
deshipuor, if it doesn't have network access, with apt-zip00:00
pukeknome: i want to make a first-aid thingy. my connection is bad and i want to make backups for my mostly used applications00:00
pukedeshipu: never heard of apt-zip00:00
deshipu!info apt-zip00:00
ubottuapt-zip (source: apt-zip): Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.18 (utopic), package size 20 kB, installed size 128 kB00:00
deshipupuke: basically you run it on a computer with network like you would apt-get, and then it creates a file that you copy to the other computer00:01
pukedeshipu: can i do this on ubuntu and copy the files to xubuntu?00:02
pukeor to debian xfce, for example?00:02
deshipuwell, debian not necessarily00:02
pukedeshipu: great. thank you very much.00:02
deshiputhey need to have the same version of *ubuntu00:02
deshipu(I think)00:02
pukedeshipu: thank you very much00:04
pukedo you guys use chrome or chromium?00:05
knome^ packages like that might or might not work on other versions or in debian, but it's highly suggested not to do that00:10
pukeknome: thank you very much00:14
pukeoh, sorry. i know i sound stupid, but, when i install a package from software center, does that application gets copied into /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?00:22
deshipupuke: it's a little more complicated00:25
deshipupuke: it gets downloaded there, then the pre-install script from it is executed, then it gets unpacked into your filesystem, then post-install script is executed00:26
deshipupuke: the cached .deb file is eventually deleted when you run apt-get clean00:26
pukedeshipu: i was thinking about copying those files into usb memory, but i guess it's not a good way of solving my problem.00:27
deshipuapt-zip should work best :)00:28
pukedeshipu: sorry :) thank you very much.00:30
sergio-br22does the default window composite in 14.10 stills tearing?00:36
=== james__ is now known as james0r
sergio-br22heya again02:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 1353013 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Popping/Crackling sound when playing audio in Ubuntu 14.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:15
holsteinsergio-br22: do you have a question i can assist you with?02:15
sergio-br22take a look at the pictures I attach in the bug report02:15
sergio-br22do you have an idea what's happening?02:16
sergio-br22this problem is intermittent02:16
holsteinsergio-br22: is it with the hdmi?02:16
holsteinsergio-br22: i dont see any pictures02:17
holsteinsergio-br22: do you have the issue from the live CD?02:17
sergio-br22I attached 3 pictures, one for each comment in the bug report02:18
sergio-br22dunno, I need to test with live CD02:18
holsteinsergio-br22: there are no images at the link you gave, friend02:18
holsteinsergio-br22: please test with a live iso to remove your user config and system config from the equation and let me know what is happening02:19
sergio-br22really? in the messages below02:19
holsteinsergio-br22: correct. i see *no* images02:19
holsteinsergio-br22: i see text..02:19
sergio-br22this is when i'm getting normal audio02:20
sergio-br22and when I get crackling: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/188832678/Crackling%20Audio%201.png02:20
sergio-br22and this: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/188832701/Crackling%20Audio%202.png02:20
holsteinsergio-br22: looks like you have it set to 100% and are getting clipping.. thats not a bug.. turn it down02:21
sergio-br22a buttons appears, weird02:21
sergio-br22but how it is not bug, if it happens intermittent?02:23
sergio-br22sometimes i got a clean audio02:23
sergio-br22sometimes don't02:23
holsteinsergio-br22: how about with the live iso?02:24
holsteinsergio-br22: please try a live iso..02:24
holsteinsergio-br22: consider filing the bug upstream with alsa02:25
sergio-br22with 14.04 or 14.04.1 ?02:25
holsteinsergio-br22: try with whatever you *know* worked before02:26
holsteinsergio-br22: you said you "thought" it was working "before".. so whatever that means.. before whatever..02:26
=== skribblezatcha is now known as pencilandpaper
sennnxubuntu 's performance better than lubuntu,cheers14:14
cubed_rootis there a way to configure the save/open dialog box globally?14:29
holsteincubed_root: configure it to do what? im not sure that i have ever tried to configure it "globally", or otherwise.. what is the goal?14:33
balanceI'm running xubuntu in virtual box because my university wants me to. It is very very slow and I get this on startup: SMBus adress uninitialized - upgrade BIOS or use force_addr=0xaddr  ------ intel_rapl no valid rapl domaisn found in package 0.14:39
