
Kilosmorning buntu peeps05:01
Kilossjoe Vince-0 you here early05:03
Kilosmôre Kerbero 06:21
Kiloshi TinuvaMac 06:59
KilosMaaz, môre06:59
MaazGoeie dag %who my vriend06:59
KilosMaaz, môre07:00
MaazGoeie dag Kilos my vriend07:00
KilosMaaz, botsnack07:00
MaazThank you thank you, munch munch chomp chomp07:00
nlsthznmorning all07:05
Kiloshi nlsthzn 07:11
Kiloswhew those macs are expensive hey07:12
Kilosmacbook air R12699 07:13
nlsthznmuch $07:13
Kilosmacbook pro R1499907:13
Kilosim sure i can build a gaming desktop for much less07:13
nlsthznyes you could07:16
Kilosnlsthzn, how do i see the re-eval page as they will see it not as something that can be edited07:22
nlsthznthey will see it the same as us as they also have permission to edit the page... send me the link you have so I can see what you see pls :)07:47
Kilosok lemme ask the bot07:53
KilosMaaz, 07:53
MaazKilos: *blink*07:53
Kilosaw i forgot07:53
KilosMaaz, re-eval07:53
MaazKilos: *blink*07:53
inetprogood mornings07:58
inetproKilos: what;s the problem?07:58
Kilosi frorgot what i told maaz to remember what the link was for the re-evaluation thing sir07:59
Kilosforgot too07:59
Kilosand a good morning to you07:59
inetprois it important?07:59
Kilosna i bookmarket it in browser as well ty08:00
inetproif you get lost just go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam08:01
Kilosah ty inetpro 08:01
KilosMaaz, team is <reply> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam08:01
MaazKilos: If you say so08:01
inetproyou'll have to remember to remember what to remember08:02
Kiloshaha that seems to be the prob thats why i try keep it as basic as possible08:03
Kilosha i remembered08:21
KilosMaaz, reapp08:21
inetproa terrible word that08:25
Kilossupposed to mean re_app08:25
KilosMaaz, forget reapp08:25
MaazKilos: Righto08:25
Kilosi tired now08:26
Kilosoh inetpro i found a wifi hotspot close by08:28
Kilosfurther towards brits and about 3 ks i think08:28
Kilosi dunno how to measure crow fly distance08:29
Kilosso no hills between08:29
nlsthznKilos, that is the way the page will look for everyone08:56
Kilosok ty nlsthzn 08:57
Kiloshi gremble 08:57
bushtechKilos, to measure crow fly distance google earth or mapsource/basecamp can all do it I think09:14
Kiloswhat do isps use for their coverage maps09:27
Kiloslike on this link09:28
Kilostype in magaliesmoot in the search block09:29
Kilosoh i think you must choose prepaid first then wifi i forget now09:30
charlgood morning10:16
charlMaaz: coffee on10:16
* Maaz washes some mugs10:16
charldirty mugs again10:19
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!10:20
Kiloshi charl 10:25
nlsthzndue to inactivity the ZA subforum in ubuntuforums.org has been closed :/ 11:13
Kiloswe help peeps here not in a forum11:21
grembleWhy does a subforum have to be closed11:29
grembleIt is not like it takes a lot of resources, especially when it is inactive11:29
nlsthznI guess not but all loco's that had inactive subforums where archived, they can be re-opened if needed off course11:33
charlMaaz: thanks11:34
Maazcharl: Sure11:34
charlhi Kilos 11:34
magespawngood afternoon12:46
inetprohullo magespawn12:47
magespawnhow is it, inetpro?12:48
inetprovery very hot here in Pretoria12:51
nlsthznnice autumn weather here - only 3312:55
inetpro30°C here inside with 40% humidity, too much for me12:59
inetpronot sure about the accuracy of the humidity though 13:00
inetpromagic mobile phone telling me that13:01
charlhey inetpro 13:03
inetprohi charl13:03
charlhow's it going13:03
charloh sorry you already answered that :p13:04
charlhi magespawn 13:04
Kiloshi magespawn 13:14
Kiloswe might get a storm later to cool it off for the old and feeble13:17
grembleWith all this heat it will probably be hail13:18
Kiloshail cools it quick13:18
grembleYa, does not mean I like it :P13:18
grembleWe have a flat roof13:18
grembleLast time there was bad hail, it broke13:18
Kiloslast hail we had stripped all the fruit trees13:19
grembleIt is very good for the trees though. 13:20
grembleHail puts a lot of nitrogen back into the ground13:20
Kilosoh yes hail is good for all plants but only after theyve recovered from the damage13:20
magespawnhi Kilos, hi charl 13:50
magespawni am nice and cool for once, down here13:51
Kiloshaha is it building up to rain magespawn ?13:51
magespawngotta go install a satellite dish 13:52
magespawnno just over cast and cool13:52
Kilosthat place can cook with the best of them13:52
magespawnwe are having a nice start to summer so far, had a couple of hot days but not sustained yet13:52
magespawngotta go now, dish install, chat later13:53
Kilosgo install your dish so you dont have to work late unless they giving supper too13:53
Kilosbushtech, i used google maps and a vernier and looks like the hotspot is only 1 k from here14:41
Kilosbut also realised i gave my wifi card and yagi to ian14:42
charldoes anyone happen to have any experience getting vlc working on raspbian ?14:48
Kiloswhats raspbian14:50
grembledebian on a raspberry pi14:51
charlversion of debian that runs on raspberry pi14:51
Kilosoi you okes and your toys14:52
charlthat's what i did so far but not working14:52
Kiloshasnt it got a package manager14:53
Kilosto sort dependancies14:53
charlregular apt but the apt package does not work14:53
charlnot compiled properly14:53
Kilosanreinstall apt14:53
Kiloscan you install aptitude on it14:54
