ToyKeeper | sil2100: So... is someone going to set the tested flag to 'yes' so it'll show up in trello? | 00:00 |
sil2100 | ToyKeeper: yeah, once it's ready Saviq will set it to Yes - I think he's finishing up some final tests from his side | 00:00 |
sil2100 | Saviq: right? | 00:00 |
brendand | sil2100, is 10 ready to test otherwise? | 00:00 |
Saviq | sil2100, just starting the rtm testing, but am positive, gimme ½h | 00:01 |
ToyKeeper | sil2100: Whoa... wait. We're going to try to land something with 19 different bug fixes in it, last-minute, right before the final build? | 00:01 |
sil2100 | ToyKeeper: yep..! | 00:02 |
sil2100 | ;) | 00:02 |
sil2100 | pmcgowan wanted those nifty fixes in along with the blocker fix | 00:03 |
Saviq | ToyKeeper, if it makes it any easier, they are really self-contained things | 00:03 |
Saviq | and not huge changes either | 00:03 |
ToyKeeper | There sure are a lot of them though... we've been aiming for one fix per image, especially near deadlines, not ~20 all in one bundle. Very high-risk even if the individual changes aren't huge. | 00:06 |
sil2100 | slangasek: hi! Would you be around here to kick off a new RTM image when silo 10 gets published and lands in the archive? | 00:09 |
sil2100 | ribru: if you could make sure silo 10 gets published after QA then it would be awesome | 00:09 |
slangasek | sil2100: what's the eta on that? I can be around this evening but will be away from the computer very shortly | 00:09 |
sil2100 | I really need to EOD now, have to pick up my car at 7 am | 00:10 |
sil2100 | slangasek: let me think: aroung 20 minutes for Saviq to finish testing, ~30 min for ToyKeeper's sign-off, some time for migration... I guess not earler than 1.5h from now? | 00:10 |
slangasek | sil2100: ok, I should be back around that time | 00:11 |
ToyKeeper | As a general rule, to get a good estimate, form your best guess (in detail), then double the number and bump up the unit by one. So, if the expectation is 1.5 hours, the realistic expectation would be 3 days. | 00:11 |
brendand | Saviq, it's meant to fix ? | 00:11 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1381731 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "[oobe] Shutdown dialog does not appear in welcome wizard" [High,In progress] | 00:11 |
Saviq | brendand, it's meant to prepare for the fix in ubuntu-system-settings | 00:11 |
sil2100 | Thanks everyone! | 00:11 |
sil2100 | o/ | 00:11 |
sil2100 | Goodnight | 00:11 |
ToyKeeper | sil2100: There's no way I can verify 20 bug fixes in 30 minutes, especially since it takes ~15 minutes just to flash and install. | 00:12 |
brendand | ToyKeeper, let's not aim to verify them all then | 00:13 |
brendand | ToyKeeper, obviously not ideal, but | 00:13 |
ToyKeeper | ... final image candidate, big high-risk landing, ... don't verify it? Can I retroactively call in sick today? | 00:13 |
cwayne | brendand: i can help if you guys want | 00:16 |
brendand | ToyKeeper, it's more important it doesn't cause any big regressions | 00:16 |
Saviq | brendand, ToyKeeper, FWIW, I *am* verifying them all | 00:16 |
ToyKeeper | brendand: If you want to sign off without testing, you're welcome to. :) | 00:17 |
brendand | ToyKeeper, i didn't suggest that | 00:17 |
Saviq | have already done so for vivid, and will for rtm in a moment, after autopilot finishes | 00:17 |
Saviq | slangasek, if you're still around, could you please publish vivid silo 5 for me | 00:17 |
brendand | ToyKeeper, btw you know where to find the sanity tests right? | 00:23 |
ribru | Saviq: I'm around to publish things | 00:23 |
Saviq | ribru, ah, I got used to you being on holidays ;) | 00:23 |
ToyKeeper | brendand: I think so, but it doesn't hurt to send the link again. | 00:24 |
ToyKeeper | brendand: Oh, actually I still have it open. | 00:24 |
brendand | ToyKeeper, yeah i was about to say :) | 00:24 |
ToyKeeper | I was planning to pick up a bluetooth headset on my way back from dinner so I can do the sanity tests completely, but it looks like I might not be going at all. | 00:25 |
ToyKeeper | (should be leaving about now) | 00:25 |
brendand | ToyKeeper, you go, i'll deal with the silo and you can test the image after you get back | 00:26 |
ToyKeeper | brendand: You sure? | 00:27 |
brendand | ToyKeeper, yes | 00:27 |
ToyKeeper | brendand: Okay, I'll get going on the image tests right after the build finishes... | 00:28 |
brendand | Saviq, where's that bug olli confirmed? | 00:28 |
Saviq | brendand, black scopes is it? | 00:28 |
brendand | Saviq, i don't see it amongst the million or so fixes in that silo :P | 00:29 |
brendand | Saviq, yeah that one | 00:29 |
Saviq | brendand, yeah, because it does not fix it (or well, not confirmed that it does) | 00:29 |
Saviq | brendand, I couldn't reproduce, olli didn't have time yet | 00:29 |
brendand | Saviq, :/ | 00:29 |
brendand | Saviq, now i'm really confused | 00:29 |
Saviq | brendand, the more important one was different | 00:30 |
brendand | Saviq, ok? | 00:30 |
brendand | Saviq, enlighten me | 00:30 |
Saviq | brendand, | 00:30 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1382039 in qtmir (Ubuntu) "[TOPBLOCKER] Apps scope empty on boot" [Critical,In progress] | 00:30 |
brendand | Saviq, ahhh ok | 00:30 |
Saviq | brendand, the other one is bug #1386653 | 00:30 |
ubot5 | bug 1386653 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[TOPBLOCKER] Scopes fail to launch when the network stack is not up" [Critical,Confirmed] | 00:30 |
Saviq | AP pass, /me goes for testing | 00:31 |
brendand | Saviq, i'll focus on those two fixes and regression testing | 00:31 |
brendand | Saviq, you make sure the other fixes are verified | 00:31 |
Saviq | brendand, doing that, + test plan | 00:31 |
brendand | lovely, just had a unity8 crash - with 13 and 10 installed | 00:33 |
cyphermox | ribru: ubuntu silo 25 can be freed, it's not up to me, it's up to tvoss doing some testing there, but we can re-do that change if necessary, it's trivial | 00:47 |
cyphermox | ribru: for silo 16 I'll check back with awe and abeato tomorrow, to see whether they tested it. it's a direct upload, so they very well could have. | 00:50 |
cyphermox | arf, maybe not, there's nothing in it | 00:50 |
brendand | Saviq, is it just me or has silo 10 somehow removed the autobrightness control on the battery indicator? | 00:50 |
cyphermox | in any case, we'll finish off that landing completely tomorrow, it's simple to test and to build the package | 00:50 |
Saviq | brendand, hmm just you, is here fine for me | 00:50 |
Saviq | brendand, care to restart indicator-power | 00:51 |
brendand | Saviq, hmm yeah | 00:51 |
brendand | Saviq, even after i rebooted it didn't come back though | 00:52 |
brendand | Saviq, that's a known bug though i guess? | 00:52 |
Saviq | brendand, first I've heard of it | 00:52 |
cwayne | i've got the autobrightness here with silo 10 | 00:52 |
ribru | cyphermox: thanks, oh just noticed that one was still utopic as well, doubly should be freed ;-) | 00:55 |
Saviq | brendand, +1 from me | 00:58 |
Saviq | verified all the fixes that fix, did not find regressions | 00:58 |
Saviq | it's still quite crashy though, seems silo 13 did not solve everything | 00:59 |
brendand | Saviq, i got a dash crash | 00:59 |
Saviq | brendand, got a .crash file? | 01:00 |
brendand | Saviq, no i didn't keep it | 01:01 |
Saviq | brendand, yeah, so, crashes and black scopes we will start investigating tomorrow | 01:01 |
Saviq | brendand, as indeed I did not see stability promised by silo 13 | 01:02 |
brendand | Saviq, anyway i'd better go to bed now. we can roll the dice with this one | 01:02 |
Saviq | but no more than before 10 | 01:02 |
Saviq | brendand, I'm confident in this one, if that's of any help | 01:02 |
Saviq | been testing it two days now | 01:03 |
brendand | Saviq, take it away | 01:03 |
brendand | Saviq, you should probably go to bed too no :) | 01:03 |
Saviq | ribru, rtm 10 up for publishing please | 01:03 |
brendand | Saviq, let ribru handle it | 01:03 |
Saviq | brendand, beds are for wussies | 01:03 |
Saviq | ;) | 01:03 |
brendand | well i'm a wussie then - night | 01:03 |
Saviq | o/ | 01:04 |
Saviq | brendand, thanks | 01:04 |
brendand | almost | 01:05 |
Saviq | ribru, looks like spreadsheet hates us again, did not update the status | 01:05 |
brendand | ribru, don't forget to kick an image as soon as 10 (and 13) have landed | 01:05 |
ribru | I don't think i can kick rtm images.... | 01:05 |
ribru | Checking statuses | 01:05 |
ribru | Saviq: this is some new kind of evil from the spreadsheet. usually when "the status doesn't update" there's some field missing that I just fill in. in the last few days I've seen a number of cases where nothing is missing but it just doesn't show up anyway. it's totally fucking bizarre | 01:09 |
Saviq | ribru, good we're getting something to replace the spreadsheet then :) | 01:10 |
ribru | Saviq: and not a moment too soon! | 01:10 |
ribru | ok, publishing | 01:10 |
ribru | slangasek: OK landing 10 is landed, can you kick an rtm image? | 02:23 |
slangasek | indeed I can | 02:23 |
ribru | slangasek: thanks | 02:23 |
slangasek | thanks, just got back and was looking for its status | 02:23 |
slangasek | ribru: running | 02:25 |
ribru | slangasek: thanks! | 02:26 |
ribru | ToyKeeper: ^^^ looks like the image should be ready for testing on an hour or so | 02:26 |
ToyKeeper | ribru: So... sometime around now? | 03:24 |
ToyKeeper | Let's see, did silo 10 land? | 03:24 |
ribru | ToyKeeper: it's definitely landed... slangasek ran the image build | 03:27 |
ToyKeeper | ribru: Are we expecting a notification from imgbot about the build finishing? | 03:58 |
ribru | ToyKeeper: i would assume so, but not sure... | 03:59 |
ribru | ToyKeeper: can you just try flashing to see if the image is there? My laptop isn't handy | 04:00 |
ToyKeeper | ribru: It should be image 139? | 04:01 |
ribru | ToyKeeper: sounds right i think. | 04:01 |
ribru | imgbot: stunt | 04:02 |
* imgbot rolls on its back and purrs | 04:02 | |
ribru | Hmmm | 04:02 |
ToyKeeper | 139 is downloading... not sure how long it has been there. | 04:02 |
olli | does 139 have silo 10 & 13? | 04:31 |
olli | ToyKeeper, I can't repro anymore | 04:33 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1386653 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[TOPBLOCKER] Scopes fail to launch when the network stack is not up" [Critical,Confirmed] | 04:33 |
olli | Saviq, ^ | 04:33 |
ToyKeeper | olli: 139 should have 10 and 13 in it. | 04:33 |
ToyKeeper | Assuming it passes sanity testing, we'll be sending it to PES and will start on the really detailed testing. | 04:33 |
olli | that's the plan | 04:35 |
olli | ToyKeeper, do you see u8 crashing when working the indicators? | 04:46 |
olli | spec nw-indicator? | 04:46 |
ToyKeeper | olli: Not yet. | 04:46 |
ToyKeeper | olli: However, I tried to get u8 to crash for an hour with silo 13 installed, and wasn't able to get it to fail. I got six other crashes, but not u8. | 04:47 |
ToyKeeper | olli: ... and with 13+10 installed, brendand said he got a unity8 crash. | 04:47 |
olli | hm, i crashed it twice in 1 session | 04:48 |
olli | but can't repro now :/ | 04:48 |
ToyKeeper | That's worrisome... I had a feeling that 10 might have un-fixed the crash fix in 13. | 04:48 |
* olli brings baby to bed | 04:48 | |
ToyKeeper | In general, the size and hasty landing of silo 10 makes me nervous. | 04:48 |
ToyKeeper | olli: Ah, there it is. Got unity8 to crash. All I did was accept an incoming call. | 04:51 |
ToyKeeper | I get the feeling 139 is fail and we'll have to back out silo 10. | 04:51 |
olli | ToyKeeper, interesting | 04:55 |
ToyKeeper | With three of us trying to crash unity8 for at least an hour each (image 138 + silo 13), it was unshakable. But image 139 is just as crashy as ever. | 04:56 |
ToyKeeper | olli: Did you see the change list in silo 10? | 04:58 |
olli | I saw it | 05:15 |
olli | if it hadn't landed today it would have landed tomorrow, Saviq just "happened" (sil2000 called him) to show up and fix it today instead of tomorrow | 05:15 |
olli | ToyKeeper, | 05:16 |
Mirv | mornings | 05:18 |
olli | hey Mirv | 05:18 |
Mirv | hey olli | 05:19 |
olli | ToyKeeper, not sure if this was only the procedure when you helped with 114... but maybe... it might be more helpful if you could file the bugs (spec. the crashes) before you EOD, rather than pile it up (liek I think we did with 114) | 05:25 |
ToyKeeper | olli: Yeah, I've been doing it that way ever since. | 05:25 |
olli | awesome! | 05:33 |
olli | I am brainfried, logging off, good luck ToyKeeper! | 05:33 |
ToyKeeper | Thanks. I can tell you already this failed sanity testing. | 05:33 |
ToyKeeper | I'm just trying to measure how *much* it failed. | 05:34 |
Mirv | so I guess I'll locally prepare 010 revert to have something ready when Savi_q and sil2100 wake up in a couple of hours? | 05:35 |
* Mirv does that | 05:36 | |
olli | Mirv, Saviq is going to cherry pick from 10 if the whole silo fails | 05:37 |
olli | not sure what though | 05:37 |
Mirv | right | 05:43 |
tvoss|food | good morning | 07:54 |
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
brendand | sil2100, today will be fun | 08:37 |
Wellark | brendand: every day is a fun day! | 08:38 |
brendand | Wellark, today will be really fun | 08:38 |
Wellark | brendand: you got some mushrooms stored away for special occasions? | 08:38 |
* Wellark wants whatever brendand has | 08:39 | |
brendand | Wellark, yeah i think something special is needed ATM | 08:39 |
Wellark | brendand: *hug* | 08:39 |
brendand | Wellark, well that's special | 08:39 |
* brendand needed that | 08:40 | |
sil2100 | Fun fun | 08:42 |
sil2100 | So, did silo 10 end up landing? | 08:43 |
sil2100 | I see it did | 08:44 |
brendand | sil2100, yes but ToyKeeper found issues still | 08:45 |
sil2100 | I don't see a new image with it though | 08:45 |
Mirv | sil2100: it did, and it's suspected it _might_ undo the fix from 13, crash wise | 08:45 |
sil2100 | ... | 08:45 |
brendand | sil2100, as if 13 either didn't land properly or 10 reverted some aspect of it | 08:45 |
Mirv | 139 should be ready, no changelog though on ogra's site | 08:45 |
brendand | sil2100, i'm testing 139 now | 08:46 |
brendand | sil2100, so far i didn't hit any crashes | 08:46 |
sil2100 | ! | 08:46 |
sil2100 | brendand: you know what I want to say now? | 08:46 |
* sil2100 whispers "shipit" | 08:46 | |
Mirv | maybe it's also possible the 13 never fixed it completely | 08:47 |
brendand | Mirv, or maybe there are just other crashes around | 08:47 |
sil2100 | brendand: you mentioned yesterday that when you were testing silo 13 that you still encountered crashes, right? | 08:48 |
ogra_ | hmpf | 08:52 |
* ogra_ wonders why the bot stayed quiet | 08:52 | |
brendand | sil2100, not after i reset the device | 08:54 |
sil2100 | Just hope that indeed we don't have any additional instabilities | 09:01 |
sil2100 | But I suppose that's a risk that management wanted to take | 09:01 |
ogra_ | well, reading selenes summary it seems we got a lot worse | 09:02 |
brendand | ogra_, that's not levelling with my my experience here though | 09:05 |
brendand | i'm still testing | 09:05 |
brendand | it definitely hasn't gotten worse | 09:05 |
brendand | just not all the way better maybe | 09:05 |
ogra_ | ah, sounded very pessimistic | 09:05 |
ogra_ | igonre the bot ... it might spit out nonsense soon | 09:07 |
ogra_ | (seems the watchdog on the image build server was killed somehow) | 09:07 |
* popey refrains from commenting on ogra_ making sense | 09:11 | |
ogra_ | heh | 09:11 |
ogra_ | | 09:12 |
ogra_ | in case you still need it | 09:13 |
ogra_ | for vivid | 09:13 |
sil2100 | \o/ | 09:15 |
sil2100 | ogra_: is there a way to distinguish .changes files for vivid from the utopic ones? | 09:15 |
ogra_ | sil2100, via the path ? | 09:16 |
ogra_ | (and usually the bot only announces them next to the image number and distro name) | 09:17 |
sil2100 | Ah, you moved the old ones to 'utopic' | 09:17 |
ogra_ | yeah | 09:17 |
* ogra_ needs to make a script to fix the links of the archived ones | 09:17 | |
* ogra_ sees the smoketests and dances ... | 09:21 | |
ogra_ | finally | 09:21 |
Mirv | FWIW, the new image is definitely more stable on mako than what it was yesterday | 09:22 |
Mirv | yesterday I was quite constantly seeing 100% unity8 CPU usage after a boot, and later a crash (or two), after it possibly stabilized. none of that today. | 09:25 |
ogra_ | | 09:25 |
ogra_ | thats the results of the topafter.log in the unity8 test | 09:25 |
ogra_ | i *think* we have a media-hub problem | 09:26 |
ogra_ | just guessing by these 200% CPU usage | 09:26 |
sil2100 | Oooh, one failure in UITK o/ | 09:26 |
Mirv | sil2100: \o/ | 09:28 |
Mirv | o/ | 09:28 |
Mirv | \o | 09:28 |
ogra_ | well, so it seems your smkoetest clearly exposes the unity8 crash | 09:28 |
sil2100 | Which one? The dashboard one? | 09:29 |
ogra_ | the unity8 smoketest | 09:29 |
sil2100 | I still see the same crashes there indeed | 09:29 |
