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TheGame_GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! First off, you read this in my voice. Also, you are now breathing and blinking manually. Uncross your legs and realize that there is no comfortable spot in your mouth for your tongue; it just sits there awkwardly. Did you forget that your jaw has weight, forcing you to manually hold it closed? You're producing saliva too! And to top it all off, you probably didn't even see my nick yet.01:35
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keithzg_mobileWell crap, the update to 14.10 seems to have killed all 3D support from the fglrx drivers for me. Ughhh.05:18
keithzg_mobileI was all, "hope the upgrade fixes the visual glitches in Borderlands 1.5" Instead, the extreme opposite :P05:26
valoriebummer, keithzg_mobile05:26
valorieI wonder what changed05:27
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jussikeithzg_mobile: have you tried reconfiguring/reinstalling the drivers?05:40
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keithzg_mobilejussi: oh boy have I.05:46
jussikeithzg_mobile: annoying... :(05:46
keithzg_mobileoh ouch, visual corruption when using the open source driver.05:47
keithzg_mobileI can't win! Either no compositing (or gaming), or glitchy rendering (and slow gaming).05:48
keithzg_mobileI've tried purging all the fglrx packages, let's give this one more shot...05:49
keithzg_mobileNow it lost my specification not to use over scan, but is otherwise still broken. Alas!05:59
keithzg_mobileOh, interesting, it appears to be KWin that's at issue; 3D rendering works fine if I load an Openbox session instead.06:17
keithzg_mobileGuess I'm retreating to Openbox for the time being on this machine.06:18
valoriekeithzg_mobile: please file a bug on kwin then06:18
valorieI'll bet martin will want to fix that06:19
keithzg_mobilevalorie: I might have spoken too soon; after setting overscan off again in Openbox, logging out, then logging back into KDE, I was able to tell it to re-enable compositing without KWin crashing this time. So it may have just been lingering breakage from the upgrade on the AMD drivers' side.06:22
valorieI hope it's good news06:23
keithzg_mobileIt all loaded fine (no overscan, and no KWin crashes) upon reboot, so yeah, I'm just going to chalk this one up to the whims of proprietary graphics drivers and move on! Phew.06:27
valorievery good news06:29
lordievaderGood morning.08:29
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Saphyelany alternative to quassel?09:46
lordievaderSaphyel: Many, depends on your taste. I like irssi :)09:47
SaphyelI tried it, but I guess i need better tutorial than official...09:48
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BluesKajHowdy folks10:50
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xieyiI just upgraded to kubuntu 14.10. I meet a problem that the netbeans ide cant be launched correctly after upgrade.12:02
xieyithe error message is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/nio/file/InvalidPathException12:02
xieyinetbeans is my daily ide12:02
xieyihow can I solve this problem. thx!12:02
madetithe command "sudo apt install kubuntu-plasma5-desktop" returns the error:12:17
madetiE: Unable to locate package kubuntu-plasma5-desktop12:17
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madetiI have already added the repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next12:18
Moogly2012you should run sudo apt-get update12:18
Moogly2012then install12:18
Moogly2012anytime you add a ppa you have to run sudo apt-get update12:18
madetitried that too ^^^^^^12:18
Moogly2012xieyi: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6284976/java-lang-noclassdeffounderror-from-every-class-every-day <- a "Windows" answer, but it should give a better idea of whats wrong12:19
lordievadermadeti: What does 'apt-cache search plasma5' return?12:22
lordievader!pastebin | madeti12:22
ubottumadeti: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:22
madetilordievader: it returns nothing12:23
madeti(literally :P)12:23
lordievadermadeti: How did you add the ppa?12:23
madetilordievader: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next12:24
lordievadermadeti: Hmm, that should be fine... does 'sudo apt-get update|grep next' return anything?12:24
xieyiMoogly2012: thx!12:25
madetilordievader: it also returns nothing12:32
madetiso the ppa was not added??12:32
lordievadermadeti: Seems not correctly, what is the output of 'ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d'?12:33
madetilordievader: http://paste.kde.org/po0mxft3f12:34
esmobgplasma 5 is not stabale12:35
