
debfxScottK: are you working on fixed packages for the latest quassel CVE? :)05:23
ScottKdebfx: I wasn't aware of the CVE, so no.05:23
soeegood morning07:22
ScottKRiddell: It'd be nice if someone could figure out why marble suddenly stopped passing its tests once phonon was updated.  It's blocking phonon migration to -release.  https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/vivid-adt-marble/9/ARCH=i386,label=adt/artifact/results/log07:35
ScottKNot sure who though.07:35
Riddellwhyever does marble use phonon at all?07:42
ScottKNo idea if it's actually phonon related or not.   Phonon update is just what triggered the test.07:55
lordievaderGood morning.08:42
RiddellSick_Rimmit_Test: sgclark: how's libkpeople?10:34
Sick_Rimmit_TestRiddell: Hi - Utopic is done, it's in my New and Shiny PPA Repo, and logged aginast the Bug.10:35
Sick_Rimmit_TestRiddell: I will do Vivid, probably on Monday now, but I think  this will take less time, as It just a small change.10:35
Sick_Rimmit_TestRiddell: Unless the pbuild environemnt bungs some issues for it.10:36
Sick_Rimmit_TestRiddell: It goes well, and sgclark is my Angel ;-)10:36
RiddellSick_Rimmit_Test: lovely, what's the bug number?10:36
Sick_Rimmit_TestOoo not sure, but if you look at my assinged bugs, I only have two that I am working on so it's easy to find I thinkl10:37
* Sick_Rimmit_Test Waves at sgclark11:11
Riddellhola sgclark!11:15
apacheloggersgclark, Riddell: 4.12.2 is not released yet?11:38
Riddellapachelogger: sure it is http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-applications-and-development-platform-414211:38
RiddellI'm yet to update it in vivid11:38
apacheloggerkonsole (4:4.14.2-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium11:39
Riddellapachelogger: go ahead11:39
apacheloggeradd to that?11:39
apacheloggeror new entry11:39
sgclarkit missed the freeze I think11:39
* apachelogger is really bad at asking questions ^^11:39
Riddellapachelogger: add to that11:39
BluesKajHi folks11:41
BluesKajhey sgclark, how goes it?11:43
sgclarkpretty well, yourself?11:43
apacheloggercommited, if you want konsole in some ppa, please someone upload :P11:43
BluesKajfine thanks...snow on hallowe'en tho :(11:44
sgclarkhehe yeah big rain/hail storm here11:44
BluesKajyeah, it's already turning to slush11:45
BluesKajdamn adblock on chrome is blocking flash on some sites like CBC, BBC 11:46
BluesKajguess I''l just have to tolerate the ads11:47
Riddellsgclark: I think your 70xdg-kubuntu-dir in kubuntu-settings unnecessarily duplicates and overwrites 60x11-common_xdg_path11:59
Riddellsgclark: i think better to simplify to XDG_CONFIG_DIRS="$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS:/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kf5-settings"12:00
Riddellsgclark: want to do that or shall I?12:00
sgclarkRiddell: I will... 12:01
sgclarkRiddell: fixed - tested - pushed12:13
Riddellawooga, uploading to vivid12:15
Riddellsgclark: uploaded!12:28
Riddellsgclark: in qwt "Description: Due to licensing mathml is not enabled by default, enabling it" do you know more about that?12:29
sgclarkRiddell: no, but I put the license in COpyright. It looked like LGPL-2.1+... 12:30
Riddellright it's all LGPL with some exceptions12:31
Riddellsgclark: where did you get the idea there was licensing issues?12:31
sgclarkRiddell: as long as it is in Copyright file should be ok no? qwt has some exceptions as well12:31
sgclarkRiddell: by reading config file because the no longer enable the mathml by default so missing files etc...12:33
sgclarkRiddell: did I do wrong or?12:34
Riddell"Because of license implications" sounds ominous but it's all freely licenced and doesn't link to anything different12:35
Riddellso no idea what that's all about12:35
Riddellsgclark: however I don't think it needs to be renamed to add qt4 in the package names, any good reason for that?12:35
sgclarkme either, so I thought just putting the license in copyright will work12:36
sgclarkRiddell: alot of other packages do that...12:36
sgclarkRiddell: I took a guess12:36
* sgclark cires if she has to chage it12:37
Riddellsgclark: nah I can change it back, easy enough, the qt5 one certainly needs to be changed of course12:37
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sgclarknew version akonadi12:47
sgclarkI want!12:47
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RiddellI'm sure you can have it :)13:03
sgclarklol building13:03
Riddellso sgclark, when are you going for kubuntu-dev? :)13:03
sgclarkOh yeah, I need to start that process. I feel ready now13:04