ogra_ | sil2100, topafter | 09:30 |
ogra_ | hmm | 09:30 |
ogra_ | unhappy firefox | 09:30 |
ogra_ | weird | 09:31 |
ogra_ | after half a connect i get "server not found" in my face | 09:32 |
ogra_ | (all other websites work fine) | 09:32 |
ogra_ | can you gusy connect to the hangout ? | 09:32 |
* ogra_ curses | 09:34 | |
=== tvoss|food is now known as tvoss | ||
tvoss | sil2100, ping | 09:40 |
sil2100 | tvoss: pong | 09:40 |
tvoss | sil2100, so what's the promotion status=? | 09:41 |
ogra_ | still crashing | 09:41 |
sil2100 | tvoss: we're still testing | 09:41 |
tvoss | sil2100, ogra_ please note that 13 never was meant as the silver bullet | 09:41 |
tvoss | ogra_, still crashing isn't helpful. What exactly is crashing and where? What does the stack trace say? | 09:41 |
ogra_ | tvoss, i have no idea, ask QA | 09:41 |
tvoss | brendand, ping | 09:42 |
popey | tvoss: everyone is on a call right now... | 09:43 |
brendand | tvoss, i have a stack trace here | 09:43 |
popey | you'll get longer answers in a bit | 09:43 |
tvoss | brendand, shoot | 09:43 |
brendand | tvoss, well a crash file anyway | 09:43 |
tvoss | popey, sure | 09:43 |
brendand | tvoss, i need to retrace it | 09:43 |
tvoss | brendand, no need to, just shoot the crash file | 09:47 |
Mirv | brendand: tvoss: regarding mako with today's image, I filed bug #1388019, .crash file at | 09:52 |
ubot5 | bug 1388019 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crashed with SIGSEGV in core::dbus::Bus::handle_message()" [Undecided,New] | 09:53 |
Mirv | ogra_: so if I've id 5946f7c6-60e2-11e4-be34-fa163e75317b , how do I fetch it? | 09:53 |
tvoss | Mirv, is mako blocking promotion? | 09:53 |
brendand | Mirv,<id> | 09:54 |
davmor2 | so on start up the following crashed unity8 unity8-dash app-launch and scopes scopes runner \o/ | 09:54 |
ogra_ | Mirv, what brendand said | 09:55 |
tvoss | Mirv, sorry, that's in media-hub client as far as I can see from the crash file | 09:55 |
ogra_ | if the automatic retracer did its work already you should get a stack | 09:55 |
brendand | tvoss, - careful it's 14MB | 09:57 |
tvoss | brendand, top of the stack trace points towards qtqml | 09:58 |
brendand | tvoss, yeah | 09:59 |
brendand | Mirv, ^ ? | 09:59 |
ogra_ | Mirv, i have a few of the media-hub ones here too | 10:03 |
tvoss | Mirv, ogra_ is there any chance we can get a better stack trace? | 10:03 |
ogra_ | tvoss, only with the m,atchin dbg packages installed | 10:04 |
ogra_ | tvoss, ask pitti, perhaps there is a way to squeeze more info out of the retracer | 10:04 |
tvoss | ogra_, I will try to retrace locally | 10:05 |
davmor2 | tvoss: | 10:05 |
ogra_ | davmor2, you can ignore ubuntu-app-launch ... thats only moaning about a duplicated icon | 10:05 |
ogra_ | (fitbit) | 10:05 |
tvoss | davmor2, sorry, cannot access the individual files, insufficient permissions | 10:05 |
davmor2 | tvoss: give me 5 | 10:06 |
tvoss | davmor2, what triggered the crash? | 10:06 |
Mirv | tvoss: surely mako is not blocking, just in case it's useful (and I don't have krillin) | 10:06 |
davmor2 | tvoss: typing in the simpin | 10:06 |
Mirv | brendand: ogra_: thanks! no backtrace yet | 10:06 |
Mirv | I was trying /problem/ url | 10:07 |
Mirv | ogra_: so far I have only unity8 crasah | 10:07 |
brendand | Mirv, StackTraceTop points to media-hub though | 10:07 |
Mirv | brendand: true | 10:07 |
Mirv | and via media-hub to dbus-cpp | 10:07 |
ogra_ | tvoss, btw, in case that helps unity8 is also crashing during smoke testing ... we have a test that loops ten times over the processlist and CPU usage ... this is how the system looks afterwards | 10:07 |
davmor2 | tvoss: try again | 10:08 |
tvoss | Mirv, sure, why does that point to dbus-cpp? | 10:09 |
ogra_ | see StacktraceAddressSignature | 10:09 |
ogra_ | it is the lowest in the stack | 10:09 |
tvoss | ogra_, that's at best a heuristic, sorry | 10:09 |
ogra_ | (well, above libc) | 10:09 |
tvoss | ogra_, sure, but you want to look at the highest in the stack to assign to a project | 10:09 |
ogra_ | media-hub then i guess | 10:09 |
Mirv | tvoss: StacktraceTop's first two lines are in and the next two lines to, then core::dbus::Bus::handle_message(std::shared_ptr<core::dbus::Message> const&) () from /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ | 10:10 |
ogra_ | and having it hang at 200% CPU in tests as well as always having a media-hub and scoperunner crash file created alongside unity8 also points to one of these three | 10:10 |
tvoss | Mirv, sure, with that, it segfaults in media-hub obviously | 10:10 |
ogra_ | the issues started somewhere in the 120s | 10:12 |
ogra_ | | 10:12 |
ogra_ | this looks like we got a *lot* of media related landings there | 10:12 |
ogra_ | perhaps ? | 10:13 |
tvoss | ogra_, probably, I will look into the stack trace as soon as retracing finished | 10:14 |
tvoss | davmor2, I'm on the 10th reboot entering pin, no crash for unity8 here? | 10:14 |
ogra_ | and there was a later one in 126 | 10:14 |
ogra_ | | 10:14 |
davmor2 | tvoss: I have 2 lock sims and it never fails to crash | 10:15 |
ogra_ | tvoss, sometimes it only fails after a while of usage ... but i could get it pretty reliably in the past when bein fast entering SIM PIN and then quickly the unlock PIN | 10:16 |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
ogra_ | it also happens often when you get a notification for SMS | 10:16 |
thostr_ | ogra_: can you pass us the scoperunner crash file? | 10:17 |
sil2100 | thostr_: it's on the krillin dashboard if anything | 10:17 |
sil2100 | On each test suite | 10:17 |
ogra_ | thostr_, | 10:19 |
ogra_ | right, what sil2100 said too | 10:19 |
ogra_ | just click any of the test names and scroll down on http://dashboard.ubuntu-ci:8080/smokeng/utopic/touch_stable/krillin/139:20141031:20141028-3ca60be/649/ | 10:19 |
Saviq | sil2100, Mirv, so we reverted 10 rtm did we? | 10:21 |
sil2100 | Saviq: no, why? | 10:21 |
Saviq | sil2100, /me reading the backlog is all | 10:21 |
Mirv | Saviq: no, it's just an option | 10:21 |
Saviq | ah ok | 10:21 |
Saviq | lemme know if I can help | 10:21 |
sil2100 | Saviq: rtm 10 is still in the image, QA is still dogfooding to make sure if it's causing issues or not | 10:22 |
Saviq | kk | 10:22 |
sil2100 | Saviq: but it has been mentioned that unity8 is still crashing somewhere, but it's currently hard to get a completely objective opinion | 10:22 |
tvoss | Saviq, could you help retracing with all necessary debug packages installed? | 10:22 |
sil2100 | So we're waiting | 10:22 |
Saviq | tvoss, doing | 10:23 |
tvoss | Saviq, ack and thx | 10:23 |
davmor2 | I'm going to clear out my /var/crash now so if I see any new ones I know they are fresh | 10:23 |
thostr_ | ogra_: thanks | 10:24 |
davmor2 | thostr_: there is one in to incase you want to compare | 10:25 |
brendand | davmor2, camera videos not getting thumbnailed, is that a known issue? | 10:33 |
davmor2 | brendand: they are for me | 10:34 |
davmor2 | brendand: let me make one | 10:34 |
brendand | davmor2, they appear in the video scope? | 10:34 |
thostr_ | ogra_: the scope runner crash is actually a crash in events scope... | 10:36 |
davmor2 | brendand: | 10:37 |
cwayne | thostr_: we're aware of that crash, the dev is spending some time today to fix | 10:40 |
thostr_ | cwayne: are we both talking about | 10:42 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1382567 in The Savilerow project "Top Crasher: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/unity-scopes/scoperunner:*** Error in `/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/unity-scopes/scoperunner': free(): invalid pointer: ADDR ***" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 10:42 |
cwayne | thostr_: yes | 10:42 |
sil2100 | ogra_: btw. sorry for sending out G+ announces for landing e-mails with one day delay, but the ML archive refreshes really really slow, usually I need to wait like 2 hours for the mail to appear there | 10:43 |
sil2100 | So I usually need to share it in the morning | 10:43 |
thostr_ | cwayne: let's update the bug and add the rtm tag to make it visible, otherwise we need to answer the same questions x times... | 10:44 |
cwayne | thostr_: sure, i was thinking of closing that one and putting it in hanloon, and then linking the hanloon bug from there | 10:45 |
thostr_ | cwayne: works for me. | 10:45 |
thostr_ | can you put me and Pete on the watcher list? | 10:46 |
ogra_ | sil2100, np | 10:47 |
cwayne | thostr_: done | 10:47 |
thostr_ | cwayne: thanks | 10:47 |
ogra_ | brendand, i think jhodapp works on something camera/thumbnail related currently | 10:48 |
* sil2100 needs to AFK for ~1h | 10:57 | |
davmor2 | biab restarting server | 11:00 |
brendand | tvoss, did you see ToyKeeper 's crash file? | 11:08 |
tvoss | brendand, haven't looked at it in depth, yet | 11:09 |
tvoss | brendand, trying to prove something, gimme 15 | 11:09 |
brendand | olli, good morning :) | 11:10 |
olli | that remains to be seen ;) | 11:10 |
ogra_ | heh | 11:10 |
olli | a friendly hello to everyone though | 11:10 |
cwayne | such optimism :) | 11:10 |
davmor2 | cwayne: what's optimism? | 11:13 |
* ogra_ is really scared to upgrade to 139 ... bu i guess i shoulld to collect more crashers | 11:13 | |
cwayne | davmor2: it's that thing you have right before something goes horribly wrong | 11:13 |
davmor2 | cwayne: nope doesn't ring a bell | 11:15 |
davmor2 | cwayne: are telling me that you expect things to work? | 11:15 |
cwayne | on occasion | 11:15 |
ogra_ | davmor2, wow | 11:17 |
* ogra_ just entered his sim pin on 139 | 11:17 | |
ogra_ | this is gross | 11:17 |
davmor2 | ogra_: did it crash horribly? | 11:17 |
ogra_ | well, it didnt scream or some such ... so not sure about horribly | 11:17 |
ogra_ | but yeah, it went directly to the spinner | 11:18 |
davmor2 | brendand, tvoss: ^ | 11:18 |
ogra_ | and weather still gets me totally wrong data on the dashboard | 11:18 |
ogra_ | (200km away) | 11:18 |
ogra_ | hmm, and all events in the dashboard seem to be in some weird TZ | 11:19 |
ogra_ | definitely not in mine | 11:19 |
cwayne | ogra_: that's a bug in remote scopes | 11:19 |
davmor2 | ogra_: ditto but that known and isn't going away any time soon so ignore that ;) | 11:19 |
cwayne | ogra_: that bugs fixed in next custom tar release | 11:19 |
cwayne | (the events one) | 11:19 |
brendand | olli, the short version is that there appear to still be some crashers around | 11:19 |
ogra_ | cwayne, ok | 11:19 |
olli | brendand, I guessed :) | 11:19 |
cwayne | the weather channel one is that we're not properly passing the lat/lng to remote scopes, so it's using geoip | 11:20 |
olli | and saw it myself, installed 139 shortly after it saw daylight | 11:20 |
tvoss | ogra_, how many sims do you have installed? | 11:20 |
brendand | olli, personally it feels way better than 138 | 11:20 |
popey | same here | 11:20 |
popey | not had a single unity crash yet | 11:20 |
ogra_ | tvoss, two ... one with PIN one without | 11:20 |
brendand | davmor2, i just succesfully unlocked two sims | 11:20 |
tvoss | ogra_, same here, I'm on the 15th reboot and no crash when entering my SIM PIN | 11:21 |
brendand | davmor2, you have magic sims | 11:21 |
ogra_ | brendand, and i just succesfully chashed the session unlocking one | 11:21 |
ogra_ | let me reboot | 11:21 |
olli | popey, try switching flight on/off, repeat, maybe do wifi on with flight off | 11:21 |
olli | boom | 11:21 |
davmor2 | brendand: seems ogra_ has the same magic sims in Germany though | 11:21 |
popey | olli: nope ☻ | 11:21 |
olli | but I couldn't repro last night reliably | 11:21 |
brendand | ogra_, we should gather all the crashes and figure out where they're coming from and decide what the next course of action is | 11:21 |
popey | hmm, on welcome screen, double tapping no longer works | 11:21 |
brendand | olli, functionally speaking though it seems fine | 11:21 |
popey | so can't switch away from "No text messages sent today" | 11:21 |
ogra_ | brendand, i thought thats what we currently try :) | 11:22 |
olli | nope as in won't try or nope as in doesn't crash | 11:22 |
popey | olli: nope as in won't try right now ☻ | 11:22 |
olli | heh | 11:22 |
ogra_ | tvoss, reproduced sim unlock crash again | 11:22 |
brendand | ogra_, yeah - just re-iterating | 11:22 |
ogra_ | seems very reliable for me | 11:22 |
popey | olli: yeah, i can turn wifi on with flight mode on ⍨ | 11:22 |
popey | we should probably hide the wifi switch when flight mode on. the whole UI should block | 11:23 |
tvoss | popey, that's meant to work actually. For when you are on a plane | 11:23 |
brendand | popey, err no - you need to be able to turn wifi on in flight mode | 11:23 |
tvoss | popey, with in-flight wifi support | 11:23 |
popey | oh okay. | 11:24 |
popey | olli: flipped flight on/off, wifi off/on.. no crash yet | 11:24 |
popey | playing music pauses briefly during flight mode switch | 11:25 |
brendand | popey, known issue | 11:25 |
popey | k | 11:25 |
brendand | davmor2, apart from sim pin unlock what other crashes are you seeing? | 11:26 |
ogra_ | this time i could log in ... it only crashed 5sec after | 11:27 |
popey | i dont have SIM locks, which may be why I'm not seeing any of this. | 11:28 |
davmor2 | brendand: still testing once I'm in the phone it is behaving better than 138+silo 13 but I wouldn't say it was perfect | 11:28 |
brendand | davmor2, well no - but have you had any crashes apart from the SIM unlock one? | 11:29 |
olli | brendand, davmor2 are all your devices on the latest partition scheme? | 11:30 |
davmor2 | olli: mine is | 11:30 |
ogra_ | why would that matter ? | 11:30 |
ogra_ | it moves 500M around, thats all | 11:31 |
brendand | olli, yeah | 11:31 |
ogra_ | shouldnt have any impact | 11:31 |
ogra_ | (i'm not btw) | 11:31 |
olli | ogra_, that was the only difference I could think of between my device and a device thostr_ has where I could repro a bug and he couldn't | 11:31 |
olli | modulo country specific things such as operator | 11:31 |
ogra_ | olli, different SIMs ... | 11:31 |
olli | sure | 11:32 |
ogra_ | i think the fact that davmor2 and i can reliably crash it on sim unlock (or shortly after) kind of points there | 11:32 |
brendand | i could too before silo 13 | 11:32 |
brendand | now i can't | 11:32 |
olli | ogra_, this was unrelated and just trying to make sure QA is on the latest official state | 11:33 |
olli | this = my q | 11:33 |
ogra_ | my top SIM is without PIN and prepaid ... my bottom one is with PIN and not prepaid | 11:33 |
ogra_ | i use data from SIM1 and everything else from SIM2 | 11:33 |
brendand | ogra_, did anyone retrace one of those crashes and see where it is? | 11:33 |
tvoss | brendand, we are on that | 11:33 |
ogra_ | brendand, yes, davmor2 gave his .crash files to tvoss | 11:33 |
tvoss | ogra_, I have exactly the same setup modulo the upper sim being roaming | 11:33 |
ogra_ | davmor2, whats your SIM setup ? | 11:33 |
ogra_ | (see above) | 11:34 |
tvoss | ogra_, so this is after boot, without the wizard, correct? | 11:34 |
ogra_ | i havent seen any crashes after this so far | 11:34 |
ogra_ | tvoss, for me it is, i think davmor2 did a fresh install | 11:34 |
ogra_ | (i did OTA) | 11:35 |
davmor2 | ogra_: T-mobile and orange both are EE | 11:35 |
ogra_ | davmor2, both PIN locked ? only one ? where is your data set to, where the calls/SMS ? | 11:35 |
davmor2 | tvoss: I get it to crash every reboot on the sim pin | 11:35 |
davmor2 | ogra_: both sims pin locked | 11:35 |
ogra_ | k | 11:35 |
tvoss | davmor2, does it crash on first or second sim? anything systematic? | 11:35 |
brendand | ogra_, are you reproducing that crash every time? | 11:36 |
davmor2 | tvoss: on first boot it crashes on both, there after normally after entering the first | 11:36 |
ogra_ | tvoss, well, given i can crash with only one PIN locked SIM i dont think that matters | 11:36 |
ogra_ | brendand, yes | 11:36 |
tvoss | davmor2, how can you crash on both? ;) | 11:36 |
ogra_ | brendand, rebooted 5 times, crashed it 5 times | 11:36 |
brendand | davmor2, what if you swap the sims? | 11:36 |
brendand | davmor2, does it crash on the first one then? | 11:37 |
ogra_ | one time it only crashed after login | 11:37 |
=== marcustomlinson is now known as marcustomlinson| | ||
=== marcustomlinson| is now known as marcustomlinson | ||
ogra_ | the other rounds immediately after entering the PIN | 11:37 |
brendand | davmor2, alternatively just have the second one locked | 11:37 |
davmor2 | tvoss: it crashes restart second sim pops up to unlock and crashes again | 11:37 |
ogra_ | oh | 11:37 |
ogra_ | so you get two crashes for two PIN unlocks ? | 11:37 |
ogra_ | thats a pretty good indicator | 11:38 |
davmor2 | ogra_: only on first boot after the it is only entering the first sim pin | 11:38 |
ogra_ | iteresting | 11:38 |
davmor2 | brendand: right trying with 1 sim | 11:39 |
cjwatson | Mirv: silo 2 - please note that calibre is part of the in-progress imagemagick transition. Hopefully we'll finish that soon, but if you try to land this before then, it will be stuck | 11:40 |
