bmatusiak | SIM Locked on mako is still effecting me, has the fix been approved? | 00:37 |
kenvandine | Kaleo, WOOT | 00:47 |
kenvandine | Time between ApplicationManager::onProcessStarting and MirSurfaceItem::updateMirSurfaceFocus true is 2029ms | 00:47 |
kenvandine | Time between ApplicationManager::onProcessStarting and MirSurfaceItem::updateMirSurfaceFocus true is 2073ms | 00:47 |
kenvandine | Kaleo, ^^ | 00:47 |
kenvandine | 2029ms is the slowest and 2073ms was the fastest out of 10 starts | 00:47 |
kenvandine | so the time is VERY stable :) | 00:47 |
afm | any porters around? | 02:13 |
afm | or know of another channel that might be of use? | 02:13 |
lotuspsychje | afm: did you try the XDA forums? | 02:19 |
afm | no one has gotten touch ported to my phone (OPO OnePlus One) | 02:20 |
lotuspsychje | afm: not sure thats even possible yet | 02:21 |
lotuspsychje | we have to wait until Bq and meizu come out | 02:21 |
nhaines | lotuspsychje: why's that? | 02:21 |
afm | why wouldn't it be? its 100% opensource | 02:21 |
afm | unlocked bootloader etc... | 02:21 |
lotuspsychje | nhaines: after the phones come out, it will grow faster for other devices | 02:22 |
afm | i have all source downloaded, phablet-4.4.2_r1 | 02:22 |
nhaines | lotuspsychje: somehow I doubt that. Ubuntu is a rolling release on phones. | 02:22 |
lotuspsychje | nhaines: i think once the physical phones are out, users gonna experiment much more with ubuntu touch | 02:23 |
nhaines | lotuspsychje: users don't port. | 02:23 |
lotuspsychje | nhaines: but they help being creative | 02:24 |
nhaines | That is completely and utterly irrelevant to the question of Ubuntu being ported to new devices. | 02:24 |
afm | agreed.. and user only = proper qa :P | 02:25 |
afm | i'm not a user since it doesn't exist | 02:25 |
lotuspsychje | even the devs doent know yet how meizu will change touch on their phones yet | 02:27 |
lotuspsychje | so once the release, many more ideas will launch out of it | 02:27 |
afm | been in this channel for 2+ weeks straight... you've offered no help, just random statements | 02:28 |
nhaines | lotuspsychje: with all due respect, I think you're having a completely different conversation. | 02:28 |
afm | with himself even | 02:28 |
afm | and an op should really do something about this user flooding the channel | 02:29 |
afm | cat Irc.log | grep zyga | grep joined | wc -l | 02:29 |
afm | 346 | 02:29 |
afm | thats less than 2 weeks..... | 02:30 |
lotuspsychje | afm: there is #ubuntu-ops for spam issues | 02:30 |
afm | started #touch-porting for those interested... carry on with yer sprint | 02:35 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 02:36 |
lotuspsychje | | 02:39 |
gcollura | hello guys, how can I reset my SIM configuration in ubuntu touch to make it work again? At the moment there's 'Unknown ' written in the network indicator and I cannot unlock my sim | 08:09 |
gcollura | I am on rtm-proposed | 08:09 |
gcollura | but this happened on devel-proposed as well | 08:09 |
ybon | gcollura: try restarting | 08:55 |
ybon | I've this sometimes, and after some restarts I go it working again | 08:55 |
gcollura | ybon, I've tried to restart several times, I fixes with manually entering the pin from the command line | 08:56 |
gcollura | using dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.ofono /ril_0 org.ofono.SimManager.EnterPi | 08:57 |
gcollura | n string:"pin" string:".." | 08:57 |
nhaines | Tassadar: Good morning! | 09:39 |
Tassadar | what do you need? | 09:40 |
nhaines | Tassadar: another whiskey and coke. :) | 09:41 |
Tassadar | sounds like a good idea actual | 09:41 |
Tassadar | y | 09:41 |
nhaines | Collaboration! <3 | 09:42 |
vitimiti | Hi | 10:46 |
daker | gcollura: yo | 10:55 |
daker | gcollura: | 10:59 |
cyphermox | Tassadar: hey | 15:22 |
cyphermox | Tassadar: thanks for the nexus 5 port. I'll try to get you a patch for bluetooth this weekend, if it's still broken as the wiki says | 15:23 |
Tassadar | you're welcome, it probably is still broken | 15:23 |
vitimiti | Are you guys going to make a port for the samsung galaxy trend plus? | 15:24 |
taiebot | Hi all i am the only one who find that notifications are far too big. The volume sliding is really annoying as it stays up for 3 sec. before disappearing. I would love to see the notifications when i am using my phone being very subtle like using the top bar the same as the phone app when you are having a call (tap to return to call). The top bar should be the slider in green and there i would not mind having it for three | 15:24 |
