ali12341 | i was thinking about the clocks changing | 00:13 |
shauno | I think they just went back 24 hours? | 00:13 |
=== arsen is now known as Guest43922 | ||
ali12341 | so my question is this: can unix tzdata handle a timezone where seconds are 0.023% shorter for half the year, and 0.0023% longer for the other half? | 00:15 |
diddledan | err | 00:16 |
shauno | ali1234: I mean this in the nicest possible way. when you become earth's evil overlord, I'm leaving the planet :) | 00:17 |
ali12341 | i was thinking about what you'd do if you had no clock | 00:18 |
shauno | I think that's been tried? we just got up when it got light and went to bed when it got dark? | 00:18 |
ali12341 | right, my conclusion is if the sun rises earlier each day, you'll get up earlier each day | 00:18 |
ali12341 | if you get up earlier you go to sleep earlier | 00:19 |
diddledan | what about those of us that don't respect daylight? | 00:19 |
ali12341 | which effectively means each day is slightly less than 24 hours | 00:19 |
shauno | it's not that linear though? | 00:20 |
ali12341 | then when the daylight hours get shorter you are getting up later each day, so the days are slightly longer | 00:20 |
zmoylan-pi | just remember when you become evil overlord there's a todo list. a real time saver :-) | 00:22 |
shauno | I think redefining seconds would cause more problems though | 00:22 |
ali12341 | yes. better to make days +/- 20 seconds | 00:22 |
ali12341 | that could be adjusted to match the change in sunrise times | 00:23 |
shauno | I mean, I thought it was crazy that australia have a "and a half" timezone | 00:23 |
ali12341 | effectively i'm proposing a time system where sunrise is at a fixed time instead of noon | 00:23 |
ali12341 | this would mean timezone would depend on latitude as well as longitude | 00:24 |
shauno | yeah, I was just thinking that. noon's easy because it's constant | 00:24 |
shauno | you'd have timezones shaped like sine waves | 00:25 |
ali12341 | if tzdata devs think they have it bad now... | 00:25 |
shauno | I still have to contemplate that the easiest way for them to handle this proposal, would be to hire a hitman | 00:26 |
diddledan | I think we should all be on atomic time | 00:27 |
shauno | diddledan: I've seen your pic dear. You're not an atom. | 00:27 |
diddledan | none of this futsing about with leap-seconds and daylight saving | 00:27 |
shauno | honestly, I'd be happy if they could even get europe & north america to switch daylight savings at the same time | 00:28 |
shauno | instead of this weird mess where we're now 4 hours ahead of new york. for a week or two. | 00:29 |
diddledan | I'm betting that's a real pain point for you supporting the us from eire | 00:29 |
shauno | it's mostly painful for them :) | 00:29 |
diddledan | lol | 00:29 |
shauno | we do 6am-6pm no matter what. they're the ones that end up doing 2pm-2am for a week or two (or three in spring) | 00:30 |
shauno | I understand the current mess - it's normalized to lattitude (europe is a lot further north than it feels like) | 00:31 |
zmoylan-pi | i'd be happy if they got rid of summer time as the farmers are a smaller % of workers now | 00:32 |
shauno | (barcelona is further north than NYC, for example) | 00:33 |
shauno | now that I think about it, ali's timezones wouldn't be sine waves, they'd just be diagonal versions of what we have now | 00:37 |
shauno | kinda. until you hit the equator. and then I run out of think. | 00:38 |
diddledan | they'd be sine waves if the change was 0.023% per day | 00:38 |
shauno | I'm just thinking that as you head south, so sunrise comes later (in the summer at least), you can compensate by heading east | 00:39 |
shauno | what's really awkward is that would be reversed in the winter, they'd lean the other way | 00:40 |
diddledan | oh god, that would be we'd have different length of day for the north compared to the south | 00:41 |
diddledan | and seconds wouldn't align | 00:41 |
shauno | nah. let's be realistic. you'd just continue to pretend the north doesn't exist. | 00:41 |
diddledan | I mean hemispherically | 00:42 |
shauno | well, timezones are already wider at the equator | 00:42 |
shauno | I think the pi's going to work tomorrow. it's a bank holiday, I can get away with it :) | 00:47 |
zmoylan-pi | put it in a big desktop calculator case :-) | 00:48 |
shauno | I figure if they didn't want me to take retropi to work, they wouldn't have given me a 4:3 monitor :) | 00:50 |
shauno | diddledan: re book .. watch :) | 00:50 |
diddledan | wtf | 00:53 |
diddledan | that looks fun | 00:53 |
shauno | it's a zombie movie from the zombie's pov, basically. it's a trainwreck. | 00:53 |
shauno | but there's one scene in particular that's uncomfortably close to what you just described | 00:54 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
=== Daryl is now known as Guest48999 | ||
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi | ||
mapps | god damn | 02:47 |
mapps | so much for my 100mbit | 02:48 |
mapps | speedtest shows 13.8mbit..yet im paying for 100 | 02:48 |
diddledan | yeouch | 02:51 |
diddledan | that's sloow | 02:51 |
mapps | yep | 02:51 |
