
knomeyes, there is00:06
phenomGreat. Can I know the "plan"? Lol.00:13
phenomAnnoying bug.00:13
phenomI gather the problem is with power manager?00:14
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Naphatulafter the update the panel remains a grey-ish color no matter which theme i chose, any ideas?09:42
XubuntuUserhow can i fix weather applet in xfce 4.11?09:43
XubuntuUserxfce4-weather-plugin 0.8.309:43
XubuntuUserxfce 4.10*09:44
Naphatulit seems the panel never applies the system theme just gets stuck with the solid color selections10:22
ObrienDaveset desktop background style to something other than "none"10:25
ObrienDavesettings, desktop, background tab, style. middle right10:28
Naphatulwell that's already set... and it worked fine before upgrading to 14.1010:29
ObrienDavehmm, well, i don;t know, then. i don't use themes10:32
Naphatulwell it's the default theme10:33
alkethi , is there any ppa to get latest version of xfce for ubuntu 14.04 ?12:33
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Alexfrenchhello all14:33
Alexfrenchanyone know which version is openoffice on xubuntu ?14:48
Alexfrenchif it is disposable14:48
cfhowlettAlexfrench, "disposable"????14:49
cfhowlettAlexfrench, by default, xubuntu 14.04 = abiword.  you can *replace* it if you choose14:49
Alexfrenchah it is not a english word ???14:49
cfhowlettAlexfrench, english; yes.  not sure that's what you meant.  no problem.14:50
Alexfrenchsorry i wanna say available14:50
Alexfrenchyes i know for abiword thanks14:51
cfhowlettAlexfrench, happy2help14:51
GridCube!info libreoffice14:54
ubottulibreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.3.2-0ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 26 kB, installed size 165 kB14:54
GridCubeAlexfrench: ^14:54
Alexfrenchyes i read it is pre installed14:55
GridCubeoh, you asked openoffice P:14:55
GridCubeno, its not14:55
GridCube!info openoffice14:55
ubottuPackage openoffice does not exist in utopic14:55
Alexfrenchbut i have on my others pcs openoffice so i would like to try on linux14:56
Alexfrenchby default no14:56
GridCubeAlexfrench: libreoffice replaces openoffice in most if not all aspects14:56
Alexfrenchbut could i find it and install it ???14:56
cfhowlettAlexfrench, have you tried libreoffice?  much better support ...14:56
Alexfrenchreally ???14:56
Alexfrenchno i don't14:56
GridCubeyes, just google openoffice and get the .deb online, libreoffice is the official replacement in all aspects14:57
cfhowlettAlexfrench, yes really.  terminal command: sudo apt-get install libreoffice14:57
Alexfrenchon my windows pcs i have open14:57
GridCubeAlexfrench: you can have libreoffice there too14:57
cfhowlettAlexfrench, libreoffice is also available for windows .. and OSX14:57
Alexfrenchyes you're right14:57
GridCubeopenoffice and libreoffice are forks14:57
GridCubewell, libre is a fork of open14:58
cfhowlettGridCube, and IIRC OO was a fork of Staroffice15:00
* cfhowlett strokes his neckbeard sagely ...15:00
GridCubewhy, yes, i think you be right15:01
Alexfrenchok for libreoffice, what about kwin or compiz and cairo-dock ??15:02
cfhowlettAlexfrench, should be fine15:02
Alexfrenchsorryfor all my silly questions but you are more fast than google loll15:02
cfhowlettAlexfrench, no worries.  we'll bill you later.15:02
Alexfrenchi am a bit lazy to read everything15:03
Alexfrenchhannn !!15:03
Alexfrenchmy god !!15:03
Alexfrenchahh these guys always an money affair loll15:05
willhey everyone. I uninstalled a package with --purge autoremove, and it uninstalled dependencies that I can no longer resolve. how can I undo thisa?16:21
xanguamaybe you should tell what exactly you did before "undo this"16:23
cfhowlettwill, I take it you're in xubuntu?16:24
tdannecyHow do I remove the icons next to buttons in XFCE?16:27
cfhowletttdannecy, system > appearance > settings > Toolbar Style16:28
tdannecycfhowlett: Bingo. Thanks.16:28
willcfhowlett: yes xubuntu 14.016:36
willcfhowlett: 14.0416:36
willcfhowlett: sorry for the late reply, I'm running around right now16:36
cfhowlettwill, lag time sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop should set you proper16:37
m3n3chm0i'm tryiyn to test frootvpn but no sucess yet, this is the error i'm getting all the time I try to lunch it16:38
m3n3chm0m3n3chm0@m3n3chm0-laptop:~$ sudo openvpn /etc/openvpn/frootvpn.ovpn16:38
m3n3chm0Fri Oct 24 18:37:43 2014 OpenVPN 2.3.2 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [EPOLL] [PKCS11] [eurephia] [MH] [IPv6] built on Jun 26 201416:38
m3n3chm0Fri Oct 24 18:37:43 2014 ERROR: could not read Auth username from stdin16:38
