
magespawninetpro yes i did, i am going to try it now03:15
magespawnokay so replaced index.php with hello.php, renamed it to index.php, and i do get just a hello, world. 03:30
magespawnso the redirect should be in index.php or one of the files called by it03:31
magespawnokay cool beans so that gives me a starting place03:34
magespawnMaaz tell inetpro thanks for the help03:34
Maazmagespawn: Okay, I'll tell inetpro on freenode03:34
Kilosmorning early birds03:49
magespawnhi Kilos03:52
Kilosohi magespawn 03:53
inetprogood mornings04:06
Maazinetpro: By the way, magespawn on freenode told me "tell inetpro thanks for the help" 32 minutes and 8 seconds ago04:06
Kiloshiya inetpro 04:06
inetpromagespawn: see http://blog.magpiebrain.com/2008/06/01/wordpress-site-hacked/04:07
tumbleweedwin 3704:11
tumbleweed /win even04:11
inetprohaha... good mornings tumbleweed04:12
tumbleweedwell, evening, here04:12
inetproyou have that many windows?04:12
tumbleweedsome in the 20s are unused, though04:13
tumbleweedfor conferences, etc,04:13
Kiloshi tumbleweed 04:13
tumbleweed(short term, but needs a keyboard shortcut)04:13
tumbleweedhi Kilos04:13
magespawnwill do inetpro 04:14
* tumbleweed should move 37 up. It's really active, and deserves a good shortcut04:14
magespawnhi tumbleweed 04:14
Kiloswhat is win 37 atm?04:14
inetprotumbleweed: what are you using?04:14
tumbleweedKilos: a channel for a friend's house04:15
tumbleweedthat he pulled all his friends into04:15
tumbleweedand it's now really lively04:15
tumbleweedinetpro: irssi04:15
inetproah, thought so04:16
Kiloswell at least you still got us there so all good04:16
tumbleweedthis is win 6 :)04:17
* tumbleweed knows people with hundreds of IRC channels04:18
tumbleweedI don't know how they do it04:18
Kiloshi nlsthzn 04:24
nlsthznmorning uncle Kilos , you are up early :)04:25
Kilosare you you gonna make the meet tonight04:25
Kilosand you tumbleweed 04:25
tumbleweedI have no idea04:25
Kiloswe gonna discuss the re evalution of the loco thing04:26
nlsthznseems I am off so I should make it 04:26
Kiloswhat is the need to be re evaluated every couple of years04:27
nlsthznto ensure the loco is active and deserve the few perks they can get 04:28
Kiloswe been very slack last year or 204:28
Kiloseveryone is busy04:29
Kilosapart from dvds , what perks nlsthzn ?04:30
Kilosyou gonna have to say all this tonight again hehe04:31
nlsthznI am not really sure what all uncle Kilos >.<04:31
KilosMaaz, tell sommaun on freenode http://blog.magpiebrain.com/2008/06/01/wordpress-site-hacked/05:07
MaazKilos: Got it, I'll tell sommaun on freenode05:07
Kiloshe also had a redirect prob hey inetpro ?05:07
Kilosxmz something or other hehe05:08
Kiloshi Tonberry 05:08
magespawngood morning all05:11
Kiloswb magespawn 05:12
magespawnty Kilos 05:13
bduk1More almal05:34
Kiloshi bduk1 05:39
Kilosmorning superfly 05:47
Kiloshi Squirm 05:48
magespawnhi superfly 05:58
Squirmsuper tired today06:46
Kiloswhat did you do last night till late06:47
SquirmKilos: I'm always tired06:55
Squirmbooks, movies, company06:55
somaunnHello Guys07:02
somaunnHi Kilos07:02
somaunnI get this error http://slexy.org/view/s21QwwhTjG07:05
somaunnsomeone to explain what is all about ?07:05
ThatGraemeGuymorning all07:10
ThatGraemeGuy#fedora could probably explain that07:10
ThatGraemeGuyor you could try the things it explicitly mentions in the "You could try....." lines07:11
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy somm07:11
Kilossomaunn, check this out07:12
Kilosmight give you some idea why you get rerouted with the fox07:12
Kiloslemme go see your new prob07:13
Kilosdid you try running rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest07:14
Kilosi have no idea what that does07:15
ThatGraemeGuypro tip when someone says "i have no idea what it does" you should probably not follow their advice07:15
Kilosgo back to ubuntu man07:15
Kilosi saw that at the end of his post07:16
Kilosi dont give advice i have thought up07:16
Kilosyou well ThatGraemeGuy ?07:18
ThatGraemeGuyyup, all good07:21
ThatGraemeGuystill without adsl, but what can you do07:21
Kiloswow i thought they were sorting it on friday past07:21
Kiloshave you tried 8ta yet07:22
Kilostelkom mobile07:22
ThatGraemeGuyi thought so too07:24
ThatGraemeGuytelkom R349 for 2GB, cell c R19907:25
ThatGraemeGuytough choice07:25
Kilosi pay R149 for 2+107:25
Kilosin the promo deals07:26
ThatGraemeGuyi was looking at the bundles listed on the fnb app07:26
Kiloshi theblazehebmobil 07:28
Kilosmeeting tonight hey07:28
theblazehebmobilKilos:yeah, saw the mail07:29
theblazehebmobilStill gotta get my kline lifted...07:29
Kilosoh you still read them07:29
theblazehebmobilMaybe just use a different IP on my pc today07:29
Kilossome others ignore mails. i wont mention peeps like the pro07:30
Kilosoh man lemme try help you07:30
theblazehebmobilNah, just gotta send them a mail07:31
Kilosgive me the info why they klined you and ill ask erry to sort it07:31
theblazehebmobilBut really lazy07:31
Kiloswhat nick have the klined07:31
theblazehebmobilWas running a tor exit node on my bouncer... Thought IRC would be fine, guess not07:31
theblazehebmobilWill just use a local client tonight07:32
theblazehebmobilGot my exams starting next friday :(07:32
Kilosstudy lots07:33
theblazehebmobilYeah :(07:33
Kilosok is that tor thing off now07:33
Kilosthats encrypted stuff hey07:34
theblazehebmobilNah, not yet07:34
theblazehebmobilYeah, unless you run a exit node07:34
Kilosjust switch it off when you come online and we can ask freenode to sort you07:35
Kilosthey got a bit stiff with everything since being hacked07:35
theblazehebmobilKilos turned it off now07:36
Kiloscan you join them with me so you can give the info they ask for07:36
theblazehebmobilIll just send them a mail07:37
theblazehebmobilOr ok, ill join07:37
theblazehenmobilKilos did i miss any messages?07:43
Kilosi dont know that redcell guy07:43
Kilosdunno if he has power to change things or just a talker07:44
Kilosthomas seems to be the one to answer07:45
theblazehenmobilKilos: yeah, got message to thomas07:45
theblazehenmobilSays hes looking into it07:46
theblazehenmobilWill probably go afk soon, signal sucks at school07:46
Kilosask him to inform me then 07:47
theblazehenmobilYeah, he will07:48
Kiloscool 07:49
Kiloswb theblazehen 07:54
theblazehenTy Kilos :D07:54
Kilosnow leave that tor thing off07:55
theblazehenmobilKilos will just not allow irc on exit policy :)07:55
Kilosat times that channel is too fast for me to keep up07:56
Kilosbut normally very helpful07:56
Kilosnow study07:58
theblazehenKilos: OK :(07:58
theblazehenHeh. Still here!07:59
theblazehenBut not in class right now08:00
theblazehenHi nlsthzn 08:00
nlsthznyo theblazehen :) how are you?08:01
theblazehenGood,and you?08:02
nlsthznalways good thank you 08:05
Kiloshaha nlsthzn i went to circles08:10
Kilosnearly said sjoe sy gaan bars08:10
Kilosthe photo with mommy and baby to be08:11
Kiloscant be too long now08:11
nlsthznah ok, you where on G+ ... lol08:14
nlsthznthree months to go08:14
Kiloswhew she is gonna be massive08:14
nlsthzn:) yup08:15
Kilosdont babies double in size in the last 5 weeks08:15
Kilosi forget the time period08:15
nlsthznhope not >.<08:16
Squirmtheblazehen: what school do you go to?08:38
Kiloshi Xethron 08:53
SquirmMy boss is taking me out for dinner tonight09:24
Squirmtomorrow is my last day here09:24
theblazehenSquirm: southdowns college09:38
theblazehenOh damn, forgot about logs...09:43
Squirmtheblazehen: ah, that's quite a drive09:43
theblazehenSquirm: from where?09:43
theblazehenAh yeah09:44
Squirmfriends of mine live in...09:45
theblazehenMaaz tell magespawn http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/2ki5ob/over_engineering_a_rf_link_can_cause_problems_too/ might be interesting to read10:04
Maaztheblazehen: Righto, I'll tell magespawn on freenode10:04
