
kapprihey guys00:57
slickymaster!hi | kappri00:58
ubottukappri: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:58
fidelityHow to upgrade to 14.1005:51
=== james is now known as James0r
Guido1how do i changneg from  xfce4-power-manager panel plugin to Power Manager Plugin? (how and where do i unsinstaal the old one and add the new one)08:30
Guido1and are there other changes which i have to do manualy after upgrading from xubuntu 14.04 to 14.10?08:43
knomeGuido1, did you by any chance look at the release announcement?08:44
Guido1knome: yes, but i don't know how to change the xfce4-power-manager panel plugin to Power Manager Plugin and i saw something with a design08:45
Guido1knome: what are the steps to uninstaal and instaal the new power manager plugin?08:50
nomicshould I use a radeon driver amd from fglrx-updates or fglrx -- whats the difference (anyone)12:03
nomicgetting dual head working rgb / dvi12:04
nomicsays it recognises dvi monitor .. but so far no picture on it .. will try driver now .. then xrandr etc12:04
nomicor just configure it through "display"12:04
nomicam trying "fglrx" I reckon -updates is 'post release updated'12:05
=== qwebirc617122 is now known as slickymasterWork
Guido1by the xubuntu realease nots iut is writen "Upgraders from Trusty will not see the new xfce4-power-manager panel plugin by default, but instead stick to indicator-power. This can easily be resolved by uninstalling indicator-power and adding the “Power Manager Plugin” to the panel." how do i do that?12:33
brainwashGuido1: right click on the panel > add new item12:36
brainwashthen select the Power Manager Plugin12:36
Guido1brainwash: which panel? and how to remove the old one?12:37
brainwashthe top panel12:37
brainwashto remove the old indicator simply run "sudo apt-get remove indicator-power" and relog12:38
Guido1what do you mean with "relog"?12:39
brainwashterminate your current graphical session12:39
brainwashand login again12:39
Guido1so reboot, okee12:40
brainwashwell, reboot works too12:40
Guido1does the Power Manager Plugin has a specific name in the list or do i have to ad it via a starter?12:40
=== knosys_ is now known as knosys
certHi, I'd like to ask advice - I'm polishing and setting a fresh install of xubuntu trusty tahr for my friend on his laptop and I want to enable him set a folder as shared in LAN. There are several ways to enable local networking in xubuntu to be found in the ubuntu forums, but I'd like to know, which is the cleanest in order not to pollute xfce4 flavour and so on. On my desktop I've got ubuntustudio trusty tahr... although its desktop is also  based15:03
certon xfce4, it's shipped with better set and equipped samba, so installing system-config-samba was enough to make my life easier, but it's not the sufficient solution for xubuntu.15:03
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html15:03
holsteinmaybe.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo ..depends on what is being shared, and how big.. and how often it is to be accessed.. and if syncing is needed or not15:04
holsteincert: xubuntu *is* ubuntu, so whatever you used for samba will work here.. assumimg its what you are looking for, i would just use it15:05
certyes, but some tutorials are using nautilus as a part of solution and it seemed to me like polluting the xfce flavour by gnome15:11
holsteincert: dont use nautilus15:11
holsteincert: hey.. dont use samba, if you dont want it15:11
holsteini typically just setup ssh on all the machines, and connect as needed to move things between the machines.. if i need syncing, i'll just use something that does that.. like syncthing15:12
holsteincert: you can replace nautilus with the filemanager you are using.. or want to use.. you can use gigolo to mount ssh shares and navigate them in whatever filemanager you want to use15:12
holstein!info gigolo15:12
holsteinthis may not be appropriate for what you are trying to give to someone else..15:13
certI want to make one of his home folders shared in the small home network. Thunar with gigolo support works fine for viewing other computers' shared content but his laptop isn't visible neither from windows 7 of my neighbor nor from my ubuntustudio. I thought, it's because xubuntu 14.04 is shipped with smbclient only and full installation of samba will make his laptop visible. Am I all right? Sorry for dumb questions but networking isn't my cup of tea15:35
cert... as I use ubuntu studio I know much more about connecting computer to audio/video input/output devices than about connecting two computers together O:).15:35
