
canthus13Whee. I'll never buy System76 again.  Customer service is.. lacking, at best.21:28
Unit193System76?  Cheri claimed the other one was bad, but sys76 was actually fair, IIRC.21:29
canthus13Yeah.. I haven't even got the laptop yet and they're already dicking me around. I understand supply line issues. I figured since it's been two weeks and still no laptop, they might do me a favor and throw in an upgrade. Nothing. Just 'oh, it'll only be a few more days.'21:30
canthus13I could have bought the exact same laptop on amazon for less, with 1/4 the shipping charges, just branded differently. I bought system76 do try and support a company that supports linux. :/21:31
Unit193Oh bah. :/21:31
canthus13But yeah. I rememver Cheri's ZaReason experience. :/21:32
belkinsaWell, I'm not buying from them or ZaReason either then.21:37
canthus13Yeah. It's disappointing, especially since the 14" laptop they sell is basically a rebranded Clevo.21:56
belkinsaskellat, what flavour do you use?  Lubuntu or Xubuntu or what?22:27
PCLine_Evening everyone.22:32
belkinsao/ PCLine_22:32
Unit193belkinsa: skellat tends to be an Xubuer.22:35
belkinsaThat's what I figured but he is also in the #lubuntu-offtopic channel22:36
Unit193Last I knew you didn't either. :P22:46
Unit193Several people in there don't really use it, same with other channels.22:46
belkinsaWell, things changed and all because of Phillw.22:46
belkinsaUnit193, very true.  It seems that there are more bouncer lurkers than real people in some of the channels!22:47
PCLine_Mmmmmm   That Pizza hit the spot!23:02
Unit193What type?23:02
PCLine_Dont know.  It just appeared on a plate in front of me.23:03
PCLine_I would assume it was a frozen type heated over.23:04
* skellat finds that apparently things blow up on IRC when he's in the shower after a long day of helping family move into a new home23:18
belkinsaSorry for my question then, skellat23:21
skellatbelkinsa: There is nothing to apologize for23:25
belkinsaI know, just a bad habit23:25
skellatbelkinsa: It is routine for members of ~xubuntu-team to sit in the dev channels for the other flavors23:25
belkinsaAh, I see.23:25
skellat#lubuntu-offtopic is as close as there is to a dev channel for L23:25
skellatFor a while I made sure I was also sitting and watching in #kubuntu-devel23:26
skellatIt helps with the promotion of lateral cooperation23:26
skellatbelkinsa: For the avoidance of doubt, though, my parents use Lubuntu while I use Xubuntu23:27
belkinsaI see. Lucky you, that your parents support your useage of Linux.23:28
skellatNah, it was more my getting tired of trying to fix XP23:28
belkinsaAh, I see.23:28
skellatbelkinsa: Are you going to go vote tomorrow?23:29
skellatWhy not?23:30
belkinsaI don't know I'm not choosing to vote, perhaps because...never mind.  It's hard to explain.23:31
belkinsaBut I want to say that it seems that we are electing the same people in Congress and the Courts year after year.23:31
skellatWe have a bunch of open spots in Ashtabula County without incumbents due to deaths and mandatory retirement ages so things will change after tomorrow's election23:33
Unit193skellat: But what about #u-devel, mythbuntu, ubuntustudio, edubuntu, and the others!? :P23:36
skellatI was sitting in #u-devel for a while23:58
skellatThen I left23:58
skellatJust as I bugged out on #lubuntu-offtopic23:58
skellatMythbuntu and Edubuntu only release LTS to LTS now23:58

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