
ManWithIssiuesPutting in my data, setting keyboard ..00:00
SheepolutionI tried everything, but for some reason I can't change my default browser from firefox to chromium00:01
sacarlsonSheepolution: did you try logout and login again?00:01
Bashing-omManWithIssiues: OK, in the launcher: Software Center -> task bar at top of screen (edit menu option on top task bar) -> Additional Drivers (tab in Software Sources); Here install readeon.00:01
ManWithIssiuesPeople still use chromium?00:01
Bashing-omManWithIssiues: Yes on chromium, many prefer it .. there is also Firefox and the propritary Google chrome as the more popular browsers .. there are many others.00:03
Sheepolutionsacarlson: If you want me to try, I'll be right back.00:03
ManWithIssiuesThan I need to exit to desktop mode..00:03
gr33n-ionhey guys how can I install opengl 32 bit if I already have the 64 bit version installed?00:04
ManWithIssiuesTo set up Wi-Fi..00:04
Bashing-omManWithIssiues: Do you not have the system on a wired connection ?00:04
ManWithIssiuesNo.. :'(00:05
Sheepolution_It didn't work00:05
sacarlsonwhy do people leave before answering my questions???   note on return xdg-settings set default-web-browser firefox.desktop00:05
Bashing-omManWithIssiues: OH my, now that 'might' present issues ! I sure hope you can gewt wifi functional .. we MUST have an inter net connection.00:06
ManWithIssiuesCan't afford.. I broke Sony xperia z2 tablet display, not LCD.. only touch... repair say's 890eur, new is for 763eur... please kill me :-$00:06
sacarlsonSheepolution note on return xdg-settings set default-web-browser firefox.desktop00:06
Sheepolution_sacarlson: http://hastebin.com/otucawiwec.coffee00:07
ManWithIssiuesHow much Time  do u have?00:08
sacarlsonSheepolution opps what desktop do you run unity?00:08
Sheepolution_sacarlson: Currently I use i3wm00:08
Sheepolution_sacarlson: But I can switch to Unity. I'm not sure if configurations I do there will stay with i3?00:09
Bashing-omManWithIssiues: Hard to tell presently how long I can remain here on line with you .. maybe several hours yet.00:09
sacarlsonSheepolution_: no unity sucks anything is better00:10
ManWithIssiuesNeed to recharge battery on phone, to establish borowed wi-fi :-$  goes faster...00:10
ManWithIssiues2.0 USB :-) :-) :-) lol00:10
Sheepolution_sacarlson: Oh okay00:10
Sheepolution_sacarlson: When I do something like xdg-settings set default-web-browser chromium-browser.desktop00:11
Sheepolution_It says: xdg-settings: unknown desktop environment00:11
ManWithIssiuesBut still... how can Linux copy faster with 2.0 than f* windows?00:12
sacarlsonSheepolution_: yes I think there must be something different needed for i3wm I have to research it as I"ve never used it00:12
sacarlsonSheepolution_: I also assume you DID install firefox00:12
ManWithIssiues0k.. I got two drivers.00:12
ManWithIssiuesSame names00:13
Bashing-omManWithIssiues: I can not compare, I have not used Windows in a very long time.00:13
ManWithIssiues:-)  I feel u..00:13
Sheepolution_If I do: xdg-mime default browser.desktop x-scheme-handler/https00:13
Sheepolution_And then: xdg-open https://archlinux.org00:14
ManWithIssiuesI am so lucky to have Linux.. :-) and u guy's to help me fix this miracle of numbers and plastic :-$00:16
ManWithIssiuesDo I install drivers before install?00:16
daftykinsyou don't really install drivers so much at all - it's not Windows00:17
Bashing-omManWithIssiues: IF you have no internet connection, you can not install anything .00:17
Sheepolution__So not sure what is going on. .html files open in chromium now, but everything else still in FF.00:18
ManWithIssiuesI know that.. waiting for phone to charge :-)00:19
sacarlsonSheepolution wow weard.  do you not have preferences>prefered aplications  in this I3dm?00:19
Sheepolution__sacarlson: This is all I have: http://i.gyazo.com/9259ba3dc9cf29e4db2db33c8ffc4d85.png00:21
Sheepolution__So no preferences menu :00:22
phinxyim following a guide and i need to "cat > hooks/post-receive"00:22
phinxyand set something up there, but i cant "save"00:22
sacarlsonSheepolution__: like a missing control panel00:22
Jordan_Uphinxy: ctrl+d when you've finished entering your text.00:23
sacarlsonSheepolution__: how would you even run anything?   right click?00:23
phinxyis cat like vim then?00:23
Jordan_Uphinxy: Most people just use a text editor instead of redirecting stdin to a file via cat.00:24
savannah_Hi, does a non-PAE OS work with a PAE system.00:24
Jordan_Usavannah_: Yes.00:24
Sheepolution__sacarlson: I have a dmenu, as it's called. I do: Win + D, and then type the application I want to run00:24
savannah_Thank you!00:24
jhutchins_wkphinxy: cat is short for concatenate.  It's waiting for input, so perhaps you were supposed to cat <something> > hooks/post-receive00:25
jhutchins_wkphinxy: If not, enter the text specified, then press Ctrl-D.  I'm suspicious that your instructions don't make that clear.00:26
phinxyin the middle00:26
codygmanWhat certs are used by default on ubuntu for https?00:30
daftykins!find certificates00:30
ubottuFound: ca-certificates, ca-certificates-java00:30
Jordan_Uphinxy: cat is a command that conCATinates whatever files you pass it as input and dumps them all to stdout. By default, if no file names are passed as parameters to cat, it just reads from stdin. So "cat" with no other arguments just reads from stdin, and writes exactly what it read back to stdout. "cat > /path/to/file" redirects the output of cat to some file. The way that you stop cat from printing to stdout, and thus ...00:30
daftykins!info ca-certificates00:30
ubottuca-certificates (source: ca-certificates): Common CA certificates. In component main, is standard. Version 20140325 (utopic), package size 180 kB, installed size 442 kB00:30
Jordan_U... finish writing to your file, is by sending an EOF (End Of File), wich in the shell is done by pressing ctlr+d. You probably just want to replace "cat > hooks/post-receive" with "nano hooks/post-receive" or for a GUI editor "gedit hooks/post-receive".00:30
sacarlsonSheepolution__: I'm not sure where in your i3dm they might put this stuf.  I see for me it's in /etc/gnome/defaults.list   so if for you it's different you might try cd /etc ; grep -r firefox * ;00:35
sacarlsonSheepolution__: I don't fully understand why xdg-settings doesn't work as I would think the window manager settings shouldn't matter00:36
alazare619_2anyone know of a package thats simple like hamachi was for a private vpn between a few pc's looking to do a rsync between multiple family member pc's for pictures and stuff00:42
daftykinsalazare619_2: that's what SSH is for00:44
kristofersbaught an old server from bankrupt bank changed hp server mobo to my old Asus mobo installed lubuntu on one of the three hdd that came with server everything was fine for couple of days but now its restarting or crashign all the time. any ideas?00:45
ManWithIssiuesHad to walk a cat..00:45
alazare619_2im looking for a package that will sit idle and alow cifs etc to be sent through the vpn daftykins00:45
alazare619_2im quiet familiar with ssh tunnels etc00:45
Rrrrrrrhi all00:45
alazare619_2im looking for something with hamachi functionality without having to run a full fledge openvpn off my mikrotik00:45
RrrrrrrIm with ubuntu gnome 14.04 here. is there any way to change the colour of windows in the background? to diferenciate from the window being used?00:45
Bashing-omManWithIssiues: Still here.00:46
daftykinshamachi is a toy00:46
lagboxkristofers, maybe a hardware diagnostic would be good00:46
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SchrodingersScat!info n2n | alazare619_2: n2n is much like hamachi, as far as ease of setup, seems to be in the repos now as well,00:47
ubottualazare619_2: n2n is much like hamachi, as far as ease of setup, seems to be in the repos now as well,: n2n (source: n2n): Peer-to-Peer VPN network daemon. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3.1~svn3789-4 (utopic), package size 46 kB, installed size 136 kB00:47
ManWithIssiuesThank u .. that really calms me down..00:48
RrrrrrrIm with ubuntu gnome 14.04 here. is there any way to change the colour of windows in the background? to diferenciate from the window being used?00:48
kristoferslagbox, do you know any good tools?00:49
alazare619_2thank you SchrodingersScat00:49
lagboxyour bios might even offer some diagnostic tools00:49
SchrodingersScatalazare619_2: this page may help: http://www.ntop.org/products/n2n/00:49
alazare619_2ahh from the creators of ntop nice i use it quiet frequently at the hospital im a sysadmin for00:50
alazare619_2i run arch but figure id ask here as most of the ubuntu members are generally quiet familiar with a broad range of software00:50
alazare619_2more so then even arch00:51
nicklasmoellerHello, I'm making a pretty custom product - you are able to change colors, and add as many as you want to, even multiple times. I've created a virtual product, but I don't really know how I should attack (/attach) this.. The sizes (and later shapes) are loaded from the product itself, but the colors are loaded from a custom table in my database. I just want to know how I can attach all this to an order programatically?00:51
lagboxalso you can probably do a memory test from grub00:51
nicklasmoellerwrong channel, my bad!00:51
Bashing-omalazare619_2: My 1st thought is always, can I boot to a terminal ?00:51
lagboxthough i might check the memory than the harddrives00:52
alazare619_2Bashing-om, pretty much :P00:52
ManWithIssiues10 more minutes for phone00:53
kristofers lagbox, cand even do any tests now it is not even booting00:58
kristofersi havo an another p4 cpu laying around00:59
kristofersi am going to test that one00:59
Bashing-omalazare619_2: Well, if ya can boot to terminal, and the system is fuctional, that tells ya that it is a desk top issue, huh ?01:00
kristoferslagbox, amazing quality case and psu though i think after roof colapse you could still retrieve working hdd01:02
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Bashing-omkristofers: Can you boot to terminal ? and if so, what  results when you try and start the desktop from terminal ?01:07
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kristofersBashing-om, I can do a full booth noe but it restarts01:12
kristofersBashing-om, almosr instantly01:12
kristofersBashing-om, hmm it seems like bios settings are lost01:13
Bashing-omkristofers: Things can happen .. if you think that is probable, by all means reset bios to defaults.01:14
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Bashing-omkristofers: Nother thought, can you boot the liveDVD ?01:15
kristofersBashing-om, now sceen doesnet even come one01:18
kristofersi thing its a harware oriblem01:18
kristofersBashing-om, its like its falling apart01:19
Bashing-omkristofers: Power supply ?01:19
kristofersBashing-om, its like its falling apart01:19
kristofersBashing-om, yup could be i will check another one tomorow01:19
Bashing-omkristofers: Falling apart to me means the power supply has failed .. volt meter and see what is going on.01:20
kristofersBashing-om, ok i will do that at morning its realy late for me right now01:21
kristofersBashing-om: and i feel tired as shit i gues avaricious pays twice01:22
kristofersBashing-om: aldo PC is just for my country sode house CCTV01:23
Bashing-omkristofers: No time to be hasty for sure. Time to exercise care when you pop open the case.01:24
MegaHi guys! I installed Ubuntu 14.10 (dual boot next to Win7) I'm looking for a way to synchronize 1 file between systems (ts3server.sqlitedb) It's DB for teamspeak3-server, it must be placed in the main ts3-server directory, but for Windows and Linux there are different server versions, therefore I cannot keep this file in the same directory (let's say under NTFS partition) :( Could somebody help me please? :)01:24
MegaMaybe there is a way to make a universal symlink that would be work for NTFS partition too? :'( Or something else?01:26
daftykinsMega: nah, just transfer it once, then put the command in a script maybe01:26
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Jordan_UMega: ntfs supports symlinks, and it's only the source side that needs to support symlinks anyway.01:28
Megadaftykins: I thought about that, but I need to synchronize that file not only when I boot Ubuntu, but when I shut down it too. Is there a way to execute some kind of .sh before shutdowning? :D01:28
daftykinsMega: why don't you just run teamspeak from another server, or even a raspberry pi?01:29
diegoaguilarHello, Im logged in at my laptop, I changed password because I shared a ssh session01:29
gothicspeakerI 'm in need of help because I have big problems in my ubuntu01:29
diegoaguilarit was yesterday and I kept laptop on, I cant remember what was the "temporal" password01:29
gothicspeakerI have 0 bytes free and I just removed about 215 MB, but now it says 0 bytes free again01:30
daftykinsgothicspeaker: pastebin "df -h"01:30
gothicspeakerdaftykins: How do you copy-paste in a terminal? I can never do it01:30
daftykinsclick and drag over the text you want01:31
daftykinsopen paste.ubuntu.com in a browser, paste in01:31
lagboxhighlight to copy ... middle click to paste01:31
Jordan_Ugothicspeaker: ctrl+shift+c ctrl+shift+v, or just right click, or use middle click to paste the last text that you selected (*not* the last text you explicitly copied).01:31
daftykinsexcept we don't want it pasted here, thanks lagbox ;)01:32
Megadaftykins: Because of there is an application ontop of teamspeak-server and I have to maintain it frequently, I mean it needs to be in my PC, where I have Node.js VIM etc :301:32
daftykinsMega: all that is repeatable on other platforms01:32
gothicspeakerI can't get it to copy-paste so I will type it over01:32
Jordan_UMega: Did you see my message about symlinks?01:32
lagboxyea the question didn't imply pasting here01:33
gothicspeakerdaftykins:  /dv/sda1         35GB      used:  33G         Available:  0         Used: 100%,        none           4,0 K          used:  0              Available:  4,0 K     0%     /sys/fs/cgroup01:33
Ben64gothicspeaker: can you just paste it into a pastebin service01:33
gothicspeakerdaftykins:    udev         996M        used:  4,0 K        Avail:     996 M         1%       /dev01:33
MegaJordan_U: uh, sorry, I just realize it. You mean I able to make symlink just usual way? O_O01:33
Jordan_UMega: Yup.01:34
gothicspeakerBen64: No, because I can't press a middle mouse button with my laptop and if I press left and right at the same time the terminal does weird things, and the other things recommended here don't work neither01:34
Ben64ctrl+shift+c when text is highlighted01:34
Ben64gothicspeaker: or, use pastebinit01:34
Jordan_Ugothicspeaker: Completely aside from your copying problem, if you need to post anything that's more than one line please use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com, and only post the URL for it here.01:35
gothicspeakerBen64: Doesn't work01:35
daftykinsgothicspeaker: can't help if you're unwilling to discover how to paste01:35
Ben64gothicspeaker: it does work. ctrl+shift+c to copy in terminal, ctrl+v to paste in pastebin.com or similar01:36
Ben64gothicspeaker: or, right click and select "copy"01:36
hasanhi guys. I have a very weird problem. I have openvpn set up on both (workstation and second workstation) pcs. on the one with debian it works. here on ubuntu 14.04 it doesn't.01:37
gothicspeakerWhat was the command again?01:37
hasansame config. same openvpn version01:38
hasansame everything.01:38
hasansame resolv.conf. same ifconfig. same all.01:38
gothicspeakerOk it worked, thanks Ben6401:38
hasaneven deactivated network manager applet and did everything by hand. does NOT work. what is wrong with my ubuntu?01:38
MegaJordan_U: Thank you!01:38
Jordan_UMega: You're welcome :)01:38
gothicspeakerBen64: My system is in Dutch, so therefore it says Bestandssysteem instead of File system etc.01:39
daftykinsgothicspeaker: also "ls -al /boot" ?01:39
hasangothicspeaker: bestand in dutch means file?01:39
gothicspeakerhasan: yes01:39
hasangothicspeaker: in german it means "inventory"01:39
gothicspeakerdaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8768178/01:40
Jordan_Ugothicspeaker: Run "export LANG=C" and any further commands you run in this terminal window will output English.01:40
daftykinsit's lovely to have a language lesson guys but it's off topic here01:40
hasanok then help me please with my openvpn issue ;)01:40
hasanany hints?01:40
daftykinsgothicspeaker: what's "cat /etc/issue" ? you can share that one here as it'll be one line01:40
gothicspeakerUbuntu 13.10 \n \l01:40
daftykinsgothicspeaker: you're running an unsupported EOL release i'm afraid01:41
Jordan_Ugothicspeaker: Ubuntu 13.10 is EOL, you really shouldn't be running an EOL release (it's completely insecure).01:41
gothicspeakerdaftykins: What does that mean? My brother installed it.01:41
daftykinsgothicspeaker: what are you hoping to do with this machine once you free up some space?01:42
daftykinsit has a very strange disk size01:42
gothicspeakerdaftykins: Well, just do what I normally do with it. Chatting etc.01:42
gothicspeakerdaftykins: Javascript + PHP programming etc.01:42
daftykinsgothicspeaker: but you're out of space01:42
daftykinsgothicspeaker: you can make some space by removing those three older kernels, but i think you have more data in your /home folder01:43
Ben64gothicspeaker: you really need to upgrade to 14.0401:43
gothicspeakerdaftykins: Yes, but the strange thing is. I cut and pasted a file from about 215 MB to my MP3-player, that cleaned up space01:43
gothicspeakerdaftykins: But later it turned to 0 bytes again. So why does that happen?01:43
Jordan_Ugothicspeaker: It means that it's so old that it doesn't get support any more, or any security updates. Upgrades to newer releases are free, and 14.04 (the release after 13.10) is supported until 2019.01:43
daftykinsgothicspeaker: try this... "cd ~" then "du -h" what's the last value? the total?01:43
Bashing-omgothicspeaker: daftykins :; A thouhgt, log files running amuck ?01:44
gothicspeakerwhen I do  du -h01:44
gothicspeakerI get a huge list of Skype01:44
daftykinsBashing-om: sounds good01:44
daftykinsgothicspeaker: right which will have a total at the end01:44
gothicspeakerdaftykins: It isn't finished yet01:45
gothicspeakerdaftykins: It shows all kinds of things now01:45
gothicspeakerBut the problem is that I can't remove any files01:45
Ben64would have been easier to do "du -hs"01:45
gothicspeakerBecause it says that I can't put anything in the bin.01:45
gothicspeakerlet me do that01:46
daftykinsgothicspeaker: basically, even if you clean up some space, you're running an unsupported release. you need to back up and reinstall01:46
kristofersBashing-om: it looks like a gpu card fault everything else is working fine01:46
gothicspeakerdaftykins: That is what my brother discouraged, because at the time that I wanted to do that, he said that the new version was buggy01:46
gothicspeakerdaftykins: But that was some time ago01:46
Bashing-omkristofers: Now that is good news ! got another spare around ?01:47
Ben6413.10 stopped receiving updates and bugfixes in july though01:47
daftykinsgothicspeaker: so instead he installed a dead release for you instead of the other LTS, 12.04. be careful taking his advice in future01:47
gothicspeakerdaftykins: Well, I 'm not sure anymore if I or he updated it01:48
gothicspeakerdaftykins: But he told me that I shouldn't update it myself, that's why I never update it.01:48
daftykinsas in you never install patches? or do you mean upgrades?01:48
kristofersBashing-om: nope have to look for one in local adverisement site01:48
Ben64gothicspeaker: you probably shouldn't be taking that advice01:48
kristofersBashing-om: thanks for making me go till the ned01:49
Ben64gothicspeaker: updates are good, and if you don't want to upgrade versions a bunch, LTS are supported for 5 years, 14.04 is good until 201901:49
kristofersBashing-om: atleast now I can sleap peacefully01:49
gothicspeakerBen64: I 'm opening the update manager now.01:50
daftykinsgothicspeaker: no point, you have no space to install any updates01:51
Bashing-omkristofers: Same same here, If my box is down I do not rest well !01:51
daftykinsgothicspeaker: why is your disk so tiny? is this a real system or a VM?01:51
gothicspeakerdaftykins: I don't know, my brother is the one in our home with good computer knowledge so he is the one who deals with all our computers and laptops.01:52
manuelperrottahallo everybody... i ha installed ubuntu from flash drive on mac. is it normal that the sensitivity of the touch pad is very lowr than the one in mac osx? and is it normal that it does not see any wifi network?01:52
gothicspeakerdaftykins: The only good computer knowledge which I have is an understanding of PHP and Javascript, so you really need to help me out with Linux.01:52
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: You should be able to adjust touch pad acceleration in01:52
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: ... In gnome-control-center .01:53
kristofersmanuelperrotta: also just chill01:53
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: As for wireless, Apple tends to use hardware with very poor linux support, so while I wouldn't say it's "normal" that your wifi isn't working, it's also not surprising :(01:54
gothicspeakerdaftykins: But I basically can't do anything anymore I guess, because removing files takes space?01:54
Ben64gothicspeaker: did du -hs ever finish01:54
gothicspeakerBen64: Well, once it worked but when I do it again it doesn't work. It was very slow01:55
manuelperrottajordan.... its not about speed but the amount of pressure on the touchpad01:55
Ben64gothicspeaker: its counting the size of everything in the directory, it might take a while01:55
Ben64gothicspeaker: but then you can see how much space is in your home and you can delete whatever01:56
gothicspeakerBen64: Yes, but currently it shows nothing when I use the command. Is that normal?01:56
Ben64gothicspeaker: its waiting for it to complete01:56
gothicspeakerBen64: I can't delete anything, because it says that there isn't enough space to delete a fiel.01:56
Ben64gothicspeaker: you can delete stuff using the terminal though01:56
gothicspeakerBen64: As it seems to be unable to delete a file when there are 0 bytes.01:56
gothicspeakerBen64: how can I remove a file by the terminal?01:57
Ben64rm <file>01:57
manuelperrottaJordan_U ... how can I see if the wifi is properly working or not?01:57
jhutchins_wkgothicspeaker: Did you delete the file with the GUI or from the command line?01:57
daftykinsgothicspeaker: here see if you can make some space like this "sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.8.0-35-generic linux-image-3.11.0-18-generic linux-image-3.11.0-19-generic"01:58
manuelperrottais there any command that I can insert from xtrem to check if the wifi is working?01:58
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: iwlist scan01:58
gothicspeakerdaftykins: Trying it now01:59
manuelperrottawith iwlist scan it says eth0 interface doesn't support scan02:00
daftykinsmanuelperrotta: type "iwlist <interface> scan"02:01
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manuelperrottalyntoo.. with the command ifconfig it says parameters all 0 on the eth0 that should be the wired network and not the wifi... does it mean that it does not recognize the wifi interfaceù?02:02
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: If that's all that it outputs, then that means that there are currenlty no drivers active for your wireless card at all.02:02
manuelperrottai started ubuntu from an usb key02:02
gothicspeakerdaftykins: It's deleting the files now, and it creates  grub.cfg, what's that?02:03
manuelperrottaand i cant go further intalliing the system because i have no internet connection02:03
daftykinsgothicspeaker: updating GRUB config. GRUB is the bootloader.02:03
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: Please pastebin the output of "lspci -vnn".02:03
daftykinsgothicspeaker: after that is done, also run "sudo apt-get clean" and "sudo apt-get autoremove"02:03
lyntooifconfig should see wlan0 if there are active recognized wlan02:03
manuelperrottai'm writing frommipad herer and the laptop is without internet i will try to write by hand02:03
lyntooeth0 is the wired lan02:04
daftykinsmanuelperrotta: did you see my message?02:04
gothicspeakerdaftykins: I also have a PHP server running which a friend helped to install, but I still use localhost for my php files so it seems better to me to not remove it.02:05
salmanمدري فيه عربي ولا لا02:05
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: OK, then that last command will output far too much to retype. Can you temporarily connect via ethernet?02:05
daftykinsgothicspeaker: remove what?02:05
daftykinsgothicspeaker: i haven't told you to do anything about removing PHP02:06
gothicspeakerdaftykins: No I know, but maybe that takes a lot of space too, I don't know.02:06
gothicspeakerdaftykins: Now it's finished02:06
manuelperrottadafstykins.. yes i did and i tryied but it only vives me eth0 parameters02:06
Jordan_U!arabic | salman02:06
ubottusalman: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية02:06
gothicspeakerdaftykins: It still says that I have 0 bytes, is that normal?02:07
daftykinsgothicspeaker: ok can you paste "df -h" again?02:07
manuelperrottaJordan U ... i do not have lan connection at all02:07
daftykinsgothicspeaker: you ran the other two commands yes?02:07
gothicspeakerdaftykins: Which other two commands?02:07
daftykinsgothicspeaker: scroll up.02:08
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: Please run "lspci -vnn -d 14e4:" and post a picture of the output taken with your iPad, unless there is no output (which may be the case if you don't have a broadcom card).02:08
gothicspeakerdaftykins: One of those commands with   ds -h    in fact did nothing for 15 minutes, so I closed the window.02:08
manuelperrottajordan ok... hold while i do02:08
daftykinsgothicspeaker: that was not my suggestion. you are looking in the wrong place02:09
daftykins02:03 < daftykins> gothicspeaker: after that is done, also run "sudo apt-get clean" and "sudo apt-get autoremove"02:09
gothicspeakerdaftykins: Yes I have done that, it still says 0 bytes.02:09
daftykinsplease pay more attention02:09
daftykinsi'm not seeing a new pastebin02:09
gothicspeakerdaftykins: It's 03:09 so it's a bit hard to stay awake well, but this is an urgent problem so I don't go to bed. Would restarting help?02:09
daftykinsdoubt it02:10
gothicspeakerdaftykins: Ok, so what should I pastebin? And it's in Dutch again, how did I change the language?02:10
manuelperrottaJordan'U ... it recognize the airport.. ho do i send you the picture here?02:11
daftykinsi don't care about the dutch, feel free to paste it as is :)02:12
gothicspeakerdaftykins: One moment, let me try to restart it. You never know, sometimes the weirdest things help.02:12
gothicspeakerok, I will not do it.02:12
Jordan_U!screenshot | manuelperrotta02:12
ubottumanuelperrotta: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.02:12
manuelperrottaJordan... i mean how do i send you the picture02:13
gothicspeakerdaftykins: Ok, Uxterm makes it impossible for me to copy paste.02:13
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: Upload it to http://imgur.com then post a link to the picture here.02:13
gothicspeakerI will continue everything in LXterminal02:14
EridanisHello ! =)02:14
gothicspeakerdaftykins: It says the usual stuff. It's ready reading the packages, 0 packages updated, 0 new packages installed, 0 to be deleted and 5 not updated.02:14
gothicspeakerdaftykins: That's what it says.02:14
manuelperrottaok i uploaded Jorda look at here http://imgur.com/YcZdWFa02:15
EridanisI'm a french little boy and i'm 13 years old , i have an homework in english sorry for this answer but i search an english people to read my little text and say me if he understand if you are not embeter by this :)02:15
Eridanisi'm verry sorry to ask here to it but i dont have find english or american people anywhere :(02:16
