
knomeUnit193, where's the MP?00:56
Unit193Doesn't exist? :D00:57
pleia2using xubuntu as an example, how nice :)01:33
Unit193knome: There.01:42
Unit193Unless I broke it. :D01:42
Unit193You didn't even test it. :(01:47
knome^ cleaned that list up01:56
knomepleia2, note: re the press page: i thought we could keep trusty for now since it's the latest lts, and especially since there is no stuff for utopic yet01:57
knomehe'd like to have the categories on the left side on whisker. is that currently possible?02:07
ali12341if you want the categories on the left, just use a normal cascading menu...02:09
knomeone could argue one might want both the search (and other) features from whisker, but the categories on the left02:10
ali12341moon on a stick...02:10
knomei don't think it's an unreasonable request tbh02:11
knomeone thing that he mentions, which has been brought up before, is the default file type abiword saves as02:15
knomecould we potentially poke that value for new users, making it something that's more widespreadly readable?02:16
knome^ he says USC is not working, but would, if we installed package X02:22
knomeskellat, or DOC02:22
Unit193!info x02:22
ubottuPackage x does not exist in utopic02:22
Unit193Too bad.02:23
knome^ and whining about theme colors.02:23
knomewhat about actually reading the release announcement before doing a video review02:24
knomeand people generally think to seem there needs to be something new for a release to be successful02:25
ali12341rounded corners not working?02:26
ali12341window decorations are bitmaps, that is impossible02:26
ali12341yeah if you want everything to be different in every release, there's ubuntu, kubuntu and ubuntu-gnome02:26
Unit193Lubuntu and will be a MATE ubuntu too.02:28
ali12341neither of those are different in every release though02:29
knomeso he's half way to the video, and he's mostly been talking about his own modified themes and how themes are broken and how there are still the same bugs02:29
knomemaybe we should write a blog article about why everything's not changing every time02:29
knomebut maybe they'd just not read it.02:30
knome"so the only thing they did here is to make it worse"02:30
knomecontributions that improve the quality are welcome.02:30
ali12341i have to agree that there is no reason to upgrade02:32
knomethere rarely is a good reason to upgrade from LTS to the next regular version02:33
knomeunless you want the later versions of packages 02:34
knomebut sure, i do understand the point, and i'm not offended by it02:34
knomeit just doesn't seem very legit to whine about "no new things" either02:34
ali12341i agree02:34
knome"and they've introduced some new [bugs] as well"02:35
knomewait, which bugs did we *introduce* ?02:35
Unit193https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2014-October/038516.html is something great to read, though.02:35
ali12341i think we should drop USC02:38
knomethough it was resolved.02:38
knomeali12341, that's been discussed several times, but if you want, you can start the discussion again02:40
knomecome on guys!02:41
Unit193knome: Not this one: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/owncloud02:41
knomewe serve the logo that works with your website on the website you took a screenshot and created a crappy JPG from02:41
knomeUnit193, fix committed 9 hours ago. now testing, will probably land soon enough02:43
ali12341i couldn't reproduce any USC bug with missing sso02:46
Unit193Ah, still a pity.02:56
Unit193Wonder what's taking up with the stuff in proposed and NEW.03:05
knomedon't know about that but i know i'm going to bed now03:16
knomettyl and have a nice day03:16
Unit193Good nighty.03:17
skellatali12341: I look forward to reviewing your case for dropping U-S-C03:20
skellatUnit193: jriddell did the empty packages earlier for owncloud.  The builders have been **very** busy...03:21
skellatAnd rmadison fails on me...AGAIN!03:21
Unit193Normally shows as pending.03:21
