
thumperwallyworld_: thanks00:05
wallyworld_sure :-)00:05
perrito666ericsnow: not to be a party pooper but login using github is no longer working00:16
perrito666ericsnow: I get a 404 from github00:16
ericsnowperrito666: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻00:16
ericsnowperrito666: I'm so gladd thumper showed me that URL :)00:17
ericsnowperrito666: you get a 404 in your browser or in rbt?00:17
perrito666browser I changed browser and when I try to re-login I go to oauth, log into github and then get redirected to a 404 page00:18
ericsnowperrito666: try it now00:19
perrito666still now the oauth button goes directly to the 404 since I am already logged in00:20
ericsnowperrito666: a github 40400:21
ericsnowperrito666: ?00:21
perrito666yup, that is what I meant by: <perrito666> ericsnow: I get a 404 from github00:21
* fwereade has updated http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/288/ and is busy pushing right now00:37
* fwereade would *really* like to be able to merge it tomorrow morning -- and, fwiw, jam has already taken a look at the logic, but it necessitated a depressing quantity of test changes that could use a look00:38
* fwereade goes to bed00:38
mwhudsonthumper: is one of the ideas between multi-environment to support things like having most things in MAAS but being able to burst to EC2?01:05
thumpernot multi-provider01:05
thumperstill one provider01:05
thumperbut separate environments01:05
wallyworld_axw: standup?01:17
axwwallyworld_: sorry, brt01:18
waiganimenn0: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/295/01:58
waiganimenn0: I have to take Bella to ice skating, back online in 40min or so01:58
waiganimenn0: see what you think of the solution for interface ids01:58
thumpermenn0: https://github.com/juju/loggo/pull/503:40
menn0thumper: just finishing up another review. You're next :)03:41
thumpermenn0: ack03:41
menn0thumper: I've had a look and have one question.04:02
menn0thumper: (see PR)04:02
menn0thumper: done04:13
menn0wallyworld_, axw, thumper: I have a local environment that's failing to upgrade from 1.20 to current master due to:04:52
menn0upgrade step "migrate tools into environment storage" failed: failed to fetch tools: stat /home/menno/.juju/local/storage/tools/released/juju- no such file or directory04:52
menn0looking in my .juju it looks like the directory should be "releases" not "released"04:52
menn0does that ring any bells?04:53
wallyworld_yeah, it needs to retry04:53
wallyworld_i'll fix04:53
menn0the upgrade logic is retrying all the steps anyway04:53
menn0but it's not getting there yet04:54
menn0wallyworld_: is "released" correct?04:54
wallyworld_menn0: it is for 1.2104:55
menn0wallyworld_: right04:55
wallyworld_i did test that upgrade a couple of days ago04:55
wallyworld_something must have changed04:55
wallyworld_so i need to fix04:56
menn0wallyworld_: I think I've seen this once before but then it stopped happening04:56
wallyworld_could be, i'll take a look. thanks for letting me know04:56
menn0wallyworld_: np04:56
menn0wallyworld_: in case it's relevant, fwereade would like us to split out the upgrade steps that act state.State directly from the ones that use api.State, running all the state.State steps first (on state servers only obviously)04:58
wallyworld_sounds reasonable04:58
menn0wallyworld_: it's actually more important then I actually first realised, especially now that we have upgrade steps defined for various alpha releases. You really need all the DB migrations for all intermediate releases to have run before other upgrade steps.05:02
axwwallyworld_: the upgrade step will need to use LegacyRelases or whatever you named it05:02
wallyworld_yes, changing tha now05:02
jamaxw: are you still around?05:04
jamI'm running into problems with "AddCharmConcurrently" sometimes failing (about 1 in 3 for me, and it failed on the bot)05:04
axwjam: I am05:05
jamand you were the last person to touch the "c.Assert(blobs, gc.HasLen, 10)" line05:05
axwyeah, I was trying to fix it :)05:05
axwjam: anything useful in the error output?05:05
jamit lists the blobs it did find05:06
jamwhich in my case is 9 total blobs, and only 1 of them has "true"05:06
jamaxw: I *do* see 10 calls to Client.AddCharm05:11
jamoddly, I then see 10 "successfully dialed mongo on 127." but only 8 "successfully dialed mongo on ::1"05:12
jamthat seems a bit WTF to me05:12
jamwhy would we be dialing mongo separately, because of the storage abstraction?05:12
jamresource catalog entry created with id "47d6e7812099383e8266f590d37b7f5369ef43931aecc72a4b86674e7052f346a391648209b8e69ea5b649d2c0e86da0"05:13
axwjam: possibly because we're Copying the mgo.Session05:13
jamconcerns me, because it is exactly the same identity05:13
axwjam: IIRC that particular id is based on a hash of the content05:13
axwand so it's expected05:13
jamI do only see 9 "managed resource entry created" calls05:14
jamlog entries05:14
axwyeah, odd.05:14
jamand 9 "resource catalog entry created" lines05:14
jamaxw: ok, weird... I see all of the requests result in a success response05:15
jam(you can match up the RequestId 3-12 and see the Response for each one of them)05:16
jamaxw: I have a theory... that one of those "concurrent" uploads actually doesn't start until the first success finishes05:16
jamand thus it doesn't have anything to upload because the content is already in the db05:16
axwsounds very plausible...05:17
