
rwwI note that Alan`Bell isn't on the community council any more. The current list is Pi`ci, hgg`dh, and Tm_`T01:02
rwwerm, IRC council **01:02
ubot5HFSPLUS called the ops in #ubuntu-kernel ()01:37
ubot2HFSPLUS called the ops in #ubuntu-kernel ()01:37
ddi4zhello, anyone can help me? I want an ubuntu cloak for my nick. This is my launchpad profile: https://launchpad.net/~dante22:25
ddi4zplease, someone help me? ;)22:26
Fuchsddi4z: just wait for someone from the IRCC to see your request :)22:28
Fuchsoh, wait22:28
ddi4zFuchs: yep.22:28
Fuchsyou already have one? *scratches head*22:28
ddi4zFuchs: hehehe yeah, but i want o cloak for this new nick... if possible.22:29
ninnnu_You could link the nicks?22:29
Fuchsddi4z: the nick is grouped to the account, thus the cloak will be shared. It can be renamed, if that is what you want, but not too often. So you have to choose one of them and stay with that22:30
ninnnu_okay, apparently you've done that too22:30
k1li always forget what the cloak guidelines was: irc-nick, launchpad-nick or something else22:31
ddi4zFuchs: if possible, renamed would be better.22:31
ddi4zI did not know I had that option22:31
Fuchsddi4z: in that case you'll have to wait for someone from the IRCC22:32
ddi4zyep, you know a IRCC nick?22:34
Fuchs3 of them, but in general I'd just be patient, renaming a cloak isn't _that_ urgent imo.22:35
ddi4zFuchs: yeah, if possible, it's ok anyway :)22:37
hggdhstaff: can we please have a cloak ubuntu/member/viperhoot for ddi4z22:55
ddi4zhggdh: if possible, rename viperhoot to ddi4z22:58
hggdhddi4z: oh, you already have a cloak. Then, you are all set. Unless you change your login23:00
ddi4zhggdh: hehe no, i just want to change (or rename it) my actual cloak to ubuntu/member/ddi4z. It that possible right?23:01
hggdhddi4z: cloaks are set to the IRC login id...23:02
ddi4zhggdh: i have grouped my two nicknames, my cloak is set to my another irc login id. so, if possible rename to my new login id would be great.23:09

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