elfyochosi: -release team will be expiring soon - can you deal with that, afaik if I'm not in -release then I can't work on the trackers08:03
bluesabreochosi: I think my membership might be expiring for release and others as well09:59
brainwashhey bluesabre 10:10
bluesabrehey brainwash: haven't gotten to the thunar bug/fix yet10:10
brainwashany news from the sru team?10:11
bluesabrehaven't heard anything.  What was the last status... still waiting for xfdesktop to land in proposed, and xfce4-weather-plugin to get out of proposed, right?10:15
brainwashyes, exactly10:16
slickymasterWorksaw you ping knome 10:20
* qwebirc653355 sighs10:24
qwebirc653355knome, also saw that you already bumped version to Vivid10:24
=== qwebirc653355 is now known as slickymasterWork
slickymasterWorkthere's something I don't get though, https://code.launchpad.net/~jjfrv8/xubuntu-docs/print-server-settings/+merge/22296210:26
slickymasterWorkwasn't this already merged?!10:26
slickymasterWorkI thought I had merged it on 2014-06-1210:26
slickymasterWorkwhat gives?10:26
slickymasterWorkknome, Unit193: Element placeholder-2 in namespace '' encountered in guimenuitem, but no template matches.10:38
slickymasterWorkin PT ^^10:38
slickymasterWorkI almost 100% sure that I never translated tags10:39
slickymasterWork* I'm10:39
knomeslickymasterWork, was merged, but not in the right way, so it was left open; i just did the paperwork to get it disappear10:46
slickymasterWorkI remember that back then I had a few glitches with the merge10:47
knomei don't get that error anymore10:47
knomethe placeholder-2 one10:47
knomeit suddenly just disappeared10:47
slickymasterWorki could almost swear that I never translated tags10:47
knomeit's not necessarily linked to that10:49
knomebut in the spanish translations, that was the case10:49
slickymasterWorkknome do you think I should mail https://launchpad.net/~franciscomol regarding his es translations issues?10:49
slickymasterWorkat least to be somewhat preventive 10:50
brainwashbluesabre: someone needs to add a comment to the sru report and mention that he tested the trusty-proposed package10:50
bluesabrebrainwash: for xfce4-weather-plugin?10:50
brainwashbluesabre: it's not clear which version of xfce4-weather-plugin elfy has tested10:50
knomeslickymasterWork, yeah, that'd be good10:51
knomeslickymasterWork, cc or bcc me10:51
slickymasterWorkok, I'll do it10:51
bluesabrebrainwash: I think its clear by elfy's setting verification-done10:52
brainwash-> pitti │ brainwash: I asked elfy in #u-quality whether his comment 21 was testing the proposed package10:53
bluesabreadded comment10:54
bluesabreI would like to note that while #ubuntu-quality makes sense, it is not mentioned that any sru discussion happens there on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates10:57
bluesabreadded that to my permanently joined channels10:58
brainwashsounds like a good idea11:03
ochosimorning all11:10
slickymasterWorkmorning ochosi 11:10
ochosihey slickymasterWork 11:10
ochosibluesabre, elfy: looking at the expiry dates now...11:10
ochosiok, bumped all of us until 15.0411:12
ochosiany other teams with expiry problems?11:12
ochosifwiw, if many people of -team can't make it to the meeting on friday, we can re-schedule for sometime next week11:44
ochosii originally thought a sorta holiday was a good idea, but in case it actually isn't, there's no problem with postponing until after the weekend11:44
ochosiso feel free to let me know11:44
knomeworks for me just as well as any other day11:57
ochosibluesabre: i know you said you were busy, but i guess with adding some preliminary gtk3.14 support to greybird, it's time to disable its daily builds for trusty as it'll just break the theme for gtk3.10/1212:35
ochosi(note: the support for checks and radios has already been added, so ppl using the PPA with trusty will notice the breakage. so you could also argue that it's too late already)12:35
bluesabreochosi: if you can give me the last good commit for, I'll package it up, stop daily uploads, and push the final supported package.12:37
