
mthxHey all! Work is buying me a new laptop soon and since I exclusively use Linux, they are letting me get something other than the standard Macbook Pro. I was originally looking at the System 76 Galago Ultra Pro but the battery life on it is nearly unacceptable. Need something realistically in the 6 or 7+ hour range. Also looked at the Dell XPS Sputnik Laptop and it's seems to be a good all around laptop.01:51
mthxAnyone have any other suggestions? I am only considering laptops that come with Linux support out of the box, and have shown a commitment to ACTUALLY continue supporting it.01:51
jrwrenmthx: only system7601:55
mthxjrwren: That is my preference, but they want me to consider something with actually acceptable battery life. I get a new laptop every 3 years, or as requested but they keep the laptop for closer to 5 or 7 years. Meaning it will get repurposed and someone else will still need a functioning battery.01:57
_stink_buy a second battery and never charge it so it doesn't die?01:59
mthx_stink_ That second battery will still only last 3-4 hours. Since work is buying it, they also have some requirements of their own. When I put the requisition in for the Ultra Pro, their response was to research alternatives because the battery life was unacceptable.02:05
mthx_stink_ Thats not to say if I go back to them and say "I want this one" that they will refuse it, but it's unprofessional to not at least consider alternatives as they will have to reporpose it down the road.02:06
_stink_yeah i gotcha02:07
_stink_i'm surprised system76 doesn't offer better batteries.02:07
_stink_it's been a long time since i bought a new laptop02:08
_stink_other than this chromebook02:08
_stink_which lasts forever02:08
mthxI did briefly consider requesting a Chromebook Pixel but thought better of it :)02:08
_stink_i just have a c72002:09
_stink_with ubuntu in a chroot using crouton02:09
_stink_it's nice.02:09
cmaloneyEvening. :)02:10
mthxHey cmaloney, hows it going?02:10
cmaloneymthx: Going well, you?02:10
mthxPretty good. Getting ready to get a free laptop!02:11
cmaloneyWoo woo02:11
mthxHows Michigan?02:13
mthxSnowing yet?02:13
_stink_i hear it did up in saginaw02:15
_stink_not in royal oak yet, but awfully close02:15
cmaloneyI think we're supposed to get snow soon02:15
brouschWe got snow yesterday12:53
cmaloneybrousch: Ugh15:00
aisraelI can't wait for snow. It's finally cold enough to break out the long socks and scarves. :D15:18
cmaloneyaisrael: I can wait a little longer for snow.15:23
cmaloneyI like to savor Fall15:24
greg-gwhat is this "season" you speak of?15:37
cmaloneygreg-g: har har16:24
cmaloneybtw: Open metalcast is on http://metalinjection.fm16:29
cmaloneyI don't understand why this game ended so early.16:58
cmaloneymrgoodcat: gg17:05
cmaloneyI think I should have resigned earlier. :)17:06
brouschcmaloney: maybe he didn't want to lose to you20:22
brouschmrgoodcat has come a long way. He has been several moves ahead of me for at least half of this game21:31
cmaloneyYeah, no kidding22:29

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