
RoyKCyric: it always does that on reboot - the change isn't permanent - and btw, this is a norwegian channel ;)13:49
Cyricroyk: thanks.. i live in norway (i do not know if this is enought! :) ) for the problem... i know that the change is not permanent.. but the reset happens when i try to connect to any network (without rebooting it..)15:44
Cyricanyway.. i solved it.. .i had to shoutdown the networkmanager and restart after the change15:45
RoyKCyric: ah15:48
RoyKCyric: the change may come into effect if the NIC is up when the command is issued15:48
RoyKCyric: also - language isn't a problem, really - btw do you speak any norwegian?15:49
Cyricyes i do speak some norwegian... b15:56
Cyricbut is pretty basic15:56
RoyKCyric: where from?15:58
shazzrSliter medinstallasjon av ubuntu. Har raid-disk, men grub vil ikke installeres, og jeg kan ikke boote. Tips`?19:27
RoyKshazzr: hvor mange disker? hvilket raid-nivå?19:45
CyricRoyk:   .IT20:43
RoyKCyric: ?20:45
RoyKah - you're italian? lost context20:45
Cyricsorry i have been AFK for few minutes.. :D20:57
Cyricanyway... i still have problems... my private network does accept my  spoofed mac without any problem... another network (pubblic) get stuck for few seconds and then reset the reset the connection ...when does this it restore my old MAC...20:59
Cyricso i am not able to connect with a spoofed mac...21:01
RoyKthe MAC address is only for the LAN21:02
RoyKit doesn't travel across the router and onto the internet21:02
Cyricyes i know21:02
Cyricso if i try to spoof my MAC when i am at home i works fine...21:03
Cyricif i try to do this in a pubblic network (similar to the one find to airports), It does not work anymore21:03
Cyricit is strange21:04
RoyKwhy do you spoof it?21:04
Cyricit seems that the service get stucked and it automatically respaw it--> when does this it resets my original MAC21:05
Cyricalso another strange thing is my interface file21:06
Cyricit does not contain much...only this21:06
Cyric# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)21:06
Cyricauto lo21:06
Cyriciface lo inet loopback21:06
RoyKifdown/ifup will reset the mac21:06
RoyKunless you add it to /etc/network/interfaces21:06
Cyricwhy changing mac? Because i dont like mine :D21:07
Cyrici know... but i am not doing it...21:07
Cyrici am not doing ifup/if down...  it does it automatically when i try to connect to some SPECIFIC networks...21:08
Cyrici have to try with another OS or Distro... to see if i have the same problem...21:09
RoyKCyric: another distro won't help much - this is kernel stuff21:14
Cyrici tried with Winzoz and it works fine21:50
Cyrici will try Kali in a couple of weeks21:50
Cyricmy suspect is that is ubuntu related problem..21:51
Cyricexpecially network manager21:51
MathiasCyric: how do you set your MAC?21:55
Cyricsudo ifconfig wlan0 down21:57
Cyricmacchanger -m xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx wlan021:57
Cyricsudo ifconfig wlan0 up21:57
RoyKifconfig eth0 hw ether 02:01:02:03:04:0822:09
RoyKshould work well in realtime22:09
RoyKperhaps a better way22:11
RoyKip link set dev interface address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX22:11
RoyKip link set needed the device to be down, though22:13
AeyounJeg sliter stadig vekk med sinnsyke usynlige karakterer som blir satt inn i kodene mine. Må bruke hexdump for å se de.23:47
AeyounIdag var det capital A with circumflex (en veldig synlig karakter som aldles ikke ble vist noe sted eller var i en sammenheng hvor jeg noengang skulle ha skrevet inn noe sånt.23:47
AeyounSom oftest er det zero-width space characters som dukker opp.23:48
AeyounHar noen andre opplevd dette?23:48
Aeyoungnome-terminal, gedit,23:48

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