ochosithat's the last commit 2b5b144fa145f31a6c4500b03fb9a5bcd5d8995212:38
bluesabreWhen I get home, ofc12:38
ochosisure, no rush12:38
slickymasterWorkknome, ping12:38
knomeslickymasterWork, pong12:38
ochosiit's actually the pen-ultimate commit12:38
knomeochosi, not the brush-ultimate?12:39
slickymasterWorkplease comment -> http://pastebin.com/6ZpC1Gdh12:39
ochosiknome: whoa, that was a *bad* one...12:39
knomebut of course!12:39
knomeochosi, i didn't you liked frisbeeing12:39
knome(^ another bad one) 12:39
ochosiindeed :)12:40
bluesabreochosi: fountain or ballpoint?12:40
ochosiawwwhh, you're really starting to hurt my feelings...12:40
knomeslickymasterWork, i'd just say "Hey Paco, ..." and i would include your name (at least first name) at the end instead/in addition to your nick12:40
slickymasterWorkother than that knome? anything?12:41
knometell him to avoid adding spaces where they do not belong12:41
slickymasterWorkisn't that included in the data placeholders paragraph?12:42
knomeoriginal string: <tag><tag2><placeholder-1/>content</tag2></tag>12:42
slickymasterWorkisn't that included in the data placeholders paragraph?12:42
knometranslated string: <tag> <tag2> <placeholder-1 /> content </tag2> </tag>12:42
knomeis it?12:42
knomelet me read again12:42
slickymasterWorkknome, Copy these variables and placeholders exactly as you see them....12:43
elfybrainwash: and it seems perfectly clear to me12:43
knomeright, but it's also something he does outsides the tags12:43
brainwashelfy: I did not complain ;)12:43
slickymasterWorkok, 12:44
elfybluesabre: possibly because pitti knows where I'm likely to be found all the time12:44
knomethere's practically nothing wrong with that, and it should look the same, but it makes it hard to debug potential problems with the translation  12:44
slickymasterWorkanother thing knome, how do I go about nagging the website responsible :) 12:44
knomewhich website? :P12:44
slickymasterWorkthere's an outstanding bug in it12:44
elfyochosi: re meetings - any meeting during my working day - I'm going to be working :) 12:44
slickymasterWorkxubuntu.org :P12:45
bluesabreochosi: can you test this patch and see if you notice anything negative?    https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1110712:45
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 11107 in Xfsettingsd "xfsettingsd resets TV mode to NULL on power cycle" [Normal,New]12:45
knomeslickymasterWork, just tell me what the bug is, and i'll either 1) fix it, or if it's not a trivial thing 2) ask you to file a bug (against xubuntu-website)12:45
slickymasterWorkI was just putting you on knome ;)12:46
knomeslickymasterWork, if i'm not around when you'd like to ask it, a bug is always okay12:46
bluesabreWorked for me. Just looking for extra verification12:46
knomeaha :P12:46
ochosibluesabre: ok, will try to test that tonight. i don't have a TV, but i can try my hdmi screen (never had any problems at all with it)12:46
slickymasterWorknow seriously in the Internet Relay Chat section of http://xubuntu.org/help/ there's still a mention to XChat12:46
knomeso this is the "tease the fellow team member" day :P12:46
slickymasterWorkthis is the paragraph in question "To join the community support channel, you can use the link above. To join any of the channels, you can use the XChat IRC client, which is installed by default in Xubuntu. You can find XChat under the Internet category in the applications menu."12:47
knometa, will go edit12:47
bluesabreochosi: thanks. If nothing gets worse, I'll apply it to trunk12:47
ochosibluesabre: yeah, i guess these things will always be a bit of trial and error...12:47
slickymasterWorkok, I'm going to edit the mail an send it, CC'ing you knome 12:47
knomeslickymasterWork, done12:48
knomeand ta12:48
* slickymasterWork bows 12:48
knomeand arrows?12:49
slickymasterWorkthere's no room anymore for courtesy12:50
slickymasterWorkyou sarcastic people ;)12:50
knomethis room is too small to bow12:50
