
bluesabreslickymaster: no account required00:14
slickymasterok, thanks for the info bluesabre 00:24
knomeonly account is required and that's the bank account where bluesabre will shadily transfer a random amount of money per screenshot00:25
slickymasterthat's not for public's ears knome 00:26
skellatbluesabre: This one needs TLC -- http://askubuntu.com/questions/544243/how-do-i-work-menulibre-in-xubuntu-14-04-14-1001:39
elfyso does https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/TeamHardware01:43
elfyjust mentioning that ;)01:44
skellatelfy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/skellat/laptop-profile01:44
elfyskellat: not what I asked for ;)01:44
skellatNotice the editing lock...01:45
slickymasterlol skellat, that's what I call thorough 01:45
skellatslickymaster, It's merely taking the dump of lshw and slapping on the wiki01:46
* skellat goes cross-eyed editing tabular matter in MoinMoin01:46
elfyskellat: do you get a lock when trying to edit the page I would REALLY like -team to fill in01:46
skellatNo, I should be the one with the edit lock on it! :-)01:47
elfyif you don't then please do so - if you then please report is a a bug with wikie01:47
bluesabreskellat: will take care of it...but generally if somebody says the word "root" and mentions alacarte or menulibre, they probably gave their menu files to root02:10
elfyskellat: thank you :) 03:14
elfybluesabre: which could *possibly* be some sort of doc page given that "point at docs" belongs to knome03:16
elfyin a general sort of root pwnd you page somewhere ;)03:17
Noskcajbluesabre, Please review https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/vivid/thunar/merge/+merge/24034905:55
bluesabregood morning everyone!12:05
bluesabreNoskcaj: looks good, anything else or is that merge-ready?12:07
ochosimorning folks13:22
ochosilotsa upower mail lately13:22
* bluesabre hasn't caught up yet13:24
bluesabrewhats up ochosi?13:24
ochosinot much, but pitti said on -release that the transition in V is done for upower13:25
ochosii still have to test that xfsettings patch you pointed me to13:25
ochosialthough others seemingly have successfully tested it meanwhile13:25
bluesabreoh yeah, please check it out13:26
bluesabreit worked well (better than without) for me13:26
ochosithing is everything is already working well, so i can only check for regressions13:27
bluesabreyeah, just a quick spot check should be sufficient13:28
bluesabredon't want to add any nasty regressions to that code13:28
bluesabreochosi's disapperance can only mean there was a pretty nasty regression13:43
* ochosi just got busy with other stuff13:43
ochosibut yeah, i'm already pulling in git master13:45
ochosialready building it13:46
ochosithat makes the minimal dialog pop up a lot13:48
bluesabreI think it does that without... sadly13:48
ochosiodd, never had that before though13:49
ochosiwe should try to add in a check whether there's already a minimal dialog open13:49
ochosithat might mean we'd have to strip it out of the display dialog code, no?13:49
ochosiother than this, i don't notice any regressions13:50
bluesabreI can experiment with that...13:50
bluesabredo we have a display settings roadmap?13:50
ochosifrankly, the version in 14.04 works flawlessly fo rme13:51
ochosino popping up of extra minimal dialogs13:51
ochosiso i dunno, really, what's up with that13:51
ochosiwe don't really have a roadmap13:51
ochosiat least i don't13:51
ochosiafaik we've implemented everything we wanted :)13:51
ochosiand tbh the dialog feels very polished and finished to me13:52
bluesabreyeah, its pretty solid13:52
ochosithe last thing we could do is draw all the icons in the minimal dialog with cairo13:52
ochosibut it feels a bit overkill atm13:52
ochosias long as there are still other bugs to iron out...13:52
bluesabreI'll add that to my todo... at least making the minimal dialog a singleton app13:52
bluesabrethere's value in that anyway :)13:53
ochosithat'd make the display dialog quite solid again i guess13:54
ochosii mean it's working really well as it is13:54
ochosithese are the only notable regressions/bugs i know of13:55