geniiEridanis: This channel is for questions about Ubuntu02:16
Jordan_UEridanis: Please join #ubuntu-offtopic instead.02:16
EridanisOk , thanks :)02:16
gothicspeakerEridanis:  Ici tu peux voire un channel pour linux02:16
Eridanisi will go on the offtopic :)02:16
Eridanisdésolé je n'avais pas trouver d'autres endroit ou trouver des anglais mais je vais aller dans le salon hs ça sera sûrement plus adapté :)02:17
Eridanisbye bye ! have a good night everybody ! :)02:17
gothicspeakerEridanis: Tu peux trouver des gens qui peuvent parler l'anglais si tu cherches pour  "english" dans les channels02:18
Eridaniseuh comment faire ça ? :)02:18
gothicspeakerEridanis: Hmm: http://searchirc.com/search.php?F=partial&N=all&M=min&C=1&D=color&T=both&PER=15&I=english+language&Submit.x=0&Submit.y=002:19
manuelperrottaJordan'U...did you read my upload about the result of your command?02:19
Eridanismerci beaucoup , bye :)02:19
gothicspeakerok bye02:19
manuelperrottahere is what the command return me.. the wifi interface is recognised i think isn'it?02:20
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: I have now, but I missed it the first time as only comments including my exact nick "Jordan_U" are highlighted in my client.02:20
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: Please try following these directions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA_-_No_Internet_access .02:20
gothicspeakerdaftykins: If I do "du -scx * | sort -n"   it doesn't react.02:20
manuelperrottaprivmsg Jordan_U ok sorry for that ;)02:21
daftykinsmanuelperrotta: what mac is this?02:21
manuelperrottadaftykins ..it's a 3.1  supermodified02:21
daftykinsyou mean 3,1 macbook pro?02:21
daftykins"ifconfig -a" is what's relevant here02:21
manuelperrottaits the old black one remember?02:21
daftykinsjust this evening i installed ubuntu 14.04 on the white macbook 3,1, late 200702:22
daftykinsyou can't get wifi working until after install02:23
manuelperrottadaftykins exact ...mine its just the evolution of that white one you used02:23
manuelperrottaso what is your advice02:23
daftykinshere's what i did. 1) resize OS X to use less space, making room for ubuntu. 2) booted ubuntu USB flash drive, selected "install alongside". 3) reboot into ubuntu 4) go to hardware drivers and install the broadcom driver. 5) reboot, enjoy wireless.02:24
geniiBah, Broadcoms02:25
Jordan_Udaftykins: Does that require an internet connection? manuelperrotta has said that they can't connect via ethernet.02:25
daftykinswired interface worked fine for me02:25
daftykinsgenii: yeah :(02:25
manuelperrottaguys this is what the ifconfig -a command return me look http://imgur.com/CmmwYbo Jordan_U02:26
Jordan_Udaftykins: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 says that manuelperrotta's card is only "partially" supported by b43, which is why I was recommending that they follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA_-_No_Internet_access to install wl .02:26
daftykinsyeah i think mine was the 431202:27
daftykinsbcmwl-kernel-source was the ticket02:27
gothicspeakerdaftykins: Ok, now I see a change02:27
gothicspeakerdaftykins: It doesn't say 0 bytes anymore, but 4,0 KiB  now02:27
daftykinsthough that needed connectivity to install02:27
daftykinsgothicspeaker: i'd rather see pastebins than this02:27
gothicspeakerdaftykins: Now it says 8,0 KiB02:27
manuelperrottaJordan_U daftykins... but the device is recognised in the previous command as shown in the screen shot... how can I handle?02:28
daftykinsgothicspeaker: please stop spamming me with constant messages :(02:28
gothicspeakerdaftykins: I 'm doing "du -scx * | sort -n" , but I need to wait until it shows the first line.02:28
daftykinsstop it.02:28
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: Like I said, follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA_-_No_Internet_access .02:28
gothicspeakerSorry. I was asking for help.02:28
gothicspeakerNot trying to annoy you.02:28
daftykinsso, pastebin or nothing02:28
daftykins"df -h"02:28
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: Do you have the DVD/USB you used to install Ubuntu still in the machine?02:29
manuelperrottaJordan_U ok I'm going to see your link02:29
manuelperrottaJordan_U yes I have the file on img and also the flash key02:30
gothicspeakerdaftykins: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8768652/02:31
lyntooknow basic about dpkg -i file.deb02:32
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: Those directions require you to use files from the installation disk.02:32
daftykinsgothicspeaker: do you maybe have a DVD of ubuntu or a USB flash drive with it on that you can boot?02:32
gothicspeakerdaftykins: No, my brother has those things.02:32
russonetowhen addinh a crontab command and save (etc/crontab) should I do anything to "trigger" ?02:32
daftykinsgothicspeaker: i think it's game over then02:33
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Jordan_Udaftykins: Have you checked if there is something spamming /var/log/ yet?02:33
gothicspeakerdaftykins: Let me try to restart it.02:33
daftykinsJordan_U: been more constantly frustrated by the apparent abnormal function of commands02:33
daftykinsand the inability of this guy to carry them out.02:33
daftykinsmight be best i take a backseat now, i'm getting pretty frustrated :) feel free to care over if you like02:33
introompossible to kill a process with pkill by specifying PID?02:34
introomI cannot find the option.02:34
Jordan_Uintroom: That's because plain old "kill" is for that.02:34
introomJordan_U: thanks. yup. I finally use the old kill.02:35
Jordan_Uintroom: You're welcome.02:36
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: Please insert the USB drive containing the Ubuntu install files, select it in the file manager (to be sure that it gets mounted) then run "mount" and post a picture of the output here.02:36
lyntoofastfood helper, anybody want search few minutes on google pfhehe02:37
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: Any place that you see "/cdrom/" in the instructions I linked to we'll need to replace with the path to the USB drive.02:37
manuelperrottawell i just did the ubuntu-bug procedure like from the explanation of your link ... it says that i have not that file02:37
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manuelperrottaJordan_U the device is already mounted02:38
mncedisiwhats top[c today02:38
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: I linked to a very specific part of the page, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA_-_No_Internet_access . That portion of the page doesn't have "ubuntu-bug" anywhere.02:38
manuelperrottaJordan_U  do you mean trubleshotting wireless connecyion?02:39
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: You should only be looking at the part of the page that has a heading of "STA - No Internet access".02:40
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: The section after that has a heading "Upstream 802.11 Linux STA driver", if you get to that *you've gone too far*.02:41
gothicspeakerOk, I tried to restart my pc, I can still get at the Guest account, where I am now02:42
gothicspeakerI will try if my normal account still shows 0 bytes.02:42
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: Do you see the section I'm talking about now?02:44
hasanhi all. nautilus does not ask me for a private key. only username and password input is there when I "Connect to Server"02:46
hasanthis is ubuntu 14.04 (unity)02:46
hasanany hints?02:47
hasanin "Connect to server" I say "sftp://domain.tld" or "ssh://domain.tld" <- which seems to be the same02:47
k0nichiwaFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-libc-dev_3.13.0-36.63_amd64.deb02:48
k0nichiwagot this attempting to install clang-3.5 and also clang-3.402:48
hasank0nichiwa: Not Found in my browser02:48
k0nichiwaany ideas ? this is on an amazon ec2 instance02:48
hasanthat link goes to nirvana02:48
skyartim wondering if anyone could help me with increasing the size of my partition02:48
k0nichiwaapt-get install clang-3.5 failed with that error02:48
hasank0nichiwa: apt-get update first02:49
manuelperrottaJordan_U ..I'm so frustraed I followed the procedure... it says no wireless extencio...02:49
k0nichiwayeah just thought of that thanks02:49
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: Did you recieve any error messages from any of the commands?02:49
manuelperrottano no errors02:50
manuelperrottaJordan_U not any other error02:50
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: And you ran all 8 commands (two commands per step, in 4 steps)?02:50
daftykinsskyart: 1) boot live session 2) run gparted 3) modify partitions02:50
k0nichiwaworked =)02:50
manuelperrottanope i followed the list02:50
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: What do you mean by "followed the list"? What was the last thing you did?02:51
skyarti know how to modify, but i wanted to specifically ask would happed if i move my partion, the one containing m windows c drive, leftwhat02:51
manuelperrottaJordan_U  and from the lshw command it says that I should run like a superuser02:51
skyartjust because of the message that pops up02:51
skyartwant ot make sure it's safe02:52
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: The part of the page I'm talking about doesn't mention lshw either. It's *absolutely critical* that you find the right part of the page first. Did you find the portion of the page with the heading "STA - No Internet access" yet?02:53
daftykinsskyart: with your backups done, it doesn't matter right?02:53
skyartyah... havnt backed up lol02:54
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manuelperrottaJordan_U nope... i went through wireless troubleshotting.. where is the point you are indicating me.. tell me wha it is written exactely02:55
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: It's important that you pay attention to what I say, and if there's anything you don't understand tell me. I made it clear multiple times what portion of the page I'm talking about. Look for the heading "STA - No Internet access", search for that text in your browser if you need to.02:56
manuelperrottaJordan_U ..i made a print screen of the page where u are sending me look at it is it right? http://imgur.com/CmmwYbo02:58
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: I think you posted the wrong link, that's a screenshot of your terminal.02:58
BradTNcan someone here help me change my software raids mount point?03:00
BradTNim having a lot of trouble03:00
BradTNkeep getting errors unless i put it on auto03:00
BradTNproblem is i did a reinstall of ubuntu03:01
BradTNreassembled my raid03:01
BradTNbut the directory locaiton isnt the same as it was03:02
BradTNand i need it to be03:02
sparqGreetings, fellow Ubuntians! Any bluetooth experts know why hci0 would vanish with nere a trace after using rfkill unblock to it?03:02
BradTNif someone could please assist would mean the world03:02
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: Can you please post a screenshot of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA_-_No_Internet_access ?03:02
daftykinsBradTN: edit the mount point in /etc/fstab03:02
manuelperrottaJordan_U ...here it is http://imgur.com/Dp62tsg03:03
sparqBradTN: what daftykins said03:03
BradTNcould someone please assist via teamviewer as i am half retarded lol03:03
BradTNand ubuntu new03:03
BradTNi have the file you mentioned open03:04
BradTNbut not sure what to do03:04
BradTNthe contents of my raid before were in03:04
BradTNwith my raid folders residing in media03:05
daftykinsBradTN: please help us out by pressing enter less. you can write lots on one line. second, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to share your /etc/fstab as it appears now.03:05
manuelperrottaJordan_U ...ooo i think i found it.. is it this one? http://imgur.com/2MKD9Zr03:06
gothicspeakerOk, I can't get at my normal account anymore03:06
BradTNyes sirhere you go. http://pastebin.com/T235ibSP03:06
gothicspeakerI can just get at the guest account03:06
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: That's the bottom of the page, you need to scroll up to "STA - No Internet access". It looks like you're trying to use a browser that's integrated into your IRC client, please try copying the full URL and pasting it into Safari's URL bar. Safari should handle this better. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA_-_No_Internet_access03:06
daftykinsBradTN: and what's the RAID device?03:06
daftykinsBradTN: (also pastebin "sudo lsblk")03:07
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: No, that is also not it. If it doesn't say exactly "STA - No Internet access", you're looking at the wrong part of the page.03:07
manuelperrottaman... such a struggle... im online with ipad mini and offline with macbook Jordan_U. is it right the last i sent you?03:07
daftykinsBradTN: oops scratch that last one, "sudo blkid"03:07
manuelperrottaJordan_U ok i try to copy in safari hold a sec03:07
BradTNbrad@ubsidianiii:~$ sudo blkid03:08
BradTN/dev/sda: UUID="e5b1b907-e790-21ae-8bd2-6d5ce3b113f1" UUID_SUB="58521196-2c16-05de-f779-b18b7080478d" LABEL="UbsidianII:0" TYPE="linux_raid_member"03:08
BradTN/dev/sdb: UUID="e5b1b907-e790-21ae-8bd2-6d5ce3b113f1" UUID_SUB="7dbdc616-acde-3f3c-4b9a-082e721b2075" LABEL="UbsidianII:0" TYPE="linux_raid_member"03:08
BradTN/dev/sdc: UUID="e5b1b907-e790-21ae-8bd2-6d5ce3b113f1" UUID_SUB="e59e5178-d1d4-27bd-b153-c548337d825d" LABEL="UbsidianII:0" TYPE="linux_raid_member"03:08
BradTN/dev/sdd: UUID="e5b1b907-e790-21ae-8bd2-6d5ce3b113f1" UUID_SUB="956504b0-03ab-b649-6a40-77cbf0e71142" LABEL="UbsidianII:0" TYPE="linux_raid_member"03:08
unopasteBradTN you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted03:08
gothicspeakerI think this will mean a new laptop03:09
gothicspeakerwell this one was in fact very old already03:09
gothicspeakerIt was the laptop from my brother from years ago03:09
Jordan_Ugothicspeaker: Please pastebin the output of "du -sh /var/log/".03:09
BradTNSorry about that daftykins and others03:10
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manuelperrottaJordan_U ..Ok I think I found it... is it right here? http://imgur.com/mmPixJi03:10
gothicspeakerJordan_U: I can't do that anymore. I can just get at my guest account and I 'm not allowed to do that action here, and when I go to my normal account it isn't loaded after 15 minutes, I didn't wait any longer and turned it off again03:10
Jordan_Ugothicspeaker: From the guest account run "su your_username_here".03:11
daftykinsBradTN: aaaaand a paste of "df -h" ?03:11
gothicspeakerJordan_U: when I do that and I type my password, it says:   not allowed03:11
BradTNnot here right? lol03:11
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: Yes, that is it exactly.03:11
BradTNhttp://pastebin.com/QmzMNeaV thank you sir daftykins03:12
z3ncodehi guys I need some advice. I am looking for a tool to monitor the traffic of my hosting in my terminal on ubuntu. Any idea which tool I could use?03:12
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: Now please run "mount" and post a screenshot of the output.03:12
daftykinsBradTN: ok one moment, drop those daft referrals too thanks :P03:12
BradTNah sorry03:12
BradTNuse to it lol03:13
z3ncodeAny tool for ubuntu to monitor the traffic of my webhosting in my terminal????03:14
BradTNthere was a webtool i used man what was it called03:14
BradTNshowed everything all traffic03:14
BradTNhosted as a internal website03:14
daftykinsBradTN: make sure /home/brad/media exists, then edit fstab to look like this: http://pastebin.com/index/T235ibSP03:15
daftykinsBradTN: then run "sudo umount /media/brad/758b57bc-0658-4406-a1bd-64d423dc6b67" then "sudo mount -a" and with any luck, "df -h" will then report /dev/md0 is on /home/brad/media03:15
BradTNok on moment03:16
manuelperrottaJordan_U ok I made MOUNT and this is the result: http://imgur.com/A67xGQ2. (in the mainwhile the irc client sent me out pff... now Im in again)03:16
z3ncodecome on BradTN make memories :)03:16
BradTNwhats different in that fstab you pasted?03:17
BradTNor am i blind03:17
manuelperrottaJordan_U ok I made MOUNT and this is the result: http://imgur.com/A67xGQ2. (in the mainwhile the irc client sent me out pff... now Im in again)03:17
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: I didn't realize that this entire time you were still in the LiveUSB, I thought you had already installed. Anyway, you should be good to go following exactly those instructions.03:17
daftykinsBradTN: ah i messed up, sec03:18
manuelperrottaJordan_U I told you already man that I was on usb03:18
Shaanhey guys can someone tell me, which DVD i need, if i just wanna install a Basic Ubuntu install because i dont get why there is 4 different DVD's03:18
daftykinsBradTN: http://pastebin.com/QQ74hbvL03:19
k0nichiwawhats the package that contains utils liek "make"03:19
manuelperrottaJordan_U ..can I follow those instruction also from liveUsb key?03:19
bubbasaures!flavors | Shaan03:19
ubottuShaan: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.03:19
daftykinsknightshade: build-essential03:19
daftykinsoops highlight fail, sorry03:19
daftykinsk0nichiwa: build-essential03:20
ShaanI was just going to get Ubuntu regular03:20
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: Yes.03:20
BradTNwow daftykins03:20
BradTNi love you03:20
* daftykins bows03:21
BradTNcan i donate even a little something to you? paypal?03:21
manuelperrottaJordan_U ..after this trial I'm gonna sleep here its 4.30 im wasted... how can i reach you again... (if I dont bother too much)... Coffe paid ;)03:21
OerHeks!cookie | daftykins03:21
ubottudaftykins: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!03:21
daftykinsBradTN: nah that's cool thanks, this is all about the free support. feel free to donate to one of my fave projects though, www.xbmc.org ;)03:21
Bashing-omShaan: There are more than 4. What is your backgraound and what to you want in a desk top ? Do you have the hardware to run the top-of-the-line ubuntu ?03:21
daftykinsor even freenode! but less so freenode, more so XBMC ;)03:21
Jordan_Umanuelperrotta: I'll be here again Monday.03:22
ShaanYa, i have the hardware to run top of the line ubuntu, i been mostly using ubuntu commandline on servers figured i'd give it a go as a desktop03:22
Shaanor rather laptop03:22
daftykinsOerHeks: ty ;)03:23
darklieutenanthi there03:23
manuelperrottaJordan_U ...ok maybe email?.... or ok.. talk to you on monday than... sorry for the disturb and thank you a lot. Do you think it will be easier with wired connection? i can go somewhere to wire internet to the lan03:23
* moondog is curious exactly which ubuntu is defined as "top of the line"03:24
ubottuUbuntu GNOME is a supported !flavor of Ubuntu that uses !GNOME as the default desktop environment instead of Unity. For more info or to download, see http://www.ubuntugnome.org/ or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/OneStopPage03:25
Bashing-omShaan: Well, then what do you want in a desk top ? ubunty features unity, xubuntu features xfce Lubuntu features lxde. All excellent, (there is no best !) just depends on your personal preference.03:25
Shaanim contemplating between KDE and Unity03:30
z3ncodeBradTN, do you rememeber that tool????03:30
ubottuKubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde03:30
BradTNone minute03:35
BradTNill look03:35
BradTNz3ncode ntopng03:35
BradTNis what it was03:35
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TyloxCan anyone tell me how I can enable framebuffer?03:39
saihi, what is the errors when i tried to compile gtk 3 apps Perhaps you should add the directory containing `atspi-2.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable03:44
Bashing-omTylox: Framebuffer is generally a kernel command line paramater, what is your end goal here ?03:45
NewToLinuxim running from a liveUSB and am having the problem with 'dropping to shell' when trying to boot. Read all the post but cant figure it out. Help please.04:01
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Svetlanahi there04:40
moonbladeHey I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 and my wifi driver just went kaput04:41
code__Any tool for ubuntu to monitor the traffic of my webhosting in my terminal????04:41
code__Any tool for ubuntu to monitor the traffic of my webhosting in my terminal????04:41
Svetlanacode__: I use vnstat for that, but it only gives a total (up and down) without splitting by programs or protocols or destinations04:44
Svetlanamoonblade: what are the symptoms?04:51
=== Joshua^Dunamis_i is now known as Joshua^Dunamis
SohamGso if i understand correctly, an extend partition is a 'partition container', right?05:00
daftykinsSohamG: yep05:00
daftykinsa wrapper for logical drives05:01
SohamGand it wont make any difference anywhere?05:01
daftykinswhat do you mean? difference to what?05:01
SohamGlike if i wanted to install an OS on a partition wrapped by an extended one, it wont complain...05:02
daftykinsthere are some odd combos that don't go well. really depends on a case-by-case basis05:02
sethjWindows,  for example, doesn't like it too much.05:03
SohamGand can i have just ONE big exteneded and all my others be inside that?05:03
daftykinsSohamG: i don't even have the vaguest idea of your setup. you have to give something to go on here :)05:04
firebird1 i want to search for files which has been created at 1st of each month at UTC+6<- Time in 2013 and 2014 how would i do that ?05:05
daftykinsprobably ask in #bash05:05
sethjFirebird1: I have a hunch find can do that, but I don't know the exact command top of my head.05:08
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SohamGdaftykins : I have some unallocated space and a periviously created extended partition. How do i make the unallocated space a part of the extended?05:19
daftykinsSohamG: could really do with fdisk -l, parted -l or gparted screenshots. i'm heading to bed now though i'm afraid05:19
SohamGok...i wont bother you then...05:20
daftykinsi'd say nuke it from orbit and started again.05:21
daftykinsbut only if it's an actually substantial amount of space you're missing05:22
geksongi update ubuntu kernel from 3.13.36 to 3.13.39~ and then is wrong on mount /boot/efi. but i can skip it by press <S>      somebody help me05:24
geksongand i found my /boot/efi is an empty directory05:24
moonblade168You probably don't have su05:25
SuperLagWow, the mutt checkout from mercurial takes a LONG time.05:26
geksongmoonblade168: i don't understant05:26
SuperLagmoonblade168: is upgrading to a modern version an option?05:27
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agent_whiteevenin doods05:38
Avengeryou cant sleep either?05:39
agent_whiteAvenger: Evenin'! It's only 11:39pm. What is sleep?05:39
=== BUSY2 is now known as BUSY
BUSYso... is new chrome opening up a bunch of new items in the taskbar for anyone else?05:45
peter__hi all05:56
peter__hi Gus05:58
ramsudharsanping here too :)05:59
peter__hi ramsud05:59
peter__ho pong06:07
peter__big storm here06:08
peter__can anyone talk?06:10
=== Joshua^Dunamis_i is now known as Joshua^Dunamis
nydeltzag peter__ . &how do you do06:11
peter__nydel hi06:11
peter__I'm good you?06:12
nydelpeter__: pretty well thankyous. writing up a log entry about conscious use of the word "newbie" and its variants.06:13
drekiThe directory /home/USERNAME/bin is usually reserved for things like executables?06:13
nydel&what're you up to peter__ ?06:13
nydeldreki: not necessarily. anything in the $PATH variable can be though of as reserved for things like executables.06:13
nydeldreki: some systems, especially multi-users, may create a mode 0755 ~/bin for user exec's but usually that's something one does oneself.06:14
nydeldreki: my ~/bin is always in $PATH and 0755 and contains only symbolic links to executable shell scripts. is there anything in particular you are trying to do?06:15
peter__I'm just cooling down we had a big tropical strm06:16
nydelpeter__: whereabouts are you?06:17
drekinydel: I am Installing a program from .sh file and it wants to know where to put the executable file. It recommends ~/bin. I was wandering why it recommends putting it there since that folder is unused currently.06:17
nydeldreki: a few things. are you installing this on a system that is yours (do you have root)? what is the program?06:18
peter__Sydney, we have some big bush fires nearby06:19
drekinydel: I have can use root but I chose not to for this particular program. It is vendetta online the game06:19
nydeldreki: vendetta online the client or a server06:19
drekinydel: client06:19
nydeldreki: at command line do "echo $PATH" and see if your ~/bin is in there06:21
drekinydel: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games06:22
drekiI guess not06:22
nydeldreki: that's ok you can add it06:23
drekinydel: What is $PATH anyway? some kind of link to particular paths?06:23
nydeldreki: $PATH is essentially the variable that stores where to look for executables06:23
nydeldreki: do this: PATH=$PATH:/home/{your-login}/bin/06:24
nydelall: did i write that correctly?06:24
drekinydel: Okay that added it to the variable I believe06:25
nydeldreki: you can check with echo $PATH. also you can make this happen on bootup by adding that last line "PATH=$PATH:/home/dreki/bin;export PATH" to your ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_rc06:27
nydeldreki: next cd into the ~/bin and do "chmod -R 0755 ."06:27
nydel0755 is the mode for a folder to be able to contain executables06:27
drekinydel: What is mode 0755?06:27
nydeldreki: this isn't odd or anything, making a private bin is one of the first things i do as a new user on a system06:28
nydeldreki: expect to do this 10k more times in your life :)06:28
drekinydel: I got a bit of output from terminal when i did that06:29
drekinydel: is there somewhere I can paste it to show you?06:30
nydeldreki: yessir/madam we usually use pastebin.ubuntu.com here06:30
drekinydel: Oh, crap. I see what I did wrong. I cd to /bin not ~/bin. Do you think i messed anything up?06:32
nydeldreki: one moment let me figure the command to undo that06:32
nydelwhile i'm working: does anyone know ubuntu /bin's default permission code? brb06:33
nydeldreki: wait it shouldn't have done anything06:33
nydeldreki: you weren't root06:33
nydeldreki: should just be a bunch of "permission denied"06:34
drekinydel: I was about to say "that explains the output I got"06:34
nydelha cool06:35
nydelhey good call on not being root lol06:35
nydelno disrespect, i f'cked my primary system installing a video game using root recently06:35
nydelanyhow dreki did you know typing "cd" will bring you to home?06:35
drekinydel: I understand what root is so I try to use it only when I absolutely have to.06:35
nydeli like to do "cd" then "cd bin" rather than "cd /home/blah-too-long....bin" etc06:36
Ben64watch the language in this channel though06:36
nydelBen64: not good enough to simply censor? sure thing bud i'll cut that out.06:36
Ben64nydel: personally i don't care, but its channel rules, even if censored like that06:37
nydelBen64: i'm a guest here; i appreciate your informing me :)06:37
drekiWhere can I learn more about chmod modes?06:38
nydeldreki: once you get into your ~/bin and do "chmod -R 0755 ." you should be able to run "sh the-install.sh" to your personal ~/bin06:38
Ben64!permissions | dreki06:38
ubottudreki: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions06:38
nydeldreki: http://www.linux.org/threads/file-permissions-chmod.4094/06:38
AlecTaylorHow do I get this command to conclude? - `if pgrep python >/dev/null 2>&1 then pkill python else true`06:39
nydeldreki: i'm interested to see if you get the game running, please let me know? i need something new ater the last one messed up my system.06:39
nydelAlecTaylor: what language are you in06:40
nydelAlecTaylor: don't ever run "pkill python" ... if you must, do "pkill -u username python"06:40
drekinydel: the install worked. I am about to launch it now.06:42
nydeldreki: good luck!06:43