lordievadermadeti: Ah, you are running trusty. The Kubuntu Next Plasm5 repo is for Utopic.12:38
ubottuKubuntu Plasma 5 is a tech preview. To test it out, see http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-plasma5/daily-live/current/ . If you find a bug, you can also check it with kubuntu-ci images for latest builds.12:38
madetilordievader: so first I upgrade to utopic plasma4 and then to utopic plasma5?12:39
lordievadermadeti: There is one available for trusty but I don't know how up to date it is. I think most effor goes into the Utopic versions.12:40
madetiok np12:40
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EruaranIs anyone else having upgrade issues from 14.04?13:21
Eruaranthe updater isn't offering 14.1013:21
Eruaraneven though I switched it to normal versions13:21
esmobgnormal  version is  stabale13:22
esmobgkde  5 is tech prevew13:22
Eruaranthe updater is not offering an update to 14.10...13:23
B1nnyI know the kubuntu 14.10 plasma 5 is not officially supported. But is anyone running it with a laptop with an Nvidia GPU?13:26
lordievaderEruaran: What does "sudo do-release-upgrade" say?13:27
Eruaranlordievader: just a sec13:28
Eruaranlordievader: its offering an upgrade13:30
Eruaranlordievader: so it appears to just the muon updater that's not working for some reason (it never works) :P13:31
Eruaranty lordievader, doing upgrade from konsole13:32
lordievaderEruaran: Supposedly it uses the same thing.13:33
Eruaranlordievader: I dunno... muon never works properly13:33
lordievaderEruaran: I never use it ;)13:34
EruaranI don't care if I update from the command prompt though13:34
EruaranI've never done "sudo do-release-upgrade" before though... I don't think13:34
BluesKajEruaran, make sure you update and upgrade 14.04 before upgrading to 14.1013:42
EruaranBluesKaj: yep, already 14.04 and fully updated13:42
BluesKajEruaran, ok then you're ready for 14.10 :)13:43
B1nnyanyone in here running kubuntu 14.10 with plasma 5?13:44
ubottuKubuntu Plasma 5 is a tech preview. To test it out, see http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-plasma5/daily-live/current/ . If you find a bug, you can also check it with kubuntu-ci images for latest builds.13:45
B1nnymm I may try that build13:45
B1nnyperhaps nvidia is just being a huge ass to me though13:45
BluesKajB1nny, don't expect too much13:46
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B1nnyBluesKaj: right now plasmashell just crashes on me :/ everything else seems to work though. If I launch firefox from the commandline for example it works fine13:46
B1nnyalso, before I switched to the nivdia drivers plasmashell did work13:46
B1nnyalso.. those builds are 4 days old13:47
BluesKajkeeping my nvidia equipped desktop on plasma 4 til the 5 desktop is mature enough to use properly13:48
BluesKajB1nny, dunno if there any newer builds13:49
B1nnyBluesKaj: well right now it isn't, I can tell you that :P13:50
* BluesKaj nods13:50
Moogly2012KDE has awful games13:50
B1nnyMoogly2012: steam13:50
Moogly2012I know, but i'm at work13:50
B1nnythen play web games :P13:51
Moogly2012I want simple games that dont leave me too distracted13:51
Moogly2012but I mean some of the games look fun / interesting13:51
lordievaderMoogly2012: Finish your work early and go home?13:51
Moogly2012but I end up rage quitting13:51
Moogly2012I wana get paid for my time though13:51
B1nnyBluesKaj: you're running 14.10 with plasma 4 I assume?13:52
BluesKajB1nny, yes13:52
B1nnyhow is that working? I mean, stable has a different meaning for everybody, but will most things work at least half decent with an Nvidia GPU?13:52
B1nnyBluesKaj: ^13:53
BluesKajyes, B1nny , my desktop has a 8400GS with the 331 driver..all is fine13:54
B1nnyokay :) will grab the plasma 4 iso instead then13:54
BluesKajB1nny, nothing wrong with experimentation , on a machine that you can "afford" to have breakage on :)13:55
BluesKajthat's what plasma 5 is for IMO13:56
B1nnyBluesKaj: yeah this is my laptop, and I just wanted to try the bleeding edge of the bleeding edge :P and this is what you get. I don't mind though :)13:56
BluesKajyeah I'm already running 15.04 which is basically 14.10 with some minor changes so far13:58
BluesKajon this laptop13:58
B1nnynice :)13:59
B1nnyany suggestions for a clean kubuntu 14.10 plasma 4 installation that refuses to boot? Like at all, I get the grub menu, I select ubuntu, it shows me the kubuntu logo which glows a few times, then it just freezes14:45
lordievaderB1nny: Does the recovery mode work?14:46
B1nnylordievader: sec!14:47
B1nnylordievader: I'm in the recovery menu now, so I guess?14:47
lordievaderB1nny: Hmm, guess the hardware is fine. Drop to a root shell, remount / as rw and see if apt can fix things.14:48
