Waffl3x | I need to figgure out how im going to do my drives | 00:00 |
Waffl3x | I have 3 harddrives, 2 500 drives and a tb drive | 00:00 |
Waffl3x | how do I format this for windows and linux | 00:01 |
user51564894 | NTFS, FAT32, or -if you're okay with installing some software that totally doesn't integrate with Windows Explorer, ext2 or 3. | 00:02 |
Waffl3x | I mean | 00:02 |
Waffl3x | im going to dual boot it | 00:02 |
Waffl3x | Im going to try to do everything on the linux side | 00:02 |
user51564894 | Right, but you want that storage available in both Linux and Windows, right? | 00:03 |
Waffl3x | I dont care | 00:03 |
user51564894 | Oh. | 00:03 |
user51564894 | Then I would do this: | 00:03 |
Waffl3x | btw | 00:03 |
user51564894 | (If I didn't care about the data on the drives now) | 00:03 |
Waffl3x | is there sony vegas for linux? | 00:03 |
user51564894 | 1) Install Windows. | 00:04 |
user51564894 | 2) Install Kubuntu. | 00:04 |
user51564894 | 2a) During the Kubuntu install, resize the Windows partition as small as I cared to. | 00:04 |
Waffl3x | so what im thinking | 00:05 |
Waffl3x | tb to linux | 00:05 |
user51564894 | 2b) Set the rest of the drives up as a single LVM volume group. (Maybe this is what the Kbuntu installer does automatically? I'm not sure.) | 00:05 |
Waffl3x | the good 500 gb drive to microsoft | 00:05 |
Waffl3x | and the other one for general storage? | 00:06 |
Waffl3x | gahh I dont know | 00:06 |
user51564894 | *shrug* That's up to you. | 00:06 |
user51564894 | Linux can cope with NTFS pretty well. | 00:06 |
user51564894 | Windows really can't cope with ext[234] at all. | 00:06 |
Waffl3x | do you know if league of legends works on linux? | 00:07 |
user51564894 | I don't. Check the Wine Appdb. | 00:07 |
user51564894 | https://appdb.winehq.org/ | 00:07 |
user51564894 | The last time I tried LoL in wine was two or three years ago. It didn't go well. | 00:08 |
Waffl3x | looks like its allright | 00:09 |
Waffl3x | so yay | 00:09 |
Waffl3x | what video editing programs are there for linux? | 00:09 |
Waffl3x | is my best bet to just use sony vegas on windows? | 00:10 |
user51564894 | I don't know about video editing programs, but the top three listed in the obvious google search appear to be in Kubuntu's repos. :) | 00:11 |
user51564894 | (pitivi, openshot, kdenlive) | 00:12 |
Waffl3x | should I pre partition my windows drive so it doesnt make the 100 mb boot partition? | 00:12 |
rohan | is there a torrent for the KF5 version of Kubuntu 14.10 somewhere? | 00:13 |
user51564894 | Waffl3x, when I installed Kubuntu, I installed Windows first, then the Kubuntu installer allowed me to resize the windows partition to my liking. | 00:14 |
=== selby_ is now known as selby | ||
Waffl3x | well | 00:14 |
user51564894 | My memory of the parition tool is fuzzy, but I do remember an advanced mode that gave you a bunch of options, maybe including the option to make LVM Volume Groups and assign partitions to Logical Volumes. | 00:15 |
Waffl3x | windows creates a 100mb partition if you edit it at all | 00:16 |
Waffl3x | and you cant change it | 00:17 |
Waffl3x | or it blows up | 00:17 |
Waffl3x | because it has the boot info in there | 00:17 |
user51564894 | Okay, then don't change it? | 00:17 |
Waffl3x | however | 00:17 |
* user51564894 listens | 00:17 | |
Waffl3x | if you edit it beforehand | 00:17 |
Waffl3x | it wont make the 100 mb partition | 00:17 |
Waffl3x | and save the boot info in with everything else | 00:17 |
user51564894 | My Windows install is in one single partition. I got it this way by installing Windows first, then Kubuntu second. Really, do whatever partition munging makes sense for you. The Kubuntu installer is flexible, unlike the Windows installer. :) | 00:19 |
Waffl3x | are you sure | 00:20 |
Waffl3x | are you SURE | 00:20 |
Waffl3x | go check in a partition manager | 00:20 |
user51564894 | Yep. I'm sure. | 00:20 |
Waffl3x | it might have the pesky 100 mb one | 00:20 |
user51564894 | *goes to triple-check* | 00:20 |
Waffl3x | pretty much | 00:20 |
Waffl3x | if you try to edit the partitions in the windows partition manager it will create it | 00:20 |
user51564894 | I never used the windows partition manager | 00:20 |
user51564894 | always Linux tools. | 00:20 |
user51564894 | Hmm. I guess that there *is* a 100M partition at the start of that drive. | 00:21 |
user51564894 | *shrug* Guess I didn't notice it, as it's a 2TB drive. | 00:21 |
user51564894 | Given that the partition resize process took only a moment, that 100MB partition had to have been created by the Windows installer. | 00:22 |
user51564894 | Anyway, seeing as how you have a bunch of disks to use, you might be interested in this: https://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu/Installation#Disk_Setup , but in particular, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lvm | 00:23 |
user51564894 | LVM lets you spread partitions across multiple physical disks. | 00:24 |
Waffl3x | I dont think I want that | 00:24 |
Waffl3x | I think what ill do | 00:24 |
Waffl3x | 1tb = linux, 500 = windows, 500 = videos | 00:24 |
Waffl3x | if im going to be editing videos on windows | 00:25 |
Waffl3x | I guess I should make the videos drive ntfs | 00:25 |
user51564894 | Makes sense. | 00:29 |
user51564894 | Yeah, that partition scheme makes sense for what you want to do. | 00:29 |
Waffl3x | now I need to figgure out how to do it | 00:29 |
user51564894 | Install Windows first. | 00:30 |
Waffl3x | yes yes | 00:30 |
Waffl3x | but | 00:30 |
user51564894 | Then install Kubuntu and tell the partition editor that you want to use the 1tb drive. | 00:30 |
Waffl3x | I backed up to one of the harddrives | 00:30 |
user51564894 | Then tell your BIOS to boot from the 1tb drive. | 00:30 |
Waffl3x | should I unplug my tb harddrive | 00:31 |
Waffl3x | would you say | 00:31 |
=== Waffl2x is now known as Waffl3x | ||
user51564894 | I can't remember what the Windows installer does when it finds multiple harddrives. IIRC, you get to select one to use, but I can't remember for sure. | 00:33 |
user51564894 | If it were me, I would unplug all but the drive I was installing Windows on to until after that install and first boot was done. | 00:33 |
user51564894 | No idea what you want to do about your backup. That's your problem. :) | 00:33 |
Waffl3x | so unplug it? | 00:35 |
Waffl3x | just to be safe | 00:35 |
user51564894 | I would unplug all drives that I wasn't planning to install Windows on yeah. So that would be the 1tb drive, and the 500gb video drive. | 00:37 |
user51564894 | Then plug them back in after the first windows boot was done. When installing Kubuntu, I would leave all the drives plugged in, because that installer does sane things. | 00:37 |
Waffl3x | kk | 00:38 |
Waffl3x | computer | 00:42 |
Waffl3x | wat are you doing | 00:42 |
Waffl3x | computer | 00:42 |
Waffl3x | stahp | 00:42 |
Waffl3x | oh wait, no, its being good | 00:42 |
Waffl3x | wat | 00:43 |
Waffl3x | I have 4 partitions for some reason | 00:43 |
Waffl3x | damn | 00:52 |
Waffl3x | I knew I forgot something | 00:52 |
Waffl3x | I forgot to grab my motherboard drivers | 00:52 |
Waffl3x | oh-kay | 00:58 |
Waffl3x | keyboard isnt working | 00:58 |
Waffl3x | winders what did you do | 00:58 |
user51564894 | That is ever the question. | 00:59 |
Waffl3x | user51564894: I had it plugged into the 3.0's | 01:05 |
user51564894 | Waffl3x, ah, that'll do it. :P | 01:06 |
Waffl3x | want to help me decide what I need and what I dont need? http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/M5A99X_EVO/HelpDesk_Download/ | 01:08 |
user51564894 | What are you asking? | 01:10 |
Waffl3x | well | 01:15 |
Waffl3x | network drivers I probably need | 01:15 |
Waffl3x | bios update I probably dont | 01:15 |
user51564894 | I stopped doing Windows tech support more than a decade ago. It's too much hassle. :) | 01:16 |
Waffl3x | lol alleight | 01:16 |
Waffl3x | user51564894: how easy is it to upgrade bios? | 01:19 |
Waffl3x | the current version is 1708 | 01:19 |
Waffl3x | mine is 0901 | 01:19 |
user51564894 | Waffl3x, I have an asus M5somethingEVO bios. It's easy. | 01:20 |
Waffl3x | should I bother with it? | 01:20 |
user51564894 | Eh. Read the release notes for each version and see if you're affected by any of the problems. | 01:20 |
user51564894 | Were it my machine, I would, but BIOS updates can always bring new and terrible problems. | 01:20 |
Waffl3x | well | 01:21 |
Waffl3x | it says system stability | 01:21 |
Waffl3x | and ive had problems with stability in the past | 01:21 |
user51564894 | Waffl3x, OH | 01:21 |
user51564894 | I have that very same board. | 01:21 |
user51564894 | Yes, upgrade to the latest. | 01:22 |
user51564894 | It's pretty critical, actually. Otherwise you get random, unexplainable hangs. | 01:22 |
user51564894 | >_< | 01:22 |
Waffl3x | THATS EXACTLY WHAT I GET | 01:22 |
user51564894 | IT'S SUCH A PAIN! | 01:22 |
user51564894 | I blamed shitty power for like a month! | 01:22 |
Waffl3x | so upgrade to latest you think? | 01:23 |
