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Noskcajdarkxst, Should we try and get brasero's tracker support re-enabed?01:11
darkxstNoskcaj, sure, but need to make sure that it only runs under GNOME session, either by checking XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP or adding a gsettings key05:03
Noskcajok, so much work05:03
darkxstit absolutely won't be accepted if it runs under Unity05:04
darkxstnautilus was only 5 lines of code or so05:04
Noskcaji'll have a look then05:07
darkxstNoskcaj, this is completely untested, but probably http://pastebin.com/jPsq9nUP is enough05:12
darkxstobviously you also need to build with tracker support05:16
Noskcajdarkxst, How would you depend on tracker only on gnome then?05:19
darkxstyou don't05:19
darkxstits ok for the depends to be there, so long as the engine doesnt fire up under Unity05:20
darkxstsome bits of tracker are already seeded on ubuntu images, due to nautilus (hopefully this doesnt pull in anything extra)05:28
darkxstbut from my quick look at the code, it shouldnt05:29
Noskcajok. I can't test it, but i'll try and get that packaged once gi is finished05:30
darkxstNoskcaj, sure you can test it, build it and see if search works!05:37
Noskcaji just don't have brasero, a dvd drive, or a vivid VM05:41
darkxstyou won't need to burn anything05:42
darkxstand you really need a vivid VM to test things anyway05:43
darkxstNoskcaj, just clone/copy a utopic VM, edit /etc/apt/sources.list to point and vivid and then run a apt-get dist-upgrade  and you are done!05:49
NoskcajI kinda broke my utopic vm, and i need a day where my brothers aren't home to download and set up a new one05:50
darkxsthow you testing your uploads then?05:52
NoskcajPutting them on my local machine05:53
darkxstso upgrade that ;)05:53
darkxstI run with 'devel' on my dev machine05:53
Noskcaji'm waiting a week or two for vivid to settle, then i will05:54
darkxstit was a pretty quiet opening, (no toolchain uploads etc yet)05:54
phakoafter upgrade to 14.10, my "expand triangles" in treeviews are missing. I had the same issue in jhbuild but that was fixed by installing the proper theme. However, it seems I've everz theme installed. is this a known thing?08:16
phakomissing adwaita08:16
phakoalso, switching kezboard lazouts does not seem to work :(08:17
darkxstphako, what package was missing? adwaita-icon-theme?08:48
darkxstmaybe a missing dependency08:49
darkxstbut gtk depends on that, not sure why it wouldnt have been installed08:50
darkxstphako, file a bug for keyboard issue08:51
darkxstricotz, I am confused there is no -full in debian packaging? where did it come from? should we just sync vivid auto-sync package to utopic ppa?09:05
ricotzdarkxst, your email: "I think we should just sync this from debian to the ppa (and archive when V opens), that than basing it off ubuntu gnome-icon-themes packaging.09:12
ricotzThe Ubuntu delta is pretty Unity specific, and I do suspect they will be happy to stick with the old gnome-icon-theme package. What do you think?09:12
ricotzmy answer: "I assume they will follow up with the new icon-theme and split it as09:12
ricotzusual. Better catch up with seb128 first."09:12
ricotzif this is not the case, then syncing it like it already happened in V seems fine09:12
darkxstyeh I still haven't spoken to seb, he's been hard to catch while in washington last week09:14
darkxstI will email him09:14
darkxstwell -desktop list09:15
phakodarkxst: seems someone filed it upstream already https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73915710:25
ubot5Gnome bug 739157 in keyboard "switching keyboard layouts through gnome-shell does not work" [Minor,Unconfirmed]10:25
darkxstphako, file a ubuntu bug and link that to it10:36
phakobah. i hate launchpads bugtracker10:36
darkxstphako, `ubuntu-bug gnome-shell`10:36
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kngharvQuick quesiton.  I am on "regular" Ubuntu 14.04.  Can I just "upgrade" to "Ubuntu Gnome 14.10" relatively seamlessly?   (I didn't know Ubuntu Gnome distribution existed prior to that.  I simply refused to use Unity from the start)12:12
DASPRiDkngharv, theoretically you can, yes12:24
DASPRiDkngharv, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/Installation#Cross-grading_from_Ubuntu_To_Ubuntu_GNOME12:25
kngharv@DASPRiD:  thanks.   I feel very stupid... my google fu is weak, didn't know the keyword for this situation is called "Cross-grading"12:27
meetingologykngharv: Error: "DASPRiD:" is not a valid command.12:27
DASPRiDkngharv, well, i just googled for this: "switch from ubuntu to ubuntu-ngome"12:44
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l3onricotz, hey, can you please install gtk/org.gtk.Settings.Debug.gschema.xml ?.. It's needed to enable/disable GTKIntrospector keybidding (according with https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GTK%2B/Inspector)17:24
ricotzl3on, on its way, thanks17:37
l3onyw, anyway .. I'm not able to use inspector correctly .. I will figure out what's wrong17:38
l3onricotz, installed.. it works perfectly, thanks!18:23
seanh_Hey, just installed Ubuntu Gnome 14.10. How do I get Gnome 3.14 - just add the gnome3-staging PPA?18:33
seanh_Also do I want the gnome3-team/gnome3 PPA, or is that for people who've installed normal ubuntu?18:37
Noskcajseanh, install both19:09
Noskcajgnome3 gives all of 3.12 + a few bits of 3.1419:09
Noskcajgnome3-staging gives almost all of 3.1419:09
seanhNoskcaj: Thanks, I've installed them19:10
seanhAnd rebooted19:10
seanhNot much to report yet, I have 3.14 and it seems to be working pretty well, I've noticed an apparent issue with window drop shadows but that's all19:11
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ChaosBringerHello, is it possible to upgrade from ubuntu 14.04 to ubuntu gnome 14.10? Or would I just have to install the packages manually after I do do-release-upgrade?23:53

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