drekinydel: So far so good. The game seems to be running great.06:47
peter__what game are you installing dreki?06:53
drekipeter__: Vendetta Online.06:54
peter__interesting watching you guys chilling out on installs and cmd line06:56
AlecTaylorHere's a simpler solution I just made: `pgrep python && true || pkill python`06:57
AlecTaylornydel: Yeah, you're right06:58
peter__Might sign out now and go try to load 14.xx on my other PC07:06
=== Jerboovy is now known as Jeruvy
SachiruQuery: Does Ubuntu/Linux support btrfs as /boot partition (grub2 bootloader)?07:17
abc_Hi, Vlc show purple line below the video and it frequently crashes in Ubuntu 14.10. Am I the only one having problem?07:29
linuxmintHello, am I allowed to ask a question about my CentOS Apache problem? The requested URL /forum\index.php was not found on this server. But the file is in directory /home/domain.com/public_html/forum?07:30
Ben64linuxmint: nope, this channel is for Ubuntu support only07:31
cfhowlettlinuxmint, s##linux or #cento07:31
linuxmintcfhowlett: ok, thanks.07:31
Ben64cfhowlett: how did you wrap around the s in centos to before ##linux07:31
cfhowlettBen64, !!! errr ... fatfinger error  :(07:32
=== badon_ is now known as badon
pynohow do i install skype ?07:47
pynoapt-get install skype?>07:47
SachiruUnder ubuntu?07:51
SachiruYou run it under Wine07:51
pynothrough terminal07:51
bubbasauresno, it's in the repos07:51
pynoi downloaded skype.deb07:51
pynothen i ran a command to install07:51
pynonow what07:51
pynowhen i type skype it says  No such file or directory07:51
bubbasaurespyno, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype07:52
sacarlsonthe last version of skype I installed on 14.04 I think I had to do some things to pulse audio also.  but that might be due to my sound card or ??08:01
=== greentea is now known as greentea-
heraclitusi have a friend who decided it would be a GREAT idea who change his repositories from the ubuntu repositories to debian wheezy, and attempted a dist upgrade.08:04
heraclitusi'm shaking my head looking at the damage done08:04
heraclitusany one know a simple solution to rollback such a disaster?08:04
heraclitusi'm at a loss, i am ready to call the install toast08:05
=== greentea- is now known as blacktea
sacarlsonheraclitus: as far as I know unless he had rsync already running to backup what he had then he can't go back08:05
heraclitusi figured as much, sacarlson08:06
heraclitusyou just can't fix stupid08:06
=== blacktea is now known as sonetea
sacarlsonheraclitus: sure you can in most cases we learn from our and hopefuly from others mistakes08:06
sacarlsonheraclitus: he should be able to also recover his /home personal data08:07
heraclitusyeah, that shouldn't be a problem08:08
heraclitusthanks sacarlson08:08
rubiksmomoI'm trying to download Ubuntu. Should I pick "64-bit - recommended" or "32-bit - for machines with less than 2GB of RAM" for a 32bit PC that has 3GB of RAM? :S08:11
heraclitusas long as you don't plan to upgrade to more than 4G ram, you can get away with 32bit, rubiksmomo08:11
Ben64rubiksmomo: are you sure its 32 bit08:11
sacarlsonrubiksmomo: I would recommned 64bit08:11
rubiksmomoBen64: I'm pretty sure it's 32bit, it's quite old08:12
heraclitus64 bit is quite old ;)08:12
Ben64rubiksmomo: 64 has been around for quite a while, what cpu is it08:12
sacarlsonrubiksmomo: I used to run 32bit but then later found I couldn't simulate 64bit in virtualbox but I can run 32bit libs in 64bit08:12
SachiruQuery: is there an official migration procedure for root-on-ext4 converted to root-on-btrfs for an existing system?08:13
rubiksmomoCan't remember the model, I don't have access to it right now08:13
soneteaI think most people usually would say get away with 32bit08:13
Ben64the rule usually is, if it supports 64 bit, use 64 bit08:13
rubiksmomoI'll get both and install the one based on CPU, probably 32bit08:14
soneteayeah, especially if you plan on upgrading08:14
rubiksmomothe next upgrade is new PC08:14
Ben6464bit cpus came out like... 10+ years ago?08:14
Sachirurubiksmomo, what's your processor?08:14
SachiruI sincerely doubt that your processor is 32-bit08:14
soneteahe isn't sure at the moment08:15
rubiksmomoI only remember that it has ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (128MB, AGP)08:15
Ben64ooh old08:15
SachiruTry the 64-bit liveCD08:15
Ben64could still be 64bit though08:15
SachiruIf it runs on that, it's 64 bit, if not, it's 32 bit08:15
Ben64but man, you need to upgrade for real if you're on AGP still08:15
SachiruNo need to install, just run the livecd08:15
rubiksmomoOK, cool08:15
=== Guest58311 is now known as Locke2002
soneteaOr you could probably look it up with the current OS it's running.08:16
Ben64if its a 32bit os, it probably wouldn't say08:16
rubiksmomoI'll get both and test 64bit live, if it works I install 64 otherwise 32.08:17
soneteasounds good08:17
rubiksmomoOK, thanks :)08:17
sacarlsonSachiru: it looks like it's fully supported, only thing I see is that you should be sure to put mbr on like sda  not sda1  or sdX not sdx1 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs08:23
sacarlsonSachiru: but maybe with the new version of grub2 maybe you can do that also08:24
SachiruThe only things in /boot should be grub and the kernel images, correct?08:25
Lope_piI'm trying to create a new KVM VM on my headless server. This guide assumes I already have a KVM VM running, which I don't https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Virsh08:26
sacarlsonSachiru: ya I think so, and I did hear them say you couldn't have /boot in btrfs08:26
sacarlsondid = didn't08:26
soneteaefi is also in /boot/ too if you have that08:27
geo_ /connect irc.freenode.net08:27
SachiruLooks like my best bet is simply / in btrfs plus regular image backups of /boog08:27
SachiruMy goal is simply being able to quickly revert in case of an apt-get dist-upgrade or do-release-upgrade breakage/failure08:28
wachpwnskiHow do I get my if to start and use dhclient at boot? Right now I have to at every boot $ sudo dhclient eth008:28
=== Tsunami is now known as Guest26758
sacarlsonwachpwnski: you must have a ubuntu server install?08:31
devuntwachpwnski, open /etc/rc.local and insert "dhclient eth0" above the "exit 0" line08:31
MoorAfro47Chanserv  where is the channel  topic located08:39
SachiruMoorAfro47, try typing /topic08:40
MoorAfro47 /topic08:40
MoorAfro47 Sachiru, I'm trying to get the hang of using IRC at the moment i don't understand08:41
=== justinS_ is now known as jhsimpson
SachiruRemove the space08:41
SachiruIt should just be "/topic" without spaces or quotation marks or anything in front08:42
SachiruUnless you are trolling, in which case I'd rather not waste my time, thanks.08:42
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
MoorAfro47when i type /topic i get insufficient arguments for command08:43
soneteahmm anyone have problems with rhythmbox turning all black on certain themes?08:43
soneteaex: numix08:43
MoorAfro47sachiru what is trolling08:44
MoorAfro47seriously I'm lost but i'm surely trying my best to understand this new world of linux08:45
soneteawhat's your irc client?08:45
MoorAfro47freenode web irc08:46
soneteaah, if you want an easier experience i reccomend using a client like hexchat. If you need to use a webirc i like kiwiirc08:47
MoorAfro47Sonetea, what might i use IRC for on a regular basis?08:48
wachpwnskisacarlson: yes, I think I got it resolved.08:48
wachpwnskidevunt: that worked, thanks!08:48
MoorAfro47what are the advantages of Hexchat and kiwiirc08:49
sacarlsonwachpwnski: that is not the normal way it's done as in devunts method but if it works08:49
wachpwnskisacarlson: I edited /etc/network/interfaces too. Is that the way to do it?08:50
soneteasorry about that, well you can use irc for discussion if you want08:51
MoorAfro47ok i understand its like an open chatroom correct08:52
soneteayeah basically08:52
soneteaor well that's exactly what it is08:52
MoorAfro47gotta ya so what are the good things about hex chat and Kiwiirc08:53
SohamGi am following this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK-JHfJqmkY tut to share my wifi to my rasp pi through ethernet; but it id not working. What am i doing wrong?08:53
soneteaMoorAfro47: kiwiirc is okay just for talking, it lacks the features that you would find on most non-web irc clients08:54
soneteahexchat can do a lot all through GUI08:54
MoorAfro47 Sonetea: is there a way to save friends on an IRC08:54
wardhanhi all. i am trying to scrobble tracks without any success. i tried post-fm but it does not scrobble anything, is there anything decent scrobbler for libre.fm to use with cmus ?08:54
soneteayou just have to remember their names08:54
MoorAfro47Sonetea how are you changing your font color08:55
soneteaI'm not, your client probably does it when i ping you08:56
MoorAfro47how do you ping someone08:56
soneteajust say their name08:56
soneteawardhan: last-cmus doesn't have librefm support?08:57
wardhansonetea: i will look into now08:57
MoorAfro47sonetea ok now i see thank you for  for talking the time to school me...I have so much too learn08:57
MoorAfro47sonetea is hexchat downloadable throught software center?09:00
cfhowlett!info hexchat | MoorAfro4709:00
ubottuMoorAfro47: hexchat (source: hexchat): IRC client for X based on X-Chat 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.10.0-1build1 (utopic), package size 348 kB, installed size 1059 kB09:01
soneteayou could also just do "sudo apt-get install hexchat"09:01
soneteain a terminal09:01
sacarlsonwachpwnski: yes for a server system the /etc/network/interfaces edit method is the normal way09:02
MoorAfro47thanks cfhowlett,ubottu and sonetea i'm bout to open this terminal and get busy09:02
wardhansonetea: it does contain only last.fm09:03
soneteawardhan: hmm i found this https://github.com/freshprince/cmuscrobbler09:03
soneteaI've never used it and I don't know how well it works09:04
=== MeltedDed is now known as MeltedLux
mikaelb_Hello, people! I tried out the mint system, but installing hardware drivers and software was a pain in the ass. Is it simpler in Ubuntu, or will I meet the same interface?09:14
havrhow can I install ubuntu on my laptop, im a noob09:14
__unikhavr: you will need a usb09:15
__unikhavr follow this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick09:15
__unikor you can write ubuntu.iso file into a disk09:16
Surendilhavr: create usb with ubuntu iso and follow instructions09:16
havr__unik, tnx09:16
__unikhavr np. But please note that you will need to Google a lot when you use Linux. Try to google everything first before askin09:16
cfhowlettmikaelb_, depends on the specific drivers I imagine.  torrent an ubuntu .iso, make a USB, boot and test for yourself09:22
=== Scarthus is now known as Zarthus
mikaelb_cfhowlett: Will Ubuntu run on the USB, without being installed on the computer?09:24
cfhowlettmikaelb_, of course!   that's how many people pre-test distros.  it WILL run slower as it is ram resident, but you can get a taste for your decision making09:25
moorafro47I finally made it on hexchat09:25
cfhowlettmoorafro47, congrats on successfully installing a new toy!09:26
mistryhi, i am using ubuntu 12.04, what package contains ccgi.h file?09:26
moorafro47thanks again sonetea and cfhowlett09:26
mikaelb_cfhowlett: That's great. Maybe I'll try that. I have another computer I maybe want to use it on. Any experience running autodesk software on linux system?09:26
cfhowlettmoorafro47, happy2help09:27
cfhowlettmikaelb_, none.  I've heard autodesk is a bit of bear with it's demands.  check out the dell precision m3800 as it is certified to run autodesk under windows.09:27
mikaelb_cfhowlett: I already run autodesk on a Lenovo with W8.1, and it works well, but I like to experience something new :-)09:29
cfhowlettmikaelb_, nice.09:29
moorafro47sorry trying to add you as friend09:31
mikaelb_cfhowlett: thanks for your help and information!09:32
moorafro47how do i go about changing my user info09:33
moorafro47how do i make it were  it shows something different than my ip address on user and realname?09:35
jakey2I installed Cpanel on a VPS i should just be able to login into it through the ip:2026?09:41
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root3_whois root3_09:44
root3_\whois root3_09:45
m1dnight1itym /whois09:46
deamosreapos_Morning, I got a question concerning php, I am getting a message: Warning: is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect, Now I figered out I need to turn this off, but I am lost where and how to do this anyone can assist me with this?09:57
juniorsa_Hi I am unable to force install netbase - I even use apt-get download netbase and dpkg -i netbase - it says /etc/services operation not permitted - I'm stuck - system is operational but I cannot update/upgrade anymore :(09:59
Ben64juniorsa_: why not apt-get install09:59
wachpwnskiif you run a script as sudo are all commands ran as sudo?10:00
juniorsa_ben64: I tried but it gives same problem it seems like it can't change /etc/services file10:00
juniorsa_yes I am root10:00
Ben64juniorsa_: you should be using sudo instead of being root10:00
juniorsa_I've tried both10:00
Ben64juniorsa_: pastebin "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install netbase"10:01
juniorsa_ben64: sure I'm rebooting right now10:01
juniorsa_Ben64: http://pastebin.com/iWCFS56i10:06
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Ben64juniorsa_: so.. what did you do10:11
juniorsa_Ben64 - I tried to boot into maintenance mode and tried to dpkg -i netbase and dbus but nothing works10:12
Ben64i mean before that10:12
Ben64you did something to put it into this state. added some weird repo, installed some weird stuff, downgrade, strange upgrade, etc10:12
juniorsa_we did the upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 LTS10:12
juniorsa_I think we had a PPT in the sources10:12
juniorsa_sorry PPA10:12
juniorsa_now nothing will upgarde10:13
Ben64yeah that looks super broken10:13
juniorsa_this is a production server not sure what to do?10:13
juniorsa_can't I force the /etc/services file upgrade somehow10:13
cfhowlett!server | juniorsa_,10:13
Ben64you're focusing on the wrong part10:13
ubottujuniorsa_,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server10:13
Ben64everything looks broken10:13
juniorsa_so what should I do?10:14
Ben64reinstall 14.0410:14
juniorsa_on a production server?10:14
Ben64yeah, its broken10:15
juniorsa_wow - I'm very disappointed10:15
Ben64" dbus depends on netbase (>= 4.45ubuntu3); however:"10:15
Ben64that version of netbase isn't even in trusty10:15
juniorsa_so can't I force install netbase? in singleuser mode?10:16
Ben64you're really missing the larger point10:16
juniorsa_sounds like a windows solution :(10:17
sjoshiHello, I am getting this message while installing libgnome2-vte-perl10:17
sjoshiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:10:17
sjoshi libgnome2-vte-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.18.2 but it is not installable10:17
Ben64juniorsa_: lines 105-289 are all the broken packages, its way broken10:17
sjoshiusing Lubuntu14.1010:18
Ben64juniorsa_: not sure what PPAs you had, but maybe you should be more careful of what repositories you enable in the future10:18
juniorsa_Ben64: there were added from instructions on howtoforge to install ispconfig'10:18
Ben64yeah, sounds like something that could break everything10:19
marcolinoun programma per scaricare musica film ecc? ne conoscete10:19
cfhowlett!it | marcolino10:20
ubottumarcolino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:20
juniorsa_ok thnaks for your help :(10:22
flux242hi, If I close the lid my notebook freezes. As far as there's no reset button I have to wait until it's battery is empty sic! So makes it difficult to debug the reason. Any hints to reset it are welcome10:24
ni291187а че у вас тут так тихо?10:30
cfhowlett!ru | ni29118710:31
ubottuni291187: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:31
ni291187тут че на русском никто не пишет?))))10:32
moritzsDoes someone know where to display suspend-on-lid-closed? I'm using xmonad and dconf is not working..10:32
moritzsback again (had a reboot). any ideas?10:39
azizLIGHT14.04, how can i run a toggle script .desktop file on the launcher repeatedly without encountering this 5 second delay that the launcher imposes: clicking the icon once, script runs fine, but trying to click icon again will not run the script because the launcher is busy and the icon is pulsating red for 5 seconds. after the pulsing finishes, i can click the icon to launch the toggle script .desktop again. is10:46
azizLIGHTthere any way to configure or disable the delay so i can repeatedly click the icon under 5 seconds at a time?10:46
narbehI have OpenVPN Server and many clients, how can I check who is online now and the status?10:48
ohadHi there, after apt-mirror is done. do I need the skel and var directories ? How can I check all the MD5 sums for everything? to I need to make a script that will run on the var/MD5 file or is there better idea?10:51
=== Nao is now known as Scorp-
cfhowlett!help | booch10:52
ubottubooch: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:52
webb1ndhello guys i came here 2 days ago,i had problems booting up ubuntu i made new installation of ubuntu.Then my 3tb hdd showed up as 2tb,now i have fixed that i dont know how i happened i enabled smart on bios changed disk priority,and next boot i had 3tb drive.here is my paste please tell me if allright:http://paste.ubuntu.com/8772965/10:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:53
cfhowlettbooch, you don't state the problem in detail = you get no help.  no mindreaders here.10:53
ZAKhanI have been having this issue th first day I installed 14.04 and still going on , if i play a youtube video and pause that video or simultanioesly run another video the sound channel is stuck to the very first video and would not play the second source unless i close the application completely .. I am using SPDIF which is connected to my hifi ... can someone please help10:53
BluesKajHiyas all11:00
cfhowlettguto, ask your ubuntu support questions11:02
gutoI have none, just exploring IRC, sorry11:02
cfhowlettguto, no worries.  continue in #ubuntu-offtopic11:03
fivetwentysixI’m having trouble figuring out how to stop this spammer generating tons of crap in my mail queue11:03
fivetwentysixI can’t even figure out who it’s coming from11:03
cfhowlettfivetwentysix, ##linux or #ubuntu-server might offer some direction11:04
fivetwentysixah ssh:nottyroot60.173.9.17611:04
fivetwentysixwtf is that11:04
meadhikarihi guys please help how do i change fqdn in ubuntu11:17
FantumCoideXcan anyone tell me why cant i get fragrouter to load even after i installed libnet1-dev11:32
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alnron my 13.04 raring server, apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade does nothing. why doesnt it upgrade?11:40
BluesKajalnr, probly because it's up to date11:41
alnrBluesKaj: how cant i get to next release though?11:41
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | alnr11:42
ubottualnr: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:42
BluesKajalnr, over the 'net, do-release-upgrade11:42
BluesKajuse sudo11:42
cfhowlettBluesKaj, ?? from 13.04?11:42
alnrthat is an invalid operation11:44
alnrfor apt-get i mean11:44
cfhowlettalnr, you can't do-release-upgrade from 13.04.11:44
eeeeI have a small Banana pi server running ubuntu. It consumes very little power. I want to connect an external USB 2.0 2.5" drive (without own power).  In order to further reduce power, I am wondering whether it is possible to deactivate a USB port under Ubuntu with a command. That way I can enable the external drive just in time.11:44
BluesKajcfhowlett, he asked for the next release, not the newest release11:46
alnrBluesKaj: ultimately i would like to go to newest11:47
Ben64alnr: you'd probably be better off sticking with LTS releases for a server11:47
cfhowlettBluesKaj, right, but as I understand it, once the next release (13.10) is upgraded (14.04) the option to jump one level ceases.  and since he cant' jump from 13.04 >>> 14.04, do-release-upgrade won't work.  or am I mistaken?11:47
Ben64actually, i think 13.04 can go directly to 14.0411:48
alnrBen64: yep, but its got an old postfix11:48
Ben64it is a special case, since it's support ended after 13.1011:48
cfhowlettalnr, did you try sudo do-release-upgrade??11:48
Ben64alnr: but if you don't upgrade every 6 months you'll be in a bad spot like this again11:49
cfhowlettBen64, wait, what?  13.4 >>> 14.04?11:49
Ben64alnr: no bug fixes, no support11:49
Ben64cfhowlett: because 13.10 was the first release with only 9 months of support (if i'm remembering properly)11:49
BluesKajcfhowlett, if that's true , then it's news to me , but I've never been behind more than one release so you may be right11:50
alnrcfhowlett: yep, says command not found. or do you mean sudo apt-get do-release-upgrade (which says invalid operation)11:50
Ben64oh wait, it was 12.10 with the longer support11:50
cfhowlettBluesKaj, I only do LTS >>> LTS myself, so perhaps better that I don't comment11:50
cfhowlettalnr, proper command:   sudo do-release-upgrade11:51
Ben64alnr: if you really like upgrading every 6 months, go ahead and get 14.1011:51
Ben64eeee: might ask in #raspberrypi11:51
Ben64eeee: wait, thats not raspberrypi?11:51
MtrPandahi I just updated to 14.04 and it wont let me add or install any programs, complains an authentication  server is not working ?11:52
cfhowlettMtrPanda, paste it up11:52
cfhowlett!paste | MtrPanda11:52
ubottuMtrPanda: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:52
eeeeBen64, no banana pi11:52
alnrBen64: i'm ok to update every 6 months rather than be stuck until next LTS. but i dont see how to budge it out of 13.0411:52
cfhowlettalnr, eolupgrade or clean install11:53
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | alnr11:53
ubottualnr: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:53
alnrcfhowlett: thanks, it didnt look to cover 13.04 specifically but i will keep digging11:53
Ben64its applicable to all releases11:53
cfhowlettalnr, eolupgrade covers your situation exactly11:54
MtrPandaAuthenitcation error-    Software can't be installed or removed because the authentication service is not available. (org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed: ('system-bus-name', {'name':  ':1.112'}): org.debian.apt.install-or-remove-packages11:54
cfhowlettMtrPanda, switch to the main ubuntu mirror, apt-get update and try again11:54
MtrPandacfhowlett,  how do i do that please/11:55
MtrPandawouldn't allow me to install mate either11:55
Ben64MtrPanda: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list11:56
cfhowlettMtrPanda, system > ubuntu software center  > edit > software sources > download from:  choose a mirror11:56
Ben64or that i guess :)11:57
MtrPandathanks, will try11:57
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MtrPandafhowlett> MtrPanda, system > ubuntu software center  > edit > software sources > download from:  choose a mirror12:15
MtrPandaIt wont letme do that either.  :(12:16
MtrPandadamn thing is nuts12:16
MtrPandathink i will neec to download an install disk and start from scratch.. only thing i need to preserve is my partitions12:17
MtrPandaMtrPanda> fhowlett> MtrPanda, system > ubuntu software center  > edit > software sources > download from:  choose a mirror12:19
MtrPanda<MtrPanda> It wont letme do that either.  :(12:19
MtrPanda<MtrPanda> damn thing is nuts12:19
cfhowlettMtrPanda, that is abnormal behavior.  if you're in sudo account, editing sources is a given.12:21
MtrPandaIt defaults to france, and no matter what I try to select it goes back to that..12:22
K350Midnight Commander (mc) Hotkey for quick View 'q' and Info 'i' doesn't work. Anyone?12:22
MtrPandaTruth is i would rather have mint/mate but it has problems with disk partitions..12:23
MtrPandabut 14.4 is better that 12.0412:23
MtrPanda(front end) but still unpleasant to use12:24
MtrPandathanks for trying12:24
pillo_buonasera a tutti12:24
cfhowlett!it | pillo_12:25
ubottupillo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:25
pillo_io ho bisogno di aiuto dove posso andare12:25
MtrPandaseems like it has write protected all the settings ???12:26
MtrPandabye, take care12:26
cfhowlettMtrPanda, best of luck12:26
K350ubottu: È ubuntu-it non è disponibile?12:26
ubottuK350: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:26
MtrPandathanks,, slow server so will take me a day to down load mint :(12:26
mjaykafternoon chaps12:27
unlockushi guys12:27
unlockusi am not sure if is safe to use team viewer in ubuntu, anyone can help, to tell me if is safe ?12:28
theadminunlockus: It's as safe as it is in Windows or OS X.12:28
unlockusi need to transfer something from a windows machine12:28
mjaykunlockus: just use samba not teamviewer12:29
theadminunlockus: Since it's proprietary software, nobody can tell if it has a backdoor or whatever. But I use it myself, I consider it safe.12:29
unlockusthanks, i was hoping for this answer12:29
unlockusthanks guys12:29
gansteedthere are so many packages like `python-flask-doc`, how can I use it?12:29
theadmingansteed: To view Python documentation, use the "pydoc" command12:30
gansteedtheadmin: thank you, but can not use pydoc to see the flask-doc ;(12:34
theadmingansteed: "pydoc flask" should do it12:34
theadmingansteed: You can also run "pydoc -g" and search for documentation using a graphical interface.12:35
theadminNote that python-tk has to be installed.12:35
gansteed;) thanks, it works12:35
XanoI just discovered my /var/mail/$user fil took up gigabytes of space, because it contained error messages from a cron task. I understand these errors and I can fix the cron task, but I am wondering why the file kept increasing in size and how I can prevent it from clogging the disk in the future.12:37
XanoI understand this is not Ubuntu-specific, so I would be very happy with a reference to generic documentation that can help me.12:38
cfhowlettXano, ##linux would know12:38
cfhowlett#ubuntu-serve as well12:39
Xanocfhowlett: But of course. Thank you :)12:39
erle-can anybody reproduce totem being unable to play mp4?12:39
cfhowlettXano, happy2help12:39
erle-while webm for example is working12:40
erle-totem from the command line does not show any different message if I play either of both12:40
erle-restricted extras is installed12:40
cfhowletterle-, 14.04.1 totem loves my .mp4's12:41
theadminXano: Well, if you have errors, best you can do is fix them. I suppose the "logrotate" tool may help, it compresses old logs to prevent them from clogging up disk space, but I have no idea whether this affects crons messages.12:42
theadminXano: Your cron jobs should not just be commands though. Use scripts, make them redirect errors to a file themselves.12:42
erle-cfhowlett, problems started shortly after 14.10 upgrade12:43
theadminXano: Or just add "2>/dev/null" to the end of your command to ignore errors altogether.12:43
cfhowletterle-, ... can't help.  I only ever run LTS ... 3 years of support > 9 months of support12:43
Xanotheadmin: Of course I will fix the cause of these errors, but I never noticed these problems until MySQL started showing symptoms of not having enough free disk space to write to, because the mail file ended up being about 18GB in size. I would ideally be notified of when this happens, or just discard old entries.12:44
XanoMaybe even both.12:44
Xanotheadmin: True. What exactly does “2>” do that “>” does not?12:45
theadminXano: Just > is STDOUT, 2> is STDERR12:45
XanoWhat are those even called? Then I can search for docs myself12:45
Xanotheadmin: gotcha12:45
theadminXano: You can redirect both to the same place as follows: >TARGET 2>&112:46
theadmin(where TARGET is, say, /dev/null or a file)12:46
Xanotheadmin: cool! What is the technical name of “>” in this case?12:48
theadminXano: Output redirection operator. Or something along those lines.12:48
theadminI'm not sure what the actual manuals call it, but that's the term for it that is used often12:48
Xanotheadmin: I get enough search results using that phrase, thanks!12:48