davmor2 | brendand: so contract sim on it's own and it boots with no issues, now I'll try the payg sim on it's own | 11:41 |
Mirv | cjwatson: ok. there are open qtpim (renato) and UITK (sdk team) issues still with the silo before even testing it, so it's not going to land soon. interestingly there's a reproducable powerpc failure now that's not seen in the archives and was not seen with the previous calibre version: | 11:41 |
cjwatson | Mirv: Yeah it was actually | 11:42 |
cjwatson | Mirv: It succeeded in the primary archive on a retry, so just smash it back until it works | 11:42 |
cjwatson | (It might only succeed on certain builders or something, I'm not quite sure) | 11:42 |
Mirv | cjwatson: ok, I'll do a second retry | 11:42 |
Mirv | good to know | 11:42 |
cjwatson | Mirv: So yeah, hopefully imagemagick will be out of your way before it matters, then | 11:42 |
Mirv | probably. | 11:43 |
davmor2 | brendand: payg sim on it's own no crash, now I'll put the contract sim in slot 2 | 11:43 |
davmor2 | brendand: and crash | 11:46 |
davmor2 | brendand: and back with contract in sim1 and payg in sim 2 crash | 11:48 |
davmor2 | brendand: so it is only happening with 2 sims, let me unlock the payg sim and see what happens in that configuration | 11:49 |
ogra_ | well, and not always if you look at tvoss | 11:49 |
ogra_ | might be a certain combo only | 11:50 |
brendand | ogra_, surely the sims themselves may be involved | 11:50 |
brendand | davmor2, also what length pin do you use? 4 digits in both cases? | 11:50 |
ogra_ | can you use more on a SIM ? | 11:50 |
davmor2 | brendand: yeap | 11:50 |
* ogra_ didnt know | 11:50 | |
davmor2 | ogra_: yeah up to 8 I think on simpin | 11:51 |
davmor2 | ogra_: and lucky me double simpin crash | 11:51 |
davmor2 | brendand: so it crash with the payg unlocked | 11:54 |
brendand | we should get a bug filed for this | 11:54 |
brendand | davmor2, want to do that? | 11:54 |
brendand | davmor2, APPORT_DISABLE_DISTRO_CHECK=1 ubuntu-bug unity8 in the shell | 11:54 |
davmor2 | brendand: on it | 11:56 |
davmor2 | ogra_: what sim do you have and is it payg or contract | 12:00 |
ogra_ | top one is payg ... bottom one is contract | 12:02 |
davmor2 | ogra_: on what network/networks | 12:02 |
ogra_ | top one is conngstart (german telecom cheapo daughter), bottom one is eplus/kpn | 12:03 |
davmor2 | brendand, ogra_, tvoss: have at it | 12:06 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1388060 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Sim pin unlock is crashing unity8" [Undecided,New] | 12:06 |
ogra_ | perfect | 12:06 |
tvoss | davmor2, sent you a testing package. Mind trying? | 12:06 |
brendand | olli, ^ for the sim pin unlock | 12:06 |
brendand | oooh a test package | 12:06 |
ogra_ | davmor2, i see another thing here, the app lifecycle mgmt doesnt seem to kick in | 12:06 |
ogra_ | tvoss, ^^ | 12:06 |
tvoss | ogra_, sure, one after the other | 12:07 |
davmor2 | tvoss: installed ,rebooting | 12:12 |
tvoss | davmor2, ack | 12:12 |
davmor2 | tvoss: 2 sims unlocked and logged into the system \o/ I'll try a few more times to confirm though | 12:13 |
davmor2 | tvoss: attempt 2 pass | 12:15 |
Saviq | can everyone please stop filing crashers against unity8 please!? please!? | 12:20 |
tvoss | Saviq, +1, we need to analyze the stack traces and correctly track them down | 12:21 |
Saviq | we *know*, working on it ;P | 12:21 |
tvoss | ogra_, sent you testing package | 12:22 |
brendand | davmor2, the fix works? | 12:23 |
tvoss | ogra_, for sim pin unlock crash | 12:23 |
ogra_ | tvoss, yeah, will test shortly | 12:23 |
ogra_ | tvoss, where did you send it ? | 12:25 |
ogra_ | ah | 12:25 |
ogra_ | heh, my dekko on the phone has it ... my evo on the desktop doesnt :P | 12:25 |
davmor2 | okay 6 restarts and I have been able to unlock both sims and login to the phone | 12:26 |
brendand | \o/ | 12:26 |
brendand | tvoss, can i test it too - even though i don't have the issue? | 12:26 |
davmor2 | I'm going to keep going till I hit 10 it's a nice round number | 12:26 |
cwayne | davmor2: go to 11 | 12:27 |
tvoss | brendand, sent | 12:27 |
ogra_ | empty dashboard ... but no crash first time | 12:29 |
* ogra_ reboots | 12:29 | |
brendand | tvoss, can i see the patch? | 12:30 |
tvoss | brendand, | 12:30 |
ogra_ | tvoss, looks good so far | 12:30 |
* ogra_ goes on rebooting ... 3 survived so far | 12:31 | |
davmor2 | tvoss: number 9 triggered a reboot | 12:31 |
tvoss | davmor2, okay, still better thanbefore I would argue | 12:31 |
davmor2 | tvoss: indeed | 12:31 |
tvoss | davmor2, and that might even be a different issue altogether | 12:32 |
tvoss | davmor2, got crash file? | 12:32 |
brendand | tvoss, should that patch fix my crash, or did you not get to look at that one yet? | 12:32 |
tvoss | davmor2, triggered a reboot? or restart of unity8? | 12:32 |
Saviq | brendand, if you're able to reproduce that would be interesting, it's a crash signature I didn't see before | 12:33 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1387959 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crash in image krillin rtm 139" [Undecided,New] | 12:33 |
tvoss | brendand, I'm focusing on the sim pin unlock right now | 12:33 |
davmor2 | tvoss: restart of unity8 spinning ubuntu logo on black screen | 12:33 |
Saviq | I'm retracing now | 12:33 |
tvoss | davmor2, ack | 12:33 |
brendand | Saviq, nope it just happened randomly. i wasn't doing anything with the phone even (was in a HO) | 12:33 |
Saviq | brendand, ok, can you see if you got an OOPS for it? | 12:34 |
Saviq | brendand, maybe errors managed to retrace | 12:34 |
brendand | Saviq, i did indeed - | 12:34 |
Saviq | brendand, hmm no | 12:34 |
Saviq | brendand, that's the known one | 12:34 |
Saviq | brendand, maybe it's hiding, let's see if I manage to retrace | 12:35 |
olli | ogra_, brendand, davmor2 can you guys see if you can reproduce | 12:35 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1388065 in urfkill (Ubuntu) "urfkill seems to get stuck when stressing flight mode" [Critical,New] | 12:35 |
davmor2 | tvoss: no new crash so I have wiped /var/crash and hopefully I can get it to appear again | 12:35 |
olli | if/when you have time | 12:35 |
tvoss | davmor2, ack | 12:35 |
brendand | Saviq, hmmm - i only had one | 12:35 |
olli | if you can reproduce, then this is another one for RTM :/ | 12:35 |
tvoss | davmor2, ack, a .crash would really help | 12:36 |
brendand | Saviq, ah here we go - | 12:37 |
Saviq | brendand, yup, I just uploaded it from mine as well, let's see if it retraces | 12:38 |
ogra_ | tvoss, heh, same thing davmor2 had ... first 9 reboots were fine, 10th crashes | 12:39 |
ogra_ | definitely good enough for a quick-fix though | 12:39 |
tvoss | ogra_, got crash file? | 12:40 |
ogra_ | i'd say prepare a silo :) | 12:40 |
ogra_ | let me check | 12:40 |
tvoss | ogra_, also: just preparing another package, with the cleanup being more aggressive, you might want to give that a spin, too | 12:40 |
Saviq | ogra_, OOPS would be useful, too | 12:40 |
ogra_ | tvoss, no recent crash file :( | 12:41 |
ogra_ | only the usual UAL fitbit one that you get on every boot | 12:41 |
ogra_ | (recoverable error ... just noise) | 12:42 |
tvoss | ogra_, weird, then it probably didn't crash but exited? | 12:42 |
olli | sil2100, brendand ogra_ whom should I invite to a promotion sync in 4h at 5pm UTC? | 12:42 |
tvoss | brendand, got the bug for the sim pin unlockhandy? | 12:42 |
ogra_ | olli, well, i think LT and QA were a good start (from your mail) | 12:43 |
ogra_ | or do you mean individuals ? | 12:43 |
olli | individuals | 12:43 |
ogra_ | LT partially covers QA | 12:43 |
brendand | tvoss, it was this one (which i think Saviq got angry at us for filing :/) | 12:43 |
olli | Fri 6pm... not sure who is up for that | 12:43 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1386803 in qtubuntu-media (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1388060 [TOPBLOCKER] unity8 crashing a lot since image #126" [Undecided,In progress] | 12:43 |
ogra_ | so just the whole LT would be fine | 12:43 |
ogra_ | you should get people from both teams that are relevant | 12:44 |
brendand | olli, any chance we can do something when US folks come online? | 12:44 |
ogra_ | brendand, 6pm sounds like it would fit for that | 12:44 |
ogra_ | assuming thats UTC | 12:44 |
olli | brendand, 5pm UTC | 12:44 |
brendand | ogra_, i wasn't planning to be around at 6 :) | 12:44 |
olli | brendand, what time are you suggesting | 12:45 |
ogra_ | hmm, we have a LT launchpad team now and i cant find it | 12:45 |
brendand | olli, i was thinking 2 UTC, but no need to shape the time around me. i'll either change my plans or do a handover to jfunk or someone | 12:46 |
ogra_ | olli, | 12:46 |
ogra_ | thats a good set of people | 12:46 |
tvoss | davmor2, any luck with the crash file? | 12:48 |
* ogra_ goes back into reboot loops ... lets see if i can get it again | 12:48 | |
olli | brendand, I'll let sil2100 make the call | 12:48 |
davmor2 | tvoss: still trying | 12:48 |
tvoss | davmor2, can I send you an updated package? | 12:49 |
davmor2 | tvoss: sure | 12:49 |
ogra_ | geezs these left shifted popup dialogs are so annoying to my sense of geometry | 12:49 |
tvoss | davmor2, ogra_ sent updated package | 12:50 |
ogra_ | cool | 12:50 |
tvoss | sil2100, ogra_ where would I land the hotfix? rtm or vivid, too? | 12:51 |
ogra_ | rtm for now and vivid later ? | 12:52 |
ogra_ | it needs to land in both | 12:52 |
ogra_ | and theoretically first in vivid ... but in this situation i guess you can do vivid later | 12:52 |
tvoss | ogra_, I'm told it is easier to land in vivid | 12:52 |
ogra_ | tvoss, it is, but you need to have it go to rtm in any case | 12:53 |
ogra_ | else it wont go to the image | 12:53 |
ogra_ | and give that you need QA signoff and we need to build an image etc etc i would start with rtm and then do vivid while you wait for signoff etc | 12:53 |
tvoss | sil2100, line 80 | 12:55 |
ogra_ | tvoss, so how many reboots do we want ? | 12:55 |
tvoss | ogra_, not sure, how many do you have right now? | 12:56 |
ogra_ | 3 with the new one | 12:56 |
ogra_ | #10 was the crash for me last time | 12:56 |
ogra_ | so i guess 20 should be a good number | 12:56 |
tvoss | ogra_, ack | 12:56 |
Mirv | tvoss: rtm-001 for qtubuntu-media | 12:58 |
tvoss | Mirv, ack | 12:58 |
davmor2 | tvoss: installed new version, lunch has just been called though, back after that but on reboot 2 no issues so far | 13:05 |
tvoss | davmor2, eat and reboot faster :) | 13:05 |
ogra_ | tvoss, 15 now ... no crash yet | 13:08 |
brendand | davmor2, btw can you test mms? | 13:09 |
brendand | davmor2, that was the only thing me and ToyKeeper couldn't | 13:09 |
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: josepht | Train Dashboard: | QA Signoffs: | Known Issues: CI Train on halt! No non-blocker landings accepted until image promotion! | ||
tvoss | sil2100, rtm1 building | 13:13 |
thostr_ | sil2100: why is there no commit log for rtm image 137? | 13:16 |
ogra_ | tvoss, ok, 20 reboots, no crsh | 13:16 |
ogra_ | thostr_, custom or device tarballs do not generate a rootfs changelog | 13:16 |
ogra_ | 137 was a new custom tarball | 13:17 |
thostr_ | ah, that explains | 13:17 |
tvoss | ogra_, ack, rtm 1 is building. should be finished soon | 13:17 |
tvoss | ogra_, so I think giving it another 10 should be good | 13:18 |
tvoss | brendand, ^ | 13:18 |
ogra_ | ok, going on with it then | 13:18 |
tvoss | ogra_, hang on, you should wait for the silo pakcages :) | 13:18 |
brendand | tvoss, silo 1 | 13:18 |
tvoss | brendand, yup | 13:19 |
ogra_ | tvoss, ok, that will be a nice break at least ... loop-rebooting is boring | 13:22 |
tvoss | ogra_, true | 13:22 |
sil2100 | ogra_, Mirv, tvoss, brendand: situation? | 13:24 |
sil2100 | Hotfix needed? | 13:25 |
ogra_ | sil2100, fix for the on-boot crasher in silo1 | 13:25 |
ogra_ | sil2100, lifecycle management doesnt happen for webapps (still need to file that but was busy with testing for tvoss ) | 13:25 |
ogra_ | and there was a third one | 13:25 |
sil2100 | hm, so unity8 fixes needed, right? | 13:25 |
* ogra_ has to check back in the other channel | 13:25 | |
ogra_ | yes | 13:25 |
sil2100 | Is Saviq aware? | 13:25 |
ogra_ | err | 13:25 |
ogra_ | not unity8 | 13:26 |
ogra_ | qtubuntu-media | 13:26 |
sil2100 | Since unity8 is doing the lifecycle management, right? | 13:26 |
ogra_ | silo1 ... as i said | 13:26 |
ogra_ | oh, that one | 13:26 |
ogra_ | yeah, Saviq was testing that with me | 13:26 |
ogra_ | not clear thats unity8 though ... could be webapp-container | 13:26 |
ogra_ | seems the renderer gets lifecycled ... but the UI part doesnt | 13:27 |
ogra_ | so if it was killed you dont get a blurry screenshot in the preview and if you switch to it it turns completely white | 13:27 |
ogra_ | some of them manage to keep the header | 13:27 |
ogra_ | but have white content | 13:28 |
ogra_ | all in all we seem to consume a lot less memory though ... so it gets hard to test ... you have to have a gazillion apps open to trigger the lifecycle at all | 13:28 |
ogra_ | sil2100, ah, the third potential blocker was brendand's untriggered session restart we saw during the meeting this morning | 13:29 |
ogra_ | which appreas to be unrelated to the sim unlocking | 13:29 |
Mirv | sil2100: silo1 has only qtubuntu-media, but of course that might not be all of it (the crash issues) | 13:32 |
ogra_ | Saviq, ... not sure what the actual package should be, i thought i should start with webbrowser | 13:34 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1388089 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[webapp-container] apps are not handled by lifecycle management properly " [Undecided,New] | 13:34 |
ogra_ | sil2100, ^^ | 13:34 |
sil2100 | ogra_: thanks! | 13:36 |
sil2100 | dbarth: maybe you could help with that as well ^ ? | 13:36 |
* ogra_ opens a task for qtmir ... i see tedg did a change wrt cgroups there | 13:36 | |
tedg | ogra_, I think your analysis is probably correct, we're adjusting the OOM value for the renderers now, so they could be killed. | 13:38 |
tedg | I never saw one die like that though. | 13:38 |
ogra_ | tedg, we somehow need to include the UI in that ;) | 13:38 |
ogra_ | it got really hard to actually have the lifecycle kick in at all now | 13:38 |
ogra_ | we seem to use a *lot* less ram | 13:39 |
tedg | Heh, damn it! Use more RAM people! | 13:39 |
ogra_ | i had to open nearly every installed app to have it even start to cycle the native ones | 13:39 |
tedg | When I was talking with ricmm he mentioned we might be able to get the low memory killer to take out the entire cgroup. | 13:40 |
tedg | We never finalized that conversation though. | 13:40 |
tedg | ricmm, Do you have a link on how to do that? ^ | 13:40 |
ogra_ | sil2100, the conversation in #phablet just remined me, olli was seeing issues with flight mode he considered critical | 13:40 |
ogra_ | tedg, i think he is out til monday (ricmm) | 13:41 |
sil2100 | ogra_: when | 13:41 |
sil2100 | ? | 13:41 |
ogra_ | sil2100, when what ? | 13:41 |
ogra_ | when he did see it ? when the conversation in phablet was ? | 13:41 |
ogra_ | he mentioned it when he came online | 13:42 |
tedg | ogra_, Hmm, okay. I'll see what Google comes up with, but usually ricmm comes up with more useful links :-) | 13:42 |
ogra_ | heh, yeah | 13:42 |
davmor2 | tvoss: | 13:42 |
ogra_ | sil2100, ask olli in #phablet, he talks there :) | 13:42 |
davmor2 | took about 16 attempts that's with the new fix | 13:43 |
ogra_ | davmor2, i couldnt get it to crash anymore | 13:43 |
ogra_ | with 20 reboots | 13:43 |
olli | sil2100, I was asking if it can be reproduced by others | 13:43 |
ogra_ | waiting for the silo now to re-test | 13:43 |
olli | until then it's imho not significant | 13:43 |
olli | it = | 13:44 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1388065 in urfkill (Ubuntu) "urfkill seems to get stuck when stressing flight mode" [Critical,New] | 13:44 |
ogra_ | olli, so what do i need to do ... just toggle it on/off very fast ? | 13:44 |
olli | ogra_, yeah | 13:44 |
olli | make sure sim is online | 13:44 |
davmor2 | ogra_: yes this might be something else as it only crashed after both sims were unlocked | 13:44 |
ogra_ | bah ... my location indicator is gone ... again | 13:44 |
olli | then on/off/on/off flight mode | 13:44 |
olli | then check what state the sim is in when flight mode is off after about 5+ iterations | 13:45 |
davmor2 | ogra_: possibly just a race | 13:45 |
ogra_ | olli, hmm, i might not be the best to reproduce that ... toggling it on requires me to enter the SIM PIN ... which makes fast toggling impossible | 13:45 |
olli | hmmmm | 13:47 |
olli | maybe still try to just toggle multiple times consecutively | 13:47 |
olli | might be a good indication for abeato | 13:47 |
ogra_ | (i mean, i could indeed hit the toggle fast) | 13:47 |
ogra_ | olli, hmm, so i have the flight mode on now ... but only BT is off ... both sims and WLAN are connected | 13:49 |
