
shel3overino, we are alone :D19:48
shel3overwhere is OP ?19:48
inoxbps vs nix19:52
inoxbps-query -Rs ino19:55
inoxbps-install ino19:56
inoxbps-remove ino19:56
shel3overino, r u ok ? :p19:56
inoxbps-reconfigure -f ino19:57
inoout systemd bahhhhhhhhh http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/564843Capture13.png20:02
shel3overino, human plz :)20:04
shel3overu r trying openbsd ?20:08
shel3overino, :p20:08
inoopenbsd is good20:09
inopkg_add ino20:09
inopkg_add -i ino20:09
shel3overino, yep good but sometimes installing a simple service can be harder then making  it from scratch :p20:10
inoit is good to customize your own distribution :-)20:13
inoubuntu mini install is :-)20:14
shel3overino, i use archlinux :)20:15
inopacman is obsolete20:15
shel3overhaha u said :)20:16
inoobsolète technologie20:16
shel3overi'm happy with it :)20:16
inoi use archlinux it's disgusting20:17
inopacman -S vlc20:17
inodepend de qt completely20:18
shel3overso what do u recommand mr upda2date ? :p20:19
inoin linux : 1-xbps 2-dpkg 3-nix rpm=it's a nightmare, pacman=it's disgusting20:27
shel3overino, u said :)20:29
inoNO SUDO NO ROOT http://paste.ubuntu.com/8779447/20:58
inoFIND THIS ino@ino-voidlinux AND SEARCH21:02
inoGOOD LOOK21:02
inoxbps vs pacman and makepkg vs xbps-src https://plus.google.com/+MichaelSwierczek/posts/Bb9rQQhvgVA21:05
shel3overino, good night :)21:26

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