slickymasterWorkah ah ah ah12:50
knomeyou'll just hit your head to tables and such12:50
slickymasterWorkwatch out knome, XPL is around and will kick us to -off12:51
knomethat's ok, he doesn't have the opping rights12:51
davmor2slickymasterWork: if there is no room to bow then there isn't a hope in hell of courtesy that what women do when they meet the Queen right ;)12:52
elfythe room's big enough - I just think we're all Giants12:52
elfyapart from pleia2 of course - who's a giant in her own way :)12:52
slickymasterWorklol davmor2 12:52
elfyhi davmor2 12:52
knomeelfy, you mean the san francisco giants? :P12:52
slickymasterWorkhey elfy 12:53
davmor2elfy: how do12:53
slickymasterWorkknome, sent12:57
pleia2I think elfy is calling us fat15:01
elfypleia2: not at all - I was calling you short :p16:15
elfywas just - you're short - we're not - but *we* are Giants - we are the best team :p16:16
davmor2pleia2: I wouldn't stand for that, I'd sit instead ;)16:17
elfydavmor2: or we could all sit and pleia2 could stand :)16:18
elfyas all can tell probably - I'm back :)16:19
brainwashbluesabre: "accepted xfdesktop4 [source] (trusty-proposed) [4.11.8-0ubuntu0.1]"17:56
brainwashalso, xfce4-weather-plugin is available in -updates now17:57
slickymasterWorkhe he, and another busted Verocious Velociraptor box :P17:59
slickymasterWorkno ending for this fun moments17:59
brainwashso, we need some testers for xfdesktop4 in trusty (-proposed)18:01
brainwashbug 136596518:01
ubottubug 1365965 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu Trusty) "[MRE] Please update xfdesktop4 to 4.11.8 in Trusty" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136596518:01
elfybrainwash: mail the devel list :)18:01
brainwashdon't you already have a template for test calls? :P18:02
elfyjust write it to the list - it's really not hard at all18:02
slickymasterWorkI'll probaly be able to test those tonight, depending on kid being able to go to bed not too late 18:02
elfyknome: how do I add vivid core/desktop builds to tracker 19:22
elfyI looked in the docs - but the page is blank19:22
knomeare there actually builds ready?19:22
elfyI assume http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/config/services/qatracker/builds19:23
knomei'll go through that with you a bit later if that's oki19:23
elfyok - might be mia though and tomorrow will do if that's ok 19:23
knomesounds good19:24
elfythere's not any real rush imo 19:26
knomeelfy, still about?20:24
elfyI is20:24
knomewant to go through adding the builds?20:25
elfyyep - please:)20:25
knomeok, let's open the tracker admin20:25
knomehmm :P20:26
knometell me when you're ready20:26
knomeok, so go to the "Builds" tab20:26
elfyI'll shout if I've got an issue20:26
knomeand scroll down until you see the xubuntu builds20:26
knomethere you can see we only have two active builds; desktop builds for trusty daily20:27
knomenow we obviously want to create a new build20:27
knomethe form is conveniently just after our builds20:27
knomeso, the version number is practically YYYYMMDD20:27
elfyaaah 20:27
knomeso, 20141028 for today20:27
knomemilestone is vivid daily20:27
knomeor whateever you want to add the build to20:28
knomeand finally,20:28
knomecheck the products you want to add builds for20:28
knomein the "xubuntu" section20:28
knomethen hit "add these builds to the tracker"20:28
knomeand they should be up and available :)20:28
elfycool - the version number was were I fell down20:29
elfyawesome - thanks :)20:29
knomei don't know why others have 20141024 as the vivid version number20:29
elfyupgrades? 20:29
knometrue, my bad :)20:29
elfyI think I did that 20:29
knomei don't know what happens after this:20:30
elfydidn't want a version number20:30
knomei guess the builds are just being updated automatically or so20:30
elfywell I can check in a day20:30
elfyquestions is - do we do core again 20:30
knomei'd say yeah, we probably have things to iron out20:30
knomebut do we want to do it already, don't know20:31