ogra_ | after toggling the switch really fast | 13:49 |
dbarth | sil2100: sorry, missed that | 13:50 |
ogra_ | oh, no, i'm offline but the indicator lies about the status | 13:50 |
ogra_ | webpages actually get me a network error | 13:50 |
brendand | ogra_, what was the -proposed image for #5? | 13:50 |
ogra_ | olli, so confirmed i think ... something at least :) | 13:50 |
olli | ogra_, yeah, that is iirc known | 13:51 |
brendand | ogra_, 116? | 13:51 |
dbarth | sil2100: ok, can do; how urgent is that? | 13:51 |
olli | out of sync states | 13:51 |
ogra_ | brendand, last promoted one was 5 | 13:51 |
tvoss | davmor2, ogra_ silo 1 built | 13:51 |
tvoss | davmor2, ogra_ could you guys give it a spin? | 13:51 |
brendand | ogra_, yes - but that was which -proposed image? | 13:51 |
ogra_ | oh, one sec | 13:51 |
ogra_ | brendand, krillin 114 | 13:52 |
brendand | olli, am i reading it right that there are new blockers? | 13:52 |
davmor2 | tvoss: did you get my earlier ping? | 13:52 |
* ogra_ reboots, i seem to not be able to get out of flight mode anymore now | 13:53 | |
ogra_ | no matter what the UI shows | 13:53 |
tvoss | davmor2, did you get my pm? | 13:53 |
tvoss | :) | 13:53 |
sil2100 | dbarth: it's a promotion blocker I think | 13:53 |
ogra_ | sil2100, it is unlikely to be webbrowser, see my conversation with tedg above | 13:54 |
tedg | ogra_, I think the browser needs to handle the renders being killed though … | 13:54 |
tedg | It could happen for lots of reasons. | 13:54 |
dbarth | sil2100: oh, really?! | 13:55 |
ogra_ | tedg, ah | 13:55 |
dbarth | ogra_: is that webapp bug suddenly a promotion blocker? | 13:55 |
ogra_ | dbarth, well, it only happens with the latest changes to qtmir | 13:56 |
Mirv | I got unity8-dash crash this time on mako. . now upgrading to silo 001. | 13:56 |
ogra_ | dbarth, also ask olli, i dont make things promotion blockers, i only find and report them atm :) | 13:57 |
* Mirv is happy about finding whoopsie.log | 13:57 | |
ogra_ | dbarth, it surely has the potential to be a blocker though | 13:58 |
dbarth | but because of a change in qtmir, right? | 13:58 |
dbarth | i mean, from non-existant to promotion blocker in 17min, that's a bit fast... | 13:58 |
pmcgowan | what was the change - to OOM the renderers? what was to come with the group management | 13:59 |
pmcgowan | that was | 13:59 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, yes, but it only OOMs the renderers | 13:59 |
dbarth | that's wrong | 13:59 |
pmcgowan | yeah thats a problem | 13:59 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, the UI stays and gets stuck | 13:59 |
pmcgowan | revert it | 14:00 |
dbarth | oxide can deal with renderers being killed like that | 14:00 |
dbarth | can't | 14:00 |
tedg | No, it doesn't only kill the renders. | 14:00 |
dbarth | that's why we made changes a few month ago to kill the whole group, remember | 14:00 |
ogra_ | i think Saviq has a nice and detailed explanation what exactly happens | 14:00 |
tedg | It does kill the whole group on exit. | 14:00 |
pmcgowan | ok good so whats the issue? | 14:01 |
ogra_ | so why does the UI stay and the content gets white then ? | 14:01 |
tedg | The issue is that the OOM killer doesn't work with exit, it kills by PID. | 14:01 |
ogra_ | also why do the apps not get llifecycle managed at all anymore then ? | 14:01 |
ogra_ | (i.e. no blurry screenshots in app preview) | 14:01 |
tedg | So it can (and could) have killed renders before. | 14:01 |
tedg | The problem was before that we didn't adjust the renders to the background, so no one saw one being killed. | 14:02 |
dbarth | tedg, or whoever knows: what is the actual code change that triggered this issue? | 14:02 |
tedg | They could have been, they were just less likely before. | 14:02 |
ogra_ | dbarth, last qtmi upload i guess | 14:02 |
ogra_ | *qtmir | 14:02 |
tedg | dbarth, There was no code change that triggered this issue. It was noticed because we've made it more likely to happen, but it's happened forever. | 14:03 |
ogra_ | | 14:03 |
dbarth | ok | 14:03 |
dbarth | why don't we just revert the change for now? | 14:04 |
davmor2 | brendand, tvoss: right flashing my phone fresh now and then I'll try silo 001 \o/ | 14:04 |
tvoss | davmor2, ack | 14:06 |
pmcgowan | tedg, dbarth and what is the fix we really need? | 14:06 |
ogra_ | davmor2, dude, you are falling behind | 14:06 |
* ogra_ is at his 5th reboot already | 14:06 | |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, killing by process group | 14:07 |
davmor2 | ogra_: lunch got in the way and then I had a meeting and then I had the crash file to upload and tell people about :P | 14:07 |
dbarth | pmcgowan: no idea right now | 14:07 |
ogra_ | not only by PID | 14:07 |
dbarth | pmcgowan: is that for the rtm image? if so, we should just revert | 14:07 |
dbarth | otherwise, hop on a hangout to discuss a fix for vivid | 14:07 |
pmcgowan | I take it 139 is not so good sinc eit crashed immediately | 14:07 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, silo1 fixes that | 14:07 |
ogra_ | we're all actively testing it already | 14:08 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch | ||
ogra_ | tvoss, 10 reboots, no crash ... want me to go to 20 ? | 14:13 |
tvoss | ogra_, I guess we are good | 14:14 |
ogra_ | great ... lets see how davmor2 does | 14:14 |
ogra_ | he always gets crashes i dont :P | 14:14 |
ogra_ | must be his werid language setting ... wolverhapton english .... | 14:14 |
ogra_ | +m | 14:14 |
davmor2 | right image up instant crash with no silo in place | 14:16 |
davmor2 | citrain taking care of installing the silo now | 14:17 |
tvoss | mlankhorst, mind giving rtm 1 a spin? | 14:24 |
mlankhorst | sure | 14:25 |
mlankhorst | how do I test a silo? | 14:25 |
davmor2 | number 8 no issues | 14:26 |
ogra_ | i usually do: adb shell ... then sudo mount -o remount,rw / ... cd /tmp ... wget the deb from the PPA ... dpkg -i it ... sudo sync ... log out ... adb reboot | 14:27 |
ogra_ | mlankhorst, ^^ | 14:27 |
ogra_ | thats fastest if you only have one deb to install | 14:27 |
ogra_ | else use the citrain tool | 14:27 |
mlankhorst | phablet-tools-citrain should really depend on phablet-tools, seems to get an error without | 14:30 |
ogra_ | file a bug please | 14:30 |
* ogra_ will try to fix next week | 14:30 | |
ogra_ | assign me | 14:30 |
mlankhorst | ok | 14:30 |
davmor2 | ogra_, tvoss 12 still no issues | 14:34 |
mlankhorst | ogra_: done | 14:34 |
mlankhorst | | 14:34 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1388114 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "phablet-tools-citrain needs to depend on phablet-tools" [Low,New] | 14:34 |
tvoss | davmor2, let's set the silo to tested | 14:34 |
ogra_ | mlankhorst, thanks ! | 14:35 |
ogra_ | mlankhorst, btw, how long did you play music til that happened ? | 14:35 |
mlankhorst | not long | 14:36 |
* ogra_ is at the third or fourth title now ... on random play | 14:36 | |
mlankhorst | though I didn't try to find the exact steps yet | 14:36 |
ogra_ | well, we have clearly a qtubuntu-media issue on 139 ... so i would expect it wouldnt be hard to repro on the plain image | 14:37 |
ogra_ | i'll just leave it play along | 14:37 |
ogra_ | (i got silo 1 installed here ) | 14:37 |
tvoss | davmor2, I assume 139, krillin? | 14:38 |
sil2100 | \o/ | 14:39 |
sil2100 | Publishing | 14:39 |
ogra_ | yay | 14:39 |
ogra_ | one down | 14:39 |
ogra_ | now we need some assessment about urfkill and webaps | 14:39 |
sil2100 | Do we block on the others? | 14:39 |
davmor2 | tvoss: filled it in already :) | 14:39 |
tvoss | davmor2, thanks | 14:40 |
sil2100 | davmor2, brendand: ? | 14:40 |
ogra_ | sil2100, not sure if olli wants to or not | 14:40 |
sil2100 | I know he was worried about the crasher | 14:40 |
ogra_ | the webapps thing should be a safe rollback | 14:40 |
ogra_ | not sure what to do about urfkill | 14:40 |
tvoss | ogra_, sil2100 talking about those right now | 14:40 |
ogra_ | i can clearly get it in a bad state here too | 14:40 |
olli | sil2100, what tvoss says | 14:40 |
sil2100 | ACK, just give us a sign about the decision | 14:40 |
ogra_ | but i dont think there is a fix in the pipe for urfkill yet ... and roolback wouldnt make it better either | 14:41 |
davmor2 | ogra_: by the sound of it it was a qt change not a webapps change do you really want to revert qt? | 14:41 |
ogra_ | davmor2, qtmir | 14:41 |
sil2100 | qtmir is our component | 14:42 |
ogra_ | right | 14:42 |
davmor2 | ogra_: yes sorry I could remember the component | 14:42 |
ogra_ | | 14:42 |
ogra_ | this one | 14:42 |
pmcgowan | ogra_, sil2100 tedg is preparing a tweak to ual to reduce the likelihood of the renderers being killed | 14:42 |
ogra_ | should be safe to roll back if someone wants that | 14:42 |
ogra_ | cool | 14:42 |
ogra_ | thats even better | 14:42 |
tedg | | 14:42 |
davmor2 | ogra_: my point is that it isn't necessarily safe to revert it with all the other fixes in places on top of it ;) | 14:42 |
ogra_ | davmor2, there are none on top of it as i understand | 14:43 |
jhodapp | sil2100, if we get QA approval of a silo that has critical bug fixes, are we allowed to land it right now? | 14:43 |
ogra_ | tedg, hmm, and you think that helps ? | 14:43 |
sil2100 | jhodapp: no | 14:43 |
jhodapp | sil2100, just blockers? | 14:43 |
ogra_ | tedg, that sounds like webapps wont be lifecycled at all anymore then | 14:43 |
jhodapp | sil2100, even if it's marked for rtm? | 14:43 |
sil2100 | jhodapp: now we *only* land blocker fixes or changes that the product team approves, but we need a promotion so it's highly unlikely now | 14:44 |
sil2100 | jhodapp: yes, even those - it's a very strict freeze right now | 14:44 |
tedg | ogra_, Well the main process will, just the renders are less likely. It basically puts it back to the same place as yesterday. | 14:44 |
davmor2 | ogra_: we'll see when you revert it ;) | 14:44 |
ogra_ | tedg, ah, cool then | 14:44 |
ogra_ | davmor2, well, seems we have a "fix" so no need to revert | 14:44 |
jhodapp | sil2100, ok thanks, there was some confusion out there (too many emails I think) | 14:45 |
ogra_ | jhodapp, write a mail ... :) we should have a definition for this on a wiki or so where we can just point people :) | 14:46 |
ogra_ | this question comes up every milestone | 14:46 |
jhodapp | ogra_, or an official web page to visit with the status of landing | 14:46 |
sil2100 | There was an e-mail about this | 14:46 |
ogra_ | sil2100, yes, i know | 14:47 |
sil2100 | jhodapp: well, the /topic and the dashboard seem to have all the info | 14:47 |
jhodapp | ogra_, one where everyone knows to look and can see a very clear definition | 14:47 |
jhodapp | sil2100, yeah it's too scattered...we need one official place | 14:47 |
ogra_ | sil2100, i think we should have a wiki section "LandingTeam/Milestones" where all the bits and pieces can be found centrally | 14:47 |
jhodapp | that won't change locations | 14:47 |
sil2100 | Still working on the docs ;) | 14:47 |
ogra_ | time schedule ... | 14:47 |
sil2100 | Might do that indeed | 14:47 |
ogra_ | what can land | 14:47 |
ogra_ | etc | 14:48 |
jhodapp | ogra_, as helpful as a wiki is, I still find them very hard to find things...they get lost in the noise of everything else | 14:48 |
ogra_ | sil2100, i dream that your next email should only contain this link and the milestone date | 14:48 |
ogra_ | ;) | 14:48 |
jhodapp | ogra_, and then you need to maintain external bookmarks to various wiki pages | 14:48 |
ogra_ | jhodapp, well, we have everything else for the landing team on a wikipage | 14:49 |
jhodapp | ogra_, yeah, and I have no idea what that wiki page is :) | 14:49 |
sil2100 | hah | 14:49 |
ogra_ | and they are linked from every landing team mail sil2100 sends | 14:49 |
tvoss | mlankhorst, any luck with silo 1? | 14:49 |
sil2100 | There will be a centralized place for all docs related to landings | 14:49 |
ogra_ | tvoss, music plasy still fine for me ... 15 titles so far on random playback | 14:49 |
sil2100 | | 14:49 |
mlankhorst | got silo 1 working finally | 14:49 |
jhodapp | ogra_, the best would be a URL of | 14:49 |
tvoss | ogra_, ack | 14:49 |
sil2100 | This is essentially it, but not yet ready | 14:49 |
ogra_ | yeah | 14:50 |
jhodapp | simple | 14:50 |
ogra_ | jhodapp, well, that wont be as easy to edit as a wiki | 14:50 |
ogra_ | i think to hard either | 14:50 |
jhodapp | ogra_, well that URL could even point to the wiki URL | 14:50 |
ogra_ | sure | 14:50 |
jhodapp | ogra_, it isn't, but it is when you have 50 million other wiki pages to remember | 14:50 |
ogra_ | heh, yeah | 14:50 |
jhodapp | ogra_, what our wiki really suffers from is not having a fantastic search ability | 14:51 |
ogra_ | true | 14:51 |
davmor2 | jhodapp: light weight only 50,000,000 ;) | 14:52 |
jhodapp | davmor2, ha I know, I'm working up to 1 billion :) | 14:52 |
tedg | trainguards, could I please get silos for line 81 and 82? | 14:52 |
ogra_ | go go go | 14:52 |
ogra_ | :) | 14:52 |
tedg | jhodapp, google with "" | 14:53 |
* ogra_ gets standup-meeting coffee | 14:53 | |
jhodapp | tedg, yeah, never remember that syntax | 14:53 |
jhodapp | tedg, still too complex | 14:53 |
mlankhorst | I'm not seeing the issue atm, so I guess things are more stable now | 14:55 |
Mirv | tedg: done | 14:55 |
tvoss | mlankhorst, ack | 14:56 |
mlankhorst | but if it pops up again I'll let you know | 14:56 |
tvoss | mlankhorst, yeah, thanks | 14:56 |
tedg | Mirv, Thanks! | 14:57 |
davmor2 | jhodapp: set it as a search provider in your favourite browser :) | 15:00 |
brendand | ogra_, 1 didn't go through sign-off? | 15:13 |
ogra_ | brendand, the bot said it did | 15:14 |
dbarth | trainguards: i have silo 29 (vivid) ready for publication | 15:14 |
ogra_ | not sure who signed it off ... davmor2 ? | 15:14 |
=== Trevinho_ is now known as Trevinho | ||
tvoss | brendand, I guess davmor2 tested it, too | 15:15 |
davmor2 | brendand: i tested it | 15:15 |
brendand | davmor2, don't short circuit the process | 15:15 |
brendand | ogra_, is the image building? | 15:17 |
ogra_ | brendand, waiting for tedg *s fix | 15:17 |
davmor2 | brendand: I didn't, Myself and ogra needed to test as we were the only ones who could reproduce it, Ogra confirm it was all good for him after 10 reboots I confirmed it was good for me with 12 after a fresh install and silo001 added | 15:17 |
sil2100 | I published it as it was set to 'signed-off' | 15:18 |
Wellark | brendand: I know you want to test silo 3 ;) | 15:18 |
davmor2 | sil2100: yeap only it missed the trello board | 15:19 |
sil2100 | Ah, ACK | 15:19 |
ogra_ | all fine | 15:19 |
ogra_ | tedg, sea a commit message please !! | 15:20 |
ogra_ | *set | 15:20 |
tedg | ogra_, Yeah, doing it. Fixed the changelog and so it won't do it for me now :-/ | 15:20 |
ogra_ | hmm | 15:20 |
ogra_ | sil2100, can you give a hand ? | 15:20 |
ogra_ | (last blocker afaik) | 15:21 |
tedg | Oh, it's fixed. | 15:21 |
ogra_ | oh, ok | 15:21 |
sil2100 | ;) | 15:21 |
tedg | Just hate that "feature" | 15:21 |
ogra_ | the the bot is just babbling :) | 15:21 |
brendand | sil2100, so tedg is fixing? webapps? | 15:21 |
ogra_ | brendand, yes | 15:21 |
ogra_ | "fixing" | 15:21 |
tedg | Not sure how the changelog in ubuntu-rtm got unmatched with the bazaar branch. | 15:21 |
tedg | brendand, Making the issue less likely to happen, yes. | 15:22 |
brendand | Wellark, i'm going to ignore you for now :) | 15:22 |
brendand | ogra_, did we get a bug for that? | 15:23 |
ogra_ | for what ? webapps ? | 15:23 |
brendand | ogra_, yeah | 15:24 |
ogra_ | brendand, bug 1388089 | 15:24 |
ubot5 | bug 1388089 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu RTM) "[webapp-container] apps are not handled by lifecycle management properly " [Undecided,New] | 15:24 |
ogra_ | olli, can we get that bug status proper just for the paperwork to be correct ? | 15:25 |
ogra_ | (geez, i'm so german today) | 15:25 |
sil2100 | olli, brendand: is that a blocker in the end? | 15:26 |
brendand | ogra_, olli - and we decided the flight mode issue was not a blocker? | 15:27 |
ogra_ | brendand, still waiting for a verdict from olli on that one | 15:27 |
ogra_ | brendand, but we dont have a fix in the pipe and rolling back would bring back old bugs | 15:27 |
ogra_ | so it is somehow rock vs hard place anyway | 15:28 |
brendand | ogra_, i have a feeling it's not new either | 15:28 |
ogra_ | imho we should roll with it | 15:28 |
brendand | ogra_, flight mode has never worked perfectly | 15:28 |
ogra_ | it worked fine on my flights :) | 15:28 |
brendand | ogra_, yeah but if you start stressing it like in the bug, then... | 15:29 |
brendand | all bets are off | 15:29 |
ogra_ | right | 15:29 |
ogra_ | for me it actually seems to queue the actions | 15:29 |
brendand | Wellark, any chance 3 might fix those issues? | 15:30 |
ogra_ | i can se BT going on/off for a few iterations after i stopped tapping the network indicator button | 15:30 |
Wellark | brendand: which ones? | 15:30 |
