
=== Sarah is now known as Guest65273
ScottKpitti: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Vivid/view/AutoPkgTest/job/vivid-adt-marble/lastBuild comes up 404 and I don't see any link at the top level to Vivd results to try and navigate to it.  Is the public instance set up for Vivid results yet?01:58
RAOFScottK: I'm pretty sure it is - I've got failure notifications for colord with resolvable public URLs.02:07
ScottKhttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Vivid/ is 404 for me as well.04:17
hyperairargh unity-settings-daemon leaks memory so bloody much04:44
darkxstpitti, https://code.launchpad.net/~darkxst/gnome-session/3.14/+merge/24021204:52
Noskcajdoko_, Could you please check if enblend-enfuse still needs our arm optimisation changes?07:21
pittiGood morning07:26
pittiRAOF, ScottK; /view/Vivid/ doesn't exist yet, I sent an RT last week; the individual jobs do exis (in the failure notification mails), just not the view07:27
pittidarkxst: \o/07:27
ScottKpitti: OK.  How do I get to the marble test results?07:27
pittiScottK: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/vivid-adt-marble/07:28
pittithose URLs always work07:28
pittiScottK: and yes, I retried it once or twice and it seems to genuinely fail07:29
ScottKpitti: It might be a good idea to teach the excuses page to point at those always existing URL instead of the sometimes not existing URLs it uses now.07:29
pittiScottK: oh, indeed; I'll prepare a britney fix07:30
pittiwe'll hopefully soon switch away, so I don't want to see the next release on this, but still..07:30
pittiScottK: https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/britney/britney2-ubuntu-jenkins-url/+merge/24022107:37
pittiinfinity, cjwatson: can you please merge and roll out https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/britney/britney2-ubuntu-jenkins-url/+merge/240221 so that notifications have working URLs?07:38
infinitypitti: Pretty sure you can do that yourself.07:40
infinitypitti: Unless you were asking for a review. :P07:40
infinitypitti: Oh, britney is owned by -release not -archive.  Curious.07:40
pittiinfinity: yeah, I can't push there07:41
infinityDear bzr, I'm pretty sure that giving up on locks after 177 hours MIGHT BE SAFE TO DO ON YOUR OWN WITHOUT MY HELP.07:44
infinityUnable to obtain lock  held by cjwatson@bazaar.launchpad.net on taotie (process #24409), acquired 177 hours, 15 minutes ago.07:44
infinity^-- Lolz.07:44
infinitypitti: Rolled out.07:45
pittiinfinity: cheers!07:46
LocutusOfBorg1seb128, Laney thanks, don't forget to ping me if something else is needed :)08:21
LocutusOfBorg1and don't forget the vino patch in the bug report ;)08:21
seb128LocutusOfBorg1, sure08:24
LocutusOfBorg1and for gdcm I'm rebuilding the rdeps without the two patches, just keeping the arm64 delta08:27
seb128LocutusOfBorg1, what needs sponsoring?09:26
LocutusOfBorg1upnpc rdeps? :)09:39
* mgedmin wonders if it would be impolite to draw pitti's attention to https://code.launchpad.net/~mgedmin/apport/fix-lp138732809:39
pittimgedmin: no, not at all; I saw the MP, just have my hands full09:40
pittimgedmin: will get to it ASAP09:40
mgedminno rush, I won't get to enjoy the fix until vivid anyway09:40
seb128LocutusOfBorg1, is there things ready for "sponsoring"? your ppa has packages that have older versions that vivid09:40
mgedminI just don't want it to be accidentally forgotten09:40
LocutusOfBorg1seb128, I don't get, do I need to reupload with "ubuntu1" suffix rather than ~ubuntu?09:44
seb128LocutusOfBorg1, no, just tell me what needs to be sponsored09:44
seb128LocutusOfBorg1, like your ppa has "0ad (0.0.17-1~ubuntu15.04.1~ppa1)" which is older than the vivid version09:44
seb128LocutusOfBorg1, does that just need a no-change rebuild?09:45
LocutusOfBorg1yes, all of them09:46
LocutusOfBorg1I used backportpackage because I don't know about a tool that has something like "grab-addubuntuN-upload"09:46
LocutusOfBorg1so all of them uses the library, and only vino has the need of a fix (in the bug report)09:47
seb128LocutusOfBorg1, k09:47
seb128LocutusOfBorg1, I already uploaded vino, uploading transmission now09:47
seb128LocutusOfBorg1, the other ones I'm not sure there is much to "sponsor", if it's only bumping the changelog I can just get/run dch/upload?09:48
LocutusOfBorg1seb128, sorry, it is my first transition in ubuntu :)09:49
LocutusOfBorg1BTW vino picked up the old miniupnpc stuff09:49
seb128LocutusOfBorg1, no worry!09:50
seb128LocutusOfBorg1, you mean?09:50
LocutusOfBorg1yep, failing to build09:50
LocutusOfBorg1so hold on about uploads, maybe the new miniupnpc isn't installed yet?09:50
