[05:40] Morning o/ [05:41] More almal [05:41] I don't understand why making a bootable Ubuntu usb with dd does not boot. [05:41] More bduk1 [06:19] hi ThatGraemeGuy and all others [06:19] morning all [06:20] lo inetpro kbmonkey Squirm nlsthzn [06:23] Lo ThatGraemeGuy and Kilos [06:23] morning [06:25] O/ nlsthzn [06:44] Good evening. [06:45] ohi superfly [06:45] you starting pro tricks now too [06:47] Kilos: i have no time [06:47] most days i get to bed at midnight [06:47] ai! my fly you need to rest some too you know [06:47] time for leave again [06:48] oh with all the little ones leave is same thing [06:48] Exactly [06:49] well maybe in 20 years time youll get some resting time [06:51] Maybe when I'm your age, oom. [06:52] sjoe then you dont want to rest anymore because every thing is changing so fast you might miss out [06:59] Hi Kilos superfly [07:00] Hi theblazehen [07:22] hi theblazehen [07:23] sorry i took so long was outside in the lekker uv's [07:29] hi TinuvaMac [07:29] you still a happy mac user? [07:30] wasnt it you that wanted to put ubuntu on one [08:06] good mornings [08:07] morning inetpro [08:07] hi inetpro [08:12] Kilos: hi, definitely is, actually really like it. Battery lasts 9 hours, I still have the power of unix in the terminal, and the gui is super smooth, and I also have access to useful business apps like Office ect. [08:12] but no wasnt me that want to put ubuntu on my mac [08:12] osx yosemite is actually very nice [08:13] cool [08:14] i do wish i could get this lime irc chat on linux, its really nice. too bad you only get it for windows and mac [08:14] hexchat will have to suffice on linux [08:14] lol hexchat works fine [08:14] i even have it here on kde [08:15] would be nicer if it could ctrl+r to underline like konversation though [08:15] TinuvaMac: how about trying quassel? [08:17] didnt know about it, it looks good actually [08:17] I would try the MacOSX Monolithic Client (all-in-one, standalone client) [08:17] tho i prefer the minimal look on lime [08:18] TinuvaMac: wine? [08:22] good morning [08:22] drinking in the morning already? [08:22] i'll have some coffee instead [08:22] Maaz: coffee on [08:22] * Maaz puts the kettle on [08:24] hi charl [08:24] Maaz, coffee please [08:24] Kilos: Righto [08:24] hi Kilos [08:26] Coffee's ready for charl and Kilos! [08:26] Maaz, ty [08:26] You are welcome Kilos [08:27] haha inetpro het jy gesien wat se maaz van jou? [08:27] uh nee, waar? [08:27] Maaz, seen inetpro [08:27] Kilos: inetpro was last seen 1 second ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2014-10-31 01:27:44 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2014-10-30 11:01:27 PDT [08:27] Maaz, find him [08:27] Sorry Kilos He has broken something and is now hiding away in fear of being reprimanded [08:28] huh!? [08:28] haha skuus man [08:28] waar val hy uit die bus uit? [08:29] hy het gesien julle is weg gister [08:29] uh :-( [08:29] and he took the normal route [08:29] Maaz: find him [08:29] Sorry inetpro He has broken something and is now hiding away in fear of being reprimanded [08:29] blame the IT guy [08:30] skelm! [08:30] ek hoop dit kry darem n smile uit jou uit [09:03] theblazehen, hows your bp? [09:44] ThatGraemeGuy, adsl fixed yet? [09:48] some good news [09:48] no [09:48] now to get it everywhere [09:48] http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/a-victory-for-free-software-over-the-microsoft-tax [09:48] oh ThatGraemeGuy do you have to manually have to start your 3g? [09:49] i have a fix for that if you do [09:49] huh? [09:49] does your 3g auto connect? [09:49] I have a MiFi box thingy, i'm not sure what you mean [09:49] oh not 3g modem into pc [09:50] ok sorry [09:50] oh, no [09:50] since 12.04 3g auto connect hasnt worked [09:50] meh [09:50] those stick things are not for me [09:51] ive just had to use the fix on xubuntu 14.04 too [11:27] Kilos: http://i.imgur.com/JMC042q.png [11:27] lemme see [11:29] 2 next to each other with a single wall between? [11:29] oh that outer wall aint serious [11:30] is the 2 more behind ThatGraemeGuy [11:30] completed reactors [11:30] 2 live and 2 under construction [11:30] connected the the public HV grid, total supply is currently 1,3 million EU [11:31] uh, "to the"... [11:31] sjoe [11:35] yeah [11:35] that's the constant supply, there are a huge number of HV solar arrays all over as well, so daytime supply jumps to 2,2 million [11:54] :-( [11:54] I haven't had any time for minetest latetly [11:55] ThatGraemeGuy: you're building nuclear reactors in your house?! [12:38] superfly: in my basement power station yeah :) [12:39] this isn't on our server, i pretty much abandoned that since nobody plays there anymore :-/ [13:30] ja... [13:30] weekend almost there [13:44] Ja charl it can't come quick enough [13:49] :) [14:17] kbmonkey: http://i.imgur.com/kmYx4tp.jpg [14:20] hahaha [14:26] we had that on our wall at the office [14:26] seems to have gotten lost in the process of moving [14:26] haha [14:27] http://notalwaysright.