charlgood morning10:10
charlMaaz: coffee on10:10
* Maaz flips the salt-timer10:10
charlhi theblazehen, Squirm, Kilos, nlsthzn 10:10
theblazehenHey charl 10:10
SquirmMaaz: coffee please10:10
MaazSquirm: Alrighty10:10
Kiloshi charl 10:10
theblazehenYeah! Got it right!10:10
SquirmMaaz: large10:10
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Squirm10:10
SquirmMaaz: botsnack10:10
MaazThank you thank you, munch munch chomp chomp10:10
KilosMaaz, coffee please10:10
MaazKilos: Done10:10
charlMaaz: large10:11
MaazIn a beer mug just for you charl10:11
charlgood good10:11
MaazCoffee's ready for charl, Squirm and Kilos!10:14
KilosMaaz, ty10:14
MaazYou are welcome Kilos10:14
nlsthzno/ charl 10:19
charlMaaz: danke10:22
somaunnhi Kilos12:27
somaunnhi guys12:27
somaunni'm back12:27
=== SDC is now known as Rynomster
=== Rynomster is now known as SDCDev
=== sakhi_ is now known as sakhi
Kiloshi gremble sakhi 15:13
Kilostheblazehen, was it you that wanted to sell a lappy a while back, ian is looking for one 15:14
Kiloshi amanica 15:20
KilosMaaz, hi16:05
MaazSup Kilos16:05
theblazehenKilos: don't think I mentioned it, and I doubt he would want it...16:05
theblazehenRuns kinda OK with windows 8.1 though16:06
theblazehen1.6GHz CPU, 2 GB RAM, 1024x600 display16:06
theblazehen2 hours battery life looking at the desktop at minimum brightness16:06
Kiloshe needs an i5 to do his work i think16:07
Kiloshe uses win7 still i think16:07
theblazehenHaha, this won't cut it by far.. Can't even play video at full speed in vlc16:08
theblazehenKilos: when is meeting starting?16:08
Kiloswhat you doing?16:09
theblazehenSitting at hairdresser :p16:09
Kilosgonna rain if you are so please study16:09
theblazehenLol ok16:09
theblazehenMight later16:09
Kiloswe need rain bad16:10
Kilosdo you do the circles thing16:10
theblazehenCircles thing?16:10
Kilosinetpro, are you gonna tell g+ about the meeting tonight16:10
Kilossome g+ thing16:11
Kilosit eats data16:11
theblazehenAh, no16:11
theblazehenNo webcam16:11
Kilosi went to my circle and peeps have put videos and all kinds there16:11
nlsthznbtw what time is the meeting?16:16
* nlsthzn hasn't slept in 27 hours16:17
* nlsthzn reads what has been said and sees the time mentioned >.<16:20
nlsthzn22:30 is going to make this a LONG nite for me16:21
Kiloswhy 22.30 neelsie16:22
charlyou kill yourself nlsthzn 16:22
Kilos20.30 to 21.3016:23
charli think it's his time Kilos 16:23
Kiloswhy havent you slept for so long?16:23
nlsthznhad night shift last night and didn16:23
nlsthzndidn't sleep today16:23
nlsthznhad to sit in front of the PC and click stuff16:24
nlsthznwas fun :D16:24
nlsthznnow not so much16:24
Kiloswhen you work night shift you supposed to go home and sleep half the day man16:24
nlsthznwill try next tome16:24
charlja but then your whole cycle is screwed16:24
charlnow you go back to your old cycle and you're screwed again16:24
Kiloswhat you been clicking thats fun16:24
charlit's like jetlag16:24
nlsthznI normally sleep 3-4 hours just to help16:24
nlsthznsince getting Gnome 3.14 up and running most things on the PC are fun to click :p16:25
nlsthznand also games16:25
nlsthznmostly games16:25
Kilosya permanent nights or days is better than chopping changing16:25
charlwhen i got to the states after so many hours on planes and waiting in washington airport (a uber boring airport btw unless you want to eat) i just fell down on the bed and slept16:25
charlin the hotel room16:25
charlwhen you go west it's easy, then you can sleep but i found that every time i travel east i end up with massive jetlag16:25
nlsthznspeaking of games... I will be back later closer to meeting time16:25
charlyou try sleeping but can't16:26
Kiloswell if its games keeping you up you only got yourself to blame16:26
nlsthznalways only myself to blame :p16:27
Kiloshi bushtech 16:27
bushtechhi Kilos16:27
Kiloshi SDCDev 16:27
charlhi bushtech 16:28
theblazehenHi bushtech SDCDev 16:28
charlwc SDCDev 16:28
theblazehenChanServ: 16:28
charlwb i mean16:28
charlhi theblazehen 16:28
charlwat you talking to ChanServ again16:28
charlChanServ is boring, he sucks16:29
charlMaaz: coffee on16:29
* Maaz washes some mugs16:29
theblazehen5s ping on WiFi...16:29
KilosMaaz, coffee please16:29
MaazKilos: Sure16:29
charlso when is this meeting my time, 20:30 is 19:30 for me16:29
KilosMaaz, with cremora16:29
MaazAh! At last someone with taste16:29
charlja have some pre-meeting coffee16:30
charlit's better than pre-dinner mayonnaise16:30
KilosMaaz, and milk16:30
MaazNow you're talking16:30
charlMaaz: with rusks16:30
MaazThere is a packet of Ouma's in the cupboard charl help yourself16:30
charlgood, good16:30
Kilosdoop n ouma, doop n ouma16:31
KilosMaaz, rusks please16:31
Maazbehind the calender on top of the fridge, but dont tell everyone Kilos16:31
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!16:33
charlMaaz: thanks16:33
Maazcharl: Okay :-)16:33
KilosMaaz, gracias16:35
MaazKilos: ¡de nada!16:35
charlhi magespawn 16:43
magespawnhi charl16:44
Kiloshi magespawn 16:44
magespawnhello kilos16:45
Kilosim impressed16:45
Kilosdont you have the tab complete function16:45
Kilos kil tab sorts caps and all16:46
Kilosyou go to pc?16:52
magespawnno just went and got dinner16:52
Kilosyip good move, tummy first16:53
theblazehenWiFi died :(16:54
magespawnyou were saying you were impressed, with what?16:54
Kilosthe hello in place of hey16:54
Kiloswe not ghetto peeps16:55
Kilosim a pain hey? hehe16:55
Kilosi go eat now16:57
KilosMaaz, watch them16:57
MaazOK Kilos I'll keep an eye on them for you16:57
* nlsthzn sucks at computer games 16:59
magespawnon the pc now17:14
* Kilos hopes nuvolari_ can get online17:36
Kilosthats funny Symmetria 17:39
theblazehenWifi still not working :(17:41
Kilostheblazehen, i just found him an i5 with 8g ram for R250017:42
Kilos17 inch screen17:43
theblazehenKilos: nice, new or 2nd hand?17:43
Kilos2nd hand17:43
theblazehenLaptop right?17:43
Kilosbut its not too far for him to go see it first17:43
theblazehenHmm, ok17:44
Kilosbetter if you can go fetch and pay that way so you cant be scammed17:44
Kilosat times i find googling useful17:44
Kilosother times i hate google17:45
Kilosmaybe ill get 14.04 xubuntu tonight if i can stay awake17:46
theblazehenKilos: sleep $seconds && wget $url ?17:48
kbmonkeyEvening Kilos, theblazehen and those who I do not see chatting o/17:48
Kiloshi kbmonkey 17:49
theblazehenHi kbmonkey 17:49
Kilosserious lurker bug going around17:49
Kilosyay nuvolari_ says hell be here too17:50
kbmonkeyhells bells17:51
kbmonkeysleep? trying to run something later again?17:52
Kiloslol i like watching iso downloads17:52
Kilosi wonder if 14.04 is 14.04.2 yet17:53
=== nuvolari_ is now known as nuvolari
Kiloshi nuvolari 17:57
nuvolarioh hi oom Kilos, theblazehen, kbmonkey 17:58
nuvolarikbmonkey! nice to see you again :>17:58
theblazehenHi nuvolari 17:58
nuvolariMaaz: meeting.agenda17:58
Maaznuvolari: meeting.agenda is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2014102817:58
kbmonkeyHi nuvolari :)17:59
theblazehenThinking I might need to skip meeting :(17:59
nuvolariblood! we need moar blood! young blood!17:59
Kilosno theblazehen 17:59
nuvolarito help with promoting Ubuntu17:59
* nuvolari turns violent on theblazehen18:00
theblazehenHeh, me too... Went to doctor yesterday, blood pressure was 80/6018:00
nuvolaridon't you dare!18:00
theblazehenLol nuvolari 18:00
Kiloskinda low18:00
kbmonkeywas about to ask if that is high18:00
theblazehenKilos: yeah.. Normal is 120/8018:01
kbmonkeyI know not how blood pressure works.18:01
kbmonkeyfeeling okay theblazehen ?18:01
Kilostheblazehen, eat lots of salt18:01
theblazehenkbmonkey: OK enough for now18:01
theblazehenKilos: does sugar count?18:01
Kiloson onion or tomato or anything else18:01
theblazehenHad some spare icing from a cake :D18:01
Kilosdont you understand english18:01
Kilossalt raises bp18:01