elfyI think that balloons did something *else* with that so it didn't update daily20:31
knomei guess it doesn't hurt even if somebody ran a core test :)20:31
Unit193Just don't let them do upgrades. :P20:31
elfyI'd rather we did the same thing again - so we get only one core and people just continually add onto that test result page20:32
knomethen just add "vivid" as the version number20:33
knomeor sth :)20:33
elfyochosi: adding a couple of easy things to the agenda - but I'll not be there - will need to be sorted though20:33
Unit193Best time to check, when something big drops, make sure the deps don't get clobbered.20:33
elfyknome: mmm - but milestone will be vivid daily20:34
elfylooking at utopic20:34
elfyyea - think that's right - it stayed on dailiy20:34
elfyok - added it 20:35
knomeif we want, we can add builds for the other milestones as well20:35
knomenice :)20:35
elfyUnit193: will you be about at the meeting? 20:36
Unit193elfy: No.20:37
elfyokey doke20:37
elfyUnit193: ok - well we (QA) will come up with a plan to deal with core then - you can start that off :p20:38
* knome tickles Unit193 from the armpits20:39
Unit193Really want that hair?20:40
knome...with a stick20:40
Unit193Ah good, not too cluttered yet.20:40
elfyyep - almost a virgin pad :)20:41
Unit193Dev and last QA one got biiiig.20:41
knomeelfy, not BT?20:41
elfymake notes on that pad - then once we're sorted I'll get it on blueprint and trello as appropriate20:42
elfyknome: wut?20:42
knomenvm, just very dry puns about virgin/BT/orange/...20:42
elfyUnit193: yea - there are some big pads atm :p20:42
elfyoic :)20:42
elfyUnit193> Best time to check, when something big drops, make sure the deps don't get clobbered. good point - just need someone to watch that, as lead I'll ask someone in particular to watch it :D20:44
knome^ like Unit193 ?20:44
elfyentirely possible as dkessel is going to be tied up with autopilot I hope :D20:45
elfyknome: thanks by the way :)20:49
knomenp :)20:49
Unit193Anyone tried xfce4-panel's intelligent hiding?21:00
elfyI read about it 21:01
knomealmost tested then :)=21:03
Unit193I updated the package, because I wanted the option, but I don't use hiding. :P21:06
knomeUnit193, elfy: can you cooperate some testing via the ML?21:06
knomeintelligent panel hiding21:07
elfyknome: only if we're actually going to get it in 15.0421:07
knomei don't know if we will... ochosi?21:08
knomeanyway, i don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to test it even if it's not included, just see if it works and such21:08
knomeso not too much work/effort in testing it, but some brief21:09
elfyknome: well it's not installable without mucking about afaik 21:09
elfyand we have enough trouble getting people to test what we really need doing ;)21:09
dkesselelfy: I hope I will be busy with autopilot, yes :)21:10
elfywe do need to ensure that if we get anywhere it will be used 21:10
elfyI'll catch up with balloons on that next week if possible, don't want effort going into it - if at the end - they won't add it 21:12
Unit193https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/xfce I dropped it in there for myself (and because I got shouted at last time, pinged someone too!)21:13
elfyperhaps that's where I read it :D21:14
Unit193Yes, I pinged elfy, in case he wanted to copy it over for elfy. :D21:14
elfyI've had a headache - you're making it worse :p21:15
slickymasterit's not my fault now elfy 21:15
elfynope :)21:15
knomeelfy elfy elfy elfy elfy elfy elfy elfy elfy 21:15
dkesselelfy everywhere21:16
elfyI've had one since I made the fatal mistake of looking at that upgrading stuff in docs lol21:16
Unit193(And if someone pokes me and wants to try it, I can pop a vivid one up too.)21:16
knomeelfy, hahah21:16
knomereminds me i should look at that soonish21:16
elfyUnit193: well ... if *we* decide to look at for this cycle - thenit needs to be in staging 21:17
knomeor via extras, which is the pre-staging phase21:17
Unit193Right, and not sure if you/we/he/it/donky plans to look at it this cycle.21:17