axwthat'd do it05:17
axwwe should just check <= 1005:18
jamaxw: but why would it ever be >1005:18
axwjam: heh, true05:19
jamaxw: I think we need to check with dimitern on what his thoughts are05:19
jamI understand that we want to make sure if there is *some* concurrency, only one entry wins05:19
jamaxw: but I think line 1019 of apiserver/client/client.go is responsible05:20
jam"if stateCharm.IsUploaded(), return nil)05:20
axwjam: yep05:20
jamaxw: so how was it failing before that you were trying to fix it ?05:23
axwjam: I misremembered. I just changed it to work with the blobstore-backed charm storage; some bugs were found in the blobstore as a result of running that test, but it didn't end in me changing the test for that purpose05:26
jamaxw: yeah, I'm looking at your diff, trying to see how the test was intended to work05:30
axwjam: IMO we should just remove the count check. I guess it'd be nice to force the concurrency, but seems like a lot more work than it's worth05:33
axwwould be nice for it to not be random though05:33
jamaxw: so I'm trying to figure out if the old test was just as wrong, or if it is just that we introduced deduping and now only sometimes it fails05:37
axwjam: I'm pretty sure it was broken before. the only change, looking at the diff is how the charm archive is stored - in the blobstore as opposed to in provider storage05:42
axwand the existence check was there before05:43
jamaxw: it doesn't help that "git blame apiserver/client/client.go" lists the last modification for "IsUploaded()" lists a revision that "git log" say doesn't include the file05:43
jamaxw: I'm guessing that "git blame" is tracking hunks being moved between files while "git log" isn't05:45
jamaxw: how about a reasonable compromise of asserting that we do have at least 2 entries (so at least *some* concurrency was observed)05:46
jamfair enough?05:46
axwjam: it's still possible to fail though... I'm not super keen on that05:48
axwwhat if we synchronise 2 of the calls in the storage Put?05:48
axwthen we at least exercise the concurrency of the state changes05:48
jamaxw: so it would have to not be concurrent at all on 10 requests, and ATM we've seen at least 905:48
jamaxw: so you mean have Put wait to return until it gets a second request ?05:48
axwyeah I guess it's pretty unlikely to fail05:49
jamI do like that more05:49
jam(I'm all for "deterministic" concurrency)05:49
jamI'm not 100% sure how to do that, though05:49
jamI guess recordingStore could do it for us?05:49
axwjam: yep, if we have a waitgroup or something in there we could use that05:49
axwwe could just have them all wait actually - the bits after storage.Put don't interact with blob storage05:51
axwoh actually I lie05:51
axwthey can Remove05:51
jamaxw: I think they have to Remove because they end up as "false"05:52
axwand if we sync them all then we lose potential testing of concurrent Put/Remove05:53
jamaxw: well we can do it as a barrier05:53
jamso the code waits at the beginning of Put until it accrues 10 requests and then all of them unblock05:53
axwyes that'd be better. I was thinking in terms of having it at the end05:54
jamaxw: so... hmm. could it be done with a sync.WaitGroup ?05:55
jamI don't know if it is evil or not, but rs.Put() could do a "wg.Done(); wg.Wait()" sort of thing?05:56
jamso we have 2 WGs, one for "the goroutine is completely done" and another for "each goroutine has gotten to the start of Put()"05:56
axwjam: that seems fine to me05:58
jamaxw: so if I put a time.Sleep(10ms) into the for loop, it fails reliably06:09
jamand with putBarrier and the sleep it passes reliably06:09
jamaxw: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/297/06:14
axwjam: thanks, just finishing a review will take a look in a sec06:15
axwactually this may take a bit, I'll switch now06:15
axwjam: LGTM, thanks06:19
=== urulama___ is now known as urulama
wallyworld_axw: this makes upgrades look in the old releases dir http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/296/06:43
axwwallyworld_: on it06:44
jamdimitern: morning07:46
mattywmorning folks08:25
* fwereade has $$merged$$ 987, and is going back to bed for a bit, not feeling so good08:46
fwereadebollocks, forgot to push the last tweaks, at least they're trivials08:47
fwereadeI'll do them later08:47
dimiternmorning all09:21
axwwallyworld_: team meeting?10:07
jamvoidspace: TheMue: team meeting10:07
TheMuejam: I'm in there.10:07
jamTheMue: not standup, juju-core-team10:08
jamTheMue: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/juju-core-team10:08
TheMuejam: oh, ouch, coming.10:08
jamvoidspace: you as well, if you didn't realize10:08
jamfwereade: are you coming ?10:08
perrito666jam: he mentioned going to bed10:09
voidspaceI forgot both...10:09
voidspacewe have three m1.small instances running on the ec2 account10:22
voidspaceI think they've been there for a few days10:22
voidspaceah no, launched October 30th10:23
mattywmgz, looks like we just landed some code that doesn't build10:34
perrito666mattyw: looks like fwereade change https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/98710:36
mattywsubmitted a fix for it: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/299/10:36
mattywaxw, you're ocr today right? could you take a look at this ^^?10:37
perrito666mattyw: do the test pass with those alone?10:37
mattywperrito666, they do10:37
