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xubuntu628 | hi? | 03:36 |
holstein | xubuntu628: welcome | 03:37 |
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radek | hello, when i'll be able to upgrade Xubuntu from 14.04 to 14.10 via software updater? now i see my system is up to date. | 07:34 |
elfy | radek: settings - software and updates - set it to check for normal releases or | 07:36 |
elfy | !upgradeofflts | 07:36 |
ubottu | To upgrade from an LTS release of Ubuntu to the next (non-LTS) release, run sudoedit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and change the prompt= line to "prompt=normal". | 07:36 |
radek | thanks elfy it works. | 07:39 |
elfy | glad to hear it :) | 07:40 |
B0BBY | hey guys, anyone notice a problem with the install media lately. ver 13 and 14 install fine, no complains but when rebooting, the machine just sits on a blank screen and does nothing. | 07:56 |
elfy | black screen with the live session or? | 07:57 |
B0BBY | after boot, bios display goes and clear screen, cursor in top left corner, then nothing. | 07:58 |
B0BBY | media has been ejected, from the computer, bios is configured to boot, cdrom, disk, ... | 07:59 |
B0BBY | ah, nevermind. this latest install finally worked. don't know what it was. did the same thing for a couple of days. | 08:04 |
SaiBork | Hey all, I installed the new xubuntu release last night, but I don't believe I set up a root password which I now need. Does anyone know what the default is? | 09:06 |
elfy | there is no root password - the password you need to use with sudo is your normal one | 09:07 |
SaiBork | Ah I think I see the problem | 09:09 |
SaiBork | It changed the keyboard to us instead of uk | 09:09 |
=== Guest87959 is now known as lolz | ||
SaiBork | Yeah that did it | 09:09 |
=== lolz is now known as Guest74988 | ||
Reptilia | I am using Xubuntu 14.04. The problem is, while watching a Youtube video, and changing the video resolution to 720p or higher (on Google Chrome), the PC completely freezes, and i have to restart it. However, this won't happen on Mozilla Firefox. What could the reason for this be? I've installed the latest Flash Player. Thanks in advance. | 11:17 |
Reptilia | I am using Xubuntu 14.04. The problem is, while watching a Youtube video, and changing the video resolution to 720p or higher (on Google Chrome), the PC completely freezes, and i have to restart it. However, this won't happen on Mozilla Firefox. What could the reason for this be? I've installed the latest Flash Player. Thanks in advance. | 11:22 |
brainwash | Reptilia: google chrome uses youtube's html5 player by default, so it may not be a flash problem at all | 11:22 |
Reptilia | brainwash:I have no idea what could the problem be :/ | 11:23 |
brainwash | you can right click on the video area to check which player is being used | 11:23 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Just a second, because im running a live usb, i rebooted, and Chrome is gone, have to install it again :) | 11:24 |
brainwash | you could install chromium instead and test | 11:25 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Yes, Chrome is using the html5 player, will try with Chromium now | 11:28 |
brainwash | chromium will use the html5 player too | 11:28 |
brainwash | it could be a gpu hang which freezes the whole system | 11:28 |
brainwash | try to start the browser with "google-chrome --disable-gpu" | 11:29 |
brainwash | on top of that, I recommend asking in #chromium-support | 11:29 |
Reptilia | brainwash:I've recently changed to a low-budget graphics adapter, the Nvidia 210, the lowest in the product line | 11:32 |
brainwash | did you install the nvidia driver? | 11:32 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Nope, because i doubt it's because of the driver - this exactly same thing happens on Windows, too (don't blame me for using Windows) | 11:34 |
Reptilia | brainwash:And i have the driver installed there | 11:34 |
Reptilia | brainwash:The same happens with Chromium too | 11:36 |
brainwash | you could install the nvidia driver and test it, or try to force chrome/ium to use the flash player (not sure how to do this) | 11:36 |
Reptilia | brainwash:I will try to start the browser with the command you mentioned above | 11:36 |
brainwash | ah right, chromium-browser --disable-gpu | 11:36 |
Reptilia | brainwash:"Please start Google Chrome as a normal user. To run as root, you must specify an alternate --user-data-dir for storage of profile information" | 11:38 |
brainwash | uhm, what did you try to run? | 11:41 |
Isolol | he might be under su | 11:42 |
brainwash | what could be the reason? :) | 11:42 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Sorry, did not see that you replied - I ran: google-chrome --disable-gpu | 11:52 |
Reptilia | Isolol:Oh, i don't need root for this? | 11:53 |
