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slangaseksmoser: right; so without udev running at that point (as I would expect), I don't see any way that mountall will know that the rootfs is available for mounting03:10
slangaseksmoser: I think this start condition (start on mounted MOUNTPOINT=/run AND mounted MOUNTPOINT=/) is fundamentally broken and I don't know how it ever worked for you anywhere, and I don't see any way to fix it if your intent is genuinely to block both events03:10
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> utopic | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
cjwatson(vivid auto-syncs starting shortly)03:28
crocketI want to install xubuntu desktop 14.04 on a virtual disk image via packer.05:24
crocketWhich preseed script do you recommend?05:24
crocketpacker automatically installs an OS using preseed/kickstart.05:24
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LocutusOfBorg1can I ask for a sync to vivid of lucene++? bug 124510507:34
ubottubug 1245105 in lucene++ (Ubuntu) "[please sync lucene++ from debian] Mysteriously FTBFS on the distro builders" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124510507:34
LocutusOfBorg1this way I'll be able to fix bugs prior to the freeze in debian :)07:35
LocutusOfBorg1xnox, I think you proposed for a sync in that bug ;)07:35
LocutusOfBorg1btw, congrats for the great release! :)07:36
crocketWhy is pkgsel/include ignored in preseed?07:44
crocketopenssh-server is not installed after setup.07:44
crocket"d-i pkgsel/include string openssh-server build-essential debconf-utils" was ignored.07:46
mgedminwhy is chromium-browser in utopic older than the version in trusty-updates?08:51
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michelehi there13:01
michelei am on ubuntu 14.10, how do I get the development version? (I tried with 'do-release-upgrade -d' but it says no dev version available)13:01
gesereither wait till do-release-upgrade supports it again or modify your sources.list yourself13:07
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mitya57LocutusOfBorg1: lucene++ synced13:13
LocutusOfBorg1mitya57, thanks!!!!13:15
LocutusOfBorg1let's hope it will build, fox xnox's happynes (and mine of course)13:16
mitya57For happiness of boost transition :)13:17
LocutusOfBorg1yes of course ;)13:18
LocutusOfBorg1wow the development has already started? I see buildd building a lot of packages... I thought some days were required for the import start13:19
smoserslangasek, well, i dont know how it works on intel, but it does. with or without initramfs. it works everywhere with initramfs. and works in lxc.13:29
michelegeser: should I modify my sources.list to match with 15.04 codename?13:29
smoserthis came about because i wanted to write some status to /run. at first i just did it, but that sometimes failed (in race conditions with /run getting mounted).13:30
LocutusOfBorg1is the arch:all now built on amd64?13:31
smoseri guess if i have to i drop that and figure some way to try to write to /run13:33
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gesermichele: yes, but if you need to ask then it's probably not a good idea if you switch that early13:40
geserLocutusOfBorg1: yes13:40
coreycbinfinity, can we get ipxe-precise into trusty-updates?  hallyn says "i thought infinity had accepted it out of NEW"  (fyi jamespage)13:48
crocketWhere can I find a proper ubiquity preseed for ubuntu 14.04 trusty?13:59
jodhstgraber: hi - could you bump the priority of this livecd-rootfs ppa build please: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-foundations-team/+archive/ubuntu/ubuntu-core-system-image/+packages ?14:09
stgraberjodh: done14:11
jodhstgraber: thanks!14:11
crocketCan anyone help me automate ubiquity with preseed?14:14
crocketOr can I install xubuntu-desktop in ubuntu server installer?14:14
cjwatsonUse the server installer for what you want; you can't do package selection in ubiquity preseeding.14:15
crocketcjwatson, Where can I find documentations about preseeding ubiquity?14:17
crocketI can't find appropraite documentations14:17
cjwatsonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbiquityAutomation is all I'm aware of14:18
crocketcjwatson, Then, it seems that ubiquity sucks.14:18
cjwatsonYou're welcome to your opinion, but you are required to be respectful in Ubuntu channels.14:19
cjwatsonIt has design criteria that do not match your requirements.14:19
cjwatsonSo use something else.14:19
crocketcjwatson, Can I invoke debian-installer from xubuntu iso?14:21
crocketI guess not.14:28
crocketCan I use https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt for preseeding ubuntu server 14.04?14:28
crocketThe file says "for squeeze"14:29
cjwatsoncrocket: It's probably simplest to use the netboot mini.iso.14:29
crocketcjwatson, why?14:29
crocketcjwatson, I still need to provide preseed for it.14:29
cjwatsonBecause that has the fewest dependencies on any particular set of packages, and you want to select your own.14:29
cjwatsondebian-installer isn't on the Xubuntu desktop image.14:29
cjwatsonAnd of course you need to provide a preseed file.14:29
cjwatsonhttps://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt should be a good start despite the erroneous header.14:30
crocketcjwatson, Does the choice between netboot and iso make a difference in preseeding>14:30
crocketcjwatson, Does the choice between netboot and iso make a difference in preseeding?14:30
crocketBy the way14:31
crocketI don't know how to make packer use netboot image.14:31
