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slangasek | xnox: context.append(ntp) | 04:47 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:12 |
mvo | pitti: hello! is it ok to use libsystemd-dev in vivid now? it seems to be in vivid-proposed at this point. I'm looking at the dbus and util-linux merge right now | 09:11 |
didrocks | mvo: hey! I think pitti is just landing in frankfurt at this time, not sure he will be available until late today (if any) | 09:12 |
mvo | didrocks: aha, thanks | 09:12 |
Laney | Noskcaj: If you make it final I can copy it from there | 09:35 |
Laney | I used lp:ubuntu-archive-tools copy-package which takes an optional distribution as source | 09:36 |
seb128 | dholbach, Noskcaj: I see you synced gnome-system-monitor, I didn't look at it yet but I've a feeling it's going to use GtkHeaderBar/csd and not work under Unity and that it shouldn't have been synced | 09:43 |
dholbach | seb128, ugh, sorry about that | 09:48 |
seb128 | dholbach, no worry, but better to be careful with GNOME updates, feel free to let those to desktop if you are unsure | 09:48 |
dholbach | will do | 09:49 |
xnox | slangasek: that was no joke. | 10:03 |
xnox | mvo__: libsystemd-dev is just a combination of all previous libsystemd-daemon-dev, libsystemd-*-dev etc. So in your code you should typically use either or, to stay compatible across old and new style libsystemd library | 10:04 |
xnox | (old was split into many, new one is just a single thing for all things systemd) | 10:04 |
xnox | cjwatson: you almost gave me a heart attack =) | 10:04 |
xnox | cjwatson: you should've started the blog post with "TLDR; UE -> LP" =)))) | 10:05 |
xnox | ev++ | 10:05 |
xnox | well, it is under UE these days, so I guess UC -> CI is more correct. | 10:08 |
LocutusOfBorg1 | xnox, FYI lucene++ built successfully :) | 10:13 |
xnox | LocutusOfBorg1: good =) | 10:13 |
* xnox drops the connection quickly | 10:17 | |
xnox | should be connected properly all the time now. | 10:32 |
mlankhorst | hm so far I manually disabled xdiagnose prior to every release to prevent uploading data after release, but it seems the script checks lsb_release -d for 'development', so would it be ok to drop that upload? | 11:31 |
xnox | slangasek: systemd-networkd is a generic provider though. Such that if a different ntp implementation is chosen it should integrate with the provided facility. | 11:50 |
xnox | apw: infinity: initramfs-tools merge - is it going to happen for vivid? otherwise split /usr cannot be booted under systemd in ubuntu, yet can be in debian. | 11:52 |
apw | xnox, i am planning on it, but it remains dependant on the console-setup merge | 11:52 |
xnox | apw: right, yes, i recall that as a blocker | 11:54 |
apw | will bring it up again with those doing that merge, to see where we aer at | 11:55 |
xnox | let's pick a victim. | 11:56 |
xnox | Laney: would you like to finish up console-setup merge? =) | 11:56 |
mdeslaur | xnox: it's was sad not seeing you at the sprint | 11:58 |
xnox | mdeslaur: i know. i was a bit sentimental looking at all the unicorn pictures =( | 11:58 |
xnox | when everyone is next in London we should meet up. | 11:59 |
xnox | Or like sponsor external people to events =))) | 11:59 |
mdeslaur | xnox: your name was mentioned multiple times, you must have subconsciously heard it :) | 11:59 |
xnox | i have tough decisions ahead of me: stay on trusty on 1/3 machines, stay on utopic on 2/3 machines, or upgrade to vivid. | 12:00 |
xnox | this is first time where I have non-devel release machines, feels awkward. | 12:01 |
* ogra_ always has his infrastructure on latest LTS and laptop on latest devel | 12:01 | |
mdeslaur | nostalgic for the nosebleeds? :) | 12:01 |
xnox | mdeslaur: i guess i should upload more SRUs to fix things in trusty. | 12:03 |
xnox | mdeslaur: and there are more rpm friendly tools in vivid. e.g. obs-build, zypper, etc. | 12:03 |
xnox | speaking of which i have a pam patch for sudo. | 12:04 |
mdeslaur | oh, huh, obs-build is the suse thing? | 12:04 |
xnox | mdeslaur: yeah, but it can build rpm for any rpm & deb based distros in a chroot (optionally in kvm, or lxc) | 12:05 |
mdeslaur | right...cool | 12:05 |
xnox | well any package for any distro. | 12:05 |