Reptilia | it works now | 11:53 |
brainwash | why would you need root privileges to run a web browser? | 11:53 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Ask my brain | 11:54 |
Reptilia | :D | 11:54 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Just kidding, i was in root previously, and did not see the user i am in. Btw, it's not freezing now. Wtf? | 11:55 |
brainwash | not freezing with --disable-gpu? | 11:55 |
Reptilia | yes | 11:55 |
brainwash | so it is indeed a gpu issue | 11:56 |
Reptilia | brainwash:But it's a relatively new, 2-3 months old GPU | 11:56 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Who knows of which quality though | 11:56 |
bufi | hi! | 11:57 |
brainwash | Reptilia: it's a low end adapter, also you did not install the official nvidia driver | 11:57 |
bufi | I have problems with the icons on the screen. These appear and disappear from time to time. | 11:58 |
Reptilia | brainwash:But the same happens on Windows, with the official drivers installed | 11:58 |
brainwash | Reptilia: well, you got a workaround now. does --disable-gpu decrease the overall browsing performance? | 11:59 |
brainwash | Reptilia: furthermore, it might me possible to disable the html5 player and use adobe's flash player instead. just ask google :) | 12:01 |
brainwash | might be | 12:01 |
bufi | I have problems with the icons on the screen. These appear and disappear from time to time.anyone know how I can fix it, or what is the problem? | 12:03 |
brainwash | bufi: when do they reappear again? | 12:07 |
brainwash | randomly or after a relog/restart? | 12:07 |
bufi | randomly | 12:07 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Was afk, let me check about the performance | 12:07 |
bufi | its in general, not only in the status bar | 12:08 |
bufi | brainwash: Note that I am new to xubuntu | 12:09 |
brainwash | bufi: which icons are affected exactly? I assumed that you are talking about the desktop icons | 12:09 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Nope, browsing is fine, fluid | 12:10 |
brainwash | Reptilia: that's great :) | 12:10 |
bufi | brainwash:Not only in the desktop icons, if not also in the menus, and folders | 12:10 |
brainwash | bufi: sounds like a really odd problem | 12:11 |
bufi | brainwash:I dont now what to do | 12:11 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Now i would like to try to download the official Nvidia drivers, run Chrome in normal-mode and see if the problem remains | 12:11 |
brainwash | bufi: xubuntu 14.04 lts? | 12:11 |
Reptilia | brainwash:I may need some help, so .. :D | 12:11 |
brainwash | Reptilia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 12:12 |
brainwash | but I am not sure if it is worth to mess around with this | 12:13 |
bufi | brainwash:I think so,I install the latest version that is in the web | 12:13 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Is enabling the multiverse repositories, automatically making the driver being downloaded? | 12:14 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Guess no, just asking | 12:14 |
brainwash | bufi: you should look at ~/.cache/upstart/startxfce4.log | 12:14 |
brainwash | bufi: and upload it to a pastebin service and share the link | 12:15 |
brainwash | Reptilia: no, it should not | 12:15 |
bufi | how i do iut?(apology for the inconvenience, I'm new and not very good at this) | 12:16 |
brainwash | !pastebin | 12:16 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 12:16 |
brainwash | bufi: furthermore, does the icon problem affect other user accounts or the guest session? | 12:17 |
Reptilia | brainwash:To be frank, i don't know how to check which package do i need. | 12:17 |
Reptilia | brainwash:There are 17 different packages available | 12:17 |
brainwash | Reptilia: sadly I'm not familiar with nvidia and their driver policy :/ | 12:18 |
bufi | There is only my user, and no guest | 12:18 |
Reptilia | kk | 12:18 |
brainwash | Reptilia: you could ask in #ubuntu | 12:18 |
brainwash | Reptilia: it's a general ubuntu question after all | 12:18 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Yup | 12:19 |
elfy | Reptilia: what different versions do you see in the additional drivers window - if there are lots - just screenshot it | 12:20 |
Reptilia | elfy:just a sec | 12:21 |
bufi | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8671130/ | 12:22 |
bufi | brainwash:http://paste.ubuntu.com/8671130/ | 12:22 |
Reptilia | Btw, why would the command "lspci |grep VGA" give me this output: NVIDIA Corporation GT218 [GeForce 210] (rev a2) | 12:22 |
elfy | why wouldn't it?# | 12:22 |
Reptilia | Why the "GT 218" before 210? | 12:23 |
elfy | that's what you've got - I have the same card actually | 12:23 |
Reptilia | But on the Graphics card box, it's written Nvidia GeForce 210, what's the meaning of the "GT 218" ? | 12:23 |