cjwatsonNot really, it just means you don't end up with weird restrictions like maybe only being able to request packages that are on the image.14:31
crocketcjwatson, Does ubuntu server iso impose such a restriction?14:34
cjwatsoncrocket: I'm in a meeting and can't remember right now.  Feel free to try it.14:34
crocketcjwatson, netboot is indeed better.15:13
crocketI'm not sure if the same preseed can be applied to netboot as well as standard server iso.15:13
cjwatsoncrocket: They're very similar, so normally you should be able to.  Not promising there are no details to sort out, but you can use it as a nearly perfect starting point.15:19
crocketcjwatson, It is slow to download.15:20
cjwatsonMost people deploying netboot installation on >1 machine use a local mirror.15:23
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crocketcjwatson, No, I mean the netboot installer is slow to download packages.15:25
crocketdownloading mini.iso itself is fast.15:25
cjwatsonYou probably want to preseed it to use your local mirror.15:25
cjwatsonThe installer itself is basically just using wget, nothing fancy.15:26
crocketwget is slow15:26
cjwatsonThat would be rather dependent on where it's fetching from.  Like I say, preseed a local mirror.15:27
crocketcjwatson, a local mirror of what15:28
sarnoldthe archive15:28
cjwatsonSearch for "mirror" in example-preseed.txt15:28
crocket"d-i mirror/http/hostname string jp.archive.ubuntu.com"15:29
crocketWill I get a xubuntu desktop from netboot?15:33
sarnoldif you install the xubuntu metapackages15:34
crocketsarnold, "tasksel tasksel/first multiselect xubuntu-desktop"15:34
crockethttps://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt is not correct.15:35
crockethttps://github.com/mitchellh/packer-ubuntu-12.04-docker/blob/master/http/preseed.cfg is.15:35
crocketFor example....15:36
crocket"preseed partman-lvm/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true" is not in the official documentation.15:36
MosesEXrww, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck15:48
MosesEXfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck15:48
MosesEX!ops | fuck fuck15:48
charlesdarn darn darn darn darn15:49
crocketBuilding a xubuntu desktop from mini.iso is a long journey.15:52
crocketRetrieving thousands of packages!!!15:52
crocketI'm going to die15:52
infinitymvo_: Where do I find you?16:21
sarnoldinfinity: security team room16:21
infinitysarnold: Ta.16:21
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araslangasek, hey! as part of your SRU duties today, could you please have a look to this pending sru in trusty, please?16:32
araslangasek, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=ubuntukylin-theme16:32
araslangasek, it has been in the queue since July, and it is needed for Kylin16:33
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slangaseksmoser: yes, and I have no idea how or why it works for you; it's working for you /counter to the design/.18:12
slangaseksmoser: so I'm not going to try to debug the case where it /doesn't/ work when that is consistent with the design18:12
smoserslangasek, idont understand why its counter to design.18:31
smoserudev starts on virtual-filesystems18:31
smoserwhich should be reachable18:31
slangasekvirtual-filesystems is not reachable, you're blocking the return of the mounted MOUNTPOINT=/run event18:32
smoseryeah, you're right.18:32
smosersomething must be mounting /run18:32
dholbach__mterry_, jodh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/138544418:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 1385444 in upstart (Ubuntu) "lightm/upstart crash leaves 2 unity8 processes around" [Undecided,New]18:32
smoseroutside of mountall18:32
mterry_dholbach__, neat18:33
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dholbachmterry_, jodh: anything missing in the bug report?18:35
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jodhdholbach: bug updated.18:54
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dholbachjodh, done18:56
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dholbachjodh, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/logrotate/+bug/138546419:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 1385464 in logrotate (Ubuntu) "logrotate fails to run, if status file is corrupt (logrotate running during reboot?)" [Undecided,New]19:34
tumbleweedLaney: are you doing anything about distro-info in stable releases? #1381995 looks stalled, and doesn't mention the coupling with a distro-info update19:35
Laneytumbleweed: It's not coupled19:36
tumbleweedoh, you went with -2919:36
LaneyAnd no, I haven't chased. :(19:36
tumbleweedone less thing in my todo list :)19:38
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ahoneybundarkxst: hello21:17
darkxstahoneybun, hi21:18
ahoneybunhows it going ?21:19
dupondjeGuys. Is there a way to get a package synced into Utopic?22:03
dupondjeor just a small patch subset allowed?22:03
dupondje(package = unetbootin)22:03
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tumbleweeddupondje: normal SRU rules. Small patches strongly preferred.22:07
dupondjecause unetbootin is just useless now, can't create a good bootable usb22:09
tumbleweedthat does make getting an SRU approved quite easy22:09
dupondjejust debdiffed the new version vs the current in utopic, and its quite like only that issue that got fixed in the new upstream version22:11
dupondjeso guess we can just sync then?22:11
tumbleweedput some effort into trying to find a minimal patch, first22:12
NoskcajWhen are the vivid bzr branches expected to be up?23:21

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