been removed, not sure18:21
brendandMirv, 14 was not signed off by QA18:21
brendandMirv, someone else changed the status18:21
Mirvbrendand: right, I always check trello anyhow18:22
Chipacabrendand: um. it was signed off by qa.18:23
Chipacabrendand: where are you looking?18:23
Chipacaif it's the same spreadsheet, i changed that to granted when davmor2 told me he'd passed it18:24
brendandChipaca, afaik davmor2 tested silo 12 - ubuntu-push18:24
Chipacabrendand: augh18:25
Chipacasorry for the confusion18:25
Chipacabrendand: so, yeah, rtm-12, not rtm-1418:25
brendandChipaca, always let us do that to avoid confusion18:25
cjwatsonogra_: they'll be queued behind auto-syncs.  I would score them up but they seem to have started now.18:26
Chipacabrendand: noted, and thanks and sorry again18:26
Chipacabrendand: should i poke davmor2 for him to flip that bit on the spreadsheet then?18:26
davmor2Chipaca: sorry flipped 59 instead of 60 D'oh18:28
Chipacadavmor2: and i flipped rtm-14 just to keep things interesting18:29
Chipacaand i'm missing out on the snappy thing18:30
davmor2Chipaca: well go to it damn it18:30
Chipacaso. um. Mirv, sil2100, could rtm-12 get blessed with holy penguin pee?18:31
Mirvdavmor2: where was bug #1378908 approved? (rtm-12's 2nd bug)18:37
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1378908 could not be found18:37
Mirveven I can't even access the bug18:38
Mirvthe bug is only mentioned in CI Train spreadsheet, the Add ClearCookie change doesn't have an attached bug nr in the changelog18:39
ToyKeeperAlbertA: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheets/d/1tcOf-Za9RQNgY0QQIjgIKIgk0_nx_99UsaHSm9LDbvA/edit#gid=211519799218:40
davmor2Mirv: where you at18:40
AlbertAMirv: ^18:40
MirvChipaca: so, that bug ^ can't be found in approved bugs list or wishlist with my skills18:40
ralsinamirv I can add you to that bug18:41
ralsinaare you also mirv on launchpad?18:41
Mirvralsina: no, timo-jyrinki18:41
ToyKeeperMirv: ^^^18:41
Mirvdavmor2: sdk / display server room18:41
ralsinaMirv: there you go18:41
ToyKeeperI checked the "RTM blocker bugs" tab in that spreadsheet, and it's on the list.18:41
* Mirv finds a new tab18:42
MirvAlbertA: published!18:43
Mirvralsina: thanks! I don't however find that bug nr on the a) e-mail, b) ToyKeeper's link ^ c) wishlist. so unless there's yet another tab I'm missing, it should be escalated to product team.18:45
ralsinaChipaca: ^18:45
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ToyKeeperMirv: Row 29 on the spreadsheet link/tab I sent.18:46
Mirvralsina: Chipaca: davmor2 is on it now, searching for approval18:48
MirvToyKeeper: yes, I published that silo this is about 012 now18:48
ToyKeeperMirv: Oh...  sorry, I missed that context.18:48
ToyKeeperMirv: The rules, IIRC, are basically that the bug must be on a whitelist or have the right tags/status added by or confirmed by one of the core UE managers.  Some might not be on a list.18:51
ToyKeeperMirv: If in doubt, find one of those managers and ask.  Or bug the QA person who signed it.18:52
* ToyKeeper looks at davmor218:52
MirvToyKeeper: I think everything needs explicit whitelist, but any rtm14 critical bug (as decided by the team) can be put for the wishlist for approval. also, if a not-on-lists bug has explicit comment from product team that it's approved, then it's approved, but not otherwie.18:52
MirvToyKeeper: yes, I just bugged davmor2 personally. or the other way around.18:53
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imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 125 DONE (finished: 20141024 19:00) ===18:59
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/125.changes ===18:59
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davmor2Mirv: where you at now?19:01
Mirvdavmor2: upstairs don't turn towards the foyer but continue towards istanbul.19:03
ChipacaMirv: davmor2: sorry, was in the snappy meeting. What's up with the other bug?19:05
davmor2Chipaca: nothing now19:05
Chipacadavmor2: do i ned to do more?19:06
MirvChipaca: ralsina: we've finally found the approval, it was for the duplicate bug. but now https://code.launchpad.net/~verterok/ubuntu-push/fix-1378908/+merge/239456 is not top-approved so can't publish. this should be easier to solve than finding the approval :)19:07
Chipacatop-approval on its weg19:07
ChipacaMirv: done19:08
ToyKeeperogra_: The hud removal looks fine, I couldn't find anything wrong with it, aside from a possibility that a bunch of other stuff might need to be rebuilt without deps for libhud*.19:20
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
ogra_ToyKeeper, awesome, libhud deps should be reflected via package dependencies indeed, so there shouldnt be issues (i have been running my phone without hud all day today too and havent seen any issues)20:02
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