
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
celestehSomebody in the #firefox channel pointed me in the right direction01:10
daftykinsoh? was it a purge reinstall of firefox?01:10
celestehNo, if you delete the CAs, after firefox restarts, they come back, but are left with no authority. If one goes to advances preferences and edits them, they can be turned back on.  I didn't think to check this, as I assumed clicking 'delete' would have deleted them.02:27
daftykinsah :D02:29
daftykinsstrange to have the access to delete them in the first place if they never truly leave02:29
ali12341you probably don't have access to delete them if you installed firefox from a package... that is probably why they come back02:38
mappshey all03:03
mappsor anyone stll up;p03:03
mappsguess noone hm03:07
mappsno daftykins  or shauno..shocked03:09
zmoylan-piput all your clocks back then czajkowski?08:36
MooDoohowdy czajkowski et all08:38
czajkowskizmoylan-pi: aye indeed08:42
czajkowskiMooDoo: howdy08:42
zmoylan-pijust seemed a little early08:46
czajkowskihens and dog are up08:50
czajkowskino rest for the wicked08:50
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zmoylan-pihens and dogs didn't put their clock back08:54
czajkowskihens get up super early and lay08:58
czajkowskiwhen they lay they tend to tell everyone they're up08:58
czajkowskifireworks last night set Bash off :/08:58
zmoylan-piyou can get tranqs for pets this time of year.  freaks some of them out08:59
czajkowskiI think it was just we were unprepared for it09:00
czajkowskithought it would be on nov 5th09:00
zmoylan-piusually for 2-3 weeks before for halloween here but since they started massively fining fireworks users has died out a fair bit09:00
czajkowskiit's so weird to be at your grocery shop and just have a fireworks section09:04
zmoylan-piwell ireland... would have made it too easy09:04
zmoylan-pimore fun getting them illegally09:05
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Animation Day! :-D09:40
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:42
zmoylan-pigreetings mammals09:44
brobostigonmorning zmoylan-pi09:44
MooDoomorning JamesTait brobostigon09:48
brobostigonmorning MooDoo09:48
davmor2JamesTait: oooooooo cracking cheese gromit </wallace_impression>09:53
nigelbJamesTait: Hello, it looks like you're trying to use IRC today!09:54
nigelbToo cheery for Clippy?09:54
* JamesTait throws davmor2 at nigelb. :-P09:58
davmor2JamesTait: I'm 16stone you're what 10, and you are picking me up :P09:59
JamesTaitdavmor2, probably closer to 12 after last week. :-P09:59
nigelbhow much is one stone again?10:00
JamesTaitnigelb, 14 pounds. ;)10:00
JamesTaitnigelb, and a pound is 16 ounces. :)10:01
MooDooi'm lots of stones10:01
nigelbThat didn't help. I had to convert 14 pounds into kg :P10:01
JamesTaitnigelb, 1kg = 2.2 pounds.10:01
nigelbRight, so I'm ~14 stones.10:02
nigelbNeed to get rid of 3 of 'em.10:02
zmoylan-pistick your leg in tiger enclosure?10:03
* MooDoo is a few more stones...10:03
JamesTaitzmoylan-pi, that would be one way... maybe a tad drastic, but effective.10:03
nigelbnot *that* desperate either10:03
zmoylan-pibut you'd have a story that would get you free beers for rest of your life :-p10:04
dogmatic69Rapid weight loss is never good, would not be very healthy loosing the entire leg in one go. Better to start with a foot and work up...10:06
zmoylan-piso a boa constrictor...10:07
nigelbzmoylan-pi: my friend who works on wikipedia gets free beer everywhere.10:07
nigelbIf I tell someone I work on ubuntu, I might get a laptop with no sound or something thrown at me instead :P10:08
zmoylan-pistudents are forever om their debt10:08
ThomasRedstoneweight loss is only what you're measuring, not what you actually want though ;-)10:10
* JamesTait chuckles at nigelb10:11
nigelbI have to admit, we're way better.10:12
nigelbI remember when I started some computers would have wifi or sound issues.10:12
nigelbThey days, most laptops just work on linux.10:12
BigRedSyeah, I'm now surprised when things don't work10:15
BigRedSbut I'm not sure if that's my conservative taste in hardware, better consistency from hardware manufacturers, or better support in Linux10:16
directhexthat's numberwang!10:22
popeySeems there may be a new xps 13 on the horizon...10:25
brobostigoni am going to kill apache for a minutw, to work out a ram problem, so the stats will be off for a moment.10:41
popeyI doubt anyone would notice ☻10:42
brobostigonyep, it was apache, it was hogging ram, and lagging the whole server.10:44
BigRedSThat's normally a good reason to not do anything clever with logrotate10:45
BigRedSrestart all of apache every night, tidies up after leaky sites10:46
brobostigoni just did that, it hasnt helped things,10:46
BigRedSHow did you deduce that Apache was using all the ram?10:47
directhexapache hungry! omnomnomnomnom10:48
brobostigona combination of top htop ps and load10:48
directhexmainframes are weird.10:49
BigRedSand now that apache's restarted it's appearting to use a load of memory again?10:49
popeydirecthex: you porting mono to s390?10:50
directhexpopey: nah, it's worked on s390 for years. am building stable packages for it though10:50
BigRedSbrobostigon: is it a few children using loads of memory, or just loads of processes sat around hogging it10:52
BigRedSfor the latter its' often a slow external resource (like the DB) and the children are all just sat there waiting on responses10:52
directhexpopey: using Hercules to emulate a box, as i can't find a way to pay for an s390x VM10:52
popeythat must be s l o w10:53
directhexpopey: 11 hours compiling so far...10:53
brobostigonBigRedS: both, so i am reducing apache's processes and see what happens.10:53
directhex9 hours for the dpkg messing about, plus 2 so far for the class library10:53
popeydirecthex: they're powerpc?10:53
BigRedSwell, more of your visitors will not get responses10:53
directhexpopey: no. mainframes have their own processors.10:53
brobostigonBigRedS: yes, however not that many people use it, therefore, i wont worry yet.10:54
directhexpopey: access to POWER servers is a separate unresolved issue10:55
BigRedSApache doesn't just generate business for its children, though. If you've several processes doing things, then that's because some visitor has asked them to10:55
popeynow ubuntu builds for power, surely we have PPA access to them for building?10:55
directhexpopey: only for canonical staff. and that's only for 64-bit little-endian ppc, which is "new" & doesn't cover most existing PPC installs in the wild, which are big-endian10:56
directhexand you can't run a big-endian chroot on a little-endian kernel. rage.10:57
directhexyou can get a ppc64el cloud VM for about $30 a month10:59
brobostigonthats helped, its still using laods of ram, but the load is definatly lower.10:59
BigRedSit's probable that whatever code's running the site just uses loads of memory11:01