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theadminXano: How do you type the fancy quotes?12:51
Xanotheadmin: Which quotes?12:51
theadminLike, “ and ”12:51
Xanotheadmin: Oh, I did not even notice that. It must be Mac OS converting them.12:51
Xanotest: “”12:52
theadminOoh, Alt+Shift+[ does those for me12:52
theadmin[ or ]12:52
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XanoOh that’s annoying. Why does it do that? :p12:52
XanoRetina screen and I have everything set to small, so I never noticed.12:52
theadminXano: I dunno, many IM clients like to do stuff like this, like converting -- to a long dash or three dots to an actual ellipsis sign12:53
XanoAh, it's a setting. Should be turned off now: "foo"12:53
theadminWhich is annoying especially when you want to type a command or something12:53
XanoIt was a OS thing12:53
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XanoBut it never converted the quotes in my IDE12:53
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theadminProbably apps can request to disable it12:53
XanoI have to leave.12:54
Xanotheadmin: I will check out logrotate. The man page makes it sound like it's what I need.12:54
Xanotheadmin: Thanks again! Enjoy your weekend12:54
theadminXano: Thanks, you too12:55
p01nt3rhi, is there no package "ia32-libs" for utopic yet?12:55
theadminp01nt3r: That doesn't exist anymore, Ubuntu went full on multiarch12:55
theadminp01nt3r: To install a 32-bit version of a package, just "sudo apt-get install packagename:i386".12:55
p01nt3roh, thx!12:55
theadminp01nt3r: Dependencies for 32-bit packages should be resolved automatically, without problems.12:55
p01nt3rthese are very nice news. thank you!12:56
nusrmy computer just froze while installing the latest nvidia drivers. the file is a .run..and is currently running in gedit...how else can i run the .run file or change my graphics driver?12:57
p01nt3rand what do i do, if it is a *.deb-package, like "google-earth-stablexyz.deb"?12:57
theadminnusr: Don't use that, just use the Ubuntu driver tool12:57
p01nt3roh nevermind.12:57
theadminp01nt3r: Just double-click it and Ubuntu will handle it for you.12:57
theadminnusr: Settings -> Software & Updates -> Additional drivers12:57
nusrtheadmin: ok i killed the .run..12:57
erle-cfhowlett, my two other computers run LTS as well12:58
erle-only my entertainment computer doesn't12:58
cfhowletterle-, cutting edge = bleeding edge12:59
TandyUKhi guys having networking issues with 14.04, and i cant figure out why13:00
TandyUKup until 2 days ago, this all worked perfectly, then i rebooted the server...13:01
TandyUKi have an onboard nic (eth0) with and no gateway13:01
TandyUKand a dual port intel nic, which are slaves in my 802.3ad lacp bond013:02
AlexPortableAnyone knows a screenshot tool that randomly generates a name?13:02
TandyUKthe switch and /proc/net/bonding/bond0 show the bond being up and running.13:02
TandyUKifconfig shows bond0 has, subnet
TandyUKand route -n shows my default gateway is
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TandyUKany ideas why nothing on my network can ping, and why the ubuntu box cant ping anything over the bonded connection?13:03
ohadHi there, I've read multiverse repo is for non free apps, and I can see that when using apt-get download virtualbox it download it from multiverse but virtualbox is free no?13:06
cfhowlettohad, vbox is "free" but there 2 versions.  the version in repos doesn't support guest-additions13:07
ohadbut I can download the virtualbox-guest-additions-iso too13:07
ohadwhat does it mean it doesn't support it?13:07
cfhowlettohad, if it's in repos, you can install it.13:08
ohadIm not sure I understand then what multiverse means for non-free ?:X13:08
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.13:09
AlexPortableAnyone knows a screenshot tool that randomly generates a name?13:09
ohadoh I see, thanks!:)13:09
ohadand what did you mean "2 versions" ?13:11
cfhowlettohad, https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads        compare to the one in repos13:11
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AlexPortablehow do I disable the animation on the left bar when i minimize something?13:12
azizLIGHT14.04, how can i run a toggle script .desktop file on the launcher repeatedly without encountering this 5 second delay that the launcher imposes: clicking the icon once, script runs fine, but trying to click icon again will not run the script because the launcher is busy and the icon is pulsating red for 5 seconds. after the pulsing finishes, i can click the icon to launch the toggle script .desktop again.13:14
azizLIGHTis there any way to configure or disable the delay so i can repeatedly click the icon under 5 seconds at a time?13:14
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ohadcfhowlett, older version?13:18
cfhowlettohad, the version direct from Sun is the commercial version13:19
ohadsounds right, and the one in the repo ? its not same ?13:20
cfhowlettohad, nope.  the sun version has some extra capabilities13:21
theadmincfhowlett: Eh...13:21
theadmincfhowlett: That is not quite correct.13:21
cfhowletttheadmin, please elucidate :)13:21
ohadwhere is it documented?13:21
theadminThe version on virtualbox.org is fully open-source. All the closed-source additions (such as VRDP) are part of the Oracle Virtualbox Extension Pack.13:21
* cfhowlett awaiting sage advice from theadmin ...13:22
theadminThe versions themselves are identical though.13:22
theadminThey used to have a closed-source version and an open-source version, true, but they kinda scrapped that13:22
OnceMecan someone help me how to update grub after ubuntu 14.04 upgrade?13:23
cfhowletttheadmin, the sun oracle version shows a more advanced version number ... typical package lag time getting it into ubuntu I suppose?13:23
cfhowlett!grub2 | OnceMe13:23
ubottuOnceMe: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:23
OnceMeI am missing windows, actually I have windows but not entering it, I need upgrade.13:23
theadmincfhowlett: Yeah, probably.13:23
OnceMehelp me13:24
ohadlicensing is confusing:|13:24
OnceMewhat to do!?13:24
OnceMesudo apt=get update grub13:24
OnceMewill that do it?13:25
cfhowlettOnceMe, read the wiki.  instructions are there13:25
theadminOnceMe: No, you should just run "sudo update-grub", that should help13:25
OnceMewindows is not found as I can see.13:26
gryffynor reinstall, (sudo grub-install /dev/sdx)13:26
OnceMehow do I know which sd?13:26
ohadwell, thanks for the help cfhowlett theadmin13:27
cfhowlettohad, happy2help13:27
cfhowlett HexChat: 2.9.6 ** OS: Linux 3.13.0-39-lowlatency x86_64 ** Distro: Debian jessie/sid ** CPU: 2 x Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU       T4300  @ 2.10GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 2.10GHz ** RAM: Physical: 3.8GB, 80.1% free ** Disk: Total: 646.7GB, 43.5% free ** VGA: 8086:2a42 ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel ** Ethernet: 11ab:4354 ** Uptime: 36m 38s **13:27
OnceMesda8 is /boot13:28
OnceMeis that it?13:28
theadminOnceMe: Not "sda8", just /dev/sda13:28
cfhowlettOnceMe, sda8 is should NOT be boot!13:28
OnceMewell /dev/sda8 is /boot and ext4.13:28
theadminThat is, unless you are on EFI, in which case something's really weird.13:28
OnceMeyes Im on EFI13:28
theadminWait, sda8? How can boot be on a logical partition?13:28
OnceMedunno why13:28
eshloxanyone had a issue with additional display on ubuntu 14.04? laptop, hdmi, nvidia, desktop is stretched on two displays instead of separate desktop on each of monitors13:28
OnceMeI dont know why Im on EFI13:29
OnceMethat EFI took me a day to install ubuntu13:29
theadminThen this is even weirder... With EFI, /boot should be the first partition of the drive, shouldn't it?13:29
OnceMeis that up to my motherboard13:29
theadminOnceMe: Yeah13:29
cfhowlettOnceMe, and you don't know why you did it?13:29
OnceMestu[id mb13:29
OnceMeI dont13:29
gryffyneshlox, try setting the settings in the control panel of Ubuntu.13:29
theadminOnceMe: You can most likely switch to "legacy mode" or something and it will act just like an old BIOS board, but you'll have to reinstall all operating systems.13:29
OnceMeI have encrypted drive13:29
gryffyntheadmin, no, EFI can't be reset to BIOS>13:30
gryffynHas to be used as EFI.13:30
theadmingryffyn: It can't be reset to BIOS, but it can be configured to act in a similar manner.13:30
OnceMeits UEFI13:30
eshloxgryffyn: i've tried all combinations from control panel ;-)13:30
OnceMeor EFI13:30
OnceMehow do I know13:30
theadmingryffyn: I have an EFI machine, in legacy mode, it runs basically the same as old BIOS machines, without weird requirements for partitions or secure boot or whatever13:30
RickyB98i'd like to limit a single process on my server so that it can use up to 20 MB, then it gets killed. is this possible?13:31
theadminOnceMe: UEFI and EFI are the same thing13:31
OnceMeon sda2 I have windows13:31
AlexPortableAnyone knows a screenshot tool that randomly generates a name?13:31
OnceMehow to put it in grub?13:31
AlexPortablehow do I disable the animation on the left bar when i minimize something?13:31
gryffyneshlox, then have you tried using xrandr?13:31
hhhhhhhh512are here people with thinkpad experience, i just today installed 14.04 on my thinkpad t60 and it works nicely, i'm just thinking is there anything special that the system needs on these machines?13:31
cfhowletthhhhhhhh512, there's a whole linux / thinkpad on reddit IIRC13:31
gryffynOnceMe, disable secureboot and fast boot.13:32
OnceMein bios?13:32
OnceMeand that should fix what?13:32
hhhhhhhh512oh really, didn't know that, will search that then13:32
cfhowletthhhhhhhh512, see /lenovo and /thinkpad13:32
gryffynOnceMe, or in Windows. Then you will need to reinstall Buntu, then just use default settings.13:32
OnceMeIm reinstalling windows 8 32 bit to windows 8.1 64 bit now13:33
OnceMeso I want to reinstall windows but to leave ubuntu 14.04 untouched13:33
dslowekdsHi... I've recently installed Lubuntu on my laptop, but I the Wi-Fi card isn't detected by default. The manufacturer has released the driver for linux though, and I've downloaded the gzip. Now how do I install it?13:33
OnceMeI want to play watch dogs I have cpu i713:33
cfhowlettdslowekds, that's the broadcom driver, yes?13:33
OnceMe9.1 on cpuboss review so I wanna play games13:34
dslowekdscfhowlett - not broadcom.. mediatek. MT763013:34
gryffynOnceMe, then you will need to install with regular settings, then switch to non-secureboot and non-fastboot.13:34
cfhowlettdslowekds, oh.  well, install instructions should be in the .zip or on the dl page.13:34
OnceMeI dont understand a thing13:34
OnceMeI just want windows in my grub13:34
gryffynBut really, a reinstall of everything takes care of all the hassles. There will be many. Your best option is really to upgrade windows, then reinstall Ubuntu.13:35
cfhowlettgryffyn, sad to say, I agree ^^^^13:35
OnceMeI dont know where to disable secureboot and fastboot13:35
OnceMeand what are those13:35
gryffyndslowekds, unzip the archive then execute the installer file.13:36
dslowekdscfhowlett - they are, but they don't seem to work. Then there's steps suggested by others on a launchpad link - but those don't work too.. so I wanted someone to hand hold me through the thing :P13:36
gryffynOnceMe, you need to boot too windows.13:36
gryffyncfhowlett, the best way by far!13:36
OnceMewhat part of windows is not in grub you do not understand?13:36
gryffynOnceMe, then download UBCD.13:36
OnceMeI just want to place windows in grubv thats all13:37
OnceMeI dont want rerinstall13:37
OnceMejust windows in grub ok?13:37
cfhowlettOnceMe, did you try reinstalling grub?13:37
gryffynOnceMe, Well then, really you need to just configure grub properly. You may need to custom write your grub.conf.13:37
OnceMefstab: http://pastebin.com/jkmptkzn13:38
OnceMecfhowlett:no, how13:38
cfhowlett!grub2 | OnceMe,13:38
ubottuOnceMe,: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:38
cfhowlettOnceMe, see the "restore" options13:38
OnceMesudo grub-install /dev/sda813:38
OnceMeis that it?13:38
gryffynubottu, that's not what he was asking. The reverse, actually.13:38
ubottugryffyn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:38
OnceMesda8 is /boot and ext4.13:38
cfhowlettOnceMe, NO.  /dev/sda13:39
gryffynOnceMe, he's right13:39
OnceMeso only sda? ok13:39
gryffynOnceMe, sudo grub-install /dev/sda13:39
OnceMeInstalling for i386-pc platform.13:39
OnceMeInstallation finished. No error reported.13:39
OnceMehow do I check if windows is really in grub now?13:40
gryffynThere we go! Try a reboot!13:40
OnceMeno I dont want to13:40
OnceMeif grub is not working properly13:40
gryffynOnceMe, you can get back to Ubuntu.13:40
cfhowlettOnceMe, reboot and you'll know for sure.13:40
gryffynOnceMe, just pastebin the grub.conf13:40
gryffynOh no13:40
gryffyncfhowlett, think his conf will be screwed up?13:41
cfhowlettgryffyn, if he set /dev/sda   he *should* be fine ...13:41
gryffyncfhowlett, yeah. I guess so. Honestly, I like GRUB2 better than syslinux, but I can stand both.13:42
gryffynhello jottr_ !13:43
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jottrgryffyn: what is it?13:43
gryffynjottr, just saying hi!13:43
jottrgryffyn: hehe. ok. hi. :)13:43
jakey2hi can i use ipv6 for nameservers13:45
lotuspsychjeafternoon to all13:50
theadminANonymousPRo: Yes, hello, please just ask your support question if you have one.13:50
ANonymousPRoi not know this backbox13:50
ANonymousPRoi just run the virtualbox13:51
ANonymousPRoand use the installer13:52
gryffynANonymousPRo, please ask a question if you have a question.13:53
ANonymousPRo-_- that my question13:53
ANonymousPRoi not know about Backbox please teach me13:54
k1l_ANonymousPRo: backbox is not supported ubuntu version. please see the backbox support13:55
k1l_see the backbox site13:55
LeviticusHow do i get icons to show in the unity tray?13:57
Leviticuslike the hexchat icon13:57
Leviticustop right13:57
gryffynLeviticus, what icon theme are you using?13:57
gryffynLeviticus, have you installed the gnome tweak tool?13:57
lotuspsychjeLeviticus: you mean the indicator section?13:57
ANonymousPRoAfter i install the backbox then what i doing ?13:57
Leviticuslotuspsychje, thats what mean yes13:58
ANonymousPRoi am newbie13:58
gryffynANonymousPRo, please go visit their forums.13:58
gryffynANonymousPRo, sure.13:58
Leviticuswhat do i do so hexchat shows up in the indicator section?13:58
lotuspsychjeLeviticus: there is an indicator named classicmenu-indicator that shows categories13:58
ANonymousPRoin where ? Home? CLOUD?13:58
gryffynANonymousPRo, forum.backbox.org13:59
Leviticushow do i get hat?13:59
lotuspsychje!info classicmenu-indicator | Leviticus13:59
ubottuLeviticus: classicmenu-indicator (source: classicmenu-indicator): indicator showing the main menu from Gnome Classic. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.07-0ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 8 kB, installed size 105 kB13:59
Leviticusjust install it and it will work?13:59
lotuspsychjeLeviticus: sudo apt-get install classicmenu-indicator13:59
lotuspsychjeLeviticus: its an indicator that shows classic menu, not hexchat14:00
Leviticusoh ok14:00
k1l_ANonymousPRo: i thought we were clear that you use the backbox support.14:01
ANonymousPRobackbox support?14:02
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lotuspsychjewich services can be disabled safely in /etc/init? i just disabled cups and wanna tweak some others14:04
Surendillotuspsychje: check zeitgeist14:06
_informatrix2khi guys14:07
lotuspsychjeSurendil: i disabled zeitgeist from startup items already, and wanted to tweak more system services that doesnt show on regular startup items list14:07
Surendilavahi then14:08
lotuspsychjeSurendil: ok tnx14:09
uldicsHi! How do I get back normal resolution after the additional drivers (fglrx and fglrx-updates) have messed my system to believe it only can show low resolution? Fresh install 14.10, AMD 7770 graphic card, imho the default driver. Monitor was right after install 1600x1200, now cant get it to accept anything else than 960x52914:13
lotuspsychjeuldics: you can try fix broken packages from grub recoverymode14:14
AlexPortablehow do i fix my touchpad?14:17
AlexPortablei want to make the mouse move when i put my thumb on it14:17
AlexPortablein windows this was possible, in ubuntu not14:17
sennnxfce's performance better than lxde,why?14:17
lotuspsychjesennn: some machines react otherwise on lubuntu/xubuntu14:18
lotuspsychjesennn: i had laptop once so old, xubuntu run better the lubuntu on it14:18
sennnlotuspsychje, yes that is what i mean14:19
lotuspsychjesennn: so its not really a matter of Os performance but a mix of hardware reacting on software14:19
lotuspsychjesennn: best to find the smoothest flavor on your machine that runs best14:20
sennnseems like on AMD platform xfce works better14:22
lotuspsychjesennn: i dont think we can generalize things, its a combination of hardware14:22
sennnlotuspsychje, yeah14:23
lotuspsychjesennn: an AMD with real low specs might run lubuntu better, etc..14:23
lotuspsychjesennn: but your machine runs smooth on xubuntu now?14:24
sennnlotuspsychje, better than lubuntu14:25
lotuspsychjesennn: you can tweak more things to make it even faster14:25
sennnlotuspsychje, yeah14:25
lotuspsychjesennn: like installing preload, tweak swappiness, quiet splash disabled at grub14:26
lotuspsychje!info preload | sennn14:26
ubottusennn: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (utopic), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB14:26
phutis there a way to get xfce stable version14:26
phutfrom ubuntu repos?14:27
lotuspsychjephut: you want xubuntu-desktop?14:27
sennnlotuspsychje, what is info preload?14:27
lotuspsychjesennn: preload is the packagename, you can install to make things faster14:27
AlexPortableHow can I cut parts of a video in ubuntu?14:27
sennnlotuspsychje, thanks14:28
AlexPortablewithout installing a superdeluxe video editor that can do anything14:28
lotuspsychjeAlexPortable: vlc can cut video parts14:28
AlexPortabledon't have vlc14:28
AlexPortableis is better than totem?14:28
lotuspsychje!xfce | phut14:28
ubottuphut: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels14:28
phutthe build of xfce in ubuntu repos is an unstable build for some reason14:28
lotuspsychjeAlexPortable: vlc is the best :p14:29
phutman maybe I need to ask somewhere else, you're assuming I'm really dumb lol14:29
phutfor some reason cannonical is pushing out unstable builds of xfce instead of the stable builds14:29
MrElendigphut: because the stable release of xfce is ancient and buggy14:29
MrElendigphut: probably14:30
phutxfdesktop --version14:30
phutThis is xfdesktop version 4.11.6, running on Xfce 4.10.14:30
phutBuilt with GTK+ 2.24.23, linked with GTK+
phutneed 4.11.814:30
AlexPortablelotuspsychje: how can i cut?14:30
phutI might be too lazy to download from xfce and install manually14:30
MrElendigonly 4 yers since the last xfce release14:30
MrElendigphut: there is a ppa with more up to date builds of xfce14:30
lotuspsychjeAlexPortable: you need to enable recover button, then you can cut the moviepart you need14:30
phutwhere's that?14:30
phutthanks MrElendig14:31
lotuspsychjeAlexPortable: record, sorry14:31
MrElendigunless it was dropped14:31
lotuspsychjeAlexPortable: show advanced options in vlc, to see record button14:32
phutI found a bug with xfdesktop --menu, in #xfce they said it's because cannonical is using 4.11.6 not 4.11.814:32
lotuspsychjeAlexPortable: then you can record the part you want14:32
AlexPortableadvanced controls?14:32
lotuspsychjeAlexPortable: yes14:32
AlexPortableso how to save teh recording?14:34
lotuspsychjeAlexPortable: after you stop record it should autosave14:34
andreas_Does anybody know something about connecting two linux machines via network cabel? Problem: both machines run SSH14:35
AlexPortablecrossover cable14:36
andreas_thats not the point: both machines have gigbyte network i.e. no crossover necessary14:36
andreas_Problem is as follows:14:36
andreas_SSH connection usually via port 22; there is not router in between i.e. no port 22 possible14:37
lotuspsychjeandreas_: nmap both machines to see if ssh server is running14:38
andreas_both machines run SSH server automatically i.e. via a router port 22 I can connect form one to the other machine and vice versa14:38
lotuspsychjeandreas_: and your problem is..?14:39
lyntooyou must allow ssh user with permission14:39
ciccioi have a problem with gnome-system-monitor14:39
Shaanhey guys ive got latest release verison of Kubuntu, but for some reason when i installed i was able to connect to wifi fine, and do the installation now that i've booted up it shows connected to wifi, but i cant connect to the web period.14:39
AlexPortablehow do I cut parts of videos in ubuntu?14:40
andreas_problem is the computers can not connect to each other.14:40
cicciowhen i launch it, it doesn't appear any window14:40
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andreas_I can ping from one machine to the other but this is only possible as root (already strange!)14:40
lotuspsychjeciccio: ddi you try launch from terminal?14:40
cicciolotuspsychje: no, i launched it from the menu14:41
lotuspsychjeciccio: try from terminal, maybe you see some error?14:41
ciccioalberto@alberto-K50IJ:~$ gnome-system-monitor14:42
ciccionot at all14:42
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cicciono error14:42
lotuspsychjeciccio: you didnt uninstalled it or something?14:42
cicciono, i'jve hust install ubuntu14:43
andreas_lyntoo: concerning SSH permission; my computers identify each other using SSH through certificate, i.e. permission is automatically given14:43
ciccioit's my first time14:43
andreas_my guess: problem is the SSH port14:43
lotuspsychjeciccio: apt-cache show gnome-system-monitor14:44
andreas_it is usually 22 and when I use a cable, I can not "permit" a port14:44
lotuspsychjeciccio: to see if its there14:44
andreas_in a router I open the dedicated port, in a cable I can not do htat14:44
michele_how to install a game with wine? the second cd don't appear14:44
Shaanhey guys ive got latest release verison of Kubuntu, but for some reason when i installed i was able to connect to wifi fine, and do the installation now that i've booted up it shows connected to wifi, but i cant connect to the web period.14:44
lotuspsychjemichele_: did you try playonlinux?14:45
AlexPortablehow do I cut parts of videos in ubuntu?14:45
AlexPortablehow do I cut parts of videos in ubuntu?14:45
AlexPortablehow do I cut parts of videos in ubuntu?14:45
michele_eorro pol...14:45
lotuspsychje!patience | AlexPortable14:46
ubottuAlexPortable: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:46
cicciolberto@alberto-K50IJ:~$ apt-cache show gnome-system-monitor14:46
ciccioPackage: gnome-system-monitor14:46
ciccioPriority: optional14:46
ciccioSection: gnome14:46
ciccioInstalled-Size: 155614:46
ciccioMaintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>14:46
unopasteciccio you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:46
lyntooandreas_ have you look at sshd.conf ?14:46
andreas_lyntoo: no I did not, what sould I look for?14:46
lotuspsychjeShaan: network manager launched at startup items?14:47
andreas_lyntoo: connection works through a router, i.e. the problem is the cable14:47
Shaanlotuspsychje: i beleive so14:47
k1l_AlexPortable: you can stop spamming. its just annoying and you know that. you are not more important than the other users asking for help!14:47
SurendilShaan: check for nm-applet to be installed14:47
lotuspsychjeShaan: doublecheck in your services list or startup items14:47
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AlexPortablewell my client said couldn't send, so i send it again14:47
AlexPortablek1l_: ^14:47
k1l_AlexPortable: here is a question as yours and is given several methods. just choose the one you like: http://askubuntu.com/questions/56022/what-to-use-to-quickly-cut-audio-video14:48
Shaanlotuspsychje how do i check?14:48
lotuspsychjeShaan: i know there's a lubuntu bug with nm-applet also not booting14:48
cicciois there anyone who can help me?14:48
Surendildpkg -l | grep -i nm-applet14:48
lotuspsychjeciccio: check your logs for errors14:48
lyntooandreas_ : try to see a trace of log;   cat /var/log/auth.log14:49
ShaanSurendil nothing14:49
cicciowhere is my log?14:49
lotuspsychjeciccio: or do a tail -f /var/log/dmesg in realtime14:49
cicciowhat do you mean?14:49
andreas_connecting two computers -both running SSH server- via cable (no router), any idea how to do that?14:49
lotuspsychjeciccio: there must be a reason monitor doesnt launch..14:49
Surendilciccio: all logs usually are on /var/log14:49
benjickHey guys. I have alias adb-devices='sudo /home/vagrant/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb devices' in my .bashrc-file. But adb-devices gives me "command not found". What can I do?14:50
lotuspsychjebenjick: whats your end goal exactly?14:50
ShaanSurendil: dont know if you got my prior msg, but it didn't show nothing so i guess not loaded.14:50
benjicklotuspsychje: to have the alias adb-devices run that command14:51
ciccioSurendil in that folder there are lots of file. which one do i open?14:51
SurendilShaan: nm-applet is your network monitor applet on your taskbar14:51
lotuspsychjebenjick: must be wrong command, not sure howto14:51
ShaanSurendil: i see it  in the taskbar the wifi sign thing.. i clicked it, and selected network few times still doesn't work and how come it didn't show up in dpg?14:52
uldicsHow do I reset my graphical configuration on almost fresh 14.10 to what it was at start? I have only one borked low resolution 960x529, but at start it was 1600x1200. Grub wasnt help, no broken packages.14:52
AlexPortablehow do i install ffmpeg?14:52
Surendilciccio: depends on the log you need to look, usuario syslog record most of them14:52
bloopletechI've just upgraded to 14.10, now if I issue a simple curl command, it fails because it seems to be trying and preferring ipv6 addresses; but I only have ipv4 connectivity: https://gist.github.com/bloopletech/811bd33113c82bc6005b14:52
andreas_AlexPortable: ffmpeg is replaced by avconv14:52
AlexPortableis it better?14:53
SurendilShaan: sudo ifconfig - is your wlan0 up?14:53
cfhowlettalex_portable, politics.  things change.14:53
andreas_not better, I guess some legal issues14:53
andreas_sudo apt-get install avconv14:53
lyntooandreas_ didnt see any attemp to connect in your log?14:54
bloopletechAlexPortable, see https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/wiki/FFmpeg-versus-Libav for more (hopefully unbiased) background14:54
lyntooor error issue14:54
andreas_lyntoo: which log?14:54
cfhowlettalex_portable, actually:   sudo apt-get install libav-tools14:54
lotuspsychjeSurendil: whats packagename of that usuario?14:54
lyntooandreas_ /var/log/auth.log14:54
benjicklotuspsychje: I had to source the bashrc-file14:54
Surendillotuspsychje: huh???14:55
AlexPortablecfhowlett: so they hate each other?14:55
lotuspsychjeSurendil: nvm, tought it was a package recording them all :p14:55
andreas_lyntoo: just opened auth.log with nano. What shall I look for?14:55
cfhowlettalex_portable, more like some individual personality clashes as I understand it.14:56
bloopletechI'm not sure if I need to (or how) to change my network settings to indicate I have no ipv6 connectivity14:56
Surendillotuspsychje: oh, hahaha..impossilble14:56
lyntooandreas_ something like connection authentification faild or whatever14:56
andreas_lyntoo: wait, I will look for it14:56
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lotuspsychjeSurendil: im using colortail to sort logs easy, and there was a trick to get all logs in there at once..but forgot how14:56
lyntooandreas_ look at the end of the file, last attemp must be write in order14:57
SpeendaShHello everyone, i'm newto the linux comunity, i'am a xubuntu user and i have little problem, oddly my usb mouse and some other usb device doesn't work anymore... though the mouse work on an other PC and the led is shining when i plug a bluetooth key for exemple... any idea of what is going on ?14:57