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/STUPID.jpg <-- that one too [14:28] hahaha [14:28] techies think everyone else asks stupid questions [14:33] hi Vince-0 [14:33] hi Oom [14:52] hmm... [14:53] ohi [14:54] ohi my fly [14:54] weekend [15:17] hi Wraz you still here in za? [15:22] \hi Joe_knock [15:23] i go pump water [15:23] Kilos: Hello. [15:55] wb nlsthzn [15:56] yhx [15:56] gnome-shell went ded on me [15:56] oi [16:01] eeew gnome [16:01] wb kbmonkey [16:02] gnome-shell 3.14 with the right extensions is awesome [16:02] very very very fast, looks great [16:02] very functional and also dies on you like most DE if you mess with Wine to much :D [16:02] Ta kilos :) [16:03] XFCE is what works on older machines (like mine) [16:04] ya actually not too bad on older machines [16:04] Can anyone tell me why, when I dd the ubuntu iso to usb, it won't boot? Just hangs the bios post test :( [16:04] perhaps bad download, bad write or something in BIOS [16:04] because the usb isnt formatted to mbr state i think [16:04] The MD5 is good [16:05] there is UEFI and legacy and all manner of shinanigans these days [16:05] dd writes raw image so no need to make changes to the usb [16:05] you have unity going kbmonkey [16:05] My pc is pre-uefi :) [16:05] Nope kilos. Can't install. [16:05] booting from USB can be a nightmare with that EUFI stuff. Burn to a disk for convenienve [16:05] *ce [16:06] the disk utility has the goodie in to fornat sticks to mbr then unetbootin makes a good live stick [16:07] I like totally forgot to bring blank dvd's back from the office :d [16:07] you know how to format stick to mbr man [16:07] didnt we do this some months ago [16:07] Yes I do :) and it works for every other distro fine. Strange, is all. [16:08] Oh well [16:08] doesnt the dd command mess up the mbr bit? [16:08] Nope [16:08] dd makes an Exact copy [16:09] try unetbootin [16:09] I have [16:09] oi [16:09] Its still writing the disk [16:09] first format stick to fat32 [16:09] dd is typically very good [16:10] I love dd [16:10] Could be I need a new pc ;) [16:10] lol [16:10] no man i use old pc too [16:10] format stick fat32 then use unetbootin [16:11] I oath, its writing to psb at 2mb/s it's going to take all night [16:11] for one iso? [16:11] should take 5 mins to make boot stick [16:12] I'll watch some zombies while I wait :) [16:12] lol [16:12] Braaaains [16:12] are you using a 486 [16:13] Lol [16:13] or single core p4 with 256 ram [16:14] It's halloween Kilos. I'm installing linux on a dead badger [16:14] true story [16:14] Are you installing ubuntu on a 128MB ram machine? [16:14] man we dont do halloween [16:17] http://www.strangehorizons.com/2004/20040405/badger.shtml [16:17] The dead does not discriminate [16:18] No Joe_knock I have more RAM, maybe my usb ports are haunted :) [16:18] The burn to USB is quite slow. You sure the stick isnt corrupt? [16:21] It may be Joe_knock. I use it for debian/mint/live gamers ISO's without problems. But it may be broken. I'll keep that in mind :] [16:22] * kbmonkey just looking for reasons to get new hardware [16:22] ai! [16:23] Similarly, copying to my extenal drive / backup is also slow. It's not just unetbootin. [16:23] we should take scrap hardware and build 1 massive local server with the parts. [16:23] What is the transfer rate? [16:26] Ohi Joe_knock [16:27] 0_/ superfly [16:27] We can build skynet! [16:28] on 2MB ADSL [16:28] kbmonkey, if that pc is so slow it will never run 14.10 [16:28] * superfly is back on his N900 for the moment [16:31] The pc is decent Kilos, its just usb that is acting up [16:31] you only got the one stick? [16:32] I'll try others [16:32] im trying to con ian out of a 2g stick he never uses. they great for isos [16:32] Lol [16:32] and i think they dont make them anymore so good to collect [16:33] Sneaky! [16:33] ill even give him a 4g in place of it [16:34] he actually has the 4g already and keeps forgetting to return it [16:34] so good to rev him for all the 2g sticks he can find [16:36] Yes yes good plan [16:43] darn, 14.04 server is killing me. [16:43] lol [16:43] whats it doing [16:43] 403 errors. [16:44] Oh noes [16:44] i ended up installing 12.04 server [16:44] 403 no internet? [17:33] hi gremble [17:34] kbmonkey, whats happening [17:35] Kilos: not much :D [17:35] you not winning? [17:35] ai! [17:43] I'll try again tomorrow night. Had enough of staring at computers today :) [17:43] lol [17:43] hey Kilos [17:49] Hi gremble [17:50] Horrific halloween to all [18:23] good evening [18:33] hi charl [18:35] hi Kilos [18:39] Kilos: 403, access denied. Im going to wipe this server and try again. [18:39] ai! [18:41] superfly, isnt the n900 for irc when eating out? [18:44] or your adsl crashed? [19:15] it's for when my S3 doesn't work, like now. [19:15] eish [19:16] ok all. bed time for me [19:16] sleep tight