BigRedSthen it's a problem for a web developer and I can't help :)_11:02
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MooDoohowdy all12:45
MooDoojust read about ubuntus openstack that you tweeted about....interesting :D12:47
davmor2MooDoo: howdo12:48
MooDoohello davmor2 how are you?12:48
davmor2MooDoo: mostly tired12:49
MooDoodavmor2: yeah i bet....12:49
MooDoodavmor2: but did you acheive all you wanted to at the us sprint?12:51
davmor2MooDoo: no I found a bug that stopped me doing it didn't get fixed till the Friday :)12:52
MooDoobooo but yay for getting it fixed12:55
SuperMattbeep boop14:03
MooDoobless you14:04
davmor2SuperMatt: is a bot in disguise14:08
davmor2MooDoo: my big worry is that you understood that as a robot sneeze and didn't expose him as a bot, Now I'm concerned you might be one too ;)14:09
MooDoono human i am.14:10
zmoylan-pi everything i say is a lie MooDoo :-p14:10
* zmoylan-pi waits...14:10
MooDooso you don't don't lie?14:11
zmoylan-piabsolutely :-)14:11
zmoylan-pifor sure for sure14:11
Myrtti"Lucasfilm classics come to GOG.com" http://www.gog.com/14:11
directhexonly 33% for linux so far. SCANDAL14:12
directhexi should buy the lucas games. it's more honest than the scummvm data packs i've been lugging around for a decade14:13
davmor2MooDoo: doing impressions of yoda doesn't make you human ;)14:13
MooDooTuring test time ;)14:14
popeyhmm, would those packs be usable in scummvm?14:15
directhexpopey: good question. gimme 5 mins.14:15
popeyat the sprint last week someone got scummvm working on ubuntu phone14:15
popeywhich would be fun14:15
davmor2popey: I'm pretty sure there is a scummvm portable for android so if it uses those controls that should be okay for most games :)14:16
popeywell, it had to be ported to mir14:17
directhex/opt/GOG Games/Sam And Max Hit The Road/scummvm/scummvm_x86_6414:17
directhexdoes that answer the question?14:17
davmor2directhex: maybe, could you be a little more precise though? ;)14:19
MooDoodavmor2: are you being feisty? or just feeling gutsy?  ps you're looking dapper.14:21
davmor2MooDoo: nicely done14:23
MooDoodavmor2: yeah i was raring to say something....quite breezy actually.14:24
davmor2MooDoo: You sound a little saucy if you do it in public though, as edgy as it can be it will start to become hoary and warty finally, and any raring and vivid reader would tell you as much :)14:29
popeyoh no, that's 15.1014:32
davmor2popey: haha14:33
MooDoodavmor2: you taking something, you're sounding a bit lucid14:34
davmor2popey: Weirdo Weebles14:34
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diddledanI finded a bug in chrome-ios15:46
diddledan\o/ me15:46
diddledanI'm awesome!15:47
daftykinsdiddledan: will you get moneys?16:19
diddledandaftykins: it's not security hole unfortunately :-(16:19
daftykinsah they're security alone, ok16:19
daftykinsi just clicked and started reading :>16:19
daftykinshow are you today sir?16:19
diddledanI'm good ta16:20
diddledanooh, someone just updated the ticket16:20
diddledanchanged the label16:20
daftykinsi didn't know chromium was on iOS16:21
diddledanit's a weird frankenstein I believe16:21
daftykinsis it on the App store?16:21
diddledanit's using the ios webview but they've fudged it to allow support for things that the ios webview doesn't -- like webp images16:22
diddledanit's on the appstore as "google chrome"16:22
daftykinsdiddledan: moar replies!16:33
diddledanbah, he sucks16:38
davmor2MooDoo, popey: you both might like this https://play.spotify.com/album/5ufeHHYtjfinUjlPHRUcO816:38
popeynot clicking that16:39
davmor2popey: seriously it is just a nice compilation cd promise16:40
davmor2popey: when have I ever lied to you about good music :P16:41
shaunodavmor2: why am I listening to Albatross?17:45
diddledanshauno: you really should learn not to click random links on the internet - you'll get cooties17:46
shaunobut but but ..17:46
zmoylan-piworse, you'll catch windows!!17:47
diddledanshauno: that's your trouble - buts17:47
* diddledan ventures into potentially family-unfriendly places17:47
zmoylan-pian apple store?17:47
davmor2shauno: because it is an excellent piece of music :P   not to mention the other tracks on the album :P17:47
davmor2shauno: as to why it started on Albatross no Idea I just clicked on share and paste the link for MooDoo and popey who I thought would also appreciate the music17:50
shaunoI appear to have immunity to windows :)  (although I'm getting the hang of putty!)17:51
shaunomy other favourite "windows workflow" is to put things into dropbox so I can mutilate them with sed/awk/etc and send them back17:54
shaunobut it's not really that bad once you've found a way to a) get out of it, and b) get your files out of it17:55
daftykinsdropbox or Windows? ;)17:55
shaunoheh, windows17:56
daftykinsall i know is you don't get in the way of someone's workflow17:59
daftykinsso i don't try and convert people.17:59
daftykinsmy mac client couldn't work out how to zip a few files the other day, so that and some other reasons have her wanting to jump ship to Windows17:59
shaunoI guess it'd help if it used the verb 'zip' instead of 'archive'18:00
daftykinsand she didn't have a messy desktop so that trying to demo creating one, there was no idea as to where the result went18:01
* brobostigon wonders if google/android fit is compatible with his pebble.18:06
maps|wrkhi all18:07
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maps|wrksup daftykins18:09
daftykinsnot much here mate, getting the winter blues from it being dark early :/18:09
maps|wrkso tomorrow il call gibtelecom18:10
maps|wrkshould be un fun18:10
maps|wrkmy 100mbit is only getting 20mbit..done tests at several times of the day etc18:10
daftykinsdo you just have to shout "ENGLISH!" at them until they put someone on that can speak it? :>18:10
maps|wrki dont expect 100 but more than 20 ;p18:11
maps|wrknah they speak english and spanish in gibraltar as normal18:11
maps|wrkits more a case of speaking to clueless fools18:11
maps|wrklike when you phone an isp in the uk18:11
daftykinsi was over my mates yesterday because his ADSL was meant to have been activated, but it wasn't18:11
maps|wrkmy sky isnt the 90mbit i pay for..(the sky im on atm) but cant phone from abroad really18:11
daftykinswhen the support person kept following the stupid script ideas about resetting the router i was getting very ragey18:11
daftykinsbut i wasn't the one on the phone18:11
maps|wrkyea thing is, i was told 100mbit from 24th we got connected on like 18th and it was 4mbit..i guessed temporary18:11
daftykinsyeah perhaps until profiles update or something, what kind of tech is it using? coming into the property over fiber, or?18:12
maps|wrkthen she said 100mnbit from 24th well its like 20..dunno if  its an error or simply like theyve got my account wromng..when i phoned before she didnt know what speed i should be on (as my net wasnt meant to go live till 24) said i hadnt signed for ANYTHING but 100mbit and she says 'oh well 100mbit from 24'18:12