mapps | 75 pounds a month for 100 | 02:51 |
mapps | so il have to call them and have another fun conversation | 02:51 |
diddledan | maybe neighbours are swamping the local node | 02:51 |
daftykins | is this real world speeds or just 'cause that site blows | 02:54 |
mapps | | 02:55 |
mapps | and my samsung rv520 laptop isnt working..turned off and now display wont come on..laptop turns n then off like after say 10seconds | 02:55 |
mapps | annoying as i did buy a new laptop before i came herebut left it in theuk | 02:56 |
daftykins | D: | 03:02 |
shauno | why on earth are you awake :/ | 03:02 |
mapps | homeland time | 03:11 |
mapps | yay | 03:11 |
mapps | wonder whats wrong with my rv520..really annoying :( | 03:15 |
mapps | only got my netbook now which i love but its small for watching tv on | 03:15 |
daftykins | i'd just fully strip and reassemble | 03:19 |
daftykins | run minimal hardware, see what happens | 03:19 |
mapps | yea | 03:20 |
mapps | il have to do it back in UK | 03:20 |
mapps | not got anything here so cant take it apoart etc | 03:20 |
daftykins | =[ | 03:25 |
daftykins | i never like having situations and being away from my tools | 03:26 |
mapps | yea | 03:26 |
mapps | it sucks | 03:26 |
daftykins | in fact i went to England once without any of my USB flash drives and regretted it | 03:27 |
mapps | thats why i hate moving or livng abroad really...cant being everything | 03:27 |
mapps | bring | 03:27 |
daftykins | so many situations came up | 03:27 |
mapps | yea | 03:27 |
mapps | afty still awake? | 04:14 |
shauno | I've never really had that. when I moved to the US, I took a suitcase. when I came back, I brought the same suitcase | 04:20 |
mapps | how long did you stay there for | 04:22 |
shauno | 5 years | 04:22 |
mapps | wow nice | 04:23 |
shauno | moving there was funny though. I was 20, so simple priorities. stuck my PC in the suitcase. filled the insides of the tower with books so bits wouldn't shift around too much | 04:24 |
daftykins | i'm alive | 04:24 |
shauno | and then shoved enough clothes in the suitcase to keep it padded :) | 04:24 |
shauno | (and took the harddrives as carryon because I didn't trust the baggage monkeys) | 04:24 |
mapps | u took a big pc? | 04:26 |
shauno | heh, sure | 04:26 |
shauno | that was 2001. a laptop was a big deal for a 20yo back then :p | 04:26 |
daftykins | ;D | 04:26 |
shauno | it wasn't even a good PC :/ but it went through hell with me | 04:28 |
mapps | heh | 04:31 |
mapps | how much did it weigh? you managed to fit in youir allowance for case? | 04:32 |
shauno | I honestly have no idea. mum figured all that stuff out :) | 04:32 |
mapps | :) | 04:32 |
mapps | howcome you guys are always up so late | 04:33 |
shauno | I went to bed, nothing happened, so I got up again | 04:33 |
shauno | I get stuck in this loop where I go to bed late when I have to be up early. and then can't sleep because I worry that I won't wake up on time | 04:34 |
daftykins | eek! | 04:34 |
daftykins | i just don't have anything to be up for tomorrow | 04:34 |
daftykins | and keep staying up watching the Baseball world series ;| | 04:34 |
shauno | I work at 6 :/ | 04:34 |
daftykins | ouch | 04:34 |
daftykins | you're close now! | 04:34 |
mapps | hahaha thats the kinda thing id do shauno stay up late then like uh cant sleep i may oversleep ll | 04:36 |
mapps | you work from home? | 04:36 |
shauno | nah, I've got a proper job :p | 04:36 |
daftykins | time to bail on the waking world i think | 04:38 |
mapps | heh | 04:38 |
daftykins | nn gents \o | 04:38 |
mapps | nn mate | 04:39 |
shauno | night | 04:39 |
OERIAS | mmm bangers and tea | 05:47 |
shauno | good lord man. bangers and mash! | 06:10 |
MooDoo | morning all | 07:50 |
diddledan | morning MooDoo | 08:21 |
diddledan | sorry about the delay | 08:21 |
MooDoo | no worries i was on early | 08:31 |
MooDoo | yay someone got nic bonding working on 14.04 lts server using my post :) | 08:53 |
diddledan | well done | 08:53 |
MooDoo | lol simple things eh lol | 08:54 |
diddledan | is that 802.1ax or the linux-only variant? | 08:55 |
diddledan | .1ax is fairly recent in terms of spec | 08:56 |
OERIAS | bangers | 08:57 |
OERIAS | mmmm | 08:57 |
knightwise | yo peeps | 09:02 |
diddledan | lo | 09:02 |
knightwise | hey diddledan how are you today | 09:03 |
diddledan | hunky dory ta | 09:03 |
knightwise | same here | 09:03 |
knightwise | allthough I have quite a bit of work to get through reinstalling my dual booted macbook air :( | 09:04 |
knightwise | Yosemety update killed my dual boot ability so i had to completely nuke and pave back to mavericks | 09:04 |
knightwise | And I had it pimped out so nicely | 09:05 |
diddledan | :-( | 09:09 |
diddledan | sucky | 09:09 |
dutchie | morning | 09:09 |
diddledan | what isn't sucky tho: (note that the data isn't fully loaded yet) | 09:09 |
* diddledan been playing over night | 09:10 | |
diddledan | did I kill him? | 09:11 |
diddledan | ello dutchie | 09:11 |
MooDoo | any one know of any decent p2v tools? besindes vmware convertor, which I'm using at the moment? it's for a 14.04 LTS server. | 09:16 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: why you after me | 09:27 |