xnox | it's worse than native sbuild, but does the job if one wants to do build for everything. | 12:06 |
* mdeslaur -> reboot | 12:06 | |
* mdeslaur grumbles at utopic not mounting nfs at boot | 12:10 | |
pitti | Hello | 12:28 |
pitti | Noskcaj: I'm fairly sure that we can sync g-i, but please let me check | 12:29 |
pitti | mvo__: libsystemd-dev> yes indeed, that's a (mini-)transition that I'd like to do ASAP; using it is okay, and I think Debian mostly already did it | 12:29 |
pitti | Noskcaj: yeah, g-i looks fine, and we'll get mvo__'s multiarch fixes \o/ | 12:31 |
pitti | wgrant: I approved the templates in https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/+source/ciborium/+imports?field.filter_status=all&field.filter_extension=all about a week ago; any idea why the corresponding PO files don't get imported automatically? | 12:50 |
pitti | wgrant: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/+source/ciborium/+pots/ciborium has translations now, but it seems there's still a lot sitting in the queue | 12:51 |
pitti | wgrant: I approved the armhf pot and deleted the other arches, but they are waiting on all arches | 12:51 |
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dgadomski | cjwatson: hi | 13:01 |
dgadomski | cjwatson: we discussed some ubiquity issues during the sprint, I have reported some bugs about it (#1386113 #1386131 #1386153) | 13:02 |
dgadomski | cjwatson: I would appreciate taking a look at them (there is also the patch you provided attached to the relevant bug) | 13:02 |
xnox | bug 1386113 | 13:04 |
ubottu | bug 1386113 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Preseeding encrypted lvm fails with "An error occurred while creating the keyfile"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386113 | 13:04 |
xnox | bug 1386131 | 13:04 |
ubottu | bug 1386131 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Preseeding encrypted lvm fails instead of asking for password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386131 | 13:04 |
xnox | dgadomski: as i wrote most of the ubitquity bits around it, reviewed your patch. Looks good. | 13:06 |
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dgadomski | thanks xnox, all the credit goes to cjwatson, he just passed me this patch off the record to test it | 13:07 |
dgadomski | for some reason ubottu have not picked up #1386153 | 13:08 |
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cjwatson | xnox: if there's anything you happen to be in a position to do, that would be great, thanks. I'm on holiday until Wednesday and won't be looking at dgadomski's bugs until then. | 13:19 |
cjwatson | (so not going to be paying much attention here, but seems at least worth saying "not right now" so that potentially others can chime in.) | 13:19 |
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geser | do the "Failed upload" errors in vivid-propsed (all universe) need a no-change rebuild to get accepted? or should they get investigated and the package removed once for all instead of (re)moving it each release? | 13:34 |
xnox | cjwatson: ack. | 13:37 |
rbasak | geser: what's the package? Usually you can retry. | 13:37 |
geser | rbasak: e.g. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/188058747/upload_6484807_log.txt (The following files are already published in Primary Archive for Ubuntu) | 13:41 |
geser | or https://launchpadlibrarian.net/188057152/upload_6484759_log.txt | 13:42 |
rbasak | geser: looks like it's some kind of more general issue maybe to do with with the Arch: all move from i386 to amd64. | 13:45 |
rbasak | infinity: ^^ | 13:46 |
rbasak | Launchpad seems to think it needs a build, when it doesn't. | 13:46 |
rbasak | Maybe safe to ignore unless infinity says otherwise? | 13:46 |
geser | usually I retry those "Failed to upload" errors but I'm not sure this cases fall into the "Usually" category when I look at the publishing history with the move from utopic-proposed to vivid-proposed | 13:47 |
geser | that's why I ask | 13:47 |
rbasak | geser: I think these ones are "special", and somebody who knows more will come along soon :) | 13:47 |
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland | ||
cjwatson | geser,rbasak: yeah, leave those alone for now, we identified a Launchpad bug here during the opening process with the nominatedarchindep switch, and will be working on fixing it next week | 14:59 |