Surendilandreas_: trying to connect ssh between cable lan?14:57
cicciothis is the log file14:57
bloopletechI'm not having any issue in chrome or xchat, only with curl (so far)14:57
benjickSpeendaSh: what brand for the mouse?14:58
daftykinsSpeendaSh: is it a laptop?14:59
ShaanSurendil: yes wlan0 is up14:59
andreas_lyntoo: I find the info in the log file "session closed for user root"; strange: I was not logged in a as root. But this could be one of the keys!!14:59
lotuspsychjebenjick: maybe the #ubuntu-touch guys might know some more on adb-devices, many devs in there14:59
thepheinexmay i say hi to all im not sure if im in the right room or not14:59
lyntoolog is the key for the troubleshooting ;)15:00
lotuspsychjebenjick: i also needed adb-devices to install touch on my n715:00
SpeendaShBenjick> It's a logitech... and it used to work perectly fine when i was in the 13. something version of xubuntu...15:00
andreas_lyntoo: I will try later again and report will check why "root" closed connection15:00
daftykinsSpeendaSh: is it a laptop then?15:00
SpeendaShdaftykins,  nope it's a desktop PC15:00
andreas_lyntoo: you are right concerning log an trouble shooting ;-)15:00
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daftykinsSpeendaSh: hrmm ok, you could still potentially reset USB by turning off and pulling the mains cable for a few seconds, then boot back up to make sure it's not USB totally ignoring everything15:01
SurendilShaan: restart networking just to be sure, should work...if not, see logs15:01
Shaanrestart networking?, sorry i'm new to ubuntu15:01
sennncan ubuntu connect to iphone and send files?15:02
Shaangot it15:02
SpeendaShdaftykins,  sorry let me sure that i've understand well, i'll turn off my computer, unplug all the usb devises and plug them back and turn on my computer again ?15:02
ShaanSurendil sudo service networking restart15:02
daftykinsSpeendaSh: remove the mains cable to the PC as well15:02
SpeendaShdaftykins,  the power one ?15:02
SurendilShaan: also /etc/init.d/newtworking restart15:03
daftykinsSpeendaSh: i'd power back up after 5 minutes with all the USB things out, then add them back in one by one (starting with the mouse and keyboard as a priority)15:03
SurendilShaan: but you got it15:03
lyntooandreas_ hope you fix the trouble, and make sure you have allow user in sshd_config15:03
daftykinsSpeendaSh: yep totally kill power to the system15:03
cicciook never mind, i'll unistall ubuntu15:03
SpeendaShdaftykins,  hm ok sounds like an idea, i'll try that and be right back then (: thank for your help (:15:04
Surendilciccio: haha, that was quick15:04
ShaanSurendil sudo service network-manager restart15:04
Shaandid that and tried to reconnect still nothing15:04
sennnhow to use openvpn with ovpn files?15:05
bloopletechShaan: what problem are you having?15:06
Shaanbloopletech it says i'm connected to wifi, but when i try browsing a website or anything nothing works15:06
bloopletechand this used to work?15:06
ciccioalberto@alberto-K50IJ:~$ gnome-system-monitor15:07
ciccio** (gnome-system-monitor:3930): WARNING **: SELinux was found but is not enabled.15:07
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Shaani thought it was iptables, so i even cleared iptables i think, and well it used to work as in while i was installing it connected, it was connected for a bit once i booted up, browsed the web for 5ish minutes, but since then it has been acting fux0red15:07
SurendilShaan: firewall on panic mode?15:07
bloopletechShaan: whoa before we start fiddling with the iptables rules we should probably start with the dumbest problems first15:07
sennnShaan, it is simple try wicd software15:07
SurendilShaan: /etc/init.d/iptables stop - no ideal15:08
nusri updated my graphics drivers to the latest nvidia ones from xorg, but now wine doesn't work..should i ask on #wine here. i'll try both15:08
bloopletechShaan: Can you connect to the same wifi network with another device, and the net works for that device?15:08
Shaansudo ufw status15:08
Shaanjust did that, and it says inactive15:08
sennnShaan, try wicd15:09
daftykinsnusr: it's #winehq i think15:09
nusrdaftykins: ok thanks. just got kicked from #wine and only person at #linuxwine15:09
Shaanwhen i do /etc/init.d/iptables stop it says no such file or directory15:09
Shaansenmn wicd?15:09
Shaani cant do apt-get's becausde i cant even connect to the net15:10
Shaanon that laptop15:10
bloopletechsennn: what makes you think the problem is the wifi config stack?15:10
sennnbloopletech, it is hardware problem15:11
daftykinsShaan: are you getting a DHCP lease?15:11
bloopletechsennn: if it's a hardware issue, then how can switching config tool help?15:12
nusrdaftykins: i think i know what the problem is. i used tweak, bleachbit and wiped everything..wine isn't even on my system now15:12
sennnShaan, find another one can use internet ,download wicd ,install it,just try15:12
bloopletechShaan: if you can, could you answer the question I asked before, i.e. you can connect to the wifi network from another device? (basic question I know, but double checking)15:12
daftykinsnusr: hehe, that'll definitely stop it running.15:12
Shaanbloopletech i'm connected to it now, with this laptop that i'm chatting with you on.15:13
sennnwho can answer my question?15:13
Shaanand few other devices, ipad, phone etc15:13
bloopletechShaan: Ok awesome, just checking ;)15:14
bloopletechShaan: if you do 'ping' from a terminal ,what do you get?15:14
nusr*quietly leaves #winehq before someone answers15:15
Shaan bloopletech, i dont think you where here earlier when i had stated, that i was connected using this same laptop when it was doing install, then i was also connected to the net, when i was browsing looking for iptables rules, and then after that i havent been able to connect to the web.15:15
Shaani checked if i accidenly turned on iptables, but they say inactive15:15
daftykinsShaan: just answer bloopletech's questions already!15:15
Shaandaftykins i did if you didn't notice15:16
Shaanbloopletech, one sec checking15:16
bloopletechShaan: you're right, I wasn't there. I believe you the internet was working and now it's not. I'm just trying to triage the issue at the moment. If It's an iptables issue we'll sort it out15:16
Shaansendmsg: operation not permitted15:16
daftykinsShaan: i didn't see you run it no.15:16
LoganGrayShaan - have you tried temporarily changing the wifi encryption - and seeing if you could connect using that?15:17
Shaanbloop                  sendmsg: operation not permitted15:17
bloopletechShaan: wha? that's weird15:17
sennnShaan, try sudo15:17
bloopletechmmm sudo may well work, but on a normal install you shouldn't need sudo to invoke ping15:17
LoganGraymeaning, you change the wifi encryption or even turn it off - at the router/access point15:17
Shaanbloopletech: im root15:18
bloopletechsennn: to answer your question. I believe so - have you tried it yet? What iphone and which version of ubuntu are you using?15:18
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sennnbloopletech, iphone 4s xubuntu14.1015:18
sennni will not use iphone 5 and above because of tim cook15:20
daftykinsthis is not a place to discuss Apple15:20
bloopletechShaan: hmm, try 'route -n'. what output do you get there?15:20
Shaanwhat are you looking for unfortunatly i cant copy paste15:22
daftykinstake a picture with your phone and upload it15:22
nusrdaftykins: any idea why ubuntu-tweak or bleachbit (more likely bleachbit than Utweak since i use that everyday without problem becos no sure of maintenance commands) would remove an installed application like wine without my intentionally removing it?15:22
daftykinsShaan: ^15:23
daftykinsnusr: no idea, not familiar with any of those15:23
nusrdaftykins: ok thanks anyway. cheers15:23
bloopletechShaan: basically, you should see something like https://gist.github.com/bloopletech/3cb32ba8aba6791b6c9915:23
Shaanbloopletech: http://pastebin.com/X8fa6i0a15:25
abhishekstartup applications?15:25
daftykinsabhishek: that's not a fully formed question15:26
lotuspsychjenusr: doesnt bleachbit remove wine temp files only or something?15:26
SpeendaShThis is weird, i looks like my usb wireless adaper is making problem with my USB devises, when i plug it my usb mouse disconect , and sometimes it goes back to the way it was... any idea guys ?15:26
bloopletechsennn: ok, looks good so far. If you do 'sudo iptables -L', what output do you get?15:27
abhishekI want to add an .sh file to startup application list, how should I do it? I am sorry for the question, joined this just a minute before15:27
hardtailhas anyone heard from eeee lately?15:27
bloopletechsennn: have you already tried plugging your phone in? Does it work, do nothing, or give you an error message?15:28
daftykinshardtail: no, why?15:28
daftykinsi mean maybe a day or two15:28
sennnbloopletech, i will try15:28
hardtaildaftykins just wondering how he's doing is all15:29
sennnShaan, reinstall system,simple enough15:29
hardtaili will try to install ubuntu again on this damn tablet15:29
daftykinslol tablet.15:29
hardtailwell it's a 'hybrid' lol15:30
lotuspsychjehardtail: wich tablet?15:30
hardtailasus transformerbook t10015:30
lotuspsychjehardtail: what Os is default on that tablet?15:31
hardtailwindows 8.115:31
lotuspsychjehardtail: and ubuntu doesnt wanna install?15:31
SpeendaShdaftykins,  ah there you are ! i did what you sugest tunring off my comouter and unplug all the usb device and thanks to that i found an interesting matter... it looks like there is a conflict with my wireless adapter, when i plug it the mouse or other usb devise stop working o: how is it possible ? X.X15:31
Guest18080what ubuntu?15:32
hardtaillotuspsychje i was using this guide http://www.jfwhome.com/2014/03/07/perfect-ubuntu-or-other-linux-on-the-asus-transformer-book-t100/   but discovered from people on here that i needed to use nomodeset etc15:32
daftykinsSpeendaSh: it could be that there's not enough power to go around15:32
hardtailso many issues, it's a big headache, and myself i am at fault for not doing my research beforehand and wiping my drive15:32
SpeendaShdaftykins,  even though it's a desktop PC ? o:15:32
daftykinsSpeendaSh: assuming you have enough USB ports, can you juggle them around so that everything works?15:33
Shaanbloopletech so no suggestions?15:33
SpeendaShdaftykins,  i tried some different position... didn't worked...15:33
nusrlotuspsychje: just looked. there is no option to specify to remove anything in wine in bleachbit..just temp files..but the whole thing got removed.15:34
SpeendaShdaftykins, could it be that my alimentation isn't powerfull enough ?15:34
daftykinsSpeendaSh: ali... what? :D15:34
hulioguys, how to refresh mobprobe?15:34
bloopletechShaan: sorry I wrote a comment to you but addressed it wrong. "ok, looks good so far. If you do 'sudo iptables -L', what output do you get?"15:34
lotuspsychjenusr: not sure why it would remove wine15:34
hulioi added blacklist to it.  i don't want to restart yet and want to refresh mobprobe?15:35
thepheinexI’m sorry I guess we just jump it to the to the conversation’s so here I go I’m new to Ubuntu and I know nothing about it but here’s my situation I am running a to computer to monitor system one computer is running when does seven the other computer has XP installed I’m running a button to on a live CD and I come up with the following error. So here’s my question,15:35
huliohow to reload/refresh mobprobe config?15:35
SpeendaShdaftykins,  lol sorry i'm from france i like of vocabulary sometimes (X i meant the "battery" of the PC ? you know where we plug the power wire ?15:35
Shaanbloopletech i bleieve its empty15:35
nusrlotuspsychje: don't know either. the only thing out of the ordinary i did in the last few hours was run bleachbit and install nvida drivers15:35
thepheinexHas anybody had could not switched the monitor configuration/could not set the configuration for CRTC 6415:36
daftykinsSpeendaSh: oh the power supply. nah that won't affect USB power, more the motherboard itself. how many USB items do you have in total and what are they exactly? if you have just mouse, keyboard and wifi adapter do they work?15:36
huliohow to reload/refresh mobprobe config without having to restart computer?15:36
daftykinsthepheinex: that's some of the worst english i've seen in a long time, do you perhaps speak another language so we can point you where to go?15:37
bloopletechhulio: don't repeat your question so frequently. We can see it, just not responded yet15:37
bloopletechsorry one sec15:37
nusrhey cool i got my first freenode ad..15:38
SpeendaShdaftykins,  oh right power supply hehe thanks, eum i have the usb mouse, the wireless adapter, and an USB extension cord to plug mybluetooth adapter sometimes, but you know it's weird ! it keep changing for exemple at the moment it's working !15:38
SpeendaShdaftykins,  the keybord is on ps/2  but at the moment i'm using the mouse and keybord of my laptop using synergy15:39
k1l_nusr: hm?15:39
hulioit is working15:39
daftykinsSpeendaSh: oh ok that's not many devices then, hrmm i'm not sure on anything to suggest i'm afraid. you could watch logs maybe the next time it happens15:39
SpeendaShdaftykins,  logs ? where and what is it ? x:15:39
nusrk1l_: a private message advertising toyota15:39
k1l_nusr: please report to #ubuntu-ops15:39
bloopletechShaan: hmm please try 'iptables --flush' and then the ping command again15:40
sennnhow to use Deutsch to make code?15:40
sennnhow to use Deutsch for programing???15:44
Jehoulivershow can i set up paswordless sudo in 14.04 LTS ?15:45
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k1l_sennn: can you rephrase that question?15:45
sennnThe NEO???15:45
OerHeksJehoulivers, that would be unsafe15:46
JehouliversOerHeks: i need it for a vagrant basebox.15:46
bloopletechJehoulivers, it's not recommended but the 2nd answer to http://askubuntu.com/questions/147241/execute-sudo-without-password will do it.15:46
OerHeksJehoulivers, no you don't.15:46
Jehouliversbloopletech: i set the exact same line, and it still asks for pw15:47
JehouliversOerHeks: why is it failing then?15:47
sennnk1l_, how to use deutsch instead English in coding15:48
sennnk1l_, ?15:48
brahdudeSup shahs; anyone know how to get my clock back in the top bar in ubuntu 14.1015:49
bloopletechJehoulivers, I think you may have made a mistake in changing the configuration then, as that change should work15:49
kaleemHey. I'm facing problems, while installing ubuntu along with windows 8. partition table is not visible while installing..  can i get any solution?15:49
k1l_sennn: i dont get what you mean? do you mean the program menu etc? or tha programming language commands?15:49
k1l_brahdude: start unity-tweak-tool and check that in the settings15:50
sennnk1l_, programming language commands15:50
brahdudeTime indicator is ticked on k1l_15:50
bloopletechsennn, Most programming languages are English-centric and use English keywords and function/class names etc in the standard library. Most languages allow you to write your own variable/class names in whateevr language you like15:50
k1l_sennn: i think that depends on the program language15:50
k1l_brahdude: hmm, maybe something is gone wrong. i would suggest a relogin15:50
brahdudewilltry brb15:50
OerHeksbrahdude, go into systemsettings, time & date , and enable time on your panel again, easy15:51
kaleemHey. I'm facing problems, while installing ubuntu along with windows 8. partition table is not visible while installing..  can i get any solution?15:51
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bloopletechsennn: From what I've read, a lot of international programmers find it easier to just program in english. But certainly you can write your comments/variable/functino/class names in your language. Bue the standard library names will still be in english15:52
OnceMehow to switch ubuntu from uefi to mbr?15:52
brahdudethat actually did the trick k1l_ cheers15:52
OnceMeI want to install win8 in dual15:52
cfhowlettOnceMe, install win8 first.15:53
OnceMetoo late15:53
OnceMeI have ubuntu on uefi alrady running15:53
kaleemHey. I'm facing problems, while installing ubuntu along with windows 8. partition table is not visible while installing..  can i get any solution?15:53
cfhowlettkaleem, ubuntu doesn't see gpt partitions15:53
bloopletechJehoulivers, it might be easier to do the initial configuration changes ias root and then drop to a normal user to do everything else.15:54
Shaanbloopletech: still same thing15:54
kaleemcfhowlett: so, how will i install ubuntu? what partition should i make in windows?15:54
OnceMeI dont get why I still have uefi15:55
OnceMeI have fast boot disabled15:55
OnceMewhat else I should didsblae in bios>15:55
bloopletechShaan: hmm, maybe try 'sudo ip6tables -L' ?15:56
nusri don't know what happened with sound either after bleachbit...i just tried audio and realized i don't have digital audio only analog15:56
AlexPortablehow cna i fix my touchpad in ubuntu?15:56
k1l_AlexPortable: i thought you have asked enough questions to know what a good question should look like :)  which ubuntu? what hardware? what exact issue? what errors? what solutions did not help?15:58
AlexPortableubuntu 14.04. hardware i don't know. when I put my thumb on the touchpad for lmb and my finger to move the mouse, it doesn't moves the mouse15:58
bloopletechShaan: also try iptables -t nat -L15:58
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Shaanbloopletech nothing just blank chain rerouting16:00
bloopletechShaan: hmmm what about for iptables -t mangle -L, iptables -t raw -L, and iptables -t security -L16:01
OnceMehow to istall windows on uefi16:06
OnceMeI have ubuntu uefi16:06
OnceMehelp me please i fuck me16:06
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OerHeksOnceMe, ask in ##windows?16:06
freijonOnceMe: wrong chat I guess16:06
OnceMei did16:06
cfhowlettOnceMe, stop the profanity immediately16:06
OnceMethey dont know shit16:06
OerHeksand mind your language, OnceMe16:07
OnceMeI am pissed16:07
OnceMenobody knows anythang16:07
cfhowlett!guidelines | OnceMe,16:07
ubottuOnceMe,: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:07
cfhowlettOnceMe, for windows support, consult windows resources.16:07
tytanZnarreZ test back16:08
AlexPortablehow do I disable bluetooth turning on when I turn on my pc?16:10
AlexPortablefrom standby16:10
AlexPortableOnceMe: ok16:10
AlexPortableOnceMe: help me too16:11
AlexPortablegood question16:11
AlexPortableyou should ask in ##hardware tho16:12
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rypervencheOnceMe: You can usually set your system to Legacy mode or BIOS mode and then install.16:13
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OnceMeok how16:14
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cfhowlett!uefi | OnceMe16:14
ubottuOnceMe: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:14
OnceMegigabyte z87m hd3 uefi16:15
OerHeksOnceMe, put your windows disk in, and just install, that is what they would tell you in ##windows16:15
OnceMedoes that motherboard have uefi disable?16:15
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cfhowlettOnceMe, ask google ...16:16
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OnceMeI did16:17
OnceMenot work16:17
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OerHeksOnceMe, why do you ark here about your windows issue?16:18
OnceMeI see16:18
OnceMelegacy usb suportr enabled16:18
OnceMeis that shoukd be disablwd>16:18
OnceMeI wananinstal ubuntu on uefi16:18
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cfhowlettOnceMe, read the wiki.  your questions are answered there.16:19
cfhowlett!uefi | OnceMe16:20
freijonI thought you want to install Windows?16:20
ubottuOnceMe: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:20
somsipOnceMe: maybe better if you come back when you are sober16:20
AlexPortableubuntu 14.04. hardware i don't know. when I put my thumb on the touchpad for lmb and my finger to move the mouse, it doesn't moves the mouse16:21
ilhamiany Android devs here?16:21
AlexPortableilhami: #android-dev16:21
cfhowlettilhami, www.xdadevelopers.com16:21
OnceMeI booted16:23
AlexPortableon the lockscreen ,how do i disable the top bar?16:26
AlexPortable'switch account, suspend, shutdown'16:27
imLOSTis ubuntu a feasible replacement for Windows 8.1 pro?16:28
AlexPortableimLOST: depends on your applications16:28
cfhowlettimLOST, depends wholly on your use case.  "generally" ... yes.16:28
somsipimLOST: do you need to run any windows-only high-demand apps?16:28
imLOSTwell guys I use Word Excel IE16:28
imLOSTand Printers16:29
imLOSTand Scanner16:29
imLOSTand Wifi for Internet16:29
mahem1I feel like this is the not the right place to ask, but how does one _wget_ the _raw_ text from paste.ubuntu.com?16:29
imLOSTNothing else16:29
cfhowlettimLOST, libreoffice = excel16:29
somsipimLOST: boot a liveDVD and have a play. There's nothing un-doable there16:29
imLOSTcfhowlett, I tried LibreOffice, it is amazing app but why is it for Free ? Also the code is made available16:29
somsip!free | imLOST16:29
ubottuimLOST: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and  http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/licensing16:29
cfhowlettimLOST, download ubuntu, make USB and test16:30
imLOSTI would download and try16:30
SricharanizedCan I change my KDE based Ubuntu into Gnome one, without uninstalling?16:30
cfhowlettSricharanized, yes you can16:30
cfhowlettSricharanized, but ...16:30
k1l_Sricharanized: install the gnome meta-package you like16:30
cfhowlett!gnome | Sricharanized16:31
ubottuSricharanized: GNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome16:31
OerHeksmahem1, you need to register/login for that feature16:31
cfhowlettSricharanized, in most cases: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop would grab it16:31
Sricharanizedubottu, cfhowlett: thanks16:31
cfhowlettSricharanized, happy2help16:31
mahem1OerHeks: That is dumb, cause then wget won't work anyways...16:32
Z3Hi, how to know what nouveau version in included in the kernel in each Ubuntu version?16:32
OnceMeI have a problem, I installed windows on not UEFI, and I have ubuntu on UEFI, so in grub windows is not showing, why?16:32
OnceMeboth os's are on the same disk16:33
AcIdBaThguys im trying to get some help making a bootable usb but im having problems getting the bootloader to install. Everything else copies ok and i checked the md5 of the iso so i know its gotta be the usb.16:33
cfhowlettAcIdBaTh, md5sum the USB or just make another uSB16:33
OnceMeSpahn_And_Rose spam16:33
k1l_OnceMe: report to #freenode since the user is not in here16:34
fwaokdaI've upgraded from 14.04 to 14.10 on my ubuntu guest (vbox) and now my resolution is stuck at 640x400 even after installing guest additions.  there was a point during install of guest additions where it ask if I wanted to replace a file and i said "Y"... anyone know how i can correct this?16:35
AcIdBaThdo i check the usb with md5sum /dev/sdb116:35
OnceMecan you help me now k1l_16:36
somsip!md5 | AcIdBaTh16:36
mahem1Not ubuntu related, but does anyone know of a good paste site that you can wget raw text from?16:36
ubottuAcIdBaTh: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:36
zaxiusi don't have easy physical access to my ubuntu box anymore, but i log in with SSH and i want to apply the updates. i see "75 packages can be updated. 32 updates are security updates." when i log in. how do i do those updates via SSH?16:36
AcIdBaThubottu I have already checked the iso and its fine16:36
ubottuAcIdBaTh: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:36
cfhowlettAcIdBaTh, but did you verify the USB?16:37
AcIdBaThhow do I go about checking the usb?16:38
OnceMecan someone halp me16:38
cfhowlettAcIdBaTh, for the 3rd time:    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#Check_the_CD         read the links!16:38
cfhowlett!patience | OnceMe,16:38
ubottuOnceMe,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:38
AcIdBaThI have check the cd as ive said befor16:38
n3on_wavesfwaodka do you remember the config that was replaced?16:39
cfhowlettAcIdBaTh, CD or USB?16:39
OnceMemaybe sudo grub-install /dev/sda816:39
OnceMemaybe sudo grub-install /dev/sda116:39
OnceMebecause on sda1 is my win16:39
n3on_wavesfwaodka best bet is to go with the default option the script suggests16:40
AcIdBaThAfter downloading the iso i did the md5sum and checked it and it matched the one on the site. What im not getting is ppl r saying check the usb16:40
cfhowlettAcIdBaTh, what errors do you get on installing grub16:40
cfhowlettAcIdBaTh, wait what?16:40
cfhowlettAcIdBaTh,  you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#Check_the_CDSA16:40
cfhowlettAcIdBaTh, use the above to verify the USB16:41
AcIdBaThIm using the startup disk maker and when it goes to install the bootloader it fails16:41
AcIdBaTheverything else copied to the usb fine but it wont boot16:41
cfhowlettAcIdBaTh, make a new USB.  and verify it.16:41
OnceMemaybe sudo grub-install /dev/sda116:41
OnceMesda1 is system reserved and sda2 is where win is16:42
cfhowlettOnceMe, asked and answered.  we TOLD you to install it to /dev/sda16:42
cfhowlett3 times16:42
OerHeksAcIdBaTh, ubuntu 32 or 64 bit?16:42
n3on_wavesgrub is installed in /dev/sda as far as i know16:42
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OnceMeno for grub16:42
AcIdBaTh32bit 14.1016:42
OnceMebut for grub entries16:42
OnceMeI have grub on sda16:42
OnceMebut windows entry is wrong16:42
OerHeksAcIdBaTh, and is your CPU PAE capable? or do you see an error with PAE warning?16:43
AcIdBaThIve used this method many times before with the same usb so i know it has worked before16:43
OnceMeI get this error: disk `hd0.gpt1` not found16:43
OnceMewhen I try to enter windows in grub why?16:43
n3on_waveshd0 is an IDE device ?16:44
Toqozmight have wrong partition entered in grub configure oncem16:44
OnceMehow can I change it so it boots into dev/sda216:45
OnceMebecause there is where my win is. not in that hd0 thing/.16:45
AcIdBaThI also trie unetbooting and it does the same thing. copies everything ok then fails to install the bootloader16:45
OerHeksnormally installing the bootloader, unetbootin will ask for your admin pass16:46
zaxiusi don't have easy physical access to my ubuntu box anymore, but i log in with SSH and i want to apply the updates. i see "75 packages can be updated. 32 updates are security updates." when i log in. how do i do those updates via SSH?16:46
OerHeksso it asks 2x your pass16:46
OnceMeToqoz:can yousee my pastebin16:46
OnceMeand help me change it dev/sda216:46
Toqozfind file where you can edit grub configure16:47
OnceMewhere win is.16:47
OnceMe<I did16:47
OnceMethasts from grub.cfg16:47
AcIdBaThit does ask just like the startup disk maker and after i put in my password it fails16:47
k1l_zaxius: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"16:47
ToqozI can't right now, on phone16:47
Toqozthere's lots on Google though16:48
ToqozI had a similar issue16:48
n3on_waveszaxius can i talk privately?16:48
cfhowlettAcIdBaTh, how many hard drives do you have?16:49
Toqozlook along lines of "changing grub 3 boot menu options"16:49
zaxiusn3on_waves: sure16:49
AcIdBaTh2 in my laptop16:50
AcIdBaThis there anyway i can install ubuntu on one hdd from ubuntu? that way i wouldnt need to make the usb16:51
apb1963I have wpa_supplicant running on my 14.04 ... but I don't know why.  I thought this needed to be manually configured to start??16:56
apb1963So I guess the question is... how do I turn it off so it doesn' autostart?16:57
skinuxGDM desktop selection menu isn't wanting to show. I just installed GDM (which apparently KDE installation removed), the menu showed up once, but now it won't.16:58
cfhowlettskinux, what distro are you in??16:59
skinuxI'm using KDE right now16:59
skinuxI want to go to Ubuntu default, but the menu won't show to make the selection again.17:00
jhutchins_wkskinux: Why not use kdm then?17:00
skinuxBecause I want to use GDM/Ubuntu desktop as primary.17:00
cfhowlettskinux, so to be clear: you want the gnome-ubuntu as your primary with KDE as an option?17:01