axwmattyw: sorry, EOD as soon as this meeting is up. been online for about 10h and back for another meeting later :/10:37
mattywaxw, ok no problem, it is quite trivial - fixing build failures that have landed10:38
axwmattyw: looks like perrito666 already did it anyway10:38
perrito666mattyw: I just lgtmd but you might need davecheney love10:39
perrito666although its a really trivial change10:39
mattywaxw, perrito666 ok cheers guys10:39
perrito666mattyw: but as will said: <fwereade> bollocks, forgot to push the last tweaks, at least they're trivials10:39
perrito666which I presume conains your change10:39
wallyworld_axw: yeah, was at soccer tonight, see you again in 90 mins10:40
mattywcould I get another review from a "graduated" reviewer so we can get this landed?  http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/299/10:52
TheMuemattyw: done10:54
mattywTheMue, thanks very much10:54
jammgz: mattyw: do we know how we were able to land the code on the bot if it doesn't even compile ?11:11
mattywjam, no idea, I pinged mgz to see if the logs can tell us any more11:27
mattywjam, this is the offending merge: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/1080/console but it shows the context test as passing. Then it fails in the next merge http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/1081/console11:38
jammattyw: what is really strange is that it is failing inside "cmd/juju" how would that even have visibility into worker/uniter/context/factory_test.go11:40
mattywjam, there's something odd happening there, because the line that contains uniter/context correctly states the build failed - just the build errors are nowhere near it11:42
rogpeppereview appreciated on this change that makes it possible to use Go 1.4 with our testing stuff: https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/3611:42
mattywjam, that must just be a bug with the way output is captured11:42
jammattyw: it may be a stderr vs stdout buffering issue11:43
jam(stdout is oftend buffered and stderr is immediate)11:43
mattywjam, sounds most likely11:43
jamthough you have 300s from the time of that error messages and when it gets to uniter build failed, but I guess it isn't that many lines11:43
jammattyw: I think we need someone investigating this, but I'm at a loss for any more information myself11:45
jamthis feels a *lot* like we can't trust our bot to reject bad patches, which is a bad place to be11:46
* jam away11:46
mattywjam, I don't really see how that could land at all. Maybe running tests with -a to force rebuilding all the packages might help?11:47
mattywjam, that's all I can think of11:47
jammattyw: yeah, I just did a checkout of 2224d55 and it clearly doesn't "go test" here.11:52
mattywjam, it clearly shows it passing in the log of the merge11:53
mattywjam, even though we know it doesn't11:53
jammattyw: ok  github.com/juju/juju/worker/uniter/context17.402s yeah11:54
jammattyw: this feels a *lot* like we were running the tests on raw "master" rather than the merge of "master" and the new code, but we've had rejections for bad patches before11:54
mattywjam, we've had this issue before, where broken code lands11:55
mattywjam, and we've tried landing intentionally broken stuff before to check it gets rejected11:55
jammattyw: so I feel like we are well into territory that we need mgz/someone who set up this bot/ to be doing the investigation11:57
jambut we clearly were able to land broken code on trunk, and than is (IMO) a Critical priority bug because it causes us to land Critical breakage accidentally11:57
perrito666mattyw: jam I have seen the delay between error and the test stdout when there is a compilation errror, same happened to me when I encountered an import cycle12:46
jamperrito666: sure, I'm not particularly worried about that. I *am* worried that William's patch caused a build failure but it didn't fail the merge, but it did fail the *next* merge.12:47
jamand I can checkout the revision that the bot landed and "go test" fails in that directory for me12:47
perrito666do you have the link for the merge job that passed?12:49
axwwallyworld_: sorry12:49
axwhad clicked the button and it was lagging :p12:49
wallyworld_np :-)12:49
axwto answer, yes, I think so12:49
wallyworld_we'll catch up tomorrow12:49
wallyworld_it was a good meeting12:50
axwcya tomorrow12:50
perrito666anastasiamac_: hey is http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/300/diff/# released? I see that the launchpad bug is marked as fix released13:00
anastasiamac_perrito666: there was a minor inconvenience with the fix...13:00
perrito666oh ok, so that still needs a review?13:01
anastasiamac_perrito666: actually 2: 1. warning was displayed when not needed 2. upgrade did not clean deleted attribute13:01
TheMuephew, back again after some troubles with my network13:01
anastasiamac_perrito666: would be gr8 :-)13:01
anastasiamac_perrito666: thnx for the review :-)13:23
anastasiamac_perrito666: hope no oxygen tanks at high speed for u today :-)13:24
perrito666anastasiamac_: I would certainly hope a) they deliver once a week only and b) the already know there is a speed bump there for next time13:24
anastasiamac_perrito666: u have oxygen delivered once a week?13:25
perrito666anastasiamac_: I believe they where delivering to a construction nearby, its oxygen used for soldering not for hospitals13:26
anastasiamac_perrito666: ahh! makes sense ...13:27
