
BlasterHow come in the hosts file, my computer's hostname resolves to and localhost resolves to  What's the difference?00:02
SchrodingersScatBlaster: says it can't find my hostname, on mine00:03
BlasterWhat says that?00:04
SchrodingersScatBlaster: oh, I see, you mean inside the hosts, I thought you were trying to resolve it with nslookup or etc.00:05
BlasterI'm just trying to create a bridged network and I'm noticing all the little nuances lol.00:05
BlasterMy /etc/network/interfaces only contains the lines "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback".  When I look at tutorials online for making a bridge network, their interfaces file contains more than that by default.00:06
daftykinsBlaster: because resolvconf / dnsmasq00:07
Blasterdaftykins, how do those affect the contents of the interfaces file?00:07
daftykinsBlaster: you're following old guides that don't factor in network-manager00:07
daftykinsno that comment was for above00:08
BlasterI know, because I can't find any up to date information about how to configure a bridged network for Ubuntu and KVM.00:08
BlasterExcept this video for 14.04, and at 1:32 you can see that he has more in his interfaces file by default. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgLQl-FhSws00:08
Blaster"auto em1" and "iface em1 inet dhcp"?00:09
daftykinsthe person is probably sensibly using static addressing00:09
BlasterI don't need that for my bridge though, right?00:10
daftykinsBlaster: think of em1 as eth000:12
Blasterdaftykins, how do I know what to set the address, network, netmask, broadcast, gateway, and dns-nameservers to in my interfaces file when bridging?00:13
Ben64why do you need a bridge00:14
BlasterBen64, I'm setting up a guest in KVM and I need network access between the guest and the host.00:14
Blasterdaftykins, why would he call it em0 instead of eth0?00:15
daftykinsBlaster: it's not a personal choice, it's how the kernel names them00:17
Blasterdaftykins, I have both an eth0 and an eth1 interface by default, but my computer only has a single ethernet connector.  Why's that?00:18
BlasterDo I need to include eth1 in my bridge?00:18
Blasterdaftykins, BRB.  Save your answer for when I return.00:21
daftykinsoh lucky me00:22
daftykinsFFEJ: hi00:22
Blasterdaftykins, back.00:27
BlasterWell, my network wouldn't connect with the bridge.00:27
BlasterI couldn't get any internet access from host.00:27
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RalliasI'm on a ubuntu desktop right now. How would I go about making an install USB?00:36
reisioRallias: for what?00:36
Tyrandisios image?00:36
z0nuse startup disk creator00:36
RalliasEr... actually... never mind. I guess I don't have a working USB disk.00:37
=== BradTN17 is now known as BradTN
SimplyAnonymousWhat channel is this ._.00:46
reisioSimplyAnonymous: this one00:46
SimplyAnonymousWhat one...00:46
reisioSimplyAnonymous: /topic00:47
SimplyAnonymousok then all went well connecting ^_^00:47
SimplyAnonymousAm I allowed to just ask a question?00:47
SimplyAnonymous(about ubuntu of course)00:48
SimplyAnonymousUbuntu keeps crashing D: what do I do...00:48
dunnowhomy system is not shutting down. gets stuck in the login page00:52
dunnowhowhat might be the problem?00:52
reisiodunnowho: how're you telling it to?00:53
dunnowhousing the option on the top right00:54
dunnowhonot using sudo00:54
reisiodunnowho: in plain Ubuntu?00:55
dunnowhoreisio: ubuntu 12.0400:56
reisiodunnowho: does 'sudo shutdown -h now' work?00:57
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dunnowhoreisio: i'll try and get back to you00:57
dunnowhoreisio: yes this time it did01:01
z0nguys, is  a low latency kernel better than ondemand?01:03
prepangolinRTSP/RTP streaming support in XBMC?\01:06
daftykinsprepangolin: #xbmc01:07
AlexPortableSo, what are those flat icon themes called?01:11
AlexPortableNot flat without color. But colored and flat01:11
tmepfor some reason, shutdown/reboot is slow in my system, it takes 30 seconds01:14
xilliaGuys have you experienced problems with some videos with chrome on Ubuntu 14.04? i.e. youtube works fine but facebook videos make flash plugin crash..01:15
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=== Guest87699 is now known as mbmtsk
mbmtski have a question: where is ord.h located? i mean in which package?01:19
daftykins!find ord.h01:20
ubottuFound: libmsoffice-word-html-writer-perl01:20
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daftykinsmbmtsk: ^01:20
tmep_anyway... anyone knows how to fix a slow shutdown?01:20
xilliaGuys any idea why facebook videos on chrome would be really reaaaallly slow on Ubuntu 14.04.1? On firefox they run just perfect01:22
AlexPortableHow can i setup a wifi hotspot with limited range?01:23