MooDoo | davmor2: wasn't, not that I can remember why | 09:28 |
davmor2 | <MooDoo!~paulmello@fedora/moodoo@#ubuntu-uk> That's the ones :D davmor2 I'm after you sir! :D | 09:29 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: last night around 10:00 by the look of it | 09:29 |
MooDoo | davmor2: ah i remember now, on brobostigon's stats, you're the one above me on most talking irc users | 09:29 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: ah let me guess popey is number 1 | 09:30 |
MooDoo | yeah but no surprise there really ;) | 09:30 |
davmor2 | Oh and Morning all | 09:31 |
popey | morning all | 09:32 |
popey | diddledan: you sure that's -uk? | 09:35 |
davmor2 | speak of the devil | 09:35 |
popey | looks more like #ubuntu to me | 09:35 |
davmor2 | morning popey | 09:35 |
popey | yo | 09:35 |
popey | good flight back? | 09:35 |
davmor2 | popey: yeah pretty uneventful and no ripped jeans this time \o/ | 09:39 |
popey | heh | 09:40 |
* zmoylan-pi wonders how you rip jeans on an airplane... | 09:42 | |
MooDoo | probably jumping over all the seats to get at the screaming kid ;) | 09:43 |
zmoylan-pi | or travelling as luggage and getting caught on baggage carousel | 09:44 |
davmor2 | on the newark flight in I was on like the worlds smallest plane, must of been about 5'11 and about 4'6-5' where the luggage rack came I had the window seat and the arm had a bit sticking out of it. I'm 6'2 so because of the weird angle I was at to get into the seat my jeans got snagged on the bit sticking out of the arm | 09:45 |
MooDoo | :( | 09:45 |
brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 09:53 |
foobarry | how wide are seats on aeroplanes nowadays? | 09:54 |
foobarry | do they fit american butts? | 09:54 |
brobostigon | unlikely. | 09:55 |
popey | there isn't a universal butt | 09:55 |
foobarry | butts are wider now than in the 70s though, surely | 09:55 |
popey | the ones on the A380 are nice | 09:55 |
popey | the plane i was on is 6 months old | 09:56 |
foobarry | a380 airbutt | 09:56 |
brobostigon | airplane chair, with butt massager. | 09:57 |
bigcalm | Good morning peeps :) | 09:58 |
brobostigon | morning bigcalm | 09:59 |
bigcalm | o/ | 09:59 |
MooDoo | morning | 09:59 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
brobostigon | morning MooDoo | 09:59 |
popey | we were very nice to the stewardesses | 10:00 |
popey | so we kept getting topped up with booze and food on the flight | 10:01 |
* popey ♥ BA | 10:01 | |
brobostigon | :) | 10:01 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Monday, and happy 110th birthday to the New York City subway! :-D | 10:01 |
brobostigon | morning JamesTait | 10:01 |
JamesTait | brobostigon, o/ | 10:02 |
JamesTait | popey, I wish I'd worked the travel agent harder and got a BA flight. United charge extra for alcoholic drinks with your meal. :( | 10:02 |
popey | ugh | 10:03 |
popey | i ended up having 6 bottles of plonk | 10:03 |
bigcalm | 75cl bottles? | 10:03 |
popey | airplane bottles | 10:03 |
bigcalm | Aww | 10:04 |
popey | also she slipped us a bacon sarnie she nabbed from club class as we were coming in to land | 10:04 |
* JamesTait makes a note to travel with popey next time. | 10:04 | |
zmoylan-pi | the bacon sarnie, king of sarnies | 10:05 |
popey | me and will tend to pm eachother 24 hours before the flight to book our seats ☻ | 10:07 |
dwatkins | did someone here run a page called "pimp my spice rack", or did I dream it? | 10:07 |
JamesTait | I did the same with davmor2 for the Malta sprint, but we were on different flights this time. | 10:08 |
foobarry | dwatkins: alanbell | 10:08 |
dwatkins | thanks foobarry - I couldn't find the link | 10:10 |
brobostigon | they should make a dr who spinoff called "pimp my tardis!!" | 10:10 |
dwatkins | brobostigon: there's probably a subreddit for that | 10:11 |
brobostigon | :) | 10:11 |
zmoylan-pi | but if you change the appearance of the tardis, is it still a tardis? | 10:14 |
foobarry | yes, just a new series ;P | 10:15 |
dwatkins | aha, it's "Rate my spice rack", found it! | 10:16 |
dwatkins | the site no longer exists, however | 10:16 |
zmoylan-pi | way back machine have it? | 10:32 |
davmor2 | JamesTait: we need to work that better next time :) | 10:50 |
popey | hehe, "This British Street is all set for Halloween" | 10:56 |
davmor2 | popey: oh scary | 10:57 |
shauno | hm, I'm missing something | 10:58 |
davmor2 | shauno: I'm waiting for popey's pic of here's an american street ready for halloween | 10:59 |
davmor2 | shauno: they take it a little more seriously over there | 11:00 |
zmoylan-pi | uk has moved it's celebration to nov 5 for guy fawkes night | 11:00 |
MooDoo | in my village, it seemed it was 5th november last night | 11:01 |
foobarry | "moved" | 11:01 |
foobarry | MooDoo: diwali? | 11:01 |
popey | i let off some fireworks we've had for 2 years on saturday | 11:02 |
MooDoo | no just some prat in a garden setting off fireworks at 9pm | 11:02 |
popey | only quiet ones that sparkle | 11:02 |
zmoylan-pi | well guy fawkes night has masks and fireworks and bonfires like halloween | 11:02 |