cjwatson | (briefly, AIUI, it's resolving "architecture independent" to a concrete architecture too early) | 15:00 |
xnox | ogasawara: thanks =) | 15:44 |
ogasawara | xnox: I miss you already :) | 15:44 |
xnox | ogasawara: when are you in London next? Drinks are in order. | 15:45 |
ogasawara | xnox: definitely. I'm not sure when the next trip is, but I suspect beginning of the year sometime. | 15:46 |
xnox | ogasawara: cool ;-) | 15:46 |
xnox | ogasawara: now on to reading unlocked ancient bug reports =) | 15:47 |
infinity | xnox: It's going to happen. | 15:59 |
infinity | xnox: (re: initramfs-tools merge) | 15:59 |
xnox | infinity: oh, i thought you mean drinks in London. Everyone has been so nice to me lately, i miss hanging out with you. | 15:59 |
xnox | infinity: are you doing the console-setup merge then? | 16:00 |
infinity | xnox: vorlon was doing the merge, but got sidetracked. One of us will finish it off. | 16:00 |
* xnox ponders if vorlon highlights on vorlon on freenode. | 16:01 | |
infinity | xnox: Not sure, but I used the nick intentionally to not highlight. :P | 16:01 |
* infinity goes to find breakfast. | 16:01 | |
xnox | infinity: my health advisor says that double espresso and a cigarette do not count as breakfast. | 16:02 |
Riddell | jcastro: what's the best link for an owncloud charm? https://jujucharms.com/precise/owncloud-16/?text=owncloud#summary ? | 16:03 |
infinity | xnox: (a) your health advisor sounds like a twit, (b) I'm going out with another human who eats normal food, so I may follow suit. | 16:03 |
jcastro | Riddle: https://jujucharms.com/precise/owncloud/ will always point to the right place. | 16:03 |
Riddell | jcastro: even once precise is old? | 16:04 |
ogra_ | xnox, fix your health advisor ! serves me since years | 16:04 |
ogra_ | (you can at least get 44 that way ... proven) | 16:04 |
jcastro | Riddell, we haven't pushed it to trusty yet, but we can do that | 16:05 |
jcastro | Riddell, but to answer your question, yeah that's a canonical URL and won't change | 16:08 |
Riddell | jcastro: great | 16:10 |
jcastro | I'll ask the maintainer to push it to trusty asap as well | 16:11 |
jcastro | I wasn't aware we hadn't done that | 16:11 |
slangasek | infinity, xnox: I have the merge done and building, but it needs some iteration to check for regressions... and it needs installer changes, so I want to test quite a bit before uploading | 16:34 |
slangasek | infinity, xnox: and yes, I highlight on vorlon here, so thbbt ;) | 16:34 |
xnox | slangasek: alright, what about the UTC patches for the installer authored by you. I don't recall those getting fixed up based on Colin's feedback. and getting merged. | 16:44 |
slangasek | xnox: correct, they haven't been yet; the screams have been muted post-14.04 release, so it fell down the priority list | 16:46 |
slangasek | xnox: btw, do you want some of these 14.10 plymouth regressions assigned to you? :) | 16:47 |
xnox | slangasek: I'd like to still look into flickerless boot regresion, but i'm not that optimistic about it. | 16:47 |
xnox | slangasek: are there more? which apw didn't fix yet? | 16:48 |
slangasek | xnox: I think being unable to enter passphrases at boot time is a higher priority regression than flicker (which, btw, apw has said vt.handoff support is still there somewhere) | 16:48 |
xnox | slangasek: i thought apw's upload fixed the passphrase bug. | 16:49 |
apw | yep confirmed that patch is still in there | 16:49 |
slangasek | xnox: bug #1386005, bug #1383851, bug #1370707 | 16:49 |
ubottu | bug 1386005 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Password not accepted graphical boot for encrypted root system" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386005 | 16:49 |
ubottu | bug 1383851 in linux (Ubuntu) "Cannot enter LVM encryption password in qemu with -vga std" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1383851 | 16:49 |
ubottu | bug 1370707 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Plymouth does not display the graphical boot splash" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1370707 | 16:49 |
xnox | not funny =( | 16:49 |
slangasek | xnox: apw's upload fixed *a* passphrase bug | 16:49 |