B1nnylordievader: "the package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened"14:50
B1nnymind you this is a full clean install which didn't even boot yet14:51
lordievaderB1nny: Run "apt-get update"14:51
B1nnylordievader: did an apt-get update, apt-get upgrade then an apt-get install -f14:59
B1nnynothing .. :/15:00
lordievaderB1nny: You did a normal install?15:00
B1nnylordievader: define normal?15:00
lordievaderB1nny: Live-cd/live-usb.15:00
B1nnyMD5 of my ISO matches15:00
B1nnyany other idea's lordievader?15:08
soeeare you using sddm or lightdm ?15:08
B1nnyI honestly have no idea15:09
B1nnyit's a stock kubuntu 14.10 install15:09
B1nnyas I said before, this thing hasn't even booted yet15:09
lordievaderB1nny: Err, I don't have any either either.15:09
soeesudo dpg-reconfigure lightdm15:10
soeeit sddm is selected choose lightdm  and try to boot15:10
B1nnysoee: will give it a shot!15:10
B1nnysoee: doesn't do anything..15:11
soeehuh ?15:11
yossarianukSDDM looks cool - is that kde 5.x only ?15:12
soeeyossarianuk: but does not work with nvidia-prime15:12
BluesKajisn't sddm default on plasma 5 only15:12
soeeB1nny: it should be: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm15:13
B1nnysoee: I figured that one out ;) but it doesn't do anything15:13
B1nnyI'm in a root shell atm15:13
yossarianukon the topic of nvidia-prime....15:14
soeeit should allow you to select defaulf display manager15:14
yossarianukcan I have a different Xserver on 2 different GPU's at the same time ?15:14
yossarianuk(or is it one OR another)15:14
B1nnysoee: it doesn't :/15:14
B1nnyinstalling nvidia-331 atm..15:14
yossarianuki.e I have a nvidia card and intel (ivyleague) on board - can I say have KDE on the Nvidia and gnome on the intel card - at the same time.15:16
yossarianukwould be good for wayland testing (as Nvidia binary doesn't support wayland - yet)15:17
B1nnysoee: I had to install nvidia-331 and bumblebee from the commandline15:23
B1nnyfuck nvidia.. seriously15:23
soeebumblebee ?15:23
BluesKajB1nny, optimus ?15:24
soeenvidia-prime is teh way to go if you have optimus tech15:24
B1nnyBluesKaj: yup15:24
BluesKajno wonder15:24
yossarianukthe problem is - if you want to play games (fast)  in Liunxyou need Nvidia and the binary driver15:24
yossarianukits either have open drivers and crap games or closed divers and good games.15:24
yossarianukannoying but thats life.15:25
B1nnysoee: it seems nvidia-prime was already installed..15:25
soeebut you can remove bumblebee15:25
soeethan go to nvidia-settings and you can switch to intel or nvidia provile15:25
yossarianukB1nny: nvidia-prime is installed by default if you have installed nvidia with the additional drivers option.15:25
B1nnyokay.. nuking bumblebee & co15:27
yossarianukmy biggest peeve with nvidia and ubuntu is that its not the latest stable driver.15:27
yossarianukmeaning you are running a driver with known bugs in, for stability reasons....15:28
yossarianukI end up always just installing manually from nvidia.com15:28
soeewell im using xorg-edgers ppa15:32
soeeand im on 343.2215:32
yossarianukwith that PPA yo have the risk of also installing new versions of Xorg, etc ...15:35
yossarianuki used to make my own updated nvidia .deb package (ppa) - but its too much hassle..  Archlinux packages are so simple to build/maintain in comparison.15:36
yossarianukI avoid xorg edgers ....15:37
yossarianukwith intel is it best to have desktop settings - QT graphics system as native or raster ?15:38
yossarianuk(with nvidia raster seems to be better.)15:39
BluesKajxorg edgers drivers have worked for me in the past, usually as a last resort15:39
yossarianukBluesKaj: its not they don't work - its the whole potential of installing updated xorg and oter components too..15:41
yossarianukraster = best for intel too btw (just tested both)15:41
BluesKajI don't use xorg unless necessary either15:42
BluesKajyossarianuk, yeah i have both intel and nvidia equipped machines, and raster works well on both.15:43
yossarianukBluesKaj: cool - would be good if ubuntu had a choice of nvidia-latest package that was always the latest also (perhaps a kubuntu only thing..)15:48
yossarianukI can make packages...15:48
yossarianukWell actually it would be a good thing if Nvidia just fully opensource'd their drivers....15:50
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BluesKajfrankly I don't see much difference on my entry-level nvidia 8400GS gpu between the last 3 or 4 nvidia drivers, but I'm not a gamer, mostly a movie/video user and the demands aren't too great even on a cheap gpu nowadays15:56