ogra_ | wlan and SIM cards seems ot react to slow to actually pick up the changes at all | 15:30 |
Wellark | brendand: sorry, meeting | 15:30 |
ogra_ | Wellark, the potential image blockers with flight mode | 15:31 |
Wellark | brendand: the bug numbers are stated in the landing sheet comment | 15:31 |
brendand | Wellark, flight mode switch getting stuck | 15:31 |
brendand | so probably not | 15:32 |
Wellark | brendand: bug number? | 15:32 |
brendand | wow | 15:33 |
brendand | this channel has so much scrollback it only goes 2 hours back :) | 15:33 |
brendand | so the bug has dropped off | 15:34 |
Wellark | I can't see flightmode listed in the top blocker list | 15:34 |
Wellark | nor in the landing email | 15:34 |
brendand | no it was filed recently | 15:34 |
ogra_ | | 15:34 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1388065 in urfkill (Ubuntu) "urfkill seems to get stuck when stressing flight mode" [Critical,New] | 15:34 |
ogra_ | filed during image testing of the promotion candidate | 15:35 |
Mirv | brendand: /set scrollback_time 7day | 15:35 |
ogra_ | heh | 15:35 |
popey | oooh | 15:35 |
* ogra_ just has xhat set to 50000 lines | 15:36 | |
ogra_ | *xchat | 15:36 |
popey | thaks Mirv | 15:36 |
Mirv | ogra_: scrollback_time overrides even if 50000 would fill up :) but I agree 50000 should also be enough alone | 15:36 |
Mirv | popey: np | 15:36 |
Wellark | ogra_, brendand: ok. no. my bugs are not fixing any of that | 15:36 |
Wellark | please ping cyphermox and awe | 15:36 |
ogra_ | Mirv, the good thing is that i can grep xchatlogs on disk :) | 15:36 |
Mirv | when needed, I do a quick /lastlog -file foo and then grep | 15:37 |
mterry | plars, the race fix for unlocking on boot landed in vivid and rtm, btw | 15:37 |
mterry | plars, let me know if that helps | 15:37 |
Wellark | $ du -chs irclogs/ | 15:37 |
Wellark | 324M irclogs/ | 15:37 |
plars | mterry: awesome, which images? | 15:37 |
mterry | plars, I don't think any images next. Probably +1 for both channels | 15:37 |
ogra_ | ogra@anubis:~$ du -chs .xchat2/xchatlogs/ | 15:37 |
ogra_ | 4,6G.xchat2/xchatlogs/ | 15:37 |
plars | mterry: or I guess that means... yeah, next image | 15:37 |
ogra_ | Wellark, pfft | 15:37 |
plars | mterry: I'll keep an eye out for it | 15:37 |
Mirv | ogra_: can you approve "-a" at .. | 15:38 |
plars | mterry: there are many other strange problems to sort through too, so it's just one of several :) | 15:38 |
plars | mterry: thanks for doing that though, every bit helps make it more reliable | 15:38 |
Mirv | I know it works since I also use that with Qt | 15:38 |
mterry | plars, eventually it will be 100% reliable :) | 15:39 |
ogra_ | Mirv, ack (the debian/rules change should be mentioned in the changelog though ) | 15:39 |
plars | mterry: that's the goal | 15:39 |
Mirv | ogra_: it seems to be a CI Train "cropping" of the changelog entry | 15:39 |
ogra_ | Mirv, since i had to look up what -a does | 15:39 |
ogra_ | ah, k | 15:39 |
ogra_ | mlankhorst, tvoss, music still plying here ... tirelessly | 15:40 |
ogra_ | *playing | 15:40 |
mlankhorst | so far no issue here either | 15:41 |
ogra_ | sounds good | 15:41 |
tedg | trainguards, Could I get a silo for line 85 please? | 15:41 |
ogra_ | (hah, pun) | 15:42 |
mlankhorst | but sound kept working even if it crashed, so it doesn't just have to sound good! | 15:42 |
ogra_ | haha | 15:42 |
olli | ogra_, what status do you need for | 15:43 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1378576 in mtp (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/mtp-server:11:boost::asio::detail::epoll_reactor::run:do_run_one:boost::asio::detail::task_io_service::run:run:core::dbus::asio::Executor::run" [Critical,Confirmed] | 15:43 |
ogra_ | olli, dunno, ask cyphermox | 15:44 |
ogra_ | olli, we'd like to know about bug 1388089 though | 15:45 |
ubot5 | bug 1388089 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu RTM) "[webapp-container] apps are not handled by lifecycle management properly " [Undecided,New] | 15:45 |
olli | ogra_, I pasted the wrong bug | 15:45 |
ogra_ | olli, tedg's fix should be ready any minute and sil2100 needs to know if it should land for 140 | 15:45 |
ogra_ | olli, ah :) | 15:45 |
ogra_ | ETOOMANYBUGS :) | 15:46 |
olli | yuo tell me | 15:46 |
olli | I am stressing the tabs in chromium | 15:46 |
* ogra_ looks forward to the next milestones where we only have to care for one or two bugs each time *g* | 15:46 | |
olli | ogra_, if QA & everyone is happy with that fix then we (in a status mtg) agreed to take it | 15:46 |
olli | pmcgowan, ^ | 15:46 |
ogra_ | brendand, davmor2 ^^^^^ | 15:47 |
ogra_ | sil2100, ^^ | 15:47 |
ogra_ | seems its up to us | 15:47 |
tedg | So the fix is published, realized I need to switch to the devel rtm to be able to test it. So I'm going to have to grab a new image. | 15:47 |
* ogra_ tries hard to not say "its just a one line fix" | 15:47 | |
pmcgowan | yes if it helps the issue we want it | 15:47 |
tedg | rtm/10 for those who want to play | 15:47 |
brendand | tedg, low risk of regression? | 15:48 |
tedg | brendand, Yes | 15:48 |
ogra_ | brendand, its a one line fix | 15:48 |
* ogra_ hides from davmor2 | 15:48 | |
pmcgowan | it fixes a regression | 15:48 |
ogra_ | right | 15:48 |
tedg | ogra_, Two lines, there's a debug message! And a comment! | 15:48 |
ogra_ | oh, right | 15:48 |
tedg | :-) | 15:49 |
ogra_ | me liar !!! | 15:49 |
* davmor2 mocks ogra_ | 15:49 | |
brendand | ogra_, but it looks like a hack not a fix? | 15:49 |
ogra_ | :) | 15:49 |
ogra_ | brendand, ssshhh, dont let QA hear that ! | 15:49 |
tedg | brendand, It puts things back in the same state they were in. | 15:49 |
ogra_ | oh, wait ... | 15:49 |
ogra_ | :P | 15:49 |
tedg | Channel your happiness from yesterday. | 15:49 |
davmor2 | ogra_: brendand is qa you fool :P | 15:50 |
brendand | ogra_, can i get some straightforward repro steps for the issue so i can see how bad it is? | 15:50 |
ogra_ | olli, any verdict about the urfkill thing ? we dont have a fix in the pipe, rolling back will bring back older bugs ... | 15:50 |
brendand | ogra_, what would we roll back? | 15:50 |
olli | ogra_, talking to abeato | 15:51 |
ogra_ | brendand, install a bunch of webapps ... opena all the apps you can to force lifecycle mgmt ... see that only native apps get blurry screenshots in the app selector ... if you switch to a webapp then see the content go white instead of the app restarting | 15:51 |
Saviq | tvoss, will you take care of syncing qtubuntu-media from rtm to vivid? | 15:52 |
ogra_ | brendand, its not easy to repro since our ram usage seem to have gone down significantly | 15:52 |
tvoss | Saviq, not sure I get to it today | 15:52 |
Saviq | tvoss, doesn't have to be today, just want an owner | 15:53 |
Saviq | tvoss, can be a delegate | 15:53 |
tvoss | jhodapp, can you take care of the sync for qtubuntu-media to vivid? | 15:54 |
brendand | ogra_, to the extent that my opinion counts i wouldn't call that a blocker... | 15:54 |
Saviq | tvoss, what about btw? | 15:54 |
olli | ogra_, I think for now the urfkill bug is probably not a promo blocker | 15:54 |
ogra_ | olli, agreed | 15:54 |
olli | need to verify with AK | 15:54 |
ogra_ | if it is, i think it will delay significantly | 15:55 |
davmor2 | olli, ogra_, brendand, sil2100: I just managed to get flight mode into this situation | 15:55 |
brendand | ogra_, install a bunch of webapps and start them all at once ? | 15:55 |
ogra_ | since we dont even know how to fix yet | 15:55 |
brendand | ogra_, i mean really :) | 15:55 |
ogra_ | brendand, start *all* apps you have installed | 15:55 |
olli | davmor2, twice the bandwidth! | 15:55 |
ogra_ | not only all webapps | 15:55 |
brendand | ogra_, but i guess we prefer not to have regressions, and it does seem to be one | 15:55 |
ogra_ | brendand, you need to get some memory pressure to trigger lifecycle mgmt | 15:55 |
tvoss | Saviq, that's sync to vivid, too? | 15:55 |
ogra_ | brendand, you guys really need some lifecycle test on your test list | 15:56 |
Saviq | tvoss, yeah, just asking what's the status of that | 15:56 |
brendand | ogra_, i assume tedg 's fix is temporary | 15:56 |
brendand | ogra_, we sure do | 15:56 |
ogra_ | brendand, for sure | 15:56 |
Saviq | tvoss, should we be testing it and land it? | 15:56 |
tvoss | Saviq, surely | 15:56 |
Saviq | tvoss, it's your silo, you need to chase for that to happen! ;) | 15:56 |
Saviq | biab | 15:56 |
tvoss | Saviq, you requested it for me :) | 15:56 |
tvoss | Saviq, how about putting qtubuntu-media in there, too? | 15:57 |
ogra_ | tvoss, nothing is officially allowed to land in rtm if it isnt in vivid | 15:57 |
tvoss | Saviq, makes testing actually useful | 15:57 |
brendand | ogra_, to me it feels wrong to make a temporary change to fix an issue like that | 15:57 |
ogra_ | tvoss, promotion is kind of an exceptional state thogh ... but yu should still land it in vivid | 15:57 |
brendand | ogra_, i could understand if it was really bad and hindered testing | 15:57 |
tvoss | ogra_, sure thin | 15:57 |
tvoss | g | 15:57 |
ogra_ | brendand, it makes webapps non functional ... | 15:58 |
Wellark | davmor2, olli: we still have this affecting the toggle switches you see in the indicators: | 15:58 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1336715 in unity8 (Ubuntu RTM) "[TOPBLOCKER] switch-items in indicators sometimes get out of sync with system-settings" [Critical,In progress] | 15:58 |
ogra_ | brendand, it will affect you badly over time ... the "start all apps" is just to speed it up | 15:58 |
brendand | ogra_, fair enough i was just giving my opinion | 15:59 |
* brendand tries to reproduce said issue and become more informed | 15:59 | |
olli | Wellark, yep, I went and just killed indicator-nw | 16:00 |
olli | just to be sure | 16:00 |
Wellark | olli: ack. | 16:00 |
davmor2 | brendand: tell someone who doesn't use 18 webapps on his phone then your point might stand but this is ogra_ and that's all he uses ;) | 16:00 |
ogra_ | davmor2, lkies ... i use dekko too | 16:01 |
ogra_ | :) | 16:01 |
ogra_ | *lies even | 16:01 |
davmor2 | ogra_: Oh so sorry you use one qml app too ;) | 16:02 |
ogra_ | :) | 16:02 |
ogra_ | nowadays even two | 16:02 |
ogra_ | i became a telegram user :) | 16:02 |
davmor2 | ogra_: oh yeah | 16:02 |
sil2100 | So what's the final verdict? | 16:04 |
sil2100 | We waiting for the webapps fix? | 16:04 |
ogra_ | sil2100, up to us ... | 16:04 |
ogra_ | sil2100, i'd say yes | 16:04 |
ogra_ | sil2100, nothing to wait for though, silo is ready, just needs signoff | 16:05 |
brendand | tedg, did you test it? | 16:07 |
tedg | brendand, Rebooting with it right now. | 16:07 |
ogra_ | brendand, when you test it, G+ is very noticeable after you scrolled down for a while to have it load more messages in the stream, then swith apps, use something else for a while and go back to G+ | 16:10 |
ogra_ | i just had it die on me again and only have a handfull of apps open | 16:10 |
tedg | Okay the OOM values aren't getting set. | 16:15 |
popey | sil2100: fyi, i wont be around for the landing meeting. Email me if anything is required of me (I expect not though) ☻ | 16:17 |
sil2100 | popey: sure :) Well, considering that we're in promotion mode right now, that might be true! | 16:18 |
popey | be back later anyway. | 16:19 |
tvoss | Wellark, I'm inclined to call fix released | 16:21 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1382595 in indicator-network (Ubuntu RTM) "[TOPBLOCKER] /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/indicator-network/indicator-network-service:indicator-network-service: pthread_mutex_lock.c:80: __pthread_mutex_lock: Assertion `mutex->__data.__owner == 0' failed." [Critical,In progress] | 16:21 |
tvoss | Wellark, what do you think? | 16:21 |
ogra_ | tvoss, is that the "empty indicator and showing a gear" thing ? | 16:22 |
* ogra_ hasnt see that in a while | 16:22 | |
Wellark | tvoss: ack. | 16:22 |
Wellark | ogra_: nope. that's in silo 3 | 16:23 |
Wellark | waiting for qa signoff | 16:23 |
ogra_ | heh, ok | 16:23 |
ogra_ | yeah, most likely after promotion | 16:23 |
Wellark | didn't we promote already like yesterday? | 16:23 |
Wellark | oh, well.. | 16:24 |
ogra_ | :) | 16:24 |
tvoss | sil2100, in the spreadsheet, can I sync from multiple sources? | 16:26 |
sil2100 | tvoss: sadly currently that's not easily possible - we can do that for you using specific tricks | 16:26 |
ogra_ | magic | 16:26 |
sil2100 | i.e. first specifying a sync from one place, then reconfigure and sync from another | 16:26 |
tvoss | sil2100, so line 46 should also sync what used to be qtubuntu-media in rtm 1 | 16:26 |
* sil2100 looks | 16:27 | |
sil2100 | tvoss: ok, since silo 1 will be done soon (I hope), let me maybe configure this to be a sync from ubuntu-rtm in overall | 16:28 |
sil2100 | As both silos it would want to sync from will be landed in ubuntu-rtm anyway | 16:28 |
tvoss | sil2100, ack | 16:28 |
bfiller | kenvandine: marked silo 24 as passed | 16:29 |
kenvandine | bfiller, thanks! | 16:30 |
kenvandine | bfiller, published | 16:31 |
davmor2 | sil2100, ogra_: this magic does it start with the line I sacrifice this chicken to satan and all that is evil under his reign? | 16:34 |
ogra_ | davmor2, dunno, it is polish magic ... probably involves sausages | 16:34 |
davmor2 | ogra_: hahahaha | 16:35 |
kenvandine | yum, sausages | 16:35 |
sil2100 | olli, brendand: lost connection | 16:40 |
sil2100 | Google works terribly for me today | 16:40 |
pmcgowan | tedg, any results? | 16:41 |
ogra_ | sil2100, oh, will you give us a summary what olli decided in the LT meeting then ? | 16:42 |
brendand | ogra_, did you get to test silo 10? | 16:43 |
sil2100 | Yeah | 16:44 |
* ogra_ feels a slight lack of information | 16:45 | |
ogra_ | brendand, not yet, i thought you would ? | 16:46 |
* ogra_ gest soli 10 contents | 16:46 | |
ogra_ | *gets silo | 16:46 |
ogra_ | sigh | 16:46 |
brendand | ogra_, i am, but you know i still haven't reproduced the issue in the first place :) i have like 20 apps open | 16:47 |
ogra_ | i hate my kbd | 16:47 |
tedg | pmcgowan, Yes, the patch doesn't set the OOM value anymore. | 16:49 |
tedg | pmcgowan, Marked as tested. | 16:49 |
pmcgowan | tedg, great thanks | 16:49 |
ogra_ | wow | 16:49 |
ogra_ | installing UAL is unbelivable noisy | 16:50 |
ogra_ | complaining massively abouot fitbit and instagram | 16:50 |
dbarth | tedg: do you have a silo with it? | 16:51 |
tedg | dbarth, rtm/10 | 16:52 |
dbarth | ok thanks | 16:52 |
brendand | ogra_, so i select a webapp from the switcher and it comes up as a white screen? | 16:53 |
ogra_ | brendand, a) you dont have a blurry screenshot ... even though the app was lifecycled ... b) it comes up and when it would actually restart it doesnt but gets a white screen | 16:53 |
brendand | ogra_, but then i kill it and relaunch it and everything is fine again? | 16:54 |
ogra_ | brendand, right | 16:54 |
ogra_ | it is just the restarting | 16:55 |
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|food | ||
ogra_ | brendand, tested and confirmed good ... G+ just got lifecycled properly for me | 16:55 |
ogra_ | and i see other apps having blurry screenshots | 16:56 |
* ogra_ tries these | 16:56 | |
ogra_ | brendand, what helps pretty well to get mem pressure are news sites with embedded video ... play it and you get many apps blurry | 16:59 |
ogra_ | brendand, ok, had ten apps bein lifecycled properly here ... i think we can call that good | 16:59 |
ogra_ | definmitely behaves like before | 17:00 |
dbarth | tedg, ogra_: +1 for me also while testing; i got several webapp-containers killed, all of which restarted properly | 17:08 |
ogra_ | brendand, ^^^^ | 17:08 |
dbarth | (after loading like 10-12 webapps at the same time to exhaust memory) | 17:08 |
ogra_ | right | 17:08 |
* ogra_ has 34G of music on SD card ... for me it is usually enough to switch the music lens to album view to get enough mem pressure ;) | 17:09 | |
dbarth | well, that's cheating ;) | 17:09 |
ogra_ | heh | 17:09 |
sil2100 | \o/ | 17:22 |
sil2100 | Published | 17:23 |
olli | sil2100, jfunk, I am heading off now, call me anytimeif it's urgent | 17:23 |
ogra_ | yay | 17:23 |
* ogra_ will watch for it in rmadison | 17:23 | |
sil2100 | olli: sure, we just published silo10 - once it migrates we kick a new image | 17:23 |
olli | sil2100, I'll test later :) | 17:23 |
olli | curious | 17:23 |
ogra_ | slangasek, so to not raise the confusion level for people wrt image numbers i will turn off the cronjob on the weekend (since nothing will land the images would come out identical anyway) | 17:25 |
ogra_ | right after i built the next one | 17:25 |
slangasek | ogra_: that's for ubuntu-rtm only, right? | 17:25 |
cjwatson | is this likely to be a regular thing? in which case we should adjust the cron job to only build on weekdays | 17:26 |
brendand | sil2100, start your engines! | 17:26 |
cjwatson | since it probably actually wants to run early on Saturday morning, right? | 17:26 |
brendand | ogra_, where's that webapps bug again? i'm so lost right now | 17:27 |