seb128but since it stop building with the old one it should have an updated build-depends09:51
infinityLocutusOfBorg1: FWIW, for no-change rebuilds, "dch -r" usually gives you the sane version number (bumps ubuntuN if modified, adds buildN if not).09:51
seb128let me fix that09:51
LocutusOfBorg1seb128, yes, I can update maybe the patch if the older miniupnpc is used, but seems too much useless effort09:54
LocutusOfBorg1and I'm trying to rebuild gdcm dependencies ;)09:55
cjwatsondch -R not dch -r :)09:56
infinitycjwatson: Err, yes.  I always get the wrong one first. ;)09:56
LocutusOfBorg1still not picking up the new one in my vivid pbuilder09:56
LocutusOfBorg1thanks both :)09:56
LocutusOfBorg1seb128, seems to be available now10:09
LocutusOfBorg1Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ vivid-proposed/main libminiupnpc10 amd64 1.9.20140610-2ubuntu1 [24.0 kB]10:09
LocutusOfBorg1Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ vivid-proposed/main libminiupnpc-dev amd64 1.9.20140610-2ubuntu1 [28.4 kB]10:09
seb128LocutusOfBorg1, great10:09
LocutusOfBorg10ad needs another rebuild :(10:23
seb128I know10:25
seb128stop stressing over it, things take a bit10:25
seb128now that the binaries are there we can do the other rebuilds10:26
LocutusOfBorg1thanks ;)10:28
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LocutusOfBorg1ps warzone3000 can be synced right?10:49
LocutusOfBorg1the delta was autoconf and miniupnpc related, both fixed in debian10:51
Saviqpitti, hey, is it currently possible to use apport-retrace on rtm-sourced .crash files?10:54
pittiSaviq: yes, sure; http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/apport/lp-retracer-config/view/head:/Ubuntu%20RTM%2014.09/sources.list is the matching config for that10:58
Saviqpitti, the one in lp:daisy not good enough?10:58
pittiSaviq: ah, that looks identical indeed; I had thought that daisy woudl also use lp-retracer-config11:00
Saviqpitti, any pointer on why I would get http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8759234/ then?11:00
pittioh! 14.09 archive is missing Contents.gz11:01
pittiwe need that to map a path to a package file11:01
pittibut aside from that, this path looks strange11:02
pittiprobably just a confusing log message, though11:02
Saviqpitti, I am passing --sandbox-dir11:02
Saviqpitti, and -C and -S11:02
pittiSaviq: how old is that sandbox? does it work with a temp sandbox?11:03
pitti(i. e. without --sandbox-dir)11:03
Saviqpitti, there's nothing in there11:03
Saviqpitti, there's only packages.txt11:03
* Saviq tries with a temp11:04
pittiok, no immediate idea then :/11:04
Saviqpitti, here's the full log, if that could help with anything http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8759314/11:06
pittiSaviq: it seems your .crash file doesn't have a Package:/Dependencies: fielD?11:07
pittiSaviq: and since RTM lacks Contents.gz, the "map file to package" fallback also doesn't work11:07
Saviqpitti, hmm Package: unity8 8.01+15.04.20141030~rtm-0ubuntu111:07
pittiSaviq: did you run that unity crash through apport-cli or whoopsie-upload-all first?11:08
Saviqpitti, yes11:08
cjwatsonpitti: Oh, heh, I guess we need to run the contents-generation job for 14.09 ...11:22
ochosihey folks, quick question, when will status.ubuntu.com be bumped for V?11:23
ochosipitti: and somewhat related, thanks for approving the xubuntu blueprints!11:23
pitti@pilot in11:28
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pittiLocutusOfBorg1: erk, poor you (just reviewing runit merge)11:49
pittithis package is an utter mess11:49
LocutusOfBorg1pitti, why?11:52
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: err11:52
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: no debhelper, /etc/inittab, no dh_installinit, debian/rules is a mess, no SysV init script, etc.11:53
pittiTBH, this doesn't even look like something which we'd ever want to see on an Ubuntu system, so perhaps we should just kill it completely11:54
LocutusOfBorg1understandable :)11:54
LocutusOfBorg1so the problem is not the merge but the debian packaging?11:54
pittithere's also some problems with the merge (I'm following up to the bug)11:55
LocutusOfBorg1pitti, if you want to kill it don't loose your time in replying ;)11:55
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: ok, bug 1386581 updated11:56
ubottubug 1386581 in runit (Ubuntu) "please merge runit from debian" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138658111:56
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: well, it was mostly a sentiment; you apparently seem to care about the package :)11:56