theblazehenOK, salt it is then...18:02
Kilosek sukkel met my kinders man18:02
Kiloslike even a teaspoon ful and wash it down with water18:03
Kilosand before meeting over bp will be up18:03
kbmonkeysalt water?18:03
nuvolario.O Game of thrones is vicious!18:03
Kilossalt water not lekker to drink but we keep sea water here for the healing properties of sea water18:04
theblazehennuvolari: /me downloads18:04
Kilosnuvolari, size18:04
nuvolariwaai size oom?18:05
Kilosdie game18:05
Kilosen is dit n online ding?18:05
nuvolarieh? oh, ek praat van die series :P18:05
Kilosso whats blaze downloading18:06
kbmonkeyI love it nuvolari 18:06
theblazehenKilos: game of thrones!18:06
nuvolaritheblazehen:what are you downloading?18:06
Kilosoh ya i seen some of the series, its good18:06
theblazehennuvolari: !!18:06
nuvolarikbmonkey: I've played the RPG last Wednesday 18:06
nuvolariwell, my first RPG ever18:06
kbmonkeyThere is an RPG?!18:06
nuvolariso I have to catch up :P18:06
theblazehennuvolari: I hear it has lotsa nudity?18:07
nuvolarikbmonkey: yeah18:07
Kiloseven the dragon chick gets heavy at times18:07
nuvolaritheblazehen: you can't watch18:07
theblazehennuvolari: haha. I'm totally 18 and above..18:07
nuvolariKilos: she's so thin, can't get heavy18:07
theblazehenIn just over a month anyway..18:07
Kilossy nogal oulik ook18:07
Kilosohi superfly 18:08
nuvolariyep, have to roll my tongue back each time she appears18:08
nuvolariexcept when she's chowing on a heart or something18:08
theblazehennuvolari: ok, I should really watch that...18:08
nuvolaritheblazehen: yeah, be prepared, medieval morals might shock you18:09
kbmonkeytheblazehen, just try not read any spoilers before you do!18:09
Kilosits a very drawn out series but good18:09
theblazehenkbmonkey: yeah..18:09
kbmonkeyits not drawn out! you young whipper snappers just need to learn some patience! ;)18:09
Kilosthere were no medieval morals18:09
theblazehenSo my chemistry teacher wants me to give her the first few seasons of breaking bad...18:09
nuvolarisounds dodgy18:10
theblazehennuvolari: haha, you ever watch it?18:10
nuvolariyeah, first season I think18:10
nuvolarilong ago18:10
theblazehennuvolari: and you stopped watching ?!18:10
nuvolariran out of movie files?18:11
nuvolariwasn't interested enough to continue18:11
theblazehennuvolari: ahh, lol18:11
theblazehenI watched first season in 1 sitting...18:11
theblazehenAnd first 3 episodes of 2nd18:12
theblazehenLike 5 pm to 2 am18:12
kbmonkeyI can watch 2 at most before the javascript calls me back18:13
=== nuvolari is now known as jeoffrey_of_bara
kbmonkeynuvolari, been learning my js :)18:13
theblazehenI wish I could do useful work :(18:13
jeoffrey_of_baradamn, limited characters18:13
theblazehenI'm basically useless at doing anything18:13
=== jeoffrey_of_bara is now known as jeoffrey_barathe
kbmonkeyme too theblazehen I just pretend :)18:14
theblazehenkbmonkey: ahh, haha :)18:14
=== jeoffrey_barathe is now known as nuvolari
nuvolarikbmonkey: cool! 18:14
nuvolariI've been taking a break from JS again :P18:15
nuvolariwe're moving from GWT to Vaadin18:15
nuvolariwhich is a bit heavy for some of the stuff we do IMO18:15
nuvolaribut, I don't make the decisions18:15
nuvolariright, so I don't se too much important stuff for tonight, besides the LoCo reapproval18:17
nuvolariwe need a cheatsheet18:17
grembleDid I miss the meeting?18:17
nuvolarinot been going too well recently IMO18:17
nuvolaribut we have to live with it18:17
nuvolarigremble: nope!18:17
nuvolaria couple of minutes early!18:17
nuvolariwelcome :)18:17
grembleschweet. Thanks nuvolari 18:17
nuvolaristarting in 13 minutes18:17
theblazehenMy data almost out:(18:18
nuvolaritheblazehen! don't browse, don't watch movies, don't breathe!18:18
nuvolariok, wait, you can breathe18:18
theblazehennuvolari: irc?18:18
theblazehenI actually wonder if vodacom charges for the resends in TCP, or if they process the TCP on their side, and then handles the connection to phone separately18:19
nuvolari2 coffee || !(2 coffee)18:20
theblazehenHate to be charged for all my dropped packets18:20
theblazehen>80% in some classes18:20
nuvolariow :-/18:20
nuvolariok, bbiab, making coffee18:20
theblazehenYeah :(18:20
nuvolariMaaz: coffee on18:20
* Maaz puts the kettle on18:20
KilosMaaz, coffee please18:22
MaazKilos: Alrighty18:22
theblazehen8 minutes!18:22
charlget a move on18:22
theblazehenOnly got 20 MB left of data...18:22
Kilosdont browse18:23
theblazehenKilos: ya, maybe just reddit with app18:23
Kilos20m is a couple of days for irc18:23
theblazehenYeah, get 1 GB on Saturday :)18:23
* kbmonkey would love coffee but not after 8pm :(18:23
charlkbmonkey: keeps you awake until after 2 ? :P18:24
charlyeah i used to drink coffee every evening but stopped with it as well18:24
theblazehenChanServ: I wish mine did :(18:24
MaazCoffee's ready for nuvolari and Kilos!18:24
theblazehenAnd I should stop assuming that tab complete is correct...18:24
kbmonkeycharl, yeah awake till 1 even without coffee o.O18:25
kbmonkeybut I stopped having at night and am better for it :)18:25
KilosMaaz, ty18:26
MaazYou are welcome Kilos18:26
nuvolarithanks Maaz 18:26
nuvolario.O for real?18:26
nuvolariI have the best sleep after a cuppa coffee18:27
nuvolariMaaz: roll over18:27
Maaznuvolari: What?18:27
nuvolariMaaz: sit18:27
Maaznuvolari: *blink*18:27
nuvolariMaaz: blink18:27
Maaznuvolari: What?18:27
nuvolaristubborn bot18:27
magespawnhi all18:27
kbmonkeyha ha18:27
Kiloshi magespawn 18:28
magespawnMaaz coffee please18:28
Maazmagespawn: There isn't a pot on18:28
magespawnMaaz coffee on18:28
* Maaz flips the salt-timer18:28
magespawnMaaz large18:28
MaazIn a beer mug just for you magespawn18:28
nuvolarioh hi magespawn 18:28
theblazehenHi magespawn 18:28
theblazehenYou get the link?18:29
magespawnthe reddit rf link? yes thanks18:29
theblazehenYeah. Interesting?18:29
nlsthznstill time to get a cup of coffee ?18:29
charlget it together people18:30
charlthe clock does not stand still :P18:30
magespawntheblazehen, yes, it does not always pay to use the power settings all the way up18:30
kbmonkeyno but it gets pretty darn close near the speed of light18:31
nuvolariMaaz: start meeting about Monthly IRC Meeting (October 2014)18:31
* Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles18:31
* nlsthzn will get coffee later then :)18:31
nuvolariMaaz: topic welcoming and introduction18:32
MaazCurrent Topic: welcoming and introduction18:32
KilosMaaz, I am Miles Sharpe18:32
MaazKilos: Done18:32
nuvolariwelcome everyone :)18:32
charlMaaz: i am Charl van Niekerk18:32
Maazcharl: Sure18:32
kbmonkeyMaaz, I am Wesley Werner18:32
Maazkbmonkey: Yessir18:32
nlsthznMaaz, I am Neil Oosthuizen18:32
Maaznlsthzn: Sure18:32
MaazCoffee's ready for magespawn!18:32
grembleMaaz: I am Jaco Stroebel18:32
Maazgremble: Sure18:32
magespawnspecifically when there is more work than time18:32
magespawnMaaz I am Greg Eames18:32
Maazmagespawn: Done18:32
nuvolariMaaz: I am Johan Mynhardt18:32
Maaznuvolari: Alrighty18:32
Kilosinetpro, ping18:32
Kiloslol tomorrow hell say pong18:33
kbmonkeyHello #ubuntu-za18:33
nuvolariright, thank you everyone for making the effort to join us tonight18:33
nuvolariwe've been very quiet at meetings lately18:33
nuvolariso we are trying to kick it up a notch18:33
nlsthznhi all :)18:33
nuvolarialso in light of the LoCo reapproval that we need to be more active IMO18:33
nuvolarihi nlsthzn :)18:34
nuvolaricoffee. bbiass18:34
theblazehenMaaz I am Jeandre Henderson18:34
Maaztheblazehen: Done18:34
superflyMaaz: I am Raoul Snyman18:34
Maazsuperfly: Sure18:34
grembleOk, so what is on the agenda for tonight?18:35
Kilosaw where is maia?18:35
nuvolarioh hi superfly :)18:35
nuvolariwelcome gremble 18:35
nuvolariMaaz: meeting.agenda18:35
Maaznuvolari: meeting.agenda is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2014102818:35
nuvolarigremble: ^^18:35