bluesabreI'll get the light-locker code done today, btw13:57
ochosilooking forward to testing it all out13:57
ochosias soon as that is merged we can release 1.5.213:57
ochosimaybe even get that in V13:57
ochosiand then start looking at lls13:57
bluesabreyeah, lls will be a nice restructure with using dbus bindings instead of writing desktop files13:58
bluesabrealso have plenty of fixes to do today... will probably get plenty of pings when brainwash gets online13:59
ochosiindeed, that'll really make it a lot cleaner and safer14:11
ochosibluesabre: so, you gonna push the patch for hdmi cycling or was asking me to test also asking me to push?14:38
ochosii also added that bugreport about the infinite amount of minimal display dialogs to xubuntu-v-bugs14:42
ochosito keep it on the radar14:42
slickymasterknome, pleia2, I was thinking that it would be a good idea to 'mediatize'  http://ubuntu.5.x6.nabble.com/First-call-for-translators-Xubuntu-packages-translations-td5083953.html15:54
slickymasterit would be a way to get the message across a wider audience and hopefully get a greater number of translations15:54
bluesabreochosi: you can push if you want, or I'll do it shortly16:10
bluesabreneglected the apartment for a week, so been cleaning all morning16:10
slickymasterlol bluesabre16:10
slickymasteryou and me :P16:10
slickymasterI finished a few minutes ago16:11
slickymasterhouse keeping sucks16:11
ochosihaha, incredible16:14
* ochosi is cleaning too16:14
ochositime for an early dinner now though16:14
slickymasterlol house keeping for the xubuntu team weekend :)16:16
brainwashbluesabre: any news on bug 1361143 ?18:23
ubottubug 1361143 in menulibre (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Please release menulibre-2.0.6 to trusty" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136114318:23
bluesabrebrainwash: gotta do it again... upload, rejected because I didn't have the cancelled 2.0.4 changelog in there18:24
bluesabregotta dig that up18:24
bluesabrebasically, a new issue cropped up with the SRU 2.0.3 to 2.0.4, so it was rolled back to 2.0.3 in the archive18:25
bluesabreand now I have to include the 2.0.4 changelog which I gotta find18:25
bluesabreanyway, on my todo18:25
brainwashok, there seems to be some general problem.. xubuntu and sru updates :D18:25
brainwashmaybe the process could be improved somehow, somehow it takes too much time in general to get these updates released18:27
bluesabreyeah, its a pain... upload, get released to -proposed, verify, wait 7 days, release to -updates, detect regression, roll back to previous version.18:36
bluesabrerinse. repeat.18:36
brainwashI did reset the theme tweaks (pink highlight), but it's not gone after a relog :/20:10
brainwashso it's applying the gtkrc stuff from /etc/..20:11
knomeslickymaster, worksforme, but let's use https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2014-October/010454.html <- that url21:25
slickymasterok knome, I assume that's up to pleia2 to do it, now21:30
knomei can tweet21:31
slickymasteryou can? lol you jack of all trades21:31
slickymasterbesides twitter there's jus G* and facebook, right?21:32
knomeyep, pretty much that21:32
slickymasterok, I leave it to you both :)21:33
slickymasterand thanks for that knome 21:33
knomehmm, i notice, langauge21:37
knomehttps://twitter.com/Xubuntu/status/528662337398788096 for the english version :P21:38
slickymasterI don't have a twitter account knome, besides the 'language' error what is the difference between the two posts?21:40
knomenothing :D21:40
slickymasterlol, okay21:40
pleia2what day is it21:58
pleia2I'll do these things21:59
slickymasterit's November, 1st21:59
slickymasterHallowmas, over here pleia2 21:59
pleia2I think it's an actual holiday here in Paris, some things were closed22:01
pleia2yeah, All Saints' Day is a proper thing22:01
pleia2ok, fb and g+ are done22:03
slickymasterin most european catholic countries is a holiday22:03
knomepleia2, all places closed here too22:05
slickymasterthanks pleia2 22:07

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