
windyyyyyyyyHow do I use a live Lubuntu cd to retrieve a document on a dead windows hard drive01:34
lublubulubumy windows computer HDD dies=d, i need to retrieve a paper i wrote, its in my documents on s drive, i have booted the lubuntu cd and is running live now, how do i get into windows c drive and get that document01:36
ianorlinnext to the menu at the botom right there is something is an icon like a folder in the quick launch area01:38
ianorlinthen in places there will be the parition for the hard drive01:38
lublubulubuok ill look01:38
lublubulubuone sec01:38
windyyyyyyyyThere's nothing called places01:39
lublubulubuno places/??01:39
lublubulubuwe are same guy hes helping me01:40
lublubulubui se ethe folder by startim in it01:40
lublubulubudo i mount that laarge HDD i see?01:40
windyyyyyyyydo i mount the large volume hard drive?01:41
lublubulubuill look01:44
ianorlinbut if the hard drive is bad it could just be broken01:45
lublubulubui dont dee any 640 gb hdd yet01:45
lublubulubuHDD is bad01:45
lublubulubui tested it01:45
Ahmuckwhat does this command do?  [ -x /usr/bin/numlockx ] && numlockx on03:02
Ahmuckacutally, what are the brackets for?03:02
holsteinAhmuck: is this from a web source? a page?03:05
holsteinyou are trying to enable numberlock at boot?03:05
Ahmuckdoes lubuntu honor /etc/local.rc ?03:11
Ahmuckupon startup?03:11
holsteinAhmuck: honor?03:12
holsteinwhat are you adding there? and how? and what is happening?03:12
Ahmucknumlockx on03:13
Ahmuckit's not starting03:13
Ahmuckxinput set-prop 13 "Device Enabled" 003:13
Ahmuckit's not disabling the touchpad03:13
holsteinAhmuck: so, you are trying to autostart numlockx at boot? to be on for the greeter? lightdm? and also, you are trying to disable the touchpad at some point as well?03:14
Ahmucki've seen lightdm but the documentation i found indicated i could do it via /etc/rc.local.03:16
Ahmuckyes, start numlock and disable touchpad upon startup03:16
Ahmuckis there a startup map (graphical - ie, dia) of how lubuntu starts up, the processes and the commands it is executing?03:16
Ahmuckon the web?03:17
holsteinAhmuck: its the same as most linux03:18
holsteinAhmuck: but, i dont think thats the issue.. you can choose another more simple script to autostart and see that its working.. i think you'll find the jargon is probably responsible for your issue03:18
holsteini'll test the commands when possible right in the terminal and see that they work..03:19
Ahmuckas most ?  how is it different?  where would I find the differences documented?03:19
Ahmuckthe jargon?03:19
Ahmuckit's from ubuntu's websites03:19
Ahmuckwant the links?03:19
holsteinAhmuck: if you think it would help a volunteer better assist you, sure03:19
holsteinAhmuck: here is what you are looking for https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto03:22
Ahmuckbtw, the new battery icon notification in systray is awesomeness03:23
Ahmuckin 14.1003:24
Ahmuckso /etc/rc.local is ignored?03:25
Ahmuckbattery systray info is so awesome i wish i had something like that for every hardware device03:27
* Ahmuck found upstart documenation03:27
Ahmuckthx holstein03:27
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock is laying out what to add to lightdm..03:28
holsteinsudo sed -i 's|^exit 0.*$|# Numlock enable\n[ -x /usr/bin/numlockx ] \&\& numlockx on\n\nexit 0|' /etc/rc.local03:28
Ahmuckyes, tried that as well in rc.local03:28
Ahmuckwhy so many config docs for the same thing?03:28
holsteinthen, add "greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/numlockx on" to /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-unity-greeter.conf03:28
holsteinAhmuck: cruft? laziness.. lack of supporters and contributors.. differing opinions.. lack of cleanup of old documentation.. maybe other things as well03:29
AhmuckIF "numlockx on" works in bootup it's the simpler method03:29
holsteinAhmuck: did you try what i laid out above?03:30
Ahmuckis programming that hard?03:30
holsteinAhmuck: i dont do programming.. its not trivial..03:30
Ahmuckthe UbuntuBootupHowto or the docs on LightDM and NumLock?03:30
Ahmuckthe numlock seems like a simple solution ... install numlockx by defualt and provide a simple gui to turn it on via keyboard/mouse that is in the menu03:31
Ahmuckmaybee i'll take a look at it :)03:31
holsteinAhmuck: might be that in main ubuntu.. not sure03:31
Ahmuckmain ubuntu does have something like that03:31
holsteinthe wiki's are publically editable. but, have you tried what i laid out above?03:32
holsteinAhmuck: lubuntu *is* ubuntu.. and using lightdm as well03:32
Ahmuckno, i've not.  i will.  it will probally work.  i'd rather do it old school via BootUp03:32
Ahmuckand init scripts03:32
* Ahmuck looks up docs on LightDM03:32
holsteinAhmuck: i see not ubuntu guide for that03:32
holsteinen.kioskea is not an ubuntu source03:32
holstein/usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-unity-greeter.conf  states In Ubuntu 14.04 the above methods of running numlockx don't work. It can be run by changing configuration of LightDM display manager. Edit /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-unity-greeter.conf file and add the following line at the end03:33
holsteini would expect that to be the same in 14.10..03:33
Ahmuckok, lightdm is the default greeter, however i'm looking at enabling and disabling these items before the gui03:33
holsteinAhmuck: at the greeter.. numberlock.. correct?03:34
Ahmuckbut yes, i will try your command though I may drop back to the boot up option03:34