m3n3chm0Fri Oct 24 18:37:43 2014 Exiting due to fatal error16:38
willcfhowlett: Ok thanks im trying it16:41
willcfhowlett: no dice16:42
willcfhowlett: The following packages have unmet dependencies:16:42
will vlc : Depends: vlc-nox (= 2.1.4-0ubuntu14.04.1) but it is not going to be installed16:42
will       Depends: libxcb-composite0 but it is not installable16:42
will       Depends: libxcb-keysyms1 (>= 0.3.9) but it is not installable16:42
will       Depends: libxcb-randr0 (>= 1.1) but it is not installable16:42
will       Depends: libxcb-xv0 (>= 1.2) but it is not installable16:42
will       Recommends: vlc-plugin-notify (= 2.1.4-0ubuntu14.04.1) but it is not going to be installed16:42
will       Recommends: vlc-plugin-pulse (= 2.1.4-0ubuntu14.04.1) but it is not going to be installed16:42
willE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.16:42
cfhowlettwill, ask in #ubuntu.  pretty sure this is fixable.16:43
willcfhowlett: ok thanks man16:43
jarkohi kui, all be well now !17:39
xubuntu15wsomeone can help me?17:49
holsteinxubuntu15w: just ask.. maybe a volunteer can assist .. welcome17:49
baizon!ask | xubuntu15w17:50
ubottuxubuntu15w: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:50
xubuntu15wsorry...i'm new on xubuntu and i try to install google drive, so i install grive but i didnt see google doc... how?17:50
holsteinxubuntu15w: where did you get "google drive"? a ppa?17:51
holsteinxubuntu15w: if you trust the ppa and sources at the PPA listed here, i would follow http://www.enqlu.com/2014/03/how-to-install-grive-google-drive-client-on-ubuntu-14-04-lts-or-linux-mint-17.html17:52
xubuntu15wwhat is a ppa? i didnt get google drive but grive, i find it on this website: http://www.lffl.org/2014/05/grive-tools-il-miglior-client-per.html sorry but its in italy language17:53
holstein!ppa | xubuntu15w17:53
ubottuxubuntu15w: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:53
xubuntu15wthanks, i'll try this link so :) but if anyone had some info i'm here17:55
holsteinxubuntu15w: the command "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thefanclub/grive-tools" which is the same at both of our links, adds the ppa to your sources.. if you have any issues with the software the PPA is providing you, please check with the maintainters of the ppa packages17:55
xubuntu15wok, but maybe someone has resolved that issue ;)17:57
xubuntu15won ppa there is 3 solution i'll try those17:58
holsteinxubuntu15w: what issue? where you dont see google docs? is that a feature of the software?17:58
xubuntu15wyep, when i had windows in the folder of google drive i can find the google doc like "menu" and its extension but on xubuntu i see folder, docs but i dont see google docs18:00
holsteinxubuntu15w: the windows version may be different.. be sure to ask the creators of the software you are having problems with if that is in fact a feature and if so what the issue is18:01
xubuntu15wnow i read better that ppa specific and i find that the creators of it didnt implement that specific18:03
xubuntu15wi try the other 2 ppa18:04
xubuntu15wbye bye and thanks18:06
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Reptiliaknome:I've opened the sources.list file, but don't know how to make sure that the multiverse repositories are enabled. Can you help me?18:57
knomeReptilia, you don't need to do that from the command line.18:58
knomeReptilia, go to the settings manager and select software and updates18:58
knomeReptilia, in the first tab, make sure the multiverse repository line is checked18:58
knomethen close the window; it should now ask whether you want to update the package lists - you do18:59
ReptiliaIt was checked :/18:59
knomeso what's the error message when you try to install?19:00
Reptiliaknome:I am installing the Flash Plugin successfully, but Firefox is saying that it's not installed19:00
knomein what context?19:01
Reptiliaknome:Okay, i've succeeded now19:03
Reptiliaknome:I de-selected the option from the Software manager (about the Multiverse repos.), saved that again, tried to install again, installed, and it works properly now19:04
Reptiliaknome:Thanks, gotta go now, cya19:05
xubuntu07wI sthe bug com32r error on boot with usb meens i can not install or run it from usb memory ?19:11
holsteinxubuntu07w: what bug is that?19:20
elfybug 132580119:22
ubottubug 1325801 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Utopic) "failed to boot from USB disk with error: gfxboot.c32: not a COM32R Image boot:" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132580119:22