jelkner | Can anyone tell me why updates stopped working on my nexus 4 with ubuntu several weeks ago? | 16:23 |
jelkner | When I check for updates, it tells me there are 18. | 16:24 |
jelkner | But they won't install. | 16:24 |
jelkner | I figured something was going on with the channel during the final release of 14.10 | 16:24 |
jelkner | but it still doesn't work now. | 16:24 |
ogra_ | jelkner, there was a mail about the U1 device tokens being invalidated, you need to delete and re-create the U1 account on your phone | 16:24 |
jelkner | thanks, ogra! I must have missed that. | 16:25 |
brycem24 | Will I still be able to call people if I install Ubuntu Touch on my phone? | 16:34 |
ahayzen | Hey, anyone else getting "Failed to contact PackageKit: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.PackageKit: Timeout was reached" when trying to install click packages on the latest rtm image? | 16:35 |
popey | ahayzen: yes, new image being built | 16:37 |
popey | 17:04:34 < imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 128 building (started: 20141025 16:05) === | 16:37 |
ahayzen | popey, thanks | 16:37 |
popey | ahayzen: how was the party last night? | 16:38 |
mihir | popey: which party :-o | 16:38 |
mihir | the 10 years ? | 16:38 |
popey | yeah | 16:39 |
popey | i only saw one photo | 16:40 |
ahayzen | popey, it was good, i ended up going to the mall for food :) | 16:42 |
ahayzen | popey, how was your flight back? | 16:42 |
mihir | popey: it was good :) | 16:43 |
popey | hah | 16:43 |
popey | Flight was great. | 16:43 |
mihir | popey: Agenda view | 16:44 |
popey | ooh | 16:45 |
mihir | popey: still confused with square and ubuntu shape :| | 16:45 |
jelkner | ogra_: do you know if gps works on ubuntu on the nexus 4? | 17:05 |
jelkner | I always get a "can not determine your location" message | 17:05 |
jelkner | from both OSMTouch and GoogleMaps | 17:06 |
jelkner | I'm thinking of writing an ubuntu app to enter bird sighting data through the phone | 17:06 |
jelkner | so geolocation will be essential for it to work | 17:07 |
popey | jelkner: yes, gps works on nexus 4. I just tested it in osmtouch | 17:39 |
popey | jelkner: you may need to re-run the welcome wizard so you can accept the necessary T&C | 17:40 |
jelkner | popey: thanks! | 17:40 |
jelkner | I'll do that | 17:40 |
taiebot | popey: how did you get location working on nexus 4 ? this is one of the thing which stopped working and i have never been able to get my location on osm touch. Only the weather scope gives me my location but its not gps i think its only geoip. | 18:33 |
popey | taiebot: re-run the welcome wizard | 18:35 |
popey | phablet-config welcome-wizard | 18:35 |
taiebot | Is it on the device? | 18:38 |
taiebot | never mind found it. Thanks looks so pretty | 18:41 |
taiebot | and yes it works. thanks popey | 18:45 |
popey | taiebot: yay | 18:57 |
ibit | hi, somebody working with porting to i9500 (samsung galaxy s4 with octa-core)? | 19:43 |
Wligtenb | hi, I just installed Ubuntu on my Nexus 4. For some reason I cannot install any app from the store. | 19:43 |
taiebot | wligtenb you need an ubuntu one account | 19:45 |
cyphermox | Tassadar: do you track the bugs for nexus 5 in any particular way? | 19:46 |
cyphermox | I tried devel and it fails to boot for some reason | 19:46 |
Tassadar | not really | 19:46 |
Tassadar | that certainly shouldn't happen, what did it do? | 19:46 |
Tassadar | bootloop? stayed on google screen? | 19:46 |
taiebot | wligtenb you need to create one in system settings>account | 19:46 |
cyphermox | I'd get just the nexus bootsplash | 19:47 |
Tassadar | might be possible get some info with adb shell | 19:47 |
Tassadar | Oo | 19:47 |
Tassadar | are you using multirom? | 19:47 |
cyphermox | no? | 19:47 |
cyphermox | should I? | 19:47 |
Tassadar | no | 19:47 |
Tassadar | well you could, but it isn't a requirements, those builds should work without it | 19:47 |
cyphermox | in any case, I'd prefer running on proposed, so I'm reflashing now, and I'l ldebug this | 19:48 |
Tassadar | by nexus bootsplash you mean the "google" logo with a padlock or the android bootanimation? | 19:48 |
cyphermox | I was in an airport before, not really the best place to debug things | 19:48 |
cyphermox | the android boot animation -- the four color blobs | 19:48 |
