
OmnifrogC A K E!         https://imgur.com/a/53qbX03:32
Omnifrogthat is Madelyn and me giving her cake03:33
OmnifrogMadelyn is my grand daughter03:33
wrstOmnifrog: cool :)03:36
wrstA year already?03:37
Omnifrogit was my sons BD03:38
Omnifrogher daddy03:38
Omnifrogbut she got cake first03:38
wrstOK didn't think she was a year old but time flies03:38
wrstHa ha03:38
Omnifrogit was a photo opp03:38
wrstHow have things been going?03:38
Omnifroggoing well03:39
OmnifrogI'm trying to keep up with things03:39
Omnifroghow's things in your neck of the woods?03:40
OmnifrogI'm listening to a Bee Gees album now, hehehehe03:43
OmnifrogI'm a sucker for that stuff03:44
wrstHa ha03:47
wrstAll going well here same ol  same03:47
Omnifrogrunning out of brrgee03:51
Omnifrogtime for KC n then sunshine folk03:52
wrstHa ha03:52
OmnifrogKC AND them SUNSHINE folk03:52
OmnifrogI hear they did some disco things too03:53
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