foobarry | "you car is in v good condition. just some minor bits. that will be £125 please" | 11:11 |
shauno | I actually liked halloween in the states. our town had this cute thing where the shops all put an orange card cut-out of a pumpkin in the window | 11:12 |
shauno | and then on halloween, the kids all go and trick'or'treat just those stores | 11:13 |
shauno | it was overly cutsey, but highly effective. no more hiding upstairs with all the lights out | 11:13 |
* zmoylan-pi fills in the scorpion pit... :-) | 11:14 | |
directhex | skip trick or treating; play Costume Quest instead | 11:15 |
directhex | better for your teeth! | 11:15 |
MooDoo | shauno: we do that in our area, if there is a lit pumpkin outside, you can trick or treat there. | 11:19 |
shauno | I do miss that | 11:20 |
shauno | here I just hide my wheelie bins and shut the lights out | 11:20 |
shauno | ireland's in an odd position where they basically want a 'bonfire night', but they don't have/recognise the 5th. so halloween becomes defacto bonfire night, fireworks are smuggled across the border, etc | 11:21 |
shauno | and combining "trick" with "bonfire" isn't always ideal | 11:22 |
foobarry | sent a contractor a gz of a large file 260MB. he was struggling to read it, then i realised 1) he hadn't gunzipped 2) he was doing the windows user fail of opening the whole file in a text editor | 11:24 |
JamesTait | davmor2, did you see the toy store in Tysons Corner Center (sic) where they moved all the toys into the store room and re-stocked with Hallowe'en stuff instead? | 11:24 |
foobarry | windows mentality. must open entire file to search for string | 11:24 |
davmor2 | JamesTait: that was the Mircosoft store you were looking at wasn't it | 11:25 |
JamesTait | davmor2, oh no, I was too busy next door in the Tesla store.... | 11:26 |
zmoylan-pi | we've always had a bonfire night, it might go back to ancient tradition of putting out all fires once a year and sharing a single flame from tara | 11:29 |
shauno | right, and it's likely the same here. but the uk has a current outlet for it, here they really don't | 11:31 |
zmoylan-pi | well we have bonfires on halloween | 11:31 |
zmoylan-pi | lots of them | 11:31 |
zmoylan-pi | i haven't been to a part of ireland that didn't have bonfires | 11:31 |
shauno | that's what I mean. the uk has a seperate night for them. here they just get bundled in | 11:32 |
knightwise | there | 12:35 |
knightwise | system reinstalled :) | 12:35 |
knightwise | Stupid Yosemite update .. | 12:36 |
knightwise | breaking my dual boot ... hrrmmpphh | 12:36 |
brobostigon | oh dear. | 12:38 |
knightwise | had to redo both my ubuntu and my osx install .. | 12:38 |
BigRedS | Oh, yosemit's the new OSX. that's not a cat | 12:38 |
knightwise | Yep | 12:39 |
funkyHat | Neither is Mavericks | 12:39 |
knightwise | I went for Elementary as my linux distro this time | 12:39 |
knightwise | its fast and it looks good | 12:39 |
BigRedS | Oh yeah, I missed that one | 12:39 |
knightwise | even if its based on 12.04 | 12:39 |
BigRedS | Is that the OSX clone? | 12:39 |
knightwise | "clone" is a big word | 12:40 |
knightwise | but its a light and elegant distro based on 12.04 | 12:40 |
BigRedS | Is that the one that looks like OSX? :) | 12:40 |
knightwise | had it installed on my wifes imac for a month before she noticed it | 12:40 |
knightwise | yes , it does look like osx a bit | 12:40 |
BigRedS | haha | 12:40 |
knightwise | its pretty though. | 12:41 |
knightwise | and fast .. fast is important | 12:41 |
knightwise | lighter then unity , better looking then lxde | 12:41 |
BigRedS | yeah, I don't find Unity that slow, except the start-button search thing | 12:42 |
BigRedS | but, generally, I'm still amazed by Crunchbang's ability to not make me swear at my computer all the time | 12:43 |
brobostigon | gnome3 is definatly faster in that respect. | 12:43 |
BigRedS | at making you swear at it? | 12:44 |
BigRedS | :) | 12:44 |
BigRedS | yeah, I can't remember what put me off Gnome3 | 12:44 |
OERIAS | one here tried Ubuntu Mate? | 12:45 |
knightwise | I don't actually care what window manager i'm using. mostly I hide the dock / unity launcher and use a keyboard launcher like Kupfer to start all my apps | 12:45 |
knightwise | OERIAS: i have , its fast .. stable .. and it feels very very retro | 12:45 |
OERIAS | knightwise, it might actually make stop complaining about ubuntu | 12:46 |
brobostigon | no, the app search thing, BigRedS | 12:46 |
OERIAS | now that it has a gnome 2.x desktop | 12:46 |
Azelphur | Mozilla gave me a free Flame, aww yis | 12:46 |
BigRedS | yeah, that's why i was fine with Unity, but I found the weird way you get told about unread mails/jabbers unworkable | 12:46 |
knightwise | I'm looking forward to the next version of elementary to be honest. | 12:47 |
OERIAS | i just ubuntu would have made a flavour a whole lot sooner | 12:47 |
knightwise | its very "sober" but that is just what I like about the distro | 12:47 |
OERIAS | back in 2011 | 12:47 |
OERIAS | of course | 12:47 |
knightwise | btw : have any of you checked out Chromixium ? | 12:47 |
OERIAS | no i haven't | 12:49 |
OERIAS | tell me | 12:49 |