kbmonkeyThanks nuvolari 18:35
superflyhi nuvolari, I'm just going to lurk18:35
nuvolarino problem superfly :)18:35
nuvolariHow is the baby fly doing? :D18:36
nlsthznnice to see you too superfly 18:36
nuvolarishe's so cute18:36
kbmonkeyjust like a baby Tux?18:36
nlsthznuncle Kilos , you let everyone know on all the social media channels about today?  I didn't check or didn18:37
nlsthzndidn't get18:37
nuvolarigremble: nice to meet you18:37
nuvolariI haven't met you before, have i?18:37
Kilosnope i didnt tweet or mail18:37
Kilosmy bad18:37
* nuvolari isn't a regular any more :'(18:37
grembleWe have met before nuvolari 18:37
nlsthznno worries uncle Kilos it is a team effort and we dropped the ball18:37
* nuvolari is a non-attentive irregular18:38
* nlsthzn wonders what that makes him18:38
kbmonkeywe all work too much and don't play enough on our pc's, is what :)18:38
nuvolariwhatever you feel like, I'm not calling anyone names18:38
nuvolariyeah, truth be talked by kbmonkey 18:39
nlsthzncool, a case of call me what you want as long as you call me :p18:39
Kilosbut i answered maias mail so peeps that read lsit mails should know and make note18:39
kbmonkeyI saw the email Kilos 18:39
nuvolariit flew past me, let me try to find it18:39
* tumbleweed waves18:39
nuvolariwait, we're not on that topic yet18:39
Kilosohi tumbleweed 18:39
nuvolarioh hi tumbleweed :)18:39
Kiloslong wave that18:39
theblazehenHi tumbleweed 18:40
nuvolariMaaz: topic Review previous minutes18:40
MaazCurrent Topic: Review previous minutes18:40
nlsthzno/ tumbleweed 18:40
nuvolariprevious minutes: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2014-09-23-18-40-18.txt18:40
Kiloswelcome maiatoday 18:41
* nlsthzn wasn't in the last meeting that he can remember so has no idea how accurate it is 18:41
nuvolarithe only thing we do properly is reviewing previous minutes :P18:41
nlsthzno/ maiatoday 18:41
Kiloslovely to see you here18:41
nuvolarioh hi bytjie :)18:41
maiatodayhi everyone, sorry I am late18:41
grembletsk tsk18:41
* nuvolari taps foot18:41
maiatodayMaaz I am maia grotepass18:41
Maazmaiatoday: Done18:41
theblazehenHi maiatoday 18:41
nuvolaritsk tsk, we've been waiting just for you18:41
theblazehenI'm out, will catch up with the logs later18:42
nuvolarinooooo :-/18:42
nuvolariy u drop us nao?18:42
Kilosno theblazehen 18:42
theblazehennuvolari: ok, fine... I'll stay for a bit longer...18:42
nlsthznpfft, real life always getting in the way18:42
Kilos40 mins more18:42
charly u no stay18:42
nuvolarithe power of deception18:42
nuvolarier, convincing18:42
nlsthznpeer pressure ftw18:42
Kilosyou well maiatoday ?18:43
nuvolarioh! the new ubuntu..18:43
Kiloswe miss you you know18:43
maiatodaythx Kilos18:43
nuvolarisee we mentioned it last meeting18:43
nuvolarianyone been playing around?18:43
maiatodaydoes anyone have the minutes of the previous meeting18:43
nuvolariI haven't had a chance to catch up18:43
maiatodaywhere are we with this one?18:44
* nlsthzn was typing something about his unicorn but it didn't sound right :/18:44
nuvolarimaiatoday: review previous meeting is the current topic18:44
nuvolarilol nlsthzn 18:44
* nlsthzn is on Ubuntu Gnome 14.10 Gnome 3.14 installed18:44
nuvolarinlsthzn: don't make it about you, then it wouldn't sound as dodgy18:44
nlsthznnuvolari, :D18:45
kbmonkeyoh my hat. on topic I have not yet got the new Ubuntu18:45
theblazehenOk, I stay until battery dies18:46
Kilosturn gui off and read the text18:46
Kilosor plug in a charger18:47
theblazehenKilos: GUI on phone?18:47
maiatodayok I am looking at the logs, I have nothing to add18:47
nuvolariyeah, where's your braille reader?18:47
theblazehenAnd charger at desk. /me in bed18:47
nlsthznin the words of Monty Python, get on with it :p18:47
theblazehennlsthzn: yeah!18:47
nuvolariit should be nifty to learn braille. I could never figure out the 'code' as a kid18:48
* nlsthzn suspects maiatoday was the only one to actually read the logs of the previous meeting18:48
maiatodayok so what is the next topic/18:48
nuvolariI scanned nlsthzn 18:48
nuvolariMaaz: topic Releases18:49
MaazCurrent Topic: Releases18:49
nuvolariwe're out of place :-/18:49
* nlsthzn is still on 14.1018:49
nlsthzneven in this topic18:49
nuvolarinlsthzn? still?18:49
kbmonkeyAlso scanned through the mins, nothing to ad18:50
Kilossee maiatoday when you let the kids run loose they mess things up18:50
nuvolarithanks for that oom Kilos 18:50
Kiloshehe sorry18:50
* nuvolari cries in the corner18:50
kbmonkeyhey hey boys don't cry18:51
nuvolariMaybe I should try 14.10 to see if this lappy's NVidia cards are properly supported18:51
* maiatoday hands out fizzers to everyone who has been keeping irc alive18:51
nuvolarikbmonkey: yeah, they don't. grown men with feelings do18:51
theblazehenAm I supposed to be offended here too?18:51
* Kilos gonna wait till they have mir and systemd very stable18:52
* nlsthzn hasn't had a fizzer in years18:52
theblazehenTy maiatoday!18:52
* maiatoday hands out more fizzers to grown men with feelings18:52
* nuvolari sees the freenode admins walking off with the fizzers "(18:52
* maiatoday hands out insulin shots to those that need18:52
Kiloshehe ty maiatoday 18:52
Kilosmove on nuvolari 18:53
Kilosthe lady is busy18:53
nuvolariMaaz: topic Events18:53
MaazCurrent Topic: Events18:53
nlsthznre-evaluation is an event18:53
nuvolarimaiatoday: the floor is your's18:53
maiatodayok I got an email saying it's time for re-evaluation18:53
* kbmonkey sits attentively18:54
maiatodayso we have a bug open against ubuntu-za 18:54
maiatodaywe  have to prep a wiki entry and present at the meeting.18:54
maiatodaySo as team contact I have to pass this info on18:55
maiatodaySo here's the thing, since I haven't been active, I feel weird making up the whole wiki page18:55
nlsthznre-evaluation is easier than the initial request but the loco has not been performing as well as other years in what I can see...18:55
maiatodayI have received a summary from hilton about what he has been doing for stellenbosch18:55
maiatoday So if there are people who want to make the wiki page, I am willling to attend the council irc meeting and present as contact18:56
maiatodaybut I don't have time to make the wiki18:56
theblazehennlsthzn: what requirements do we need to remain a loco?18:56
maiatodaywell we have to make the wiki page and then attend the meeting18:57
theblazehenmaiatoday: if it can wait till December, then I can probably help a bit18:57
maiatodaythen they decide our fate18:57
nlsthznmaking wiki page is the easy part, need all the information18:57
maiatodaybut here's the thing18:57
theblazehennlsthzn: yeah18:57
kbmonkeyNo point in making up work. Best to be honest about activity, and maybe request some assistance with raising interest?18:57
maiatodaywhat are the benefits of being and official loco18:57
maiatodaywe get LTS DVDs18:57
theblazehenkbmonkey: good idea18:57
nlsthznmaiatoday, not much else that we use18:57
maiatodaywhich the post office looses for us18:58
maiatodaySo I don't want to stand in anyone's way18:58
maiatodayif people feel strongly about this, I am happy to go to the meeting and present the wiki page18:58
Kilosmaiatoday, are you in contact with them peeps18:58
* kbmonkey reads through the re-ve page18:58
maiatodayso it depends on everyone what the want to do18:58
nlsthznwe give what was done and they decide...18:59
maiatodayKilos, contact is relative18:59
maiatodayI get the mailing list messages18:59
maiatodayI pass loco contact stuff on where I can18:59
Kilosi mean why they still going on with this re evalue thing18:59
kbmonkeymaiatoday, if you feel the need we can talk about reassigning the loco contact even18:59
nlsthznwe have to decide was the loco doing what it needs to do or not, more important than verification IMO18:59
theblazehenDo we get to keep the name if we don't reverify? I'd assume not...18:59