skinuxHow does telling me to use KDM solve the problem? I'm pretty sure it doesn't.17:01
cfhowlettskinux, and you actually install gnome-ubuntu, right?17:01
shortcakeHow do you get your HDMI port on your laptop working in ubuntu. I plug my laptop into a monitor/TV and nothing shows.17:01
skinuxI've already logged into it once, and it was installed before KDE.17:01
cfhowlettskinux, ??? not answering my question ...17:02
skinuxYes, it's installed.17:02
cfhowlettskinux, very good.  and you installed KDE ... ONLY, right?  as in sudo apt-get install KDE.17:02
skinuxI installed the full "Kubuntu" desktop environment.17:03
DetnHello Shortcake you want to see your computer screen on your TV right ?17:03
shortcakeTV screen or HDMI monitor17:03
DetnI had the same problem before17:03
DetnYou have to open setting17:04
MrElendigshortcake: Fn-fancyscreensymbolonyourcomputer17:04
jae_Ubuntu 12.10;  I get this message when trying to do an apt-get upgrade:  WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated, and it asked if it should install anyway.  It doesn't tell me which keys are missing, so it's tempting ...17:04
MrElendigshortcake: or xrandr or other randr frontends17:04
DetnAnd to click on display17:04
DetnNormally your Tv screen is recognised by Ubuntu17:05
cfhowlettskinux, that's different.17:05
shortcakethanks Detn17:05
shortcakei see the settings here17:05
DetnAnd you have to select the option :17:05
cfhowlettskinux, if you ONLY want the KDE option, delete the kubuntu-desktop, reinstall ubuntu-desktop and then install KDE17:05
n3on_wavesjae 12.10 is eol (end of life)17:05
skinuxI have Ubuntu Unity, Gnome, and KDE environments installed. I simply want to know why the selection menu isn't showing like it's supposed to.17:05
DetnIntegrated display17:06
DetnNormally that works17:06
n3on_wavesjust go ahead an install jae17:06
a_b1Anyone tried GDB static compile in 64bit base Linux?17:07
cfhowlettskinux, because the kde desktop adds its own apps including menu management and they can conflict with the others.  thus my suggestion to only install the DE not the full disto+desktop17:07
skinuxcfhowlett: I already got the menu once, logged into Ubuntu Unity and then back into KDE to make sure KDE still worked. So why do i need to uninstall/install to get the menu to come up again?17:07
cfhowlettskinux, you mentioned things being removed.  reinstalling your primary desktop gets you back to normal17:09
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skinuxI found a work-around. I selected another user account (which should have been hidden), then re-selected my user account, and then the menu would show. So, I'm back in Ubuntu Unity! :D17:11
LS1hi, I am trying to reinstall grub2 using this guide: http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd   but I keep getting grub-install: error: cannot find EFI directory. when I run grub-install   .. any ideas?17:11
skinuxSo, now I'll ask....how do I hide some user accounts from the login screen?17:12
LS1I have mounted the right partitions17:12
skinuxit shows pure-ftpd, and a couple of others which aren't actually supposed to be human-used.17:12
cfhowlettskinux, on the login screen?  what the hey???17:13
cfhowlettcfhowlett, but there is a way to hide that stuff.  I'll look for it.17:13
skinuxYes, the loggin screen shows a couple of accounts that exist only for purpose of having localhost FTP/S service.17:14
cfhowlettskinux, http://www.tejasbarot.com/2014/04/25/hide-users-login-as-other-user-from-login-screen-ubuntu-14-04-lts-trusty-tahr/#axzz3Hq1Ni6Or17:14
kmystok this is a dumb question and i can't believe i can't suss out why...but: plug in a usb drive and it automounts, plug in another usb drive with lvm and it doesn't but it *does* automatically vgscan --mknodes since i see it it /dev/mapper/ so how does one automount lvm disks?17:14
skinuxSuch service, at least used to be, required for easier upgrading of a Content Management System.17:14
skinuxAlso, what are a few excellent blogs for keeping up with the latest stuff about Ubuntu/Kubuntu?17:15
skinuxAnd I don't mean OMG-Ubuntu17:16
cfhowlettskinux, several mailing lists are available in the ubuntu support section.  security, news, etc.17:17
skinuxI don't necessarily won't to hide ALL other user accounts, so that tutorial isn't quite what I'm looking for.17:17
cfhowlettskinux, http://askubuntu.com/questions/92349/how-do-i-hide-a-particular-user-from-the-lightdm-login-screen17:18
Leviticuswhat happened to ubuntu one?17:19
cfhowlettLeviticus, it's gone.17:19
SchrodingersScatLeviticus: no more17:19
kmystLeviticus: it's gone poof17:19
cfhowlettLeviticus, too many reasons to go into.  find an alternative17:19
skinuxI have a tiny WordPress.com blog which I'd like to turn into a some kind of hybrid between personal and cash-earning blog. So, I'd like to be able to make either weekly, bi-weekly, or possibly monthly articles.17:19
Leviticuswhy did they close it17:20
MonkeyDustLeviticus  better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic17:20
Leviticusnooo waaa17:20
Leviticusbut ok17:20
cfhowlettLeviticus, http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrSbhtZFlVULg0ACYhXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzcnU0M2Q4BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDUyM18x/RV=2/RE=1414891226/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fblog.canonical.com%2f2014%2f04%2f02%2fshutting-down-ubuntu-one-file-services%2f/RK=0/RS=HGlc74sJVjP6E5OkHxsI6hxbuX4-17:20
cfhowlettLeviticus, eeeh.   sorry17:20
Leviticusnooooo waaaaa17:24
Leviticusat least google drive works17:25
skinuxIS OMG-Ubuntu run by Ubuntu stuff or independently?17:25
cfhowlettskinux, independently17:25
kmystLeviticus: aye, sucks but what can ya do? i liked it since it was integrated out of the box but no more :/17:25
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cfhowlettLeviticus, it's done.  time to move on.17:25
baller_i typed this http://paste.ubuntu.com/8777152/ into my sudo crontab -e except it doesnt run17:26
baller_i typed this http://paste.ubuntu.com/8777152/ into my sudo crontab -e except it doesnt run ActionParsnip17:27
Teo88hello everybody17:27
Naphatulis there a way to switch back to upstart? on 14.10 here17:27
MonkeyDustballer_  i've been experimenting with rtcwake myself, lately... i learned that cron does not work with rtcwake17:28
k1l_Naphatul: switch back? did you change anything?17:28
Naphatulk1l_, yeah i switched to systemd, thought it was further along but there are quite a bit of issues17:28
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baller_MonkeyDust: so how can i do it17:28
MonkeyDustballer_  not, not with cron17:28
ActionParsnipballer_: if you run: sudo crontab -l | pastebinit , you will pastebin the whole crontab17:29
aberranthi all17:29
k1l_Naphatul: so revert the way you did17:29
mat1tchi all17:29
aberrantsorry for the silly question, but I have two systems who each show “Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS” in /etc/issue, but they have radically different kernel versions. Why is this?17:29
ActionParsnipaberrant: run updates17:30
baller_ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8777183/17:30
aberrantone has 3.13.0-37-generic #64, and the other has 2.6.32-042stab093.5 #117:30
Naphatulk1l_, how? will just instaling upstart replace it fine?17:30
baller_MonkeyDust: what program do you recommed17:30
Leviticushow do i run a windows app on ubuntu?17:30
aberrantActionParsnip: I’ve done apt-get update / upgrade and nothing’s showing as needing to be updated.17:30
k1l_aberrant: hardware enablement stack17:30
rypervencheaberrant: Sounds like the latter you have a VPS maybe.17:30
cfhowlettLeviticus, you don't.17:30
SchrodingersScatLeviticus: you can check the winehq database and see if wine can run it, you can also consider a virtual machine17:30
k1l_Naphatul: i dont know what you did to change17:30
aberrantrypervenche: they’re both VPSes.17:30
Leviticusoh yeah wine17:30
ActionParsnipaberrant: is the kernel running your hardware on each system?17:30
cfhowlettLeviticus, MAYBE some apps run kind of in wine ... maybe17:30
aberrantk1l_: I don’t know what you mean by that, sorry.17:30
k1l_aberrant: there are backport kernels.17:31
Naphatulk1l_, i installed systemd17:31
aberrantk1l_: is there a way to get them to the same version?17:31
Naphatulparticularly the systemd-sysv package17:31
aberrantI mean, at least the same major version?17:31
k1l_aberrant: but on a vps the kernel is shared with the host. so that is a possible cause17:31
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MonkeyDustballer_  what's the purpose of that cron job?17:31
ActionParsnipaberrant: is the kernel working ok on each sytem?17:31
aberrantActionParsnip: yes.17:31
mat1tcI ran an upgrade from 14.04 to 14.10 - it failed at some point. Systems is now showing as 14.10... but running a litlte odd.17:31
ActionParsnipaberrant: then why do you want to change the kernel at all if it is doing its job?17:32
aberrantActionParsnip: because I need these VPSes to be as close to mirrors of each other as possible.17:32
ActionParsnipmat1tc: did 14.04 run ok?17:32
k1l_aberrant: see if you can insatll different kernels. but if the host only supports one kernel in that setting you are done. so ask the hoster17:32
baller_MonkeyDust: to sleep and wake at certain times17:32
ActionParsnipaberrant: but the kernel is doing its job. Why fix it when it's not broken?17:32
aberrantActionParsnip: because I don’t want it to be the source of some obscure problem down the road17:33
mat1tcActionParsnip: Yeah, it was on there for a while. Just before the upgrade to 14.10, following a routine update, the fan suddenly started to run very high (but temp wasn't high)17:33
ActionParsnipaberrant: what will you gain by changing the kernel?17:33
aberrantActionParsnip: having a true hot backup, for one.17:33
k1l_aberrant: see this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack   or talk to the hoster17:33
ActionParsnipaberrant: compare sources.list to see what repos are enabled.17:33
k1l_its nothing we can do if the hoster block stuff.17:33
MonkeyDustballer_  you can make your machine go to sleep and wake up sequentially, by using rtcwake ... && rtcwake ...17:33
aberrantk1l_: thanks.17:34
aberrantActionParsnip: thanks. will check17:34
ryancarey123hi, first time ubuntu installation here17:34
ActionParsnipmat1tc: you do know Utopic is only supported til Julh 2015. Trusty is LTS and supported til April 2019.....17:34
mat1tcActionParsnip: Yep17:34
baller_MonkeyDust: i want it automatic17:35
ryancarey123I installed from usb, but now when I boot, there are no new options, just the usb boot17:35
ActionParsnipmat1tc: you could run: sudo apt-get -f install , make sure the packages are squared off17:35
mat1tcActionParsnip: Have doen that, no issues.17:35
MonkeyDustballer_  or sleep ... rtcwake ...17:35
Naphatulso no idea how to revert back to upstart/17:35
aberrantsources are a bit different, ActionParsnip - the older kernel has, for example, “trusty main restricted universe” and the newer one has “trusty multiverse"17:35
ActionParsnipaberrant: if you grep for multiverse, do you have it defined on another line?17:36
cfhowlett!cn | abcdefgh,17:36
ubottuabcdefgh,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw17:36
aberrantActionParsnip: there is no multiverse on the older kernel’s sources.17:36
mat1tcActionParsnip: After the upgrade virtualbox woudln't work (though the version from oracle's website works fine) and cpufreq no longe lists all the governors for my cpu17:36
ActionParsnipryancarey123: can you boot the installed OS or will it only boot the USB?17:36
ryancarey123using asus F551ca, ubuntu 14.0417:37
ActionParsnipaberrant: could add it in17:37
ryancarey123I can only boot the usb17:37
ryancarey123at least that's how it seems to me17:37
MonkeyDustballer_  what you can try: write a bash script with rtcwake commands and invoke that script with a cron job17:37
aberrantActionParsnip: hm. OK. I’ll just copy the sources.list over and see what happens :)17:37
michele_cheese freeze in ubuntu 14.1017:37
ryancarey123I am using ubuntu now, but every time I log out, any text files etc that I created disappear17:37
ryancarey123so presumably this is 'try ubuntu'17:37
ActionParsnipryancarey123: check BIOS is set to boot the internal drive17:37
baller_MonkeyDust: why wont it work how i have it17:37
ActionParsnipmichele_: try guvcview17:38
MonkeyDustballer_  not sure myself, i tried it too17:38
Leviticusdoes ubuntu use cookies to track your activity and report it to canonical?17:38
n3on_wavesinstalling virtualbox form the repos is not the best bet17:38
cfhowlettryancarey123, remove the USB.  on boot, set your boot options to #1 Hard drive17:38
ActionParsnipn3on_waves: why not?17:38
ActionParsnipLeviticus: if yiu17:38
baller_MonkeyDust: can you help me write a bash script17:39
ryancarey123ok AP and cfhowlett, I'll remove the USB then do that17:39
ActionParsnipLeviticus: sorry. If you use the amazon lens, yes17:39
ryancarey123thx folks17:39
Leviticushow do i get rid of amazon lens?17:39
michele_don't start17:39
ActionParsnipLeviticus: uninstall the shopping lens17:39
cfhowlett!nolens | Leviticus17:39
Mightcould3anyone have any idea why my sound isnt working today? worked fine for the past 2 weeks. worked fine lastnight. literally nothing has changed. and now today my sound wont work? any ideas?17:39
aberrantActionParsnip: modifying sources.list didn’t work: “0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.”17:39
MonkeyDustballer_  you can ask in #bash17:39
ActionParsnipMightcould3: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue17:40
Leviticushow do i uninstall the amazon lens?17:40
k1l_aberrant: what kernels are we talking about?17:40
Leviticusi searched synaptic and couldnt find it17:40
ActionParsnipaberrant: you could copy the sources.list from one to the other, may help17:40
ActionParsnipLeviticus: search software centre...too obvious?17:40
k1l_ActionParsnip: if its vps its the hosts kernel anyway17:40
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ17:40
aberrantk1l_: 2.6.32-042stab093.5 #1 SMP Wed Sep 10 17:39:49 MSK 2014 and 3.13.0-37-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 22 21:28:38 UTC 201417:40
ActionParsnipk1l_: ahh I see17:41
aberrantActionParsnip: I did that. No joy.17:41
Mightcould3ActionParsnip, output was ubuntu 14.04 LTS /n /l17:41
LeviticusActionParsnip, well i havent used ubuntu in the longest time i am actually shocked myself i installed it on my laptop last night17:41
k1l_aberrant: well, 2.6 is not a 14.04 kernel at all. so talk to the hoster17:41
ActionParsnipLeviticus: sudo apt-get --purge remove unity-lens-shopping17:41
aberrantk1l_: that’s what I was thinking, but /etc/issue shows 14.04_117:41
k1l_aberrant: its a VPS issue. talk to the hoster17:41
aberrantk1l_: ok17:41
n3on_wavesactually Action you know a lot17:42
Mightcould3so yeah this makes no sense to me. theres no reason for sound not to be working, i restarted 3 times and the result is the same, sound worked fine the past two weeks, now its not working at all17:42
ActionParsnipMightcould3: try: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse* ~/.config/pulse*17:42
ActionParsnipMightcould3: wait a few seconds then try some sound things17:42
Leviticusumm ubuntu-desktop* unity* unity-scope-home* its going to remove those three17:42
baller_ActionParsnip: any idea17:42
Leviticusis it safe17:43
ActionParsnipLeviticus: you only want the shopping lens out17:43
Mightcould3ActionParsnip, ok did that, still no sound17:43
Leviticusyes but it selected those to remove as well17:43
Leviticusi can just turn it off17:43
aberrantok, email sent. Thanks.17:43
ActionParsnipLeviticus: search for "privacy" in Dash17:43
Mightcould3ActionParsnip, yeah its still not working17:44
MonkeyDustballer_  is this useful http://askubuntu.com/questions/61708/automatically-sleep-and-wake-up-at-specific-times17:44
ActionParsnip!sound | Mightcould317:45
Mightcould3now ubuntu is flickering my G19 keyboard screen. i'm getting really fed up with how unstable linux is.17:45
ubottuMightcould3: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:45
aberrantand there’s a guy with no shortage of confidence :)17:45
Mightcould3ActionParsnip, how bout a command to start pulse audio back up?17:46
mat1tcMightcould3: My sound randomly stops working now and again... have never quite figured out why (restarting the laptop, or pulseaudio doesn't help) but plugging my headphones in and out does weirdly enough...17:46
ActionParsnipMightcould3: it gets restarted automayically, hence I advised waiting a few seconds.....17:46
Mightcould3ok i guess i could try unplugging it.17:47
anonymous_hi all17:47
anonymous_how are all17:47
Mightcould3not so good17:48
ActionParsnipMightcould3: try a reboot17:48
mat1tcActionParsnip: Any other suggestions as to what I could try ?17:48
Mightcould3ok replugging it now has the spectrometer showing in the playback of the audio settings window. however i notice my speakers arent listen17:48
Mightcould3and the buttons to test the speakers isnt here17:49
Mightcould3ugh, im gonna have to turn on my phone if i want netflix today i guess.17:50
baller_MonkeyDust: when i run the rtcwake why does my sytem clock stop running17:51
tyancarey123hi again. I tried to add new boot device for my new Linux install but didn't know what directory to provide17:53
Leviticuswhy isnt reiserfs aviable to install on17:53
ubottureiserfs is a journalling file system, which outperforms many others on I/O operations, but has drawbacks (such as increasing likelihood of data loss, and introducing latency unsuitable for gaming or real-time audio). Using !ext4, the default on Ubuntu, is *highly* recommended. A read-only Windows driver is available at http://p-nand-q.com/download/rfstool.html17:53
=== MagicalPumpkin is now known as magical_mystery
ubottuBtrfs is a new filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is currently marked as experimental, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs17:53
popeyLeviticus: you can interact with the bot privately, rather than spamming the channel..17:54
Leviticuspopey, i just noticed that17:54
tyancarey123what should I put in 'path for boot option' on new default Ubuntu installation?17:55
MonkeyDustballer_  yes, i noticed that too, there's always a one hour difference... it's to do with "assuming UTC time"... not sure what that mean17:56
baller_MonkeyDust: i turned that off17:57
bubbasaurestyancarey123, where is this option or what is it?17:57
tyancarey123bubba, this is in my bios17:58
bubbasaurestyancarey123, This a uefi?17:58
tyancarey123I just did a first time Ubuntu install from USB17:58
tyancarey123uefi, yes. not bios17:58
tyancarey123new laptop17:58
bubbasaurestyancarey123, Ah, cool that just helps us recognize more, a few know uefi here.17:59
tyancarey123Asus 551ca17:59
Mightcould3welp, no go. restarted 2 more times. still no audio. there has to be a more simple explanation for this. there has been no hardware or software changes what so ever. how a google link or a how to webpage isn't going to be the answer. What could cause a working system with no errors to suddenly, overnight lose all audio?17:59
tyancarey123install seemed to go fine but can't boot to the Ubuntu partition, only USB or win818:00
MrElendigMightcould3: pavucontrol and play with the settings?18:00
MrElendigtyancarey123: make sure fastboot and secureboot is disabled18:00
tyancarey123yes, they are fisanled18:01
AirbanderHi guys18:01
Mightcould3MrElendig, well the best guess i have, after reveiwing the settings window. is that there isnt any listing for my speakers. i see ALSA in playback, on HDA analog stereo out. put under playback or output devs, there is not listing for my speakers. and they are plugging it, i checked that18:01
bubbasaurestyancarey123, not sure if you had seen this wiki. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting18:02
AirbanderMy question is how update bios from linux and thanks18:02
bubbasauresAirbander, rarely from linux, a bootable media is sometimes provided, besides a upgrade from the OEM.18:02
Airbanderok thanks18:03
MrElendigMightcould3: lsof /dev/snd/*18:03
OerHeksAirbander, unless your bios can get a bios file from usb, you will need windows to do that.18:03
MrElendigMightcould3: check dmesg too btw18:03
k1l_Airbander: that depends on the manufacturer and model.18:03
Airbanderthanks for answers guys18:03
elmoHI !18:04
bubbasauresAirbander, You would have to research the original goal it is possible, but generally I've seen with danger warnings as in any bios flash.18:04
baller_MonkeyDust: so do i need to do it an hour forward or hour back18:05
MrElendigAirbander: most mobos supports flashing from usb18:05
MrElendigexcept msi18:05
Airbanderthanks guys18:05
tyancarey123OK. I will check my uefi firmware18:06
Mightcould3heres the output of that command http://pastebin.com/6T3S4wuR18:06
prometHi, I'm trying to install xampp, and in preparation removed a previous apache2 install. When trying to start the xampp apache server though, it complains that another server is already running. I can't seem to find this "phantom" server though.18:06
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.18:07
prometubottu, roger that.18:07
nahtnamhey guys. is there any way I can make my laptop beep from my phone?18:08
Mightcould3im trying really hard not to install windows. but i need a OS that is stable and just works. is everyone else as clueless as i am? is this like my auth service a few days ago, sometimes linux just breaks?18:08
SycridDoes anyone know how to add games to the spring engine in Linux?18:09
bubbasauresnahtnam, give us more of your plan.18:09
nahtnamwell my brother is an asshole18:10
nahtnamso he gets my computer taken away18:10
nahtnamand now I need it vacj18:10
nahtnambut I don't know where it is18:11
nahtnamall I have on me is my android phone18:11
WalshHi, sorry to add to the bombshell of people who post their problems here but I've been trying to get this problem solved for days and still haven't fixed the issue (after hours of googling the problem) and that's the wireless adapter! Broadcom Corporation BCM4320 is the wireless card in my machine.18:11
bubbasauresnahtnam, keep the language clean and directed at the OS issue, others will help.18:11
nahtnamoh OK. sorry.18:11
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nahtnammy laptop is running 14.04 and it might be in standby18:12
nahtnammost likely connected to WiFi18:12
bubbasauresWalsh, You have seen the wiki? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:13
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Walshyeah bubbasaures the only thing is, I never know if you need internet connection for the links provided.18:15
bubbasauresWalsh, That link explains a install with and without the net, read it carefully, it is the best we have in this area beyond the channel for any final tweaks.18:16
tyancarey123OK. I will install grub218:16
CapprenticeAnyone using Trinity Desktop on Ubuntu?18:16
CapprenticeAre there any conflicts between KDE and Trinity?18:17
Walshthat's great! thanks bubbasaures I will give it a read through and hopefully come back here with a working wireless adapter on Linux!! :) most probably many more questions to come as this is my first time using Linux but I really do want a change from Windows.18:17
k0nichiwacan u run os x in a VM18:17
bubbasauresWalsh, Cool, I can just point out the link, wifi is not been an issue here so that I have to really do more than boot and go.18:18
CapprenticeYes, k0nichiwa ! Use Google. Hackintosh is another way of installing MAC on PC!18:18
Walshokay, thanks for the heads up mate :) bubbasaures18:18
frogunder what licenses are the mascots?18:19
bubbasauresfrog, ask them18:20
frogthe logos (or however they are called)18:20
danishanishhey guys18:20
danishanishanybody on?18:20
danishanishYeah, i had a question18:21
danishanishnew to ubuntu18:21
danishanishand i was wondering where you find the .bash_profile?18:21
Capprenticedanishanish, Fire! Im ready!18:21
EriC^^danishanish: it's not available in ubuntu18:21
danishanishis it just the .profile?18:21
Capprenticedanishanish, Under /home/user18:21
danishanishlemme check18:21
danishanishso my profile thing is under /etc/18:22
k1l_danishanish: no18:22
tyancarey123OK. I am installing grub2 but to build I need to know where the configure directory is18:22
frogunder what licenses are the mascots or logos (or whatever they are called)?18:22
k1l_you are talking about .profile and not /etc/? what do you want to do at all? you are mixing things here18:22
Capprentice^ Ellaborate! danishanish18:23
danishanishsorry kil, i was looking for my .profile script. cant find it under /home/user/18:23
danishanishused ls -l18:23
danishanishnothing's there18:23
EriC^^tyancarey123: it's in /boot/grub/grub.cfg18:23
k1l_danishanish: make it "ls -al"18:23
k1l_danishanish: .folders or .files are "hidden" files.18:24
uniz_Zhi guys. anyoane use nagios in ubuntu  platform?18:24
k1l_uniz_Z: some do18:24
danishanishITS THERE18:24
danishanishTHANK YOU GUYS18:24
entrerihello, I'm trying to install the Ubuntu minimum install from USB. Problem is that my computer detects USB as /dev/sda and my main HD as /dev/sdb, I need to install GRUB on /dev/sdb but when I reboot, main HD becomes /dev/sda without that USB drive, so GRUB can't boot since he thinks it is on /dev/sdb now18:24
entreriit seems that GRUB is generated by a script, so I cannot change the line in grub.cfg to simply change it back to /dev/sda18:25
entreriwhat about LILO ?18:25
Capprenticedanishanish, Welcome!18:25
tyancarey123wait nvm18:26
ActionParsnipentreri: a boot loader18:26
uniz_ZI am trying to set nagios to monitor the traffic of my hosting which is owned by a company where I bought the hosting. Can I set it?18:26
tyancarey123the eric18:26
pl1xhi i have a question! is it my hardware when ubuntu makes my fan loud or is it ubuntu? it only happens with ubuntu and not with windows 718:26
bubbasauresentreri, That is a confusing description, more context would help.18:26
Izayadoes anyone have any recommended System Performance HUD's for Ubuntu 14.04?18:26
Izayasomething that can sit in my top bar.18:26
ActionParsnipuniz_Z: as long as the traffic from the service can talk back to he management system then yes18:27
EriC^^tyancarey123: np18:27
ActionParsnipIzaya: why would you want that?18:28
IzayaActionParsnip, I'm doing some low level development work18:28
k1l_Izaya: system load indicator18:28
Izayaand I want to keep an eye on my system's performance.18:28
uniz_ZActionParsnip: any link I can read about how to config?18:29
Izayathank you k1l_18:29
ActionParsnipIzaya: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29757/what-can-replace-system-monitoring-in-the-top-gnome-panel-in-unity18:29
ActionParsnipuniz_Z: nothing you cant find yourself online. Try Youtube too. There may be a channel here on Launchpad for it as well18:30
uniz_Zthank you ActionParsnip18:30
uniz_Zhola Clortebint18:33
Clortebinthola uniz :P18:33
ClortebintLOL me puse el nombre equivocado18:34
=== Clortebint is now known as Clortbeint
entreribubbasaures: when I installed Ubuntu mini.iso, I installed it on /dev/sdb because /dev/sda was taken by my live USB drive, then I installed GRUB on /dev/sdb (where I installed Ubuntu...). Now that I removed my live USB drive to boot my computer, /dev/sdb (my hard drive) became /dev/sda, but GRUB still thinks that it should boot /dev/sdb18:35
entreriwhat line should I modify in GRUB to fix this ??18:35
EriC^^entreri: grub should use the uuid18:37
EriC^^( i think )18:37
EriC^^entreri: is this a dual boot?18:37
entreriEriC^^: no18:37
EriC^^entreri: what does grub say?18:37
entreriEriC^^: nothing, since my computer can't find it on /dev/sda18:38
EriC^^entreri: when you boot the pc what happens?18:39
entreriEriC^^: The BIOS and then it becomes black18:40
EriC^^entreri: if grub can't find the root partition18:41
EriC^^it should mention it18:41
EriC^^and give you a grub prompt i guess18:42
bubbasauresentreri, If you boot from the mini do you get the install through a grub menu?18:43
