
FinrodI posted messages in the #ubuntu-irc-council channel with respect to the ongoing email problems since August 2021:33
FinrodI came here because no one in that channel has been responding to my messages21:37
FinrodSince the emails have not been working for over 2 months now, I was told to try messaging the council members privately21:39
FinrodWhat is the command to list the names of the ubuntu-irc-council members?21:40
guntbertFinrod: does http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2014/01/03/announcing-the-new-ubuntu-irc-council/  help?21:42
Finrodthanks guntbert21:42
FinrodAlanBell and hggdh, are you aware of my ongoing email problems with respect to the ubuntu irc council since August 20?21:55
FinrodI described the problem and my solution in the #ubuntu-irc-council channel about an hour ago21:56
FinrodI asked for a query of all your emails to me since August 20, with respect to content, dates, sender etc21:59
FinrodAlanBell and hggdh, could you help me, if you please?22:04
Fuchsboth have an idle time of > 1.5 days, they might not be around (it's weekend). But I assume they read backlog, else you can certainly leave them a memo.22:06

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