ogra_ | slangasek, yup | 17:27 |
brendand | ogra_, got it | 17:27 |
ogra_ | brendand, you cleary need better drugs then ;) | 17:27 |
brendand | ogra_, yup | 17:27 |
ogra_ | cjwatson, not really, but the milestone we test today wont be promoted before monday | 17:27 |
brendand | right, i'm abandoning you all now, have fun | 17:28 |
ogra_ | cjwatson, i just dont want to get testers confused which image # to test | 17:28 |
cjwatson | I don't mind it being commented out if it's a special case | 17:28 |
ogra_ | generally we want them to build on weekends | 17:28 |
davmor2 | right time for tea if ever there was an appropriate time :) | 17:39 |
dobey | davmor2: isn't the "appropriate time" when the queen says it's the appropriate time? :) | 17:41 |
davmor2 | dobey: no :P | 17:42 |
dobey | davmor2: blasphemer! | 17:42 |
davmor2 | dobey: that's God, I'd be a hieratic :P | 17:43 |
dobey | elopio: hey. is it plausible to run autopilot tests on the x86 emulator? | 17:45 |
elopio | dobey: it is. | 17:45 |
elopio | I have successful results on some, like calendar and calculator. | 17:45 |
elopio | some others will have a variaty of problems. | 17:45 |
dobey | elopio: i'm guessing power button is a problem? | 17:46 |
elopio | dobey: um, there should be a way to simulate it. It doesn't sound like a hard problem, but I don't know. | 17:46 |
elopio | rsalveti: ^ ? | 17:46 |
ogra_ | yeah, there is a table somewhere on the wiki about key combos to simulate such stuff | 17:46 |
ogra_ | ricardo is on vacation til next week | 17:46 |
ogra_ | | 17:47 |
dobey | key combos, as typing on a physical keyboard while using the emulator? | 17:47 |
dobey | hmm | 17:47 |
ogra_ | well, you can surely use some sendkey thingie | 17:47 |
ogra_ | power button would be F7 | 17:47 |
ogra_ | sil2100, is UAL 0.4+14.10.20141031~rtm-0ubuntu1 the version we wait for ? | 17:48 |
ogra_ | tedg, ^^ | 17:48 |
* ogra_ assumes so since it has a stamp of today | 17:49 | |
ogra_ | rmadison shows it is in | 17:49 |
ogra_ | ah, it is | 17:49 |
* ogra_ triggers a build | 17:49 | |
ogra_ | done ... | 17:50 |
ribru | bfiller: ^ surely that needs QA? | 17:52 |
ogra_ | yeah, everything rtm does ... | 17:52 |
bfiller | ribru: hmn, didn't touch the qa column | 17:53 |
ogra_ | but we are fully on hold til monday anyway ... so ... meh | 17:53 |
ribru | ogra_: but it's marked as TOP BLOCKER and apparently approved for 10-30 ;-) | 17:53 |
bfiller | ribru: empty state on the spreadsheet should default to QA Required | 17:53 |
ogra_ | ribru, doesnt really matter | 17:53 |
ogra_ | ribru, until sil2100 lifts the lock nothing lands that we werent told to land specifically by olli or pmcgowan | 17:54 |
imgbot | === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 140 building (started: 20141031 17:55) === | 17:54 |
ribru | bfiller: i agree, but not worth changing as the spreadsheet is going to be nuked from orbit in 1-2 weeks | 17:54 |
ogra_ | we hope :) | 17:55 |
ChickenCutlass | what no more spreadsheet | 17:55 |
ChickenCutlass | lol | 17:55 |
bfiller | ribru: ack, I set it manually | 17:55 |
pmcgowan | ChickenCutlass, I think olli is using all the spreadsheet capacity at google | 17:56 |
ogra_ | LOL | 17:56 |
ogra_ | and doing a clever LP buglist would be so much easier :) | 17:57 |
ribru | bfiller: thanks | 17:58 |
ogra_ | plars, did you already change the systemsettle values for krillin ? we decided we would like to give it 1% more wiggle room | 18:03 |
ogra_ | (if thats not to hard it would be cool to have it before 140 starts testing) | 18:03 |
plars | ogra_: I can do that, but it's not just for krillin | 18:04 |
ogra_ | :( | 18:04 |
ogra_ | well, then do it for all for now | 18:04 |
plars | ogra_: the test doesn't distinguish between whether it's running on krillin or mako, just that it's arm | 18:04 |
ogra_ | right, do it for all then | 18:04 |
ogra_ | 1% wont hurt on the others | 18:04 |
ogra_ | plars, oh, and i wrote this really helpful script | 18:05 |
ogra_ | producing output like or | 18:05 |
ogra_ | s/or// | 18:06 |
plars | cool | 18:06 |
ogra_ | plars, i wonder if we couldnt add something like this to the dashboard output somehow ... to make the top stuff easier readable | 18:06 |
plars | ogra_: probably, I'll see where we can slot it in | 18:07 |
ogra_ | yeah, no hurry | 18:08 |
plars | ogra_: or better yet, send an email to ev and Ursinha saying that you'd like the systemsettle top offenders to be made more obvious in the dashboard, and can recommend this as a place to start | 18:08 |
ogra_ | ok | 18:08 |
plars | ogra_: I wonder... how much do you think systemsettle helps as a before/after check for every single test? It seems like when there are really offenders, then it doesn't normally happen as a result of running autopilot tests | 18:09 |
plars | ogra_: usually it seems like these things can also be noticed if running it by itself | 18:09 |
ogra_ | well, see the output in my second pastebin ... thats from todays unity8 test which crashes heavily | 18:09 |
ogra_ | and it does that since quite some time ... | 18:10 |
ogra_ | ChickenCutlass, and kgunn only discovered the same thing yesterday and are now debugging the dbus hang ... | 18:10 |
ogra_ | but with better data from systemsettle tests we could have identified it two weeks agi | 18:10 |
ogra_ | *ago | 18:10 |
ogra_ | so if there is really an issue it can be very helpful ... the prob is that nobody ever takes the time to crawl through that giant logfile | 18:11 |
ogra_ | which kind of makes it useless atm | 18:11 |
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g|EOW | ||
plars | ogra_: fair enough, just trying to see if there are opportunities to speed up the testing process | 18:12 |
ogra_ | yeah | 18:12 |
plars | ogra_: but a little more time is worth it if it can produce useful data | 18:12 |
ogra_ | we could surely limit it to half the loops | 18:13 |
ogra_ | it would catch the big runaway processes still with that | 18:13 |
* ogra_ hugs pmcgowan for bug 1388189 | 18:15 | |
ubot5 | bug 1388189 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "retain notifications that the user has not acted on" [Wishlist,New] | 18:15 |
* pmcgowan feels special | 18:15 | |
ogra_ | that annoys me since a while and i always forget to file it | 18:16 |
pmcgowan | ogra_, you watch bugs as much as I do | 18:16 |
ogra_ | :) | 18:16 |
davmor2 | ogra_: why is emulator on 243 for i386 | 18:43 |
ogra_ | for utopic ? | 18:43 |
davmor2 | ogra_: hmm that's a point let me check | 18:44 |
ogra_ | | 18:44 |
ogra_ | oh, wait thats the promoted one | 18:44 |
ogra_ | | 18:44 |
ogra_ | 111 | 18:44 |
davmor2 | ogra_: yeap so I missed the --channel out completely god knows what version I had :) | 18:53 |
ogra_ | heh | 18:53 |
ogra_ | rootfs of 140 is done ... | 18:54 |
* ogra_ disables cron | 18:54 | |
ogra_ | === Cronned Image builds disabled til promotion on monday !! === | 18:55 |
davmor2 | ogra_: well it doesn't list it unless you run help the right way at the right time with the wind in the right direction, me shakes his fist at sergiusens ;) | 18:55 |
ogra_ | heh | 18:56 |
ogra_ | poor sergiusens | 18:56 |
sergiusens | davmor2: try silo 19 on your desk | 18:56 |
sergiusens | davmor2: I don't understand the problem though | 18:57 |
davmor2 | sergiusens: that's not gonna work is it there's no screen on my desk ;) | 18:57 |
sergiusens | davmor2: ;-) analogies, good or bad, stick | 18:58 |
* sergiusens whacks the mouse on his desk | 18:58 | |
* ogra_ hears the *squeek* | 18:59 | |
davmor2 | sergiusens: I just ran sudo ubuntu-emulator create --arch=i386 ubutouchi386 and couldn't figure out how to set the right channel ;) got there in the end by reading the man page then running help on the option :) it was a bit round about to get there though :) | 18:59 |
ogra_ | ubutouchi ? | 18:59 |
ogra_ | sounds like the japanese version :) | 18:59 |
sil2100 | ogra_: \o/ | 19:00 |
sil2100 | ogra_: hah ;) | 19:00 |
sil2100 | Indeed! | 19:00 |
ogra_ | :) | 19:00 |
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: | QA Signoffs: | Known Issues: CI Train on halt! No non-blocker landings accepted until image promotion! | ||
davmor2 | ogra_: I like the sound of this in my youth and was trying to reproduce it ;) | 19:02 |
ogra_ | lol | 19:03 |
imgbot | === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 140 DONE (finished: 20141031 19:05) === | 19:04 |
imgbot | === changelog: === | 19:04 |
ogra_ | \o/ | 19:04 |
ogra_ | aaaannd we got an update notification | 19:05 |
davmor2 | ogra_: emulator 112 downloading | 19:05 |
ogra_ | davmor2, cool ... now restart that with thew new img | 19:06 |
davmor2 | ogra_: 112 is the latest already had 111 | 19:06 |
ogra_ | oh, right | 19:06 |
sil2100 | ToyKeeper: ^ :) | 19:11 |
ogra_ | does anyone else see the bouncy bar on the dashboard bottom never stop ? | 19:11 |
ToyKeeper | ogra_: Yes, it also never stops here. | 19:11 |
ogra_ | its a cylon !! | 19:12 |
ogra_ | (or knight rider ... for the older oof us) | 19:12 |
rvr | lol | 19:12 |
davmor2 | ogra_: it is knightrider | 19:12 |
rvr | Cylons predate the Knight Rider, and it comes from the same creator | 19:12 |
ogra_ | oh, indeed ! | 19:13 |
ogra_ | lorne greene is the only true adama !! | 19:13 |
davmor2 | ogra_: ofcourse now I have this stuck in my head | 19:13 |
davmor2 | ogra_: you Germans do love the Hoff ;) | 19:14 |
ogra_ | i never did | 19:14 |
ribru | ogra_: which dashboard? | 19:14 |
ogra_ | ribru, the new default home scope | 19:15 |
ribru | ah | 19:15 |
ribru | hadn't noticed | 19:15 |
* ogra_ gets linner | 19:15 | |
ribru | glad there's three things called the dashboard now ;-) | 19:15 |
cwayne1 | we changed the name | 19:15 |
cwayne1 | next image it'll be called "Today" | 19:15 |
ribru | sweet | 19:15 |
davmor2 | ribru: are you trying to say that we call more than one thing dash board? | 19:15 |
sergiusens | ogra_: what's 140 supposed to fix? | 19:15 |
davmor2 | sergiusens: webapps so ogra stopped whining that they were broken :) | 19:16 |
ogra_ | sergiusens, session crash on boot | 19:16 |
ribru | davmor2: that's correct! There's the dashboard, the dashboard, and the dashboard! | 19:16 |
ogra_ | broken webapp lifecycle mgmt | 19:16 |
ogra_ | now really food ... | 19:16 |
pmcgowan | 140 seems good | 19:16 |
* davmor2 doesn't believe pmcgowan ;) | 19:17 | |
sergiusens | ogra_: davmor2 right, the webapps one annoyed me, never saw the session crash for me though | 19:17 |
davmor2 | sergiusens: you were lucky then | 19:18 |
pmcgowan | davmor2, why not? | 19:18 |
davmor2 | pmcgowan: default mode for all things developers say, didn't want you feeling left out in the cold :) | 19:20 |
davmor2 | pmcgowan: okay you might be right, but I'm not jinxing it this early on | 19:21 |
davmor2 | sil2100, ogra_, olli, pmcgowan, tvoss|food: 2 sims unlocked no crash \o/ so far so good :) | 19:22 |
ogra_ | sergiusens, happened only for ~50% of the people on SIM unlock | 19:22 |
ogra_ | davmor2, yeah, same here | 19:23 |
ogra_ | webapps lifecycle fine for me too | 19:23 |
sergiusens | davmor2: but pmcgowan is a manager (director even), not a regular dev ;) | 19:23 |
kenvandine | ugh... that sync of powerd from rtm wasn't good... it needs a rebuild against the vivid upower | 19:24 |
pmcgowan | so my opinion typically based on no data at all :) | 19:24 |
* ogra_ thinnks thats enough | 19:24 | |
* ogra_ hits the promote button based on pmcgowan's judgement | 19:24 | |
davmor2 | pmcgowan: haha dude that's harsh, normally you guys have all the data, just no time to read it ;) | 19:25 |
* sergiusens updates now that his music app's playlist is done | 19:26 | |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, do you know if there are plans to not turn the battery red at 30% already | 19:27 |
* ogra_ thinks 15-20% would be totally sufficient | 19:27 | |
pmcgowan | ogra_, that does seem a bit pessimistic | 19:27 |
pmcgowan | I have heard no discussion | 19:27 |
davmor2 | pmcgowan: not if you are watching a video on youtube | 19:27 |
ogra_ | nowdays 30% means like another 6-8h | 19:28 |
ogra_ | if not being davmor2 | 19:28 |
sil2100 | davmor2: SHIPIT | 19:28 |
pmcgowan | ogra_, | 19:30 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1388235 in indicator-power (Ubuntu) "Icon turns red at 30%" [Undecided,New] | 19:30 |
pmcgowan | should say battery icon | 19:30 |
ogra_ | confirmed | 19:31 |
kenvandine | shouldn't i be able to do a no change rebuild of powerd without a MP? | 19:31 |
kenvandine | ogra_, how do i do that? | 19:32 |
ogra_ | kenvandine, thats a ribru or sil2100 question | 19:32 |
kenvandine | the sync of powerd from rtm made settings crash in vivid :/ | 19:33 |
kenvandine | rebuilt against the wrong upower | 19:33 |
kenvandine | ribru, ^^ | 19:33 |
ogra_ | just dput it with a -build1 ? | 19:33 |
kenvandine | i could sure :) | 19:33 |
kenvandine | but i'm pretty sure we can do this with a landing :) | 19:33 |
kenvandine | ogra_, dput... that's a flash from the past :-p | 19:34 |
ogra_ | haha | 19:34 |
ribru | kenvandine: citrain requires a null MP in order to do a no-change rebuild. | 19:34 |
kenvandine | ribru, ok | 19:35 |
pmcgowan | did we get an apparmor rebuild change with a recent image, taking forever | 19:36 |
ogra_ | nope | 19:36 |
ogra_ | and didnt take forever for me | 19:36 |
pmcgowan | ah ubuntu logo | 19:36 |
ogra_ | 45sec at most | 19:37 |
pmcgowan | this is mako going from like 136 to 140 | 19:37 |
pmcgowan | I am just impatient then | 19:37 |
kenvandine | can i get someone to ack | 19:38 |
ogra_ | done | 19:39 |
kenvandine | thx | 19:39 |
ribru | alecu: need merge proposals | 19:40 |
alecu | ribru: right, sorry. | 19:41 |
alecu | ribru: fixed | 19:42 |
ribru | alecu: ok rtm 1 | 19:44 |
alecu | thx | 19:44 |
ribru | yw | 19:45 |
jhodapp | ribru, can I get a silo for line 91 please? | 19:48 |
ToyKeeper | ... and unity8 crashed while trying to change network settings in an indicator. | 19:48 |
ribru | jhodapp: rtm 2 | 19:49 |
alecu | hmmm.... that was too quick... | 19:50 |
* alecu suspects something wrong | 19:50 | |
jhodapp | ribru, thanks | 19:50 |
kenvandine | Setting up libupower-glib-dev (0.9.23-2ubuntu2) ... | 19:52 |
kenvandine | grrr | 19:52 |
kenvandine | doesn't the silo build against vivid-proposed? | 19:53 |
ToyKeeper | Woot, unity8 crash. | 19:53 |
ToyKeeper | Oh, I mentioned that already. | 19:53 |
ogra_ | ToyKeeper, what ?!? | 19:53 |
ogra_ | sigh | 19:53 |
ribru | kenvandine: it should | 19:53 |
ogra_ | tvoss|food, ^^^ | 19:53 |
alecu | ribru: rtm/landing-001 built too quickly, but there's no package. The only change in that MP is a png. | 19:53 |
ToyKeeper | ogra_: All I did was try to turn off wifi via the indicator... which was the crash I thought silo 13 was supposed to fix. | 19:54 |
kenvandine | grrrr, the powerd silo pulled in the old libupower-glib-dev | 19:54 |
ribru | alecu: bloody hell | 19:54 |
ToyKeeper | Also, we don't recover well from unity8 crashes. It tends to leave old apps running at 100% CPU until a reboot. | 19:54 |
ogra_ | ToyKeeper, no, the charsh that was suppposed to be fixed was the one on boot where your session completely crashes after SIM PIN entering ... but there was hope it fixes all the other unity8 issues too | 19:54 |
ToyKeeper | Oh, thought the sim pin crash was fixed today in a different silo. I meant yesterday's crash fix. | 19:55 |
alecu | ribru: I think this is the first time we are expecting the rtm package to be built from the rtm branch in launchpad; it used to be built from trunk usually, but now we are using that for vivid | 19:55 |
ogra_ | ToyKeeper, thats two different things ... it keeps apps suspended (which is why you cant start them anymore without killing them once) ... they dont consume CPU ... what consumes CPU are session services that lose their connection ... media-hub for example | 19:56 |
alecu | dobey: any ideas? ^^^ | 19:56 |
iahmad | ogra_, I am testing the image 140 | 19:56 |
ribru | alecu: citrain shouldn't care what branch you're branching from | 19:56 |
ogra_ | iahmad, great ! | 19:56 |
ToyKeeper | ogra_: I just know what 'top' tells me. An app I previously had open is pegging the CPU as hard as it can. | 19:56 |
iahmad | ogra_, on receiving call, phone freezes some time | 19:56 |
iahmad | ogra_, leading to unity crash | 19:56 |
ogra_ | ugh | 19:56 |
alecu | ribru: does that apply to dest branches too? | 19:56 |
ogra_ | olli, ^^^ | 19:56 |
ogra_ | i wonder why we didnt see that the whole day | 19:56 |
iahmad | ogra_, out of 10 attempts, It happened twice | 19:57 |
ogra_ | yeah, still to much | 19:57 |
ribru | alecu: yes there's no hardcoded logic for what branches go where. you just feed MPs into the thing and it builds them then merges them | 19:57 |
davmor2 | ogra_: have I got news for you | 19:57 |
dobey | hmm | 19:58 |
ogra_ | davmor2, what is that supposed to tell me ? | 19:58 |
ogra_ | oh | 19:58 |
ogra_ | lol | 19:58 |
ribru | alecu: ok i did a force rebuild, seems to be doing something now | 19:58 |
ogra_ | davmor2, awesome, thanks a lot ! | 19:58 |
