
sergio-br22hey, launchpad compiles stuff to ARMv8 ?00:29
ki7mtHello, quick question, is code in a users ../+junk/ public or private ?00:29
wgrantki7mt: It'll say at the top right of the page, but almost always public.00:33
ki7mtwgrant, Ok, public is what I needed, thanks.00:34
wgrantsergio-br22: For Ubuntu and select PPAs, yes. But for PPAs it uses qemu-user, so it's not always terribly reliable today.00:34
sergio-br22and does it get other repo?00:35
sergio-br22arm64 ?00:35
wgrantsergio-br22: For Launchpad's purposes, ARMv8 is arm64.00:37
sergio-br22yeah, i know, i want to know if I build for armhf and arm64, there will be 2 packages right?00:43
sergio-br22like i386 and amd6400:43
ki7mtHello, question. For PPA's, when adding them to your local machine, the hkp key ID is different than what I sign my packages with at build. Is this key being assigned by launchpad when the PPA is created ?05:52
wgrantki7mt: Launchpad builds the binary packages itself, and it doesn't have your private key, so it must generate its own key.05:59
ki7mtwgrant, Ok, thanks, I just wanted to make sure, as I've owned the key its asking me to accept.06:00
wgrantYou've owned it?06:00
ki7mtI've never owned ..06:00
wgrantAh, yes.06:00
ki7mt:-) SRI06:00
wgrantYou'll see the description is "Launchpad PPA for <your Launchpad display name>"06:01
ki7mtYes, everything else matched up as expected.06:01
ki7mtIs there a way to check that ID somewhere  ?06:02
ki7mtI think I got it, --recv .. --edit && trust it .. that works ok.06:07
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cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg1: Bug 1387993 - have you actually tried cancelling it, or are you just saying that it hasn't given up automatically?11:29
ubot5bug 1387993 in Launchpad itself "builders can't kill a build when "out of space"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138799311:29
cjwatsonI ask because you said "can't kill" rather than "won't kill".11:31
LocutusOfBorg1the latter11:32
LocutusOfBorg1updated the topic :)11:34
LocutusOfBorg1I can kill it of course, and it takes 40 minutes ;)11:34
cjwatsonLet me see if I can get a launchpad-buildd log out of IS first.11:34
LocutusOfBorg1should I kill it?11:34
cjwatsonCancelling it will destroy the evidence.11:34
cjwatsonSo not yet.11:34
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg1: Got the logs, cancelling now, will update the bug11:57
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