wallyworld_ericsnow: since you're ocr, could you take a look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/302/ ? it's a critical bug fix for alpha313:52
ericsnowwallyworld_: will do13:56
wwitzel3fwereade: ping13:59
wwitzel3natefinch: are you able to get on to the tosca call?14:02
wwitzel3natefinch: I keep getting disconnected when I dail in14:02
natefinchwwitzel3: oops, lost track of time, lemme try14:04
natefinchwwitzel3: works for me14:05
wwitzel3natefinch: just worked for me too *shrug*14:05
perrito666something tells me that our standup is pushed?14:06
ericsnowperrito666: presumably it got tosca'ed an hour later14:06
perrito666lol, well if we could toscate :p the calendar appt that would be awesome14:07
natefinchyeah sorry guys14:08
perrito666dont worry everything is awesome14:08
perrito666ill get you to see that movie14:09
natefinchI just bought it, actually :)14:09
natefinchI had opportunity to watch it on the way to and from brussels, but I didn't want to watch it without my wife14:09
perrito666natefinch: lol, I watched all the movies in the plane it wwas a long flight14:10
perrito666natefinch: you could include your kids too, you know, as an excuse to watch a kids movie14:10
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
ericsnownatefinch-afk, perrito666, wwitzel3: standup?15:04
perrito666ericsnow: my calendar says like in 2 hs15:04
ericsnowperrito666: my bad15:04
katcofwereade: ping15:34
rogpeppemgz: ping15:42
mgzrogpeppe: hey15:42
rogpeppemgz: hiysa15:43
rogpeppemgz: we're just debating bzr stuff15:43
rogpeppemgz: if i've done "bzr checkout --lightweight something -r N15:43
rogpeppemgz: is there some way of finding out the revision digest that i've just checked out?15:44
mgzbzr revno --tree15:44
rogpeppemgz: unfortunately that prints:15:44
rogpeppebzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'GhostRevisionsHaveNoRevno', 'Could not determine revno for {roger.peppe@canonical.com-20130430112516-r2iav07y5kqd9cmk} because its ancestry shows a ghost at {roger.peppe@canonical.com-20130913075328-6ok3ntchesxkt04o}')15:44
mgzyou've done a checkout of a remote branch? not a local one?15:45
rogpeppemgz: yes15:45
mgzDon't Do That15:45
rogpeppemgz: because we're only interested in the tree (and now, the revision-info of that tree)15:45
rogpeppemgz: we don't care about the history at all15:45
mgz(it's a bug, but you're asking bzr to do bascially everything over the api)15:45
rogpeppemgz: yeah, ok15:46
mgzyou can fixup the remote branch to not tickle the bug probably, but I'd have to go lookup how15:46
rogpeppemgz: it needs to work with any branch15:46
rogpeppemgz: as this is part of an automated process, ingesting charms/bundles to the charm store15:46
mgzrogpeppe: bug 116101815:47
mupBug #1161018: bzr revno fails on ghost ancestry <Bazaar:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1161018>15:47
mgzhas a workaround (which is slow - needs to fetch some things over http, but fine for just revno I think as that shouldn't touch packs)15:48
mgz(just less fine for update if that also hits the issue)15:48
rogpeppemgz: i don't see a workaround there15:49
mgzuse nosmart+ for the remote branch url15:49
mgzas in, force bzr not to use the api, but just touch the remote objects directly15:50
rogpeppemgz: what would a url using nosmart+ look like?15:50
alexisbnatefinch-afk, perrito666 : can someone on moonstone take a look at the request in comment #9 and get it resolved asap:15:52
mupBug #1384001: Juju doesn't retry hard enough when destroying MAAS environments <cloud-installer> <destroy-environment> <maas-provider> <Go MAAS API Library:Fix Committed by rvb> <juju-core:Triaged> <MAAS:Fix Committed by rvb> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1384001>15:53
mgzrogpeppe: literally just any other url with nosmart+ on the front15:55
mgzso, nosmart+lp:... nosmart+http://...15:55
perrito666alexisb: looking15:56
rogpeppemgz: interesting. that's about 20 times faster too.15:56
rogpeppemgz: (and it works)15:57
alexisbmgz, the version change issue you are working, is it related to a specific bug?15:57
alexisbmgz, I just want to make sure core is not also trying to work the same bug :)15:58
mgzalexisb: it looks like it's just an accidential change15:59
rogpeppemgz: sorry, that's bollocks15:59
rogpeppemgz: but it does work15:59
alexisbmgz, is there a bug number?16:00
mgzcommit 6ae54f8... changes version back from alpha3 to alpha216:00
mgzalexisb: filing now16:00
perrito666alexisb: natefinch-afk running now tests before PR the change16:01
alexisbperrito666, mgz thanks guys!16:05
mgzbug 1387764 filed, putting up a branhc now16:09
mupBug #1387764: Version reverted from alpha3 to alpha2 <ci> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1387764>16:09
perrito666ok anyone ? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/100416:19
alexisbericsnow, Please take a look ^^16:24
mgzperrito666: looks fine to me, what's the reviewboard bits up to atm?16:24
mgzhttps://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1005 for the version fix16:25
ericsnowalexisb: will do16:25
alexisbmgz, may have already done it :)16:25
perrito666mgz: reviewboard?16:25
alexisbthanks all for pulling together to get these critical bugs nailed16:25
perrito666mgz: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/306/16:26
mgzperrito666: do I need to manually create still? I thought it was magically handled now16:29
mgz(lgtmed btw)16:29
perrito666mgz: should be magically created16:29