cyphermox | I was expecting to see our logo | 19:48 |
wligtenberg | OK, now with my N5 using Android. :) I just installed Ubuntu touch on my N4 but I cannot install any apps... | 19:49 |
Tassadar | then something went very wrong - you should not be able to see that at all, the flashing process should erase everything android | 19:49 |
cyphermox | right | 19:49 |
taiebot | Does anyone as a bug where when swipping down actually does the opposite? looks like the header is the reason as it certainly tries to re-appear | 19:49 |
Tassadar | btw, nexus 5 specific bugs are kindof useless to report - nobody will fix them 'cause it is unsupported. You can write them to the wiki page, I suppose | 19:50 |
cyphermox | Tassadar: there are ways around that | 19:50 |
cyphermox | some nexus specific bugs can be significant on other platforms too if they're not directly related to the android layer | 19:50 |
cyphermox | ie. bluetooth bugs are likely pretty global | 19:50 |
wligtenberg | Is it normal not to be able to install apps from the store? | 19:51 |
cyphermox | it doesn't mean they'd be visible enough to discover on some supported devices, but might still indicate some underlying issue | 19:51 |
wligtenberg | I want to demo it a bit tomorrow and a small gathering | 19:51 |
cyphermox | wligtenberg: yeah, there was an issue earlier | 19:51 |
cyphermox | wligtenberg: you might want to look for the newest image | 19:52 |
Tassadar | yeah, but if the issue is not on any of the supported devices, chances are nobody is gonna look at it anyway | 19:52 |
cyphermox | wligtenberg: or downgrade apt | 19:52 |
Tassadar | anyway, most of the bugs are not n5-specific, ubuntu touch is running pretty well on it. Only the power management and some other misc HW-related things are buggy as far as I know | 19:53 |
wligtenberg | Cyphermox I installed the dev version that got most frequent updates | 19:53 |
cyphermox | Tassadar: I'd still like to get bugs for bluetooth or network, I'd be more than happy to fix them :) | 19:53 |
cyphermox | wligtenberg: it was an issue this morning in any case, caused by the latest apt upload as far as I understood | 19:53 |
cyphermox | wligtenberg: see #ubuntu-ci-eng | 19:53 |
wligtenberg | Aah I see a new update again :) | 19:54 |
wligtenberg | Tnx I hope that fixes it | 19:54 |
cyphermox | Tassadar: ah, now I'm getting just the Google logo so far | 19:55 |
cyphermox | actually, you know what, I think I know what's up | 19:55 |
wligtenberg | Woohoo app installed! | 19:57 |
cyphermox | wligtenberg: great | 19:58 |
cyphermox | victory! | 20:13 |
cyphermox | Tassadar: sorry; it was my fault. I had forgotten that after unlocking, you really need to let android boot completely. | 20:14 |
Tassadar | oh, yeah) | 20:14 |
vitimiti | Hi | 20:14 |
taiebot | Quite like the design of this even if its a little bit too much android like I really like the first scope | 20:33 |
cyphermox | Tassadar: so, bluetooth will need some extra work | 20:35 |
cyphermox | where is your kernel tree? | 20:35 |
Tassadar |;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/hammerhead | 20:36 |
cyphermox | great | 20:36 |
cyphermox | I think you'll need at least the hci_smd driver enabled; possibly some small changes to the init script on the android side | 20:36 |
Tassadar | or;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/hammerhead , they seem to be the same thing but I submit patches for the one without "aosp/" | 20:37 |
Tassadar | device repo is also at ubuntu's gerrit, thanks to rsalveti | 20:38 |
cyphermox | # CONFIG_BT_HCISMD is not set | 20:39 |
cyphermox | yeah | 20:39 |
cyphermox | I mostly work higher up the stack, rarely look at the kernel code | 20:39 |
cyphermox | I'll get that branch and try to build a test kernel with this change, with a bit of luck it will only need that | 20:40 |
cyphermox | from there, we can enable bluetooth just by writing 1 to the hci_set parameter for that driver | 20:41 |
cyphermox | I'll look a bit more at the google source before just to be sure | 20:42 |
wligtenberg | Taiebot I don't know, but those screenshots there do not resemble my screens. But I am on an unstable dev build. But my screens are mostly white. | 21:20 |
Quinntus | hey there, is it possible to run ubuntu touch on a sony xperia j? | 23:18 |
Quinntus | hello? | 23:23 |
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