elfy | going on that - I use the nvidia-331-updates | 12:24 |
elfy | Reptilia: no idea | 12:24 |
Reptilia | Can you see if you get the same output? | 12:24 |
elfy | so - open additional drivers - select nvidia-331-updates and then apply, give it password when it asks - wait for it to install then reboot | 12:24 |
Reptilia | yeah, was about to do that now :D | 12:25 |
elfy | yea I do see the same output | 12:25 |
Reptilia | weird | 12:25 |
Reptilia | I mean, don't know the meaning of it, weird would be if i know it, lol | 12:26 |
Reptilia | It is its codename, lol | 12:26 |
elfy | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeForce_200_series code name | 12:26 |
brainwash | bufi: cannot spot anything related to the icon problem | 12:27 |
brainwash | bufi: I recommend creating a new user account to confirm the problem | 12:27 |
bufi | brainwash: Here are some examples of my problem http://imgur.com/a/q8Z7A | 12:27 |
brainwash | bufi: I remember reading about this glitch, maybe I can find the bug report or forum thread | 12:29 |
bufi | brainwash:Where I can find this information? | 12:30 |
brainwash | https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51477 | 12:32 |
ubottu | Freedesktop bug 51477 in Driver/nouveau "[NV10, NV20] bad/missing graphics, usually alpha-related" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 12:32 |
brainwash | do you have such a nvidia card? if yes, do you use the default open source driver? | 12:33 |
bufi | brainwash:No idea, I'm using an old PC | 12:33 |
brainwash | yes, it's an ancient graphics card | 12:34 |
elfy | bug on launchpad for similar points to theme as well | 12:34 |
brainwash | 2000/2001 | 12:34 |
bufi | I have no idea what graphics card i'm using, but it is old (over 10 years old) | 12:36 |
brainwash | open a terminal window and run "lspci | grep VGA" | 12:36 |
bufi | and i don't know what drivers i have instaled | 12:36 |
brainwash | so? what does the command return? | 12:38 |
bufi | VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation NV11 [GeoForce2 MX/MX 400] (rev b2) | 12:38 |
brainwash | ok, so it is the same case | 12:39 |
bufi | that it's the answer of the terminal that you gave me | 12:39 |
bufi | of Reptilia? | 12:40 |
brainwash | no, it's the bug described in the linked bug report | 12:40 |
bufi | ok | 12:40 |
brainwash | you will have to upgrade the xserver-xorg-video-nouveau package | 12:40 |
brainwash | by using a PPA | 12:41 |
bufi | so, what i should do? follow what it says in the linked bug report? | 12:41 |
bufi | how i do that? | 12:41 |
brainwash | yes, reading the bug report will help to understand the problem | 12:41 |
Reptilia | Had to reboot, because i was installing Xubuntu (was on a LIVE USB previously) | 12:42 |
bufi | what is PPA?? | 12:42 |
Reptilia | Now i will install the Nvidia drivers | 12:42 |
brainwash | https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa offers version 1:1.0.11 | 12:42 |
brainwash | of xserver-xorg-video-nouveau | 12:42 |
brainwash | bufi: ^ | 12:42 |
brainwash | !ppa | 12:42 |
ubottu | A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 12:42 |
bufi | i'm lost! | 12:42 |
brainwash | you should be :) | 12:43 |
brainwash | it's a bit complicated | 12:43 |
bufi | so, what i should do first? | 12:43 |
brainwash | inform yourself about PPAs I guess | 12:44 |
bufi | ok | 12:44 |
brainwash | then you will have to add this particular ppa https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa | 12:45 |
brainwash | and update your system | 12:45 |
brainwash | however, adding additional PPAs can break your system | 12:46 |
brainwash | so I suggest that you file a bug report on launchpad and request that a newer version of the package xserver-xorg-video-nouveau gets backported to ubuntu 14.04 | 12:47 |
brainwash | or you upgrade to 14.10 (which has only 9 months of support) | 12:47 |
bufi | i get lost again! (sorry i'm a noob in this subject) | 12:48 |
Reptilia | Which driver should i use? - Here is a screenshot ---> http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-25102014-144348.php | 12:49 |
elfy | bufi: simply put - there is a ppa which helps get a different driver for the card - in 14.04 | 12:49 |
elfy | OR you can install 14.10 - but that loses support sooner so you will need to reinstall | 12:49 |
Reptilia | The first one? | 12:49 |
bufi | ok, but i have no idea to do that | 12:49 |
elfy | Reptilia: 331-updates works fine for me | 12:50 |
elfy | bufi: well - first make a choice - ppa or support for shorter period | 12:50 |
Reptilia | elfy:Mhm, so what's the difference between the nvidia-331 and nvidia-331-updates? The latter gets updated? :P | 12:51 |
elfy | not sure | 12:51 |
bufi | elfy: i think that the support for shorter period | 12:51 |