elfyknome: mostly it's the top bit, the plaintext, but it would be nice to know how wrong the marked up is 21:17
Unit193Extras isn't right.21:17
knomeelfy, yep, i'll try to look at it probably even tonight21:18
knomechances are i won't be going to sleep soon21:18
slickymasterelfy, what mark up is wrong?21:18
elfyI will be 21:18
Unit193I won't be.21:18
elfyslickymaster: no idea - never done it before :)21:18
knomeelfy, then you'll get to that in the morning21:18
knomeslickymaster, the markup he wrote for the upgrading section21:18
* slickymaster haven't saw it yet21:19
knomedon't hammer it either21:19
slickymasterdo you have it somewhere elfy?21:19
knomebut there it is ^21:19
* slickymaster checks it21:19
slickymasterwow that's a big section21:20
knomeelfy, one thing i see is the id's... you can't have spaces :)21:21
elfyit's not all changed 21:21
knomefixing that21:21
elfyknome: well as long as the changes are on pad I'll be able to see the diff colours :)21:21
* knome goes pink21:22
knomeother than that, it seems to look okay21:23
slickymasterand there's some icon entities missing21:23
knomei'll run it through the validator too to ultimately check that21:23
elfyreally - didn't do too bad then21:23
knomeslickymaster, want to add them?21:23
knomeelfy, yep, very good21:23
slickymasteryes, I'll do it21:24
slickymasterkudos elfy21:24
knomeelfy, re: content: instead of linking directly to the trackers, i'd probably link somewhere in the website21:25
slickymasterI'll ping you when it's finished knome21:25
knomethat is, "QA" under "get involved" or sth21:25
knomeslickymaster, yep21:25
elfyPlease consider getting involved with reporting usage of development versions and associated packages.21:29
knomethat's better21:29
elfyand then link to contribute/qa21:29
knomebtw, question:21:31
elfyis what I did right?21:31
knomedo you think it's weird that we basically have:21:31
knome1) upgrading from LTS->LTS21:31
knome2) upgrading from a regular release  (note: no "to" here, because the target can be either a regular or an LTS release)21:31
knome2) upgrading to the development version21:32
knome(and note release VS. version)21:32
elfyhang on a minute21:33
elfyyou've changed the 'title' of the first one and it doesn't match the content :)21:34
elfytitle is Upgrading from one LTS version to another21:35
elfyBUT change Update to for any new version21:35
knomeslickymaster, just checking, are you modifying the docbook markup?21:35
elfytitle *was*    For LTS versions (unless the next release is LTS):21:35
* knome reads agian21:35
slickymasterthere are a few tags missing knome 21:38
knomeelfy, any reason to keep the non-docbook section?21:38
elfynone - now I know the marked up bit is ok21:38
knomeslickymaster, i see you've been editing the non-markup version21:39
knomethe docbook one is below21:39
slickymasterI'm starting at the top21:39
knomestart at the docbook top21:39
* elfy makes it easier 21:39
slickymasterbtw what the hell is sudo edit?!21:39
elfyyea - new one on me too :)21:40
knomeelfy, that's a horrible color ;)21:40
elfyslickymaster: it edits as sudo with default editor 21:40
knomemy eyes are bleeding21:40
slickymasterdoes it have a space between the sudo and edit»21:40
knomeelfy, that's good :)21:40
elfyslickymaster: no space21:40
Unit193Now, s/sudo -i mousepad/pkexec mousepad/21:40
knome^ that21:40
slickymasterlol knome 21:41
elfyslickymaster: well we do have the policy by default 21:41
* slickymaster now has sign in the pad21:41
elfyin new releases21:41
slickymastera sign21:41
slickymasterknome: but do you want me to drop the tags I added above your SIGN?21:42
elfywhat's <literal> ?21:43
* slickymaster is way dumb21:43
slickymasterjust now I've noticed what you are talking about knome 21:43
slickymasterdumber than the dumbiest guy there is21:43
* slickymaster kicks himself insanely21:44
knomeelfy, it denotes something that literally read like that on the screen21:44