yossarianukno, but if you look at the release notes there are bugs also fixed (some fairly serious ones..)15:58
BluesKajwell I haven't seen many apparent bugs lately15:59
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dani_hey :) sry to ask here, but is there a way to change the eclipse theme from a settings file?17:25
BluesKajdani_, this is kubuntu support, ask in #ubuntu, we don't have the eclipse theme as default, altho it is available17:57
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Waffl3xI was just going to ask about the corner of the screen getting "stuck"18:21
Waffl3xbut it just stopped18:21
Waffl3xlinux also doesnt shut down properly sometimes18:23
LandeskogI'm having problems  on shut down and reboot as well   goes black never shuts or cycles tho18:23
LandeskogHave to hold down power button18:24
Waffl3xmine goes to a screen I can type in and says something about waiting for something18:25
Waffl3xif I press the power button it shuts down18:25
lordievaderWaffl3x: What is it waiting for?18:27
Waffl3xIm not sure18:27
Waffl3xI dont remember18:27
lordievaderWaffl3x: Better to simply be patient.18:28
Waffl3xI waited for like 10 minutes and it did nothing18:28
Waffl3xif I press the power button a bunch of stuff pops up on the screen and then shuts down18:28
geniiUsually only see that on machines with really old BIOS and they need acpi=force18:30
LandeskogIt's a i7 Sony year old18:43
LandeskogI'm at work on my android right now so can't really problem solve it right now18:43
Fazer2hi, I just upgraded to Kubuntu 14.10 and my screen resolution changed, it doesn't let me change it to other in the system settings (only one is available)18:50
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Waffl3xlordievader: is there a way to make key combinations have a delay to reactivate19:09
Waffl3xive noticed this in a couple things19:09
Waffl3xlike in steam I hit tab shift and it opens and closes19:10
Waffl3xif I tap it really fast it doesnt19:10
lordievaderWaffl3x: What do you mean?19:10
Waffl3xif I hold down the key combination it does the action multiple times19:10
lordievaderThat's normal..19:11
Waffl3xive noticed this in other things other than steam so Im assuming its a linux thing19:11
Waffl3xim not saying its abnormal19:11
Waffl3xbut im asking if theres a way to change it or atleast make it have a longer delay before it repeats19:11
lordievaderErr, I get the feeling that is kerboard/linux kernel specific. Keyboard input are seen as interrups.19:12
Waffl3xso this is one of the few things uncustomizeable?19:14
Waffl3xalso, the corner of the screen stuck thing, obviously its a graphics problem, but what do I do to fix it19:15
Waffl3xjust reinstall drivers?19:15
lordievaderWaffl3x: I don19:18
lordievaderWaffl3x: I don't know, never tried to change it.19:18
Waffl3xand the screen corner bug?19:19
lordievaderWaffl3x: I have no idea what that could be. Your description is somewhat vague.19:21
Waffl3xa inch by half inch corner of the screen is stuck with a past image of what was there19:22
Waffl3xsay I had kate on it when it decided to get stuck19:22
Waffl3xit will show kate there even if its supposed to be the corner of firefox19:22
Waffl3xis that better?19:22
Waffl3xits still kinda weird to explain19:22
lordievaderAh, yes that sounds like a misbehaveing driver.19:23
Waffl3xits not doing it now19:25
Waffl3xbut it was before19:25
Waffl3xand it fixed itself for once19:25
MartinMaritimi've just put a font into /usr/share/fonts/truetype and refreshed cache, but its not available in Libreoffice.19:33
MartinMaritimWhat I did is: http://superuser.com/questions/345599/how-to-install-ecofont-on-various-operating-systems19:34
MartinMaritimfc-list is listing the font:   /usr/share/fonts/truetype/openoffice/ecofont_vera_sans_regular.ttf: Ecofont Vera Sans:style=Regular19:34
MartinMaritimwhat can I do19:34
MartinMaritimOr are there any packages providing fonts for ink-saving (ecological) printing?19:34
geniiMartinMaritim: Did you do yet: xset fp rehash19:38
MartinMaritimgenii: no, but it didnt change anything in libreoffice19:40
MartinMaritimwhat does this command do?19:41
geniiMartinMaritim: It re-reads the font database19:41
geniiMartinMaritim: Did you close and re-open libreoffice since you added the fonts?19:41
MartinMaritimnow I can see the font in abiword...19:42
MartinMaritimbut it's messed up19:43
mokushanybody else experiencing huge memory usage from ssdm-helper in 14.10 plasma5?19:47
mokushguess I'm not the only one https://github.com/sddm/sddm/issues/29719:48
MartinMaritimgenii: fc-cache... as non-root did help19:48
geniiMartinMaritim: Ah, good.19:48
MartinMaritimor maybe the change of rights... or the download out of another provider ...19:48