maps|wrkso what was i paying for before then and meant to be getting?>18:12
maps|wrkyea they say its fibre18:13
maps|wrkgot some technicolor router thing cant remember exact model18:13
daftykinsif it's going into the phone like that's VDSL and won't hit 100Mb18:13
maps|wrkthey had to come in and change the phone socket tho..sky's better..sky dont have to as their router includes everything thats needed18:13
daftykins*phone line18:13
maps|wrkbt had to come and change my dads socket18:13
maps|wrkgimme a sec il find link18:14
daftykinsno, the Home 500 sockets are far better than using filters18:14
shaunomy favourite isp story is still sitting there with the win98 sounds folder loaded up in xmms for when Charter wanted me to reboot.  I figured out it was easier to fake it than to fight the script18:15
daftykinsthat's great18:15
maps|wrki like it18:15
maps|wrkdaftykins:  https://www.gibtele.com/fibrebroadband/18:15
daftykinsi'd just say i had them turned off, 'cause that's what i did in 98 era18:15
shaunoI tried explaining a few times that if there's not enough lights on the modem, the router can't find internet and my debian boxes cease to become relevant18:16
shaunoit turns out the correct answer is "okay.  done that, what now?"18:16
daftykinsi was trying to get my mate to say there's no damned line sync last night18:16
daftykinsso no point resetting routers and "avoiding going on the web admin for 15 minutes"18:17
daftykinsalso lol  at that last bit.18:17
daftykinsbecause an HTTP request hitting a router will clearly make it throw its' toys out of the pram18:17
maps|wrkyou looked at the url daftykins18:17
daftykinsmaps|wrk: yeah but it's not exactly technical. mentions FTTN18:18
maps|wrkclown company18:18
daftykinsdoesn't say whether you can get it where you are18:18
maps|wrkwhat do you mean?18:18
daftykinser, doesn't mean* rather18:18
daftykins"Most local addresses are no more than 400-500m away from these sites, ensuring that SuperSwift fibre broadband speeds are available throughout."18:18
daftykinsdid they speed test your premises to say it could be had?18:18
maps|wrkyea when i was there they saud they checked toi see if i could get 100mbit18:19
maps|wrkbut did they really....18:19
shaunoI gotta say, my current isp have been great for that.  the only time I've need to call them, they used the magic words "hang on, I'll find someone who should know what you're talking about".  win!18:21
daftykinsmaps|wrk: the key thing here is to look at what speeds your device is actually syncing at, not what speed tests say18:21
daftykinsshauno: XD18:21
daftykinsyeah i got that when i called in to report packet loss18:21
daftykinsgot transferred away from the newb helpdeskers18:22
maps|wrkwhats the chance someone at work could see what im doing without actually viewing my pc as i type? -- im using ssl https://frogs.zapto.org 0- the site is run on my server in my room and uses basic user/pass -18:22
daftykinsthough nobody ever phoned me to say they fixed it, i just saw it drop one day and came back ok18:22
shaunothat was exactly it.  I was trying to describe how pinging google was bouncing between, eg, 18, 3000, nope, back to 18, back to nope ..18:22
daftykinslovely jitter18:22
daftykinsmaps|wrk: i was being told of workplaces just the other day that strip SSL and intercept employees SSL sessions18:23
daftykinsbut who knows18:23
daftykinsif there's risk, you shouldn't be doing it over their infrastructure18:23
maps|wrkis it likely ythey could and how would i know? it still shows that its using ssl18:23
shaunoours do that :/  everything comes in signed with zscaler18:23
daftykinsthat'll be why your colleague uses that 3G modem and Pi combo then?18:24
shaunowell, that's specifically because ssh is blocked  heh18:24
maps|wrki use ajaxterm18:24
maps|wrkjust updating my trusty old dell atm18:24
shaunoour only outbound access is via proxy.  the same proxy that re-signs everything.  and there's no "getting around it" because there isn't a route18:25
shaunoI have a little mifi that I use with my own laptop.  he has a serial cable to his pi, dressed up in white so it really does look like multiplayer notepad18:25
daftykinsmaps|wrk: you can actually query these Technicolor routers for their line sync via UPnP queries, as the web admin doesn't reveal them.18:27
daftykinsyou don't have a working PC though do you?18:28
maps|wrkyea i do..my trusty old netbook :D samsung nc10 :D18:28
maps|wrki can use that?18:28
daftykinsif it has a Loonix on it sure18:29
daftykinsand is new enough to have the right packages18:29
maps|wrkah no wrunning winblows 718:32
daftykinsyou can knock up a live session though right?18:32
daftykinson a flash drive18:32
maps|wrkyea i could ..would have to be USB as no cd/dvd drive18:33
maps|wrkubuntu live cd prob got an iso or 2 on the hdd as it is18:33
daftykinsnobody uses optical media for live sessions anymore, as ubuntus are too big now18:34
daftykinswell, too big for CD that is18:34
daftykinsmaps|wrk: here we go, got it running on my VM18:38
daftykinsmaps|wrk: the package "miniupnpc" provides the binary "upnpc", so you install it and run "upnpc -s" as a standard user, which then queries the router for its' connection status18:39
maps|wrkno way to fiund out from the web based config for the router18:39
daftykinsmine responds with MaxBitRateDown: 45492000 bps (45.4 Mbps) MaxBitRateUp 11087000 bps (11.0 Mbps )18:39
daftykinsno, as i started by saying :)18:39
daftykinsyour router will only tell you your *provisioned* speed18:40
daftykinsfor example that's telling me 45 and 11, my provisioned speed is 40 and 518:40
daftykinsi'd love to have 10Mb up :(18:40
shaunodo we need to reel another string out to your island?18:43
MartijnVdSshauno: careful it might sink18:43
daftykinsshauno: actually we need to employ more opera singers to sing across the coast.18:43
MartijnVdSdaftykins: Like sirens?18:43
zmoylan-piit'll just snag on a submarine again18:43
shaunosubmarines are rarely the issue .. they're usually trying to miss the floor.  it's freight dragging anchor that ruins your weekend18:44
daftykinsor angry sharks18:45
shaunomost of those are safely employed in london :)18:45
daftykins40/5 is quite good for an island though18:45
daftykinsespecially as we have no FUPs on our broadband services18:45
diddledanFUP FTW18:46
diddledanI'm hungry18:46
diddledanI really should turn a light on, too18:47
daftykinslit alone by the screens eh?18:47
daftykinsi do that far too often18:47
zmoylan-pias long as it's green text on black background :-)18:48
=== Daryl is now known as Guest65857
maps|wrksurely cables rarely get cut/damaged these days...theyre so far down and surely got big thick casings protecting them18:57
daftykinsnope regular occurence18:58