user51564894 | Yes. | 01:23 |
user51564894 | So, unzip the zipfile, put the .ROM file at the root of a FAT32 formated USB stick, plug the stick in, reboot, and then find the BIOS flashing thing in the BIOS setup menu. | 01:23 |
user51564894 | It's all documented in the manual, too. | 01:24 |
Waffl3x | aww you said it was easssyyyyyyyy | 01:25 |
Waffl3x | what processor do you have btw? | 01:25 |
user51564894 | Phenom X4 955. | 01:26 |
user51564894 | That's super-easy compared to how it used to be, back in the day. ;) | 01:26 |
Waffl3x | thats the one I used to have | 01:26 |
Waffl3x | I have the fx 8350 | 01:26 |
user51564894 | Oh? How's it compare, performance-wise? | 01:27 |
Waffl3x | its hot | 01:27 |
Waffl3x | thats literally the only thing I notice about it | 01:27 |
Waffl3x | it heats up my room like a heater | 01:27 |
user51564894 | I've heard terrible things about Bulldozer and Piledriver per-clock performance when compared to Phenom. | 01:27 |
user51564894 | Yikes. | 01:27 |
user51564894 | I actually bought this board to use with Bulldozer third-gen processors, but then AMD decided to not release those in an AM3+ socket. >_< | 01:28 |
user51564894 | Uh, Steamroller is the name for the gen3 Bulldozer. | 01:28 |
Waffl3x | how do I format a usb? | 01:28 |
Waffl3x | I hope they arnt as crappy as the last generation was | 01:29 |
Waffl3x | or im switching to intel | 01:29 |
user51564894 | Are you booted into KDE? | 01:30 |
Waffl3x | yeah | 01:30 |
Waffl3x | on my laptop | 01:30 |
user51564894 | I think that you can use the KDE partition manager | 01:30 |
user51564894 | Click on the USB drive | 01:31 |
Waffl3x | im going to finish up on windows before I install kubuntu | 01:31 |
user51564894 | That's a very good idea. | 01:31 |
user51564894 | right click on the partition, click properties, then make the File system FAT32, then click OK. I think. | 01:32 |
user51564894 | If it's already fat32, then click "Recreate existing file system.". | 01:32 |
user51564894 | (I think) | 01:32 |
user51564894 | Then in the main window hit "Apply". | 01:32 |
Waffl3x | I had to unmount it first | 01:33 |
user51564894 | That makes sense. | 01:33 |
Waffl3x | what should the flags be set to? | 01:33 |
user51564894 | um | 01:33 |
Waffl3x | because it was a boot drive for kubuntu | 01:33 |
user51564894 | probably doesn't matter, but lemmy look | 01:33 |
user51564894 | Yeah, doesn't matter. I guess boot could be checked. | 01:34 |
user51564894 | But don't check "Hidden". | 01:34 |
user51564894 | You're just using this to store your BIOS upgrade, yes? | 01:34 |
Waffl3x | should lba be unchecked? | 01:34 |
Waffl3x | yeah | 01:34 |
user51564894 | On my FAT32 drive, the only thing checked is Boot | 01:35 |
Waffl3x | recreate existing file system = format right? | 01:35 |
user51564894 | and I bet that that could be unchecked. | 01:35 |
user51564894 | Yes, it does. | 01:35 |
user51564894 | You'll get a warning and nothing will be done till you hit apply in the main window. | 01:35 |
Waffl3x | oops | 01:36 |
Waffl3x | I shreaded it | 01:36 |
Waffl3x | :) | 01:36 |
user51564894 | Heh. That'll take a while, I bet. | 01:36 |
Waffl3x | its done | 01:37 |
Waffl3x | btw | 01:37 |
user51564894 | Cool. So, you should be able to remount it and copy the .ROM file. | 01:37 |
Waffl3x | I just noticed | 01:37 |
Waffl3x | my harddrive is extended format | 01:38 |
Waffl3x | like | 01:38 |
Waffl3x | the partition is extended | 01:38 |
Waffl3x | is that bad? | 01:38 |
user51564894 | No. | 01:38 |
Waffl3x | someone was telling me something about it earlier | 01:38 |
Waffl3x | they said it could be good or bad | 01:38 |
user51564894 | There's an arcane reason why that's a thing. I can dig up the wikipedia article. | 01:38 |
Waffl3x | but I only need 2 partitions on it | 01:38 |
Waffl3x | I cant mount the usb for some reason | 01:39 |
user51564894 | Don't worry about it. | 01:39 |
user51564894 | eh? | 01:39 |
user51564894 | What's the reason? | 01:39 |
Waffl3x | idk | 01:39 |
Waffl3x | its greyed out | 01:39 |
user51564894 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning#Extended_partition and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_boot_record for more than you ever wanted to know about MBR partitioning and extended partitions. | 01:40 |
user51564894 | hmm | 01:40 |
user51564894 | Greyed out in Dolphin? | 01:40 |
Waffl3x | partition manager | 01:40 |
Waffl3x | also dolphin is being weird | 01:40 |
Waffl3x | it still shows it as multiboot | 01:40 |
user51564894 | strange | 01:40 |
user51564894 | um | 01:40 |
user51564894 | hmm | 01:40 |
user51564894 | try | 01:40 |
user51564894 | sudo partprobe | 01:40 |
user51564894 | in a terminal? | 01:40 |
unopaste | user51564894 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 01:40 |
Waffl3x | >.> | 01:41 |
user51564894 | Whoops. So, try that in a terminal. | 01:41 |
user51564894 | Then maybe dolphin will be informed of the new partition table on the usb device. Or just remove it and plug it back in? | 01:42 |
Waffl3x | oh | 01:42 |
Waffl3x | I know | 01:42 |
Waffl3x | I didnt click apply | 01:42 |
Waffl3x | duh to the duh | 01:42 |
user51564894 | lulz | 01:42 |
Waffl3x | im used to things updating as I go | 01:43 |
Waffl3x | Error: create filesystem fat 32 on partition | 01:44 |
user51564894 | Hrrm. We could try it manually from a terminal. What's the path to the partition on the usb device? | 01:44 |
user51564894 | /dev/sd{what?} | 01:45 |
Waffl3x | im just going to shread it | 01:45 |
Waffl3x | and then remake it | 01:45 |
user51564894 | Okay. | 01:45 |
Waffl3x | do I need any of the bios utilities from here? | 01:47 |
user51564894 | I never used them. | 01:48 |
Waffl3x | so I just unzip the file | 01:48 |
Waffl3x | put it in the usb drive | 01:48 |
Waffl3x | and boot from usb? | 01:48 |
user51564894 | Yeah, the .ROM file | 01:48 |
user51564894 | then boot into bios setup | 01:48 |
user51564894 | like press F2 or something after you reboot | 01:48 |
user51564894 | like smash it a bunch | 01:49 |
user51564894 | The manual tells you how to do the update | 01:49 |
user51564894 | http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/SocketAM3+/M5A99X_EVO/E6411_M5A99X_EVO.zip | 01:49 |
user51564894 | probably is the manual | 01:49 |
Waffl3x | I have the manual right here | 01:50 |
Waffl3x | what page? | 01:50 |
user51564894 | Dunno. Check the table of contents, dude. :) | 01:51 |
Waffl3x | manual is being useless | 01:53 |
user51564894 | Check, uh, page 3-33 | 01:54 |
user51564894 | And then page 3-1 for how to get into the BIOS setup program. | 01:55 |
Waffl3x | okay 33 | 01:55 |
Waffl3x | so many options I was getting confused | 01:55 |
user51564894 | It's good to slow down and read carefully. Nothing wrong with re-reading a section to make sure you understand it. :) | 01:56 |
Waffl3x | so | 02:03 |
Waffl3x | my ram is running at 1333 speed | 02:03 |
Waffl3x | but its 1600 ram | 02:03 |
user51564894 | Is the bios set to use automatic RAM speed? | 02:03 |
Waffl3x | I dont know | 02:04 |
ultrixx | Waffl3x: most probably | 02:04 |
ultrixx | Waffl3x: what cpu have you got? bios should tell you | 02:04 |
Waffl3x | amd fx 8350 | 02:05 |
user51564894 | ultrixx, we're in the BIOS config, poking around with settings now. :) | 02:05 |
ultrixx | ah ok | 02:05 |
user51564894 | Waffl3x, in the "simple configuration mode" in your BIOS config, is the center button pressed? | 02:05 |
user51564894 | The one that's "balanced performance and speed" or whatever? | 02:05 |
Waffl3x | yeah it was, but im not there right now | 02:05 |
Waffl3x | im in advanced | 02:05 |
user51564894 | ultrixx, it turns out that Waffl3x and I have the same mobo. | 02:06 |
user51564894 | :D | 02:06 |
ultrixx | user51564894: cool | 02:06 |
user51564894 | Ah, well, go to the AI Tweaker menu and check to see if the Ai overclock tuner is set to auto | 02:06 |
user51564894 | and the memory frequency also set to auto | 02:06 |
Waffl3x | its set to auto | 02:07 |
Waffl3x | so is memory frequency | 02:07 |
user51564894 | And the "Current memory frequency" at the top says 1333 ? | 02:07 |
Waffl3x | 1439 | 02:07 |
user51564894 | hnnh. | 02:07 |
Waffl3x | on the main page it says 1333 | 02:08 |
user51564894 | try rebooting. (press f10, I think?) | 02:08 |
user51564894 | maybe you changed some settings and they'll get applied at next boot? | 02:08 |
user51564894 | Then get back into the bios setup menu, of course. | 02:08 |
user51564894 | Oh, have you flashed to the new bios yet? | 02:08 |
Waffl3x | it says 1333 now | 02:09 |
ultrixx | compiling should be extremely fast with the 8350 | 02:09 |
Waffl3x | yeah I flashed to new bios | 02:09 |
Waffl3x | not that im going to compile ultrixx | 02:09 |
ultrixx | ^^ | 02:09 |
user51564894 | Hnnh. I wouldn't worry about the RAM speed thing right now. Might come back to it later, after you've installed your OSs, and made sure that the're stable. | 02:10 |
user51564894 | **They're stable | 02:10 |
user51564894 | Though | 02:10 |