perrito666though you have to add the comment by hand16:29
perrito666meh 1387764 is blocking me16:29
mgzperrito666: mwahaha, easy way to resolve that :)16:30
perrito666mgz: go to rb16:30
perrito666look for your pr16:30
perrito666make sure its not draft16:30
perrito666if so publish it16:30
perrito666because its not there16:30
mgzI do not see anything...16:31
perrito666mgz: rbt post it16:31
perrito666or even better16:31
mgzI can rbt post16:31
perrito666mgz: there, you have the lgtm in github... but now I just realized that you need a graduated16:32
perrito666mgz: like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsdvhJTqLak :p bad joke, I know16:32
perrito666rogpeppe: could you lgtm mgz branch? you have super powers16:33
rogpeppeperrito666: which branch?16:33
rogpeppemgz, perrito666: i don't understand the issue but i trust martin :)16:34
perrito666rogpeppe: someone backed the version number16:35
perrito666by accident I assume16:35
perrito666mgz: merge your thing16:35
mgzperrito666: wtf, that trailer is basically the whole film16:36
perrito666mgz: 70s16:37
perrito666anyway, how do I know when CI is unlocked?16:38
mgzI shall do it as soon as pos16:38
mgzperrito666: at least a while for it to go through merge though16:39
perrito666I never get if that is automated or someone needs to do something by hand16:39
mgzthe marking is by-hand16:39
perrito666is it the lp search query?16:40
mgzI'll do that as soon as the build succeeds, rather than waiting for all test jobs though16:40
mgzyeah, but peoples are the oneses who mark bugs fix released16:40
jw4review request for the on call reviewer today : http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/307/16:49
jw4I did a pre-review just commenting on things that might make the intent clearer.16:50
perrito666mgz: are we there? are we there?16:55
mgznot yet, needs to go through build revision and publish16:58
* perrito666 runs in circles17:00
* perrito666 feels assigned17:05
perrito666natefinch-afk: ericsnow wwitzel3 ?17:05
ericsnowwwitzel3: standup?17:08
=== natefinch-afk is now known as natefinch
natefinchperrito666, wwitzel3, ericsnow: sorry guys... the halloween party at my kid's preschool ran over17:36
ericsnownatefinch: no worries, perrito666 and I talked about restore17:37
perrito666natefinch: ah you have that :p17:37
perrito666I was not aware it was to the level of having school parties17:37
perrito666I thought it was only the disguises + getting candy17:37
natefinchperrito666: this was basically a shortish thing at the end of the day where all the kids dress up and parade around the parkinglot :)17:39
mgzperrito666: publish-revision running now17:40
mgz(was slow as eric had sent a change through just before mine, and I didn't really want to interrupt)17:40
* perrito666 eyes eric17:41
mgzperrito666: so, eta 20 mins17:41
perrito666heh, how nice it would be to do $$mergeafter##$$17:41
natefinchI love the way everyone rags on simple streams for putting the "simple" in the name.17:45
mgznatefinch: I view it as like, refering to someone as simple17:48
mgza semi-polite way of saying it's a bit dumb17:48
perrito666ericsnow: isnt there a metadata FromJson?17:52
ericsnowperrito666: nope17:53
ericsnowperrito666: I figured if we needed it for restore we could add it then :)17:53
perrito666ericsnow: I dont want to lie to you, at this point I am ranting at my dog for your decission17:57
ericsnowperrito666: ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)17:57
perrito666mgz: ?18:02
mgzlooks like it's just finishing18:02
mgzpublish-revision/1104 is what I'm watching18:03
ericsnownatefinch: didn't this get superceded: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/237/18:14
ericsnownatefinch: I.E. you can discard it :)18:14
perrito666mgz: finished \o/18:16
mgzperrito666: go ahead and land18:17
natefinchericsnow: yeah, thanks for reminding me18:17
ericsnownatefinch: it's my job, sir18:18
* ericsnow shines badge18:18
perrito666ericsnow: its rbt post -v ### right?18:18
perrito666to update18:19
ericsnowperrito666: for an update it -r ### (or just use -u)18:19
perrito666ericsnow: rbt post -u?18:19
ericsnowperrito666: yeah, it will figure out the right one and ask you18:19
perrito666fwereade: hey, did you ever got a chance to look at charm-sync spec?18:40
mfoordg'night all19:34
menn0davecheney, mwhudson: email standup today?20:04
perrito666afghahsgfhagsfh I hate local restriction to have juju-local package20:05
jw4ericsnow: thanks for looking at that review20:06
ericsnowjw4: yeah, still working on it :)20:06
waiganimwhudson,davecheney,menn0: did I miss standup or are we skipping it today?20:06
jw4ericsnow: ta x220:07
menn0waigani: we haven't had it. I suggested email standup but davecheney and mwhudson aren't around yet.20:07
waiganimenn0: davecheney just popped up20:07
davecheneymenn0: sure20:08
waiganiscratch that, davecheney just dropped out20:08
waiganiokay email20:08
wwitzel3menn0: you dig up more on that local provider issue you were having?20:14
menn0wwitzel3: no I haven't but that's one of the things I want to do this morning20:14
menn0wwitzel3: had a number of other things to take care of yesterday20:15
menn0wwitzel3: and since it appears to just be my machine it seemed less important20:15
natefinchperrito666: you might as well start writing doc strings now, no need for my review to go through first ;)20:20
mwhudsonmenn0: i'm on leave today20:26