apw | xnox, i fixed one of them, where the passphrase was being missreported/not reported back to the plymouth client | 16:50 |
slangasek | the one where you enter the password and the plymouth client mishandles it | 16:50 |
slangasek | but there are bugs where the splash screen doesn't show up, bugs where it shows up but you can't enter text, ... | 16:50 |
xnox | slangasek: so i had locally stashed patches to askpass to use proper plymouth apis, instead of stdin/stdout redirects. I can check if that performs any better. | 16:50 |
slangasek | bugs where you can enter text in text mode over the top of the splash screen | 16:50 |
apw | the vga one seems to be triggered by plymouth only opening tty7 when it sees boot_vga on the /sys/* files for the device | 16:50 |
xnox | apw: correct, i configure plymouth for tty7 only at compile time. | 16:51 |
apw | if i am reading plymouth right | 16:51 |
xnox | i guess i should upgrade my work laptop to 14.10 to justify fixing all of these. | 16:51 |
apw | xnox, right, but it seems to only allow a "seat" to use the "terminal" for input when it sees a sysfs file of boot_vga flag set on the frambuffer etc | 16:51 |
apw | which for efi it does not seem to be | 16:52 |
xnox | oh uefi interraction bugs. *sigh* | 16:52 |
slangasek | does that include the case where we're getting EFI/VGA in /proc/fb despite not booting with EFI? | 16:54 |
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sage__ | Does Ubuntu still use upstart as its init service | 17:14 |
infinity | sage__: For now, yes,. | 17:15 |
sage__ | Is there a definitive answer for when we will have a systemd release? | 17:16 |
coreycb | infinity: can ipxe-proposed get moved to trusty-updates? | 18:18 |
coreycb | infinity, sorry... ipxe-precise | 18:18 |
hallyn | infinity: sorry, i may have misunderstood what you said last week. thought you were pushing it out of NEW, but maybe you were talking about the other pkgs. are we supposed to ask someone else for a review? | 18:23 |
infinity | coreycb: That would require it being in proposed first. | 18:23 |
infinity | hallyn: I can do the review, though I'm off today. | 18:23 |
infinity | hallyn: Will I find that a debdiff from ipxe/precise to ipxe-precise/trusty is tiny, readable, and obvious? | 18:24 |
infinity | hallyn: If so, I can give that a once-over this afternoon. | 18:24 |
coreycb | infinity, I thought it was in proposed but maybe I'm not reading it right https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text= | 18:26 |
hallyn | it should be very obvious, lemme take a look | 18:26 |
infinity | coreycb: In the queue isn't in the archive. | 18:26 |
coreycb | infinity, k | 18:26 |
hallyn | infinity: yup, debdiff is short and simple | 18:29 |
mhall119 | ogasawara slangasek mdeslaur will you be able to be a track lead again for the Ubuntu Development track of UOS? | 18:44 |
mdeslaur | mhall119: I don't think the security team had a track last time, as we figures we were better off attending other team's tracks | 18:46 |
mdeslaur | s/figures/figured/ | 18:46 |
slangasek | mhall119: yes | 18:47 |
mhall119 | mdeslaur: not a security track, just ubuntu development in general | 18:47 |
mhall119 | thanks slangasek | 18:47 |
mhall119 | mdeslaur: I just need people who help round up sessions from other people and get them on the schedule | 18:48 |
mdeslaur | mhall119: let me get back to you | 18:50 |
mhall119 | mdeslaur: ok, thanks | 18:50 |
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hallyn | if i mark a bug as invalid in lp, does it still show up in normal search results? | 19:02 |
brendand | hallyn, by default no - 'closed' states don't appear | 19:04 |
hallyn | ok, thanks, i'll leave the bug in incomplete state then for ahile (maybe someone else will come along and report the same symptoms) | 19:05 |
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Noskcaj | Laney, If you're still around, what options do you use for copy-package? | 20:03 |
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zerick | Anybodoy familiar with start-stop-daemon functions? I'm trying to start something that uses a port, but it never open that port :/ | 22:18 |
MasterPiece | check for permissions | 22:18 |
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