cpatrick08 | I was looking at and was wondering what the generic images would run on | 02:53 |
cpatrick08 | I was also looking on and saw grouper images, I was wondering how up to date those images were | 03:00 |
Bond-JamesBond | hello folks | 03:32 |
Bond-JamesBond | i finally have a Ubuntu Touch device and I'm thrilled -- but.. | 03:33 |
Bond-JamesBond | I cannot figure out how to upload an e-pub or a couple mp3 podcasts to my device. Help, please? | 03:34 |
Bond-JamesBond | Oh: running PCLinuxOS, but can boot into Ubunu 14.04 if needed | 03:35 |
Bond-JamesBond | I prefer to work in just GUI, but I'm OK doing a few things command line if that is what it takees | 03:37 |
Bond-JamesBond | um, hello | 03:40 |
ahayzen_ | Bond-JamesBond, mp3s you should be able to copy via MTP to your device and put in the 'Music' folder | 03:41 |
Bond-JamesBond | thank you, but I don't understand MTP | 03:43 |
Bond-JamesBond | does the browser have a way to "dowload this link"? Because I could try that, too. | 03:43 |
ahayzen_ | Bond-JamesBond, "Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)" .. if you plug your device in via USB it should appear under nautilus (note i use Ubuntu not PCLinuxOS) and then you can copy them across | 03:44 |
ahayzen_ | Bond-JamesBond, yep if you download music files they will be imported via the music-app | 03:44 |
Bond-JamesBond | I was able to get DigiKam to find/dowload the pics, but I just couldn't put anything ONTO the device. | 03:46 |
Bond-JamesBond | Maybe rebooting into Ubuntu is the way to go? | 03:46 |
ahayzen_ | Bond-JamesBond, maybe, i'm not familiar with the tools that come with PCLinuxOS | 03:47 |
Bond-JamesBond | thanks ahayzen | 03:49 |
ahayzen_ | Bond-JamesBond, if that doesn't work you can push them across with adb | 03:49 |
Bond-JamesBond | but -theoretically- it really should be as easy as dragging & dropping some files across, right? | 03:49 |
ahayzen_ | Bond-JamesBond, yeah it should appear as a drive in your file manager then drag and drop :) | 03:50 |
Bond-JamesBond | thank you so much , folks! I'm going to reboot and try some more. Take Care! | 03:55 |
nhaines | Good luck! | 03:56 |
harish_ | Hi All.. Is it possible to install ubuntu-tound on Sony Xperia M? | 06:21 |
harish_ | Hi All.. Is it possible to install ubuntu-touch on Sony Xperia M? | 06:21 |
tbr | !devices | 06:28 |
ubot5 | You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at | 06:28 |
tbr | harish_:^^^^^ | 06:28 |
harish_ | Thanks | 06:29 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:12 |
bobin | Hi guys. I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my Windows 8 tablet (hp elitepad 900 g1). I have got to grub but when I press try Ubuntu/install Ubuntu the tablet go black screen and stops. Any suggestions? | 08:05 |
bmatusiak | anybody know why html5 apps on built on ububtu-sdk dont work? | 08:35 |
tsdgeos | ogra_: any idea why there's no equivs in rtm? | 08:50 |
out_of_color | i ve been googling a lot but i keep running in circles. how do i flash my tablet using ubuntu? | 09:16 |
spazzymoto | out_of_color: | 09:27 |
out_of_color | spazzymoto , i would like to reinstall android os not ubuntu | 09:31 |
spazzymoto | What tablet do u have? | 09:32 |
out_of_color | spazzymoto , none of those | 09:33 |
out_of_color | spazzymoto , i just want to try a fresh install because even after a factory reset some files remain | 09:34 |
spazzymoto | what tablet do you own? | 09:36 |
out_of_color | POV | 09:38 |
out_of_color | why does android keeps some apps config files? is it to spare internal flash card? | 09:42 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Monday, and happy 110th birthday to the New York City subway! :-D | 10:01 |
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hardtail | Hi there. Does anyone have experience installing Ubuntu on an ASUS TransformerBook T100? | 11:39 |
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jgdx | seb128, hey | 14:17 |
barry | mandel, lool: do you have an eta for a new udm in rtm that fixes LP:# 1341685? i'm going to try to get a new s-i into rtm today | 14:22 |
lool | barry: hmm I had asked mandel to land it, and I believe that was utopic/vivid only back then, need to check with him | 14:22 |
lool | mandel: you around? | 14:22 |
barry | lool: cool, thanks. btw, i'm going to do a final review and test of the branch, but it *should* be up-to-date with our discussions of last week | 14:26 |
