
Noskcajbug 138829401:02
ubot5bug 1388294 in geoclue-2.0 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] geoclue-2.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138829401:02
LinDolhi all01:13
darkxstNoskcaj, thanks, though currently empathy is the only thing in main that requires it? no?04:58
Noskcaji think i saw something else, forget what04:59
Noskcajg-clocks, g-maps, empathy, all the variations of webkitgtk05:00
darkxstfirst two are universe05:01
darkxstNoskcaj, it wouldnt hurt to list all packages in main that have upstream support05:02
darkxstbut are currently built against geoclue 105:03
Noskcajg-s-d also carries a revert05:10
darkxstthe more the better05:16
darkxstthough g-s-d is only in main for the schemas these days05:17
darkxstwhat about the qt5 positioning thing?05:17
darkxstseems odd that qt5 would be using obsolete libraries, but maybe it just is05:19
Noskcaji'll look into it05:25
GnomieHomieHi, I've been using Ubuntu 14.04, upgraded to 14.10 today and my system hangs on boot.08:49
GnomieHomieI see the start-up splash screen, then with all 3 dots highlighted, it hangs.08:49
GnomieHomieMy system uses a Asus Maximus VI Hero motherboard, intel 4770k and Sapphire/AMD HD 7950. Nothing is overclocked (except the ram by just a little bit... to match the specs on the box it came in).08:50
GnomieHomieI normally use the official AMD drivers, rather than the OSS ones.08:51
GnomieHomieI can't boot to rescue mode - it won't bring up a terminal, etc, it just stops after a certain line. Currently, I'm using an live disc to access the system.08:52
GnomieHomieThe last line that shows in rescue mode is: [    2.464692] Switched to clocksource tsc08:53
GnomieHomie /var/log/dmesg shows the following after that line.08:53
GnomieHomie[    2.575723] init: Error while reading from descriptor: Broken pipe [    2.577537] init: failsafe main process (855) killed by TERM signal08:53
GnomieHomie.. and some other stuff that doesn't look suspect (though, I'm not sure if those lines I've pasted, are from me turning the PC off)08:54
GnomieHomiePulling my hair out, open to any suggestions please :)08:55
GnomieHomiegdm log's last line is: /usr/bin/X: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so: undefined symbol: LoadExtension08:56
mgedminGnomieHomie, the 'failsafe ... killed by TERM' is normal, it doesn't break boot09:01
mgedminthe fglrx_drv error is definitely very suspicious09:01
mgedminmy laptop has intel video so I've no familiarity with amd's proprietary drivers09:01
GnomieHomiehmm, ok09:01
mgedmincan you check if the package versions you've got are up to date?09:02
GnomieHomiemgedmin: if it's display drivers, I could try reinstall/check for update, but for that, I would need to boot the system somehow.09:02
mgedminhow are you accessing the log files?09:02
GnomieHomielive disc09:03
mgedminnm, found it in backlog09:03
mgedminyou can use chroot to install/remove packages09:03
GnomieHomieno idea how I would do that, any tips on what I should be googling (or want to tell me what to do)? Thanks.09:03
mgedminopen a terminal and sudo chroot /path/to/where/your/system/root/is/mounted /bin/bash09:05
mgedminin there I'd run apt-show-versions | grep -v uptodate09:05
mgedminto see if there are any packages not matching the version in ubuntu archives (outdated or locally installed or anything)09:05
mgedminyou may need to apt install apt-show-versions09:06
GnomieHomieokay, thanks heaps, I'll give things a whirl and let you know how I get on09:07
mgedminideally you'd find someone who has amd video and is running 14.10 successfully on irc, and figure out how your systems differ...09:07
mgedminby the way, is the live system you're using also 14.10?09:11
GnomieHomieno, I mean.09:12
GnomieHomieI haven't downloaded an iso to test if 14.10 works as new09:12
GnomieHomiemgedmin: any idea how to enable network access within the chroot?09:19
mgedminopen a different terminal (so you've a system outside the chroot) and sudo mount --bind /etc/resolv.conf /path/to/chroot/etc/resolv.conf09:19
mgedmins/a system/a shell/09:20
GnomieHomieworks well... loving this stuff *archives it for later*09:21
mgedminnote that if you end up having to install a kernel or grub from a live system like this, you also have to have more bind mounts09:22
mgedminspecifically /proc, /sys, /dev and /dev/pts09:22
GnomieHomie... mgedmin, at a guess, I figured I would reinstall gfx drivers, which uses intrafms (sp?) to put itself into the kernel.09:23
mgedminno, I don't think they go into initramfs09:23
GnomieHomieDo I therefore need to do more binds, or should the install be OK as is?09:23
mgedminshould be fine09:23
GnomieHomieHmm, I think it may well have been the gfx drivers, we'll see soon - I've uninstalled them.09:33
GnomieHomieNote to self, in future, before upgrade, uninstall proprietry drivers.09:33
GnomieHomieInstall notes on the website say kernel supported up to 3.15, where-as Ubuntu is now at 3.16.09:34
mgedminwait, did you install fglrx by hand?09:34
mgedmininstead of using ubuntu's own proprietary driver installer?09:34
GnomieHomienah, there's an uninstall script09:34
mgedminyeah, that can be a problem09:34
GnomieHomieCorrection: Yes, I installed fglrx on my own.09:34
mgedminbut if you'd used ubuntu's jockey (iirc that's what it's called), then I'd expect the system to survive an upgrade09:34
mgedminah, ok09:34
GnomieHomiewell, wish me luck, see ya.09:35
nlsthznso glad I found out about Alt+F2 then r to restart gnome-shell... some of the extensions sometimes go wonky and now I can sort them out in 2 seconds :)11:06
tdg5hello all, is there anyone here who can offer me some insight into what I would need to do to get a patch backported/added to the gnome-3-10 branch of the gnome-shell-extensioms project?11:25
tdg5I don't think it's something particular to my system, but the 3.10 version of the places-menu extension fails to load because it's missing a patch that seems to have only been added to 3.12+11:29
tdg5This is the missing patch: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-shell-extensions/commit/extensions/places-menu/placeDisplay.js?h=gnome-3-12&id=e73752118d30a9c17a6403036ea33d6eb0e70e5511:29
MichaelTunnellGNOME is reactivating wifi on reboot...is there a way in Ubuntu GNOME to force it to always be disabled?18:12
MichaelTunnellI suppose rfkill block is the best method for this with a soft block18:19
GnomebuntuknilchMichaelTunnell: blacklist the drivermodul18:20
MichaelTunnellwell need it to work if necessary at some point so blacklist is too permanent18:22

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