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lordievader | Good morning. | 08:42 |
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frickler | why does upgrading libvirt-bin to 1.2.2-0ubuntu13.1.6~cloud0 suddenly conflict apparmor? this is causing trouble for our servers, which suddenly cannot start new instances anymore | 10:21 |
pmatulis | morning | 11:15 |
blakey | hi, I've been using ubuntu server for a while now, and most times I rename the network interfaces to something more meaningful than eth0 eth1 etc, upon installing 14.04.1 I noticed that the interfaces are no longer named by udev... do you know how I can change these interfaces to something a bit easier than p5p1, p1p1 etc??? | 12:02 |
Kartagis | heh, why is gftp connecting to my localhost when I use SSH2? | 12:46 |
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Joe_knock | If I am struggling to install a piece of software on Ubuntu 14.04, would there be any security issues to install it on 12.04 instead? | 15:23 |
bitbyte | Hi guys im having some trouble with apptitude, can some one take a quick look at http://pastebin.com/e6y8X1XK and tell me why my servers complaning about the kernal image | 15:41 |
bitbyte | oh wait i was being an idiot seems its out of sapce | 15:44 |
bitbyte | space * | 15:44 |
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sudormrf | is there a japanese IME for ubuntu server? | 16:16 |
Joe_knock | IME? sudormrf | 16:17 |
sudormrf | Joe_knock, as in, if someone wanted to type japanese text | 16:17 |
Joe_knock | oh. you mean support for Japanese text? | 16:18 |
sudormrf | Joe_knock, yes | 16:19 |
sudormrf | and being able to type it | 16:19 |
Joe_knock | it could be possible with a translated package. Let me check. hmmm | 16:20 |
Joe_knock | It seems it's possible in Ubuntu itself, as far as the terminal goes, that is not clear. | 16:22 |
lordievader | sudormrf: Where are you trying to input these Japanese characters? Directly at a tty? | 16:24 |
sudormrf | lordievader, yeah | 16:42 |
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hariom | why do some admins prefer to install packages via source instead of adding into source.list or .deb file? Is this a personal preference or any benefits are associated with this? | 17:06 |
lordievader | sudormrf: Hmm, that might make it difficult. | 17:08 |
sudormrf | hariom, some people don't like the PPA model. | 17:08 |
jpds | hariom: Some people just want the latest stuff and are too lazy to learn .deb packaging. | 17:09 |
hariom | sudormrf: yea, I know that some people don't like that model but any reason? Is it personal perference or any technically sound reason? | 17:09 |
jpds | hariom: Not really technically sound. | 17:09 |
hariom | jpds: ok | 17:09 |
sudormrf | jpds, curious why it isn't technically sound | 17:10 |
hariom | jpds, sudormrf: As per my experience, adding from source limits to that particular version itself and updates are more or less not possible to install easily | 17:10 |
jpds | sudormrf / hariom: One of the points of using the provided packages is that they are supported, and that's how you get security updates. | 17:11 |
sudormrf | hariom, hmm. in my experience if a newer version comes out that isn't added to the PPA, I have installed it on top without issues. | 17:11 |
sudormrf | jpds, provided packages = ppa? | 17:11 |
jpds | sudormrf: You compile your own self, it's up to you to keep it patched and secure. | 17:11 |
jpds | sudormrf: No, PPAs are not supported. | 17:11 |
sudormrf | jpds, ah, I see what you mean. | 17:11 |
hariom | jpds: what you mean by PPAs are not supported? Could you pls explain | 17:12 |
sudormrf | I prefer not doing things from source whenever possible. I don't like pulling stuff from github even. just makes a mess of things and I end up having to move stuff all over the place manually | 17:12 |
sudormrf | makes it a pain to maintain | 17:12 |
jpds | !ppa | 17:12 |
ubottu | A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 17:13 |
hariom | jpds: I see. Ok so it means for example: adding postgresql PPA provides regular updates from postgres and possibly may not be supported by ubuntu at that time. | 17:14 |
jpds | hariom: Yep, it's maintained by the postgres guys, not ubuntu developers. | 17:14 |
hariom | jpds: But if PPA is coming from the organization or developers who maintain that software then there is less harm in using them | 17:15 |
jpds | hariom: Yes, but you have no guarentee that it wouldn't break something somewhere else later on down the line. | 17:15 |
hariom | jpds: yea | 17:15 |
sudormrf | exactly | 17:16 |
sudormrf | more often than not, you are fine without running the absolute latest version | 17:16 |
sudormrf | if you want bleeding edge, go with arch. | 17:16 |
sudormrf | some things require updates due to newly discovered security flaws | 17:16 |
sudormrf | and those updates tend to be backported (as necessary) | 17:16 |
hariom | backported is supported officially? | 17:17 |
hariom | or it is just an optional way to get access to version no available in the standard package list | 17:17 |
jpds | !sru | hariom | 17:18 |
ubottu | hariom: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates | 17:18 |
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funkster | so.. ubuntu 14.04 server, how can i change resolution on bootup? i have X installed and start a minimal window manager + browser. xrandr? | 17:46 |