user51564894 | you could load the default options, save, reboot, and see what changed. | 02:10 |
Waffl3x | well I just flashed it | 02:10 |
Waffl3x | so it was default | 02:10 |
user51564894 | mmm | 02:11 |
user51564894 | I load defaults after a flash, just to be paranoid. :PO | 02:11 |
ultrixx | there should be an option "set optimized defaults" | 02:11 |
user51564894 | Probably not needed, though. | 02:11 |
user51564894 | There is one thing you should change before you install windows. | 02:11 |
Waffl3x | im just going to set it to 1600 | 02:11 |
user51564894 | (Have you installed windows?) | 02:11 |
Waffl3x | yeah I have | 02:11 |
Waffl3x | I installed exactly 2 things | 02:11 |
Waffl3x | windows and my graphics drivers | 02:11 |
user51564894 | Waffl3x, you should be careful with changing the memory timings. The BIOS usually gets it right. | 02:12 |
Waffl3x | I doubt its going to explode in my face | 02:12 |
user51564894 | Anyway, um. Because you're gonna be running Linux you want to turn on IOMMU | 02:12 |
user51564894 | so | 02:12 |
Waffl3x | IOMMU? | 02:12 |
user51564894 | Yeah. Go to Advanced->North Bridge Configuration | 02:12 |
ultrixx | Waffl3x: thats amd speak for vt-d | 02:12 |
user51564894 | Then change IOMMU mode from Disabled to 64MB. | 02:12 |
user51564894 | That'll make virtualization faster, if you use it. | 02:13 |
user51564894 | And won | 02:13 |
user51564894 | 't hurt anything if you don't. | 02:13 |
user51564894 | ultrixx, vt-d is Intel-speak for IOMMU. ;) | 02:13 |
ultrixx | ok^^ | 02:14 |
user51564894 | Waffl3x, I'm pretty sure that I've toggle that option after I installed Windows, and nothing bad happened afterwards. | 02:14 |
=== Michael__ is now known as Guest60771 | ||
Waffl3x | user51564894: what is virtualization? | 02:14 |
user51564894 | Vmware. | 02:14 |
Waffl3x | ah | 02:14 |
user51564894 | Virtualbox. | 02:14 |
Waffl3x | thats what I thought | 02:14 |
user51564894 | *nod nod* | 02:14 |
user51564894 | AFK for a bit, feeding cats. | 02:14 |
Waffl3x | kk | 02:14 |
ultrixx | what a pity that amd is not very successful businesswise | 02:15 |
Waffl3x | ultrixx: what are these chipset updates http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/M5A99X_EVO/HelpDesk_Download/ | 02:16 |
Waffl3x | ? | 02:16 |
ultrixx | do you mean the windows drivers? bios updates or utilities? | 02:17 |
Waffl3x | the chipset section | 02:18 |
Waffl3x | also which of the usb downloads do I take? | 02:19 |
Waffl3x | \ | 02:19 |
ultrixx | the latest | 02:20 |
ultrixx | seems to be the same software | 02:20 |
ultrixx | just different version | 02:20 |
ultrixx | yeah there is one "full package" i guess with extra software and then driver updates | 02:21 |
ultrixx | so i guess you are supposed to install the full package and then update with the latest driver | 02:22 |
user51564894 | Waffl3x, If I were tinkering with memory speed, I would run memtest86 for a day or so to make sure that the changes I made were stable. Memtest86 is a thing that you boot into that pretty thoroughly tests your RAM. You can install it once you've installed Kubuntu. | 02:22 |
ultrixx | quite stupid to not document that | 02:22 |
Waffl3x | ultrixx: what are you talking about? | 02:22 |
Waffl3x | the big package of needless software? | 02:22 |
user51564894 | ultrixx, ASUS's download descriptions are a bit whacked out. :) | 02:22 |
ultrixx | i talk about usb | 02:23 |
Waffl3x | ah | 02:23 |
ultrixx | there seems to be one big package and two update packages | 02:23 |
ultrixx | at least that is my interpretation of things here | 02:24 |
Waffl3x | no | 02:24 |
Waffl3x | thats not at all what it is | 02:24 |
ultrixx | aha | 02:24 |
Waffl3x | the big one is a booster, the other 2 are drivers for it | 02:24 |
Waffl3x | what about the chipset section? | 02:25 |
Waffl3x | anything I need there? | 02:25 |
ultrixx | yes you should install all drivers | 02:25 |
Waffl3x | what do they do? | 02:26 |
Waffl3x | user51564894: whats your take on the chipset section? | 02:27 |
user51564894 | Waffl3x, I don't do Windows tech support, remember? | 02:27 |
Waffl3x | its not windows for all of it | 02:27 |
user51564894 | Kubuntu comes with all the drivers you need. | 02:27 |
Waffl3x | srsly | 02:27 |
ultrixx | Waffl3x: so what is a booster? | 02:27 |
user51564894 | So, I would download none of them for Kubuntu. | 02:27 |
ultrixx | Waffl3x: it's a driver | 02:28 |
Waffl3x | its not required though | 02:28 |
Waffl3x | its just to make it zoom more | 02:28 |
user51564894 | Yeah, srsly. Linux supports way more hardware out of the box than Windows. :) | 02:28 |
Waffl3x | which may or may not be compatible with all devices | 02:28 |
user51564894 | Eh. I've had no compatibility issues with the stuff I use with Linux. | 02:29 |
Waffl3x | no user51564894 Im talking about the booster | 02:29 |
Waffl3x | also, what is JMicron JMB36X Controller Driver | 02:30 |
user51564894 | Waffl3x, ah, got it. | 02:30 |
Waffl3x | just wish I could figgure out what the damn chipset drivers that are 800 mb are for | 02:31 |
ultrixx | Waffl3x: i can tell you | 02:32 |
ultrixx | that's amd's all-in-one driver for chipset and graphics, the whole suite | 02:32 |
Waffl3x | oh | 02:33 |
Waffl3x | thats what you were talking about | 02:33 |
Waffl3x | that makes sense | 02:33 |
Waffl3x | so that I dont need | 02:33 |
Waffl3x | going to download it to see if you're right | 02:33 |
ultrixx | yes you will need the extra usb 3.0 drivers because that appear to be chips from other manufacturers | 02:34 |
Waffl3x | im pretty sure I just need the one usb driver | 02:34 |
Waffl3x | btw | 02:34 |
Waffl3x | what is JMicron JMB36X Controller Driver | 02:34 |
ultrixx | sata controller | 02:35 |
Waffl3x | ah | 02:35 |
Waffl3x | that ill need | 02:35 |
ultrixx | yes i guess so | 02:35 |
ultrixx | what i find terrible are the menu item descriptions in bios | 02:36 |
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Waffl3x | whys that? | 02:41 |
ultrixx | there are options that are not self explanatory and have no help text | 02:41 |
user51564894 | ultrixx, True. The manual may have better explanations. IMO, if the option's explanation is inscrutable, and you don't know why you might want to change it from the default, don't. :) | 02:44 |
user51564894 | It probably does help to remember that ASUS is a Taiwanese company that doesn't seem to want to spend a bundle of cash translating their manuals and the like. | 02:45 |
ultrixx | user51564894: very true | 02:46 |
Waffl3x | ugh I should have extracted these before I put the files on the other computer | 02:47 |
Waffl3x | I have no extraction software | 02:47 |
user51564894 | Aren't they zipfiles? | 02:47 |
user51564894 | Windows Explorer handles zipfiles. | 02:47 |
user51564894 | And KDE has ark, IIRC. | 02:47 |
Waffl3x | thats what im saying | 02:47 |
Waffl3x | so Im forced to used stock software | 02:48 |
Waffl3x | and its slow as fudge | 02:48 |
user51564894 | Strange. I've noticed no substantial speed difference between WE and 7-zip, nor between ark and unzip. | 02:50 |
user51564894 | (I don't use WE's zip extraction wizard, though. That's a bunch of dialogs.) | 02:51 |
Waffl3x | well it dies if you try to run more than one | 02:51 |
Waffl3x | which I just found out | 02:51 |
user51564894 | Odd. You can open the zip file like you would a folder, then drag and drop. | 02:52 |
user51564894 | Maybe that would work better? | 02:52 |
Waffl3x | UHHGGGGG | 03:15 |
Waffl3x | this is taking forever | 03:15 |
Waffl3x | I have to copy 250 gb's of video clips | 03:15 |
user51564894 | Yeah, that'll take a while. | 03:16 |
Waffl3x | ap0c: how long have you been on? | 04:08 |
ap0c | I don't know Waffl3x, left it running | 04:13 |
Waffl3x | I see | 04:14 |
ap0c | comps been on for almost 4 days ^_^ | 04:14 |
Waffl3x | well nice | 04:14 |
Waffl3x | im almost ready to install linux on the desktop again | 04:14 |
ap0c | I may be in the server but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm at the keyboard / attentive to IRC | 04:14 |
chaotix | hi i really need there to be a little bit more contrast on the kde panel... | 04:15 |
ap0c | Waffl3x, what happened to the old install? | 04:15 |
chaotix | can i make the panel not transparent? and can i change the text colors? | 04:15 |
Waffl3x | well | 04:15 |
Waffl3x | I decided to start fresh on my desktop | 04:15 |
Waffl3x | im also giving it its own harddrive | 04:15 |
Waffl3x | windows gets one too | 04:15 |
Waffl3x | but its smaller | 04:16 |
Waffl3x | :D | 04:16 |
Waffl3x | im only keeping windows for the few programs that refuse to run on linux | 04:16 |
ap0c | what doesn't run on nix? | 04:16 |
Waffl3x | idk yet | 04:16 |
Waffl3x | but im sure there are some things | 04:16 |
Waffl3x | like sony vegas | 04:16 |
Waffl3x | that just came to mind | 04:17 |
Waffl3x | I also had to set up a vbox for a program on my laptop | 04:17 |
Waffl3x | this is how I decided it would go | 04:17 |
Waffl3x | ill have windows on my desktop for games that wont run on nix | 04:17 |