Ahmucki actually want the numlock upon bootup.  before the greeter03:35
holsteinAhmuck: its not "my" command.. though... its just what i read from the link you gave that best first your scenario03:35
Ahmuckyes, i know03:35
Ahmuckwere good03:35
Ahmuckseems i'm not the only one wanting to know more about boot up proceedure03:36
holsteinAhmuck: you can link them the documentation..03:37
holstein"Do not expect to be able to learn it all overnight - it takes years to become an expert. I would suggest you start by reading the scripts in /etc/init.d/ and playing around with starting and stopping them" is also great advice from the page you linked03:38
Ahmuckholstein: yes, however the touchpad, numlock, etc. the past has never been a problem until recently03:41
holsteinAhmuck: sure.. the guide i read states that things are different in 14.04 specifically03:41
holsteinthings are changing.. qt, gtk, init.. things change03:41
holstein12.04 is still supported though.. if you wanted to install it and just lxde, and not lubuntu-desktop.. you can have repo support for kernels and patches for a few more years with that..03:42
Ahmuck"In Ubuntu 14.04 the above methods of running numlockx don't work." - do you know why?03:43
holsteinAhmuck: becuase things have changed.. i know not the details of those changes..03:44
holsteinAhmuck: i would imagine init..03:44
Ahmuckso i tried your recomendations, which were a copy of what was in the documenation (before arriving here, as i just checked those files and they have those commands in them) and it's still broke.  this makes me wonder where it's getting it's startup info from ... however i will double check everything here in the next 10, reboot and come back03:47
holsteinwell, nothing is "broke"03:48
holsteini would recheck the jargon and files..03:48
SachiruUpgrading from 14.04 to 14.10, now my password isn't accepted. What gives?05:54
Unban_MeOh i am unbanned here09:15
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halexander9000Hey guys, could someone please help me figure out why Alsa is not outputting any sound, and if I need to install Pulseaudio instead?12:08
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=== RedDeath is now known as Guest63481
Richhhhow to get window position snapping in 14.04?22:19
Richhhsomeone said it is possible with compiz etc22:20
AhmuckRichhh: areo snap22:21
Richhhok thanks22:25
Sk2dhey I've installe lubuntu 14.10 encrypted with lvm on my toshibar 550d laptop. Everything worked but I now restarted my pc and I am unabeld to use the keyboard on the first try to enter my passphrase for decryption ctrl+alt+del reboots my system now there is ugly interface to enter my password this works but than my touchpad does not work.22:44
phillwSk2d: did you read the release notes?22:47
Sk2dphillw: I used swap-off to install22:50
phillwSk2d: did you read the release notes? beacuse your answer is there. That is why they are made.22:51
Sk2dhm ok I will check i just overfly them22:52
phillwDo not, they are written for a good reason. :)22:52
Sk2dcant find anython on lubuntu release notes will noch chek ubuntu release notes22:55
phillwSk2d: try the release notes mentioned at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu22:57
Sk2dI looked on lubuntu.com22:58
phillwSk2d: the wiki area is what matters, follow that link I have given you. ^^22:59
Sk2dfounds https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/138385122:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 1383851 in linux (Ubuntu) "Cannot enter LVM encryption password in qemu with -vga std" [Medium,Confirmed]22:59
phillwSk2d: and you have also founf the work around... would have been much less painfull for you if you read the release notes. We document all the known bugs.23:01
Sk2dbut I still cant find this link on your links23:01
phillwSk2d: it is a generic ubuntu bug23:02
Sk2dfound it here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseNotes#Kernel on my frist try I did not see that this was under known issues ...23:02
phillwour notes point back to them23:03
Sk2dfix release means apt-get upgrade will install this? or do I have to wait for some confirmation?23:05
Sk2dand will this fix the problem that my touchpad now does not work?23:06
phillwSk2d: only you can confirm that23:09
phillwas my touchpad works fine I cannot test23:10
ianorlinRichhh: press windows key plus left and right23:16
Sk2darg I did uppdate and upgrade befor shutting down today23:17
Sk2dso why do I still have the bug now?23:17
phillwSk2d: if you have a bug marked fix released, then23:21
phillwsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade23:21
phillw(with  the accept) followed by a reboot should solve that bug. If it does not, state that the bug is not fixed.23:21
Sk2dhm I am really sure I did this but I am currently unabeld to get a connection without using my mouse to stupid to connect to wlan via terminal so I will test it agaon tomorrow when I will have a usb-mouse (which seems to work on live lubuntu where I had the the same problem with my touchpad)23:24
Sk2dbut thanks23:24
phillwSk2d: bugs are crazy at times :)23:35
Sk2dnext time I need to figure out when the perfect time for upgrade is, maybe wait for the first big bugfix time.23:38
phillwSk2d:  I start with the 1st alpha 1... stable, but bugs to be found. :)23:42
Richhhianorlin: oh wow23:45
Richhhianorlin: thanks23:45

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