balanceit does start up though it just takes ages14:40
holsteinbalance: did you try to force_addr=0xaddr ?14:40
balanceholstein: I absolutly don't get what this istrying to tell me14:40
balancewhere should I use it?14:41
holsteinbalance: well, ideally, that would be a message about the *actual* machine linux is running on.. a "warning" message.. but, its likely that the virtualization you are running is just old/misconfigured14:41
holsteinbalance: what host OS? windows? i would just go and make sure you have the latest version of virtualbox, and check all your setting for the VM..14:42
balanceholstein hmm, my IT prof gave us this virtual box image and it seems it worked for 300 people before me, so, I think it can't eb that misconfigured.14:42
balancewin 8.1 yeah and VB is new but I'll check14:42
holsteinbalance: the *host* is misconfigured, friend.. not the image14:43
holsteinbalance: your host.. windows running the virtualbox host.. thats what i would look at.. and thats what im saying can be misconfigured.. otherewise, id just call your prof up, since its his operating system, and not xubuntu14:43
balanceholstein: it's a new VB installation on a fresh system. ok I just though I come here and ask about these errors/warnings - maybe it was related. thanks14:44
holsteinbalance: doesnt matter that you actually *just* installed it.. its about the version.. please make sure you have the latest version of virtualbox for the windows host you are using.. or, whatever specific version your prof requires you to be useing14:45
balanceholstein sure14:45
holsteinbalance: there are options, such as nomodeset.14:45
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:45
holsteinbalance: there is also this http://askubuntu.com/questions/298290/smbus-bios-error-while-booting-ubuntu-in-virtualbox14:46
balancethanks I'll check that out :)14:46
holsteinbalance: having guest additions installed in to the guest would be one of the first things i would do..14:46
holsteini would apply updates on the host and guest (since you say you can run the guest os, eventually) and install the guest additions, and updates to virtualbox.. and see if that solves your issue. otherwise, just save the state, suspended, and you wont need to reboot14:47
balanceholsteinyep true I'll make that thanks14:48
BalTunI have an xubuntu 14.04 and I had installed some apps for block/unblock that is activated when system returns after a sleep state. It was long time ago so I forgot what I was installed. Now I have situation when I open my laptop and see one of 3 window for unlock, random one. And one of this 3 doesn't get write password. So when it's showing I have to reboot whole system to login. How I can find out what kind of block soft is used and how to make only one of14:49
BalTun this to work ?14:49
holsteinBalTun: you installed what to block and unblock what?14:50
BalTunblock system. Authorisation window which appears when computer come back from sleep mode14:51
holsteinBalTun: you should be able to see your "history" in the terminal, by typing "history".. if you used the command line to install otherwise, you should be able to use the package manager of your choice to see what applications you have installed14:51
holsteinBalTun: you set it up to require a password when resuming from standby? that shouldnt require adding any applications..14:52
BalTuncool, now I see that I have installed gnome-screensaver and xscreensaver14:53
holsteinBalTun: both of those can offer to "lock" the screen.. you can share screenshots to help use help you..14:54
cubed_rootholstein: i'm probably nitpicking, but i want the left side of my open/save dialog box to be what it is in my nautilus file manager14:56
holsteincubed_root: you mean, the nautilus bookmarks setup?14:57
cubed_rooti mean more the folders that appear on the left -- in nautilus i can configure them, in the dialogs i can't14:58
holsteincubed_root: i mean, basically, *everything* is cusomizable, in one way or another.. but, that is probably the gtk filechooser rather than a file manager.. not sure what configuration, if any, is available by default15:00
holsteincubed_root: i might try a larger, upstream xfce community15:00
cubed_rootholstein: just having the gtk filehooser is something to google -- thanks!!15:01
BalTunholstein:   can I install and use synaptic in xubuntu to control packages ?15:13
roninif i delete a file with delete15:44
roninis there a way to undo15:44
BalTunhow i can upgrade xubuntu from 14.04 to 14.10 ?15:45
drcBalTun:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseNotes15:46