dobey | barry, lool: mandel is on vacation for a few days i think | 14:47 |
barry | dobey: okay, thanks | 14:47 |
seb128 | jgdx, hey | 15:05 |
jgdx | seb128, hey, I had a question about what code goes where for a bug, but now I know. | 15:07 |
seb128 | k | 15:08 |
ogra_ | seb128, seems since we rolled back apt in the rtm images system-settings seem to fail their smoketests | 15:10 |
seb128 | ogra_, doesn't make any sense, settings are not using apt | 15:10 |
ogra_ | (that was the only change during the last few images and it started exactly with the rolled back image ... pretty weird) | 15:10 |
ogra_ | well, pkcon is | 15:11 |
ogra_ | but even that should not have any effect | 15:11 |
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dobey | hrmm | 18:54 |
dobey | is there any way to remount /system as rw? | 18:54 |
davmor2 | dobey: phablet-config writable-image? | 18:56 |
dobey | davmor2: i don't think that makes the android lxc environment writable though? | 18:57 |
pmcgowan | dobey, adb shell "echo $mypassword | sudo -S mount -o remount,rw /" | 18:57 |
pmcgowan | more better | 18:57 |
dobey | pmcgowan: mount: cannot remount /dev/loop1 read-write, is write-protected | 18:57 |
dobey | i want to make the android chroot writable, not / :) | 18:57 |
davmor2 | dobey: I thought it made / rw and everything under it | 18:58 |
davmor2 | ah okay sorry | 18:58 |
ogra_ | not the android img ... you would have to do that from recovery | 18:58 |
dobey | davmor2: pretty sure not android anyway | 18:58 |
dobey | ogra_: so boot to recovery, remount /, and then adb push? | 18:58 |
ogra_ | the prob is that the img already lives in a readonly space ... | 18:58 |
ogra_ | so it inherits the readonly status ... even if you remount the loop image | 18:59 |
dobey | not that i expect what i want to try, to actually fix anything, but would like to try it anyway | 18:59 |
ogra_ | dobey, no, boot into recovery, find the andorid image somethere under /data or /userdata, create a mountpoint for it, loop mount it rw and make changes | 19:00 |
ogra_ | (at which point you will likely run into issues because it has 0bytes free | 19:00 |
dobey | though maybe the image already has the latest versions of the firmware on it; the filenames aren't versioned, so no idea how to tell | 19:00 |
ogra_ | ) | 19:00 |
dobey | hmmm | 19:01 |
ogra_ | you can look at the source of rootstock-touch-install from lp:project-rootstock-ng ... | 19:01 |
ogra_ | it does something similar | 19:01 |
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pdxwebdev | Is there a recommended database storage with ubuntu phone? | 19:12 |
popey | Local storage is what most use, basically sqlite | 19:12 |
pdxwebdev | Ok, I'm having to convert from mongodb, any nosql options? | 19:13 |
dobey | u1db | 19:13 |
pdxwebdev | cool, thanks | 19:14 |
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mandel | barry, so the udm fix, we need to test etc.. I'll do it now | 19:38 |
mandel | barry, I tried to do it on friday but vivid was not open | 19:39 |
mandel | barry, do you need it in rtm? | 19:39 |
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barry | mandel: yes, we do need it for rtm | 20:09 |
mandel | barry, ack, I'll request a silo for rtm too | 20:10 |
barry | mandel: that would be great, thanks. i am testing my rtm branch for s-i on it too | 20:10 |
barry | (on lool's branch) | 20:10 |
mandel | barry, is that bug reported as critical in the spreadsheet? | 20:35 |
barry | mandel: "the"? not sure, but i did add it to the "RTM additional bugs wishlist" spreadsheet | 20:36 |
mandel | balloons, that is "the" spreadsheet :) | 20:36 |
mandel | barry, ^ | 20:36 |
mandel | balloons, please ignore me | 20:36 |
taiebot | Hi all i am planning some trip abroad and i am dreading because i will not be able to use my UT because of this bug any way this could be escalated i think it is a must have for any phone. | 20:37 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1323837 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Sim toolkit is not available on UT" [Wishlist,Triaged] | 20:37 |
la_juyis | hi, does anybody know which is the latest build that I can flash on a flo device with some hope it will work? :) | 22:26 |
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pngo_ | does anyone knows to to get/reset access point name? | 23:48 |
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