Waffl3x | but on my laptop its too bad so sad | 04:17 |
Waffl3x | only keeping a small vbox for this 1 program | 04:18 |
ap0c | my laptop can run most new games in windows but I just don't like the way windows runs anymore | 04:18 |
ap0c | too virus / error prone | 04:18 |
Waffl3x | ive just been sitting here for an hour | 04:19 |
Waffl3x | waiting for everything to move out of this harddrive | 04:20 |
Waffl3x | btw | 04:32 |
Waffl3x | is it better to put swap on another harddrive? | 04:32 |
Waffl3x | ap0c | 04:35 |
ap0c | I usually put swap on the same HDD as root | 04:41 |
Waffl3x | kk | 04:41 |
ap0c | I like to separate partitions depending on where I store most of my code / projects / important documents | 04:42 |
Waffl3x | how should I partitio | 04:43 |
ap0c | http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installseparatehome | 04:44 |
Waffl3x | so like before then | 04:45 |
Waffl3x | I was told to not partition seperately for /home | 04:45 |
ap0c | by who? ^_^ you can partition however you want | 04:47 |
Waffl3x | so on a tb drive | 04:47 |
ap0c | I have 2x 500GB HDD, I think I set my /home to a few hundred and root to like 150-200 | 04:48 |
Waffl3x | I dont see a reason to partition /home seperately | 04:48 |
Waffl3x | so 110% of ram for swap right? | 04:48 |
ap0c | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1496609 | 04:49 |
Waffl3x | I Would rather redo settings | 04:51 |
Waffl3x | so for swap, 110% of 16... 1.6 | 04:52 |
Waffl3x | 16 + 1.6 | 04:52 |
Waffl3x | ssso 18 almost | 04:52 |
Waffl3x | would you round that to 20 or just leave it at 18? | 04:52 |
Waffl3x | sounds good ap0c? | 04:54 |
ap0c | 1024 x 16 = 16,384 ; 16,384 x 1.1 = 18,022.4 | 04:54 |
ap0c | 18,000 should be plenty | 04:55 |
ap0c | basically , swap stores ram that hasn't been accessed in awhile | 04:57 |
ap0c | or extra ram if your ram gets overloaded obviously | 04:57 |
Waffl3x | where should I store my bootloader btw | 04:58 |
Waffl3x | and why does it jump from sdb1 to sdb5 | 04:58 |
trung | I upgraded from 14.04 to 14.10 and now I have some weird problem | 05:01 |
Waffl3x | ap0c: ping | 05:01 |
ap0c | Waffl3x: sup | 05:01 |
trung | whenever I boot it says "disk UUID .... is not ready or present, press S to skip or M to recover" | 05:01 |
trung | if I don't skip it fast enough it hangs | 05:01 |
Waffl3x | where should I store bootloader | 05:01 |
trung | the UUID is non existent | 05:01 |
Waffl3x | and why does the partitions jump from sdb 1 to sdb5 on swap | 05:01 |
ap0c | MBR originally only allowed 4 primary partitions | 05:03 |
ap0c | extended and logical were added to get around this ^ | 05:03 |
ap0c | the logical partitions are 5 and up | 05:03 |
Waffl3x | ah | 05:03 |
ap0c | https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/partitioning | 05:03 |
Waffl3x | and bootloader? | 05:03 |
ap0c | what are the options ? I forgot | 05:04 |
ap0c | I just went with default | 05:04 |
Waffl3x | it lets me put it in any partition or drive | 05:05 |
Waffl3x | I guess ill leave it as default | 05:08 |
Waffl3x | ap0c: if I want to set the bios to boot from my linux drive I should put boot loader info in the linux drive right? | 05:10 |
Waffl3x | but I dont want to do that if I want to easily boot between windows and linux right? | 05:10 |
ap0c | what is your HDD setup, and how do you want to swap ? | 05:12 |
ap0c | are 2x 1TB HDD's in 1 comp? are you swapping them as needed? | 05:13 |
ap0c | I thought you were just fully installing linux, and using another comp / hdd for gaming | 05:13 |
ap0c | usually the boot loader is in the root partition, within the OS | 05:14 |
ap0c | the BIOS just needs to be able to find it, it's not installed on the BIOS | 05:15 |
Waffl3x | my hd setup is 1 500 for windows 1 tb for linux | 05:15 |
ap0c | you could just install linux to the hdd and use the boot menu as your OS-selection | 05:16 |
ap0c | select a HDD to boot | 05:16 |
Waffl3x | if I were to do that | 05:16 |
Waffl3x | wouldnt I have to install the boot loader to the hd linux is on? | 05:16 |
Waffl3x | as opposed to leaving it default | 05:17 |
Waffl3x | which is the windows hd | 05:17 |
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Waffl3x | am I right or wrong ap0c | 05:18 |
Waffl3x | sorry for the impatience, im just tired | 05:18 |
ap0c | you should have the boot loader on the linux hdd | 05:19 |
ap0c | what time is it there? | 05:19 |
Waffl3x | 1:23 | 05:23 |
ap0c | http://askubuntu.com/questions/274371/install-on-second-hard-drive-with-startup-boot-option | 05:23 |
ap0c | same ^ | 05:23 |
ap0c | AM | 05:23 |
Waffl3x | ap0c: im glad I asked because I was going to put the bootloader on hd one | 05:27 |
Waffl3x | so to recap, bootloader on second harddrive, change boot order so it boots from the second harddrive | 05:28 |
Waffl3x | correct ap0c? | 05:28 |
ap0c | yes ^ you don't want to overwrite your Windows MBR | 05:29 |
ap0c | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreUbuntu/XP/Vista/7Bootloader this is how to restore it just in case | 05:30 |
Waffl3x | what I dont understand | 05:30 |
Waffl3x | is I left it as default the first time I installed | 05:30 |
Waffl3x | and it didnt overwrite it | 05:30 |
Waffl3x | or did it | 05:30 |
ap0c | did you try booting windows since? | 05:31 |
ap0c | that's an easy way to find out | 05:32 |
Waffl3x | well | 05:32 |
Waffl3x | I reinstalled windows on this computer | 05:32 |
Waffl3x | so | 05:32 |
Waffl3x | I cant find out now | 05:32 |
Waffl3x | when I turned on the computer it would ask me which I wanted to load | 05:33 |
Waffl3x | ubuntu or win777 | 05:33 |
dougl | :) | 05:33 |
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Waffl3x | ap0c: when it booted win 7 wasn't an option | 05:52 |
Waffl3x | I also didnt change the boot order yet | 05:52 |
Waffl3x | so im confused | 05:52 |
Waffl3x | I expected it to boot straight into windows | 05:52 |
ap0c | try going to boot menu and loading from there | 05:52 |
ap0c | if you installed the MBR on your windows drive you might've overwritten it | 05:53 |
Waffl3x | I didnt | 05:53 |
Waffl3x | atleast I think I didnt | 05:53 |
Waffl3x | ugh load allready | 05:54 |
Waffl3x | I cant tell if its stuck or not | 05:55 |
Waffl3x | how long should I wait before getting concerned | 05:56 |
ap0c | windows - 2 minutes haha | 05:56 |
Waffl3x | kubuntu | 05:56 |
Waffl3x | should I just force reboot at this point? | 05:57 |
ap0c | should load pretty fast - mines takes a few seconds | 05:57 |
ap0c | maybe 10-20 max | 05:57 |
Waffl3x | okay windows booted | 05:59 |
Waffl3x | I guess it booted from disc | 05:59 |
Waffl3x | and I took the disc out | 05:59 |
Waffl3x | so thats why it hung | 05:59 |
Waffl3x | my harddrive wasn't making nice noises there | 06:01 |
Waffl3x | scared me for a minute | 06:01 |
ap0c | heh | 06:01 |
Waffl3x | I have the urge to go and install everything now | 06:04 |
Waffl3x | but I need to sleep | 06:04 |
Waffl3x | I kinda want to set up teamveiwer before I sleep though | 06:09 |
Waffl3x | ap0c: any idea how to get remote access to work nicely? | 06:14 |
ap0c | I don't really use that stuff , google is god | 06:15 |
ap0c | anything I don't know, I google | 06:16 |
valorie | !remote | 06:25 |
valorie | nope, ubottu knows not either | 06:26 |
valorie | !vnc | 06:26 |
ubottu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 06:26 |
valorie | ok | 06:26 |
Waffl3x | is there a way to get the pc to wake up | 06:34 |
Waffl3x | besides wake on lan | 06:34 |
Waffl3x | I might have to buy a raspberry pi for it | 06:34 |
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Waffl3x | im going to bed | 07:03 |
Waffl3x | thanks for the helps | 07:03 |
Waffl3x | night | 07:03 |
valorie | anybody here using both plasma5 & kdeconnect? | 07:11 |
valorie | I can't get it to start | 07:11 |
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lordievader | Good morning. | 08:46 |
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rydhwan | hello | 09:16 |
lordievader | o/ | 09:16 |
rydhwan | fresh install kubuntu 14.10 plasma5 dont log in password failed | 09:17 |
rydhwan | in ~/ nothing except .bash_logout .bashrc .profile | 09:20 |
lordievader | rydhwan: What language did you use during the install? | 09:21 |
rydhwan | en | 09:21 |
lordievader | Hmm, that shouldn't be a problem. Can you login to a tty? | 09:22 |
rydhwan | no | 09:23 |
rydhwan | haven't free hand | 09:24 |
lordievader | rydhwan: ? | 09:24 |
rydhwan | tty no | 09:25 |
lordievader | What? | 09:25 |
rydhwan | Can you login to a tty no | 09:26 |
lordievader | rydhwan: How did you install Utopic? | 09:26 |
rydhwan | usb | 09:26 |
lordievader | rydhwan: Hmm, restart in the recovery mode, drop to a root shell. (Re)mount / as rw. Check if your user exists, if it does reset the password, else create the user. | 09:28 |
lordievader | And please file a bug when you can login again. | 09:28 |
rydhwan | (Re)mount / as rw ? | 09:29 |
