
=== ccarella is now known as ccar_away
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=== ccarella is now known as ccar_away
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella
lindolhi all00:53
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lindolin case of dual monitor, I move to nextworkspace but still content in second monitor . is this correct operation?01:09
Noskcajthanks for the admin membership darkxst05:19
darkxstNoskcaj, np, I will chat again with ricotz about upload rights to the ppa soon as well05:23
darkxstNoskcaj, also if you saw elfy's cc meeting, can you comment on it as well (in favour of re-scheduling to some that works down here!)05:28
NoskcajI'll have a look05:28
Noskcajelfy/forestpiskie should be online in an hour or two, i'll ask him then05:31
darkxstNoskcaj, ok05:31
Noskcajdarkxst, Elfy would like you to email the council asking for a different date/time07:13
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darkxstNoskcaj, ok08:37
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Noskcajdarkxst, ricotz: ty for adding me to the ppa team09:11
darkxstNoskcaj, you should now have upload rights to the ppa's, but please don't upload anything that requires a transition without first checking with ricotz and me09:11
darkxstNoskcaj, thanks for your help!09:21
Andrew____I found a problem in ubuntu gnome 14.1012:26
Andrew____can someone help?12:26
phillipjust ask12:26
Andrew____I have 2 ethernet ports on my pc one is connected to the router, the other I used to share the internet directly to my laptop via a cable12:27
Andrew____I was able to do this on 14.0412:27
Andrew____but not anymore12:28
Andrew____any advice12:28
phillipAndrew____: do you set this up via the network-manger?12:30
Andrew____I used the default gnome app12:31
Andrew____there was an option share to other computers12:32
Andrew____on 14.0412:32
Andrew____but the interface now changed and I tried and could get it to do it12:32
Andrew____In the control panel I used the default app12:34
phillipAndrew____: if you add an connection after you choose ethernet, you can choose shared to other commupters?12:35
phillipunder ipv4 settings?12:36
Andrew____on 14.10 there is only DHCP, manual, only local connecrtion12:38
Andrew____under ipv412:40
phillipdo you use gnome 3.14 or 3.12?12:40
Andrew____on the second ethernet connection12:40
Andrew____its all default install of ubuntu gnome 14.10 so I think its 3.1212:42
phillipyeah, wait a moment (under 3.14 I have that option)12:42
Andrew____In my laptop with 14.04 there is that option on epv412:43
Andrew____so the option dissapeared12:43
Andrew____on 3.1212:43
phillipAndrew____: I have an option Shared to other Computers there12:50
Andrew____on a default install of ubuntu gnome 14.10?12:51
phillipAndrew____: maybe you should reboot your computer, this helps sometimes12:53
Andrew____I have done that and its the same12:53
philliphave you upgraded or is it a fresh installation?12:54
Andrew____fresh install12:54
phillipwell thats weird12:56
Andrew_I have reset both ethernet connections and it didnt solve the problem13:00
Andrew_Any ideas?13:00
Andrew_I have seen that the network manager version is not the latest stable point release on ubuntu 14.1013:07
Andrew_maybe a update could be uploaded?13:07
yannisvWhy is dropbox not working? It won't launch or anything13:11
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