menn0mwhudson: oh yeah, sorry. have a good day off :)20:27
waiganimenn0: just manually testing upgrade for my branch, then saw in your standup notes about Ian's branch.20:28
menn0waigani: yeah, there's a tools related upgrade step that keeps failing20:29
perrito666natefinch: ok ok20:29
waiganimenn0: okay, so we'll wait for the fix20:29
menn0waigani: i'm checking now to see if it's been fixed20:29
perrito666natefinch: you exagerate, its not that bad20:40
natefinchperrito666: it's not that good if I stop writing comments that are just "docs"20:41
natefinch(because there's too many)20:42
menn0wwitzel3: I think I see something that could be related to this rsyslog problem20:42
menn0wwitzel3: can you do this: cd $GOPATH/src/code.google.com/p/go.crypto ; hg heads20:43
menn0wwitzel3: what do you get?20:43
perrito666natefinch: that might depend on your patience :p (documenting as we speak)20:43
menn0wwitzel3: for me, I'm not on the version listed in dependencies.tsv. which could be the problem. godeps issue?20:44
menn0wwitzel3: i'll manually switch to the version in deps.tsv and see if that resolves the issue20:44
menn0wwitzel3: never mind. it turns out I don't understand mercurial well enough. the right command to see the checked out rev is "hg id" and that shows the version matching deps.tsv20:54
menn0wwitzel3: i'll keep digging20:54
menn0waigani: I just did a successful 1.20 to current master upgrade and I can see Ian's fix landed yesterday so you should be good to try your manual test again20:57
waiganimenn0: awesome, thanks for checking that20:57
fwereadeperrito666, wwitzel3, katco: sorry, I've been in bed most of the day21:09
fwereadeperrito666, I didn't :(21:09
fwereadeperrito666, mail me with a link (again I presume...)21:10
perrito666fwereade: feeling better?21:10
perrito666fwereade: you are lucky that my backlog is long :p or that would make absolutely no sense21:10
fwereadeperrito666, I'm not planning to do lots of work right *now*21:10
fwereadeperrito666, but, yeah, hopefully will be with it again tomorrow21:11
wwitzel3fwereade: no worries, hope you feel better :)21:22
fwereadewwitzel3, cheers21:25
perrito666fwereade: for whenever you return, we might have broken your uniter context remaining commits21:25
fwereadewwitzel3, what can I do for you?21:25
fwereadeperrito666, I had a super-quick look back just now, yeah21:25
fwereadeperrito666, looks like I broke things pretty hard myself21:25
fwereadeperrito666, whatever needed to be done, needed to be done21:26
fwereadeperrito666, I will try to catch up21:26
katcofwereade: no worries at all. hope you're feeling better21:26
menn0waigani: here's that EnvironUUID branch. Can you have a look please? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/308/21:28
wwitzel3fwereade: well after rebasing master I broke, I was before doing relationer.Context() and then calling UnitNames() on that context.21:29
fwereadekatco, yeah, will try to sleep better tonight :)21:29
wwitzel3fwereade: that is for the remoteUnit inference method21:29
fwereadewwitzel3, ah, sorry21:29
waiganimenn0: will do21:29
katcofwereade: i have some material for you to review which might help put you to sleep :)21:30
fwereadewwitzel3, I think you can just use .ContextInfo().MemberNames21:30
waiganifwereade: thanks for the recommendations :)21:30
wwitzel3fwereade: I see that I need to now get the RelationContext to get UnitNames, so was wondering if I should ... oh ok21:30
fwereadewwitzel3, that's what will be called in the factory to determine membership21:31
wwitzel3fwereade: I will give that a shot right now, thanks21:31
fwereadewwitzel3, or since you're in-package, .state.Members(), but that's a map21:31
wallyworld_menn0: you have a minute for a chat?21:35
waiganimenn0: done21:35
menn0waigani: thanks21:36
menn0wallyworld_: sure21:36
alexisbkatco, ping21:50
katcoalexisb: howdy21:50
katcowhat can i do for you?21:50
alexisbI am working on milestone breakdowns, was wondering where you were with the LE work you and fwereade broke down in brussels21:51
katcoalexisb: working on that right now actually. i'm wrapping up the 1st draft of the spec21:51
katcoalexisb: then wallyworld_ will give it a once-over to make sure i'm not wasting fwereade's time, and we'll propose it for feedback21:52
alexisbkatco, ah ok, so official work has not begun yet21:52
katcoalexisb: well, i consider the architecture part of the work ;)21:52
alexisbvery true21:53
alexisbbut that answers my q I will make sure to account for it in the roadmap21:53
jw4ericsnow: great comments; I'll respond to some of the points and update the PR.  Thanks21:53
ericsnowjw4: cool21:53
katcoalexisb: sure thing! good talking with you again21:53
wallyworld_menn0: bug 1387884 raised21:55
mupBug #1387884: juju upgrade from 1.20 to 1.21alpha3 is broken <regression> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:In Progress by menno.smits> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1387884>21:55
menn0wallyworld_: thanks21:55
menn0waigani: i've just been chatting to wallyworld_. part of the recent upgrade problems is due to the splitting out of upgrade steps by alpha releases21:56
waiganimenn0: oh really>21:56
fwereadekatco, had a brief chat with wallyworld_ about it a day or two ago, I presume he passed on what needed to be?21:56
menn0waigani: it means when an upgrade from 1.20 to 1.21 alpha3 happens, the steps are really being run in the wrong order21:56