daftykinssome eastern country lost an entire route not long ago18:58
zmoylan-pididn't egypt lose internet when a cable was broken a few years back18:58
diddledanyou'd be surprised what a fisherman can do when he's after a bit of soul18:58
shaunosoul.  they're pulling up the cables to download music from.18:58
maps|wrkregular being how many times a year18:59
AzelphurHow to piss off your VPS provider: create a 1GB file and mount it as swap18:59
daftykinsmaybe he's fishing for sole whilst listening to soul.18:59
maps|wrkalkso..surely most have multiple cables18:59
zmoylan-pias long as he has a priest to administer the last rites18:59
daftykinsAzelphur: y u do dis18:59
Azelphurdaftykins: needed more ram to build flann18:59
daftykinsdid their IO spike?18:59
daftykinsso came to you in anger?18:59
Azelphurno anger yet xD19:00
daftykinsfriendly queries? ;)19:00
davmor2MooDoo: you listened to that compilation cd I posted earlier?19:00
Azelphurc++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus) | Please submit a full bug report,19:00
Azelphuradd this to the list of things I broke.19:01
shaunomost of them we don't even hear about.  the last I heard was in july.  they're not newsworth unless they're big cables19:01
diddledanlike cutting off half of asia19:01
diddledanthat was fun19:01
shaunothe gulf ones keep making the news because they are such a primary link between europe and asia.  almost everything goes down the red sea because either side is a tad scary19:01
shaunoso if you break the red sea, you have to go the wrong way around the planet to get to singapore/kuala lumpur/tokyo/etc.  which is bad for the people who invent fictional money by moving around fictional bits of paper19:04
zmoylan-piif it has to go the wrong way around the planet it'll go through america where the nsa can uh... back it up :-) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_submarine_cable_disruption#Conspiracy_theories19:05
diddledanI thought all money was fictional these days. country-level gold stockpiling is a thing of the past in favour of "my money is valuable because you want it. yours isn't because I don't"19:05
diddledanzmoylan-pi: lol19:06
daftykinswhoops forgot about some laundry again.19:06
diddledanI like that concept19:06
diddledandaftykins: yeah, me too19:06
diddledandaftykins: it's still sat in the machine from yesterday19:06
diddledanI really should get to that19:07
daftykinsi'd just wash it again :P19:07
daftykinsaaaah, The Cranberries in FLAC19:08
shaunois anyone up to speed on what voodoo is required in the cipher suite for java6 to connect to a server that's had ssl3 turned off?19:17
maps|wrkmy oh my19:18
diddledanshauno: that sounds painful19:20
shaunoit gets worse, trust me :)19:20
diddledanshauno: if it doesn't support tls at all then you're stuffed19:20
MartijnVdSshauno: are you writing the code?19:21
MartijnVdSor configuring some piece of java code?19:22
shaunomore doing my homework.  we've been trying to figure out why so many clients are dropping off the radar19:22
shaunoevery single client is running on java6.  the number of clients running on customer sites runs into six digits19:23
zmoylan-piin binary or decimal? :-p19:23
shaunoso what appears to be happening is that if they disconnect for any reason at all, they ain't coming back19:23
MartijnVdSshauno: if you can write a 5-line (OK, 5kb) java6 program that can connect to TLS-only servers, all is well?19:24
shaunoso I'm trying to figure out if there's anything at all we can do at the server side to support the deployed codebase, without falling foul of the ssl3-banhammer19:24
shaunoupdating the clients is the long-term solution, yeah.  a stop-gap until everyone's updated would be absolutely amazing though19:25
MartijnVdSshauno: no I mean.. if you can write a simple Java client to test the situation19:27
MartijnVdSshauno: also, maybe Mozilla can help19:27
MartijnVdSshauno: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Server_Side_TLS19:28
maps|wrkwow the bmw isetta is a weird car19:28
diddledanshauno: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26429751/java-http-clients-and-poodle19:28
shaunohm, that mozilla wiki one looks like exactly what I'm looking for!19:28
MartijnVdSshauno: it's the awesomest19:29
MartijnVdSwe discovered it after Heartbleed. It helped a lot during Poodle19:29
MartijnVdS(also, Poodle made us send out the "Yo, IE8/9 support is going away soon-ish" email to clients.. so yay!)19:30
zmoylan-pisomebody put useful information on the internet?  how was this allowed to happen?? :-)19:30
diddledanMartijnVdS: I want to send that email19:30
diddledanIE10+ ONLY!19:30
zmoylan-pias long as you don't drop lynx support :-)19:31
diddledanI really wish clients would understand that old browser support is a happenstance at most19:31
shaunoheh, I want to write the letter that goes to all the customers still running on an appliance that was EOL'd in 2005.19:31
zmoylan-pimost clients don't know what an operating system is19:31
shaunoalong with instructions on where to send all SBCs they're running on :D19:31
diddledanif they want fancy doohickies then they sure as heck aren't going to get it supported in their corporate browsers19:32
MartijnVdSdiddledan: We just put it on security :)19:33
MartijnVdSdiddledan: "Microsoft isn't patching those anymore, and you're working with sensitive (local government/citizen's) data. We can't guarantee security with older browsers."19:33
MartijnVdSmeanwhile, our Javascript guru did a happy dance :)19:33
maps|wrkAnyone looking to cash in on the zeitgeist by buying the domain name ebola.com has left it too late, because the domain name has sold for more than $200,000.…19:52
diddledanMartijnVdS: yeah that has happened many times19:52
diddledanmaps|wrk: was it the parent virus hoping to garner some positive mind-share?19:53
diddledanebola: we may kill you, but it's one heck of a ride19:53
diddledanebola.net: social networking for viruses19:56
maps|wrkhttp://www.cnet.com/news/20-google-glass-knockoff-does-almost-nothing-but-its-cheap/#ftag=CAD590a51e -19:56
zmoylan-piselling pc antivirus?19:56
maps|wrklook at that lol the nophone19:56
maps|wrkThere's also the noPhone, a smartphone-shaped chunk of plastic that encourages you to have real interactions with people, rather than losing yourself in a screen.19:56
diddledanit looks like a tacky pice of plastic - they could have at least put some effort into making it look the part19:57
maps|wrksome of these crowd funded projects are lol19:58
maps|wrkwonder how many go ahead and if people pay up etc19:58
zmoylan-pipeople will buy it as a christmas pressie for people they think are glued to their phones as a hint19:59
daftykinsi have friends like that, highly irritating19:59
daftykinspeople struggle to just be where they are these days20:00
diddledanyou have friends that are glued to their phones, or friends who buy terrible unthinking gifts?20:00
