
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
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FilthyMacNastydid I get banned from here or something?05:31
FilthyMacNasty3 disconnects before it let me in05:32
Tm_TFilthyMacNasty: no you were not, it would say clearly "cannot join channel, you're banned" or something similar in case of ban05:45
FilthyMacNastyok cool, didnt want to upset anyone ever05:45
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lordievaderGood morning.08:06
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FarvaOn our one server machine, we are running a few different IPs, on one IP, everyone connects just fine (iftop example-http://gyazo.com/2e962762f24c46a4b533a953aed9bc95), on the other, people are showing one bar of connection and are lagging heavily. (same person on the other IP: http://gyazo.com/3837b0e2aec3339ca045078ca9765dd8)  This is a E3 gaming server. How do I trouble shoot this?09:16
WhiteIntelhello I have a problem with my ubuntu server client: when I try to connect I get this error: RTNETLINK answers: Network is unreachable10:29
WhiteIntelMon Oct 27 20:29:06 2014 ERROR: Linux route add command failed: external program exited with error status: 210:29
WhiteIntelwhat is wrong here?10:29
lordievaderWhiteIntel: You don't have a connection?10:32
lordievaderA network connection that is.10:33
WhiteIntelmy server has a network connection and internet, thats the strange thing :\10:33
lordievaderWhiteIntel: The client throws the error?10:35
WhiteIntelyes thats from the client log10:36
lordievaderWhiteIntel: So the client has no network connection.10:36
WhiteIntelthe client has network connection, I´m connected over ssh to the client and I can ping google from the client10:37
lordievaderWhiteIntel: On the client what is the output of "ip route"?10:38
lordievader!paste | WinstonSmith10:38
ubottuWinstonSmith: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:38
WhiteIntelthis is the output10:39
lordievaderSeems okay, strange interface but whatever. What ip are you trying to reach?10:40
WhiteIntela public ip of my VPN server10:40
WhiteIntelunder my windows client (that is in the same network as the ubuntu one) I can connect without any problems10:41
lordievaderWhiteIntel: Just to be sure, what is the output of "ip a s"?10:41
lordievaderWhiteIntel: Hmm, yes that should work.10:48
lordievaderWhiteIntel: You mentioned vpn does this error happen after you enable the vpn?10:49
WhiteIntelyes after the command "openvpn --config vpn.ovpn"10:49
lordievaderWhiteIntel: Ah, take a look at how it modifies your routes. It is probably the culprit.10:51
WhiteInteldo mean in the server config?10:51
lordievaderWhiteIntel: What openvpn does is modify routes in order to throw (all) traffic over the vpn tunnel. Seems like this is misconfigured.10:53
WhiteIntellordievader: the server is running in tap mode, as I said on a windows client this works very well and on the server I had this additional configs http://paste.ubuntu.com/8717920/10:55
lordievaderWhiteIntel: Run the openvpn on the client, and get the output of "ip route" and "ip a s" again.10:58
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lordievaderWhiteIntel: You don't have a default gateway anymore.11:06
WhiteIntelyea I saw that, but I don´t know why^^11:06
lordievaderWhiteIntel: Because openvpn messes up your routes. Check its config.11:07
WhiteIntellordievader: my client config is this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8718022/11:08
lordievaderWhiteIntel: I've never setup an openvpn vpn, so I do not know what can be wrong with the config.11:09
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WhiteIntellordievader: what else could be the problem?11:53
lordievaderWhiteIntel: What do you mean?11:53
WhiteIntellordievader: The reason why I can´t connect :\11:54
lordievaderWhiteIntel: I've already told you, openvpn breaks your routes.11:54
WhiteIntellordievader: but why only under ubuntu? with my other clients all is working well11:55
lordievaderWhiteIntel: Do the other clients run under the exact same conditions?11:56
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WhiteIntellordievader: yes the run under the same conditions11:58
lordievaderWhiteIntel: Anyhow the proof lies right infront of your eyes, whether you choose to accept it or not,11:58
WhiteIntellordievader: thx12:05
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elias_i have nginx 1.4.6 (ubuntu) and latest version is 1.7.6 is that secure and include all latest patchs12:16
elias_or to be more secure its better to install latest version from source code ?12:16
lordievader!info nginx utopic12:18
ubottunginx (source: nginx): small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.2-1ubuntu1.1 (utopic), package size 3 kB, installed size 47 kB12:18
elias_lordievader, what do you mean by that :-/ ?12:18
lordievaderNothing was just wondering what version Utopic has.12:19
elias_nginx -v tells me that i have 1.4.512:19
lordievader!info nginx trusty12:20
ubottunginx (source: nginx): small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.6-1ubuntu3.1 (trusty), package size 5 kB, installed size 93 kB12:20