* sgclark adds to-do13:04
sgclarkRiddell: how do you get it to report new package to launchpad via IRC?13:10
shadeslayersgclark: newpackage ?13:13
sgclarknew release rather13:13
shadeslayernewversion I think13:13
sgclarknewversion akonadi 1.13.013:14
shadeslayerkubotu: newversion akonadi 1.13.013:15
sgclarkshadeslayer: thanks!13:15
* Sick_Rimmit_Test Just loving Plasma 513:28
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sgclarkRiddell: akondai vivid ready for review: https://launchpad.net/~sgclark/+archive/ubuntu/kubuntu-vivid/+packages no changes needed.13:36
sgclarkworking on utopic now13:36
Riddellsgclark: qwt and qwt-qt5 uploaded!13:42
Riddellis akonadi in debian git?13:42
Riddellyes it is13:45
Riddellsgclark: looks like akonadi needs a merge then we can put it in a debian git branch, want to do it or shall I?13:46
sgclarkRiddell: I will13:49
RiddellSick_Rimmit_Test: your libkpeople package misses some bits:14:14
Riddelllibkpeople3-dbg rename to libkpeople4-dbg14:14
Riddelldebian/control-copy left lying around14:14
RiddellRecommends: kdelibs5-dbg, nepomuk-core-dbg, libsoprano-dbg14:14
Riddellthose last two are obsolete14:14
RiddellReaplces/Breaks: libkpeople314:14
Riddelland build-dep on baloo-dev14:14
RiddellSick_Rimmit_Test: the good news is it all compiles on vivid so yay uploading14:15
RiddellSick_Rimmit_Test: for bonus points you could merge with debian and get a branch in debian git http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/kde-extras/libkpeople.git/14:15
Sick_Rimmit_TestRiddell: OK, I have noted those issues and will correct them thanks14:15
RiddellSick_Rimmit_Test: I already did in the version uploaded to vivid so you can just download that and compare14:16
Sick_Rimmit_TestRiddell: Right Oh, that sounds great thanks again.14:17
Sick_Rimmit_Test will try to fix it on Monday evening, and reload to my PPA14:17
_Groo_guys can you confirm that the system info applet (cpu/ram info) is broken in the kf5 daily?14:34
_Groo_it says its missing org.kde.io14:34
_Groo_the packages are there, its probably a bug upstream, i just wanted to confirm that you guys have the same issue14:34
_Groo_just add the system info widget and it should give you an error14:34
_Groo_can someone confirm this?14:35
RiddellI see a system load viewer _Groo_ which works fine, but this is on a utopic install14:36
_Groo_no, the utopic one is working, i mean daily ppa14:36
_Groo_i want to confirm its a bug upstream, not a packaging regression14:36
Riddellthe packaging is pefect :)14:38
Riddellanyway ask apachelogger or shadeslayer, they're testing the ci images today14:38
apacheloggerwhich daily is the question really14:38
apachelogger_Groo_: confirmed14:40
apacheloggerfallout from dep cleanup possibly14:40
apachelogger_Groo_: updated pushed14:42
sgclarkRiddell: since we are going to git anyway I can just leave Maintainer: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org> correct?14:57
sgclarkor add Kubuntu in there somewhere14:57
Riddellsgclark: I've been changing it to Debian/kubuntu  then you don't need an Original-maintainer line14:57
sgclarkcool thanks14:58
Riddellhopefully debian dudes will merge that in14:58
gandalfi could use a hint here: after recent upgrades (running kubuntu 14.10 with plasma5) it takes several minutes to logi in after i enter my password at the login page, and the desktop consists of just a black background and an empty panel on top..14:58
gandalfi can start programs from a konsole, but e.g. dolphin comes up with no borders and i cannot move the window15:00
_Groo_apachelogger: tks for the confirmation :)15:02
_Groo_Riddell: so it WAS a packaging regression? ;)15:02
* _Groo_ thinks riddell wants to confuse him15:03
_Groo_btw kscreen isnt building since the 29th, anyone looking at it?15:04
shadeslayergandalf: sounds like kwin broke15:06
shadeslayerwhat happens if you run kwin_x11 --replace15:07
gandalfshadeslayer: when i run kwin_x11 --raplce also the empty panel disappears, but that's all15:08
sgclarkshadeslayer: Riddell: help! http://paste.ubuntu.com/8761970/15:38
shadeslayerinstallgen should be dropped15:38
sgclarkshadeslayer: thanks!15:38
shadeslayeratleast thats what I was told 15:38
apacheloggeranyone with plasma5 around?15:38
apacheloggernot a daily build15:38
* sgclark braves the world of unstable15:39
Riddellapachelogger: mm hmm15:39
apacheloggerRiddell: dpkg -S kwin/tabbox15:40
Riddellapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/pi323nbe815:43
apacheloggerRiddell: thx15:44
ovidiu-florinRiddell: how's bukai doing?15:50
Riddellovidiu-florin: not heard from him in a few days15:50