Reptilia | elfy:Alright then, if it works fine for you, i will try that | 12:51 |
Reptilia | elfy:Thanks for helping btw, i really appreciate :) | 12:51 |
elfy | bufi - then get the latest download 14.10 - burn it to whatever you install with (dvd or usb) then reinstall | 12:53 |
elfy | http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/ | 12:54 |
bufi | reinstall what? xubuntu? | 12:54 |
elfy | yes | 12:54 |
bufi | ok thanks a lot for the help!! | 12:55 |
Reptilia | elfy:It did not ask for a reboot, should i reboot? | 12:56 |
elfy | it doesn't ask for that anymore - to use the new driver reboot | 12:56 |
Reptilia | kk | 12:56 |
Reptilia | Nope, after installing the proprietary drivers, the PC won't freeze (it's not buttery smooth, but it's okay). So it turns out that the drivers i am using in Windows are shit and that's why Chrome freezes in Windows? | 13:09 |
Reptilia | Or Windows is shit in general :P | 13:10 |
Reptilia | Only the combo open-source driver + google-chrome --disable-gpu won't make the PC freeze. Everything else does. | 13:40 |
Reptilia | elfy:^ | 13:41 |
Reptilia | brainwash:^ | 13:41 |
brainwash | that's great I guess, you got a working solution :) | 13:42 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Yea, lol :D What is the command --disable-gpu actually doing? | 13:43 |
brainwash | it disables gpu acceleration | 13:44 |
brainwash | so the cpu is not doing all the work | 13:45 |
brainwash | is now doing | 13:45 |
brainwash | dangerous typo :) | 13:45 |
Reptilia | brainwash::D | 13:48 |
Reptilia | brainwash:So maybe my GPU is too weak, and when it leaves its work to the CPU, the PC is fine :P | 13:49 |
brainwash | it should not be too weak, but it seems to cause some trouble or lacks proper driver support | 13:50 |
brainwash | take a look at https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/list | 13:51 |
elfy | what's actually casuing the problem here? | 13:51 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Nvidia guys are too busy working on the high-end models' drivers | 13:51 |
elfy | chromium-browser? | 13:52 |
Reptilia | elfy:Google Chrome | 13:52 |
Reptilia | Btw, another thing i've spotted. | 13:52 |
Reptilia | :* | 13:52 |
Reptilia | When the PC freezes, after the reboot, the cooler starts making some weird noises, like it's not using its full potential, and running at a lower RPM | 13:53 |
Reptilia | like a motorcycle staying still, not moving (lol @ the description) | 13:54 |
elfy | Reptilia: try going into nvidia-settings - powermizer - set it to max perfomance and try it then | 13:55 |
Reptilia | elfy:To try it with the open-source driver, and --disable-gpu mode? | 13:55 |
elfy | no - that's only good with the nvidia driver | 13:56 |
Reptilia | Why would i do that | 13:56 |
Reptilia | lol, my bad | 13:56 |
Reptilia | brb | 13:56 |
elfy | don't then - up to you I guess, I'm not bothered either way as I don't use google chrome nor chromium | 13:56 |
Reptilia | elfy:No no, i did not mean it like that - was saying "Why would i do that", refering to my question, saying that it makes no sense :) | 13:58 |
Reptilia | elfy:Saying that what i am asking, makes no sense | 13:58 |
elfy | got link to youtube that causes the problems? | 13:58 |
Reptilia | elfy:Sure, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiC__IjCa2s | 13:59 |
Reptilia | elfy:Btw brb, changing the driver, have to reboot | 13:59 |
elfy | reptilia ok - so it's not nvidia and google chrome causing the issue - must be something else in your system - as that video is fine at 720p and 1080p - that's with powermizer set to auto | 14:04 |
Reptilia | elfy:Can't find the "Powermizer" in the Nvidia Settings window | 14:05 |
elfy | in gpu settings | 14:06 |
elfy | gtg now - but I installed g-chrome, played the video at 1080p in full screen - all was fine | 14:07 |
elfy | good luck | 14:07 |
alexfrench | hello all | 14:10 |
alexfrench | hello | 14:17 |
alexfrench | on virtualbox i am trying xubuntu | 14:17 |
alexfrench | i want to remove abiword by sudo apt-get remove abiword | 14:18 |
alexfrench | it asked me for my password but i can't type it ?? | 14:18 |
alexfrench | why ? | 14:19 |
brainwash | it does not show any visual feedback, you type your password and hit enter | 14:20 |
Reptilia | elfy:thanks again, cya | 14:25 |
alexfrench | but the cursor don't move ? | 14:26 |
brainwash | alexfrench: no, it does not | 14:31 |
brainwash | no visual feedback at all | 14:31 |
alexfrench | ok | 14:32 |
alexfrench | i tried but it tell me sorry try again | 14:38 |
Reptilia | brainwash:I can't find the "Powermizer" setting elfy was talking about, in the NVIDIA X Server Settings, do you know where it's located? | 14:47 |
elfy | alexfrench: check that it's not changed the keyboard layout - if you're getting the password right and it's got symbols in it | 14:47 |
