
pngo_why calendar has been removed from default apps in rtm channel?00:20
pittikenvandine: "powerd rebuild against new upower in vivid-proposed (spreadsheet row 88)." oh, I already had that in line 7908:06
pittikenvandine: ok, I emptied my line 7908:09
pittikenvandine: I'll test it ASAP (possibly today)08:10
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=== mibofra is now known as zz_mibofra
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gcollurawhy are UserMetrics not included in the documentation?11:36
DanChapmangcollura: I wondered that when i was looking for it. Eventually ahayzen pointed me to http://nik90.com/adding-infographics-to-ubuntu-phone/12:44
gcollurahi DanChapman :) I know they can be used, I was wondering why they are 'hidden'12:46
=== Liam_ is now known as Guest80882
Guest80882I installed Ubuntu Touch on my tablet and need to know if there is a way to install apps on it13:54
lotuspsychjeGuest80882: wich device did you install on?13:55
Z3Hi, would you say the RTM version installed on a Nexus 4 is so stable as Android at this time?16:05
Z3would you use it in your personal mobile phone, or is better wait?16:06
quitte_Hi. on my tablet the touchscreen input is 90° off and mirrored. xinput-calibrator seems to be unable to fix that. I figured someone here could point me at some information I might need as a newbie to touch input on linux16:08
rickspencer3hi all16:21
rickspencer3I'm in a weird situation on my maco on 15.04 ....16:21
rickspencer3the dialer thinks my SIM is locked16:21
rickspencer3but in system settings, it says that the is not locked16:22
saidinesh5why is it that everytime i enable write mode and install some developer tools on the tablet16:35
saidinesh5it never works anymore16:35
saidinesh5Elleo: ping16:35
dobeyanyone around and knows how to oauth sign a url from qml?17:41
dobeyand how does one get a static window title using the sdk? i want it to be "Application Name" and not "com.ubuntu.developer.user.application" or "Current Page Title"18:50
nik90dobey: If you set the page or tab title, that should be set as the application window title19:36
nik90dobey: if not you could try http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtquick-window-window.html#title-prop19:37
dobeynik90: setting the page title sets the window title to the page title though, which doesn't make sense, especially when pages get switched. i want it to always be the app's name, not the page title, and never change.21:36
dobeyand i don't think i can use a qquickwindow, as the sdk stuff complains if you don't have MainView.applicationName set as the same as the package name21:40

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