davmor2 | ogra_: that is the emulator on 112 ;) | 19:58 |
* ogra_ didnt even realize it is the emulator :P | 19:58 | |
ogra_ | took my poor brain a bit | 19:59 |
kenvandine | ribru, any suggestions as to how i can figure out why libupower-glib-dev isn't being pulled in from vivid-proposed? | 19:59 |
kenvandine | ribru, silo 16 | 19:59 |
ogra_ | so that is good, i guess i can give mako a spin on the weekend so we know its good too | 19:59 |
davmor2 | ogra_: so the terminal window and irc in the background weren't a clue ;) | 19:59 |
sergiusens | davmor2: heh, 2g icon should be a blocker in the emu | 19:59 |
sergiusens | davmor2: ... that was a joke btw ;-) | 19:59 |
ogra_ | davmor2, that slowly soaked through :) | 19:59 |
kenvandine | my settings build this morning built against libupower-glib-dev from vivid-proposed, which is why it now crashes with the binary sync of powerd | 20:00 |
davmor2 | ogra_: falshing mako now | 20:00 |
ribru | kenvandine: ok I set 16 to use proposed, rebuild now. | 20:00 |
kenvandine | thsx | 20:00 |
ogra_ | oh,, cool | 20:00 |
davmor2 | flashing even | 20:00 |
ToyKeeper | davmor2: Can you test MMS? Even after setting my custom APN info and verifying I get working cell data, I still can't send MMS. | 20:00 |
ribru | kenvandine: I thought we had recently decided to always build against proposed, no idea why 16 isn't set for that. | 20:00 |
alecu | ribru: yes, it seems to be building ok now, thanks! | 20:00 |
davmor2 | ogra_: ToyKeeper is in command on Sanity testing so I'm just hitting the edges | 20:00 |
ribru | alecu: you're welcome | 20:01 |
davmor2 | ToyKeeper: yeap sure | 20:01 |
ogra_ | davmor2, yep, i know ... and she is hitting things we didnt see the whole day :( | 20:01 |
kenvandine | ribru, ah... thanks :) | 20:01 |
ToyKeeper | I reported a unity8 crash on 139 too... | 20:01 |
ogra_ | tyright, which we expected to be fixed with the emergency landing today | 20:02 |
ogra_ | *right even | 20:02 |
ogra_ | we all ran that silo for nearly the whole EU day ... nobody reported a crash | 20:02 |
ribru | kenvandine: you're welcome | 20:03 |
ogra_ | ToyKeeper, good you catched it though :) | 20:03 |
iahmad | ogra_, is it a known issue that system-settings takes forever to launch sometime (after unity crash reboot at least)? | 20:04 |
dobey | ToyKeeper: are you on t-mo us for the mms sending? | 20:04 |
ToyKeeper | dobey: I have two Straight Talk SIMs, one T-Mobile and one ATT. | 20:04 |
ogra_ | iahmad, define "unity crash reboot" ... you mean after you reboot after a unity crash ? | 20:04 |
iahmad | ogra_, right | 20:05 |
ToyKeeper | Power cycling my bluetooth headset still causes a kernel panic, too. :( (though this time it took like 10 tries instead of just 1 or 2) | 20:05 |
ogra_ | iahmad, that apps you had open before a unity crash (note, *not* with a forced reboot) can not start until you kill them once is known, yes | 20:05 |
ogra_ | iahmad, if you actually rebooted the device that is not known | 20:06 |
iahmad | ogra_, right, it is the first one | 20:06 |
ogra_ | ah, thats ok | 20:07 |
ogra_ | but you should not test in that state, if unity crashed, reboot the device | 20:07 |
dobey | ToyKeeper: i was able to send mms last thursday during the sprint, on utopic-proposed, but noticed the other day that i'm no longer ablee to send any on rtm-proposed. so definitely a regression there i think (or maybe something landed in utopic, but didn't make it to rtm?) | 20:07 |
ogra_ | there are other known issues that make the phone unstable | 20:07 |
ToyKeeper | dobey: I've never seen MMS work on this device, but usually I don't bother manually configuring the APNs. I can only get 2G/edge at best anyway. | 20:08 |
ToyKeeper | (wrong type of radio for the US) | 20:08 |
davmor2 | ogra_: | 20:08 |
ogra_ | davmor2, got a SIM you could test one call with ? | 20:09 |
ogra_ | last time unlocking didnt work | 20:09 |
dobey | ToyKeeper: i'm using rtm proposed on my n5 as my main phone. i can definitely confirm mms not working, and that it's a regression (though i don't know when the regression happened) | 20:09 |
davmor2 | ogra_: you said and I quote boot :P | 20:09 |
ogra_ | heh, yeah, its fine :) | 20:09 |
davmor2 | ogra_: no give me 5 | 20:10 |
dobey | on #117 on my phone right now | 20:10 |
ToyKeeper | dobey: Also, hoping davmor2 can confirm mms on krillin, since I'm on the wrong continent to test that. | 20:10 |
davmor2 | ToyKeeper: yeap will do as soon as I finish throwning things at ogra_ so he'll push the promote button Monday :) | 20:11 |
dobey | yeah, i don't have a krillin now. alecu has the one i had | 20:11 |
* sergiusens just had a deja vu on the mms test request | 20:11 | |
ogra_ | ToyKeeper, i refused to promote without at least having someone boot emuator and mako this time round :) | 20:11 |
davmor2 | sergiusens: you sleeping and using irc again | 20:12 |
ToyKeeper | ogra_: Good. :) | 20:12 |
sergiusens | davmor2: no, just ... just... nothing... too long to explain :P | 20:13 |
ogra_ | lol | 20:13 |
pmcgowan | dobey, ToyKeeper just sent an mms from mako to krillin no probs | 20:13 |
davmor2 | sergiusens: hahaha | 20:13 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, did you see above ? we still have unity8 crashes :( | 20:14 |
dobey | pmcgowan: :( | 20:14 |
pmcgowan | rtm-proposed on both | 20:14 |
ToyKeeper | BTW, do we care that we have the rotation indicator enabled and that it doesn't actually do anything? (the control in system-settings works, but the indicator doesn't) | 20:14 |
pmcgowan | ogra_, what no | 20:14 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, iahmad saw one on incoming call, ToyKeeper saw one as well | 20:14 |
ToyKeeper | pmcgowan: At least two of us got a unity8 crash within ~30 minutes. | 20:14 |
pmcgowan | oh crap, I have not | 20:14 |
* ogra_ neither in 5h of testing | 20:15 | |
davmor2 | ogra_: might be bad news on mako just rebooting | 20:15 |
ogra_ | i didnt have an incoming call though | 20:15 |
iahmad | ogra_, so it seems to be frequency is actually higher than 1 in 5 | 20:15 |
ToyKeeper | In both cases, the phone didn't recover well... required a reboot to function correctly again. | 20:15 |
ogra_ | ToyKeeper, yeah, thats known ... you shouldnt tets in that state anymore ... people are working on fixes | 20:15 |
ogra_ | just note the crash and reboot ... | 20:16 |
ToyKeeper | Just thought I should mention it. | 20:16 |
ogra_ | yeah, definitely | 20:16 |
iahmad | ogra_, what I am doing is keep rejecting the call until it reproduces | 20:17 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, ^^^ | 20:17 |
iahmad | ogra_, and on fresh reboot, it reproduces on 2nd attempt | 20:17 |
ogra_ | oh man | 20:17 |
pmcgowan | just made 5 calls back and forth, but I accepted them | 20:18 |
ogra_ | try rejecting then | 20:18 |
kenvandine | ogra_, i now see there was a branch from pitti that was needed for powerd... never landed | 20:19 |
pmcgowan | working so far, does it need to be suspended or something? | 20:19 |
pmcgowan | iahmad, ^^ | 20:19 |
ogra_ | kenvandine, bah | 20:19 |
pmcgowan | thats one funky ringtone | 20:20 |
davmor2 | ogra_, pmcgowan: mako isn't recognising that the sim is locked, I get unknown in the indicator, no sim pin in the boot, and no unlock option in the indicator, I can however go into settings, security, simpin and unlock it then then it works. I'm assuming that is bad though right? | 20:20 |
iahmad | pmcgowan, not really, when it happens, it happens wether device is locked or not | 20:20 |
kenvandine | uncaught exception... looks like the job is still building to me :) | 20:21 |
pmcgowan | davmor2, its not good but not as bad as if it were krillin | 20:21 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, i refuse to promote if mako doesnt half way work | 20:21 |
pmcgowan | ogra_, dunno working fine here | 20:22 |
sil2100 | davmor2: I think we're desperate enough to not call that a blocker ;) | 20:22 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, davmor2 says it doesnt | 20:22 |
sil2100 | ogra_: on the meeting you said you want to see mako booting! | 20:22 |
pmcgowan | ogra_, for a locked sim, I can try that but I dont lock it | 20:22 |
sil2100 | ;) | 20:22 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, all european SIMs come with PIN by default (well, all contract ones) | 20:23 |
pmcgowan | ogra_, so does your mako not work? | 20:23 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, davmor2's doesnt | 20:23 |
kenvandine | yay... citrain figured out that it is still building :) | 20:23 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, boots, but SIM lock isnt recognized | 20:23 |
kenvandine | pmcgowan, are you talking about the sim locked thing? | 20:23 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, dont forget that all our app devs use either mako or emulator | 20:24 |
pmcgowan | yes | 20:24 |
kenvandine | i just noticed my vivid mako couldn't make calls because the dialer-app thought the sim is locked | 20:24 |
kenvandine | but it isn't | 20:24 |
sil2100 | davmor2: is that reproducible? | 20:24 |
ogra_ | iahmad, i rejceted about 20 calls now ... | 20:24 |
ogra_ | no crash | 20:24 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, ^^^ | 20:24 |
pmcgowan | kenvandine, thats an old issue on mako although I thought it was fixed | 20:24 |
pmcgowan | ogra_, I rejected 5 | 20:25 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, the old issue was exactly the opposite :) | 20:25 |
ogra_ | iirc you couldnt unlock | 20:25 |
pmcgowan | ogra_, on mako it thought it was locked when it wasnt - some race | 20:25 |
ogra_ | oh, if it is the same issue then we're fine | 20:25 |
ogra_ | well ... kind of :P | 20:25 |
pmcgowan | not sure | 20:25 |
kenvandine | yeah, that's what i was just seeing | 20:25 |
kenvandine | never saw it before | 20:25 |
kenvandine | the indicator didn't think it was locked | 20:26 |
kenvandine | but dialer-app did | 20:26 |
ogra_ | kenvandine, last promoted rtm had it too | 20:26 |
kenvandine | so i couldn't call | 20:26 |
kenvandine | ugh | 20:26 |
pmcgowan | davmor2, is that what you see? sounds different | 20:26 |
kenvandine | so if i rebooted it might have been ok? | 20:26 |
pmcgowan | kenvandine, I think reboot can fix it | 20:26 |
kenvandine | i put my sim in the krillin for the weekend :) | 20:26 |
kenvandine | i really want to get settings to stop crashing before i EOW :) | 20:27 |
kenvandine | build faster ppa! | 20:27 |
pmcgowan | kenvandine, I used to roll back a deb but it seems to be working for me | 20:27 |
pmcgowan | might be luck | 20:27 |
* ogra_ gives up after rejecting 20 incoming calls | 20:28 | |
kenvandine | this upower transition really took me for a detour today | 20:28 |
davmor2 | ToyKeeper: 1 mms sent and received | 20:29 |
iahmad | ogra_, pmcgowan so for last 10 attempts, not able to reproduce, looks like some kind of race condition. | 20:30 |
ribru | kenvandine: wtf? can you find the build log that says unhandled exception? I mean queuebot didn't just make that up, it came from somewhere | 20:31 |
ribru | kenvandine: I'm working on a branch for exactly that type of file not found bs right now, except until now I was only aware of a problem with dsc files, never saw a failure to find the .changes file before | 20:32 |
kenvandine | ribru, no... i can't | 20:32 |
kenvandine | i never saw it in the build log | 20:32 |
kenvandine | it never hiccuped | 20:32 |
kenvandine | but showed in the dashboard and from the bot | 20:33 |
kenvandine | and it cleared itself up :) | 20:33 |
davmor2 | ogra_, pmcgowan: once unlocked from system settings the sim works as expected to calls are fine | 20:33 |
davmor2 | s/to/so | 20:33 |
davmor2 | Just an ugly way to unlock | 20:33 |
pmcgowan | thats good, it could be related to the other issue | 20:33 |
pmcgowan | not getting a valid state | 20:34 |
ogra_ | yeah, thats still promotable | 20:34 |
davmor2 | pmcgowan: most likely | 20:34 |
ogra_ | with a notice though | 20:34 |
davmor2 | ogra_: indeed | 20:34 |
kenvandine | ogra_, what should be tested in a powerd landing? | 20:34 |
ToyKeeper | Is mtp supposed to work when the screen is locked? | 20:34 |
davmor2 | pmcgowan: is there a bug for that? | 20:34 |
ogra_ | kenvandine, no idea :P i never landed powerd | 20:34 |
kenvandine | ok, just saw you reviewed pitti's branch :) | 20:34 |
ogra_ | kenvandine, but i bet there is some test plan on a wikipage somewhere | 20:35 |
pmcgowan | davmor2, good question, let me look | 20:35 |
kenvandine | ChickenCutlass, ^^ | 20:35 |
davmor2 | ToyKeeper: no it is meant to show the device connected but not show you the contents | 20:35 |
kenvandine | ogra_, doesn't appear to be | 20:35 |
ogra_ | ToyKeeper, nope, security "feature" | 20:35 |
ToyKeeper | davmor2: Hmm, wasn't sure if that had changed. MTP is totally working for me when the screen is locked. | 20:35 |
ogra_ | it needs to work after unlock though .. | 20:35 |
ogra_ | oh, wow | 20:36 |
pmcgowan | davmor2, | 20:36 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1379836 in telepathy-ofono (Ubuntu) "dialer and messaging app show unlocked pin as locked" [High,In progress] | 20:36 |
kenvandine | oh... found it :) | 20:36 |
davmor2 | ToyKeeper: did you have the device plugged in when you unlocked the screen? | 20:36 |
ogra_ | ToyKeeper, thats definitely a bug, when you attempt to access it you need to unlock ... it shouldnt kick you out if it locks then though | 20:36 |
davmor2 | ToyKeeper: then let the screen lock? | 20:36 |
ToyKeeper | davmor2: It has been plugged in since boot, and has been unlocked/locked several times. | 20:37 |
ogra_ | (only on first connection attempt the screen needs to be unlocked) | 20:37 |
davmor2 | ToyKeeper: right so lock the screen, unplug the device and plug it back in | 20:37 |
ToyKeeper | davmor2: Just did that. :) | 20:38 |
ogra_ | right, that should not let you access it | 20:38 |
davmor2 | ToyKeeper: now does it show the device and not the contents | 20:38 |
ToyKeeper | Looks like it properly rejects mtp after being plugged in, until the first unlock... and then it's accepted until it gets physically unplugged. | 20:38 |
ogra_ | right | 20:38 |
ogra_ | that is how it is supposed to work | 20:38 |
ogra_ | fine then | 20:38 |
ToyKeeper | Okay, last I checked, it was a bit more strict. :) | 20:38 |
davmor2 | ToyKeeper: that is it, it's stops bad people stealing your data | 20:38 |
ogra_ | adb will behave the same soon | 20:39 |
davmor2 | unless they learn to keep the phone awake, lets hope no one thinks of that ;) | 20:39 |
ogra_ | davmor2, yeah, if you give away your phone unlocked thats your own fault | 20:40 |
sil2100 | davmor2: re: the mako pin unlock bug - does that happen all the time? When was the last time we checked this? | 20:40 |
ogra_ | (anybody could just switch off screen blanking) | 20:40 |
ogra_ | sil2100, we promoted with it the last time | 20:40 |
ogra_ | because nobody had checked mako | 20:40 |
davmor2 | sil2100: it's a long term issue | 20:41 |
ogra_ | yeah | 20:41 |
davmor2 | sil2100: the fact it can be unlocked and works makes us happy though so chill ;) | 20:41 |
ogra_ | right | 20:42 |
sil2100 | Ok, as long as QA gives it a +1 then I'm ok ;) | 20:42 |
ogra_ | emulator boots, mako works with workatrounds | 20:42 |
ogra_ | thats enough for now | 20:42 |
brendand | ToyKeeper, i think you got lucky with that headset :) | 20:42 |
brendand | ToyKeeper, you should add the device info to the bug, it looks like an interop issue | 20:42 |
ToyKeeper | brendand: I did that a couple hours ago. | 20:43 |
brendand | ToyKeeper, cool - cyphermox can probably help you debug it | 20:44 |
pmcgowan | davmor2, I am reopening that bug on rtm, your symptom is same as comment 5 | 20:44 |
davmor2 | ToyKeeper: yeah cyphermox was looking for more bluetooth bugs at the sprint :) | 20:44 |
brendand | sergiusens, which package do BT bugs go in? bluez right? | 20:45 |
davmor2 | pmcgowan: that is the very definition of the issue I see :) | 20:45 |
* brendand doesn't have his krillin up to check if bluez is installed | 20:45 | |
brendand | davmor2, what's the issue | 20:46 |
brendand | ? | 20:46 |
davmor2 | brendand: on mako | 20:46 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1379836 in telepathy-ofono (Ubuntu) "dialer and messaging app show unlocked pin as locked" [High,In progress] | 20:46 |
pmcgowan | brendand, yes | 20:47 |
pmcgowan | or settings | 20:47 |
brendand | davmor2, oh that old chestnut. jeez | 20:47 |
davmor2 | brendand: see comment 5 , the work around is to open settings → security → sim pin and unlock it there then it works fine | 20:48 |
sergiusens | brendand: it is one target, yes | 20:48 |
sergiusens | brendand: and cyphermox might be able to guide the bug to the right place | 20:49 |
davmor2 | brendand: ToyKeeper: bluetooth working fine here | 20:49 |
brendand | davmor2, same for me - as i said probably a device interop issue | 20:49 |
sergiusens | brendand: fwiw, I've listened to two albums over bt on my bose speaker | 20:50 |