safiyyah | havinvg trouble with Xubuntu, I like the bluebird theme (don't mind greybird or numix, however all of them have an issue with evolution mail. I have tried google an nothing on there actually makes sense as to what to do. Here are the images | 14:47 |
safiyyah | http://postimg.org/image/jkgss9l0f/ and | 14:47 |
safiyyah | http://postimg.org/image/9bobmfwyn/ | 14:47 |
elfy | Reptilia: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-251014-154752.php+ | 14:48 |
elfy | minus the trailing + | 14:48 |
Reptilia | elfy:Yup :) I don't have those detailed settings, have something very minimal with almost nothing modifiable | 14:49 |
alexfrench | ok elfy but where i have to go in parameters/keyboards | 14:49 |
Reptilia | elfy: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-25102014-165040.php | 14:51 |
elfy | Reptilia: did you reinstall nouveau? if you did then you've not booted with nvidia and will have to reinstall it | 14:55 |
brainwash | safiyyah: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/issues/40 | 14:56 |
elfy | alexfrench: settings - keyboard - layout | 14:56 |
Reptilia | elfy:I changed from the proprietary ---> Open-source driver, and afterwards vice-versa, now i am using the prop. (nvidia-331-updates) | 14:57 |
ali1234 | hi :) | 14:59 |
Reptilia | elfy:with restarts between the driver changing | 14:59 |
ali1234 | Reptilia: nouveau freezing the computer? | 15:04 |
Reptilia | ali1234:The computer is NOT freezing only in one scenario - when i am using the nouveau driver and when i run google chrome with the graphics acceleration turned off | 15:05 |
Reptilia | ali1234:elfy is suggesting me to set the powermizer to max., but i can't find it in the Nvidia settings | 15:06 |
brainwash | you mean turned on, or? | 15:06 |
ali1234 | it freezes with nvidia driver too? | 15:06 |
brainwash | oh, my bad | 15:06 |
brainwash | I did not read your sentence properly :) | 15:07 |
Reptilia | brainwash:Yeah, was using the knowledge gained from you :D | 15:07 |
ali1234 | sounds like your video card is on the way out | 15:08 |
Reptilia | ali1234:But it's relatively new, with around 5 months of usage | 15:12 |
alexfrench | ok i am trying | 15:16 |
knosys | hi | 15:44 |
vrkalak | o/ | 15:45 |
knosys | \o_ | 15:45 |
alexfrench | is cairo-dock working on xubuntu ? | 15:54 |
vrkalak | alexfrench, I have Wbar - haven't use cairo-dock for years | 15:57 |
alexfrench | how it is ? | 15:58 |
Reptilia | Does anyone knows how could i access the advanced Nvidia Settings? I can't find the "Powermizer" setting in the Nvidia Settings, just some basic settings... | 16:09 |
alexfrench | sorry i haven't nvidia | 16:10 |
elfy | Reptilia: try reinstalling it | 16:11 |
Reptilia | elfy:How? :D | 16:11 |
elfy | but that's what you'd see if the system wasn't actually using nvidia iirc | 16:11 |
elfy | so I'd also check /var/log.Xorg.0.log | 16:12 |
drc | Reptilia: On mine it's under The GPU 0 setting...right under Thermal settings | 16:12 |
elfy | Reptilia: whatever you use it install things - apt-get install or USC | 16:12 |
elfy | drc: that's all missing from their one | 16:12 |
elfy | drc: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-25102014-165040.php | 16:13 |
alexfrench | cairo-dock works ! even on my ati desktop | 16:13 |
drc | yup, I'd say that the nvidia driver is not loading :( | 16:14 |
elfy | thanks for confirming | 16:15 |
drc | Reptilia: Do you get a quick Nvidia screen on booting? | 16:15 |
Reptilia | elfy:But when i go into "Additional Drivers", i can see a message that's saying: "1 proprietary driver in use" | 16:15 |
Reptilia | drc:Nope | 16:15 |
elfy | drc: I've not seen that for a few cycles here | 16:15 |
drc | Really. let me reboot and see | 16:16 |
Reptilia | But i see something now | 16:16 |
Reptilia | Nvidia Corporation: GT218[GeForce 210] --- this device is using an alternative driver | 16:16 |
Reptilia | which one is considered as an alternative? the open-source one, or the proprietary? :) | 16:17 |
elfy | grep nouveau /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit | 16:18 |
Reptilia | drc:It has shown? | 16:18 |
Reptilia | elfy:http://paste.ubuntu.com/8674020/ | 16:20 |
Reptilia | elfy:So the prop. is not in use? | 16:21 |
elfy | doesn't look like it is | 16:22 |
Reptilia | elfy:You said i should install it - how do i do that? I really have no clue... | 16:23 |
elfy | we were talking about -settings, but I'd reinstall the nvidia driver from additional drivers now | 16:24 |
Reptilia | elfy:Should i select another driver, select the current one again, apply changes, and reboot? | 16:25 |
Reptilia | That is the "re-install" process, or? | 16:25 |
elfy | select the updates one again then apply - same as before | 16:26 |
akis | hi all. does anyone can help me why my notebook connecting to my tv using component video goes only at 59.9hz and cannot go to 60hz and for that reason tv set returns me 'invalid format' issue? | 16:27 |