shauno'where I am' is usually a couch though :/20:01
zmoylan-pithe best cruel gift i have heard off remains the digital watch the guys in the goon show bought for their floor manager20:01
maps|wrkg0on show?:D20:01
daftykinsdiddledan: :P most definitely glued to their phones. it's the types that have them out on the table top in a restaurant instead of away in a pocket too20:02
zmoylan-piin the late 50s early 60s.  the digital watch cost a fortune. you can see the model in first james bond movie20:02
zmoylan-piwhere you have to press  button to see the time as the batteries didn't last long20:02
zmoylan-pithey gave it to a one armed man they hated20:02
diddledanzmoylan-pi: android wear?20:02
diddledandon't you love that we're plugging our watches into power overnight for fear of being without the time?20:03
zmoylan-piyou could look at your phone...20:04
daftykinsi saw someone ask for the time beneath the town church clock tower the other day20:04
daftykinsthe mind boggled.20:04
zmoylan-pimy eyesight can't distinguish the hands of tower clocks easily even when i'm wearing glasses20:05
daftykinsyou might wanna get that checked20:05
zmoylan-pii'm kinda hoping they did when they measured me for glasses :-)20:05
daftykinsi wonder if these cheap £16 mains adapters from China can be trusted, on ebay20:07
maps|wrkfor what20:07
daftykinsit's for a white macbook from 200720:07
maps|wrk16 quid doesnt seem overly cheap unless its not20:07
daftykinsmy mates given me it as the unit and the battery are dead20:07
maps|wrkah ok i thought umeant like the expansion socket ones20:07
daftykins£16 is crazy cheap for a laptop mains adapter20:07
zmoylan-piwould it be worth it to borrow one to see if laptop works with it before buying one?20:08
daftykinsalready done sir20:08
diddledandaftykins: I bought one a while back - the magnet part of the magsafe pulled-away from the rest of the plug after a while. it happened when I was detaching it and caused lots of sparkage20:08
maps|wrknever heard that word20:08
daftykinsApple magnetic connector20:08
daftykinsproprietary to their laptops20:09
zmoylan-pieven if it was on a deep fat fryer first20:09
popeyyeah, friend of mine bought one20:09
popeydidnt last20:09
daftykinshmm might be worth considering a legitimate one then20:09
daftykins£37.49 on ebay there for one that's claimed to be "genuine"20:09
shaunoI love magsafe so much.  I wish they'd just give it away.  Just go "here world, this is how cables work.  make it happen!"20:09
popeyi tried to fish neuro's mbp off a desk with his magsafe power cable20:10
zmoylan-piin 15 years or so it will be.  just as wireless charging catches on :-)20:10
daftykinshmm i think something bad is happening out there on the interwebs, i'm getting pretty dire connectivity across sites all of a sudden20:10
shaunoSometimes I wonder if "genuine" is actually the name of a chinese company.  So "genuine PSU" is technically true20:10
maps|wrkyea ive seen 'genuine' on ebay and shock turns out to not be quite so genuine20:11
zmoylan-pididn't japan name an area usa so it could label products 'made in usa'?20:11
diddledanshauno: apparently mcdonalds in australia buys their beef from a subsidiary called "100% australian beef"20:11
maps|wrkhttp:// work?20:12
shaunoreminds me of a power adaptor that was labelled "designed by california" instead of apple's tagline "designed by Apple in california"20:12
maps|wrkshould be my lounge cam20:12
popeypassword prompt20:12
maps|wrkmusnt be able to access port 81 here20:12
shaunolook into doing reverse-proxies in apache or nginx.  then you can point different names to different ports, all through port80.  (and then give the same IP a hundred names on your local machine)20:13
shaunoonly works for things that are http of course, but it's a handy way to stuff completely different services behind the same port20:14
maps|wrkah like i do with qwebirc i think shauno? i gotr qwebirc running on localhost:9090 but i use reverse proxy in apache and access it via
shaunobingo :)20:14
shaunoand lol @ news20:14
maps|wrkwell i figured better than /chat or /irc20:15
diddledanwe're better than paid-up journos now?20:15
shaunoI have a coworker that does something similar.  He uses the printer a *lot*, and never for stuff that's work-related.  But he renamed everything so "such and such report" so it all looks kosher in the logs :)20:15
maps|wrkyea exactly:)20:15
maps|wrkhttp://ip/news looks normal20:15
daftykinsthat's a seriously dick move20:15
maps|wrkalso stripped away the title of qwebirc etc20:15
daftykinsi don't like freeloaders20:15
maps|wrkwhy daftykins ?20:15
maps|wrkcompanies make enougth20:15
shaunoIthink he means abusing the printer20:16
maps|wrkyea i thought so..but so what i dont care if people print out 10000s of pages20:16
maps|wrkwhy should i20:16
daftykinsif everyone thought like you, companies would go under20:16
diddledanI got in trouble for abusing the printer at work. apparently they're family-friendly too20:16
shaunoI'm curious to see how long the printer itself lasts.  we're meant to be a paperless office, and then they went and shoved this mammoth floor-standing ricoh thing in there20:16
maps|wrkwe got a big beast xerox one ,20:17
diddledanwe've got lots20:17
maps|wrkdaftykins:  but they make so much money and dont pay vat ..its like nothing to big companies20:17
maps|wrkdaftykins's a company man20:17
* maps|wrk isnt20:17
diddledanthere's almost as many printers as there are desks20:17
daftykinsright but why are you being specific about the company?20:17
daftykinsyou can't assume the company this applies to20:17
maps|wrkwell often companies make lots, if it was a 2 person company fine thats diff20:18
daftykinsnevermind, i don't want to stay on this topic20:18
daftykinsreally can't decide if it's worth putting money into this macbook at all20:19
maps|wrkif its just charger..yes20:19
diddledanhand on. does the release upgrader take a btrfs snapshot before doing it's thing?!20:19
daftykinsno the battery is dead too, as mentioned earlier20:19
zmoylan-pii'd bring it to apple store and see what it would cost to get it repaired properly and let that amount make the decision20:19
daftykinszmoylan-pi: they're not items requiring repairs20:20
zmoylan-pithen the replacement parts costs20:20
diddledanthe battery costs £100 ish last I heard20:20
shaunoI think it'd depend what kinda condition it's in.  the resale value on macs can be kinda surpirsing sometimes20:21
shaunoyou might discover it's more than worth your time to make it saleable20:21
daftykinsyeah, it's an old 2007 core 2 duo one with 1.5GB RAM, stuck at OS X 10.720:21
diddledaneven so it might get up to around the 5ton mark20:21
daftykinsseems a battery is £109 on the Apple site20:21
daftykinsseriously? surely not20:22
shaunocurious, is it a plastic one or a metal one?20:22
daftykinswhite plastic job20:22