holsteincert: you will want samba to share to windows.. *or* install software in the windows machines that allow connecting to ssh share or whatever15:43
holsteincert: or, a service like syncthing on all machines15:43
entrerihello, I would like to use Ubuntu but with TWM windows manager. How to disable the main current desktop environment and the login screen ?16:23
entreridisabling xfce and the login screen16:23
relaxedinstall twm, logout of xfce and click the small gear at the top of the login screen and select twm.16:24
entrerirelaxed: the problem is the login screen16:25
entreriI still see the xfce login screen, I want to boot in TTY and startx myself16:25
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode16:26
holsteinentreri: ^16:26
relaxedwell, you can load twm through xfce's login screen too, or follow the above advice.16:26
entreriholstein: thanks for the reply. But what if I don't want to do this each time ? Any way to disable the login manager and the desktop manager for good ?16:41
entreriany service I should remove16:41
holsteinentreri: the kernel mode line does that16:41
holsteinentreri: you can just add it16:41
entreriholstein: then I can start X manually ?16:42
holsteinentreri: then, you get *exactly* what that kernel mode line faciliates.. text only mode16:42
relaxedthere's probably a way to do it via systemd as well.16:42
holsteinyou can start with a mini or server iso as well..16:43
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:43
holsteinand just add what you want.. and only what you want16:43
relaxedgoogle says "sudo systemctl disable graphical.target"16:45
certholstein: ok, windows share solved - I've installed samba with winbind and friens xubuntu laptop appeared in the windows workgroup at our router. It's visible and accesible. But there remains still a bit lack of networking support in comparance to my ubuntustudio desktop - in the thunar's network places of both linux computers there's my desktop visible and accesible even outside of windows workgroup but friend's xubuntu laptop not. It seems to me t16:50
certhat there's something missing (packages or setting) in xubuntu 14.04 fresh install that allows networking between two unix like systems without windows networking support (samba). Have you an idea where's the difference making my ubuntu studio 14.04 showing both in windows workgroup and outside of it with distro-native packages and settings and how to make xubuntu 14.04 visible outside of windows workgroup as well?16:50
holsteincert: could be.. or misconfituration.. or networking setup..16:51
holsteincert: you can look through the package managers on both and see.. but, i would start with what exactly it is you are looking for? and see if you can add a plugin for the browser16:52
certit's rather network's than thunar's problem because my ubuntu studi desktop is visible also outside of workgroup in both thunars at both linux machines. Never mind - windows networking was the main aim anyway ;).16:56
certthx a lot for your assistance16:58
=== qwebirc198287 is now known as slickymasterWork
ThePendu1umWhen I use the brightness control buttons on a laptop with the latest Xubuntu, the brightness does change, but the display settings pop up20:21
ThePendu1umAny way to prevent this from happening?20:21
ThePendu1umThey don't just pop up, they pop up on press and release, so I end up with 50 of the damn windows :P20:21
holsteinThePendu1um: hmmm.. you mean, something opens that doesnt automatically go away? would you mind taking a screenshot?20:22
ThePendu1umholstein: It's just the display settings20:27
ThePendu1umLike, the actual full setting panel for it20:27
ThePendu1umIt opens as if you would've clicked on it in settings center20:28
ThePendu1umAnd does that as you hold the button to change the brightness, so you end up with several dozen instances on it20:28
ThePendu1umI could take a screenshot, but it wouldn't add much I think20:28
krytarikThePendu1um: Please see here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224401520:29
AirbanderHi guys.20:30
AirbanderHow are you ?20:30
AirbanderI need help plz yesterday i installed skype but he didnt work very well any one can help ?20:31
Airbanderare you frensh ?20:31
Alexfrenchyes why ?20:31
krytarikThePendu1um: Also, LP bug 1319187.20:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1319187 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Display settings window appears when adjusting screen brightness (fglrx driver)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131918720:31
AirbanderGuy plz how can i install a good skype i'm using 64XUbuntu20:32
Azelphur!elaborate ! Airbander20:33
ubottuAzelphur: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:33