drc | Reptilia: What version of Xubuntu are we talking about...if 14.10 "inxi -G" will give the card and driver currently being used (in one line :). | 16:28 |
Reptilia | drc:14.04 | 16:29 |
drc | ahhhhh.. :) | 16:29 |
Reptilia | :D | 16:29 |
ali1234 | akis: because 59.9Hz is NTSC, but in greece TVs use PAL which is 50Hz | 16:29 |
akis | ali1234: thank you for your reply. is there any way to go over this issue and make my xubuntu 14.04.1 system to give a 60 hz rate? | 16:31 |
ali1234 | probably, but it won't help | 16:32 |
ali1234 | NTSC is 59.94 fields/sec | 16:32 |
ali1234 | not 60 | 16:32 |
ali1234 | not that 0.06 Hz would make any difference at all | 16:32 |
akis | ali1234: if my system allows me to choose 59.94 i could choose 640X480 resolution regarding the tv set's manual. but the refresh rate is only 59.9 not 59.94 | 16:34 |
ali1234 | it really doesn't matter, it's 0.1% different, this is not the problem | 16:35 |
ali1234 | 59.9 probably really means 59.94 anyway | 16:36 |
ali1234 | akis: what video card, connectors, cable, and TV are you using? | 16:37 |
akis | ali1234: are you sure for this? can you think what is going wrong and my laptop cannot connecto to my pc? | 16:37 |
ali1234 | and what driver? | 16:37 |
Reptilia | elfy:Weird. I've installed the 331-updates, and it was the same, i did not get any advanced settings. I've tried with the nvidia-331, it finished with the installing, and the system automatically switched to 331-updates, but the text that was previously "The device is using an alternative driver", is now "The device is using the recommended driver" | 16:38 |
akis | tv set=42LH5000 | 16:38 |
akis | pc notebook= HP Pavillion dv4204EA | 16:39 |
akis | i am using the s-video exit to 3 colors cables | 16:40 |
ali1234 | that's a 4 pin mini din? | 16:42 |
akis | yes, actually it has 7 pins. 3 in the first row and 4 in the second | 16:43 |
ali1234 | okay, and what driver are you using? | 16:44 |
akis | how can i check for the driver? what do i have to give in the terminal? | 16:44 |
ali1234 | run inxi -G | 16:46 |
Reptilia | elfy:I've installed the following package "nvidia-current", and the problem fixed, now i have those extra settings | 16:46 |
akis | this the s-video exit : http://pbrd.co/1tTHVVW and this is the cable i am using http://pbrd.co/1tTI37X | 16:48 |
akis | The program 'inxi' is currently not installed. any other way to check for the driver installed? | 16:49 |
ali1234 | look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 16:50 |
ali1234 | i am pretty sure the problem is you are using nouveau and it doesn't support component properly | 16:52 |
akis | do i have to paste the content of this file? | 16:55 |
ali1234 | if you want | 16:55 |
ali1234 | !paste | 16:55 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 16:55 |
akis | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8674430/ | 16:57 |
ali1234 | okay, you are using intel | 16:58 |
akis | yep. | 16:58 |
akis | and i saw at the end the resolutions for tv set and the refresh rate. only 59,9 | 16:59 |
Reptilia | elfy:Finally, i am able to set the powermizer, set it to preferred max, and about to test now :) | 16:59 |
Reptilia | elfy:Wish me luck, lol | 16:59 |
ali1234 | akis: did you have the cable plugged in and the tv turned on when you booted the computer? | 17:01 |
ali1234 | akis: can you pastebin the output of xrandr | 17:03 |
akis | yes and no. i booted with the cable plugged in and i tried also while pc was running. | 17:03 |
akis | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8674529/ | 17:04 |
ali1234 | why does it say TV1 is disconnected? | 17:04 |
akis | laptop is not connected right now. do i have to connect it? | 17:05 |
ali1234 | yes please, and then pastebin output of xrandr --verbose | 17:05 |
akis | ok wait a min. | 17:05 |
akis | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8674614/ | 17:09 |
akis | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8674639/ | 17:10 |
ali1234 | okay try running these commands: | 17:11 |
ali1234 | xrand --output TV1 --set TV_FORMAT PAL | 17:12 |
ali1234 | xrand --output TV1 --set TV_Connector Component | 17:12 |
afidw | hai | 17:12 |
akis | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8674669/ | 17:13 |
afidw | iam new in on xubuntu | 17:14 |
ali1234 | okay then, try this: | 17:16 |
ali1234 | xrandr --output TV1 --set mode PAL | 17:17 |
afidw | what? | 17:17 |
akis | i think it took the command. no reply from the system after i gave it. | 17:18 |
ali1234 | okay, so what modes are available now? | 17:18 |
drc | Oh rats...Reptilia's gone... elfy: New 4.10 install, latest+updates nvidia install (from Add Drivers), the nvidia logo does show up on my screen on boot for about 1 second. FYI | 17:20 |