drcronin: Not really15:47
drcronin: But if you really must try, start here https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/file_recovery15:48
roninwhy is there no a recycle bin15:50
drcThere is...Trash...but you said "delete", that really deletes the file, not just throws the file in the trash.15:51
cfhowlettBalTun,  sudo do-release-upgrade15:51
BalTunshould I upgrade from 14.04 to 14.10 will it give more pluses or more minuses ?15:55
drcBalTun: Unless you really need something in 14.10 not in 14.04 (like some updated app) I'd say stick with the LTS (14.04)15:56
roninwhat was a good really basic code editor for xubuntu16:04
roninsomething like notepad++16:04
drcronin:   "code" editor or "text" editor (i.e., are you really coding and need all the bells and whistles therein or just editing text/config files)?16:06
roninmostly editing small scripts or config files16:07
drcronin: Then mousepad should work for you, imo.16:07
drcIt's already installed by default.16:07
ronini have leafpad16:08
roninas default16:08
drcLeafpad should work also.  You must have an old version of Xubuntu then :)16:09
roninim too lazy to upgrade :D16:09
roninand im happy with the old one16:09
roninfinding xubuntu was the best day right after when i quit church16:10
drcJust make sure you keep an eye on the EOL for that version (security updates, if and when)16:10
Airbanderhow update bios from linux and thanks17:58
Alexfrenchlol le retour de la veangeance17:59
Alexfrenchou comment je ne lis jamai la doc17:59
cfhowlett!fr | Alexfrench,18:40
ubottuAlexfrench,: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:40
sjoshiHello, I have installed Xubuntu14.10 on Lenovo Ideapad Z510 but facing touchpad issues... i am not able to scroll via the edges or even 2 fingers scrolling is not working19:43
AirbanderHi guys21:51
slickymaster!hi | Airbander21:58
ubottuAirbander: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:58
AirbanderThis is the second time and this message pop up to me what should i do to stop it and thanks this is the image21:58
Airbandershould i upgrade or not21:58
AirbanderI don't know if this will upgrade the system or not ( Security or best perform )22:00
AirbanderOr just theme of ubuntu22:00
xubuntu444I am trying to install 14-10 on a old laptop. It s hung at bcmwl-kernel-source (i386)22:19
xubuntu444I have found what says is a answer, sudo apt-get install22:20
newbohey guys. i can only see my / partition and nothing else. how can i fix this? i got 3 more partitions.22:55
newboi can't see them in file manager22:55
newbonot in desktop either22:55
newbook, here's another one then. i remapped xfce4-popup-whiskermenu to Super key. but if i press super+t for terminal, whisker menu AND terminal opens.23:03
newbohow can i make it open whisker menu when i RELEASE the super button?23:03
newbolike this question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/483106/bind-super-win-key-release-event-not-press-in-xfce-4-1023:06
newboit's old and never answered. my question is the same23:06
newboor this one: http://askubuntu.com/questions/501052/xubuntu-open-whisker-with-super-button-issue23:09
newbooh man f this. i chose delete ubuntu and install xubuntu, and it deleted all my hdd. f man.23:19
knomenewbo, please watch the language as this is a family-friendly channel23:20
bekksnewbo: So you deleted your whole data when installing Ubuntu, already.23:21
newbobekks: no, i did not.23:21
newboi was dual booting windows and ubuntu.23:21
newboand because unity is so much slow, i installed xubuntu instead.23:21
bekksnewbo: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop would have been sufficient.23:22
newbobekks: will it delete unity? or, does not start unity at all?23:23
bekksnewbo: It will neither uninstall unity, not automagically not start it. When logging in, you can choose what to start.23:23
newbowell.. there goes my other partitions...23:24
newbobekks: do you know a way of solving my previous questions? about whisker menu and super key release?23:27
bekksnewbo: No, I never used whisker.23:28
newbobekks: your shortcuts execute when you press the key, right? not when you release the key?23:28
bekksnewbo: Correct.23:29
newbobekks: do you know a way of making it execute on release?23:29
bekksnewbo: No. I doubt thats possible at all.23:30
newbobekks: when i set a shortcut for super key, if i press super+t for terminal, for example, whisker AND terminal opens.23:30
newbobekks: so i mapped super+space to whisker. but i was curious if i can make super key to open whisker only.23:30
newbothanks anyway23:32

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