
infinityxnox: I did the initial copies without --silent, so you would have gotten some mails, sorry about that.01:01
xnoxinfinity: i see. ok. thanks.01:07
ypwongarges, hi, are you SRU vanguard today?04:28
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mlankhorstcan someone drop mesa 10.3.1-1ubuntu1 ? superceeded by 10.3.2-0ubuntu0.109:14
ogra_infinity, do ou happen to have any idea why debootsrap fails for armhf builds ?10:15
ogra_infinity, for reference ... https://launchpadlibrarian.net/188468913/buildlog_ubuntu_vivid_armhf_ubuntu-touch_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:18
bluesabreSRU team, can you please release xfce4-weather-plugin into trusty-updates? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-weather-plugin/+bug/137761210:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1377612 in Xfce4 weather plugin "[SRU] Plugin needs updated for locationforecast-1.2" [Medium,Confirmed]10:19
bluesabreit has now been sitting in -proposed with verification-done for well over a week10:20
bluesabrealso, please accept xfdesktop4 into trusty-proposed, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/+bug/136596510:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 1365965 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "[MRE] Please update xfdesktop4 to 4.11.8 in Trusty" [Undecided,In progress]10:22
ypwongcould someone take a look at ubuntukylin-theme in trusty queue?11:03
argesypwong: yes12:15
ypwongarges, hey, ubuntukylin-theme is in the sru queue for some time, could you please take a look?12:16
argesypwong: I'll take a look at it now12:17
zulcan someone reject the sahara upload please13:06
Mirvthanks to whoever handling the trusty SRU:s13:40
seb128Mirv, that would be arges I think13:41
argesMirv: np : )13:41
argesinfinity: hey, can I get a second review of bug 1384355 before I accept it, I know there was a lot of discussion on the ML14:07
ubot2bug 1384355 in owncloud (Ubuntu) "ownCloud should be removed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138435514:07
ogra_infinity, !15:24
ogra_(dont hide, i saw you talking in the other channel :) )15:24
ogra_infinity, is anyone looking into debootstrap in armhf livefs builds ? i had like 30 pings already about vivid touch images (and cant really make out what the error is)15:27
infinityogra_: Maybe?15:33
ogra_thats a precise statement :)15:34
infinityogra_: I just woke up. :P15:35
ogra_takke your time (and coffee ... ) :)15:35
infinityI'll kick off a debootstrap on a local machine so I can see the log.15:35
ogra_cool ... i wonder if we couldnt store that somewhere accessible via LP nowadays15:36
davmor2infinity: be more precise for ogra_ say perhaps instead :)15:36
ogra_davmor2, nah, its fine, i understand his canadian slang15:36
infinityogra_: We could cat it from live-build if we detect a failed debootstrap.15:36
ogra_i guess that would be really helpful in such cases15:37
infinityAnd I will do just that if I can't make it fail locally. ;)15:37
infinityBut let's see.15:37
infinityogra_: And, of course, I can't reproduce that issue locally.16:10
kenvandineanyone know why 4 of the 7 powerppc builders have a status of "Manual"?16:32
infinitykenvandine: Because they're lazy.16:33
kenvandineslackers :)16:34
ogra_did they file a vacation request at least ?16:34
infinitykenvandine: Those are the slow/old machines, I prefer to keep them off unless there's a backlog.16:34
kenvandineno PTO for builders :)16:34
infinitykenvandine: When I finish off a few more installs, they'll go away, but right now they sit in reserve for emergencies.16:34
kenvandinei see you enabled some more, thanks :)16:34
ogra_(and who granted that ... they can be lazy later :P )16:37
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wxlsoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo how about those daily images? :)17:21
brainwasharges: can you please take a look at bug 1365965 ? the package needs to be accepted into -proposed, so that we can start verifying it17:29
ubot2bug 1365965 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "[MRE] Please update xfdesktop4 to 4.11.8 in Trusty" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136596517:29
argesbrainwash: ok17:49
argesbrainwash: can you ensure its fixed in v/u?17:50
argesi'm guessing if its a backport is it. but i'd like to see that task marked as such17:50
brainwasharges: yes, it's a backport from utopic17:50
brainwasha simple bugfix update17:51
brainwashto improve the quality of the xubuntu/xfce desktop environment in trusty :)17:51
argesbrainwash: done17:54
brainwasharges: thank you :)17:55
cjwatsonwxl: they're meant to be enabled; if they aren't working, debug why18:21
cjwatsonwxl: just repeatedly asking about it isn't helpful at this point :)18:21
wxlcjwatson: well i'm not sure what i can do to debug further18:21
cjwatsonlook at the build logs18:21
cjwatsonstart from http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/, may need to follow links through to livefs build logs18:21