maiatodayI don't really go to ubuntu council meetings or have time to hang out with you guyes18:59
Kiloswe are a long time loco18:59
maiatodayIf anyone wants to take the loco contact that's cool with me too18:59
nlsthznwe will still be a loco18:59
nlsthznthat will not change18:59
maiatodaywe will be a loco19:00
maiatodaywe will always be a loco19:00
Kiloshi Lionthinker you late19:00
LionthinkerHi all apologies19:00
Kiloslogin with maaz please19:00
nuvolariwelcome Lionthinker 19:00
maiatodaySo two things. 1: If anyone wants to drive the re-eval that's fine, I will help but I am not going to drive it19:00
nlsthznIMO if there is enough happening to be verified than cool, get verification.  The idea is the activities, not the "title"19:00
LionthinkerHi, I'm Lionthinker19:01
kbmonkeyhmm, you know I guess I wont mind taking over the loco contact role. I would like a break from the chair role, as you all know I failed at that the last few times. Need a change.19:01
nlsthznhi Lionthinker 19:01
maiatoday2: if anyone wants to be loco contact let me know I will help you settle in, if not I'll carry on as I was doing just passing on messages19:01
KilosLionthinker, type in Maaz I am Name not nick19:01
theblazehenkbmonkey: or maybe kilos? He's always here19:01
LionthinkerMaaz I am Leon Marincowitz19:01
MaazLionthinker: Done19:01
theblazehenKilos: ?19:01
maiatodayok kbmonkey, we can discuss after meeting about hndover19:01
Kilosnopetheim too doff19:02
kbmonkeyKilos, is very bright :)19:02
kbmonkeysure thing maiatoday, Il be glad to help19:02
Kilosmaiatoday, is the only one thats knows all the ins and outs. she just needs everyones support19:02
grembleWhat activities sort of activities should there be for us to be considered as active?19:02
maiatodayhehe the ins and outs change ... I have to read the wiki to remember19:02
nlsthzngood read - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams19:03
Kilosmaiatoday, the pros are getting dvds, thats all?19:03
maiatodayok can't remember the syntax ... 19:03
Kiloswhat are the cons19:04
LionthinkerI'm sure we've done enough, launch parties, active irc/email list19:04
maiatodayMaaz agree kbmonkey to take over loco contact from maiatoday19:04
Maazmaiatoday: Huh?19:04
maiatodaybleargh deaf bot19:04
kbmonkeyhe is a sillybot19:04
* Kilos kicks nuvolari 19:04
kbmonkeyMaaz, agreed kbmonkey to take over loco contact from maiatoday 19:04
MaazAgreed: kbmonkey to take over loco contact from maiatoday19:04
nlsthznKilos, basically there is some work involved setting up reporting and this re0evaluation etc...19:04
inetprogood morning19:04
inetprooops... evening as well19:04
inetproMaaz: I am Gustav H Meyer19:04
Maazinetpro: Sure19:04
Kiloshi inetpro welcome19:05
theblazehenHi inetpro 19:05
* nuvolari gets kicked by oom Kilos19:05
Kilosso what do we lose if we arent an official loco anymore19:05
* maiatoday sigh, should hang out here more often19:05
theblazehennuvolari: what you do?19:06
nlsthznAn approved team is a team that is fully up and running, has the required resources set up and has met the approval of the Ubuntu Community Council. As such, you can see approved teams as teams with a proven track record. Non-approved teams are typically teams that are still forming and if they continue to develop into a strong team, they will get approved status too. 19:06
nlsthznfrom the wiki19:06
inetprowe should get more active team captains again, someone who can lurk and or participate regularly at #ubuntu-meeting19:07
maiatodayso in theory we should get it19:07
Kiloswe have been a team recognised for years19:07
nlsthznre-evaluation is much easier like I said19:07
Kilosits time to drop the re evaluation thing19:07
LionthinkerSorry to be a pain guys, are there any specific actions that need to be done to keep/maintain official status?19:07
maiatodayhowever I have attended those meeting and if there isn't any activity then they sometimes on't get it19:07
nlsthznmailing list and IRC working, some events and your in19:07
maiatodayalso there has been some debate about the re-eval process19:07
maiatodayyeah that's it19:08
kbmonkeyGone through the mails, I must be blind - when is our reverification due?19:08
* nlsthzn can't find any list of benifits anymore :/19:08
charlfrankly i don't see the point either of this whole loco thing19:08
maiatodayso if we have minutes of monthly meetings and we have irc activity and one or two events and the blog posts about the dvds that should be good enough19:08
Lionthinkernot sure its about benefits, its about being part of a global community19:08
charlsurely open source is global and about supporting each other in various ways19:08
nlsthznmaiatoday, +119:08
kbmonkeyLionthinker, details for re-eval are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamVerificationGuidelines19:08
maiatodaybut i agree, re benefits19:08
Lionthinkermaiatoday, agreed19:08
charlwhy have all these pointless meetings then19:08
theblazehencharl: +119:09
nlsthzncharl, perhaps we should start having meetings with a point then19:09
Lionthinkerkbmonkey, thanks19:09
kbmonkeyExcellent point Lionthinker 19:09
maiatodayI have a feeling this irc channel will still be around approval or not19:09
charlnlsthzn: sure but what exactly do you want to meet about then ?19:09
Kilosproposal guys and gal19:10
* nlsthzn has seen this channel shrink steadily ... and activity outside IRC also drop...19:10
charlif somebody has an interesting project let's discuss it, otherwise why bother19:10
Kiloslets go for their approval this one last time19:10
theblazehencharl: maybe new releases, etc?19:10
nlsthznso leave it until there is 5 people here doing nothing or do something else19:10
charltheblazehen: how is a new release a project?19:10
Kilosthen if they dont drop the re evaluation we drop out next time19:10
charlunless somebody is going to stand at a public mall and hand out cds (for example)19:10
LionthinkerThe last release party had a sizable turn out in Randburg19:10
theblazehencharl: could perhaps try and get new users?19:10
nlsthznWhy are there LoCos?19:11
nlsthznLoCos are around to help promote or support Ubuntu and build communities in specific areas. Most LoCos have projects such as translating or customising Ubuntu for their specific area, which is one of the things that makes Ubuntu great. The LoCos are a very important part of the Ubuntu Community. 19:11
theblazehenYeah, exactly ;)19:11
charleveryone in the "sphere" knows about new ubuntu releases, it's the biggest linux distro19:11
nlsthznpromotion, support, that is what loco's do... if we do that we are a loco... if we don't so that we are not a loko19:11
nlsthzn*loco >.<19:11
charlthat looks more logical to me19:11
Kilossuperfly, inetpro opinions please19:12
inetpro+1 to nlsthzn19:12
maiatodayok just for some info here are the dates as quoted from the email:19:12
maiatodayYour team is set to expire out of ~locoteams-verified on: 2014-12-18.19:12
maiatodayOur next regular meeting will be set for 2014-11-18.19:12
maiatodayOur December meeting is expected on 2014-12-16.19:12
kbmonkeyThanks :)19:12
maiatodayso whoever wants to do re-approval we need a wiki page fo the meeting of 16-12-201419:12
charlquestion is... what can be done about translations and customising ubuntu for south africa19:13
maiatodayif there is a wiki page and the loco wants to go for re-approval I will attend the meeting for us19:13
maiatodayif not, then not19:13
Lionthinkermaiatoday, can't we just do it like last year, let everyone put down records of recent activity19:13
inetproI say we keep it going and try to motivate new peeps to get involved19:13
Kilosty maiatoday 19:13
theblazehencharl: we have 11 languages..19:13
kbmonkey+1 inetpro 19:13
maiatodayLionthinker, we cant19:13
maiatodayoops Lionthinker  we can19:14
charltheblazehen: uh, good luck with that :P19:14
maiatodaythe t jumped out19:14