n3on_waveshow to generate ssh key?18:44
EriC^^entreri: is the hdd selected in the bios?18:44
n3on_wavesi have a password18:44
n3on_wavesbut i want to pass a key on my ssh18:45
bubbasauresentreri, grub can be put in the mbr from the install terminal, or a live cd. Grub can also be booted manually, however I just user supergrub often to boot the OS and fix within. http://www.supergrubdisk.org/super-grub2-disk/18:45
SchrodingersScatn3on_waves: like ssh-keygen ?18:45
n3on_wavesmay i go private Schrodinger?18:46
danishanish_hey guys18:47
danishanish_who's on18:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:47
n3on_wavesI would like to pass a certficate instead of a plain password on ssh18:48
SchrodingersScat!pm | n3on_waves, keeping it in the channel assures that I don't give you bad advice,18:48
ubottun3on_waves, keeping it in the channel assures that I don't give you bad advice,: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.18:48
SchrodingersScator gives someone a chance to correct me..18:48
SchrodingersScatn3on_waves: I normally use keys, so on a new machine I would probably have to ssh-keygen , then ssh-copy-id user@server18:49
ryancarey123ok, I'm trying my first ubuntu install18:49
ryancarey123but couldn't boot from UEFI to Ubuntu on HD, could only continue to 'try ubuntu' on usb18:50
ryancarey123so I tried to install grub 1.99 as per this instruction https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting18:50
ryancarey123but got some errors18:50
n3on_wavesalthough my password is pretty much insane i am on the jump18:51
cfhowlettryancarey123, more details = more answers ...18:51
michael_mbpanyone here interpolated vars in nginx conf?18:51
=== jack is now known as Guest35048
n3on_wavesit cannot be cracked18:51
ryancarey123QuickBoot/FastBoot are disabled18:51
ryancarey123F551CA with windows 818:51
n3on_wavesit is more than 40 digits18:51
ryancarey123make[3]: Entering directory `/home/ubuntu/Desktop/grub-1.99/grub-core/gnulib' make[4]: Entering directory `/home/ubuntu/Desktop/grub-1.99/grub-core/gnulib' gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../..  -I../../intl    -MT argp-eexst.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/argp-eexst.Tpo -c -o argp-eexst.o argp-eexst.c In file included from argp.h:22:0,                  from argp-eexst.c:25: ./stdio.h:456:1: error: 'gets' undeclared here (not in a function)  _GL18:51
daftykins!paste | ryancarey12318:52
ubotturyancarey123: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:52
michael_mbpserver unix:/tmp/$unicorn_name.sock fail_timeout=0;18:53
ActionParsnipn3tJ4ckr: have you generated your keypair?18:54
walshdependency is  not satisfiable:libc6(=2.11.1-0ubuntu7.17)18:57
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ActionParsnipwalsh: what causes that output?19:06
OerHekslibc6 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.17 = Lucid?19:07
Mightcould3well i figured it out, it wasn't linux's fault after all. my motherboard somehow reset, i lost my overclock settings and my onboard audio was disabled. thats why i was receiving no audio. but who'da thunk that the bios would randomly reset.. anywho 2 hours later i finally got netflix19:07
ActionParsnip!info libc619:07
ubottulibc6 (source: glibc): GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.19-10ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 3932 kB, installed size 9292 kB19:07
ActionParsnip!info libc6 lucid19:07
OerHeksMightcould3, overclocking is know to give such issues19:07
ubottulibc6 (source: eglibc): Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.17 (lucid), package size 3816 kB, installed size 9260 kB19:07
Mightcould3OerHeks, yeah but i have a mobo designed for overclocking.19:08
Bashing-omlagbox: Hoz it going ? Have you got the ATI driver all sorted out ?19:08
walsh trying to install my wireless driver,  I'm new to Linux  and don't have a clue what I'm doing aha,  followed a  link someone sent mange and it's not working19:09
CarlFKwhat does Ctrl-PrtSc do?  (it clicked and flashed, but no "save as" dialog.)19:09
ActionParsnipwalsh: if you run: uname -a , what is the output?19:09
CarlFKand really, where is that defined?  I am hoping it runs import and can have it wait for me to drag an area19:09
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ActionParsnipwalsh: Lucid is no longer supported on the desktop19:10
ActionParsnipwalsh: I suggest you wipe Lucid off and do a clean install of Trusty. Trusty is the latest LTS and supported til april 201919:10
DTSCodehey guys... ive got an ubuntu vps (14.04 64 bit) and when i ran apt-get update i get these errors. how do i fix them? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8778303/19:11
walshtbh  with you I don't even know what lucid is19:11
Mightcould3my mobo is the Z77 OC Formula with Multiple filter caps, dual stack MOSFET, 15u gold pins, 8 layers with 4 sets of 2 ounce copper inner layers, in line water pipe cooling. my mobo is a beast.19:12
OerHeksCarlFK, ctrl + printscreen copies the screenshot to the clipboard19:12
streulmahello, how can I install wine in Crystalbuntu ?19:12
Mightcould3built for OC so i'd hope OC wouldnt be an issue for it. :D19:12
squintywalsh:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases19:12
CarlFKOerHeks: neat.19:13
squintywalsh:  lucid (ubuntu 10.04.x ) is only supported in the "server" edition; desktop version has reached end of life (EOL)19:14
Mightcould3however now that my OC reset and im on linux. i dont need to re overclock it. theres no reason to push my i7 higher than 3.5ghz for linux. most demanding game i can play on it is TF2 and that's cake. so worst case senario i just added a year or so of life to my mobo i guess.19:15
Walshwhich version of ubuntu should I don't then? I mean I got it off the official website.19:18
squintystreulma:  might want to check http://forum.osmc.tv/forumdisplay.php?fid=4  or ask in the wine irc channel on freenode #winehq19:18
omosojhey guys, if you're using a vpn, is there a way to channel some traffic through your original ip?19:18
squintyWalsh:  recommend long term release is 14.04.x   (supported for 5 years) 14.10 was just released with support for 9 months19:20
Walshsquinty: thanks19:22
Bashing-omWalsh: IF this "14:10 < walsh> ubuntu " is the system you are having the graphics problem with, that kernel is from 'trusty' .19:23
WalshI've not even managed to setup my wireless adapter, just keep running into problems.19:24
streulmaoh, yeah another question for 14.10, Virtualbox dkms gives some sed error...19:24
Walshprobably best if I start fresh19:24
streulmalso icedtea-7-plugin would not build on 14.1019:24
Bashing-omWalsh: I just joined the channel, so I am not familiar here with the situation . Which is ?19:25
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WalshBroadcom BCM432019:25
Bashing-omWalsh: OH ! I am not knowledgeable with the BCM driver, there is a lot of info getting it up on ubuntuforums.org .19:27
eguneysHow do I add this ppa on an Ubuntu 9.04 https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-elisp/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?19:28
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WalshBashing-om: thanks man19:28
OerHekseguneys, not, as 9.04 is EOL19:28
squintyeguneys:  that version reached eol a long time ago19:28
eguneyswhats eol?19:29
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.19:29
Bashing-omWalsh: :), just glad I do not have to deal with wireless issues or the BCM driver in particular .19:29
OerHekseguneys, besifdes, that ppa has no 9.04 packages19:29
squintyWalsh: also  http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/rndis_wlan19:29
eguneysOerHeks: still how do I install new software to this version, eg: latest git version.19:30
OerHekseguneys, install a supporte dubuntu, 12.04 or 14.0419:30
MonkeyDusteguneys  first upgrade, then ask again19:31
eguneysok thanks19:31
OerHeksupgrade from 9.04 ?... i would reinstall19:31
Bashing-omeguneys: ^^ +1 .. clean fresh install .19:32
streulmaWalsh for helping you, I have bcm4314219:32
streulmaand Walsh ! Bluetooth is working !19:32
Walshaar okay :)19:32
streulmaWalsh what notebook do you have with bcm4320? HP?19:33
ubuntuaddictedanyone familiar with the nvidia installer 343.22 and running kernel 3.17?19:33
streulmaI have a HP and he is fully working19:33
LoganGrayeguneys...  have you tried:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/191831/upgrade-from-9-04-to-1219:33
OerHeksubuntuaddicted, that kernel is not out yet.19:34
MonkeyDustubuntuaddicted  that's a yes/no question. better ask your real question19:34
mozzarellaguys help19:34
streulmathe only problems on my pc I have was bluetooth en NVidia 340 not recognised, but fixed with build from xorg-edgers19:34
MonkeyDustmozzarella  let's hear it19:34
ubuntuaddictedMonkeyDust, i can't get 343.22 to install through DKMS as there's a gss mismatch19:35
ubuntuaddictedMonkeyDust, *gcc mismatch19:35
mozzarellawhen I lock my computer and type my password, the first key press doesn't register19:35
mozzarellabecause it's used to "wake up" the screen19:36
mozzarellaI used to be able to do that in gnome 319:36
mozzarellai.e. type my password although it's black19:36
k1l_ubuntuaddicted: i bet its due to running a not ubuntu kernel with the nvidia installer. that is the reason ubuntu ships kernels and nvidia packages. they are made working together19:36
ubuntuaddictedk1l_, im running 3,17 from utopic mainline19:37
k1l_ubuntuaddicted: well, utopics kernel is 3.16. the mainline are not the regular ubuntu kernels. you should know that19:38
ubuntuaddictedk1l_, the kernel is from ubuntu http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.17-utopic/linux-headers-3.17.0-031700-generic_3.17.0-031700.201410060605_i386.deb19:39
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds19:39
DJones!ppa | ubottu PPA's are unsupported updates, you use them at your own risk,19:39
ubottuDJones: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:39
ubuntuaddictedso the kernel was compiled using gcc 4.6 but my current compiler is 4.8, hence the nvidia installer is failing.19:40
DJonesubuntuaddicted: ^^^19:40
k1l_ubuntuaddicted: again: that is not a regular ubuntu kernel. the 3.16 is the regular utopic kernel. you do use a PPA19:40
LoganGrayK1l_  - phrases like "you should know that" - are not really productive, and are kinda patronizing.. kinda mean.. don't cha think?19:40
poisonhackedciao a tutti19:41
DJonesLoganGray: But if you decide to use an unsupported kernel, you should know the effetcs beforehand19:41
ActionParsnip!info linux-image generic19:41
ubottu'generic' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed19:41
ubuntuaddictedLoganGray, i agree with you but i've realized thru the years on IRC that a thick skin is required. lol19:41
poisonhackedqualcuno che parla italiano?19:41
k1l_LoganGray: a user coming in here with a PPA kernel und a 3rd party installer having problems should know that because he  choosed actively to use that19:41
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:41
ubuntuaddictedthis person over in the jailbreak_qa channel was a complete a total ass to me. i just let it roll off my shoulders19:42
ActionParsnipubuntuaddicted: is it ok in the official ubuntu kernel?19:42
ubuntuaddictedActionParsnip, i'll have to try the installer with a different kernel. so which kernel is supported in Xubuntu 14.04?19:43
ActionParsnip!info linux-image-generic trusty19:43
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 28 kB19:43
LoganGrayno necessarily... he might have selected to use the ppa kernal (w/ nVidia support) simply because he thought the installer suggested it because of his hardware.19:43
ubuntuaddictedActionParsnip, and yes, my nvidia driver was working just fine with a 3.13 kernel but I wanted to try out the newer kernel for xbox one controller support19:44
k1l_ubuntuaddicted: the mainline kernel is not a regular ubuntu kernel like its used in utopic. it lacks some stuff like restricted modules, typical ubuntu patches,.... so this is not really surprising, tbh.19:44
ActionParsnipubuntuaddicted: then i'd ask in #linux as the Ubuntu kernel works fine and we dont support PPApackages here19:44
LoganGrayjust saying - we don't have to be snarky- that's all.  meaning.. this is a support outlet/ channel19:44
DJonesLoganGray: no, supported kernels will only suggest supported software, Ubuntyu won't suggest unsupported software19:45
DJonesThats user error19:45
ActionParsnipDJones: pebcac :-)19:46
DJonesActionParsnip: Yup19:46
ubuntuaddictedok, thanks for the help guys. so it wouldn't be advisable to ignore the gcc mistmatch?19:47
evgenius123hi all. my GRUB crashed. If I try to repair him from live-cd, he write me "failed to get canonical path of `/cow'". what can I do?19:47
ActionParsnipubuntuaddicted: we cant support 3rd party kernels you find on the web in here. We only support the official packages19:47
evgenius123can anybody help me with my GRUB problem?19:48
DJonesubuntuaddicted: What does the person who created the PPA say about your problem?19:48
ubuntuaddictedActionParsnip, i understand. im asking if you in general know if ignoring a CC version mismatch error would be ok?19:48
ActionParsnipevgenius123: I've seen this a few times. Let me searh19:48
OerHeksubuntuaddicted, if you really want to test xbox remote, try 15.04 alfa with that kernel + gcc4.919:49
evgenius123ActionParsnip: thanks, waited19:49
Bashing-omevgenius123: . Failure to mount the 'root' of the install ? What method are you using to (RE-)install grub ?19:49
evgenius123Bashing-om: sudo grub-install /dev/sda19:49
squintyevgenius123:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot19:49
LoganGrayevgenius123: assuming you've tried:  http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/96977/grub-wont-install19:49
ubuntuaddictedOerHeks, thanks for the suggestion19:50
Bashing-omevgenius123: With the 'root' partiton mounted for the target ?19:50
squintyevgenius123:  or try the "boot-repair" method19:50
evgenius123squinty: boot repair? howto?19:50
squintyevgenius123:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_Boot-Repair_Graphical_Tool19:51
ActionParsnipevgenius123: omgubuntu has a guide called "sticking it to grub", you can reinstate Grub to the MBR and should resolve the issue19:51
quitteI talked to someone about touchscreens here the day before yesterday. are you here?19:53
ActionParsnipevgenius123: you will need the Ubuntu liveCD, unless you can boot to root recovery mode from Grub19:53
evgenius123"sector 32 is already in use by the program "FlexNet", avoiding it.19:53
evgenius123what the flexnet!?19:54
ubuntuaddictedwhat I find weird is that later kernel were compiled with an older version of gcc where kernel 3.13 are compiled with 4.8?19:55
ben_gHi, guys19:57
ben_gI just has a windows update, and it screwed up the bootloader19:58
ben_gso now I can't boot into my ubuntu installation anymore (the Grub menu doesn't show up)19:58
unopastepalmarci you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted19:59
ActionParsnipBen_g: use the Ubuntu liveCD and the OMGUbuntu guide called "Sticking it to GRUB"19:59
Bashing-omben_g: Win7 or 8 -> EFI a factor here ?19:59
ActionParsnipben_g: you can chroot from Live CD and reinstate GRUB to the MBR20:00
ben_gWindows 10, and EFI indeed20:00
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ActionParsnipben_g: ah, not sure about EGI stuffs20:00
isjustmei have tried different firewalls to block ports and they seem not to work. I have a router  do software firewalls not able to block ports if i have a router?20:01
OerHeksyeah, windows10 does something odd to linux20:02
ubuntuaddictedben_g, boot repair can fix that i believe20:04
useringsisjustme, the router is doing NAT. What is the point to blocking ports?20:04
isjustmebecause before i was able to block ports but now that i have a router i seem not to be able to block any ports20:05
useringsIf you don't forward some port to the host on the LAN, it will not be accessible from the net.20:05
useringsThat is how the Network Address Translation works. The router now is a firewall layer.20:06
Shaanhow can you get linux to generate a random string of characters lets say 30 characters long?20:08
bubbasauresShaan, A password?20:09
esbenHello. Ive got a dual boot setup with an amd APU and a radeon R7 250. In windows id like to use the dual graphics, but when I boot into ubuntu things get a little messy. I think maybe I can fix it by forcing the right VGA device to be initialized. How do I force ubuntu to use the R7 250 instead of the APU ? Using the radeon driver.20:09
ubuntuaddictedwould it be ok to install gcc-4.6 into my system?20:09
Shaanbubbasaures i guess you can say that20:09
ubuntuaddictedim running xubuntu 14.04 with gcc-4.820:10
bubbasaures!pwgen | Shaan20:10
OerHeksShaan, cat /dev/urandom| tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 30| head -n 420:10
isjustmeok thank you20:10
bubbasauresShaan, try man pwgen or ask if you need more20:10
useringsShaan , or http://stackoverflow.com/a/1313469820:10
Shaanthanks one other question, how do i ask for input of a phrase in sh scripting? i know i could use read.. but how would i take that input and place it to a certain place within a file?20:11
OerHekssomehow "gpg --gen-random --armor 1 30" gives 40 characters20:12
Bashing-omesben: Hybrid Intel/ATI grapghics situation ?20:12
JCTi need help with fedora20:12
esbenno, AMD APU and AMD GPU20:12
OerHeksJCT, wrong channel, join #fedora20:13
JCTi always go to unregistered and i don't want to take the effort to get n20:13
OerHeksJCT not relevant20:13
MonkeyDustJCT, aks in #freenode20:14
esbenRight now radeon initializes the APU and pushed output out of the GPU HDMI - I odnt know whats happening, but everything is tearing and screen only sporadically updates, but this is fixed if I disable APU graphics in BIOS. Thats why I'd like ubuntu to use the GPU instead20:14
ubuntuaddicteddoes anyone know if it's ok to have gcc-4.6 and gcc-4.8 installed on a system at the same time20:14
furkanany tips if i'm doing apt-get autoremove and after the "Do you want to continue? [Y/n]" message it just hangs and gives no other output? same thing whether i try to install a package (in which case it downloads the new packages first and then hangs) or removing a package20:23
catalasecan someone assist me with accessing my SSH server behind router from external ip20:24
bubbasauresfurkan, run a apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade and look for any held or broken packages20:24
catalasei have the port 22 forwarded on the router, and allowed 22 through ufw20:24
catalasebut i am only able to ssh over LAN and not over WAN20:25
daftykinscatalase: if you're testing from inside, bear in mind not all routers allow you to SSH into an open port on the WAN interface from the inside.20:25
guntbertcatalase: did you actually install the ssh-server?20:25
daftykinscatalase: use grc.com to test the port is open or get a friend / one of us to test20:26
bubbasauresfurkan, Feel free to pastebin all that output.20:26
catalaseguntbert, i believe so. otherwise i would not be able to ssh. also sudo service ssh status results in ssh running20:26
furkanthanks bubbasaures about to try now20:26
guntbertcatalase: sorry, I misread20:27
AlexPortablehow do i disable the top bar on the lockscreen?20:27
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AlexPortablei don't like people turning off my pc20:27
furkanbubbasaures: interesting, now it's actually doing something20:27
catalasedaftykins, even the chinese are attempting to connect to my server20:27
SchrodingersScatAlexPortable: won't they just push the power button? seems worse20:28
catalaselastb shows multiple chinese ip20:28
AlexPortablepower button does nothing20:28
catalasebut i cannot seem to connect via wan20:28
daftykinscatalase: ... so is it working externally or not? you shouldn't use the standard port on the internet really.20:28
AlexPortableand nobody will force-off a pc with 10 seconds20:28
AlexPortablebecause that damages the harddisk20:28
daftykinsAlexPortable: switch to a TTY before you leave so they don't know what to do. just a thought.20:29
AlexPortablethey know20:29
catalasedaftykins, authentication not available by password alone. RSA key authentication required20:29
catalasedaftykins, bruteforce should be a non-issue20:29
AlexPortableThe people around me know how ubuntu works20:29
bubbasauresglue the plug to the outlet ;)20:29
daftykinscatalase: right so are you trying to hit your WAN IP from inside or what?20:29
AlexPortablebubbasaures: the problem is that they can quickly shutdown the system from the top bar on the lockscreen20:29
AlexPortablewhen i have my pc locked, they will just press reboot20:30
daftykinscatalase: and regardless of your above ideas, non-standard ports are far more sane20:30
ryancarey123hi folks. First-time Ubuntu install, am having some wireless driver problems20:30
LoganGrayAlexPortable - that's might've been true 15 years ago - but all harddrives nowadays reposition the drive arm when power is turned off.  So damaging the hard disk is not an issue.20:30
catalasedaftykins, yes. both client and server are behind the same router. client can connect to server via LAN, but not via WAN20:30
ryancarey123the wireless chipset is RT5390, its an ASUS 551CA20:30
MonkeyDustAlexPortable  thay can also pull out the electricity cable, if they would want to shutdown the pc20:30
AlexPortableLoganGray: what about documents I had open?20:30
AlexPortableMonkeyDust: internal battery20:31
ryancarey123apparently ´hard-blocked´20:31
SchrodingersScatLoganGray: still not great yeah? if something is working on a file20:31
LoganGrayright - those files, un-saved, might be lost20:31
furkanbubbasaures: now it hung on update-initramfs http://pastebin.com/gbM8RYKs20:31
AlexPortableLoganGray: also what about ssdS?20:31
daftykinscatalase: yeah so did you read what i said? lots of routers don't allow that. you need to test from OUTSIDE :)20:31
ryancarey123not sure what next step to take to try to install the wireless driver20:31
ryancarey123anyone got any thoughts on the matter?20:32
LoganGrayssds are not hard drives - they are just high performance flash drives20:32
LoganGraythere are no moving parts with ssds20:32
furkannm bubbasaures it seems to have completed, just took a while20:33
bubbasauresfurkan, Seen that slow lately myself.20:33
catalasedaftykins, you were right.20:34
furkanbubbasaures: having a hell of a time... ldap server broke and i had to fix it, and now trying to get the updated configs on the puppetmaster VM to push to all the other boxes20:34
catalasedaftykins, any way to change that?20:34
furkanbut a whole bunch of stuff is broken because of how much we relied on ldap20:34
daftykinscatalase: not much point :)20:34
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ryancarey123network manager says ´out of range´ and won´t connect20:35
bubbasauresfurkan, Heh, closest relation to beyond the commands for me is, been to the puppet labs at a ubuntu release.20:36
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OerHeksAlexPortable, holding power 10 sec does not damage your harddrive, removing battery can.20:36
LoganGrayAlexPortable - so I have some workarounds for you... if you like.20:37
martin1969hello. does anyone's ubuntu freezes when using google map in a browser?20:40
martin1969if i click on expand icon in the site, it seems that the browser would freeze.20:41
lagboxwhat browser20:41
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lagboxmight be a firefox issue20:42
Ben64martin1969: what version of ubuntu/firefox20:42
martin1969the latest one. i update my os often.20:43
Ben64that doesn't help20:43
martin196914.04 lts.20:43
LoganGrayumm... martin, what version of firefox20:44
martin1969not sure.20:44
martin1969gallim .04?20:44
martin19690.4 on nvcf20:45
Ben64uh, pastebin "lshw -c VIDEO"20:45
LoganGraymartin - have you tried with chromium?20:45
martin1969GF 11620:46
martin1969yes i have. it's similar to chrome, no?20:46
AlexPortableOerHeks: it will damage an ssd20:46
AlexPortableLoganGray: well i want to remove the shutdown option and stuff20:47
LoganGrayI'm guessing its more a graphic thing than a browser thing - I'd just like to besure20:47
LoganGrayprocess of elimiation: use it on another browser and see20:47
martin1969hmm. interesting.20:47
Huliohi guys20:47
LoganGrayif it still happens.. then it's more likely a gpu issue20:47
martin1969driver issue?20:48
martin1969on that topic, what is more compatible with ubuntu as far as graphic card is concerned?20:48
LoganGrayAlex Portable- you could make it so the graphical UI doesn't start (you would have to start it manually) - until after you log in20:48
AlexPortableLoganGray: it's not about logging in, it's about when i lock my pc (ctrl alt L)20:49
LoganGrayok.. then you could do this:20:49
LoganGrayside effect tho...20:50
AlexPortablewell that's gdm20:51
AlexPortablei prefer lightdm20:51
LoganGrayhmm... maybe http://askubuntu.com/questions/453479/how-to-disable-shutdown-reboot-from-lightdm-in-14-0420:52
AlexPortable"Unfortunately this applies to all users, not only the lightdm session, so you have to add a second rule to white-list them if desired."20:52
LoganGraydefinitely a hack - but would work20:52
AlexPortablewell why isn't there an easy option?20:53
LoganGrayheh- I could say that about 1000 different things...20:53
LoganGrayit's not like ubuntu - or linux for that matter - is ubiquitous20:54
LoganGrayand your situation is kinda unique20:54
lawn_gnomeHELP when i upgraded to Utopic it disabled IPv6 and I don't know why or how to reenable it.20:54
AlexPortablegnome-session-fallback has no option for shutdown on lockscreen20:57
AlexPortablewhich is a bit better20:57
lawn_gnomeHELP when i upgraded to Utopic it disabled IPv6 and I don't know why or how to reenable it.20:57
AlexPortable!ignore lawn_gnome20:57
AlexPortablederp what was the command20:57
LoganGraythere's another somewhat extreme option you could try - but it'd cost money monthly (approx$10/month) - and thatwould be to have your ubuntu hosted in the cloud - and then you would just RDP (or some such) to it - whenever and wherever you like -and still have your graphical interface, and all your files and such.  It just depends on what you like.20:57
lagbox /ignore20:57
AlexPortableLoganGray: can't. internet is mostly broken at work20:57
AlexPortablelagbox: no i mean the "dont feel ignored"20:58
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:58
farhanghey guys. how can I solve my sound problem on xubuntu 14.04 ?20:58
lagboxthats the one20:58
AlexPortable!patience lawn_gnome20:58
AlexPortableI don't know how to operate this bot20:58
bekksAlexPortable: you dont need to ;)20:58
AlexPortableI'm glad20:58
jjavaholicwhat package is used to turn processing of adobe flash videos over to the gpu?20:59
bekksjjavaholic: There is no such package.20:59
lawn_gnomeanybody have any helpful suggestions for me?20:59
AlexPortablelawn_gnome:  Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:59
jjavaholicI thought vdpau was meant to do that20:59
farhangsound problem here... any body can you help me please  ?20:59
lawn_gnomeI have tried searching.21:00
bekksjjavaholic: VDPAU has nothing to do with flash.21:00
AlexPortableLoganGray: willl this work? http://askubuntu.com/questions/137336/how-do-i-remove-the-shutdown-button-only-on-the-login-screen21:00
AlexPortableor will it only mess up my system21:00
OerHekslawn_gnome, just open networkmanager on top panel, and edit your connection, see why ipv6 is off?21:01
jjavaholicwhat does Vdpau do?21:01
hasseno sounds when export from kdenlive21:01
lawn_gnomei tried this: $ /etc/init.d/network restart, and it gives this: bash: /etc/init.d/network: No such file or directory21:01
LoganGrayinteresting Alex21:01
LoganGrayit wouldn't mess up your system - you could also change it back21:02
LoganGrayassuming you know how to use something simple like nano21:02
LoganGraylooking at this, it sounds like you really need to look into rewriting/ editing "unity-greeter"21:03