davmor2 | ToyKeeper: is there anything else you can't test before I call it a night? MMS in and out work and BT works | 20:50 |
ToyKeeper | davmor2: Nope, I think that's all. | 20:52 |
ToyKeeper | Ooh, that's impressive. I get a total of 5 entries for each entry on my SD card, via mtp. | 20:52 |
ToyKeeper | I've never seen it do more than 3 before. | 20:52 |
davmor2 | ToyKeeper: Cool, I'll leave it with you then, good luck | 20:53 |
ToyKeeper | Long-standing mtp bug though, not new. | 20:53 |
sil2100 | davmor2: o/ | 20:54 |
brendand | ToyKeeper, i can't seem to view images on the SD card in the gallery | 20:54 |
* brendand wonders can anyone else confirm | 20:54 | |
ToyKeeper | brendand: That's what I'm trying to do right now. | 20:54 |
ogra_ | not sure thats a supported feature yet | 20:54 |
ogra_ | music and videos are | 20:54 |
brendand | ogra_, ah so it never worked? | 20:54 |
brendand | ogra_, maybe true | 20:54 |
ogra_ | brendand, as i said, not sure | 20:54 |
brendand | ogra_, tbh i never tested it | 20:55 |
=== ribru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: | QA Signoffs: | Known Issues: CI Train on halt! No non-blocker landings accepted until image promotion! Please report all build job failures to ribru | ||
ogra_ | i know our SD card media support was very limited for rtm | 20:55 |
pmcgowan | brendand, not supported no | 20:55 |
brendand | pmcgowan, ah right | 20:55 |
sergiusens | and the whole stack is being redone anyways | 20:55 |
pmcgowan | gallery doesnt use the scanner, it needs to | 20:55 |
ogra_ | if we keep it :) | 20:55 |
sergiusens | the concept of an sdcard is going away | 20:56 |
brendand | probably not cool it's part of our sanity suite | 20:56 |
pmcgowan | uh oh | 20:56 |
sergiusens | it's just going to "add" to storage | 20:56 |
ogra_ | ++ | 20:56 |
brendand | pmcgowan, that's an oversight i guess | 20:56 |
pmcgowan | guess that makes sense | 20:56 |
sergiusens | and be encrypted and useless if removed from the device | 20:56 |
pmcgowan | brendand, old baggage | 20:56 |
* sergiusens is still waiting for the final designs | 20:56 | |
ogra_ | sergiusens, thats bad | 20:56 |
pmcgowan | yeah not sure about that part | 20:57 |
sergiusens | ogra_: not if you look at the big picture | 20:57 |
ToyKeeper | brendand: Actually, I see a pic from SD card in the pictures scope. | 20:57 |
ogra_ | sergiusens, encryption should be possible but really optional | 20:57 |
pmcgowan | yeah the scope uses the scanner, thats right | 20:57 |
pmcgowan | nice | 20:57 |
ogra_ | sergiusens, i copy data with my SDXC USB3 reader about 50x faster than with USB | 20:57 |
ToyKeeper | brendand: I don't see it in the gallery app though. | 20:57 |
sergiusens | ogra_: depends if you want to land things that aren't supposed to be taken out of there | 20:57 |
* sergiusens hints at drm | 20:57 | |
pmcgowan | ToyKeeper, as expected | 20:57 |
ogra_ | sergiusens, i wouldnt want to lose that feature for encrypting my music files | 20:58 |
ogra_ | which is useless to do | 20:58 |
ToyKeeper | pmcgowan: But if I hit 'open' on that pic, gallery-app launches and doesn't load it. | 20:58 |
pmcgowan | ToyKeeper, aha and thats not good | 20:59 |
pmcgowan | let me seee if we have bug logged | 20:59 |
ToyKeeper | Same with videos... the scope shows videos on SD, gallery-app doesn't. | 21:00 |
pmcgowan | right | 21:00 |
sergiusens | ogra_: so there are going to be two options; keep it as owned by the user or owned by the device | 21:01 |
pmcgowan | ToyKeeper, can you log a new bug on gallery? | 21:01 |
pmcgowan | there is this one | 21:01 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1371606 in gallery-app "Port to use mediascanner rather than libmediainfo" [High,New] | 21:01 |
sergiusens | if owned by the user, it won't change much from what you see today | 21:01 |
pmcgowan | which is related | 21:01 |
ogra_ | sergiusens, thats fine then | 21:01 |
brendand | pmcgowan, were videos meant to work? | 21:01 |
pmcgowan | no same issue | 21:01 |
sergiusens | ToyKeeper: pmcgowan the scope preemtively implemented that, but it was never planned for iirc | 21:01 |
pmcgowan | well they should launch in mediaplayer | 21:01 |
sergiusens | brendand: yes | 21:01 |
brendand | pmcgowan, but is it an issue or a missing feature - i.e. is it a regression | 21:01 |
pmcgowan | not a regression but efffect of the new scope | 21:02 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, ToyKeeper only said gallery doesnt show them, she didnt say gallery launches when opening one from the scope ;) | 21:02 |
ogra_ | ToyKeeper, do videos launch in mediaplayer from the scope ? | 21:02 |
ToyKeeper | ogra_: Gallery launches when trying to open a photo from the scope... but gallery-app can't find the pic if it's on an SD card. | 21:02 |
brendand | ToyKeeper, technically that test case didn't fail though | 21:03 |
ogra_ | ToyKeeper, talking about videos | 21:03 |
ToyKeeper | ogra_: Videos launch from the scope just fine. It's only gallery-app which fails. media-player works. | 21:03 |
ogra_ | perfect | 21:03 |
pmcgowan | ToyKeeper, yes lets log that first bug | 21:03 |
sergiusens | ToyKeeper: pmcgowan most likely because gallery doesn't have permissions; can you check DEN in syslog? | 21:03 |
ogra_ | that is how it is excpected to be | 21:03 |
sergiusens | or even doesn't look in there for them at all | 21:03 |
ogra_ | that opening photos tries to open gallery is a bug | 21:03 |
ogra_ | (from SD) | 21:03 |
pmcgowan | what should it open? | 21:03 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, no idea | 21:04 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, not an app that by design cant handle the ource location at least ;) | 21:04 |
ToyKeeper | sergiusens: Bingo, that looks like the issue. gallery is getting apparmor denials. | 21:04 |
ogra_ | design needs to change or we need another app that knows SD cards | 21:04 |
pmcgowan | yep | 21:04 |
ogra_ | but sounds like sergiusens decyphered the issue | 21:05 |
ogra_ | apparmor profile bug then | 21:05 |
sergiusens | jdstrand: might be able to hack something up ;-) | 21:05 |
jdstrand | what is the denial? | 21:07 |
sil2100 | But is that a blocking problem? The SD card thing? | 21:07 |
pmcgowan | not new | 21:07 |
ogra_ | heh, i knew ... saying apparmor once summons jdstrand | 21:07 |
sil2100 | hah, he has a highlight set for 'apparmor' it seems | 21:07 |
pmcgowan | that user expereince will be weird even if it works | 21:07 |
jdstrand | it was a double whammie-- 'apparmor' and 'jdstrand' | 21:07 |
ogra_ | heh | 21:07 |
ogra_ | sil2100, no worries ;) | 21:07 |
brendand | pmcgowan, was it definitely in the last promotion? | 21:09 |
* sil2100 has a highlight set for 'blocker' | 21:09 | |
pmcgowan | brendand, I would say it was if the photo scope was there | 21:10 |
brendand | pmcgowan, which it was | 21:10 |
pmcgowan | I cant prove it but would say must have been | 21:10 |
pmcgowan | just no one tried that | 21:11 |
ogra_ | plars, hmm, looks like 1% wasnt actually enough | 21:11 |
brendand | surprising no-one did | 21:11 |
ogra_ | still quite a few systemsettle issues | 21:11 |
ogra_ | oh | 21:11 |
ogra_ | interesting ... unity now has a settle-before issue | 21:11 |
ogra_ | that was the other way round before | 21:12 |
pmcgowan | brendand, you would have to have photos on sd card, go to the scope, try to open one, as ToyKeeper did | 21:12 |
brendand | pmcgowan, jibel tested it and his comment was 'No content from SD Card' and the test passed | 21:12 |
brendand | pmcgowan, which is confusing | 21:12 |
pmcgowan | brendand, did he mean in gallery? yeah | 21:12 |
brendand | would be good if someone could volunteer to check the current behaviour in #5 | 21:12 |
ToyKeeper | brendand: It's worth mentioning that you probably need the photo on the SD card before booting the first time. So far I haven't successfully made it detect new photos on SD, even when sent via MTP (and even after a reboot). | 21:13 |
* brendand has a feeling it will be him | 21:13 | |
sil2100 | ogra_: at least it's looking a bit better though | 21:13 |
ogra_ | sil2100, yeah ... once the logs are there i'll go over them with my script | 21:13 |
cwayne1 | ToyKeeper: even with a pull to refresh? | 21:14 |
ogra_ | lets see if there are actual issues | 21:14 |
pmcgowan | ToyKeeper, that also sounds like a bug, the scanner should see them | 21:14 |
pmcgowan | oh pull to refresh makes sense | 21:14 |
ogra_ | orthe "pull down refresh" at least | 21:14 |
ToyKeeper | cwayne1: Even with pull-to-refresh. | 21:14 |
cwayne1 | huh, that's odd | 21:15 |
cwayne1 | that means mediascanner isnt getting them | 21:15 |
plars | ogra_: it hasn't landed yet | 21:15 |
brendand | cwayne1, wfm | 21:15 |
ogra_ | plars, OOOH !!! thats very good nes then !! | 21:16 |
ogra_ | *news too | 21:16 |
plars | ogra_: I was hoping to get someone to ack it, but it's a super-low risk change. I'll go ahead and push it through | 21:16 |
ogra_ | well, the tests have nearly finished now | 21:16 |
ToyKeeper | It detected logs/foo/blah.jpg but not Pictures/us.jpg ... and I added the second one later via mtp. Not sure if that's actually the reason why it doesn't show up though. | 21:16 |
ogra_ | and we only have half the systemsettle issues it seems | 21:16 |
brendand | ogra_, still half though :/ | 21:17 |
ogra_ | brendand, without adjusting the value !! | 21:17 |
ogra_ | this is significant, we never were so low | 21:18 |
brendand | ogra_, ahhhh | 21:18 |
ogra_ | cwayne1, what about the click tests, did you work with mvo on it yet ? | 21:20 |
* ogra_ sees they still fail | 21:20 | |
ToyKeeper | So, sanity testing shows three issues: unity8 crashes (on incoming call ~10% of the time, on network indicator use once), gallery not being allowed to access SD contents, bluetooth kernel panics which seem isolated to my particular headset. And a tendency for the phone to run really slow sometimes while dbus pegs the CPU (intermittent). | 21:20 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, olli ^^ | 21:21 |
ogra_ | i still cant repro the incoming call crash here | 21:21 |
ToyKeeper | None of the tests actually failed, per se. Do any of the above block us? | 21:21 |
pmcgowan | good summary, although not sure about 10% crashes I will defer to you | 21:21 |
ogra_ | at least not on rejection | 21:22 |
pmcgowan | I cant get any | 21:22 |
pmcgowan | ToyKeeper, that crash is the only one that would concern me, but there seems to be more to reproducing it | 21:22 |
pmcgowan | I would say +1 | 21:22 |
ogra_ | the dbus thing is really worrying ... but not a blocker atm | 21:23 |
pmcgowan | ideed | 21:23 |
ogra_ | should be a super high prio bug | 21:23 |
pmcgowan | is that this one | 21:23 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1380848 in Media Hub "Apps and services use large amount of CPU after unity8 resets" [Critical,Triaged] | 21:23 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, well, that is connected to a unity8 crash | 21:23 |
ToyKeeper | After I left 139 idle overnight, the dbus thing made the phone so slow it took about 3 minutes to launch system-settings. :( | 21:23 |
pmcgowan | right | 21:23 |
ogra_ | ToyKeeper, but it most likely crashed some time inbetween | 21:24 |
pmcgowan | ToyKeeper, we have another bug on that let me get it | 21:24 |
pmcgowan | specific to battery events | 21:24 |
ToyKeeper | I still think we need a leave-it-idle-overnight test. :) | 21:24 |
ogra_ | which is a known bug ... we need to make sure that unity8 doesnt crash and we are still discussing to force a hard reboot if it still crashes anyway somehow | 21:24 |
pmcgowan | ToyKeeper, ogra_ | 21:25 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1337200 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "High CPU due to excessive device changed signals from upower" [High,Incomplete] | 21:25 |
cwayne1 | ogra_: agh crap, i forgot about that.. writing it down so i don't forget this time | 21:25 |
* ogra_ leaves his krillin idle over night ... but onteh charger :P | 21:25 | |
pmcgowan | maybe that needs bumping up if its more common | 21:25 |
ogra_ | cwayne1, well, i'll nag again next week otherwise :) | 21:25 |
pmcgowan | thats te bug, overnight on charger, wake u and flood of events | 21:25 |
ogra_ | i dont have issues here | 21:25 |
ogra_ | the blinking blue light is the only annoyance i have every morning with my krillin :) | 21:26 |
cwayne1 | ogra_: that's fine, with all the nagging I do it's only fair to have some directed at me :P | 21:26 |
ogra_ | heh | 21:26 |
cwayne1 | the blinky blue light is annoying, but not nearly as bad as the bright white led on my n5 if i get an email overnight | 21:27 |
cwayne1 | which is 100% of the nights | 21:27 |
pmcgowan | ToyKeeper, if you can reproduce could get the info pitti asked for | 21:27 |
ogra_ | cwayne1, hah, i would be killed by someone for that | 21:28 |
ToyKeeper | pmcgowan: I probably can but it'll take a while... gotta leave it overnight. | 21:28 |
pmcgowan | ToyKeeper, to answer your question, I guess you submit the report and the mondya morning crew can check it and decide to promote or not, but I think its good to go | 21:29 |
pmcgowan | ToyKeeper, ack | 21:29 |
ogra_ | yeah, looks really good imho | 21:29 |
cwayne1 | ogra_: hah yeah, fiancee *hates* it :P | 21:29 |
ogra_ | put a sock over that area on the phone ;) | 21:29 |
ToyKeeper | I leave a 0.1 lumen light on overnight so I won't trip over stuff. Ceiling bounced, it's just barely enough to see where I'm going. | 21:30 |
* ogra_ likes it pitch black ... i have my krillin if i need light ;) | 21:31 | |
sergiusens | ogra_: dbus being pegging the cpu could also be the reason for 'i press the power button and the screen takes a while to turn on' | 21:31 |
ogra_ | sergiusens, yeah, definitely | 21:32 |
ToyKeeper | I think it may also be the reason for a lot of general UI lag, like not responding (highly variable frame rate) when I try to type in my PIN. | 21:32 |
sergiusens | ToyKeeper: I leave it idle over night lately | 21:32 |
* sergiusens is too lazy too move cables and chargers around | 21:32 | |
ToyKeeper | I reflash so often that 'overnight' is the only time it gets a chance to get more than a couple hours runtime. | 21:33 |
* ogra_ hopes the next phone has Qi support ... | 21:33 | |
ogra_ | i have a charger on ym nightstand but cant use it wit the krillin | 21:34 |
pmcgowan | ToyKeeper, I did finally get a crash declining a call, but then 10 more without | 21:40 |
* ogra_ still didnt get a single one | 21:41 | |
brendand | ToyKeeper, file a bug anyway with the crash report, tvoss/Saviq can look at it later | 21:43 |
* ogra_ goes afk for a while | 21:44 | |
brendand | ogra_, btw re: the settle tests, looks like 96.5 is not going to be sufficient | 21:44 |
ogra_ | brendand, ohm, are there logs now ? | 21:44 |
* ogra_ doesnt see them yet | 21:45 | |
brendand | ogra_, in the ones that fail on 140 it never gets above 96 | 21:45 |
ogra_ | oh, you look at the report, not the log | 21:46 |
sergiusens | ogra_: ToyKeeper pmcgowan can you try something? Play music (I was on BT), let the screen do it's power thing (turn off, lock, yada yada), receive a phone call (music pauses), after the 3 minute mark, the music started playing back again | 21:46 |
sergiusens | or brendand ^ | 21:46 |
sergiusens | and I was still in the call, so I had to: press back on the phone app, unlock the screen, find the music app, pause | 21:46 |
sergiusens | jhodapp: might interest you too ^ | 21:47 |
ogra_ | sounds like the "swipe away music app and music still plays" bug | 21:47 |
ogra_ | i dont think that landed yet | 21:47 |
sergiusens | ogra_: well I didn't swipe away anything :-P | 21:48 |
sergiusens | ogra_: and it indeed stopped for 3 minutes ;-) | 21:48 |
ogra_ | yeah, probably not the same | 21:48 |
ogra_ | just sounds similar | 21:48 |
ToyKeeper | sergiusens: I tried, but the music didn't restart until I ended the call (after about 5 minutes call time). | 21:58 |
ToyKeeper | I don't have the slightest clue where to file this intermittent dbus issue. | 22:00 |
sergiusens | ToyKeeper: the dbus issue is logged, ogra_ has the link to it | 22:06 |
ogra_ | ToyKeeper, bug #1380848 ? | 22:21 |
ubot5 | bug 1380848 in Media Hub "Apps and services use large amount of CPU after unity8 resets" [Critical,Triaged] | 22:21 |
ToyKeeper | ogra_: Nope, I was trying to figure out where to file a bug about dbus pegging the CPU intermittently during phone use, making everything go really slow. | 22:23 |
ogra_ | then file a new one | 22:23 |
ToyKeeper | It's probably not actually dbus's fault, but I don't know what's causing it. | 22:23 |
ogra_ | right, file it against dbus as entry point then | 22:23 |
ogra_ | (just note in the description what you think) | 22:24 |
ToyKeeper | :) | 22:24 |
brendand | pmcgowan, what's the current opinion on the unity8 crashing? | 23:02 |
* brendand switches to brendand-nexus5 | 23:06 |
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