theblazeheninetpro: yeah, new people good19:14
maiatodayso I will find the wiki page and post it here and on the mailing list19:14
theblazehencharl: I'm sure we can handle Afrikaans..19:14
maiatodaythen people can add stuff19:14
kbmonkeyespecially ones who can promote. I am bad at social interaction.19:14
nlsthzncharl, for SA someone may decide to help translate documents into afrikaans, zulu, xhosa... if someone wants to...19:14
maiatodayIf by 16 dec the page is ok I'll go to the meeting and say here it is19:14
charlnlsthzn: well i think there is your problem.. none of that is happening right now19:15
maiatodayif not I'll go to the meeting and say we are questioning the benefit of being a loco19:15
charlthat's why there's no projects19:15
nlsthzncharl, but it could be ;)19:15
nlsthznbut it doesn't have to be that...19:15
charlanything *could* be :P19:15
kbmonkeycharl should we start dishing out homework?19:15
theblazehenkbmonkey: maybe...19:15
nlsthzn*scratch your own itch* TM19:16
* nlsthzn is off for another 11 days, will have a look at that wiki page thingy (did I ever mention I hate wiki mark-up language)19:16
inetpromany people started with ubuntu and have moved on to bigger projects outside of ubuntu, nothing wrong with that19:16
Kilosdecide on who is going to do the wiki page so i can hound him till its done19:16
* kbmonkey dubs Kilos "The Hound"19:17
inetprosome of them are out there making lots of money already19:17
LionthinkerOkay so from what I see these are the definite actions, everyone update our wiki once links sent out on IRC and email tomorrow19:17
nlsthznI will also talk a bit with some of the peeps about the benifit of being verified...19:18
maiatodayMaaz agreed maiatoday will make the initial wiki page and send out link in email/irc19:18
MaazAgreed: maiatoday will make the initial wiki page and send out link in email/irc19:18
kbmonkeyIronically the purpose of a wiki is collaborative editing19:18
* nlsthzn will update the links on wiki to the irc meetings with the mom etc...19:18
theblazehenkbmonkey: haha, not all at once...19:18
maiatodayMaaz agreed everyone will update wikipage if they have something to add19:18
MaazAgreed: everyone will update wikipage if they have something to add19:18
nlsthznkbmonkey, +519:18
magespawnnlsthzn, verified? 19:18
theblazehenMight be worth doing a basic version together on piratepad.net?19:19
nlsthznmagespawn, sorry you lost me ?19:19
LionthinkerThanks everyone, will wait for it and then give my 3 cents (what with inflation it might be 4 cents). I have to be off19:19
magespawn<nlsthzn> I will also talk a bit with some of the peeps about the benifit of being verified...19:19
nlsthzncheers Lionthinker 19:19
LionthinkerJust thought I'd say hi and suppor the reverification or whatever its called now19:19
Kilosty for popping in Lionthinker 19:19
kbmonkeyIll chip in some wiki text - will hunt for things to add19:19
nlsthzna verified / validated / awesome loco :p19:20
Lionthinkercheers all19:20
magespawna right19:20
nlsthznfind out whats in it for us so to speak19:20
* nlsthzn can confirm there is no #ubuntu-loco channel on freenode :p19:21
kbmonkeywell this is our loco chan19:21
nlsthznrandal ross just became community manager, I am sure he has LOTS to say on the subject19:21
grembleCheers fella's. I have to be off.19:23
nlsthznI know that for many countries it is a BIG deal to be verified, it gives them more credibility in their countries to have activities.  people take them more serious etc...19:23
kbmonkeyso activity through incentives even if they immaterial fun19:23
nlsthznbeen epic long threads on loco's fighting over the changes to the loco rules in mailing lists19:23
maiatodaynlsthzn, yip19:24
nlsthznsounds like promotion to me kbmonkey :)19:24
kbmonkeybadges / achievements?19:24
nlsthznno that would be fedora :p19:24
kbmonkeyoh, they do that in fedora? 19:24
maiatodaycurses I haven't logged into the ubuntu wiki in so long that it doesn't recognise me anymore19:25
nlsthznbadges, yes :p19:25
kbmonkeymaiatoday, let me try...?19:25
nuvolariI suggest 'PNL - Project New Life' - A Project to get new life into Ubuntu-ZA?19:25
nuvolari*I propose19:25
nlsthznkbmonkey, https://badges.fedoraproject.org/19:25
nlsthznsounds good nuvolari 19:25
nlsthznuse launchpad SSO afaik19:26
Kilosspam coming19:26
KilosFrom:Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach@ubuntu.com>19:26
KilosTo:ubuntu-community-team@lists.ubuntu.com, ubuntu-council-teams@lists.launchpad.net19:26
KilosSubject:Re: Ubuntu Online Summit: 12-14 Nov19:26
KilosDate:Tue, 28 Oct 2014 10:55:11 +0100 (28/10/2014 11:55:11)19:26
Kilosthose peeps are talking about medals and badges and things19:26
maiatodayhere is our previous approval page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/ReApprovalApplication201219:27
nlsthznwas it two years ago?19:27
nlsthznfeels like only the other day19:27
nlsthznI see we had some goals on there ... not sure we met them19:27
nuvolariMaaz: forget meeting.agenda19:28
magespawnyup did not realize i had been hanging around that much19:28
Maaznuvolari: Alrighty19:28
nuvolariMaaz: meeting.agenda is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2014112519:28
Maaznuvolari: I'll remember that19:28
nlsthznis it safe to say that we need to ensure we have our next meeting before the "presentation"?19:28
theblazehenBattery at 6%, bye in advance19:29
nuvolariyeah 19:29
kbmonkeyThat helps maiatoday. Let me create the new page with some bare info, and Ill send out the link19:29
Kiloscheers then theblazehen ty for attending19:29
kbmonkeythanks theblazehen for staying :)19:29
maiatodayI just made one kbmonkey 19:29
kbmonkeytoo quick maiatoday !19:29
nuvolarithank you theblazehen 19:29
nlsthznso we will send it out on the mailing list too?|19:29
nuvolarihave a good evening :)19:29
maiatodaynlsthzn, I'll do that now19:29
Kilosyip we have support from lots of the lug peeps too19:30
nlsthznwhere would we be without maiatoday ?!19:30
nlsthznstill on the welcome agenda point I suspect19:30
Kilosmany peeps use lists and not irc19:30
nlsthznfew of the peeps know we even have a sub section on the official ubuntu forum :p19:31
Kiloswhere is Squirm ?19:32
* nuvolari puts nlsthzn up for chair19:32
nuvolariKilos: probably packing 19:32
Kilosoh ya19:32
nuvolarihe's coming to CT over the weekend somewhere19:32
* nlsthzn thinks nuvolari forgets how seldom nlsthzn is at a meeting >.>19:33
nlsthznand the fact that Maaz hates me :(19:33
maiatodayok email sent19:33
nlsthznthanks maiatoday 19:33
magespawnnlsthzn, this is encouragement to come more often19:33
Kilosty maiatoday you cant stay away now hey19:33
* maiatoday has a glitchy relationship with Maaz19:33
nlsthznthe issue is being at work and not being able to attend19:34
Kilosnuvolari, you do a good job here you just need to leave gaming alone more19:34
Kilosand less series19:34
magespawnindeed, know how that feels19:34
maiatodayok I have to task switch soon19:35
maiatodayWe'll see where this goes19:35
kbmonkeyRight, I will read through the re-eval page, and think of adding some sections to our wiki page this week19:35
maiatodayAlso kbmonkey I'll mail you and I'll pass on hilton's info19:35
Kiloswhen it comes to support what more can we do than here on irc19:35
kbmonkeyExcellent, thanks Maia19:35
* nlsthzn gives everyone virtual high fives for being awesome19:36
nlsthzneven for Rynomster 19:36
Kiloshi Rynomster 19:36
maiatodaythanks to the chair, kbmonkey ?19:36
kbmonkeyKilos, is our front line welcoming party. He is here more than most :)19:36
maiatodaygotta run19:36
nlsthznbye maiatoday 19:36
Kilosty very much for being awesome maiatoday 19:36
nlsthznand special thanks to kbmonkey 19:36
magespawncheers maiatoday 19:36
inetprothanks maiatoday19:37
kbmonkeygn and go well!19:37
Kiloslook after yourself and keep in touch19:37