LoganGraylawn_gnome:  have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling IPv6?21:04
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bekksLoganGray: Thats nor helpful ;)21:05
lawn_gnomeLoganGray: what is the package?21:05
bekkslawn_gnome: There is no such package.21:05
LoganGrayhmm... that's odd - I would think that there would be a stack or some such21:06
lawn_gnomebekks: what can i do? it seems that the upgrade somehow deleted that stuff.21:06
LoganGraywhat do you see when you type: ifconfig21:06
bekksLoganGray: Which doesnt make the IPv6 stack being a package. It is part of your kernel.21:06
bekkslawn_gnome: I havent used IPv6 yet, sorry.21:07
LoganGrayif it's part of the kernel,  how could it be disabled then?21:07
lawn_gnomeLoganGray: huh. that's weird. ifconfig has a line that says inet6 addr: fe80::76e5:43ff:fee7:71a2/64 Scope:Link21:07
bekksLoganGray: by unloading the module, e.g.21:08
bekkslawn_gnome: So IPv6 is active on your system.21:08
LoganGraysounds like it's implemented then21:08
lawn_gnomebut I can't do anything with it.21:08
bekkslawn_gnome: So what are you actually trying to do?21:09
jhutchins_wklawn_gnome: You need to read about systemd and how it handles starting and stopping services.21:09
ubottusystemd has been chosen as the future init system for Ubuntu, please see http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1316 for the announcement.21:09
jhutchins_wkgrr.   Some docs would be a bit more useful.21:09
LoganGrayagreed/nod bekks:  that's really the root and best question:  "what are you actually trying to do?"21:09
lawn_gnomeI want to host a minecraft server on ipv6 so i don't have to port forward.21:10
bekkslawn_gnome: So configure an IPv6 address.21:10
lawn_gnomeJust tested: I can connect to the server via ::021:11
bekksSo you server is already listening on IPv6.21:11
lawn_gnomehangon. i will go on #minecraft and see if anyone can connect to it externally.21:12
bekkslawn_gnome: No one can. You dont have an IPv6 address configured.21:12
AlexPortabledid I do something wrong?21:12
bekksYou only have link-local configured until now.21:12
AlexPortableWhen I try gnome flashback metacity I have no bars21:12
AlexPortableonly my background21:12
lagboxgood old metacity21:13
lawn_gnomebekks: how can i configure it?21:13
jhutchins_wklawn_gnome: Do you have an address with Scope:Global or just Scope:Link21:13
MetacityOh. Wrong Metacity. :P21:13
dreamcat4hello. i'm having trouble with hibernate on 14.10 it's mysteriously broken (was working fine before i re-partitioned / new swap)21:13
bekkslawn_gnome: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv621:13
AlexPortableMetacity: that's like an username with firefox or ubuntu21:13
MetacityIt was the only thing I could think of to use outside of Wikimedia projects. :P21:14
AlexPortablehow can i fix it?21:14
jhutchins_wkdreamcat4: The only way partitioning would interfere with hibernating is if your swap is smaller than your RAM.21:14
dreamcat4jhutchins_wk: yes, i am aware of that21:15
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jhutchins_wkdreamcat4: Logs?21:15
dreamcat4jhutchins_wk: nothing in logs but it does automatically open up a problem report after the reboot21:16
dreamcat4jhutchins_wk: many fields in the problem report Details. one of them is "Problem Type: KernelOops"21:17
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popeylawn_gnome: minecraft supports IPv6? since when?21:17
lawn_gnomebekks: how do I reload the network config?21:17
lawn_gnomepopey: since just about ever21:17
bekkslawn_gnome: What exactly do you want to do?21:18
jhutchins_wkdreamcat4: Might want to scan through dmesg | less or boot.log21:18
lawn_gnomebekks: I want it to reload the /etc/sysctl.conf21:18
bekkslawn_gnome: Thats not the network config at all.21:18
jhutchins_wklawn_gnome: systemctl restart NetworkManager.service21:19
lawn_gnomebekks: which is what i changed to enable ipv6 as per the instructions you gave21:19
bekkslawn_gnome: I never told you to even touch /etc/sysctl.conf - and IPv6 is already up and running on your sysrtem.21:19
dreamcat4jhutchins_wk: boot.log looks fine, dmesg looks (mostly) ok, i guess? not really sure what i'm looking for in dmseg21:20
bekkslawn_gnome: Configure an IPv6 address, dont mess with /etc/sysctl.conf21:20
LoganGraylawn-gnome - does your system have a GUI?  if so, I'd just do a full sudo reboot - you might have a whole bunch of odd failures otherwise ... just saying21:20
jhutchins_wkdreamcat4: one hopes for something like ERROR!!! THIS HERE THING IS BROKEN, but one is often disappointed.21:21
AlexPortableanyone can help me out?21:21
AlexPortableand how can i disable bluetooth being turned on when i login?21:21
LoganGrayI've tried systemctl restart NetworkManager.service and such before - and my GUI would go bonkers.. frozen and such21:21
lawn_gnomebekks: you never gave me cler instructions on what to look at on the site you pointed me to.21:22
bubbasauresAlexPortable, startup applications as in your desktop version21:23
jhutchins_wkAlexPortable: Disable it in settings.21:23
bekkslawn_gnome: I told you very clearly that you dont have to enable the already running IPv6 - I clearly told you to configure an IPv6 address.21:23
bekkslawn_gnome: Randomly editing system files is not helpful.21:23
AlexPortablejhutchins_wk: where?21:23
dreamcat4jhutchins_wk: pastebin.ubuntu.com/877975621:24
lawn_gnomebekks: how?21:24
jhutchins_wkAlexPortable: Well, on my xfce4 Menu, Settings, Bluetooth Manager. It still comes back on occasionally, Ijust turn it on and back off.21:24
AlexPortablejhutchins_wk: yes, i can turn it off there, but every time i relog it comes back enabled21:25
LoganGraybekks - he's just trying... to fix things himself..   I'm sure he make a backup of the sysctl.conf file before he edited it.. heh heh21:25
bekksLoganGray: He is going to break his box. He doesnt even need to touch that file.21:25
lawn_gnomebekks: only a little21:26
LoganGraybut he'll learn21:26
bekkslawn_gnome: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-ipv6-networking-configuration/ like this, you can set an IPv6 address.21:26
jhutchins_wkAlexPortable: Perhaps you will have better luck with google than I did.21:26
LoganGrayit's not the end of the world - and if he does - well, he'll be sure to do it differently next time.21:26
AlexPortablejhutchins_wk: doubt it21:26
AlexPortablemy luck hasn't bee nso good21:26
qwee456hi, my computer doesn't allow booting from the internal SD card reader. but it does allow booting from USB. is there a tool that i can install on a usb disk that will allow me to boot from the internal SD card reader?21:27
AlexPortabledont think so21:28
jhutchins_wkqwee456: No.21:28
LoganGrayI know nothing about metacity....but I would think the bluetooth piece is like a service or something, right... so maybe we start looking into that21:28
bekksqwee456: No.21:28
peterpacz1.join linux21:28
peterpacz1Sorry, forgot the /21:28
jhutchins_wkqwee456: You can check for bios updates that might enable it, but that's pretty much a hardware level thing.21:28
qwee456ok thanks guys21:28
jhutchins_wkqwee456: You could probably use a USB SD card reader.21:28
AlexPortableOerHeks: will that still allow me to turn it on?21:28
OerHeksYes, read it21:29
AlexPortablei did21:29
lawn_gnomebekks: part of my concern is that my ipv6 was fully working before I upgraded21:29
AlexPortablebut not if you can enable it or not21:29
AlexPortablei've had some issues with wifi not being able to turn on again21:29
bekkslawn_gnome: So check the configuration then.21:29
lawn_gnomebekks: what?21:29
OerHeksAlexPortable, why do you bring wifi up now?21:30
jhutchins_wkInteresting, seems I already did rfkill block bluetooth and it still comes on when it restores.21:30
bekkslawn_gnome: If it was enabled before, the configuration still exists - check it.21:30
AlexPortablebecause when i disabled wifi, and i wanted to enable it i got an error with rfkill being in use21:30
AlexPortableso maybe bluetooth will be disabled forever with this?21:30
lawn_gnomebekks: where?21:30
Jon31hey guys, i am trying to install vpn on my server. i was recommended to use openvpn, but i don't understand why use openvpn because it requires you to use a client. I remember there was something simpler that allows you to establish a VPN connection without the need of a client. Was it PPTP? I can't remember. Any advise?21:30
bekkslawn_gnome: In your network configuration.21:31
LoganGrayhmm... bluetooth:  1)  http://itsfoss.com/turn-off-bluetooth-by-default-in-ubuntu-14-04/     2)  try to run rfkill block bluetooth manually and see what happens21:31
lawn_gnomebekks:  /etc/network/interfaces?21:31
AlexPortableOerHeks: thanks21:31
bekkslawn_gnome: Or network-manager21:31
AlexPortableanyone knows a screenshot tool that lets me generate random names?21:31
LoganGrayAlex:  huh??    like http://random-name-generator.info/  ??21:32
bekksAlexPortable: Just use a random name for saving the screenshot.21:33
lawn_gnomebekks:  where is that?21:33
bekkslawn_gnome: It is described in here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager and here: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html21:34
AlexPortablebekks: well i want to let it upload21:35
AlexPortableso i need automatic21:35
bekksAlexPortable: there is no screenshot tools that automagically uploads things - at least to my knowledge.21:37
LoganGraytypically - a screenshot tool like that would generate a name with a basename, and then add on the date and time,21:37
AlexPortablebekks: there are21:37
AlexPortableLoganGray: yes but i dont want that. i want random names21:37
bekksAlexPortable: Which ones?21:37
LoganGrayyou might have to write something like that21:38
AlexPortablewell can I involve a bash script?21:38
AlexPortablescreencloud uploads the screenshot21:38
lawn_gnomebekks: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections is blank21:39
bekksAlexPortable: And which tool takes the screenshot for screencloud?21:39
AlexPortableno idea21:39
bekkslawn_gnome: So you have no system connections configured. You still may have user connections configured, or you may be using /etc/network/interfaces21:39
lawn_gnomebekks: I think i am21:40
minas114if I type: apt-get install libboost- and double click tab, I get a prompt if I want to see all 132 packages. I press yes. At the end there is 'more'. How do I scroll down?21:42
LoganGrayminas114 - I thnk you would just press space bar21:42
minas114LoganGray, thank you21:43
LoganGrayOMG!!! I got a "thank you"  - woot!!!21:43
lawn_gnomeLoganGray: WOO!21:44
LoganGray<looking around at others, guilting them into such possible future politeness> heh heh21:44
LoganGraywoaw - didn't mean to offend.  :P21:54
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kubuntoI am having issues with mounting an ExFAT SD card22:05
wadiehow do I automatically execute commands into terminal at startup ?22:06
bekkskubunto: Did you install exfat-fuse and exfat-utils?22:07
bekks!autostart | wadie22:07
ubottuwadie: If you want to edit your Autostart programs, open the Unity dash and search for Startup Programs. If you're on XFCE, use menu -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Session and Startup, if you're on KDE, use Kickoff -> Computer -> System Settings -> Autostart. For more details see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup. For LXDE see http://ubottu.com/y/422:07
wadiebekks I have to commands I want to execute..I don't think I can do it there,eh?22:07
bekkswadie: Take a look at the links given :)22:08
Airbanderwhat is the deferents between Ubuntu and Xubuntu ?22:08
AlexPortablegnome fallback metacity and compiz don't work. any way to fix it?22:08
OerHekskubunto, do you have exfat-fuse exfat-utils installed?22:08
squintykubunto: iirc correcty you need to install exfat-fuse and exfat-utils.22:09
squintyAlexPortable: if you mean flashback then you should be able to select metacity or compiz from the logon22:10
Bashing-omAirbander: The default installed applications and the desktop are different. The kernel is the same same .22:11
AirbanderTanks Bashing-om22:11
Bashing-omAirbander: :)22:12
AlexPortablewell now it works22:12
AlexPortableit didn't work at first22:12
Airbanderi have xubuntu  and a message pop to me he said to upgrade22:12
AlexPortablewill gnome tweaks work on gnome fallback / flashback?22:12
Airbanderthis is the message i'm talking about : http://postimg.org/image/xeu3i0yqx/22:12
Airbanderplz tell me if i Upgrade that will change some thing in the system or just theme and thanks22:13
kubuntohow do i mount an exfat sd card22:13
bekkskubunto: You have to install the packages I told you.22:13
ubuntuaddictedif i added a script to Xubuntu application and startup and told it to run during boot up, where would that be located so i disable it from being run? i'm in a tty and don't have a gui22:13
kubuntobekks: i dont have either as far as i can tell22:14
OerHekssudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils22:15
bekkskubunto: Why not?22:15
OerHeksthen logout, login ( to be sure) and mount again22:15
squintyor just try mounting it with Disks22:16
bekkssquinty: Which needs the two packages being installed as well.22:16
AciD`what do you need to install to be able to read reiserfs partition ? I tried reiser4progs and reiserfsprogs without success22:17
squintybekks:  <squinty> kubunto: iirc correcty you need to install exfat-fuse and exfat-utils.22:17
kubuntoOerHeks: bekks tyvm22:17
kameradhey can i use the Debian 7.1 Wheezy DVDs (it has 3 DVDs) to install additional packages on an Ubuntu 14.04.1 desktop i386 LTS installation? (the ubuntu-14.04.1-i386.iso is just over 1 GB, only a quarter of a DVD)22:19
bekkskamerad: No.22:19
kameradbekks: is there anything similar with Ubuntu? can i get lots of packages on a DVD image that i can burn? (i might not be able to install packages thru Internet)22:19
bekkskamerad: Just install te packages you want, using sudo apt-get22:20
OerHekskamerad, you can choose from an installation and make a download script22:20
ubuntuaddictedi installed the nvidia driver 343.22 and it boots to a black screen. Xorg.0.log doesn't show anything alarming. how do i troubleshoot this22:20
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD22:20
kameradbekks: yes, but i am saying the installation machine will not have Internet afccess; so i can only pull in packages via offline media (e.g. DVDs)22:20
OerHeksi would go for aptoncd22:20
kameradok, i'll look into offline package downloading22:21
ubuntouristWhat is the meaning of the non-bar icon for WAP in the network indicator pull-down?  I saw for the first time today a WAP that showed an icon other than the blue bars.22:21
ryancarey123ok, first-time Ubuntu install, and I'm having some trouble with a rt5390 driver22:21
bekkskamerad: The Ubuntu repos are about 30GB per architecture. So no DVD. :)22:21
kameradbekks: makes sense, thanks22:21
ubuntuaddictedand I do have nomodeset as a kernel parameter22:21
ryancarey123anyone have some experience with these driver issues?22:21
OerHekshmm portable mirror will take 50 gb22:22
ryancarey123I tried installing22:22
ryancarey123and ran into this kind of problem22:22
ryancarey123'incompatible types'22:22
ryancarey123here is my hardware: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8779135/22:22
ubuntouristAlso, when do-release-upgrade fails because of "third party packages" (I think) is there any way to get more specific information, rather than uninstalling everything?22:24
AciD`so, no more reiserfs support22:24
ryancarey123_sry, yes as I was saying, 'incompatible types' http://paste.ubuntu.com/8780346/22:25
daftykinsubuntourist: you're supposed to uninstall everything 3rd party.22:27
ryancarey123_am using 14.0422:28
ubuntouristdaftykins: I was hoping to avoid that. For many years I've been able to, and just thought there might be more detailed information to be had about where the install encountered trouble. C'est la vie, I guess.22:30
AlexPortableIs it safe to do this on a 14.04 system? http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/namebar-05-gnome-applet-released.html22:38
bashebajava on 14.10?  icedtea refused to install *broken*22:38
michaelr525hum hum22:39
michaelr525Good evening !22:39
michaelr525So I've installed the latest desktop Ubuntu22:39
michaelr525And I can't move the launcher to the right ;)22:39
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george_Boa tarde.22:40
Bashing-ommichaelr525: That is a fact.22:40
michaelr525Bashing-om: exactly22:40
george_Good afternoon.22:40
michaelr525So what are you using here instead of the default window manager (or how is it called these days?)22:40
Bashing-ommichaelr525: What I have seen done is install, say docky .22:41
michaelr525lagbox: unity is the default one, right?22:41
george_I have a Linux Mint 17 Qiana. I change my profile image, but in login still blank. Someone can help me?22:41
bekks!mint | george_22:41
ubottugeorge_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:41
michaelr525well.. it's not bad but I want to move the launcher to the right22:41
OerHeksmint has its own issues22:42
basheba!java basheba22:42
george_Thanks man.22:42
basheba<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about java basheba22:42
michaelr525Bashing-om: wat?22:42
bashebathat's a tragedy22:42
OerHeksmichaelr525, it is not possible to move unity to the right, even with gnome tweak / unity tweak22:43
OerHeksmaybe in unity 8 .. not sure that will be an option22:43
michaelr525OerHeks: I looked up docky in google22:46
michaelr525can it replace the launcher altogether?22:46
OerHekssure, you can install your own dock22:46
michaelr525sudo apt-get install docky22:46
michaelr525will replace the launcher?22:46
ryancarey123_so I have run another diagnostic script22:46
ryancarey123_so has anyone got any experience with wireless card stuff22:47
daftykinsit's better if you ask an actual question22:47
ryancarey123_oh, sorry it was a few mins ago22:48
OerHeksmichaelr525, it will work simultaneous, just set unity to hide in systemsettings22:48
ryancarey123_my question is what might be a good way to have another attempt at installing this driver22:48
ryancarey123_RT5390 on 14.0422:48
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b22:49
daftykinsnot sure if that page has anything for that model22:49
ryancarey123_I have downloaded and installed the driver from the realtek website, and I got an error22:49
ryancarey123_incompatible types when assigning to type ‘int’ from type ‘kgid_t’ (more: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8780346/)22:50
ryancarey123_ubottu, I'll see if this patch is relevant to me22:51
michaelr525don't see a way to move docky to the right22:52
michaelr525and don't see how to get rid of the launcher22:52
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nuke1989script screen.log lags quite a bit. Anyone know what triggers it to save to the log?22:57
ubuntouristIs there any place to find the meanings of all the network manager indicator WAP icons?23:03
thepheinexhello to all im new to ubuntu and im not sure if im in the right room or not but i have ubuntu on a live dvd and im getting the following could not switch the monitor configuration / could not set the configuration for crtc 64 can anyone help?23:03
daftykinsthepheinex: so you've not seen a proper desktop yet?23:04
daftykins!nomodeset | thepheinex23:04
ubottuthepheinex: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:04
thepheinexok thanks23:04
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ubuntourist(I saw an icon today that I'd never seen before, but could not determine what kind of WAP it was from that.)23:06
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basheba14.10 java for chromium anyone?23:08
AlexPortableAny way how I can set applications to open on a workspace # by default?23:08
OerHeksubuntourist, Wireless Access Point (WAP) ?23:09
daftykinsbasheba: chromium broke NPAPI support so it's probably not possible23:09
daftykinsincompatible plugins etc23:09
daftykinsuse firefox.23:09
bekksOr Chrome23:09
OerHeksubuntourist, that is a function to give access to other wifi users, when you are on lan cable23:09
OerHekschrome does not like npapi too23:10
OerHeksppapi is the new religion :-D23:10
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ubuntouristOerHeks: Probably. Thanks. I've seen the standard up-down arrow for wired, and the blue bars for wifi, but had never seen this (which is gone now, but I think looked like a broadcasting antenna).23:11
blaaais there som standard software to store checksums of files to xattrs?23:14
ubuntuaddictedstill have a black screen after installing 343.22. is it possible that my LCD monitor is just set too dark? there's no errors in Xorg.0.log OR .xsession-errors23:17
lagboxati ?23:19
Bashing-omblaaa: ?? -> apt-cache search xattrs >> metastore - Store and restore metadata from a filesystem; ls -al /var/lib/dpkg/info/metastore.md5sums . (??).23:21
MobutilsI have a quck question regarding the proper config of the /etc/hosts file, I have looked through a couple of difference resources but keep on finding conflicting info. If I have a server with one ip that has multiple subdomains that point to it would this be the proper way to setup the /etc/hosts file : http://paste.ubuntu.com/8780932/23:22
lawn_gnomeUm when I upgraded my computer to Ubuntu 14.10 Minecraft's framerate dropped to about 6 fps. I didn't change anything. I had been using Optifine and a couple other mods to make it better, but it does the exact same thing with vanilla.23:22
lawn_gnomeEverything seems to be the same, but I was getting a good 60 fps with a 128x128 texture and 32 block render distance. The odd thing is that I get the same framerate no matter what I do. I can turn everything off and it makes no difference.23:22
blaaaBashing-om: looks like it, thanks23:23
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blaaaBashing-om: hmm, not exactly it23:24
yeatsMobutils: probably better to use the 127.x.x.x IPs - like,, etc23:24
daftykinslawn_gnome: sounds like your upgrade broke your optimus config23:24
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Mobutilsyeats: ?? I could see that if these were just for testing, but these are qualified domains with dns records.23:25
Mobutilsyeats: could you explain what you mean, I may not be understanding correctly23:25
lawn_gnomedaftykins:what is the optimus config?23:25
AlexPortableAny way how I can customize 'The main GNOME menu' in the menu bar?23:25
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Bashing-omblaaa: Only shot I have at it, with what I have to work with. :)23:27
daftykinslawn_gnome: i thought you mentioned using optimus was all, i can't scroll up to check now though as i'm messing with a computer with no page up key :/23:27
lawn_gnomeI am on an Acer laptop with an i523:28
Elimin8erWhat would be the best Whole system backup util that will backup to a external usb drive ?23:28
daftykinslawn_gnome: so intel graphics only?23:28
lawn_gnomeum yes?23:29
daftykinsno need to be like that.23:29
daftykinsnevermind then23:29
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lawn_gnomeI don't know what that means.  sorry.23:31
AlexPortablehow can i make alttab to work?23:31
EriC^^lawn_gnome: lspci -v | grep VGA23:31
lawn_gnomeEriC^^: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])23:32
AlexPortableAlso why do i have no bars in compiz gnome fallback?23:32
squintylawn_gnome:  just a misunderstanding between Optimus and Optifine   the latter for minecraft the former for dual video card setup23:32
EriC^^lawn_gnome: is that all?23:32
lawn_gnomeEriC^^: yes.23:33
daftykinssquinty: thanks, yeah i just misread earlier and couldn't go to my scrollback for confirmation23:33
squintydaftykins:  np  :)23:33
daftykinsstupid macbook has no page up =/23:34
daftykinsyeah, got trusty installed on an old late 2007 macbook ;)23:35
lawn_gnomemacbook hah23:35
EriC^^oh ok :D23:35
lawn_gnomerelevant: ^23:35
daftykinslawn_gnome: well, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you shouldn't have bothered upgrading! ;)23:35
daftykinsbecause you broke minecraft.23:36
AlexPortablewhy isn't gnome-panel being loaded when I start metacity gnome fallback?23:36
AlexPortablemouse is visible, in compiz ctrl alt t works23:36
lawn_gnomeum try alt+f2 r23:37
lawn_gnomer restarts the DE23:37
AlexPortablewhen i login to unity and then log back out and login to metacity/compiz again23:37
AlexPortablethen it works23:38
AlexPortablef2 does nothign23:38
lawn_gnomeok then23:38
lawn_gnomeare you using GDM?23:38
AlexPortablealso program r is not installed. you can install using littler23:38
AlexPortablewhat is littler23:38
AlexPortableim using lightdm23:38
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lawn_gnomer is not a program23:38
lawn_gnomeit just restarts the DE23:38
AlexPortablealt f2 does nothing23:39
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lawn_gnomeis GNOME DE loaded at all?23:39
TotallyNotMikeyCan anyone help me out? I installed Ubuntu 13.04 using wubi.exe because it's the only version that worked. I only have access to a guest account as it keeps asking me for root when I try to make another user.23:40
lawn_gnomedefault root password should be blank or changeme23:40
bazhangTotallyNotMikey, upgrade to a supported version , skip wubi altoghether23:40
bazhanglawn_gnome, there is no default23:41
EriC^^lawn_gnome: sometimes it toor23:41
EriC^^( not on ubuntu though )23:41
TotallyNotMikeyI tried CDs and USBs for literally hours, the installations kept hanging23:41
lawn_gnomethats why I said blank23:41
AlexPortableok now it loads the icons on my after a while, but no top or bottom bar23:41
TotallyNotMikeyIt was returning things like 'Stopped Network Filesystem' or something before hanging.23:41
bazhangTotallyNotMikey, 13.04 is not supported at all, for one;wubi is just a test drive23:42
TotallyNotMikeyWell I tried both 12.04 and 14.04 first.23:42
bazhangTotallyNotMikey, well try to make those work. we can help23:42
lawn_gnomewhat was the issue for the CDs?23:43
lawn_gnomewhere did it hang?23:43
TotallyNotMikeyIt kept hanging after 'stopped network filesystem', something like that. I used Alt+Enter to view what it was doing23:43
cqxhi all23:44
TotallyNotMikeyOh it was 'stopping mount network file system'23:44
lawn_gnomewhen in the install does it say that?'23:47
TotallyNotMikeyWhen the splash screen is doing the little 5 dots animation.23:47
TotallyNotMikeyAbout 2 minutes in23:47
lawn_gnomeoh so its not the installer its during boot23:48
TotallyNotMikeyYeah ;l23:48
TotallyNotMikeyI used LiLi to make the boot USB, no access to a disk drive.23:49
lawn_gnomecan you get to a root prompt?23:50
TotallyNotMikeyFrom what?23:50
lawn_gnomewhen you boot select ubuntu recovery mode in the GRUB menu23:51
AlexPortablein which file are my gnome settings stored?23:52
TotallyNotMikeyI don't think I have a GRUB. When I boot I get taken to the normal Windows boot thingy.23:52
TotallyNotMikeyWith a choice between 7 and Ubuntu23:52
SurendilTotallyNotMikey: that's grub23:53
TotallyNotMikeyThe boot menu with the Windows Memory Diagnostic?23:53
lawn_gnomedo ctrl+alt+f123:54
lawn_gnomein Ubuntu23:54
TotallyNotMikeyYeah I'm on Ubuntu now.23:54
lawn_gnometry it, see if you can get to a shell23:55
TotallyNotMikeyWell it asks for localhost23:55
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lawn_gnomewait what?23:55
EriC^^TotallyNotMikey: something is off23:55
lawn_gnomecan you connect with another device?23:56
lawn_gnometo irc?23:56
TotallyNotMikeyI'll try it on my Phone.23:56
lawn_gnomelel Pple's new product. The Phone.23:56
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TotallyNotMikey^ There we go.23:57
lawn_gnomeSo pull out a flash drive and install Ubuntu 14.0423:57
TotallyNotMikeyAlright, give me a sec to boot into one.23:58
TotallyNotMikeyPThis one is 14.10 i think, want me to go make a 14.04 real fast?23:59
lawn_gnomeno its ok23:59
neldogzcan someone help me disable encryption for my home directory?23:59

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