
ikoniahello somsip00:29
somsipTennisUrchin is sending out 'download this movie' PM spams.00:29
somsipNo niggie, but just so you now00:29
ikoniahe's gone00:29
somsip*biggie (oops)00:29
ikoniahe spammed me00:29
k1lis this the trisquel guy again?00:31
ikoniaTennisUrchin ?00:31
ikonialooks like it00:31
bazhangvoidzone = icesword00:51
ikoniahow tedious00:52
ikoniathank you bazhang00:52
bazhangbalsaq has a new nick and cloak as well00:52
ikoniaI look forward to his next appereance00:52
* genii mumbles things and looks for coffee01:25
satdavHi can I log the main channel01:51
bazhang!1984 | satdav01:52
ubottusatdav: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.01:52
satdavLoco what is that01:54
ubottuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at http://loco.ubuntu.com/01:54
satdavbazhang: what is the details about mirroring for you guys01:55
bazhangmirroring what satdav01:56
satdavA server01:56
bazhangyou want to mirror a repo?01:56
satdavFor people wanting to download Ubuntu01:57
bazhangwhat about apt-mirror01:57
bazhangyou should really take the details to #ubuntu satdav01:58
rwwbazhang: linustorvaldII is balsaq?04:21
phunyguythat's an interesting development.05:01
phunyguyI asked him about his username, and they said it involved their last name,05:02
Unit193And BuntuTech too, that one came up with the same hostname, and LinusTorvaldII logged into BuntuTech before getting his cloak/accountname changed.05:04
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (cathat, profanity)05:44
FinrodI remember reading about how the ubuntu CoC relates to bans, in terms of a user's range of options once a ban has been executed.  I thought I bookmarked it, but now I can't find it.  Does anyone have a link?05:49
Finrodsorry, it's too late.  I'll look for it again, tomorrow.  Sorry to bother you so late at night.05:54
valorielovely, linustorvald2 is now in #kubuntu-offtopic06:11
valoriehowever, no problems yet06:11
=== niko is now known as evilNiko
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (PlowMyFilthyAnus,)15:08
=== evilNiko is now known as niko
ubottububbasaures called the ops in #ubuntu (ghostt)19:06
bazhang<ki7mt> It is unsafe, but Im not going to go into an Electrical Engineering lesson here.19:23
bazhangsounds like nonsense19:23
k1lssds from the 1st generation were really unsafe. but now they are at the same life expectation as hdds19:24
FinrodI remember reading about how the ubuntu CoC relates to bans, in terms of a user's range of options once a ban has been executed.  Does anyone have a link?22:01
Jordan_U!appeals | Finrod22:02
ubottuFinrod: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.22:02
Jordan_UFinrod: Though I'm not quite sure how that relates to the Ubuntu CoC, hopefully it's what you were looking for.22:02
FinrodNo, it was another link22:03
ikoniathat link shows you the full appeals process22:03
ikoniathat is the correct link22:04
FinrodI remember reading about how bans are differrent from kicks, and I don't see that in that link22:05
ikoniabans are different because they stop you accessing a channel22:05
ikoniaa kick removes you from the channel22:05
ikoniathat should explain it for you22:05
FinrodMay be those were freenode links and not ubuntu links, regarding bans, kicks, and appeal process22:06
Finrodok, thanks22:07
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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