holsteinelfy: thanks :)19:22
elfyhad known issue page open :D19:22
elfyxubuntu07w: if you get the bug then you'll get the bug each time you boot afaik19:23
holsteinxubuntu07w: i would probably just try unetbootin, and if that works for me, i would just use it19:23
elfyunetbootin caused me issues when making a utopic usb in utopic19:24
elfythe ubuntu tool caused me the least issues19:24
holsteinelfy: oh.. thats good to know.. i assumed that was "usb-creator"19:25
elfyunetbootin - boots to boot: <tab> then use unetbootindefault will get you the desktop to install and try19:26
xubuntu07wUsally i use universal usb installer. Anyway for now i use 14.04 LTS19:26
elfyholstein: most would assume that ;)19:26
zyrechaHello :)19:29
zyrechaanyone here?19:30
holsteinzyrecha: yes.. ask if you have a support question, and a volunteer will try and assist..19:30
zyrechaoh, ok :) yeah i actually have a question :P I've installed xUbuntu inside virtualbox, but it seems that i can't set the resolution higher than 1600x1200, why is that? i've allways used 1920x1080.19:31
zyrechaI've got no problems with Ubuntu btw19:32
holsteinzyrecha: you can try adding the same packages you added in ubuntu.. virtualbox guest additions..19:32
Alexfrenchhad you installed additionnals pack for virtualbox ?19:33
zyrechayeah i have done that, installed and rebooted.. hmm, is there a way to "force" the resolution in xubuntu19:33
Alexfrenchyes that's it19:33
holsteinxubuntu *is* ubuntu.. could be you just dont have the proper driver for the graphices installed.. or, there is some change in the plumbing, and you are comparing ubuntu 14.04 and xubuntu 14.10..19:33
zyrechayeah i am, done the same? (i really love ubuntu, and i want to use it, but i got it installed on a laptop, and i got alot of problems with ubuntu freezing on me (both on my laptop and my gaming computer) thats the ONLY reason i want to change :P19:34
holsteini might try the arandr graphics tool, and see if i can get the resolution i want.. but, in vbox, i just use the resiazable graphics with the guest addition19:35
bekksInstall the guest additions and resize the window.19:35
zyrechaoh crap! :P i tried to just update the os, and after that all the resolutions is back :p19:36
zyrechawhat would you say is the biggest difference between ubuntu and xubuntu? any pros/cons?19:37
holsteinzyrecha: the desktop environment.. pros and cons will be personal19:37
bekkszyrecha: The different desktop environment.19:38
zyrechaso basicly the system behind the desktop environment is the same? (allmost)19:38
bekkszyrecha: Not even basically.19:38
holsteinzyrecha: the factual difference that can effect users is that unity (that comes with ubuntu) requires 3d support.. "good" graphics driver support.. xfce (which come with xubuntu) may have better performance on some hardware with not well supported graphics19:39
zyrechahah, ok, sry for being a noob xD19:39
holsteinalso, xfce is "ligher".. though, nothing will make your hardware better or faster.. just may make better use of resources..19:39
zyrechain other words, maybe thats why i got problem on my laptop?19:39
cwillu_at_workalso, xfce doesn't look like gnomeshell nor unity19:40
holsteinzyrecha: i have no idea.. but, its plausible19:40
holsteinxfce has a more "classic" work flow, and look and feel.. thats either a pro or a con, base on your wants/needs19:40
zyrechathe really odd thing is that in ubuntu the os doesn't "feel slow" its fast when i move windows around, i get good results in benchmark.. but if im opening firefox(or any other program) it takes forever before it loads?19:41
Lakers_businessSo um yeah,i use 14.04 but i like testing many distros.I think slashdot said Jessie 8.0 is going to be great.Can i gets an answer on the Final Jessie release date.19:41
holsteinzyrecha: i would take the machine, and test without a 3d driver. i would try from the live CD of different versions and note kernel versions and software versions.. i would remove flash content from the euqation entirely.. i would launch apps from the terminal and see if there is helpful output19:42
elfyLakers_business: this isn't a debian channel19:42
holsteinLakers_business: try a debian support channel19:42
Lakers_businesselfy:sorry alright, but on a note i use ubuntu.19:43
rwwThough to save #debian the headache: there isn't a release date set for Jessie yet. It'll be released when it's ready.19:43
zyrechayeah i know, sry. (to be honest) i liked that you explained the answers. (so i actually understood what you ment xD)19:43