knightwise | ubuntu on the bottom , chromeOS up top based on Chromium | 12:50 |
OERIAS | nice | 12:52 |
OERIAS | does it have access to chrome store? | 12:52 |
davmor2 | knightwise: why not just drop x altogether and just use the terminal ;) | 12:53 |
knightwise | come on .. terminal-only discussions are soooo 1995 | 12:53 |
davmor2 | knightwise: and your gui is from 1996 right ;) | 12:56 |
knightwise | lol | 12:56 |
knightwise | i dont think a terminal only interface for a linux DESKTOP is feasable anymore | 12:56 |
knightwise | for a server perhaps.. Terminal + webinterface is all I use for my servers | 12:56 |
knightwise | but on my desktops ? | 12:56 |
davmor2 | knightwise: well I was talking about you personally :P | 12:57 |
knightwise | hmmm.. i love using terminal apps for their speed and the low bandwith they use (i'm hotspotting my phone a lot) | 12:57 |
knightwise | But I don't know if I could use them exclusively | 12:58 |
davmor2 | knightwise: I'm guessing that there is only really the browser you need x for right so you could throw that in an unconfined lxc container and have that run x for you done ;) | 12:58 |
knightwise | true. | 12:59 |
knightwise | the nice thing about chromixium is that you can always have that one app available that you don't have in chrome | 12:59 |
knightwise | like for example something like filezilla or something | 12:59 |
knightwise | but running complete X is a waste of resources , i agree | 12:59 |
BigRedS | knightwise: what do you use a web interface for on a server? | 13:02 |
BigRedS | webmin style things? | 13:02 |
knightwise | webmin | 13:02 |
knightwise | and things like plex , bittorrent sync, calibre, transmission .. all of those thing run via web interfaces | 13:03 |
BigRedS | ah, I was thinking more traditional servery things | 13:04 |
BigRedS | that's a little more like shifting desktop apps off to a server and using a webui for them | 13:05 |
BigRedS | you're in the cloud, man | 13:05 |
knightwise | Private cloud :) | 13:05 |
dutchie | wow, gnome-shell is slow | 13:13 |
dutchie | and cpu heavy | 13:14 |
knightwise | not my cuppa tea :) | 13:19 |
dutchie | yeah, i'm usually happy with unmity | 13:22 |
dutchie | unity | 13:22 |
dutchie | but decided to see what i'm missing | 13:22 |
knightwise | dutchie: that bad ? | 13:22 |
dutchie | what's that bad? | 13:22 |
knightwise | Gnome3 | 13:26 |
dutchie | i think if it didn't keep dropping frames it'd be ok | 13:27 |
knightwise | hmm.. | 13:27 |
knightwise | I'm getting all of my apps together here , mostly everything works , aside from runnign the latest version of Evernote under wine | 13:27 |
dutchie | i might even prefer it to unity | 13:27 |
dutchie | but it loses v hard in performance to that | 13:28 |
dutchie | i'll give it a go this week i think | 13:30 |
dutchie | also i've managed to get a white box stuck on the screen | 13:30 |
dutchie | one of those old-school right-click menu glitch type things | 13:31 |
BigRedS | yeah, I don't recall why I preferred Unity to Gnome 3. They're really similar in lots of ways | 13:32 |
brobostigon | i prefer gnome3's workspace implementation. | 13:33 |
foobarry | does gnome3 still suffer from the issue where if you update it, you have choice to disable extensions or wait until all your extensions are updated? | 13:34 |
foobarry | i tried it for about 6 months | 13:34 |
foobarry | extensions were necessary, but they did not cohabit nicely and crashed gnome a lot | 13:35 |
dutchie | idk | 13:36 |
dutchie | i typed "apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop" then logged out and back in with the "gnome" sessino | 13:36 |
dutchie | i used to use g-s before unity even existed | 13:36 |
dutchie | used to compile it out of git every week | 13:37 |
brobostigon | same here. | 13:37 |
brobostigon | i simply use gnome3 directly from debian experimental now. | 13:38 |
BigRedS | 'simply' :) | 13:42 |
brobostigon | :) | 13:42 |
dutchie | brobostigon: on ubuntu? | 13:42 |
dutchie | there much of a diff? | 13:42 |
shauno | less naked people :( | 13:43 |
brobostigon | dutchie: on debian sid, | 13:45 |
dutchie | brobostigon: what are you doing in here then?!?! ;) | 13:45 |
brobostigon | dutchie: i use ubuntu as well, in various forms. | 13:46 |
foobarry | naked | 13:46 |
shauno | have you seen the debian 'community'? don't banish him :( | 13:46 |
foobarry | they are friendly if you have a grey beard | 13:47 |
shauno | I have a grey beard. I'd still disagree. | 13:47 |
dutchie | joking aside, is gnome-shell actually a fast moving project still? | 13:48 |
dutchie | this laptop should definitely be able to run it comfortably | 13:48 |
dutchie | model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4600U CPU @ 2.10GHz | 13:48 |
brobostigon | yes, and yes. | 13:49 |
dutchie | maybe it's just indexing stuff or something? | 13:50 |
popey | whats slow about it? | 13:51 |
dutchie | alt tab switcher, swapping workspaces | 13:51 |
dutchie | it's sitting at 85%+ cpu in top | 13:52 |
foobarry | gnome3 was horrific for that | 13:56 |
foobarry | mind you, unity dash is slow to pop up too | 13:56 |