jpds | funkster: I'm wondering more why you would need X on a server? | 17:54 |
funkster | jpds: its a kiosk machine. boot run x + browser. doing this based on desktop would add a ton of bloat. either way changing the res wouldn't matter i don't think. | 17:55 |
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zertui | hello there | 20:20 |
Joe_knock | Hi | 20:20 |
zertui | on ubuntu server is it possile to configure one interface with dhcp and one interface with static ip ? | 20:20 |
esde | yes | 20:23 |
zertui | yes is not a correct answer | 20:23 |
zertui | if yes how ? | 20:25 |
zertui | :) | 20:25 |
qman__ | You asked if it was possible, the answer is yes | 20:29 |
qman__ | The way to do it is to configure one static interface, and one dhcp interface | 20:29 |
qman__ | See man interfaces or read the server guide for more details | 20:30 |
* Joe_knock murmurs | 20:32 | |
esde | https://xkcd.com/912/ relevant xkcd is relevant | 20:32 |
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bekks | hi | 22:45 |
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bekks | someone in here may lend me a helping hand in setting up a PXE server booting 14.04 server? I'm stuck at "trying to load /pxelinux.cfg/default - no DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found" although /srv/tftp/pxelinux.cfg/default exists | 22:47 |
Joe_knock | Hello | 22:50 |
Joe_knock | bekks: Can you explain a bit more what you're doing. I'm a bit lazy to search for it myself. | 22:51 |
bekks | No problem :) Trying to summarize: | 22:52 |
bekks | I'm trying to setup a PXE server which lets me boot 14.04 server for installation - I've installed tftpd-hpa, changed /etc/default/tftpd-hpa to point to /srv/tftp and use a specific IPv4 address. | 22:53 |
bekks | I've copied pxelinux.0 to /srv/tftp/, and created /srv/tfp/pxelinux.cfg/default with this content: | 22:53 |
bekks | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8766691/ | 22:54 |
bekks | I also setup a DHCP server with this configuration: | 22:54 |
bekks | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8766704/ | 22:55 |
bekks | Trying to boot a PXE client ends up with the error message above. | 22:55 |
bekks | Joe_knock: You have any clues? :) | 23:01 |
Joe_knock | bekks, looking into it. Is that a bash script in 8766704 ? | 23:02 |
bekks | Thats the DHCP configuration for dhcp3-server | 23:02 |
Joe_knock | Okay, let me see if I can understand what you want to do (keep in mind, I've never done this myself). You want to setup a PXE server that will boot to a ubuntu 14.04 server? | 23:04 |
bekks | Almost. | 23:04 |
bekks | I'm am trying to boot 14.04 via PXE for getting rid of the 14.04 iso for installing things. I want to get rid of the cd boot media, but boot via PXE instead. | 23:05 |
bekks | Or, rephrased: I am trying to "move" the boot medium from cd to PXE. | 23:06 |
Joe_knock | oh!!! | 23:06 |
bekks | I am not trying to boot an entire server via PXE, but just the installation medium. | 23:07 |
Joe_knock | PXE is akin to a virtual boot? | 23:07 |
bekks | I'm lacking the english mother tongue - I assume your question was: "do you try to boot a virtual environment?" | 23:08 |
bekks | Yes, I am trying to boot up a bunch of virtual machines, which I need to install from scratch, for different purposes. | 23:08 |
Joe_knock | ok I understand you now. | 23:08 |
bekks | Joe_knock: Any clues? | 23:25 |
Joe_knock | bekks: Are you using this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer | 23:26 |
Joe_knock | ?? | 23:26 |
bekks | Do you thing it's worth trying? | 23:26 |
bekks | It will take just a few minutes. | 23:26 |
Joe_knock | It is Ubuntu's instructions... | 23:27 |
Joe_knock | Ubuntus | 23:27 |
bekks | This didnt work either: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallMultiDistro | 23:27 |
bekks | Outdated, since there is no casper anymore. | 23:27 |
Joe_knock | bekks: http://www.unixmen.com/install-configure-pxe-server-ubuntu-14-04-lts/ | 23:29 |
bekks | Thanks a lot - let me try that one. | 23:30 |
Joe_knock | sorry for not being of more help. I haven't used PXE ever before. | 23:31 |
bekks | Joe_knock: It works! Yay! It works!!! :) | 23:40 |
bekks | THANK YOU! :) | 23:40 |
Joe_knock | Well done bekks. | 23:41 |
bekks | Thanks for that clue. I almost lost my mind during the last three days :) | 23:42 |
Joe_knock | The philosophy of : If you're doing it, someone else has already done it seems to hold true here. | 23:42 |
bekks | All I need it to modify the menu entry to use my custom kickstart file :) | 23:42 |
bekks | *is | 23:42 |
Joe_knock | but don't thank me. thank the people at: unixmen.com | 23:42 |
bekks | Yeah, thats why I asked in here :) You provided the link to me, which I hadnt found yet. :) | 23:43 |
Joe_knock | Do you use google to search? | 23:43 |
bekks | Yes I do. | 23:44 |
bekks | I used "ubuntu, pxe, install, howto, boot, 14.04, setup" without , and in various combinations. | 23:45 |
Joe_knock | Try this search engine instead: https://duckduckgo.com/ | 23:45 |
bekks | I'll remember that one :) | 23:45 |
bekks | Joe_knock: Thanks again - you REALLY made my day :) | 23:52 |
Joe_knock | no problem. All the best bekks | 23:58 |
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