Azelphur!elaborate | Airbander20:33
ubottuAirbander: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)20:33
Azelphurwhoops :)20:33
ThePendu1umkrytarik: Hm, that 'fixed' it, but broke all my display control :P20:34
Airbanderhow install skype plz i type in terminal 'sudo apt-get install skype' dont want to work20:34
AzelphurAirbander: Skype isn't in the repositories, you'll need to get it from skypes website, they have a .deb download which is easy to install.20:35
Alexfrenchand why don't you did it through ubuntu control center ?20:35
ThePendu1umLet me see if I can fix that manually. Does anyone happen to know some command that increases the display brightness by some unit?20:35
ThePendu1umAirbander: http://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-computer/20:36
ThePendu1umChoose Ubuntu 12.04 Multiarch assuming you're running Ubuntu 12.04>20:36
ThePendu1umClick the deb, I assume your system will take care of the rest20:36
Airbanderthanks guys20:36
Airbanderany program like skype can be used in linux ?20:36
ThePendu1umAirbander: Skype works for Linux, and I assume all your friends are there? You can configure Pidgin to work with Skype20:37
ThePendu1umBut you'll still need Skype if you want your Skype mates20:37
Airbanderthanks guys20:37
AirbanderLinux Users ARE Awesome20:38
ThePendu1umThey come in all shapes and forms20:38
ThePendu1umLike triangular, I love those Linux users.20:38
ThePendu1umThey aren't as square.20:38
krytarik!info xbacklight | ThePendu1um: This, for example20:39
ubottuThePendu1um: This, for example: xbacklight (source: xbacklight): simple utility to set the backlight level. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.1-1 (utopic), package size 7 kB, installed size 49 kB20:39
Alexfrenchthere is linphone too20:39
AzelphurAirbander: if you're looking for alternatives, blink seems pretty cool.20:39
Azelphurbut yea, Skype works20:40
Airbanderya i wich Azelphur20:41
Airbanderhow can i type in red color20:41
Airbanderis that a Privet message ?20:41
hendyBuonasera a tutti20:43
hendycome andiamo ?20:43
krytarik!it | hendy20:43
ubottuhendy: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:43
AirbanderHow make a backup on linux plz20:51
Airbanderhow can i do it20:51
Airbanderor restoration point20:52
fantumcoidexcan some one message me i have a question on installing a program20:55
deshipujust ask your question here, so that everyone can learn20:55
fantumcoidexcan anyone tell me how to fragrouter20:56
fantumcoidexhow to install fragrouter20:56
deshipu!info fragrouter20:56
ubottuPackage fragrouter does not exist in utopic20:56
fantumcoidexok so i take that as a no20:58
brainwashyou will have to manually install it or find a PPA20:59
fantumcoidexi have tried to manually i am kinda new to this so whats a ppa21:00
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge21:00
brainwashthere is one PPA which offers fragrouter21:01
brainwashbut I'm not sure if it can be trusted21:02
ThePendulumIt seems that the system can't be shut down with Xubuntu anymore22:23
ThePendulumIt just greys out the buttons at the login screen, and when I shut down when logged in it goes to the login screen22:24
brainwashThePendulum: anymore? after some updates or when did this start to not work properly anymore?22:30
ThePendulumA reboot fixed it, apparently22:32
ThePendulumHopefully it doesn't come back, because I -really- am not going to train my mother how to shut a computer down through the terminal22:32
brainwashif it does, you should file a bug report on launchpad22:34
ThePendulumonce I figured out what'd cause it22:37
ThePendulumcheers :)22:39
Airbanderguy any one can talk to me in privet i have some questions about distro of linux and thanks22:53
Airbanderi'm new user in linux i need some info22:54
Airbandernone ?22:59
Airbanderany expret on linux ?23:00
krytarikAirbander: Just ask in the channel.23:00
Airbanderany geeks ? :D23:00
slickymaster!ask | Airbander23:00
ubottuAirbander: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:00
Airbanderthe best distro for company computers ?23:04
sleeziohello, i'm wanting to run a program, but i suspect it might be phoning home, is there a way with iptables(or something else) to block a specific program from trying to phone home?23:10
xubuntu27wHi, anybody there:23:33
xubuntu27wI have installed 'impressive- presentation sodtware.23:34
xubuntu27wbut can not run it23:34
xubuntu27wnew in xubuntu/linux23:34
xubuntu27wam I missing somehting?23:34
carrerais the net install the only way to install 14.04 with SoftRAID?23:52

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