diddledan | popey: you were right about it was showing #ubuntu's map - something messed up in the json cronjob. it seems fixed now | 13:58 |
dutchie | not so much in my experience | 13:59 |
dutchie | aha | 14:02 |
dutchie | chrome -> settings -> use system title bar/borders | 14:02 |
dutchie | and it all runs beautifully | 14:03 |
popey | foobarry: i fixed that by switching off active blur | 14:11 |
popey | \o/ new tv ordered | 14:12 |
OERIAS | Today is a beautiful day for the folks in the beautiful city of Diamond Bar CA | 14:12 |
foobarry | popey: yes, got a lot better after that as i recall | 14:13 |
OERIAS | 57 freeway both North and South is congested | 14:13 |
foobarry | any x2go users in here? | 14:13 |
popey | no idea what that is | 14:14 |
foobarry | its a type of nxserver, freenx | 14:16 |
foobarry | remote desktop app | 14:16 |
popey | ahh | 14:17 |
knightwise | foobarry: i played with it , didn't get it to work the first time though. | 14:17 |
foobarry | have a bit og a problem with a session | 14:17 |
foobarry | :( | 14:17 |
knightwise | its interesting to have at home. give kids / wife / gran a Linux T | 14:17 |
foobarry | stuck in suspend mode. user wants to save the session | 14:17 |
knightwise | hmm.. im afraid that is beyond my knowledge | 14:18 |
foobarry | yeah, was just checking . the freenode channel is dormant | 14:18 |
foobarry | so my wet piece of string got replaced by openreach | 14:29 |
foobarry | internet isn't any faster :( | 14:29 |
diddledan | grr | 14:34 |
shauno | diddledan: heh, that graph's kinda snazzy. I got a wee star! out there on the edge of the galaxy with nae pals lol | 14:35 |
diddledan | shauno: it'll re-jig the positions when you refresh - the json just says who's connected to who and the browser decides how to render that | 14:37 |
shauno | I can't help suspecting it's a little biased though. we don't use names so much at 5am when there's only 3 people awake. it's much easier to imply who you're talking to lol | 14:38 |
foobarry | ls | 14:42 |
shauno | You are in a folder of twisted passages, all alike | 14:43 |
foobarry | rm -rf DonkeyP* | 14:43 |
shauno | You have no DonkeyP* | 14:43 |
foobarry | phew | 14:43 |
bigcalm | Anybody finding that app windows aren't always updating correctly until they are moved off screen or something is moved over them? | 15:00 |
MartijnVdS | bigcalm: yes. sometimes. video windows | 15:00 |
MartijnVdS | reboots help then | 15:01 |
MartijnVdS | oh or gimp | 15:01 |
MartijnVdS | restarting gimp several times fixes it sometimes | 15:01 |
bigcalm | This is happening in gedit, terminal, firefox | 15:02 |
bigcalm | Thankfully it hasn't happened in my IDE yet | 15:02 |
foobarry | thought saturdays dr who should have been on cbbc | 15:06 |
MartijnVdS | foobarry: yeah it was very Sarah Jane Adventuresish | 15:08 |
foobarry | albiet with a couple of swear words | 15:09 |
foobarry | everything else was age apprpriate | 15:09 |
foobarry | for 7 yr old | 15:09 |
MartijnVdS | easily recut | 15:09 |
davmor2 | foobarry: why would you remove DonkeyPopMusic | 15:09 |
BigRedS | bigcalm: yeah, I had that for ages | 15:12 |
BigRedS | no idea what fixed it, but there's one or two bugs on Launchpad about it | 15:12 |
bigcalm | Odd | 15:12 |
ali12341 | probably a compositing bugs | 15:13 |
ali12341 | try turning off the compositor | 15:13 |
MartijnVdS | ali12341: killall unity? | 15:15 |
popey | Afternoon all. | 15:28 |
daftykins | heya | 15:29 |
MartijnVdS | howdy popey | 15:30 |
Azelphur | Gah, firefox os doesn't support any bluetooth tethering :( | 15:31 |
popey | That's okay! Neither does Ubuntu ☻ | 15:32 |
Azelphur | popey: ...yes it does, I use it all the time | 15:32 |
popey | Ubuntu phone? | 15:32 |
Azelphur | Ubuntu desktop, dunno about Ubuntu phone | 15:32 |
ali12341 | lol, nobody cares about unbuntu phone | 15:32 |
ali12341 | i too have used bluetooth tethering with the desktop however | 15:33 |
popey | "nobody" | 15:33 |
ali12341 | although to be honest you are better off using wifi hotspot | 15:33 |
daftykins | i can honestly say that i never use bluetooth for anything | 15:34 |
Azelphur | ali12341: but wifi hotspot drains the crap outta your battery | 15:34 |
Azelphur | bluetooth tethering is much better | 15:34 |
ali12341 | not really | 15:34 |
Azelphur | ...yes really? XD | 15:34 |
ali12341 | it's the mobile connection that drains the battery | 15:34 |
foobarry | bluetooth useful for handsfree in the car | 15:34 |
ali12341 | far more than anything else | 15:34 |
Azelphur | ali12341: I leave bluetooth tethering on 24/7 on my phone and just connect as required, it works great. Could never do that with wifi hotspot | 15:35 |
foobarry | tether to what? | 15:35 |
Azelphur | foobarry: Nexus 5 to Laptop/Nexus 7/... | 15:35 |
foobarry | u do it to save battery, or save data? | 15:36 |
Azelphur | foobarry: bluetooth tethering instead of wifi has no difference on data, so battery. | 15:36 |
directhex | it's the screen that rats the battery! | 15:38 |
directhex | eats | 15:38 |
Azelphur | lol | 15:39 |
foobarry | the rats eat my battery | 15:39 |
foobarry | something weird going on with my phone | 15:39 |