LocutusOfBorg1dear pitti I don't know, users seems to be using it, see bug 137129012:00
ubottubug 1371290 in runit (Ubuntu) "Installation sends HUP to PID 1, causing docker containers with bash as PID 1 to stop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137129012:00
LocutusOfBorg1but if you want to drop it is fine for me, looking at the merge was honestly a PITA12:00
pittiyeah, like "I installed this wanna-be unsupported init system and now my stuff breaks"12:00
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: there's a number of reverse depends; many of them are only suggests: or have alternatives, but that needs to be checked12:01
cjwatsonpitti: RT#76351 for Contents on 14.09.  It may well run into https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1384797 quite often, though.12:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 1384797 in Launchpad itself "Contents generation races with publisher" [Low,Triaged]12:01
pitticjwatson: ah, thanks12:02
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LocutusOfBorg1pitti, what do you suggest?12:05
LocutusOfBorg1I don't care about runit, and if it makes users break stuff I think we just need to make it go12:05
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: if you want to fix the merge, go ahead; otherwise, if you don't care either, feel free to rename to "Please remove runit from vivid" and subscribe  ubuntu-archive12:06
LocutusOfBorg1the last runit merge :) my eyes are bleeding12:23
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Saviqkirkland, hey, is there a way to copy text from byobu's F7 scrollback so that it's available in the X11 clipboard?12:49
cjwatsoninfinity: Could you merge libgcrypt20?  Blocks the imagemagick transition for reasons involving vdr plugins failing to build due to libgcrypt{11,20}-dev conflicts.  I checked that the ppc64el -O2 tweak is still required, at least in a utopic chroot.12:57
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apacheloggerstgraber: hey, ever heared of lxc refusing to get an ip address when multiple containers are starting at the same time? log doesn't seem very eventful http://kci.pangea.pub/job/utopic_unstable_sonnet/ws/lxc.log/*view*/ but lxc-info --ips didn't return anything over a 30 second period http://kci.pangea.pub/job/utopic_unstable_sonnet/70/console13:33
apacheloggerthing is that this seems to be related to the fact that we are starting up to 30 containers at the same time as a retry outside that scenario will work just fine13:34
apacheloggeralso the user is allowed to have up to 128 veth devices, so I doubt it would be caused by that13:35
stgraberhmm. So I guess the things to check are 1) is the container getting bridged to lxcbr0 2) do you see a DHCP request in the host /var/log/syslog13:36
apacheloggerstgraber: how would I best check 1)?13:37
stgraberapachelogger: lxc-info will get you the name of the veth device under Link, then check that against brctl show lxcbr013:37
apacheloggerstgraber: ok, thanks, I am going setup additional logging. I'll report back when it happens again ;)13:38
kirklandSaviq: sort of13:46
kirklandSaviq: presumably, you mean "other than by using your mouse and highlighting", right?13:46
kirklandSaviq: if so, then, you need 3rd party utilities (xclip);  see this post: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/131011/use-system-clipboard-in-vi-copy-mode-in-tmux13:47
pitti@pilot out13:51
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> utopic | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
mdeslaurSo...the new dpkg in vivid-proposed is causing the apt autopkgtest to fail14:01
mdeslaurbut, looks like dpkg is going to get promoted14:01
pittimdeslaur: oh, dpkg breaks apt?14:01
mdeslaurpitti: it's making the test-bug-661537-build-profiles-support test fail14:01
pittimdeslaur: we can still hold it back14:02
mdeslaurpitti: so, why isn't jenkins doing an apt autopkgtest for the dpkg upload?14:02
pittimdeslaur: because apt doesn't depend on dpkg14:02
pittiwell, it's essential14:03
cjwatsonTo be fair, causing a build-profiles test to fail is not the end of the world given that nothing is using those yet14:03
cjwatsonAnd apt might genuinely need a tweak there14:03
pittiyeah, I agree14:03
cjwatsonThere may be a meta-problem that needs to be looked at here, but the actual proximate problem doesn't seem like cause for concern14:03
mdeslaurso how do we proceed? the apt failure is blocking my gnupg migration14:05
mdeslaurso, stuff that's in essential, and doesn't typically get listed as depends will never get tested properly?14:06
