[04:58] Noskcaj, can you take a look at the gnome-desktop transition, it should be fairly straightforward this time around [04:59] Noskcaj, upower is almost done, clutter and gtk+ should hopefully be done next week [04:59] darkxst, will do [04:59] bluez looks like it will be hard to merge though [05:00] I wonder if it could be co-installed? [05:04] What actually needs transitioning? [05:04] for bluez5? [05:05] for gnome-desktop [05:05] bluez5 is mostly just merging ~30 ubuntu releases [05:06] oh maybe gnome-desktop doesn't need a transition this time, seem there was no soname bump [05:08] Noskcaj, bluez5 has api changes, are all the upstreams or debian ported to new api? [05:10] darkxst, no breages left in debian, so we'd just need a few merges and rebuilds, plus ubuntu-only stuff [05:10] *breakages [05:11] so it will basically be needing canonical to port their bits over [05:14] yep [05:19] can you file a tracking bug for bluez5 [05:21] ok [05:24] probably gnome-desktop just needs the changelog cleaned up, then can be uploaded [05:32] gsettings-desktop-schemas, can probably just be merged from debian, doesnt appear to be any removed keys this time [06:03] darkxst, Is the g-d-s change to adwaita an issue? [06:08] Noskcaj, yes temporarily revert that [06:08] hmm no actually ubuntu override that anyway I think? check in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/20_ubuntu*something*overrides [06:19] or 10_*.overrides [06:21] I'm on xubuntu, and nothing like that is there [06:21] what package would have the ubuntu ones? [06:22] it maybe ubuntu-settings [06:24] icon-theme="ubuntu-mono-dark" ? [06:29] * mgedmin discovers button-layout=':minimize,maximize,close' in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/20_ubuntu-gnome-default-settings.gschema.override [06:36] but yeah, ubuntu-settings ships /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/10_ubuntu-settings.gschema.override with [org.gnome.desktop.interface] gtk-theme="Ambiance" etc [07:35] darkxst, merges for g-d-s and desktop are up [07:59] mgedmin, I am going to drop that override shortly [08:04] Noskcaj, thanks [11:58] Hello all! Is there a way to resize the System Monitor window smaller? because it takes half of my screen.. [15:10] sebbb, smallest size I can make it is 630x449: http://i.imgur.com/PA4hieD.png [15:15] ha... [15:16] i finished second draft for korean release note [15:19] hello :) i gave ubuntu gnome 14.10 a try when it was initially released and while the installation went fine, at the time, deja-dup (the default "desktop" backup utility) would crash gnome-control-center every time you tried to launch it (general protection fault according to the console error), so it was impossible to restore my backed up files...does anyone know offhand if this has been... [15:19] ...fixed yet, or if there's an existing bug I could post to? [15:20] arthurfiggis, did you search in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/deja-dup ? [15:22] and also in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center [15:23] mgedmin: i had been looking at the one for gnome-control-center and i didn't see anything there resembling the problem i was having, but i'll check the deja-dup page as well, thanks [15:23] I reproduced this crash last time you asked about it [15:23] but I'm also using the gnome3-staging PPA that replaces ubuntu's gnome-control-center with a newer version [15:24] I don't know if the bug is in g-c-c itself or in the dejadup plugin [15:24] which is loaded inside the g-c-c process [15:26] mgedmin: ahh, yes i remember that someone here had confirmed it existed at least, though I wasn't sure who it was :) I wouldn't be able to say for sure myself either, since I couldn't get at any of my files I had to switch back to 14.04.1 LTS until it got sorted out [15:31] ah! [15:31] that is a painful situation to be in [15:32] I guessing you didn't have the gnome3-staging ppa enabled? [15:32] mgedmin: certainly is :( so far i haven't seen the bug mentioned anywhere else though, oddly enough...oh no, i just went with the default installation and used the repo packages, didn't add any ppa's or anything special [19:21] darkxst, g-d-s breaks u-s-d. Any idea what needs patching? (pitti hasn't yet given me his crash log) [21:29] Noskcaj, it would be missing or broken schema key [21:29] Noskcaj, 2 patches are missing? [21:30] menu_icon_key and application_key [21:30] The two dropped ones that were for versions of packages we no longer have? [21:31] what do you mean? [21:32] THe changelog descriptions for those patches were that they were for gnome stuff we've now went past, and cinnamon, which doesn't use g-d-s any more [21:34] Noskcaj, u-s-d is still 3.8 [21:34] and Metacity is still in the archvies [21:35] I'd assumed it was patched for some reason, and isn't metacity on 3.12 now? [21:35] ? [21:35] Metacity, You chose the wrong nickname [21:36] That much has become evident after idling in so many Linux-related channels for a while. :P [21:36] Noskcaj, you can't just assume with schemas, since try to use a missing key is 100% crash [21:37] darkxst, Lesson learned. I'll fix my branch now. [21:37] a quick grep of metacity would have shown you that application key is still there! [21:38] Is there a way to check what packages still use the key, and would it be better to patch u-s-d rather than g-d-s [21:39] normally Laney's codesearch, but that seem down right now [21:40] you can't patch u-s-d, it still has the features that the keys were for [22:00] fixed [22:00] Should we be trying to get geoclue-2.0 into main? [22:09] could try, though atleast some wanted it done as a replacement to geoclue [22:10] and not sure how feasible that is, things like ubuntu-geoip are probably not possible in -2.0 [22:11] unity-webapps would also be a problem [22:14] but it certainly wouldnt hurt to file a MIR