
mgedminthis is what update manager looks like: http://i.imgur.com/RTsLB4E.png06:43
mgedminwhat's with the checkboxes being cut off on the left side?06:44
mgedminwhat about the missing icon next to ubuntu-gnome base?06:44
mgedminand the font used for sizes is weird06:44
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lindolhi all14:17
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gerardo_Hello every body. I saw ubuntu-gnome 14.10 is released. Do you know when can we try gnome-shell 3.14?18:24
darkxstmgedmin, on vivid, adwaita-icon-themes auto-synced from debian, so is missing the ubuntu icon21:14
darkxstthe cut-off checkboxes are probably a gtk 3.14 theming issue21:15
mgedmindarkxst: I'm on utopic (+ staging ppa)21:26
darkxsthmm that should have the ubuntu icon21:28
darkxstmgedmin, larsu is working on gtk3.14 for vivid now, hopefully he will sort out any theming issues and we can just backport those to the utopic ppa21:33

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