tds5016 | hi all. I'm running the following script (provisioning a vagrant install) and it appears the repo actually points to an old file, and not the current deb. | 00:41 |
tds5016 | Can someone tell me how I'd either fix that or if there's a better way to isntall cassandra? | 00:42 |
m_anish | Hi. So I have a question. I have two machines with 14.04 server installed, and on both those... load avgs have been linearly increasing over time the past night. I observed them go past 1, 2, 4... and now they are 20+ ... Yet, the cpu usage is barely 2-3% and iotop doesn't show much activity. There's plenty of free RAM and the system in general seems responsive. | 01:12 |
m_anish | How should I diagnose the problem. | 01:12 |
mardraum | m_anish: what do you see in the "top" utility? | 01:21 |
m_anish | mardraum, nothing unusual i think | 01:23 |
mardraum | how many cpus do you have? press "1" in top to show each one, and maybe "H" to show all threads | 01:24 |
mardraum | but yeah, I can't explain that at all | 01:25 |
m_anish | I have a dual core. | 01:25 |
m_anish | mardraum, did that.. doesn't help explain the mystery much | 01:27 |
m_anish | :/ | 01:27 |
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sheptard | I just updated to 14.10 via do-release-upgrade -d (from 14.04.1) and I didn't seem to get the new 3.16 kernel, I'm still on 3.13 | 04:21 |
sheptard | no trace of a 3.16 kernel in /boot | 04:23 |
sheptard | apt-get upgrade says nothing to do | 04:23 |
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m_anish | mardraum, huh it fixed itself... looking into the logs! (btw, I have some munin graphs if they'd help too ... looking at those too) | 05:28 |
m_anish | thx anyways | 05:28 |
Sachiru | Upgrading from 14.04 to 14.10, now my password isn't accepted. What gives? | 05:54 |
crocket | Can I install xubuntu desktop in ubuntu server installer? | 08:28 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 08:46 |
lordievader | crocket: I thought the Ubuntu server installer showed tasksel, so yes. | 08:46 |
crocket | lordievader, Why didn't it install xubuntu-desktop, then? | 08:47 |
crocket | "tasksel tasksel/first multiselect xubuntu-desktop" didn't install xubuntu-desktop in preseed. | 08:47 |
crocket | It installed xubuntu-desktop on netboot installer. | 08:47 |
lordievader | Hmm, perhaps it is not available in there, can't remember. | 08:48 |
crocket | Doh | 08:48 |
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amarcolino | Hi thought I should ask my question here since it is more server related, I have two identical seagate ST350063A hdd, which have a vanilla install of ubuntu 14 lts configured with LVM. I am currently facing buffer i/o error on the disk connected as sda, it also heats up mmore than it should. However, it seems that if I shutdown and restart it boots perfectly fine until at some point, which I haven't pinpointed it goes back | 11:32 |
amarcolino | to outputing the buffer i/o error... sector/logical block | 11:32 |
amarcolino | Just wondering whether there is a way for me to resolve this issue or use the disk until I can buy replacements? | 11:32 |
dasjoe | amarcolino: I'd check that disk's smart info, "smartctl -a /dev/sda" | 11:33 |
amarcolino | smartctl -Health gave me imminent failure wihtin 24hours -_-", what surprises me is that before this I was usig 12.4lts without a problem and I always do vanilla installs after formating the disks also the second hd identical is fine | 11:36 |
mardraum | disks can fail at any time, and sometimes if you never updated and rebooted the old install, it will run ok until it stops and starts | 11:42 |
amarcolino | thanks ive decided to just reformat the disks (again) and use the one that still works as the primary within a single lvm, I'll keep the one giving errors around as sdb that way it wont affect the system even if it actually fails (just want to keep an eye on it) and I'll add a 125GB just in case I need a bit more space | 11:51 |
Techathy | I’m trying to get a samba AD DC up & running with bind9 but I’ve hit a problm with apparmour. I’ve added the line “/var/lib/samba/private/dns/** rkw,” in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named & rebooted the whole system. | 15:57 |
Techathy | However when I look in the logs I see ‘kernel: [ 583.945027] type=1400 audit(1414252367.849:25): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="/usr/sbin/named" name="/dev/urandom" pid=2430 comm="named" requested_mask="wc" denied_mask="wc" fsuid=106 ouid=0’ | 15:57 |
Techathy | any hints as to what’s going on? | 15:58 |
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TribalT | Hey guys. When running /etc/init.d/ssh start|stop|status I don't get any output, and the ssh service doesn't start|stop. I can use service ssh start, however I need a command for Monit. | 23:44 |
TribalT | (sorry, Ubuntu 14.04.1) | 23:45 |
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