pittimdeslaur: not as rdepends, indeed; the current logic only tests reverse build/binary depends14:07
cjwatsonMaybe there's a call for some manually-inserted special cases here14:07
pitti(not saying that the behaviour is right/desirable, just how it works ATM)14:07
mdeslaurpitti: apt does list dpkg-dev as a build-depends, wouldn't that trigger it?14:08
pittimdeslaur: hm, right, it should14:08
pittimdeslaur: TODOed, will check with jibel on MOnday when he's back14:09
mdeslaurthanks pitti14:09
mdeslaurpitti: can gnupg get manually promoted in the meantime?14:09
pittimdeslaur: yes, I can override the test result of apt for gnupg14:10
mdeslaurpitti: please do, thanks14:10
Saviqkirkland, great, thanks!14:26
Saviqkirkland, and yeah, selecting with mouse is great... until you start splitting vertically or scrolling up14:27
kirklandSaviq: right, so in that situation, what I usually do, is first press Shift-F1114:28
kirklandSaviq: which makes your current split "full screen"14:29
kirklandSaviq: and then highlight14:29
kirklandSaviq: Shift-F11 then toggles back out14:29
Saviqkirkland, indeed, was missing that, that definitely helps14:29
Saviqkirkland, thanks14:29
cjwatsondoko_: Please could you merge plplot?  Indirectly blocking imagemagick transition (via gnudatalanguage).15:08
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cjwatsonxnox: Any progress with pythonmagick?15:24
xnoxcjwatson: i must have been disconnected from my irc proxy. i have uploaded that. let me check if that got accepted properly.15:25
cjwatsonxnox: Ah, so you did, thanks15:25
cjwatsonNote to self, reload transition page before complaining15:26
* xnox is having all sorts of connectivity issues today.15:26
xnoxcjwatson: well i pinged you on irc when i uploaded it. but it clearly didn't make it through the tubes.15:26
cjwatsonIt didn't, indeed15:27
xnoxon the plus side, i have the perfect yubikey - it has all OTPs (lp, github, etc), U2F for google accounts, and gpg subkeys, and it can do NFC for otp authentication on the phone.15:30
xnoxlaunchpad accepted subkey straight away, but debian infrastructure is taking its time to considering whether to accept the update into the keyring =)15:30
dobeyxnox: how do you read via NFC on an ubuntu phone? :)15:35
xnoxdobey: the hardware supports it, and the protocol is simple - it's just a url, thus shouldn't be hard to implement.15:41
xnoxdobey: at the moment however, i'm only using it with Lastpass Android app - for two factor unlocking of my passwords store. And the Yubikey Auth Android App - which triggers HOTP (time and event based) generation on yubikey and displays the results.15:42
dobeyxnox: just hard to access the hardware in an app in ubuntu :)15:42
xnoxYubikey Auth app is quite awesome, since all secrets are stored tamper proof on the yubikey and one can generate time-based OTP for Microsoft, Github, Facebook, Google accounts, and event based like for Launchpad.15:43
* xnox ponders why we don't do timebased OTPs in launchpad, given that everyone else does as well by default.15:43
xnoxno need to "resynchronise the key" if one presses the otps too much somewhere.15:43
dobeyanyway, need to get some lunch, without using nfc payments15:44
caribouany quick trick to pass MULTI_OS_DIRECTORY to make using debhelper ?16:01
cjwatsonlike   override_dh_auto_build:\n\tdh_auto_build -- MULTI_OS_DIRECTORY=foo   you mean?16:02
ricotzpitti, hi, nearly forgot to mention that upgrading from precise to trusty postgresql-9.1 made a problem while is can't coexist with postgresql-9.3 due some dkpg-divert collision/incompatibility, so it needed to be removed, sorry i dont have a log16:03
cariboucjwatson: I need to replace the following cdbs statement :16:03
cariboulibnss-ldap upstream has removed cdbs & replaced by debhelper16:04
caribouI must admit that this is the first time I move a package from cdbs to debhelper16:04
cjwatsonso then that's as I said above.16:04
cariboucjwatson: ok, thanks!16:05
cjwatsonassuming by debhelper you mean the short dh(1) style16:05
cariboucjwatson: yes16:05
bdmurrayxnox: Do you recall bug 1123798 at all? Not having whoopsie running on the Live CDs seems unfortunate.16:19
ubottubug 1123798 in whoopsie (Ubuntu) "ubiquity-dm crashed with dbus.exceptions.DBusException in call_blocking(): org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Activation of org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit timed out" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112379816:19
pittiricotz: hm, I need logs, I'm afraid; postgresql-9.1 doesn't ordinarily get diverted16:20