akis | well. i have the same resolution option all @ 50 hz refresh rate. still invalid format. | 17:20 |
ali1234 | hmm | 17:20 |
ali1234 | okay, well at least it worked | 17:20 |
elfy | drc: ok - thanks, I've just not seen it here, that said plymouth fails with nvidia and I don't see anything till login | 17:20 |
ali1234 | i think the problem is that the card is outputting composite instead of component | 17:21 |
akis | yep. it worked. we are close. | 17:21 |
ali1234 | according to man intel, you can select the output connector format with that command i gave | 17:21 |
ali1234 | but for some reason your computer does not support those properties. i don't know why | 17:21 |
drc | elfy: I have autologin, so maybe that's the difference. | 17:21 |
elfy | possibly | 17:22 |
elfy | well it's certainly a difference :) | 17:22 |
akis | composite connector-cable is different | 17:22 |
ali1234 | well yes | 17:23 |
akis | why we cannot choose a 60 hz rate @ 640X480? | 17:23 |
ali1234 | because that isn't a valid mode for TVs | 17:23 |
ali1234 | anyway, i have to go eat dinner | 17:23 |
akis | actually a 59.94@640X480. ok. anyway. have a good apetite. thank you for your help. | 17:25 |
sushith | how to make iso from installed xubuntu? | 18:22 |
deshipu | sushith: you can't | 18:32 |
Reptilia | elfy:Lol. Know what fixed the issue? Switching the PCI-e port for the graphics card. Put it into another port, and it works like a charm now... | 18:37 |
Reptilia | elfy:In every possible situation | 18:38 |
elfy | Reptilia: as I thought when I said it worked for me - a local issue ;) | 18:39 |
Reptilia | elfy:You've recommended this? I did not see | 18:40 |
Alexfrench | re all | 18:40 |
elfy | Reptilia: "ok - so it's not nvidia and google chrome causing the issue - must be something else in your system - as that video is fine at 720p and 1080p" | 18:41 |
elfy | but no matter now | 18:41 |
Reptilia | elfy:Oh, yup | 18:41 |
Reptilia | elfy:The most important of all - you (we) fixed it. Thanks a lot | 18:42 |
bufi | i have problems to enter the password in the terminal | 19:10 |
drc | bufi: What sort of problems? | 19:11 |
bufi | i write the correct pasword, but the terminal don't recognice it | 19:11 |
bufi | and i not sure if i'm really entering it | 19:12 |
drc | 1) is capslock on, 2) what does the terminal say whn you do this? | 19:12 |
chrislp | Hi, can I ask for advice in regards to SD cards, partitions etc. here? | 19:12 |
bufi | the capslock is of, and it's says 'Authentication failure' | 19:13 |
drc | bufi: hmmm...what are you trying to do? sudo or something else? | 19:15 |
bufi | drc: i'm tring sudo | 19:16 |
Alexfrench | i had this problem this afternoon, unable to type my password in the terminal | 19:21 |
Alexfrench | i ve check the keyboard without succes | 19:21 |
Alexfrench | it was to remove one software | 19:22 |
drc | bufi: When I try sudo and supply an incorrect password I get "Sorry, try again" (up to three time), then "sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts" and it stops trying. I'm not sure what's causing the "Authentication Failure" response. | 19:22 |
drc | bufi: Is this from the only user account on the machine or maybe a user you added after installation? | 19:23 |
drc | Alexfrench: and what software was that? | 19:23 |
bufi | drc: i have only one user | 19:23 |
drc | bufi: Waht version of Xubuntu are you using? | 19:24 |
bufi | drc:i think it's the last one | 19:25 |
bufi | drc:there si a way to instal java in other part of the hard disk apart the folder '/usr' (these is why i'm tring to to sudo, for create the folder '/usr/java') | 19:25 |
Alexfrench | it was abiword and gnumeric | 19:25 |
Alexfrench | but finally i do it by ubuntu logitheque interface | 19:25 |
drc | bufi: 1) 14.10? 2) Don't know, don't have any use for Java :) | 19:26 |
drc | Alexfrench: You had to uninstall abiword and gnumeric to get your terminal to accept a password? | 19:26 |
bufi | drc: i think. there is a way to know if is that? | 19:26 |
Alexfrench | not at all | 19:26 |
Alexfrench | first i wanted install libreoffice with the terminal | 19:27 |
Alexfrench | but before i wanna remove abiword and gnumeric by apt-get remove abiword | 19:28 |
Alexfrench | but i can't type my password to do it, and this 3 times too | 19:28 |
drc | bufi: "inxi -S" in a terminal | 19:31 |
bufi | drc: the terminal says me 'the program 'inxi' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install inxi' | 19:33 |
drc | bufi: Then it's 14.0.1 or earlier, 14.10 has inxi installed by default. | 19:33 |
elfy | bufi: do you login with the password ok? | 19:34 |
bufi | drc: thanks, now i don't have problems | 19:35 |
elfy | bah - so who is it with password in terminal problems then? | 19:35 |
drc | elfy: It <was> bufi (and I think Alexfrench also has/d problems) | 19:36 |