lordievader | rydhwan: In the recovery console / is mounted read-only use "mount -o remount,rw /" to mount it read-write. | 09:30 |
rydhwan | ok | 09:30 |
rydhwan | Check if your user exists ? | 09:31 |
lordievader | rydhwan: "cat /etc/passwd" the username you've entered during the install should be there. | 09:32 |
rydhwan | ok | 09:33 |
rydhwan | reset the password whith passwd ? | 09:33 |
lordievader | rydhwan: passwd <username> | 09:34 |
rydhwan | ok | 09:35 |
rydhwan | thanks iwill do that | 09:36 |
rydhwan | a+ | 09:37 |
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mokush | is there a telepathy-status widget I can use in plasma 5? it doesn't seem to be in systray by default | 10:40 |
McLive | yay, dsl upgrade http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3858292088 | 10:58 |
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amichair__ | After upgrade to 14.10, I have no network - splash screen says waiting for network connection. This is a wired connection, no wifi. How do I get it back? | 12:08 |
rom1504 | reboot | 12:22 |
amichair__ | No network after reboots. | 12:23 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:24 |
amichair__ | Hi | 12:29 |
lordievader | amichair__: Are you using the network manager? | 12:30 |
amichair__ | lordievader: I think I was, tray icon says it's not running | 12:32 |
lordievader | amichair__: Is the nic detected? | 12:32 |
amichair__ | How do I check? | 12:33 |
lordievader | amichair__: ip link | 12:34 |
amichair__ | Hmmm... OK service restart network-based works. So why didn't it start at boot? | 12:35 |
amichair | network-manager, that is | 12:36 |
lordievader | Good question. | 12:37 |
amichair | lordievader: is that what the splash screen waits for when it says 'waiting for network connection' - for network-manager service to start? | 12:37 |
lordievader | amichair: Have you configured your devices through /etc/network/interfaces? (That's where the message comes from) | 12:40 |
amichair | lordievader: only two lines there: auto lo \ iface lo inet loopback | 12:41 |
amichair | this worked fine before the upgrade | 12:41 |
lordievader | amichair: Hmm, quite odd. | 12:42 |
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amichair | I'll try rebooting again now, see if anything changes | 12:47 |
amichair | lordievader: nope, still no network after restart, but 'sudo service network-manager start' works | 12:54 |
amichair | it did screw up my monitor configuration on this reboot, but that's another story | 12:54 |
lordievader | Odd, very odd. | 12:58 |
amichair | dbus[647]: [system] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1 | 13:00 |
amichair | does anyone know how to get network-manager service to start on boot? | 13:15 |
amichair | if I want to try uninstalling/reinstalling it, which packages should I use? | 13:16 |
amichair | still no go. | 13:25 |
BluesKaj | amichair, have you updated, upgraded and dist-upgraded since the install? | 13:29 |
amichair | BluesKaj: yep, all up to date | 13:30 |
BluesKaj | amichair, have you installed the network management widget? | 13:38 |
kikidee | BluesKaj: hi | 13:39 |
amichair | BluesKaj: I've always had a tray icon, not sure what it is. haven't changed anything recently though (before/after upgrade), if that's what you meant. | 13:40 |
kikidee | amichair: I am going to disconnect and reconnect for testing, so can you wait while I am gone offline ? | 13:40 |
amichair | kikidee: sure | 13:41 |
BluesKaj | amichair, so you have a tray icon , then alt+F2 then, kdesudo dolphin /usr/bin , look for nm-applet and tell us if it's there | 13:46 |
amichair | BluesKaj: nope, only nm-tool and nm-online | 13:48 |
amichair | I don't think there a problem with the widget though, but with the service itself... | 13:49 |
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BluesKaj | amichair, check the widgets for network-management | 13:51 |
amichair | BluesKaj: if I right click on the network icon, it has a 'Network Management Settings' option, so is that the one? | 13:52 |
BluesKaj | yes | 13:52 |
amichair | so after a reboot, it has a little red x on it, and there's no network. only when I run 'sudo service network-manager start', it connects (and icon updates) after a few seconds. | 13:53 |
BluesKaj | just click on the icon then click the wrench to get accxess to edits etc | 13:54 |
amichair | BluesKaj: why do I need to configure anything? it works ok after the service starts. The problem is that the service doesn't start automatically at boot time. | 13:55 |
BluesKaj | amichair, yes , but make sure the settings are solid | 13:56 |
amichair | after boot the tray icon tooltip says 'the network-manager service is not running', or something like that | 13:56 |
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rcw2 | when i unlock my encrypted drive through dolphin it asks if i want to store the password for next session. where is that stored then? is a lot of security forfeighted? | 13:57 |
amichair | BluesKaj: what do you mean by solid? if it works when I start the service manually, isn't that good? | 13:57 |
kikidee | amichair: Is kwallet enabled in your system? | 13:58 |
BluesKaj | it should work when you boot | 13:58 |
amichair | kikidee: how do I check? I think it's enabled with no password on this pc, but haven't touched that in years | 13:58 |
amichair | kikidee: in system settings 'Enable the KDE wallet subsystem' is checked | 13:59 |
kikidee | amichair: ok | 14:00 |
BluesKaj | kikidee, whether uses the wallet or not doesn't enter into the matter, I don't use kwallet for anything and my ethernet and wifi both start at boot | 14:01 |
BluesKaj | amichair,^ | 14:02 |
BluesKaj | kikidee, whether one uses the wallet or not doesn't enter into the matter, I don't use kwallet for anything and my ethernet and wifi both start at boot | 14:05 |
amichair | I also have this log: "ModemManager[4560]: <warn> Could not acquire the 'org.freedesktop.ModemManager1' service name" - is ModemManager related to NetworkManager by any chance? | 14:06 |
BluesKaj | yes it is | 14:06 |
amichair | hmmm... so maybe this error is somehow related | 14:07 |
BluesKaj | try a modem manager reinstall | 14:07 |
amichair | BluesKaj: "apt-get install --reinstall modemmanager" will do? | 14:08 |
BluesKaj | altho I doubt it'll do anything since the problem is probly in the config file | 14:08 |
BluesKaj | amichair, purge it first then reinstall | 14:09 |
amichair | restarting... | 14:12 |
amichair | well that didn't do anything | 14:16 |
amichair | the ModemManager1 warnings are still there | 14:16 |
BluesKaj | did you purge? | 14:17 |
amichair | BluesKaj: yep | 14:21 |
BluesKaj | amichair, run, eth0=dhcp then, sudo dhclient eth0 to acquire the gateway | 14:22 |
amichair | BluesKaj: when/where? | 14:22 |
BluesKaj | in the terminal | 14:23 |
amichair | after I start the service (when everything works)? | 14:23 |
BluesKaj | no matter | 14:23 |
amichair | "RTNETLINK answers: File exists" | 14:24 |
BluesKaj | then run ip addr, it replaces ifconfig | 14:24 |
amichair | and a sendmail error | 14:24 |
BluesKaj | yes the file exist is a standard response | 14:25 |
BluesKaj | ok now reboot | 14:26 |
amichair | BluesKaj: ok, so I see the address, did that change anything? | 14:26 |
BluesKaj | we'll see | 14:27 |
amichair | :-) | 14:27 |
amichair | nothing changed, it seems | 14:31 |
BluesKaj | open your /etc/network/interfaces file , what's there? | 14:35 |
kikidee | amichair: This seems to be a bug | 14:36 |
kikidee | I am going to check if there is any bug report regarding this | 14:38 |
BluesKaj | amichair, remove modem-manager and don't reinstall it. I'm quite sure it's redundant. | 14:39 |
mokush | where should we report bugs for 14.10/plasma5? | 14:42 |
mokush | or nowhere, since it's not officialy suported? | 14:42 |
kikidee | mokush: bugs.kde.org for kde stuff | 14:44 |
mokush | kikidee: I think this has something to do strictly with kubuntu | 14:44 |
kikidee | mokush: In that case in launchpad | 14:45 |
mokush | kikidee: here https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next ? | 14:46 |
amichair | etc/network/interfaces has two lines: "auto lo \ iface lo inet loopback" | 14:46 |
kikidee | mokush: no | 14:47 |
andlabs | so after updating last night GTK+ programs are no longer obeying fontconfig rules. How do I fix that? Qt/KDE programs are still obeying fontconfig rules. Thans. | 14:47 |
amichair | kikidee: what is the bug? | 14:47 |
kikidee | mokush: read this https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting | 14:47 |
lordievader | mokush: If it is a KDE issue, the KDE bug tracker. If it is Kubuntu specific launchpad ;) | 14:48 |
lordievader | And we have a new factoid :) | 14:48 |
lordievader | !plasma5 | 14:48 |
ubottu | Kubuntu Plasma 5 is a tech preview. To test it out, see http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-plasma5/daily-live/current/ . If you find a bug, you can also check it with kubuntu-ci images for latest builds. | 14:48 |