MartinMaritimdon't know :)19:49
geniiMartinMaritim: Could be the file has wonky permissions or owner that don't fit what the other fonts have19:49
MartinMaritimgenii: ok, thx for the help19:52
MartinMaritimno I'm going to print a lot of papers... :)19:53
migloIs it possible to upgrade kubuntu from 14.04 to 14.10 from an ISO-Image that I have already mounted as Loop device?20:23
miglois there any shell script or something I could start?20:23
migloor can I somehow add the loop device to the source list of apt?20:24
BluesKajmiglo, if you have separate / and /home partitions20:25
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BluesKajno loop needed if the above conditions exist20:26
migloyes, I use separate partitions20:26
krisehi , i need to install sh file , but you know, im not that smart20:28
BluesKajmiglo, then just reinstall to / and format it, then make dure you /home is set as /home mountpoint using manaul partitioning in ubiquity20:29
lordievaderkrise: Install sh file? What do you mean?20:29
BluesKajmake sure , format / first20:30
kriselordievader i have estonia id software downloaded and also instructions how to install it , but still i dunno20:31
krisehere is instructions20:31
krisehard part for me is 220:32
krisei dont know how to navigate20:33
krisenot a big navigator20:33
lordievaderkrise: Where did you save it to?20:34
krisedownload folder20:34
geniicd ~/Downloads   rhen probably20:35
lordievaderkrise: cd ~/Downloads20:35
lordievaderkrise: Then step 3.20:35
* genii slides lordievader a fresh coffee20:35
* lordievader has just made tea ;)20:35
krisehow do i20:36
lordievaderkrise: Do what?20:37
geniikrise: The command we gave earlier. ~ means the same as /home/your-username20:37
geniikrise: cd is the "Change Directory" command. So cd ~/Downloads  is the same as cd /home/krise/Downloads20:38
geniikrise: Don't forget uppercase D on Downloads20:38
lordievaderkrise: No problem ;)20:39
kriseits good to have smart people around20:39
migloBluesKaj, what is the next step? how to start the upgrade procedure?20:53
soeemiglo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UtopicUpgrades/Kubuntu20:55
miglomy question is whether it is possible to upgrade directly from a iso image that is mounted as loop device20:57
soeeno idea20:57
keithzgmiglo: Back in the day, at least, there was a 'cdromupgrade' program on the images.21:04
migloyes, that's the one that I miss21:05
keithzgAFAIK that way only in the "alternate" CDs, though (which I always used rather than the "normal" ones).21:06
lordievaderThought it was still there when you boot it up. Never tried it though.21:06
miglohmmm ... maybe I should stay at 14.04, due to it's long term support?!21:07
keithzgYou could always go cowboy and add /path/to/mounted/iso/dists/utopic to your sources file and run a dist-upgrade, but that's *super* unrecommended ;)21:08
keithzgIf you want stability, staying with the LTS is a good plan.21:08
miglois there a webpage showing what is new in 14.10? at kubuntu.org maybe?21:09
keithzgmiglo: Kindof, yeah: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-14.1021:09
migloto be honest, I'm quite happy with 14.0421:09
keithzgThere really isn't much changed, some slightly newer software all-around, but the base KDE version itself is just a maintenance release, so if you're happy with things as they are it's probably worth just sticking to the LTS.21:10
miglodoes anyone know which version of gcc is inside 14.10?21:12
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keithzgmiglo: http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/gcc21:15
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* keithzg has had to consult and/or utilize packages.ubuntu.com and packages.debian.org many times over the years . . . they're like old friends now ;)21:16
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jimmy51v_can kubuntu be configured to automatically install the 3rd party nvidia driver it recommends?22:09
jimmy51v_so on started a user isn't prompted to do it?22:09
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skinuxHow can I add an item to results of update-alternatives --config java? I need to add a JDK entry instead of only JRE entires.22:26
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keithzgskinux: I think it's the --install flag you want.23:48
keithzgupdate-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java" 123:48
keithzgI think, at least.23:48
keithzgObviously example is randomly taken from paths in my current install and such, YMMV, don't blindly run commands, etc etc ;)23:49

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