maiatodaybye all19:37
* Kilos sad now19:37
* kbmonkey pats Kilos on the shoulder19:37
kbmonkey"boys don't cry"19:37
Rynomsterhi kilos.. about to go to bed :p19:38
nlsthznso... it is almost midnight 19:38
kbmonkeyMaaz, topic19:38
Maazkbmonkey: Huh?19:38
inetprothe meeting still on?19:38
kbmonkeyI think so19:38
Kilossleep tight Rynomster 19:38
kbmonkeyMaaz, agenda19:38
Maazkbmonkey: Huh?19:38
nlsthzn31 hours uptime19:38
kbmonkeyMaaz, meeting agenda19:38
Maazkbmonkey: Excuse me?19:38
nlsthznbetter than windows vista19:38
inetproMaaz: minutes so far19:38
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2014-10-28-18-31-48.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2014-10-28-18-31-48.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2014-10-28-18-31-48.html19:38
inetpronuvolari: you still here?19:39
nuvolarihmm, think we need to end the meeting? :P19:39
nuvolariwait, closing19:39
nuvolariMaaz: topic Elect chairperson for next meeting19:39
MaazCurrent Topic: Elect chairperson for next meeting19:39
nuvolariI'll chair if I'm around19:39
Kilosis everything decided?19:39
kbmonkeyThanks nuvolari for being so awesome19:39
kbmonkeyI'll be around too by the way19:39
inetpro+1 for nuvolari19:39
nlsthznsee the e-mail... if enough people are up for it we go for it... if not we don't 19:39
nuvolarithat's not true :P I've just been lurking mostly19:39
Kilos+1 for nuvolari 19:40
nlsthzn+1 for nuvolari 19:40
Kilosand nuvolari more irc time from you19:40
Kilosno excuses19:40
inetprokbmonkey: you can do the next one again19:40
nuvolarieh? after the next, so Dec?19:41
nlsthznso are we aiming for the novmber or december council meeting?19:41
nlsthzncause we need to move our meeting for that month to before19:41
nlsthznor will we see how the wiki edit goes?19:41
nuvolariMaaz: agreed nuvolari to chair November19:41
MaazAgreed: nuvolari to chair November19:41
nuvolariI think that's wiser nlsthzn 19:42
Kilosya sort the wiki then we decide19:42
kbmonkeyYes let us edit first19:42
nlsthznk cool :)19:42
nlsthznthen we all have something to do (even if it is to go to bed)19:42
nuvolariMaaz: agreed kbmonkey to chair December19:42
MaazAgreed: kbmonkey to chair December19:42
kbmonkeynext meeting 18 Nov?19:42
nuvolari25 Nov19:42
Kilos4th tuesday19:42
Kilosonly the december one must be early19:43
nlsthznnight all... I really need to get into bed, still got to get up early as the daughter had school :'(19:43
Kilosnight nlsthzn ty19:43
kbmonkeynight nlsthzn thanks for joining19:43
inetprogood night nlsthzn19:43
Kilosanything else to do guys?19:45
Kilosdont all answer at once19:46
kbmonkeyNope, I'm good.19:46
kbmonkeyGoing to read that wiki page when the meeting ends19:46
Kilosnuvolari, you can close up then19:46
nuvolariMaaz: topic Next meeting date19:47
MaazCurrent Topic: Next meeting date19:47
nuvolariMaaz: agreed next meeting date 25 November 201419:47
MaazAgreed: next meeting date 25 November 201419:47
nuvolariMaaz: end meeting19:47
MaazMeeting Ended19:47
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2014-10-28-18-31-48.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2014-10-28-18-31-48.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2014-10-28-18-31-48.html19:47
kbmonkeyDankie Meneer19:47
Kilosdankie nuvolari 19:47
Kilosmoenie jou so skaars hou nie hoor19:47
kbmonkeyKilos, I put irc on my phone. I will try keep it running but will use a different nick19:48
kbmonkeybecause this one stays logged in19:48
Kiloscool just tell me when you get here19:49
Kilosoh you dont have quassel19:49
magespawnnot quassel kbmonkey?19:49
Kilosthen you could bounce it19:49
kbmonkeynope. remote shell account.19:49
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu South Africa http://ubuntu-za.org || MList: http://bit.ly/MCOujZ || PBin: http://slexy.org/ || Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com || Next Meeting: Tue, 25 November 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/1tC0Oeh || Twitter: https://twitter.com/ubuntuza
nuvolariok, updated agenda for the next meeting19:50
Kilosty inetpro 19:50
inetproty nuvolari19:50
Kilosyou on the ball tonight19:50
kbmonkeyit's all the coffee :)19:50
nuvolaripleasure everyone :)19:50
nuvolariheh yeah19:50
nuvolariI feel quite sleepy now19:50
Kiloslekker slapp seun19:51
kbmonkeyI gosh I need to shower quickly19:51
nuvolariugh, trainig at 5:00 :O 19:51
Kilosslaap ook19:51
kbmonkeysjoe good luck!19:51
nuvolariI need to hit the hay19:51
kbmonkeyJa go pull out the plushy Tux from under the pillow :)19:51
Kiloskbmonkey, you got lotsa work now19:52
Kiloswe want a hot page19:52
kbmonkeylike, potato hot19:53
Kilosno man dodo19:53
Kiloshot as in awesome19:53
kbmonkeyKilos, got to work on phrasing :)19:53
SquirmI'm here19:54
kbmonkeyyes I do have homework ahead19:54
kbmonkeyjust in time Squirm 19:54
Kilosim gonna hound you19:54
KilosSquirm, read the logs19:54
charlyou aint nothing but a hound dog19:54
Kiloswe need everyone to help19:54
kbmonkeyI go shower real quick, as it cant happen later.19:55
Kilosre evaluation19:55
Squirmyou're going to have to give me more...19:56
Kilosoh when you start travelling Squirm 19:56
Kilosthe monkey is gonna do something to the page needed for re evaluation'19:56
Kilosmaybe did the basics for us19:56
Kilos18th dec we gotta be ready for re evaluation os an official loco19:57
Kilosmaia did the basics19:57
Kilosthe monkey is now going to be our local conntact19:58
Kilosi forgot you are getting ready to move Squirm 19:59
Kiloswe have time to sort it all19:59
Kilosinetpro, you got some time?20:04
inetproKilos: uh?20:04
Kilosshould i get that or straight xubuntu20:04
inetprowhat's wrong with Kubuntu?20:05
Kilosi didnt enjoy it too much lkast time remember20:06
Kiloskde is a bit heavy for the old pc20:06
Kilosworks kiff here20:06
Kilosi even have hexchat working on kde here20:06
Kiloswith sound20:07
Kilosbut it dont bloep it blops hehe20:07
* inetpro shall stay out of this discussion20:08
kbmonkeyKilos, bloep20:08
Kilosim gonna hit you20:08
Kilosyou remember my pc repair stick idea inetpro ?20:09
kbmonkeyKilos, you have been trying a few distro's lately. steal some bandwidth ...?20:09
Kilosi gone kde mainly kbmonkey  in 64bit20:10
Kilosrocks here but cant do it on old pc20:10
Kilosvery slow on old pc20:10
Kilosin 32bit that is20:11
Kilosi tried your crashbang but i couldnt even get to go online with it20:11
kbmonkeyit is just Debian with Openbox. must have a broadcom/realtek card without the drivers out-the-box sorry man20:13
Kilosnever mind 14.04 has no probs with telkom modems20:14
kbmonkeygood man20:14
kbmonkeyKilos, do you visit the ubuntu forums?20:27
Kiloswhat happens there20:27
kbmonkeyme neither. we are bad people.20:27
kbmonkeynot much, last time I was there. 20:27
Kilosi think i went there when i started but couldnt keep up20:27
kbmonkeyI mean the ZA team subforum \20:27
Kiloswhere is that20:28
Kilosim there but dont see our link20:30
kbmonkeyI dont know if anyone goes there20:32
kbmonkeyin "other discussions" there is "ubuntu loco team forums"20:32
kbmonkeyit is slow loading20:33
Kilosmine is ok20:33
Kiloshow do you login with sso20:33
kbmonkeyI don't know, it was never ssowhen I last saw20:34
Kilosi think in last loco thing maia said forum inactive20:34
kbmonkeywe got moved into archive20:35
Kilosyou just tick login with sso and it goes in20:36
Kiloswhatever sso might be20:36
kbmonkeysingle sign on? maybe it links with launchpad20:37
Kilosi dont see south africa anywhere20:38
Kiloswe use irc not forums20:38
kbmonkeyYes :)20:39
Kiloseven fedora peeps get help here20:40
Kilosin your page you can say weve lost 2 of our stallwarts20:41
Kilosboth gone to silicon valley20:41
superflytumbleweed is in SV20:42
superflycocooncrash is in SV20:42
Kiloskbmonkey, ^^20:47
Kiloshmm... he faded20:50
kbmonkeywho me?20:50
Kilosyou working on the page kbmonkey ?20:51