knomeslickymaster, i don't mind if you keep them there :P21:44
knomeslickymaster, i was going to remove that text21:45
knomebut keep it to copy/paste21:45
knomeelfy, reading this now21:45
knomeisn't the second subsection just duplicating now?21:45
slickymasteryes, I'll be able to start to think straight in a few seconds21:45
elfyknome: it probably is now - you changed the meaning of the first one ... 21:46
knomeof course i did! :D21:46
knomethe only thing left to explain now is how to make you only upgrade to LTS releaes21:47
knomeif you've jumped through regular releases before21:47
elfyof course21:47
elfybut before you started changing it all around it made sense21:48
knomeit did make sense21:48
knomebut i think it was a bit weird21:48
knomeand somewhat repeating21:48
knomei think this is much better; just explain upgrade targetting21:49
knomeand we should probably mention the GUI way too21:49
elfyof course it does - because the first bit is the same - when the first bit was different - it didn't repeat21:49
elfyI'm just getting confused now - I'll look tomorrow21:50
knomeok, i'll try to get this in shape and pushed to the branch21:50
elfyyea ok - I can delete all the local stuff 21:50
elfycya tomorrow21:50
knomethanks :)21:50
slickymasterknome see my question in the tab21:51
knomeslickymaster, not execute because the other option is the GUI way21:59
knomewhich isn't in the pad yet21:59
slickymasterok, agree, but do either of doesn't sound right _P22:00
knomelet's fix it then22:00
slickymastergive me just a econd to put my son in bed22:00
knomesure, no hurry22:00
slickymasterknome: why not choose one of the following 22:04
knomei guess i prefer "do" because ultimately, after you choose one of them, you got to do it as well22:10
knomeso choosing is implied whatsoever22:11
slickymasterI', just guided by the sound of the sentence in this case knome 22:12
knomeeither one works for me22:12
knomelet me push that to the actual code now22:12
knomei'll do a test branch so we can see how it looks22:12
slickymasterping so i can branch it and build it locally22:13
knomeslickymaster, https://code.launchpad.net/~knome/xubuntu-docs/vivid-upgrading22:19
slickymasteron it22:20
knomenow the first subsection is duplicating22:20
knomewe should drop the first two points from the list22:20
knomeand maybe put the second subsection as the first section22:21
knomethen we could also possibly drop the note from the currently first subsection22:21
slickymasterlet me build them knome :P22:22
knomesure sure...22:22
knomei'm still a man of action..22:22
slickymasteryeah, my machine is slower than yours22:23
knomeand i had the code available earlier than you etc22:24
knomenote that i of course testbuilt it before i committed22:25
slickymasterbut starting I think that the second paragraph of the upgrading section can be a little confusing for non native english speakers22:25
knomeyeah, i was considering moving that to the upgrade path subsection22:25
knometo have a bit more context22:25
knomeand then merging the currently first and third paragraphs22:25
slickymasterlet me see22:26
slickymasteryes, I agree on that merge22:26
slickymasterit's logical22:26
knomeok, let me do a few simple changes22:26
knomethen push again22:26
knomeUnit193, want to debug why the translation attributions aren't working today?22:29
knomeslickymaster, pushed22:29
Unit193knome: Sure, why aren't they working?22:29
slickymasterone thing knome, he also should reduce the coverage of the hyperlink in the <note><para>If you are not getting an upgrade notification, or aren't seeing the release you are expecting to upgrade to, see <xref linkend="changing-upgrade-path"></xref>.</para></note> </section>22:30
knomeoh yeah.22:30
slickymasterok, I'll wait before I pull it again22:31
Unit193knome: Not what you meant? :(22:31
knomeUnit193, no :D22:31
knomeit works locally.22:31
slickymasteryes, locally their being built22:31
slickymasterV V22:32
Unit193Well that's another bit of info then.22:32
knomepushed 27022:32