katcofwereade: indeed he did, thank you21:56
menn0waigani: going to merge them back into one list for 1.21 now21:56
fwereadekatco, cool -- broadly sane in your estimation?21:56
* wallyworld_ afk for a bit to have breakfast etc21:56
* katco has a good... "not manager but manages people"21:57
waiganimenn0: I don't follow. why the wrong order?21:57
katcofwereade: yes absolutely21:57
menn0waigani: if you upgrade from 1.20 to 1.21alpha3 the steps for alpha1 are run, then alpha2, then alpha321:57
fwereadekatco, excellent, so long as it really is21:58
menn0waigani:  the steps for alpha3 have the machine and instancedata upgrade21:58
fwereadekatco, it's your job to tell me when I'm being crazy21:58
fwereadekatco, everyone else's too ofc21:58
katcofwereade: do i constrain my comments to professional work?21:58
menn0waigani: which means the steps for alpha1 and alpha2 have trouble because they sometimes need to be able to look up machines21:58
menn0waigani: because the running software is actually alpha321:58
katcofwereade: ;)21:58
menn0waigani: the steps shouldn't be split out by alpha version21:58
fwereadekatco, I'm grinning broadly but not yet able to formulate a coherent response21:58
waiganimenn0: got it21:59
menn0waigani: I'm fixing now.21:59
menn0waigani: alpha3 is being held up until this is sorted (should be easy though)21:59
katcofwereade: haha ok good the joke made it across OK. that pause is always nerve wracking :p21:59
=== kadams54_ is now known as kadams54
waiganimenn0: I've hit a really interesting bug, in the process of hunting it down. A test failed once I merged the machines branch with the sequences branch. I'll touch base with you on it later22:00
menn0waigani: ok cool22:02
perrito666ok EOD, have a nice one people22:12
menn0wallyworld_: if we have upgrade steps defined for 1.21 (final) they currently won't run when an upgrade to a 1.21 alpha or beta release happens22:14
menn0wallyworld_: I can tweak the upgrade steps logic to ignore the release tag (i.e. alpha/beta)22:14
menn0wallyworld_: or we can define the upgrade steps against alpha122:14
menn0wallyworld_: I prefer the former22:14
menn0wallyworld_: but it does reduce our flexibility a little22:15
menn0wallyworld_: what do you think?22:15
wallyworld_menn0: my vision was always for the release tag to be ignored, thus we would be testing upgrade steps along the way as if it were final release, so the former22:20
menn0wallyworld_: ok will do22:20
wallyworld_we hadn't really got to the point of needed to do this till now22:20
wallyworld_so it upgrades were sort of done initilly as a mvp22:20
wallyworld_with improvements as needed22:20
menn0it should be easy to fix22:21
menn0and it's just the current crop of upgrade steps22:21
menn0that are exposing problems22:21
menn0this is also fallout from the release number change22:21
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
menn0katco: I love the tabular status output btw. I use it all the time.22:32
katcomenn0: so glad to hear it! i love it myself :)22:37
waiganikatco: I like the oneliner, thanks :)22:38
katcowaigani: np :)22:39
katcoreally i just coded it all up. not my ideas... thank you to ecosystems/tanzanite for guidance22:39
waiganimenn0: so a sequence doc is being entered into the db with an old id. I can't track down where from (yet)22:40
menn0waigani: sounds fun :)22:40
ericsnowwallyworld_: I gave you a ship-it on #302 but you'll need someone else to follow up. :)22:42
wallyworld_ericsnow: thank you, really appreciate it; the streams stuff can be hairy22:42
ericsnowwallyworld_: is it hairy because you pulled your hair out while writing it <wink>22:43
wallyworld_ericsnow: yes, yes i did. and now you've done a review, you are an expert and fair game to write the next simplestreams patch :-P22:44
ericsnowwallyworld_: sorry, you're breaking up, I didn't catch that, going into a tunnel now22:44
alexisbmenn0, wallyworld_ davecheney was one of you designated lead in thumper's absence?22:45
menn0alexisb: i don't believe so22:46
wallyworld_not me22:46
alexisbmenn0, ack22:46
alexisbsorry wallyworld_ I meant waigani22:46
wallyworld_ah yeah :-)22:46
alexisbdavecheney, we have had a request come in that requires some arm skills, I am going to send you and mwhudson a note22:47
alexisbdavecheney, please work with me on priorities compared with other tasks22:47
menn0wallyworld_: I have a branch to sort out the 1.21 upgrades22:48
wallyworld_menn0: awesome, i'll review. did you test live?22:48
menn0wallyworld_: all the steps are currently assigned against 1.21-alpha122:48
menn0wallyworld_: yep, tested an upgrade of a complex env from 1.2022:48
wallyworld_not 1.21?22:48
menn0wallyworld_: that will come in a later change today22:48
menn0wallyworld_: but this change solves the immediate problem22:49
wallyworld_first priority is to unblock the release22:49
menn0wallyworld_: pushing now22:49
menn0wallyworld_: nothing like impending family commitment to focus your efforts :)22:49
menn0wallyworld_: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/309/22:51
wallyworld_menn0: +1, ship that sucker22:57
menn0wallyworld_: thanks. merging now.22:57
wallyworld_no, thank you22:58
anastasiamacericsnow: thnx for the review :-) i agree readibility is important23:25
ericsnowanastasiamac: glad to help :)23:25
fwereadewaigani, talk to jw4 re sequence documents23:29
anastasiamacericsnow: i also agree to not changing code unrelated to my patch...23:29