zyrechaill log of now, thanks for all the help guys!19:44
Lakers_businessholstein:okay yup sorry.19:45
souliaqXubuntu 14.04 (32) changes the volume automatically, how can I disable this?19:46
knomesouliaq, automatically in what context?19:46
souliaqany, I'm seeing a movie in VLC, and suddenly lowers the volume. I'm seeing youtube videos and the same thing happends.19:47
souliaqWhen that happends, the "volume indicator" bar shows up for a moment19:47
holsteinsouliaq: sounds like a stuck keyboard key.. i would clean the unit and test with live CDs to remove my setup from the euqation19:48
holsteinyou can try remapping, or disabling the keyboard shortcuts for that as well..19:49
souliaqI have a multiboot with Ubuntu 14.04 (64), that don't happends there, Also I tested the multimedia keys, and works ok.19:49
holsteinsouliaq: there is nothing implemented that is designed to randomly change your volume levels..19:50
souliaqunderstood, I thought the system can be lower the volume when no sound were detected or something.19:50
knomechanging the output device, like plugging in headphones, should change the volume level to last known level for that device19:51
knomebut it does sound weird that it happens randomly without any warning19:51
souliaqYes, and I didn't suspect of the keyboard, because the volume keys go "step by step", in this case the volume goes directly to a specific level.19:52
souliaqAnd there is another thing, when you change the volume with the keys, there no "sound" in the woofers.19:59
souliaqBut in this case, some kind of "beat" sound in the woofers, like when the OS is starting.19:59
souliaqCould it be some service crashing and restarting?20:00
holsteinsouliaq: i dont think so.. has ubuntu ever worked normally?20:00
holsteinsouliaq: are you comparing ubuntu 14.04 and xubuntu 14.10?20:00
souliaqNo, the problem is in Xubuntu 14.04 (32) but is not present in Ubuntu 14.04 (64), in the same machine.20:01
holsteinsouliaq: ok.. xubuntu *is* ubuntu..20:01
souliaqyes, but maybe they select different packages in each flavor, and that can be the problem.20:02
holsteinsouliaq: sure.. but, the same kernel. alsa.. pulseaudio.. etc..20:02
souliaqwell, there is no Xfce4-volumed in Ubuntu, and killing that process solved the problem. Thanks.20:14
xubuntu65whowto upgrade xubuntu 14.04 to 14.10 ?20:16
baizonxubuntu07w: http://docs.xubuntu.org/1404/migrating-upgrading.html#upgrading20:18
geniiIf applicable, remove all your PPAs and do a ppa-purge. then dist-upgrade. Then do-release-upgrade20:18
baizonto slow :(20:18
geniibaizon: Kids, no patience these days.... ;)20:18
baizonnot at all :(20:18
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Guest15088howto upgrade xubuntu 14.04 to 14.10 ?20:19
elfyxubuntu07w: http://docs.xubuntu.org/1404/migrating-upgrading.html#upgrading20:19
Guest15088many thanks will try20:19
ubottuTo upgrade from an LTS release of Ubuntu to the next (non-LTS) release, run sudoedit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and change the prompt= line to "prompt=normal".20:19
rww(in case you prefer the command-line)20:20
Guest15088cool thank you20:20
geniirww: Ah, right forgot about default lts upgrade settings20:20
elfyrww: what's sudoedit? never seen that before20:21
xubuntu07w_i given it a try updated everything and a few other things it working great on my old HP 6730b20:21
rwwgenii: yeah, so did i the other day. so i added a factoid20:21
knomeelfy, ^ lts->normal is maybe something we want to cover in the docs20:21
rwwelfy: it runs the default editor under sudo. usually nano on Ubuntu, aiui20:21
elfyrww: thanks :)20:21
rwwi believe it's an upstream sudo thing, I've seen it on other distros20:21
elfyknome: yea - docs or notes?20:22
rww(it also uses the visudo-style move-to-temp-file-and-then-copy-over-on-quit behavior)20:22
elfyright - useful to know - remembering is a different issue :)20:23
Guest15088what I need to do after change promt=normal ?20:23
rwwsudo do-release-upgrade, as normal20:23
rww(or your preferred GUI equivalent)20:23
knomeelfy, docs20:24
Guest15088rww - great  - MANY THANKS !!!20:25
Guest15088it's works !!20:25
alkethi, is it possible for each directory to store "order by" etc. not for all20:27
drcalket: You mean in thunar?  If so, I don't think so (at least I've never been able to do it).  If you mean with "ls" the I'd "man ls" and look at the flags listed.20:35
alketthanks for response20:36
xubuntu17wIs it possible to change the computername in the meny ?20:52
knomexubuntu17w, do you mean the username?20:57
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