kikidee | amichair: I checked with a new profile to see if the configs are causing the trouble, but still the getting connected automatically | 14:49 |
mokush | amichair: lordievader after running sudo systemsettings plasma won't start anymore because it changes the ownership of ~/.cache. you'll get to a black screen when restarting. you have to chown ~/.cache to be able to start up plasma again. | 14:49 |
mokush | I'm guessing this is kubuntu specific. | 14:49 |
lordievader | mokush: Use kdesudo for graphical applications. This is precisely the reason kdesudo exists. | 14:50 |
mokush | lordievader: it's probably going to do the same thing isn't it. since root is running systemsettings? | 14:51 |
amichair | kikidee: u mean still not connecting? well it still might be global config issue (/etc), but I don't know enough about network config to pinpoint where it is (if it is indeed config) | 14:51 |
lordievader | mokush: No, kdesudo is nicer to these kinds of rights. | 14:51 |
mokush | lordievader: either way, it's still an issue and should be fixed right? either in plasma upstream or in kubuntu. you can't ruin your entire system just by running systemsettings as root | 14:52 |
lordievader | mokush: No, it ain't a bug. | 14:53 |
lordievader | mokush: Use kdesudo for graphical applications. | 14:53 |
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amichair | how do I further analyze this log: "dbus[813]: [system] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1" ? | 14:54 |
BluesKaj | amichair, just remove modem manager, you don't need it] | 14:56 |
amichair | BluesKaj: that one's NetworkManager | 14:57 |
BluesKaj | nope modem-manager] | 14:57 |
BluesKaj | if it's installed of course | 14:57 |
kikidee | amichair: If you like file a bug report. I can't find a bug report relating to this issue | 14:58 |
amichair | kikidee: ok | 14:58 |
BluesKaj | amichair, I'm not talking about the error you posted I'm repeating what I suggested earlier | 14:59 |
amichair | BluesKaj: ah, ok | 14:59 |
kikidee | BluesKaj: who is working on the ubiquity installer? | 15:00 |
BluesKaj | kikidee, dunno | 15:00 |
amichair | BluesKaj: rebooted after purgin modemmanager, still no go. I guess that was a false lead. | 15:04 |
amichair | it just happened to ba adjacent in syslog :-) | 15:04 |
BluesKaj | amichair, at least that's eliminated | 15:05 |
amichair | yep | 15:05 |
BluesKaj | amichair, alt+f2 kdesudo kate /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state , pastebin the text please | 15:08 |
rcw2 | when i unlock my encrypted drive through dolphin it asks if i want to store the password for next session. where is that stored then? is a lot of security forfeighted? | 15:42 |
andy123 | rcw2: look in kdewallet, I guess it should be there. I am not sure how safe it is | 15:46 |
andy123 | its called kwallet | 15:46 |
amichair | BluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/fKPMW8tv | 16:03 |
BluesKaj | amichair, change WWANEnabled=false, to WWANEnabled=true then save the file | 16:05 |
amichair | BluesKaj: is that wireless? | 16:06 |
BluesKaj | yes , but it could be turning the internet gateway access off for network manager ...it's enabled my ethernet connected desktop so default is most likely enabled | 16:10 |
BluesKaj | amichair__,^ | 16:10 |
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Luzifer9999 | Hey there I have a problem, I upgraded my Kubuntu 14.04 to 14.10 today and after rebooting my notebook I just get a black screen. Notebook is a Dell Vostro 3550 with ati graphics. | 16:31 |
adam1325674 | try run kubuntu without quiet and splash options in grub menu | 16:32 |
adam1325674 | you will see messages and errors | 16:33 |
BluesKaj | !nomodeset | Luzifer9999 | 16:34 |
ubottu | Luzifer9999: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 16:34 |
amichair | BluesKaj: changed to true, rebooted, no difference | 16:55 |
Waffl3x | I want to do this, or atleast find out how possible it is to do this, but the instructions are for windows http://www.teamviewer.com/en/res/pdf/TeamViewer-Manual-Wake-on-LAN-en.pdf | 16:56 |
BluesKaj | amichair, is there any output from. sudo dhclient -r eth0 && sudo dhclient eth0 , ? | 17:02 |
amichair | BluesKaj: same error as before about sendmail and resolvconf | 17:03 |
amichair | (this is while the network is running) | 17:03 |
BluesKaj | using sendmail? , and pastebin /etc/resolv.conf | 17:04 |
hadi | Does anybody know, that if the package Orca exists in Kubuntu live DVD? | 17:20 |
rydhwan | Hi all | 17:30 |
lordievader | o/ | 17:30 |
rydhwan | fresh install plasma 5 works fine but ram consum + 1000 mo | 17:32 |
BluesKaj | !plasma 5 | 17:32 |
rydhwan | yes | 17:32 |
BluesKaj | !plasma5 | 17:32 |
ubottu | Kubuntu Plasma 5 is a tech preview. To test it out, see http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-plasma5/daily-live/current/ . If you find a bug, you can also check it with kubuntu-ci images for latest builds. | 17:32 |
Waffl3x | does anyone know what repo wine1.7 is in? | 17:33 |
Waffl3x | nevermind | 17:34 |
Waffl3x | I found something to help | 17:34 |
Waffl3x | googled harder | 17:34 |
BluesKaj | !wine | 17:35 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 17:35 |
Waffl3x | I actually found this https://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu | 17:36 |
bennypr0fane | Hello, I'm trying ton run this Java application from a shell script, but it gives me this error: http://pastie.org/9675197 | 17:42 |
bennypr0fane | "Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK. It is currently set to "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre" This seems to be the correct path, no? If it's not, how can I fix this? | 17:43 |
amichair | BluesKaj: I opened bug #1385709. Thanks for trying though :-) | 17:46 |
ubottu | bug 1385709 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "network-manager service doesn't start at boot time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1385709 | 17:46 |
BluesKaj | amichair, I asked you to pastebin /etc/resolv.conf | 17:49 |
Waffl3x | how do I run a .run file? | 17:53 |
Waffl3x | trying to install teamspeak | 17:53 |
BluesKaj | ./nameoffile.run | 17:54 |
Walex | Waffl3x: usually running an installer is a bad idea, but usually they must be made executable, e.g.: chmod +x ./file.run; ./file.run | 17:54 |
Waffl3x | right I forgot about that | 17:54 |
amichair | BluesKaj: oh, must have missed that during a reboot. it has two nameservers in it (the gateway address and, and that's it. | 17:55 |
BluesKaj | or click on file prperties and check executable | 17:55 |
lordievader | !info teamspeak | 17:56 |
ubottu | Package teamspeak does not exist in utopic | 17:56 |
lordievader | !info teamspeak trusty | 17:56 |
ubottu | Package teamspeak does not exist in trusty | 17:57 |
BluesKaj | http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads | 17:58 |
Waffl3x | oh good wine is finished installing | 18:00 |
Waffl3x | now just to learn how to use it | 18:00 |
BluesKaj | Waffl3x, join #winehq | 18:03 |
Waffl3x | I did | 18:03 |
Waffl3x | I have nothing to ask yet | 18:03 |
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Waffl3x | I just accidently downloaded dropbox for server I think | 18:09 |
Waffl3x | :( | 18:09 |
lordievader | Waffl3x: Dropbox supplies both in their package, the deamon and the gui. | 18:09 |
Waffl3x | I downloaded it like this | 18:09 |
Waffl3x | cd ~ && wget -O - "https://www.dropbox.com/download?plat=lnx.x86_64" | tar xzf - | 18:09 |
Waffl3x | was that incorrect? | 18:09 |
lordievader | No. | 18:09 |
Waffl3x | okay good | 18:10 |
Waffl3x | I bet you're getting tired of my daily newbie questions | 18:10 |
lordievader | If I would I wouldn't be here ;) | 18:10 |
Waffl3x | :D | 18:10 |
Waffl3x | so, im thinking now, is dropbox really the best program for what I want | 18:11 |
Waffl3x | I just want to sync some files between my laptop and pc | 18:11 |
lordievader | Waffl3x: Checkout rsync, man rsync | 18:11 |
Waffl3x | this looks good | 18:12 |
Waffl3x | how do I uninstall dropbox now | 18:12 |
BluesKaj | dropbox is ok, but gmail for sharing files and media with family is what we do now...more cpacity for free | 18:13 |
Waffl3x | thats not what I want to do | 18:13 |
Waffl3x | hmm | 18:14 |
Waffl3x | lordievader: does rsync work on lan? | 18:14 |
lordievader | Waffl3x: It even works over the internet (ssh). | 18:14 |
Waffl3x | but I want to configure it for lan | 18:16 |
Waffl3x | because my internet is slow | 18:16 |
Waffl3x | also | 18:17 |
Waffl3x | does it work automatically? or do you activate it and it syncs | 18:17 |
lordievader | Waffl3x: It is a manual operation, but I suppose you can script it. | 18:17 |
Waffl3x | when I learn it I will probably set up something | 18:18 |
Waffl3x | something like | 18:18 |
Waffl3x | when my laptop connects to the network | 18:18 |
Waffl3x | and | 18:18 |
Waffl3x | something else idk yet | 18:18 |
Waffl3x | :) | 18:18 |
lordievader | Waffl3x: For example or every 2 hours or so... Whatever you want ;) | 18:19 |