shaunoah ok20:22
maps|wrkwhat condition is it in20:22
diddledanI think it's the newer of the white plackies tho20:22
shauno(the 2007 mbp suffers from "incredibly melty nvidia" issues, hence the Q)20:22
daftykinsi don't think it had nvidia20:22
daftykinscan't quite remember now20:22
daftykinsand can't fire it up to see ;D20:22
shaunoright.  the macbook has intel integrated, the pro has a discrete chip that likes to heat up so bad it desolders itself20:23
daftykinsmmm i know the fault only too well20:23
shauno(source: my 2007 macbook pro   lol)20:23
daftykinssame issue as the xbox360 i think20:23
maps|wrk http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2014-10/27/google-exec-skydive thats sick..so high20:24
shaunothe repair program for it was awesome, but still20:24
daftykinshe beat Felix Baumgartner, yeah20:24
shauno(I used to literally phone galmac and tell them I needed another motherboard.  and they'd give me a slot to go get it swapped out while-you-wait for free)20:25
maps|wrkya, crazy high tho and they say how the tech will let normal folks and tourists go up that high..i dont want to :P20:25
maps|wrki dont think20:25
daftykinsshauno: :D20:25
shaunomy understanding is that apple were billing the whole adventure to nvidia, so they were handing out replacements like candy20:26
diddledanmaps|wrk: the problem with goign that high is you've got to come back down20:26
daftykinsi may well go have a word in the Apple reseller shop around the corner from me20:26
daftykins£90 battery seems likely though20:26
daftykinsbut it makes the machine useable just to have the mains adapter20:27
maps|wrkid be scared on the way up:D20:27
daftykinslol @ these reviews saying Apple are getting worse because they're "cutting CD drives" from systems20:30
shaunoheh.  they'll get over it.  they said the same thing when the imac came without a floppy drive20:31
daftykinsthis always makes me laugh20:33
daftykinssomeone's signed me up to their email again20:33
daftykins"If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately"20:33
shaunoI finally got rid of the guy that kept using mine :)20:34
daftykinsi'm going to grab my headphones and skype call this line, to ask them to remove my email20:35
daftykinslast time someone just blankly said "er i don't think we can do that"20:35
shaunoI tried to explain to him that the address he kept using was mine, and he said he wasn't using it20:35
daftykinsoooh that's what i get too20:35
daftykinsso he refused to own up?20:35
shaunoso I let myself into his vodafone account and continued the conversation over webtext.20:35
maps|wrklol how did you contact him20:36
shaunomy replying to things where whole groups of people were copied :)20:36
daftykinseh? groups of people?20:36
diddledandaftykins: "friends"20:37
shaunoyeah.  whole conversations arranging things.20:37
maps|wrkah and someone was emaolimng yours thinking it was his friends?20:37
shauno"sorry, I won't be there sunday because I'm not kieron"20:37
diddledandaftykins: it's a strange concept to me, too20:37
daftykinslol no i was just wondering how an account could possibly provide access to a phone user's contacts20:38
daftykinsor messages20:38
shaunomy biggest questions is how kieron was 'accidentally' using firstname.lastname@gmail when we don't have the same firstname20:38
diddledanshauno: how does kieron accidentally use so**l20:38
diddledanaah . - gmail ignores dotty names20:39
shaunoits my whole name though, not initials20:39
diddledanit still doesn't work tho, firstname lastname just cannot match20:40
diddledanperhaps he was a retard?20:40
shaunoanyway, that's how you get rid of people - password reset used in anger20:40
daftykinsthis lot seem to keep using d<surname>##@gmail20:40
diddledanthat sounds fun20:40
daftykinsand neglect to type in the ## number they've appended to mine20:41
daftykinsso i just end up getting their junk instead20:41
shaunothe bit I really don't like though.  is when you get people innocently reaching 'the wrong shaun'20:41
shaunoand you're so used to spam that you end up going over it with a fine toothcomb before replying to let them know20:42
shaunoI think that's kinda sad.  "sorry, wrong number" gets lost in a huge pile of distrust20:42
daftykinssomehow they can't get the right details of their friends XD20:42
shaunoI think my name's just a pain in the anatomy.  there's at least 3 spellings of my surname, at least four of my firstname, etc20:43
diddledanmaybe we should start requiring ICQ-style numbered accounts instead of "nickname"?20:44
zmoylan-pithrow in a ' for the irish names and sql loves you too :-)20:44
shaunothat I'm fine with.  keiren just bugged me because he was getting his *own name* wrong20:44
shaunozmoylan-pi: hah, my work address has an apostrophe20:44
diddledanshauno: your work address doesn't exist anyway20:44
shaunonot out of choice, I never write it with the apostrophe.  but it is rfc-valid!20:45
zmoylan-pithe number of american companies who's solution to customers in ireland is to have their clients names spelled wrong remains high :-)20:45
zmoylan-pijust put it down as obrien!20:45
zmoylan-pithey won't be insulted at all20:45
shaunoobrien would be awesome.  I'd just have everyone call me Chief :)20:46
daftykinsok time to call http://www.bcbsfl.com/20:46
daftykinslets see how far they can get to removing my email from this account, based solely on my email + the name of the person that's the imposter20:46
diddledanshauno: similar with scott20:46
diddledanI guess I can twist my nipple nuts and get you all to call me susan?20:47
daftykinsA boy named Sue.20:47
shaunodaftykins: you might wanna read this first :)  http://www.ousbey.com/blog/amazon-just-told-me-to-log-into-someone-elses-account20:47
diddledandaftykins: my last name is llewellyn20:47
diddledanso I can pretend to be a mechanoid20:48
shaunoI'm an ONeil.  the kicker is I'm not even irish.  it's all one big fluke.20:48
daftykins"i need your social sec #"20:48
daftykinsugh, not gonna get far with this20:48
shauno3-2-4, invent one :)20:49
daftykinsjeez i just had to fudge my way through loads20:50
shaunoand if they get too useless, remind them that if they mail you anything about their customer, it's a huge HIPAA violation20:50
shaunothe healthcare industry in particular has some very heavy-handed rules about such things20:51
zmoylan-pithey'll just label you a hacker and set the fbi on you :-)20:51
=== roht is now known as wadzi
daftykinslol this woman isn't even listening to me20:54
daftykinsi just had to go "you are aware you're ignoring me, right?"20:55
daftykinsafter a second she goes "...what?"20:55
* zmoylan-pi hands daftykins my whistle20:55
daftykinsfinally someone that finished school20:57
shaunodaftykins: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/colleen-brennan/5/a61/a1b21:00
shaunoI love the internet, it scares me21:00