ovidiu-florinRiddell: I'm catching up on my emails15:51
ovidiu-florinregarding the UFW gui, as far as I remember it works ok, I'm using it at work on arch15:51
ovidiu-florinbut not very intensively15:52
ovidiu-florinI'd say, let's push it, and gather bugs on the go, if there are any15:52
* ovidiu-florin laughs about what he said: software without bugs15:52
ovidiu-florinDon't think translations were integrated though, let me check15:53
ovidiu-florini18n functions are in16:00
ovidiu-florinso it's translation ready16:00
Riddellovidiu-florin: got any packaging?16:01
ovidiu-florinI haven't done any lately16:01
Riddellah well needs someone to package it16:10
Riddellyou could try seeing if new packager extraordinaire Sick_Rimmit_Test is up for it16:10
ovidiu-florinwhat's the status on the KDevelop 4.7 backport?16:22
ovidiu-florinit just needs packaging?16:22
Riddell4.7 is in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdevelop16:24
ovidiu-florinso it's done?16:28
sgclarkfor awhile now16:28
* Riddell wanders home with a bit of a cold16:29
sgclarkRiddell: shadeslayer: My akonadi merge has been pushed to bzr if one of you could review it. Thanks16:32
shadeslayerRiddell's gone, and I can review it on monday16:32
sgclarksure np16:32
apacheloggerRiddell's got a cold from walking around hills16:32
sgclarkick :( thats no fun16:33
apacheloggerwhat do we learn from this: the great outdoor is trying to kill us all16:33
sgclarkmm a game called outside?16:36
shadeslayersgclark: btw are we not keeping akonadi packaging in debian git?16:59
sgclarkshadeslayer: It still has to be moved17:08
sgclarkshadeslayer: I think Riddellwanted to move the merge17:09
sgclarkonce it is approved :)17:09
Riddellit hasn't been merged17:09
sgclarkyes it has!17:09
Riddellit needs to be merged and then put into debian git17:09
Riddellit has?17:09
sgclarkit needs review :) I pushed to bzr Riddell :)17:09
sgclarkmasterpiece I must say17:10
Riddellthat different to what I saw this morning from your PPA? that was just an update from utopic17:10
sgclarkRight this is a merge complete and total17:10
sgclarkwent through diff etc17:10
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
_Groo_last hour daily build broken yakuake, its missing the konsole component... but konsole itself works oO it was working 6 hours ago :D17:41
BluesKaj_Groo_, did you try reinstalling yakuake?17:51
sgclarkactually I think I saw they split out a kpart something or other out of konsole, me thinks a dependancy may need to be added.17:52
sgclarkRiddell: ^17:53
_Groo_sgclark: ^ this :) thank you sgclark :D18:23
* _Groo_ thinks my credits in this channel arent the best :P18:23
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* sgclark out19:14
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soeesgclark: i see you fixed teh About bug, cool and thanks :)20:23
Riddellapachelogger: ↑21:26
valoriehappy Halloween, y'all21:33
sgclarksame to you!21:33
valorienot too happy atm, my daughter had a seizure at work, and is now in the hospital getting tests21:42
valoriehad a second one in the hosp.21:43
valorieI was going to drive up there, but her husband is with her now21:43
sgclarkoh no :( /hugs21:43
valoriewaiting is so hard21:43
valorieat least I was able to talk with her21:43
valorieyou know what it's like when your children suffer21:43
sgclarkso hard21:44
valoriesgclark: are you interested in devops?22:38
sgclarkwhat is that?22:38
valoriebcooksley is looking for a mentee to set up a fresh CI for KDE, as a season of KDE project22:40
valoriehe's gotten no bites yet, as he posted it very close to the student deadline22:41
sgclarkoooh sounds interesting22:41
valoriethere is no requirement that one be a student22:41
sgclarkI want a certificate =)22:41
valorieand it possibly would not take a long time to implement, but would look very good on a job application22:42
sgclarkok I can sign up22:42
valorieif that is the sort of thing you are aiming for22:42
valorieand talk to him in #kde-sysadmin22:42
sgclarkI am aiming for anything open source, of cource Kubuntu/KDE all the better lol22:42
sgclarkthanks valorie!22:43
valoriethe deadline was last night, but we will make an exception if he wants you22:43
valorieI should have pinged you yesterday but he didn't get it posted very fast22:43
valoriealso my connectivity has been crap personified22:43
sgclarkyeah I had no clue non student could sign up..22:45
sgclarkotherwise I likely would have taken test.kubuntu.org22:46
valorieback, hopefully22:59
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