Waffl3x | so, how do I uninstall drop box?> | 18:19 |
lordievader | Waffl3x: If that earlier command was all you did: rm -r .dropbox-dist | 18:20 |
Waffl3x | I think ill set up rsync later | 18:21 |
Waffl3x | want to help me install some games, or shall I go to winehq for that | 18:21 |
lordievader | Waffl3x: You don't have to set it up, that is the great thing. You just have to use it. | 18:21 |
Waffl3x | neat | 18:21 |
Waffl3x | well, using it is setting it up a little | 18:21 |
Waffl3x | oh | 18:22 |
Waffl3x | I would have to script if I wanted to configure it huh? | 18:22 |
lordievader | Not for single-shot usage. | 18:23 |
Waffl3x | thats what I mean | 18:23 |
Waffl3x | if I wanted to do the same folder I would have to do a little scripting | 18:24 |
Waffl3x | which I dont mind | 18:24 |
Waffl3x | so, shall I head off to winehq to get help installing osu and league of legends? | 18:25 |
lordievader | Waffl3x: Read the man page anyhow, it will answer lots of questions. | 18:25 |
Waffl3x | the main page of rsync? | 18:26 |
Waffl3x | there isnt much here http://rsync.samba.org/ | 18:26 |
lordievader | Waffl3x: No the manual page: man rsync | 18:26 |
Waffl3x | oih | 18:26 |
Waffl3x | oh | 18:26 |
Waffl3x | that makes more sense | 18:26 |
Waffl3x | ill make sure to read it after | 18:27 |
Waffl3x | lordievader: winehq is dead | 18:29 |
Waffl3x | so say im copying an entire program | 18:29 |
Waffl3x | do I have to put it in .wine or can I put it anywhere | 18:29 |
Waffl3x | actually .wine doesnt exist | 18:30 |
Waffl3x | why doesnt it exist | 18:30 |
Waffl3x | :| | 18:30 |
lordievader | Waffl3x: I don't use Wine. Imo it ain't a solution to the problem. | 18:33 |
Waffl3x | I agree, but what else do I do | 18:34 |
lordievader | Simple, dual boot. | 18:34 |
Waffl3x | what is playonlinux btw | 18:34 |
BluesKaj | !playonlinux | 18:37 |
BluesKaj | hmm | 18:37 |
Waffl3x | lordievader: theres one problem I have with dual booting as a solution, I dont want to have to reboot every time I want to play a game that doesnt work on linux | 18:38 |
BluesKaj | https://www.playonlinux.com/en/ , Waffl3x | 18:38 |
Waffl3x | BluesKaj: I have the link, im wondering what it actually is | 18:39 |
Waffl3x | how does it work | 18:39 |
Waffl3x | I partly answered the question myself | 18:39 |
Waffl3x | it looks like it just bundles wine with games | 18:39 |
lordievader | Waffl3x: That's the downside, true. That is why I like to have multiple pc's, I try to have dedicated pc's :) | 18:39 |
naftilos76 | Hi, is there a repo to upgrade the kubuntu 14.04 to the latest KDE? | 18:40 |
Waffl3x | for example lordievader, I play osu when Im waiting on a queue in dota, I wouldnt reboot to wait on a queue for dota, because I cant | 18:40 |
lordievader | naftilos76: The Kubuntu Backports repo should do that. | 18:41 |
lordievader | Waffl3x: I don't play games often, that makes it easier. | 18:41 |
Waffl3x | indeed | 18:41 |
Waffl3x | im transitioning off games I think, but I still play them often | 18:41 |
Walex | Waffl3x: as to bundling Wine with games, the semi-commercial version of Wine called Crossover works pretty decently with many non-native games. | 18:46 |
Waffl3x | like better than wine? | 18:47 |
Waffl3x | walex I meant, thats what playonlinux looks like | 18:48 |
Waffl3x | Walex: do I have to put windows programs in the .wine directory, or can they be anyway | 18:49 |
Waffl3x | anywhere | 18:49 |
BluesKaj | my experience with wine was when opening an .exe file it's liked to wine and then it lauches the app | 18:51 |
BluesKaj | linked | 18:51 |
BluesKaj | but I haven't used wine in many yrs :P | 18:51 |
Waffl3x | okay ty | 18:52 |
Waffl3x | I saw 1 guide that said to put it somewhere in .wine or it wouldnt work | 18:52 |
Waffl3x | even when I read it it didnt make sense to me | 18:52 |
naftilos76 | lordievader: thanks man | 18:54 |
Waffl3x | k so | 19:01 |
Waffl3x | I tryed to install something through wine | 19:02 |
Waffl3x | its hanging | 19:02 |
Waffl3x | how do I stop it | 19:02 |
Waffl3x | :( | 19:02 |
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dolomite | Waffl3x find the process in Konsole by typing 'ps -u user' replacing user with your username | 19:06 |
dolomite | Waffl3x depending on what the process is called this may or may not be straight forward | 19:06 |
MangaKaDenza | ksysguard | 19:07 |
Waffl3x | dolomite what do I do when I think I found the program? | 19:21 |
Waffl3x | http://paste.kde.org/perm30ba3 | 19:22 |
Waffl3x | how do I force close a hanging program? | 19:26 |
andy123 | Waffl3x: you can use the PID to kill the process | 19:31 |
Waffl3x | I wasn't sure of the command | 19:31 |
Waffl3x | so kill is the command | 19:31 |
andy123 | kill <PID> | 19:31 |
andy123 | kill -9 <PID> to force quit | 19:31 |
lordievader | kill -9 should be avoided!!! | 19:32 |
Waffl3x | what is kill -9? | 19:35 |
andy123 | it forces the process to quit, BUT as lordievader said | 19:35 |
andy123 | its dangerous, e.g. if the program is just writing a file, the file may be corrupted | 19:35 |
Waffl3x | well | 19:35 |
Waffl3x | I got lol to launch | 19:36 |
Waffl3x | but its just a black screen | 19:36 |
lordievader | Also it doesn't allow a process to quit cleanly. Might be troublesome the next time the program is loaded. | 19:36 |
andy123 | what is lol? | 19:37 |
Waffl3x | league of legends | 19:37 |
andy123 | did it run successfully previously? | 19:38 |
Waffl3x | andy123: negative | 19:39 |
Waffl3x | this is the first time im trying to get it to work | 19:39 |
Waffl3x | its probably just a driver problem, how do you update drivers in kubuntu? | 19:39 |
passante | irc://irc.openjoke.org/0dayz | 19:40 |
andy123 | this can have multiple causes. you might be able to obtain help in the game forum | 19:41 |
Waffl3x | I doubt that | 19:42 |
Waffl3x | how do I update drivers | 19:42 |
Waffl3x | I want to try that first | 19:42 |
andy123 | what graphics card? | 19:42 |
skierpage | Hey, I got a nice notification "System update available An update is available for your system", but nothing happens when I click on it. Is it supposed to open Muon, or link to a release note, or something? | 19:42 |
Waffl3x | darn | 19:42 |
Waffl3x | I forget | 19:42 |
andy123 | you can find out easily | 19:42 |
Waffl3x | how? | 19:42 |
skierpage | I want to report it as a bug, but I don't know what package it's in. | 19:44 |
skierpage | http://i.imgur.com/anflVdv.png | 19:44 |
andy123 | this dialog is typically bugged | 19:45 |
andy123 | you can update with the terminal | 19:45 |
andy123 | sudo apt-get update | 19:45 |
andy123 | sudo apt-get upgrade | 19:46 |
Waffl3x | andy123: I have the asus gtx 560 | 19:47 |
skierpage | andy123: sure, or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UtopicUpgrades/Kubuntu . Now the notification dialog has gone away, maybe it really is just a static alert with no "Click here for next step" | 19:47 |
andy123 | Waffl3x: after updating, you can use the KDE menu and search "driver" | 19:49 |
andy123 | you should find something like "Driver management software" | 19:49 |
andy123 | if you're lucky, your graphics card is listed there | 19:50 |
Waffl3x | do update and upgrade? | 19:51 |
skierpage | or maybe there's no next step in the dialog because my Software Sources > Updates > "Show new distribution releases" was set to "Long term support releases only". Anyway, it's off and running : | 19:52 |
andy123 | Waffl3x: to see if skierpage is correct, you can still use the terminal update and upgrade commands | 19:53 |
andy123 | first update, then upgrade (or dist-upgrade) | 19:54 |
skierpage | andy123, Waffl3x I'm reporting bugs with the process, not asking for help 8-) | 19:54 |
skierpage | Now that I'm in the middle of Distribution Upgrade, I have both a system notification and a Muon notification inviting me to do what I'm already doing :) | 19:56 |
andy123 | I know that behavoir... I dont trust this graphical updater | 19:57 |
andy123 | it sometimes hides important information | 19:57 |
andy123 | Waffl3x: did you do both update and upgrade? | 19:58 |
Waffl3x | yes | 19:58 |
Waffl3x | im changing to another driver right now | 19:58 |
andy123 | now look for sometzhing like "Driver management software" | 19:58 |
andy123 | Waffl3x: great. You will need a reboot (or at least, Xserver restart) | 20:00 |
skierpage | andy123: YMMV, the graphical updater hs worked for me for 10 straight releases since 9.04. I've had the same enhancement requests (doesn't say where it logs, you can't copy and paste, don't press Ctrl-C in the Details window) for 5 years... | 20:03 |
Waffl3x | andy123: is there a way to check if I have a program installed | 20:03 |
Waffl3x | https://bitbucket.org/Xargoth/tuxlol/wiki/Home | 20:03 |
Waffl3x | this says I need mono | 20:03 |
andy123 | type mono in terminal | 20:04 |
Waffl3x | should I install it with apt-get or from the website? | 20:04 |
andy123 | apt-get or graphical package manager | 20:04 |
Waffl3x | okay | 20:05 |
Waffl3x | I just accidently uninstalled my graphics drivers I think | 20:05 |