elias_does it include all patchs ?12:21
lordievaderelias_: 1.4.6 is available for Trusty ;)12:21
lordievaderelias_: No idea, read the changelogs.12:21
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sander^workWhat's wrong when I get: "no operating system found" on boot?14:45
jrwren_sander^work: empty MBR14:47
raid-fu all, i have a raid problem. it shows as "inactive" and if i try enabling it. it says assembled from 5 drives and 1 rebuilding - not enough to start the array   / i'm confused. how is it rebuilding but not enough to start ?14:53
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alexglin ubuntu server 14.04 I have gadmin-samba setup but I cannot get into it from another linux nor windows 7. it's a virtual machine that has got ip from dhcp. Is there something from the path that I'm missing, i'm doing \\server-ip\share15:20
alexglanyone using samba to create a share for windows 7 or clonezilla fileshare?15:25
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lumia900i cant able to open my samba share folder from windows..16:13
lumia900since i have configured as guest ok = yes16:13
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caliculkHello, I have a bit of a weird issue. Usually, after about 11 days or so, my server stops responding to network connections, yet it is still running. I can't really figure out why. I don't see anything abnormal in the kernel.log, dmesg.log, or syslog files. I was wondering what other steps I could take to diagnose the issue if it was software. My only ability is to connecto remotely to diagnose it, so I am really hoping it is a software16:51
caliculkissue and not a hardware one.16:51
geniicaliculk: Perhaps check with lshw -C network what make and model the NICs are and what driver is claiming them, and then look up the driver to see if there's some known issue like this and a fix16:59
caliculkgenii, thank you, will do right now. Is there anything that I could run continuously to double check if the nic is up or responding to connectivity, and if it fails, run specific commands that output to a file as well?17:00
caliculkThough from the first google search, there is a report of the driver/devices flat out not working, but that was from ~March's mailing list, and a September forum post. I would assume the latest kernel would have the most up to date driver as well, would it not? If not, I will just go download.17:03
geniicaliculk: Conceivably maybe a shell script to see if it can ping an external box and if not then maybe to dump last 25-50 lines of dmesg and modprobe -r driver/modprobe driver, call it as a cron job on some reasonable schedule17:04
geniilunch, sort of afk gorging :)17:04
caliculkNo worries, thank you for your help. :) Its frustrating enough for me being on a 7 hour time difference from the box, and when it goes down, I have to wait for someone to wake up to reset it.17:04
caliculkAt least now I am getting a little help. :P17:05
geniicaliculk: I know that there are some Broadcom NIC with an issue like this but don't recall the model number offhand17:06
caliculkThis is unfortunately an Intel NIC, e1000e driver. So completely different manufacturer.17:06
geniicaliculk: I recall there was some issue with that one. I'd have to look back into it, but something like they modified the e100 driver but doesn't always work properly17:22
geniicaliculk: According to Intel at http://www.intel.com/support/network/sb/cs-032514.htm "The e1000e driver supports PCI Express* Gigabit Network Connections except the 82575, 82576, 82580, and I350."  ... is one of these?17:29
caliculkI have an 82574L17:30
caliculkSo, no.17:30
geniicaliculk: Some of the things you might want to do in the cronjob besides dump the end of dmesg is check the current adapter settings with ethtool, , maybe also some traffic with wireshark, maybe tcpdump17:35
geniiethtool results when it goes down can be compared to what it reports when working normally, traffic analysis might show what it's trying to do and what the responses/lack of response is17:37
RoyKcaliculk: I guess it might work if you add its PCI ID to the driver. IIRC it should be possible to do that dynamically without recompiling the driver, but I don't remember how18:43
caliculkRoyK, It is working right now, I am using a bouncer to talk from that box. It just coincidentally fails after a random number of days (usually longer than 8).18:45
dasjoeAre you sure it's network-related?18:46
RoyKcaliculk: how does it fail?18:46
caliculkI don't know, I am not able to really diagnose it. But, from what I can tell, the connection just dies with the software programs still running in the background that would use the network connection. For instance, two days ago, I got an e-mail from logwatch, shortly after (maybe 10 to 20 minutes) I went to go login to the machine through SSH, and it wasn't responding. Tried encrypted VNC, znc, ping, etc. Everything failed.18:47
caliculkIt has happened on more than one occasion.18:48
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Finetundra_anyone have any tips for running a server?22:35
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