
LaneyNoskcaj: Or make a PPA which depends on https://launchpad.net/~laney/+archive/ubuntu/gi/ and fix build failures there00:21
Noskcaji'll see if i can00:25
Noskcajanjuta needs deja-dup's tests fixed (dep chain stuff)00:29
NoskcajLaney, I'll do the aisleriot merge now, sorry for not checking is it was in a *released* upstream git00:49
Noskcaj*if it00:49
HFSPLUSrww, your a prick01:35
rwwpretty cool guy*01:35
Noskcajbeat me to it ;)01:35
HFSPLUSOr do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,01:35
ScottKThanks rww.01:36
rwwNo problem. Guy has too much time on his hands and goes on tours around the namespace.01:37
NoskcajLaney, libmediaart can be synced from debian for the gi ppa. also all the mate packages and nemo02:00
BluefoxicyI still want to try running ssh as non-root :|02:59
Bluefoxicytoo much crap in openssl and openssh with protocol decoding and encryption routines and the like to go wrong as root.03:00
Bluefoxicyrww:  what are idolaters?03:03
BluefoxicyI know what adulterers and idlers are.03:03
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Aaron_26hi everyone im having trouble with adobe air04:57
Aaron_26i updated it and now i cant get league of legends to run04:58
Aaron_26is there anyways i can downgrade and go back to my previous version?04:58
NoskcajAaron_26, Try dota? Or on a serious note, ask in #ubuntu05:34
Logan_Noskcaj: look what you did06:30
xnoxslangasek: context++11:29
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Noskcajlaney, gir1.2-wnck-1.0 should be dropped since nothing uses it and has been dropped in debian21:05
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LaneyNoskcaj: I won't keep track of these, if you can make a PPA which depends on mine and upload stuff there I can take those packages22:19
Laneyor else I'm just going to look at everything next week22:19
BluefoxicyThere needs to be a tool to track down phantom space usage.22:30
Bluefoxicy 18:30:49 up 1 day,  7:17,  2 users,  load average: 5.23, 1.55, 0.9022:30
Bluefoxicy/dev/sda1        56G   45G  6.8G  87% /22:31
Bluefoxicy12G/ # du -shx /22:31
Bluefoxicy12G of files using 45G of space.  Rebooting clears this.22:31
BluefoxicyNo support for LVM2 cache-pool yet?23:01
Noskcaj-schoolLaney: One other thing, should the versioning be the same as the final ubuntu release or ppa specific. Also, how did you copy staight from sid to ppa?23:19
Noskcaj-schoolunrelated, you seem to have made a copy of xfwm4 at https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfvm4 . Any reason for that?23:20

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