Kilossjoe bushtech jy laat wakker ne21:15
bushtechJa sukkel my vrek na ek my weerstasie se software update het21:16
bushtechen jy ? insomnia?21:16
Kilosnee ek wil night data gebruik om xubuntu te kry21:17
bushtechnog so 40 min dan's jy reg21:18
Kilossoek iets bietjie vinniger as kde en unity vir ou dual core met 2g ram21:18
bushtechnog 'n 2g ram chip is nie so duur nie21:19
bushtechdink nie hulle maak nog 2g nie21:19
Kilosya man hulle is duur die ddr goed21:19
Kilosek het gesukkel om 2 x 1g te kry vir die ding21:20
bushtechmaak hulle nog so klein ram?21:20
Kilosen ek kon 2g ddr3 destyds kry vir die selle prys so ek sit liewers n vinnige os op die ou pc en spaar liwers vir nog goed vir hierdie ene21:21
Kilosnee jy moet wyd soek vir dit21:22
Kilosek dink hulle was R250 vir 1g ddr21:22
bushtechgaan maak 'n draai by 'n ou wat pc's regmaak21:23
bushtechhy gee hulle dalk verniet weg21:23
Kilosnou kan jy 4g ddr3 kry vir R45021:23
bushtechja, dis omtrent wat ek laasmaand betaal het21:23
Kilosnee hulle is die ergste want hulle weet jy kry dit nie meer nie so stoot die prys21:24
bushtechmaak eers pels met die ou :)21:24
Kilosen nou is daar ddr4 ook uit21:24
Kiloshulle almal skelm21:25
bushtechjaaaaaaaaaa kan nie bybly nie21:25
Kilosgeld is god vandag21:25
bushtechnog altyd21:25
Kilosnee man daar was mense wat ander wou help nou is hulle skaars21:25
Kilosons het n paar hier nog21:26
bushtechja, hulle raak skaars21:26
bushtechsoos panelbeaters wat nog 'n duik kan uiklop21:27
Kilosis jou weer stasie reg?21:27
bushtechhy loop as ek syslog tail21:27
bushtechmaar kan nog nie data sien nie21:28
Kilosek wou jou iets vra maar vergeet nou wat21:28
bushtechhoop maar hy is nog besig met data update21:28
Kilosdis nie die ouder maar die dom wat pla21:28
bushtechja, oldtimers disease21:29
bushtechken hom goed21:29
Kiloswatse nuwe mense gaan jy bring na ubuntu toe21:29
bushtechek sit hier in die bos, mense maar skaars21:30
Kiloso het jy nie baie kontakte nie21:30
Kiloswat maak jy met al die servers en goed21:31
bushtechja, maar hulle maakie uit van computers nie21:31
Kilosleer hulle21:31
Kilosek het eers n jaar voor 08.10 begin21:32
Kilosmet vensters21:32
bushtech1 is 'n backup server en die ander  'n media server21:32
Kilosbackup vir wat?21:33
bushtechvir my en my vrou se laptops21:33
Kilosmakliker op externals21:34
bushtechHy is opgestel toe sy nog haar besigheid van die huis af gehardloop het21:34
bushtechdis ,n raid server21:35
Kilos2 skywe21:35
Kilosjulle te slim21:36
bushtechbbl, sien ddars nog 'n probleem21:36
kbmonkeyKilos, I got the basic form on21:42
kbmonkeyneed to find a lot of links to events we did the last 2 years21:42
Kiloslemme go see21:42
kbmonkeysjoe you are up late!21:43
Kilosya nearly os download time21:43
kbmonkeyI add a testimonial this time, but not tonight.21:43
kbmonkeyokay for a start?21:44
Kilosya you must go sleep now21:44
Kilosyeah 21:44
kbmonkeyneeds lots more21:44
Kilosthere is time still21:45
Kilosover a month so lots can be added21:45
kbmonkeyoh ja, 6 weeks about21:45
Kilosjust mustnt be left to last minute21:46
kbmonkeyI think so too21:48
Kilosyou gotta work just now man go sleep21:49
kbmonkeysoon enough I will go21:49
Kilosim nearly falling off the chair here21:50
kbmonkeywas just reading the loco howto21:50
Kilosour biggest dropoff has been release parties and ubuntu hours21:51
kbmonkeyI went to be at 1 last night. so some nights this is bed time21:51
kbmonkeyother nights it is 9.21:52
Kilosbut some of the guys have been to foss events21:52
kbmonkeyyar ubuntu hours21:52
Kilosask the pro and blaze for feedback21:52
kbmonkeywe did SFD21:52
kbmonkeybut not sure of online pics21:52
Kilosya that21:52
kbmonkeyI am not a big photo person myself21:53
Kilosthey can just say what they saw and learned21:53
kbmonkeyThat will do21:53
Kilosand there was that talk by the floss guy21:53
kbmonkeythe dentist?21:54
kbmonkeyoh RMS21:54
Kilosvince has a link to a video21:54
Kilossjoe you can still joke, im battling to think here21:55
kbmonkeyno man just sleep your command21:55
kbmonkeyor you wana watch21:55
Kilosja i like watching21:55
kbmonkeywhat happens if it times out? you know how to let it auto resume21:56
Kilosi used at once but sat up anyway21:56
kbmonkeywget -c21:56
Kilosi use wget -c21:56
kbmonkeyyes that thing is magic21:56
kbmonkeynot even chrome of firefox resumes like that21:56
Kilosi see they even have a zsync one21:56
Kilospity i dont have a cd here to zsync with21:57
Kilossaves lots of download21:57
kbmonkeyI am sure21:57
Kilosyou end up getting an iso with about 400m download21:58
Kilosthen it is up to date21:58
kbmonkeythat is amazing21:58
kbmonkeywhich cd would you sync with? an older version?21:59
Kilosyeah the crashkid taught me that21:59
Kilosya if you have the original and they now on .1 or .2 it syncs21:59
Kilosi havent tried with an older version22:00
kbmonkeyso what happens is when wget exits it leaves a number-code behind. if this is 0 it means success. if it is 1 or 2 or moree it means error, like disconnect or timeout22:00
kbmonkeyit is easy to check this number, and if it is not 0, run wget again.22:00
Kilosthen you run it again and it sorts it22:00
Kilosi did that when i had bad connection but nowadays connectiuon is very stable22:01
kbmonkey$? gives the exit status of the last command executed22:01
Kilosok i go start it noww22:02
Kiloseta 23 mins22:02
kbmonkeyI don't believe that. so quick?22:03
Kilosill give you the average speed when its done22:04
Kilosat times its just over 1mB/s22:04
Kilosmostly around 700kB/s22:04
Kiloseta 17 mins22:05
Kilosoi slowing down to 400kB/s22:07
Kiloseeek down to 188kB/s22:08
kbmonkeyoh noes :(22:09
kbmonkeyjust in case, handy to save this trick for the future...22:11
kbmonkeywhile ! wget -c YOURLINK; do sleep 10; done22:11
Kilosit is up some again22:11
kbmonkeyif wget fails, it waits 10 seconds and tries again. automatically22:12
Kiloswhat does that do?22:12
Kilosaha ty22:12
kbmonkeya handy trick that one :)22:12
kbmonkeythe "!" means if wget returns any code but 0 (success), try again. 22:13
Kiloscool i have that saved by drive zero command22:13
Kiloswill forget where it is by the time i need anoither iso22:14
kbmonkeyyw :)22:14
Kiloseta 11 mins22:14
Kilosi love watching the numbers and time flashing by22:16
Kilosand the worm growing22:16
kbmonkeyha ha22:16
kbmonkeydo you use slurm?22:16
Kiloswhats that22:16
kbmonkeyit shows ascii graph of up/download22:17
kbmonkeymakes red/greenw worms22:17
Kilosno i just watch wget info22:17
kbmonkeyis slexy down?22:18
kbmonkeypage does not load22:18
kbmonkeyoh well22:18
Kiloseta 7 mins 70 %22:18
Kiloslemme look22:18
KilosMaaz, is http://slexy.org down22:19
MaazKilos: No, it's just you22:19
kbmonkeyoh .org whoops22:20
Kilosits open just very slow22:20
kbmonkeyslurm shows this http://slexy.org/view/s2oRAREuvS22:21
kbmonkeya text worm 22:21
kbmonkeyjust a fun little app is all22:21
Kiloseta 3 mins22:22
Kilos960 495 616  826KB/s   in 23m 22s22:26
Kilosnow i can go sleep22:26
kbmonkeywow! 22:26
Kilosnight kbmonkey sleep tight22:26
kbmonkeyokay me too22:26
kbmonkeygn Kilos sleep tight22:26
Kilosnight everyone else too22:26
Kiloslekker fast this telkom modem22:27
Kilosthe dlink 157 is faster22:27
kbmonkeyIm jealous22:27
* kbmonkey detaches terminal22:27
Kilosthis is a 156 which is a 7.2 meg job22:27
Kilosthe 157 is 23meg22:27
amanicamaaz tell Kilos I said Hi!  (I was a bit AFK and thus missed the meeting, will scan through it now..)22:50
Maazamanica: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode22:50
Maazamanica: By the way, captine on freenode told me "tell amanica that either date is good for me.  My wife would likely join which means we may have a 3 month old with us, so we wont stay late." 7 months, 3 days, 6 hours, 14 minutes and 13 seconds ago22:50

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