xnoxbdmurray: yes, i recall that bug. That shouldn't be happening, now that ubiquity-dm (for a few releases now) opens a pam session (which in turn opens a logind session)16:28
bdmurrayxnox: would running whoopsie and installing be a good test?16:31
xnoxbdmurray: so if there is no pam_systemd.so configured on the system, logind session will not be established and consolekit fallbacks may kick in. But I thought, by now, we even removed consolekit16:33
xnoxbdmurray: i don't quite recall the reasons we disable whoopsie - it's installed, it has checks in the upstart job to not run when ubiquity is present.16:35
xnoxbdmurray: so boot live cd, edit the whoopsie job, start whoopsie, restart lightdm - that should restart ubiquity-dm as well.16:35
slangasekxnox, bdmurray: aside from the fact that inotify doesn't work on the unionfs?16:38
xnoxbdmurray: slangasek: "edit whoopsie job; initctl reload-configuration; start whoopsie"16:39
xnoxthat works.16:39
slangasekxnox: yes, but whoopsie itself uses inotify16:39
xnoxslangasek: hm, it would work if /var/crash inode is updated (e.g. touch /var/crash/.poke, whould cause inode to be created on the overlay, and if whoopsie is started after that, monitoring will start working)16:41
xnoxslangasek: should i make a patch for casper to setup /var/crash in the overlay?16:41
slangasekxnox: no opinion; was just responding to the question of why it was currently disabled, and I think this is why16:42
xnoxslangasek: i think inode monitoring works correctly, because the reason why we disabled whoopise on the live images, is that when starting live session people say crash popups.16:42
xnoxslangasek: so actually, i believe it all just works (if even because we crash before starting live session)16:42
xnoxslangasek: no, that was not the reason. It was UX/rick pressure to disable. ev should know more details.16:43
bdmurrayupdate-notifier definitely uses inotify (for crash file detection) and wouldn't work16:43
bdmurrayand if whoopsie is running and you touch a .upload file the .crash file does get uploaded16:46
ricotzpitti, it was about "update-alternatives: using /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/man/man1/psql.1.gz to provide /usr/share/man/man1/psql.1.gz (psql.1.gz) in auto mode." or "update-alternatives: using /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/man/man1/postmaster.1.gz to provide /usr/share/man/man1/postmaster.1.gz (postmaster.1.gz) in auto mode." suggesting an incompatibility, although i am not able to reproduce it in a chroot -- it happened on do-release-upgrade16:50
ricotzpitti, sorry16:50
bdmurrayxnox: So do you think the patch for casper is needed or not?18:14
infinitycjwatson: Can do.18:15
infinityDear MoM, congrats on failing to merge a 4-line delta.18:16
infinityNo love, Me.18:16
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Noskcajcyphermox, IS there any chance you could help with bug 1387944 ? I don't think i understand the package well enough to do the main merge20:49
ubottubug 1387944 in bluez (Ubuntu) "Transition to bluez5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138794420:49
bdmurrayslangasek: I'm working on an interim solution for bug 1365079 and I wonder if "title" in 'click info's output is too generic.20:58
ubottubug 1365079 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport should gather package information about click packages" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136507920:58
bdmurrayslangasek: for the package name that is20:58
slangasekbdmurray: title is indeed not guaranteed to be unique; should probably use name instead?20:59
bdmurrayslangasek: yeah, that was my idea too. thanks20:59
sergiusens+1 on name21:04
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NoskcajCan someone please retry libgee-0.8 and modemmanager now vala 0.26 is in main?21:29
NoskcajAlso please retry dballe, it had a out-of-data dep that has now synced22:11
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infinityhallyn: Hey, why is libcgmanager0 not linked with libnih?23:29
infinityhallyn: Found entirely by accident while running "adequate libc\*" to check my own packages, and there was libcgmanager whining about a bunch of unresolved nih symbols. :P23:30
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infinitystgraber: ^23:31
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infinity... and why is my Ubuntu upgrade trying to install gdm? :P23:34
infinityand gnome-shell.23:35
infinityOh, because I still had gnome-session installed.23:37
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