
lordievaderGood morning.08:06
BluesKajHey folks11:38
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
=== Daryl is now known as Guest65857
bynariehey im tryn to install vivid on vbox on ubuntu host... when vivid boots up it just goes haywire showing me like a crazy color scheme of lines.. nothing else.. already tried nomode options21:31
habananyis it possible to upgrade from ubuntu 14.10 to 15.04 ? (through command line or apt-get )21:53
=== Daryl is now known as Guest61473
SwedeMikehabanany: yes. http://askubuntu.com/questions/12909/how-do-i-upgrade-to-the-development-release-aka-ubuntu122:16
habananySwedeMike thanks for the info , will check22:17
habananySwedeMike i followed the steps from the link you sent me and it was helpful , thanks, i run the command according to the instructions and the output was "No new release found"22:29
habananySwedeMike this is the command i run "sudo do-release-upgrade --devel-release"22:32
Bluefoxicyokay so apparently this is the channel for ubuntu-14.1023:09
Bluefoxicybecause whatever was released last week is pre-alpha software23:10
k1lBluefoxicy: really?23:10
BluefoxicyEverything in the friggin world broke23:10
lordievaderBluefoxicy: No this is 15.04 support now. Ubuntu Utopic support is in #ubuntu.23:15
rwwi note that the topic says "pre-release", not "pre-alpha". Nice try though.23:18
lordievaderHow is Utopic pre-alpha?23:20
rwwlordievader: it's under discussion in #ubuntu23:20
BluefoxicyIt's not anymore, since I got no help from there except "LOL INSTALL FLASH TO PLAY HTML5 VIDEO"23:44
k1lBluefoxicy: that was actually to find a cause for your "my youtube just doesnt play". but since you just went into rage mode its hard to help you find the cause for the issue and solve that.23:46
Bluefoxicyk1l: well.  Flash is installed.  It has always been installed and working.  The videos aren't flash.  They can be clicked, dragged, scrolled, but they can't be PLAYED.  They're getting downloaded, they're rendered, but not rolled.23:49
BluefoxicyThe videos are coming down the pipe, and the only thing Flash could possibly tell you is that videos do, indeed, come down the pipe23:50
k1lBluefoxicy: see, you were not able to tell that in a proper manner back when people even did want to help you. :/23:50
k1land now running to other ubuntu channels telling everyone what crap ubuntu is, doesnt motivate other to help you more.23:52
Bluefoxicyk1l:  I repeated several times that the videos were downloading and the status bar was showing the download.23:52

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