knomeslickymaster, ^22:32
slickymastersecond please22:32
knomeUnit193, do you think it would be sensible to put the .xml files for the desktop.guide under build or something else that can be bzr-ignored, so you didn't have to do make clean before each push?22:33
slickymasterknome: the hyperlink still covers the section called part of the text22:35
knomethere is no way to edit the link content22:35
knomethat's the way it is22:36
knomethe only other sensible option is to drop that note completely22:36
Unit193knome: If you do that, you have to also edit the buildsystem. :P22:36
knomebut i'm not sure if it's better to keep it or not22:36
knomeUnit193, well exactly, which is why i asked..22:36
slickymasteralso missing a period in the end of the first item of the Upgrading to the next available release list22:36
Unit193I don't see anything wrong with make clean...22:37
slickymasterknome: ^~22:37
knomeUnit193, except that then you have to build again after pushing22:37
knomeslickymaster, actually, the second point should just get rid of that dot :)22:37
slickymasterthat's what I was going to say since the third item also doesn't has it22:37
slickymasterknome: Changing your upgrade path22:39
slickymaster"a user of 14.04 could upgrade to 14.10 or 16.04."22:39
knomelet's edit that paragraph in the pad where i just pasted it (at the top922:39
slickymasterI'm not sure about the use of could22:39
slickymasteras in choose22:41
knomebut is that right22:42
knomei mean,22:42
knomethe only sensible point to change the upgrade path is when you are running an LTS release22:42
knomei guess it makes sense22:42
bluesabrebrainwash: good work22:42
slickymasterbut you can always choose knome22:43
Unit193knome: I suppose feel free to...22:43
knomedo we need the examples really?22:49
knomelet's see how that would look like22:50
knomei'm thinking an image would be so much better22:52
knomebut i'm thinking that would be so overkill22:52
knomeit would be like the first image ever in our docs ;)22:52
knomethe reason why i don't think the examples help much is that the users reading this documentation will proabably have no idea about the release cadence we're having anyway22:53
slickymasterI'm happy with how it is now knome 22:53
knome"even.04" doesn't ring their "LTS!!!" bells22:54
slickymasterok, in the pad22:54
knomesee the alternative paragraph22:55
knomei think it's much more clear for the regular user22:56
knomeno version number crap22:56
knomeor too technical explanations22:56
slickymasteryeah, agree22:56
knomehow would that look?22:57
slickymastermuch cleaner 22:57
slickymasterway better22:57
knomeyeah, let's do this22:57
slickymasterwe were just complicating excessively22:58
slickymasterhave you pushed it knome 22:59
knomeyou know23:00
knomewe're going main branch now23:00
knomeoops ;)23:00
* knome shrugs23:00
knomeit's pretty much ready anyway23:00
knomeso get the main branch23:00
slickymasterit's seems alright in my pov knome 23:05
slickymasterknome, tell me something please23:10
Unit193Cat starts with the letter "C".23:10
slickymasterwhatie Unit193 ?!23:10
knomeslickymaster, yes?23:11
knomeslickymaster, he told you "something"23:11
slickymastercan I safelly delete this/my branch -> https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs23:12
slickymastersince it's all done with23:12
slickymasterõr abandoned it23:12
knomesergio-br2, connection problems?23:12
slickymasterlike slickymasterWork23:13
knomegot to banforward him next if he keeps going in and out23:13
slickymasterdon't do that to the Work guy23:13
knome(a friendly banforward, to be lifted once the connection problems are solved)23:13
knomeheh, not23:13
knomeat least you are saying stuff23:13
knomebut just littering the channel with join/quits is meh23:14
slickymasterhey knome, maybe we should leave a ping to forestpiskie about his upgrade section already being in the main branch23:16
slickymasterit's done now23:16
knomewell done ;)23:17

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