cjwatsonthere's something odd that's been causing some builds to fail with "An identical build of this live filesystem image is already pending"; I haven't yet worked out why18:22
cjwatsondue to being on vacation18:22
wxlyeah that's what i see too18:23
cjwatsonso I don't know, if nobody else works it out I'll look tomorrow, but I'm not going to look further just now18:23
ogra_cjwatson, we seem to have debootstrap issues on armhf ... i wonder if thats somehow related18:23
cjwatsonogra_: no18:23
cjwatsonspectacularly unrelated18:23
ogra_(interesting only on the builders ... not reproducable at home)18:23
wxlalso for debian-installer images18:24
wxlFile "/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-archive-tools/isotracker.py", line 130, in get_milestone_by_name raise KeyError("Milestone '%s' not found" % milestone)18:24
cjwatsonwxl: ah well that I can fix in ten seconds, done18:24
cjwatson(tweaked ~cdimage/.isotracker.conf, now that iso.qa's been set up18:24
wxladded the builds to the tracker and now we have images18:27
wxlof course the desktop images are messed up still, no?18:28
cjwatsonsee above.18:28
cjwatson"already pending" etc.18:28
wxlyeah well i'm not sure how to interpret that, but i'll take it as a fail ;)18:28
knomecjwatson, since your blog doesn't support comments... thank you for everything so far, all the best for the future, and waiting excitedly for your LP contributions (and sorry for interrupting the ontopic channel activity)18:28
cjwatsonwxl: needs investigation18:29
cjwatsonknome: thanks, hopefully it'll work out well :)18:29
knomeyep :)18:29
wxlok i'll let you recover from vacation. thanks cjwatson :)18:29
cjwatsonwxl: but yes it is apparently a build failure as currently set up18:29
cjwatsonarguably it should only fail that arch, though maybe it's just as well to force us to sort this out18:30
cjwatsonarguably it would also be a good idea for somebody who isn't me to figure this out, since youse are going to have to soon enough :)18:30
wxlwhaaa? ;)18:30
wxlyou leaving us?18:30
cjwatsonmoving to Launchpad engineering, end of year18:31
ogra_hopefully you will not stand in the middle of a crowd of pings in the future if you get online during vacations :)18:31
cjwatsonwill still be around but pretty limited involvement in Ubuntu release work, basically just where it involves fixing Launchapd18:31
ogra_(go away and enjoy !!)18:31
cjwatsonalso apparently learning to type Launchpad.18:31
wxlwow super cool18:31
wxlcongrats cjwatson!18:31
cjwatsonheh, yeah, I was just online impatiently waiting for unrelated personal mail :)18:32
cjwatsonbut guest arriving soon, so18:32
wxlthanks again18:32
infinityogra_: Son of a...19:25
ogra_what ?19:25
infinityogra_: Running a fill lp-buildd buildlivefs test locally on armhf still didn't fail.19:25
infinityogra_: So, the issue might have been transient.19:25
infinityogra_: Want to kick off another build attempt and see?19:25
ogra_well, it is there since days already19:25
ogra_i can, indeed19:25
infinityogra_: Yeah, I know, I saw the history.  And if it's still broken on another try, I'll dig deeper, but reproducing production any closer than what I've already done will be "fun".19:26
ogra_infinity, ubuntu-core has it too ... (all armhf/arm64 in fact)19:26
infinityubuntu-core looks "stuck"... The PPC builds haven't happened.  Weird.19:27
infinityMight need a poke on nusakan to tell it to give up.19:27
infinityBut thanks for pointing out core has/had the same bug, that's a much faster reproducer at least.19:28
* ogra_ twiddles thimbs ... lb_clean ...19:35
ogra_*thumbs too19:35
* infinity goes to find a bit of breakfast.19:37
ogra_infinity, failed :(19:46
infinityogra_: Waitaminute.  Why are those building on PPA builders?  This might be a hint. :P19:52
infinityWould also explain why ppc* were never happening.19:52
infinityogra_: I'll look into this immediately after "breakfast".19:53
infinityI probably just need one twiddle, actually.19:54
infinityogra_: Try another set?19:54
ogra_sure, what should i do ?19:54
ogra_just fire off another one ?19:54
infinityogra_: Actually, I'll test with -core.19:55
ogra_hmm, i386 seems unhappy as well now though19:55
infinityogra_: For entirely different reasons, though.19:55
ogra_passwd changed19:55
infinityogra_: Hence why I'm testing with core, since it won't have those hooks. :)19:55
infinityogra_: If I can make core happy everywhere, I'll leave flavour issues up to the flavours. :P19:56
ogra_that will be awfully hackish to fix on a per distro basis ...19:56
ogra_(vivid vs rtm)19:56
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infinityogra_: Alright, core was happy everywhere, and I made the same change to touch, the ball's in your court for the passwd fun.20:35
ogra_oh my20:35
ogra_well, let me do a build to see we get past the issue20:35
ogra_i guess the passwd stuff is more for tomorrow morning20:36
ogra_building ...20:36
ogra_infinity, looks good, both arches got past debootstrap20:51

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