Kilosis aptitude debian or ubuntu only14:54
grembleAptitude is debian14:54
grembleThat is why ubuntu can use it14:55
grembleUbuntu is based on debian14:55
charlit's not apt's fault it's the package14:55
charlthat's why i need to compile14:55
Kiloscool then use aptitude charl it will give more feedback14:55
grembleIs it a schlep to compile packages on the raspberry?14:55
charlnono you don't understand Kilos 14:55
charlthe package installs14:56
charlbut it is not compiled to work with the gpu that's on the board14:56
charlit's broadcom so it's problematic14:56
grembleIsn't the r-pi supposed to be fully open hardware?14:56
charlgremble: it's slow. very slow. the rpi is slow to start off with.14:56
charlnono broadcom is not known for being open14:56
charlopenbsd refuses to run on it because of those issue14:57
charlomxplayer runs perfectly with hardware acceleration14:57
charlbut omxplayer does not support subtitles well14:57
charland that happens to be important for me14:57
charlcompiling vlc took a couple of hours14:58
gremblecharl: http://hertaville.com/2014/04/12/cross-compiling-qt4-app/ perhaps you can cross-compile from the PC14:58
charlthe issue is not qt14:59
charli run the command line version of vlc14:59
charlthe problems are related to audio and codecs14:59
grembleThat is now spesific to QT4 apps, but I am sure you can use the same cross-comp toolchain14:59
grembleI didn't link for QT.14:59
grembleI linked for the toolchain14:59
charlah so, lemme take a look14:59
charlthat will speed things up a lot15:00
charlbut i still need the right compile options15:01
charlthat's what i'm having trouble with right now15:01
grembleAh ok15:01
charlthanks for the help though but i think i need somebody with experience having done this before15:02
charlthought i might hit it lucky :)15:02
charli think i need to ask on some rpi channels15:02
charlit's a pity because omxplayer works great (for the most part)15:02
charlmaybe i should try patching it15:02
charland forget about vlc entirely15:03
charlor i should simply cave in and use xbmc :)15:04
charlbut i really like the ability to control the video via ssh15:05
Kilosdont give up till you have proved its impossible15:05
Kilosand battling with it will keep you out of other trouble15:06
charlgremble: i found this earlier which is related https://github.com/rcarmo/raspbian-vlc-cross-compile15:09
charlit lets you compile vlc inside a VM using vagrant15:09
charlalso a very nice concept i think15:09
charllol Kilos 15:09
charli have lots to do here :P not just compile stuff the whole day15:09
grembleYa. you need a compiler that can compile it into the correct bytecode/instruction set15:10
charlprecisely yeah but clearly that's not a problem15:11
charlit is heck of a lot faster than compiling on the rpi15:12
charli am very impressed with the minimalism though15:12
charl-/+ buffers/cache:        25M       348M15:12
charlonly uses 25M with nothing open other than standard ssh15:12
charlthat's impressive15:12
inetproMaaz: hmm...16:31
Maazhmm... is often used to try make others believe one is actually thinking16:31
Kiloswhat does uh!? mean inetpro ?16:35
Kilosyou winning charl ?16:37
Kilosor you gave up16:37
Kilosyou okes all need to get bell.ogg alert/notifications working so you dont take a week to answer16:38
Kilosohi superfly 16:38
Kiloss3 fixed?16:38
superflyhi Kilos, no.16:38
Kilosoh my what happened you always fix things16:39
charlKilos: i'm asking on #raspbian now16:51
charli'll see if i get some luck16:51
charlnope no luck17:04
charlchannel is dead17:04
charlthat said, it's saturday evening17:04
Kilosother irc channels you can wait half a day for help17:11
Kilosbiblical justice with a twist17:32
charltrue, true17:51
charlyum that sounds delicious17:52
charlgood thing i had an early dinner17:52
Kiloscan safe on the food bills that way17:52
Kiloshow far is kenya from there17:52
charlin the west they say "i killed a man" and in afrika they say "i fed my family"17:53
Kilosmaybe andrew gets eaten if his servers crash17:53
charluganda and some other countries are in between17:53
charlSymmetria: they gonna turn you into roast17:54
charli don't think the kenyans would do that though17:55
charlkenyans are very nice people17:55
charlthe somalis might17:55
charlno i think the somalies will just threat you with a bomb17:55
Kilosand then eat the pieces17:55
charlyeah the kenyans don't like them17:55
Kilosthats kind of rough in this day and age17:56
charlit's sad17:57
charldays are getting shorter ... i feel the winter coming17:57
charltoday was nice though, clear skies and 20 degrees17:57
Kilos20 is winter17:57
charl-20 is winter17:58
charlfortunately not in NL17:58
charlhere -2 is winter17:58
Kilosno man thats the temp you keep meat at for years before you cook and eat it17:58
charlvery cold that here, in lapland everyone would run outside17:58
charlin lapland they don't even see the sun those people17:59
charlhalf the year they live in darkness18:00
charlnot my climate i would get crazy18:00
charlthat's no climate for a normal person that's for eskimos18:01
Kilosbut not much flu around there i think18:02
charlit's too cold for flu18:03
charlnothing survives18:03
Kilosi wonder if they got aids there18:04
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:26
charlwb theblazehen 19:24

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