popey | watched a youtube video about replacing batteries in those USB external battery things recently, looked easy enough | 15:39 |
foobarry | few nights ago , 10% battery was lost on airplane mode few nights in a row | 15:39 |
shauno | poor rats. batteries are not yummy! (although oddly, the contents of a lipo cell *smell* delicious) | 15:40 |
foobarry | also, i'm down to 500MB free and android stops syncing and generally breaks because no free space | 15:40 |
Azelphur | popey: I have 3 of those, they are so handy | 15:40 |
Azelphur | At MozFest I was like the phone charging guy, I rescued like 7 people :) | 15:40 |
brobostigon-quas | use something like storage analyser foobarry, to work out where space is being used, and what you can delete to free up space. | 15:41 |
popey | this one claims 1200mAh, but reckon I can put a much higher capacity one in it | 15:41 |
Azelphur | I said like way too many times in that sentence, I hope I'm not devolving into a teenager. | 15:41 |
shauno | I have an odd collection of those too. I figure when the zombies come, my phone will last longer than the phone network. | 15:41 |
ali12341 | i only found out a couple of days ago that android has a built in caller blacklist now. or maybe it's a cyanogenmod feature | 15:41 |
Azelphur | popey: I have a 12,000mAh one, it's awesome. | 15:41 |
foobarry | brobostigon-quas: the issue is that i actually have 500mb free | 15:41 |
foobarry | so why android complain? | 15:41 |
popey | i have a 13000mAh one | 15:41 |
popey | this is a tiny single cell jobbie | 15:41 |
popey | (I have a few too) | 15:41 |
Azelphur | ah I see | 15:41 |
Azelphur | popey: I wanna get one of the ones that do laptops too, that looks really handy. | 15:42 |
shauno | I have one of those, but .. it won't connect to my laptop heh | 15:42 |
popey | yay, just busted it open | 15:42 |
brobostigon-quas | foobarry: it should stop you before the fs fills up entirly, just like *buntu does, so you cant fill it up entirly, and you have a non-functioning FS. hence it warns you at that point in time. | 15:43 |
foobarry | however i now have non funcitoning OS at 500mb free | 15:43 |
foobarry | so not much point really | 15:43 |
ali12341 | if the disk was completely full it would not even boot up | 15:43 |
foobarry | unless i delete stuff i don't receive emails , messages etc | 15:43 |
Azelphur | popey: speaking of charging things, I wanna get one of these | 15:43 |
Azelphur | 12 6 ports at 2 amps, shiny. | 15:44 |
brobostigon-quas | yes, android disables functions that could be potentially affected by low fs space. | 15:44 |
shauno | atm I have this chap for my phone. 22000mAh and I can't fault it yet - | 15:44 |
foobarry | . Android reserves 500MB of storage but continues to include that 500MB in the available count, even though it's not actually available. | 15:44 |
foobarry | sucjs | 15:44 |
foobarry | should have bought a 16mb phone | 15:44 |
foobarry | suddenly apps use loads of data | 15:45 |
foobarry | in earlier android, not so much | 15:45 |
foobarry | google search ..60mb | 15:45 |
foobarry | of data | 15:45 |
* popey amazons for 18650 batteries | 15:48 | |
popey | should do it | 15:48 |
popey | haha, reviews say "no" | 15:48 |
shauno | yeah. unbranded chinese batteries are essentially "mystery meat" | 15:49 |
popey | heh | 15:50 |
shauno | it ends up being a whole lot of pot luck. the number printed on them tends to have nothing to do with capacity, but how much they think you'll pay for something with that number printed on it :( | 15:50 |
popey | the powerbank ones I have came "free" with a kickstarter | 15:50 |
shauno | lol, I like this one .. " however, they do work and hold a charge" | 15:51 |
shauno | it's like "well, they are technically batteries, so it wasn't a complete lie .." | 15:51 |
popey | heh | 15:51 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
Myrtti | I've recently bought lipoly and li-ion batteries, and I've not for a second considered buying anything else than the Adafruit ones | 15:57 |
Myrtti | (for my Arduino projects) | 15:58 |
foobarry | chinese batteries cause ebola? | 15:58 |
shauno | put it this way. I have a few cheapies. they sit in my fireplace when I'm not using them. | 15:58 |
MartijnVdS | I have.. | 15:58 |
shauno | lipo that aren't nursed perfectly tend to have two failure modes. they either inflate like balloons, or they spontaneously combust | 16:00 |
shauno | (when you see phones that split themselves open like clams, be happy they picked the more noble death) | 16:01 |
brobostigon | cool, i am connected to same byobu + irssi instance with two machine, and both connections mirror the same thing. | 16:02 |
foobarry | i hate BST->GMT week | 16:22 |
foobarry | awake since 5.15am | 16:23 |
foobarry | kids didn't get the memo | 16:23 |
popey | my kids have alarm clocks in their rooms which observe DST | 16:23 |
foobarry | what about in their body? | 16:23 |
popey | a wise investment | 16:23 |
popey | what about it? | 16:23 |
popey | the rules say "stay in bed till 7am" | 16:24 |
* brobostigon has spotted his mp, sir tony baldrick on bbc parliament. | 16:24 | |
foobarry | my baby is 19months | 16:24 |