bufi | elfy: i instaled inxi right now | 19:36 |
elfy | right so - you're ok then :) | 19:36 |
bufi | i'm tring to do 'su' in the terminal | 19:36 |
elfy | Alexfrench: so do YOU still have password problems? | 19:36 |
Alexfrench | i had when i tried to do it in the terminal with sudo command | 19:37 |
elfy | Alexfrench: but ok now? | 19:38 |
drc | bufi: Were you by chance trying to use "su" not "sudo" earlier...that gives me a "cat /etc/issue" error where sudo does not. | 19:38 |
bufi | really i'm trying to create the folder '/usr/java' to install java in that folder | 19:38 |
Alexfrench | finally i pass by xubuntu logitheque | 19:38 |
bufi | drc: yes | 19:38 |
bufi | i confuse those comands | 19:38 |
drc | opps..." Authentication Failure" error (cut-n-paste error) | 19:39 |
Alexfrench | and made a search or libreoffice and install it | 19:39 |
Alexfrench | so do the same for cairo-dock and vlc | 19:39 |
elfy | Alexfrench: I'm not sure what logitheque is - I'm assuming Ubuntu Software Centre | 19:39 |
Alexfrench | yes that's it | 19:39 |
Alexfrench | sorry i am not english | 19:40 |
elfy | right - so if you managed to install with that - then the password and the keyboard is ok | 19:40 |
elfy | Alexfrench: that's ok :) | 19:40 |
Alexfrench | the passord is ok yes | 19:40 |
Alexfrench | sometimes i have to identify myself | 19:40 |
elfy | ok | 19:40 |
Alexfrench | and it work | 19:41 |
drc | bufi: OK then...use sudo NOT su :) To use "su" you need to give root a password, and that's not supported anymore. Sudo will do almost everythibg you need. (and be specific in the future,,,I ask about and you replied "sudo",,,big difference). | 19:41 |
bufi | drc: ok, i'm really new and y not now the diference | 19:41 |
drc | Then you are forgiven...this time :) | 19:42 |
bufi | so, how i can create a folder in '/usr'??? | 19:42 |
bufi | drc:'thanks! | 19:42 |
bekks | bufi: Why do you want to create folders there? | 19:42 |
bufi | bekks:for installing java | 19:43 |
bekks | bufi: you dont need to create a folder there, manually. | 19:43 |
bekks | !java | bufi | 19:43 |
ubottu | bufi: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software Development Kit" (SDK). Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations. | 19:43 |
bufi | ubottu:in that web syas how to install it? | 19:44 |
ubottu | bufi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:44 |
bufi | another question, how i can install nvidia drivers? | 19:48 |
bekks | !nvidia | bufi | 19:48 |
ubottu | bufi: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto | 19:48 |
bufi | thanks! i will try for my self | 19:49 |
xubuntu03w | Hi Can Anyone Help Me | 19:54 |
xubuntu03w | hello? | 19:54 |
xubuntu03w | anyone there | 19:55 |
xubuntu03w | help | 19:55 |
krytarik | xubuntu03w: Just ask. | 19:55 |
drc | !ask | xubuntu03w | 19:55 |
ubottu | xubuntu03w: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 19:55 |
xubuntu03w | What do i do if Whenever i start my computer it says Xubuntu Continue to wait: or Press S To Skip Or M For Manual Recovery And When I Click S My Graphics Go Wierd | 19:56 |
xubuntu03w | ? | 19:57 |
xubuntu03w | anyone know what to do? | 19:58 |
Alexfrench | new install ? | 19:59 |
drc | xubuntu03w: 1) is this on a new/initial install; 2) is this a dual boot (Windows and Xubuntu) machine? | 19:59 |
elfy | . | 19:59 |
drc | ? | 20:00 |
xubuntu03w | Idk it worked before | 20:01 |
xubuntu03w | And Yes to number 2 | 20:01 |
xubuntu03w | Now what | 20:02 |
drc | xubuntu03w: Best guess is grub got messed up...no idea here, have to turn you over to someone who actually knows something about grub :) | 20:02 |
xubuntu03w | Whats Grub | 20:05 |
drc | the thing that tells your machine what to boot into, Xubuntu or windows. | 20:05 |
xubuntu03w | Oh | 20:06 |
xubuntu03w | is there a way to fix the grub | 20:06 |
Alexfrench | is it a text file ?? | 20:06 |
drc | yes, but I never dual boot so I never have to deal with it...like I said, someone else will have to help with that | 20:06 |
Alexfrench | maybe read the ubuntu doc | 20:10 |
drc | xubuntu03w: Like I said, I have little to no knowledge of grub, but if no one esle has an asnwer, I'd start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 and here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Setup | 20:12 |
drc | notice I said "start" :) | 20:13 |
elfy | xubuntu03w: so what happens if instead of S for Skip - you M for Manual recovery - this looks like fsck is trying to check drives to me rather than grub | 20:21 |
elfy | in fact - what is the whole of the message you get when you boot? | 20:22 |
elfy | that just appears to be a part of it | 20:22 |
Alexfrench | goodnight al | 20:40 |
Alexfrench | l | 20:40 |
elfy | night :) | 20:40 |
xubuntu99i | cool IRC | 20:51 |
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