shauno(the 'compliance officer' hat should cover 'not sending patient data to random foreigners, I believe)21:01
daftykinsok this one *claimed* they're going to sort it out21:02
daftykinsafter taking the name of the person (another "D <surname>" except female too, no less!21:02
shaunoI can't believe Aftykins is that common a surname!21:03
daftykinshonestly that first one was a complete numpty, i guess dealing with customers grates so much you stop listening21:04
daftykinsgave me a phone # then i said "i called that one just now"21:04
daftykins"ok thank you for calling bai!"21:04
shaunohopefuly you didn't just pay for that adventure21:05
daftykinswell it was 1-877, i used skype21:06
diddledanskype is awesome for foreign freefone numbers21:06
shaunocompletely unrelated: why are we all here and it's not 3am?21:06
shaunoI feel like we've stolen someone else's shift21:07
diddledanshauno: that reminds me. I need pizza21:07
daftykinsyou guys didn't get the memo about "when shall we three meet again" :(21:07
shaunoI believe dan ate it21:07
diddledanI did, but shauno had the eye at the time21:07
shaunosee, now I feel better about blaming you.21:07
daftykinsit's baseball night tonight21:08
shaunonoo, it's sleep night tonight21:08
daftykinsgame 6 of the world series!21:08
shaunowhich countries are playing?21:08
diddledanbaseball? when did you become american?21:08
daftykinsthe US and the US!21:08
daftykinsyou know how it is, the rest of the world doesn't get invited21:08
diddledanthat's because we'd win21:09
daftykinswell i suddenly got into it21:09
daftykinsi've been to a real game in San Francisco too21:09
shaunoI played rounders once.  I still can't tell the difference21:09
diddledanshauno: ditto21:09
daftykinsor softball!21:10
diddledanwhatever, it still ain't cricket21:10
shaunoit's like .. if you hold the bat with one hand, it's rounders, if you use two hands, it's baseball21:10
diddledanI don't get what the problem is when "all the bases are loaded" - surely when the next guy comes up the other three move-on a base until someone realises and tries to stump them out21:12
daftykinsno it's a good thing for the team that's batting21:13
daftykinsit puts pressure on the fielding team though21:13
daftykinsthe guy that catches the ball just behind the batter, his job is to send little hand signals to the pitcher, telling him if he should spin around and throw the ball to a base instead of pitching, to try and catch someone off their base21:14
diddledanyou don't get so many goals when a guy runs one base to home than running all 3, though?21:14
daftykinsit's the same value, one run earnt for a home-run versus making it around slowly21:14
shaunolol @ goals21:14
daftykinsalthough if someone hit a home-run when there's someone else on a base, they could complete their run without fear of the ball being used to tag them out too21:15
daftykinsdon't know if diddledan is trolling me or not :(21:17
diddledanno I really am a mormonomnomnom21:17
daftykinsa mormon 0o21:18
shaunoI can't tell either.  I would have expected him to be legitimately clueless about all forms of sportsball.  but I've never heard the phrase "all the bases are loaded"21:18
diddledanyeah, someone who isn't clever21:18
zmoylan-piif you hold the bat with 2 hands, it's a punishment beating, this is ireland :-p21:18
shaunoI thought all the bases were belong to.  so he knows .... something.  and that's disconcerting21:18
daftykinsshauno: ah, then i shall link you gentlemen tonight! :D21:18
daftykinsthen you can stay up 'til at least 4am with me, watching!21:19
diddledanshauno: movies teach me stuff21:19
daftykinscan someone do me a favour? this video isn't buffering in any kind of sane time, is it just me? http://m.mlb.com/video/topic/63106348/v36868661/ws2014-gm6-ventura-discusses-taveras-passing21:19
diddledanworks fine here21:20
shaunoI also have 'just buffering'.  and a very awkward keyframe.21:20
diddledanit's a bloke talking foreign21:21
shaunooh, tell a lie.  the play button worked  lol21:21
diddledanand a guy sat next to him pretending he understands21:21
shaunoI thought the spinny circle thing meant "I'm doing something, hold up"21:21
daftykinsit's taken the last 5-10 mins to buffer 30 seconds worth21:22
daftykinsshauno: i did too initially :(21:22
diddledandaftykins: try respawning21:22
daftykinsbut i might appear at the start of the level?21:22
diddledanit depends whether you reached a savepoint or not yet21:22
daftykinsoh damn, yeah weirdly that sorted itself out21:22
daftykinswhole site has been slow all day21:23
shaunoit's slowly dawning on me that you're not just trying to be funny.  you really do follow this stuff21:23
daftykinsi have, only for the last few weeks though21:24
daftykinsthis team here, the Kansas City Royals, they've made it to this 'final' for the first time in 30 years21:24
daftykinsso it's a big deal for the locals ;)21:24
shaunoI suspect you may have overdosed on TV when you were less-mobile, and this is a side-effect21:24
daftykinsi have to use low quality shifty feeds to watch the game21:25
daftykinsdespite using adblocking softwares, they block out the picture with an advert pane all the time21:25
daftykinssooo frustrating21:25
shaunoadblockers are so trivial to break, I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often21:26
shaunojust giving the div a randomised id will break most21:26
daftykinsthis live one just does not have a chance of working here21:26
daftykinskeeps stopping, starting, skipping21:27
daftykinswow i got 3 seconds just then!21:27
diddledancomcast want me to not subscribe to directv21:27
diddledanok then. I won't21:27
shaunoyeah, I'm getting that too.  i ... f ... yu ... ss ... ign ... uu .... p for ...21:27
daftykinshmm i don't even get ads!21:27
shaunoperhaps the internet is trying to send you a message?21:28
daftykins"america can't do video streaming" yep21:29
daftykinsjust like with Apple's last WWDC :)21:29
diddledanit's all silverlight21:29
diddledanyeah, apple's wwdc was a farce21:29
shaunowwdc was fine?21:29
daftykinsnaaah the livestream was totally busted for everyone21:30
daftykinsor kept switching to having a chinese dub over the top21:30
shaunosorry, I thought you meant wwdc :)21:30
daftykinsyeah, pretty sure that was the event21:30
daftykinsback in July or some such21:30
shaunowwdc was june, the "sept 9th event" was just a PRnote21:31
diddledanI first had to convince it not to show me some random testcard with the "TV truck schedule" and then I had foreign dub as daftykins suggests21:31
shaunothe one where they announced ios8 was wwdc.  the one where they announced the iphone6 was just PR21:31
daftykinsyeah it was the first announcement of Yosemite and iOS 8 WWDC21:32
daftykinsno wait.21:32
daftykinsok yeah i'm confused now21:32
shaunothis?  http://simonfredsted.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Screen-Shot-2014-09-10-at-23.59.34.png21:32