* fwereade really should sleep now23:29
waiganifwereade: sorted it, thanks23:29
ericsnowanastasiamac: no worries, sometimes it's okay to slip a few little things like that in23:30
fwereadeanastasiamac, ericsnow: it's a hard balance, but I will not complain about driveby readability fixes that don't change behaviour23:30
ericsnowfwereade: +123:30
=== Guest89108 is now known as bodie_
fwereadeanastasiamac, ericsnow: and if you spot such things, and separate them out into separate PRs, I will be positively delighted23:30
anastasiamacfwereade: thnx :-) will aim to delight u positively :-)23:31
fwereadeanastasiamac, ericsnow: because apart from anything else, separating them out makes it possible to do them that little bit better23:31
jw4fwereade: (waigani) fwiw, we're using sequence() far less widespread than I thought, and I think we can fold it into the same transaction that we use it in (need to verify though)23:31
fwereadejw4, waigani: my main concern there is that sequence() output ends up user-visible23:32
jw4fwereade: I see.  If it's within the same transaction that seems acceptable23:33
fwereadejw4, waigani: and if we're returning values that depend on sequence() result -- ie "what unit we just created" -- we don't want to unnecessarily burn sequence numbers23:33
fwereadejw4, waigani: actually, dammit, it is more complex23:34
fwereadewaigani, you said it was sorted? expand super-quickly please?23:34
fwereadejw4, the issue there is23:34
fwereadejw4, that if we return "someservice/123" from a sequence() call outside a txn23:35
fwereadejw4, we can be sure we really did create someservice/12323:35
fwereadejw4, if we're doing a sequence call inside a txn23:36
fwereadejw4, we either lose visibility on what we actually created23:36
fwereadejw4, or we end up adding an effective txn-revno assert on the sequence doc23:36
fwereadejw4, thus screwing parallelisability23:37
fwereadejw4, am I making sense?23:37
jw4fwereade: yes...23:37
jw4fwereade: but...23:37
wallyworldperrito666: did you get the msg i just posted? my connection may have dropped?23:38
jw4fwereade: I'm thinking we might be able to guess at the next sequence number, set the id's for both the sequence and the usage of it in a multi-try txn loop, and then assert in the transaction that the number is what we predicted23:38
fwereadejw4, so we can probably guess pretty well, that's not the issue23:39
jw4if the assert doesn't pass it fails the txn loop just like any other contention23:39
jw4no, I mean guess *before* we use it23:39
fwereadejw4, the issue is that the *existence* of the assert enforces txn serialization23:39
fwereadejw4, thus preventing parallel uses of the same sequence doc23:40
jw4fwereade: hmm - since all our multi doc transactions are two phase commit's that's what would happen anyway right?23:40
fwereadejw4, well, that's the advantage of assigning sequence numbers outside the txn23:40
fwereadejw4, there may well be23:40
jw4fwereade: if we want to ensure ordered sequence numbers we give up parallelism (or is it concurrency? i forget)23:41
fwereadejw4, -- in the add-unit case, there certainly are --23:41
fwereadejw4, other considerations that prevent concurrent db ops23:41
jw4fwereade: brb - keep going23:42
perrito666wallyworld: I did not23:42
fwereadejw4, but in the general case we need to choose between knowing what sequence number we picked, and allowing parallel ops against the same sequence23:42
wallyworld<wallyworld_> perrito666: hi, bug 132054323:42
wallyworld<wallyworld_> did you mean to assign that to yourself?23:42
wallyworld<wallyworld_> anastasia is working on it already, but it hadn't been assigned to her (sorry)23:42
mupBug #1320543: debug-log uses internal names for filtering <debug-log> <usability> <juju-core:Triaged by anastasia-macmood> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1320543>23:42
perrito666wallyworld: I did but did not yet work on it so be my guest re-assigning it23:43
wallyworldalready done :-)23:43
fwereadejw4, wait, actually, I'm net even sure it's a choice23:43
perrito666I just started reading code and was suddenly redirected to fix one of my PRs23:43
anastasiamacwallyworld: thnx :-)23:43
fwereadejw4, atucally that's an overstatement23:43
fwereadejw4, so23:43
fwereadejw4, picking the sequence inside the txn *requires* that we sacrifice parallelism, because we have to be able to assert the state of the sequence doc23:44
fwereadejw4, in some situations that's acceptable23:44
fwereadejw4, ie actions, I think, but push back if you're not 100% convinced23:44
fwereadejw4, it's *coincidentally* acceptable even in the add-unit case23:46
fwereadejw4, because the write to the service doc serialises the txns anyway23:46
fwereadejw4, and unless we get *really* clever that's unavoidable, because refcount23:46
fwereadejw4, even if it's not on the service doc23:47
fwereadejw4, I think I need a refresher on where we're using sequence() :)23:47
jw4fwereade: good news23:47
jw4fwereade: not very many places23:48
fwereadejw4, brb myself, keep talking yourself :)23:48
jw4fwereade: grep -r 'sequence(' yields 3 usages : relations, actions, machines23:49
jw4fwereade: now, maybe other collections are using the same mechanism not with the state/sequence.go helper func23:49
jw4need to dig on that one23:50
* jw4 is juggling bread in the oven - brb23:50

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