Waffl3x | http://paste.kde.org/p6pxicbd2 | 20:06 |
andy123 | something in mono-runtime conflicts with the driver nvidia-331 | 20:07 |
andy123 | sudo apt-get install nvidia-331 | 20:07 |
skierpage | I love the list of Upgrades to packages I never knew I had, "whiptail" and "whoopsie" ? | 20:08 |
andy123 | skierpage: I didnt know these commands | 20:09 |
Waffl3x | http://paste.kde.org/porroulkf andy123 I couldnt paste it as text for some reason so ignore the syntax | 20:09 |
Waffl3x | what do I do now/ | 20:09 |
Waffl3x | ? | 20:09 |
andy123 | you cant uninstall the driver in use, I guess | 20:10 |
andy123 | try to reinstall it | 20:10 |
andy123 | sudo apt-get install nvidia-331 | 20:10 |
Waffl3x | what? | 20:10 |
Waffl3x | mono or the driver?] | 20:10 |
andy123 | driver | 20:10 |
Waffl3x | what command? | 20:10 |
Waffl3x | sudo apt-get install nvidia331? | 20:11 |
andy123 | sudo apt-get install nvidia-331 | 20:11 |
andy123 | this should work. Where does it say your game needs mono? | 20:11 |
Waffl3x | https://bitbucket.org/Xargoth/tuxlol/wiki/Home | 20:11 |
Waffl3x | the patch for the game needs it | 20:11 |
Waffl3x | http://paste.kde.org/pvtplyxue | 20:12 |
Waffl3x | what now? | 20:12 |
Waffl3x | try to install mono again? | 20:13 |
andy123 | I'd install mono first and apply the patch | 20:13 |
andy123 | then install the driver nvidia-331 | 20:13 |
Waffl3x | im confuzzled | 20:14 |
Waffl3x | why does mono conflict with the graphics driver | 20:14 |
Waffl3x | brb let me restart computer | 20:14 |
andy123 | Waffl3x: thats a good question, I dont know. | 20:14 |
Waffl3x_ | ohhhkay | 20:18 |
Waffl3x_ | I have problems | 20:18 |
andy123 | Waffl3x: ? | 20:18 |
Waffl3x_ | the corner of my screen is stuck with a past image | 20:19 |
Waffl3x_ | steam is crashing | 20:19 |
Waffl3x_ | and idk what else | 20:19 |
andy123 | something is wrong with the grahpics driver | 20:20 |
Waffl3x_ | uninstall it reinstall it? | 20:20 |
andy123 | I'd first apply the patch to the game | 20:20 |
andy123 | if possible | 20:21 |
Waffl3x_ | I dont have mono installed | 20:21 |
andy123 | try to install mono-runtime | 20:21 |
andy123 | sudo apt-get install mono-runtime | 20:21 |
Waffl3x_ | well | 20:21 |
Waffl3x_ | I think mono is installing | 20:22 |
Waffl3x_ | yep | 20:22 |
andy123 | Waffl3x_: I'm not sure this mono will work though | 20:22 |
andy123 | on kubuntu 14.04, mono is version 3.2.8 | 20:22 |
andy123 | https://bitbucket.org/Xargoth/tuxlol/wiki/Home says it needs 2.10.X | 20:23 |
Waffl3x_ | ugh | 20:23 |
Waffl3x_ | why didnt you say so | 20:23 |
andy123 | hmm just found out ^^ | 20:23 |
Waffl3x_ | ill try it | 20:24 |
andy123 | oyu can try it anyways | 20:24 |
andy123 | it may be backwards compatible | 20:24 |
Waffl3x_ | but first im reinstalling nvidia-331 | 20:24 |
andy123 | then your mono is gone I think | 20:24 |
Waffl3x_ | maybe | 20:24 |
Waffl3x_ | we will see | 20:24 |
Waffl3x_ | restarting | 20:25 |
Waffl3x | mono still installed | 20:28 |
andy123 | Waffl3x: yes, but I think you have a half-installed package | 20:30 |
Waffl3x | possibly | 20:30 |
andy123 | sudo apt-get check | 20:30 |
Waffl3x | looks good | 20:31 |
andy123 | I'm not a 100% sure this command will show half installed packages | 20:31 |
andy123 | Waffl3x: I'd run the mono commands on https://bitbucket.org/Xargoth/tuxlol/wiki/Home first | 20:32 |
Waffl3x | okay lol is not launching at all | 20:32 |
andy123 | you need ot apply the patches I think | 20:33 |
andy123 | https://bitbucket.org/Xargoth/tuxlol/wiki/Home | 20:33 |
Waffl3x | it was launching before | 20:33 |
Waffl3x | got it to work | 20:33 |
andy123 | how so? | 20:33 |
Waffl3x | how so what? | 20:33 |
andy123 | how did you get it to work suddenly | 20:33 |
Waffl3x | how did I get it to launch or how was it launching before/? | 20:33 |
Waffl3x | well | 20:34 |
Waffl3x | I opened another | 20:34 |
Waffl3x | because it checks if theres an instance of it running | 20:34 |
andy123 | fine | 20:34 |
Waffl3x | it then asked me if I wanted to close it | 20:34 |
andy123 | Waffl3x: does the game run now? | 20:37 |
andy123 | I need to leave soon | 20:37 |
Waffl3x | no | 20:38 |
Waffl3x | looks like you were right | 20:38 |
Waffl3x | mono is busted | 20:38 |
Waffl3x | http://paste.kde.org/p6jgngbm7 | 20:38 |
andy123 | Waffl3x: This is probably due to the wrong mono version | 20:39 |
Waffl3x | okay | 20:39 |
andy123 | I cant guarantee this, though | 20:40 |
Waffl3x | how do I download the older mono? | 20:40 |
andy123 | its not an easy task | 20:41 |
Waffl3x | how so | 20:41 |
andy123 | mono has a lot of dependencies which are probably too new on Kubuntu 14.04 | 20:42 |
andy123 | I dont recommend trying to install it, (if you dont know what you are doing) | 20:43 |
andy123 | it probably involves compiling and resolving dependencies yourself | 20:43 |
Waffl3x | so what do I do? | 20:43 |
andy123 | I'd try to contact the author of https://bitbucket.org/Xargoth/tuxlol/wiki/Home | 20:44 |
andy123 | this wiki entry is more than 1 year old | 20:44 |
andy123 | Waffl3x: I'm sorry, there is not much more I can do | 20:46 |
Waffl3x | yeah | 20:47 |
Waffl3x | thank you | 20:47 |
andy123 | you're welcome | 20:47 |
andy123 | Waffl3x: you can use "sudo apt-get upgrade" to see if a package is half-installed | 20:50 |
andy123 | I'd fix this as soon as possible, because it prevents system upgrades | 20:51 |
Waffl3x | I uninstalled mono | 20:52 |
andy123 | mono-runtime? | 20:52 |
Waffl3x | yeah | 20:52 |
Waffl3x | also | 20:52 |
Waffl3x | I googled | 20:52 |
Waffl3x | no one has my problem | 20:52 |
Waffl3x | I find that strange | 20:53 |
Waffl3x | maybe I just try using wine 1.6 | 20:53 |
andy123 | when I search for LoL on Linux, I get very long guides how to make it run | 20:53 |
andy123 | typically, these guides are badly tested and break from version to version... | 20:53 |
andy123 | so "sudo apt-get upgrade" does not list half installed packages? | 20:54 |
Waffl3x | http://paste.kde.org/pxcww9hoz | 20:55 |
andy123 | Waffl3x: Great, all ok. You can use "sudo apt-get autoremove" to clean the unrequired package | 20:56 |
andy123 | I need to go now, see ya and be careful not to break your system trying to install that game (that happened to me once to often) | 20:57 |
=== lolz is now known as Guest9114 | ||
rodolfojcj | hi! | 23:28 |
rodolfojcj | just updated my kubuntu pc from trusty to utopic | 23:28 |
rodolfojcj | in the surface very little changes | 23:28 |
rodolfojcj | I hope some kded4 bugs have been solved underneath (kded4 is a cpu hog) | 23:29 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest98401 | ||
ap0c | is kde4 lightdm? | 23:49 |
valorie | ap0c: no, *buntu uses lightdm | 23:50 |
valorie | we (kubuntu) are moving to SDDM along with KDE though | 23:50 |
valorie | I moved all my boxes to it when I upgraded to 14.10 | 23:51 |
valorie | the upgrade was a bit buggy in that regard; I had to uninstall lightdm or I got a black screen | 23:51 |
ap0c | I'm probably going to wait until the next LTS for an upgrade | 23:51 |
valorie | and in the case of this laptop, had to uninstall KDM as well! | 23:52 |
ap0c | I like stability over bleeding edge personally | 23:52 |
valorie | I like testing | 23:52 |
ap0c | I would test if I had a box to test on, but this is my only computer really | 23:52 |
valorie | and giving feedback to the devels | 23:52 |
valorie | I hear ya | 23:52 |
ap0c | if I want to test, it's in a VM ^ | 23:52 |
valorie | VMs aren't always accurate though | 23:52 |
ap0c | but VM doesn't really work hardware the same as a full install, so my feedback isn't as useful | 23:52 |
valorie | if it will run in a vm great | 23:52 |
valorie | if it doesnt, you never really know why | 23:53 |
ap0c | it's usually slower in a VM no matter what since it's an emulator | 23:53 |
valorie | exactly | 23:53 |
ap0c | which always turns me off from using them | 23:53 |
valorie | that's why I keep old laptops around | 23:53 |
valorie | for testing | 23:53 |
ap0c | though I may use a VM to see what Arch is like without installing it | 23:56 |
ap0c | and just install it in a VM to go through the process | 23:57 |
valorie | probably good for learning the nuts and bolts | 23:57 |
valorie | lots of fiddling possible | 23:57 |
* valorie goes out for the evening | 23:57 | |
wafflej0ck | ap0c: arch is like a terminal before you do anything :P | 23:57 |
ap0c | ik wafflej0ck , you have to manually install X and your DE | 23:58 |
ap0c | manually configure everything | 23:58 |
wafflej0ck | ap0c: you could check out manjaro if you want to just take a look though without doing all the setup first time through | 23:58 |
wafflej0ck | er antegros I think is another | 23:58 |
wafflej0ck | I would like to do the full arch setup too though for the sake of learning | 23:58 |
wafflej0ck | fill in the gaps on what I know right now | 23:59 |
ap0c | I might stay with Kubuntu for awhile, I rather like it | 23:59 |
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