diddledanyeah, that21:33
daftykinsmain point of baseball though21:33
daftykinsbeer and hot dogs!21:33
diddledanI have no idea when it was.. no clue about either the date or time21:33
shaunoI know what you mean, I just try not to confuse the different events because I tend to record wwdc in it's entirety (the whole week's worth!)21:34
diddledanit would help if they had some kind of schedule21:34
daftykinsi think shauno might be right, it could well be the iPhone 6 event that failed big time21:35
daftykinshang on let me query the masses that were shocked at the poor video along with i21:35
shaunothey did.  and they kept showing it to people who were trying to watch the keynote :)21:35
diddledanI think they might have outsourced the tv truck though and it was that which was doing the failwhale21:37
shaunoI think it was ninjas21:37
shaunoI have logics too.  they almost always hold events in the moscone center.21:37
daftykinswith pirate parrots on their shoulders21:37
shaunoI think the moscone center hired ninjas to mess up the one they did from a different center21:38
daftykinsfor my next trick i will see if i can get some of the other games i missed21:38
daftykinsi didn't stay up every night :(21:38
daftykinsthey were playing in San Francisco last, which makes it worse of course21:39
daftykinsKansas City is tonights, so at least it goes to central time21:40
shaunowho knew watching sportsball was so complicated!21:40
daftykinsplus it gets rained off sometimes too21:40
shaunoI thought they just yell at the TV whenever there's not beer in their faces  :/21:41
daftykinsyep you were right, iPhone 6 event was what was failing21:41
shaunoit's easy to remember.  the dev conf. doesn't get simulcast in chinese21:42
shaunoyou don't need to tell chinese developers about your next release, they already have the source.21:43
shaunobut telling all those billions that to buy .. that's worth an extra audio track21:43
daftykinsi think my kitty just ate something that was flying around21:48
daftykinsexcellent, she's finally pulling her weight :)21:48
shaunoI like that their animation has all the same blinking lights they put on planes21:51
zmoylan-pibut did she eat all of it or leave a present somewhere for you to step on...21:53
diddledanbeautiful sunset21:53
daftykinsthis video is dropping immensely too21:53
daftykinsseriously what is with my tubes today O_O21:53
diddledandaftykins: france are annexing the islands21:54
daftykinssacre bleu21:54
zmoylan-pithe cuisine will improve? :-)21:54
daftykinswe have enough already21:54
shaunohm, this one's fine here21:54
diddledanfine here too21:55
diddledanI think daftykins just can't hop the pond21:55
diddledanwhich telco are you with?21:55
diddledanmaybe they're broken21:55
daftykinsSure Guernsey :)21:55
shaunoheh, that sounds quite .. irish.  "sure itsinternets.  it'll be grand!"21:56
diddledanI read that in irish accent too21:56
daftykinsto be Sure, to be Sure21:56
=== Daryl is now known as Guest61473
shaunoI was going to say "if I ever start an ISP ...".  but lets be realistic.  if I ever try to start an ISP, shoot me21:57
daftykinsroger that21:57
shaunoweird question; do the islands 'do' guns?21:58
daftykinsone of my pals from Boston says he's managed to find laws on what i can do, that i didn't know about21:58
shaunoI'm just always curious about how british they are, and how british they aren't21:59
daftykinswell we do have our own government :)22:00
daftykinsthe fact i didn't die is probably a good testament to our healthcare system too22:00
daftykinswhich is non-NHS22:00
diddledanone of the islands is still feudal22:00
daftykinsgood ol' Sark22:00
shaunothat kinda looks like a concrete heatsink.  weird.22:07
shaunothey keep showing the rocket's bottom22:08
shaunoand the thing it's sat on22:08
daftykins2hrs 'til the game is on!22:09
shaunoyou said until 4am?22:09
shaunoand it starts at midnight ..22:10
daftykinsthey can run on you see, they refuse to allow draws22:10
daftykinsa standard game has 9 innings, but if they're drawing it'll go on until someone is ahead22:10
shaunoand an inning is what, an hour?!22:10
daftykinsshame my poor little ion1 HTPC can't play the flash player of the stream full screen22:11
shaunoI'm sorry Dave.  I can't do that.22:11
daftykinsyou know what's good about that, i am Dave too22:11
shaunothat works22:12
shaunoso what you need is for someone to figure out where the mp4 stream lives.22:12
shauno(I assume their ipad app isn't flash-backed ..)22:13
daftykinshang on, this stream2watch thing has an app?22:14
shaunoI know MLB do22:15
daftykinsyeah, their ones are pay for annoyingly22:15
shaunothey're even on the appletv22:15
daftykins$25 to watch these games, and since there's one or two left22:15
shaunoI think that's why there's not many sportsballs on my TV either22:15
shaunothat said, I don't have movie channels either.  In a slip of stupidity, I was bluntly honest on the phone22:17
daftykinsi don't even use a broadcast TV medium.22:17
daftykinsright i'm heading off toward the lounge, ttfn sirs!22:17
shaunowhen I ordered 120meg cable, they tried to sell me the movies package.  and I flat-out told them that with 120meg, I don't need movie channels22:18
daftykinsi shall no doubt be on here watching the game :>22:18
shaunoone of those moments where your brain is sitting there going "mouth?   hello?  mouth?  what are you .."22:18
daftykins"because i er, use legit streaming services *cough* "22:20
diddledan30 sec22:22
shaunodid it just get dark there really, really quickly?22:22
diddledanwow that's a big flame22:23
shaunoI believe they call that a "plot twist"22:23
diddledansorry, but I really need to swear22:23
diddledanI look away for a moment and it's exploding when I look back22:25
diddledanI didn't even see how high it got22:25
diddledanlooks like the launch pad is on fire22:25
shaunoit seemed to get like .. almost twice it's own height22:26
diddledanthere's something on rire to the far left of the picture22:27
shaunothen it seemed to pretty much hover.  and then got all spicey-like22:27
shaunoyeah.  it's really not designed as a landing pad22:27
shauno... and the rocket really isn't designed to land22:28
shaunothis is gonna sound horrible.  but thanks for the link.  I've never seen that before22:28
diddledanscrub the data?22:29
shaunoI was thinking that22:29
diddledanis there something we should know about?22:29
diddledanI'm wondering if there was something in the payload in addition to the resupply module22:30
diddledanthe lighthouse across the other side of the bay shows up well22:34
shaunowhen he says it won't affect the Progress launch.  I assume that's being launched somewhere else?22:34
shaunobecause you're right.  to my completely uneducated eye, that place looks messed up22:35
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
shauno"launch"  .. hehe23:33

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