popey | heh | 16:24 |
foobarry | so she wakes up and cries | 16:24 |
daftykins | brobostigon: whom!? | 16:24 |
foobarry | my son (4) was playing marble run from 6.30, thats ok | 16:24 |
* popey ponders what to make for the kids for tea | 16:25 | |
brobostigon-quas | daftykins: sir tony baldrick, aka, sir tony baldry. | 16:26 |
popey | ooh, pitta breads | 16:26 |
davmor2 | popey: food, I'm guessing food is what they will mostly want ;) | 16:29 |
popey | thinking probably a nice toasted pitta filled with cheese & salami maybe | 16:30 |
popey | i fancy a tuna melt one | 16:30 |
davmor2 | popey: well I guess it's food enough that they'll like it ;) | 16:31 |
popey | had chilli for lunch which led to clean plates | 16:31 |
popey | ooh, actually, could put some chilli in pitta with cheese | 16:32 |
popey | that would rock | 16:32 |
* popey saves that for tomorrow | 16:32 | |
davmor2 | popey: man you need to get a dishwasher and stop licking the kids plates clean ;) | 16:32 |
mapps | HOW handy ee wont gibe me an unlock code | 17:03 |
mapps | even after say i can after 6 pain | 17:03 |
n1md4 | hello. any one with experience of installing linux on an intel mac-mini | 17:05 |
directhex | mapps: ee filled with lies? shock, gasp, etc | 17:05 |
n1md4 | when booting install CD the system hangs at "select cd-rom boot type" it actually appears the keyboard doesn't function at all at this point. | 17:06 |
zmoylan-pi | i had that happen, press the menu button on the apple remote at that point | 17:09 |
zmoylan-pi | it was because the apple keyboard i was using wasn't the 'right' apple keyboard according to the mac mini | 17:10 |
zmoylan-pi | i wasn't installing linux just trying to make the mac mini boot from the supplied cds to reinstall the os | 17:10 |
mapps | yep pretty annoying tho | 17:12 |
mapps | it says after 6 months can get a code | 17:12 |
mapps | called up twice..and no better off | 17:12 |
n1md4 | zmoylan-pi: hmmm now i've gotta find the 'right' keyboard ;) | 17:13 |
n1md4 | I don't have the remote anymore either | 17:14 |
zmoylan-pi | borrow one? | 17:14 |
n1md4 | heh | 17:14 |
zmoylan-pi | took me a few days and a few 100 reboots to work that out :-) | 17:14 |
zmoylan-pi | drove me bong-kers :-D | 17:14 |
n1md4 | i can get to the boot menu, and the linuxmint disk presents itself as 'windows' which i found amusing | 17:16 |
daftykins | n1md4: you're trying to install Mint, or? | 17:21 |
n1md4 | any linux really | 17:23 |
n1md4 | i have some success, it seems to depend on the 'boot policy' on the installer | 17:24 |
n1md4 | eg maddog linux 32bit seems to be booting | 17:24 |
n1md4 | and crungbang seems to too | 17:24 |
daftykins | well we don't help with non-Ubuntu | 17:24 |
daftykins | so you need to be aware of that right now | 17:24 |
n1md4 | wow | 17:24 |
n1md4 | i'd usually found this channel to be quite friendly | 17:25 |
n1md4 | and often wander off topic | 17:25 |
n1md4 | okay .... bye | 17:25 |
daftykins | it is, but if you want $other_distro support, we're on a network with channels for all of those? | 17:25 |
daftykins | what an idiot | 17:25 |
mapps | heh | 17:42 |
mapps | hm | 17:44 |
mapps | running apt-get install is really slow on my pi | 17:44 |
zmoylan-pi | how much space do you have on the pi? | 17:47 |
directhex | pi is terrible at IO | 17:51 |
directhex | and many SD cards are garbaGE | 17:51 |
mapps | yay cgiirc i can irc at work | 17:53 |
shauno | tsk tsk tsk | 17:53 |
mapps | hm not sure but it seems slower than my pi at my house..coulkd it be because i overclocked mine and this isnt | 17:53 |
shauno | they could be entirely different classes of SD card too. they're a many varied bunch | 17:54 |
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zmoylan-pi | which is a bit of a weak link for newbies | 17:55 |
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
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=== whaletales is now known as aptanet | ||
czajkowski | so anyone coming along for a drink or a bite to eat this wednesday in Surrey ? | 20:11 |
dutchie | would do if i wasn't busy that evening :( | 20:33 |
Azelphur | Anyone recommend any reasonably high spec/decent >=17" laptops that are cheap? :P | 20:49 |
Azelphur | and yes, I know I'm probably asking for a unicorn | 20:49 |
shauno | I think you already know the answer .. "pick two" | 20:51 |
Azelphur | hehe | 20:51 |
zmoylan-pi | cand if you're lucky get one :-) | 20:51 |
dutchie | haha excellent | 21:19 |
dutchie | | 21:19 |
celesteh | Hi, I accidentally deleted my certificate authority for StartSSL from firefox and now I can't log in to half the internet. How do I fix this? | 23:10 |
daftykins | what's the file path? | 23:10 |
celesteh | I don't know, this happened via the gui | 23:11 |
daftykins | celesteh: not sure if those are specific to firefox, but the package ca-certificates might be reinstallable as an option | 23:11 |
celesteh | daftykins: thx, will try that | 23:12 |
daftykins | np | 23:12 |
celesteh | hm, no luck, even after reboot | 23:18 |
daftykins | celesteh: what was your command for the above package? | 23:20 |
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