AlexPortableThe output range should be 5 meter max01:23
guest_92842aIs it normal that ubuntu 14.04 64 bit version - that the installation disc would boot with the bios set to uefi mode but not when set to legacy mode? I'm in a position where I can't afford to be wrong about the install going smoothly when I do go for it (brand new lappy was bought as a gift at local store and their return policy and lack of providing the original oem install disk).01:24
mbmtskdaftykins: its not the one needed by https://github.com/ByteProject/AnsiLove-C01:24
tmep_AlexPortable: reduce the power for your wifi device01:24
guest_92842a^ latter part is just reason why I need to be so critical before installing01:24
lyntoolook at dd-wrt, the router software as many setting about fine tuning like power antenna etc01:24
daftykinsmbmtsk: no ideas then.01:25
daftykinsmbmtsk: why don't you contact them?01:25
mbmtskdaftykins: good idea01:25
ubuntuaddictedanyone in here use Duplicity? im confused on all these files that are being created01:25
crocketHow can I disable a notification that says "Network service discovery disabled. You current network has a .local domain..." on every boot?01:25
guest_92842aI guess what I'm trying to discern is whether that may indicate a possibility of problems when going for the install.01:25
AlexPortabletmep_: how?01:27
mbmtskdaftykins: i figured out its a removed header file they dont use anymore01:27
Bashing-omguest_92842a: Are you planning dual boot Windows ? Then Must be installed in EFI mode, such that both operating systems are bootable from the same boot partition.01:28
borisetoIs there a way to make the icons on Unity 3d - Ubuntu 12.04 smaller than 32?01:28
guest_92842aBashing-om, No, I will be running ubuntu only. The problem is in knowing with as much certainty as humanly possible, what specific challenges (if any) may arise with this exact laptop - when performing the install. I'm in a position where I stand to be stuck w/ the thing (even if I can't get everything working with ubuntu) - when the ability to install and run ubuntu flawlessly was the sole deciding factor in the purchase.01:30
link2xanyone able to help with WineASIO? I have JACK set up properly as far as I can tell, but Ableton Live and Reaper still can't access ASIO.01:30
JakeHi there, is it possible to remove the monsterous side task bar on Ubuntu desktop? It's the one thing stopping me from using it as my everyday OS01:31
guest_92842aPlease don't suggust what I 'should have done' I didn't and this is what I have to deal with01:31
daftykinsJake: you could use a different desktop instead of Unity? e.g. xfce - in xubuntu01:31
guest_92842aand what I'm saying is that, in fact, the installation disc does not boot when in legacy boot mode. It will only boot in uefi boot mode. And the question is whether this may indicate any challenge during the install.01:32
k1lJake: see unity-tweak-tool to set the size of that unity launcher01:32
tmep_AlexPortable: sorry, I was afk. that depends on rour AP01:33
Jakek11 making it smaller wouldn't get rid of it :p01:33
borisetoJake, how about autohide it? :)01:34
guest_92842aonce I make any change to the hard drive it will void the return policy and I'll be stuck with it even if something doesn't work under ubuntu. Now the machine was a gift and I won't run anything but linux (preferably ubuntu)01:34
tmep_anyone knows how to fix (or debug) a slow shutdown?01:35
AlexPortabletmep_: my ap is built in in my router01:35
link2xJake: your best bet is changing your desktop. i3 is good for a clean, keyboard-oriented setup. XFCE is good for a light-weight and somewhat Windows-like feel.01:36
tmep_AlexPortable: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Documentation/iw#Setting_TX_power01:36
Jakethanks link2x I'll look into that01:37
link2xit was really k1l's suggestion, I just elaborated01:37
link2xdaftykins, actually. sorry01:38
AlexPortabletmep_: well isnt there an easy way without the termjnal?01:39
tmep_AlexPortable: I don't know01:39
lyntoommmm build in router apps for all cheap router can't customize power01:39
Bashing-omguest_92842a: Well, IF you boot the liveDVD(USB) and all functions, a real good indication of what the actual install will be ..The coming thing is EFI, and has lots of advantages.01:39
lyntoo...the only solution for cheap router, is to flash dd-wrt if compatible01:40
tmep_he's not using a router01:40
AlexPortableI want to use my laptop01:41
tmep_and many devices will let you control the power levels01:41
AlexPortableGtg, bye01:41
lyntoooups ok sorry i miss that detail01:41
tmep_anyone knows how to fix (or debug) a slow shutdown?01:42
pingmonhi, how  can i encrypt my home  folder on linux mint?01:43
daftykins!mint | pingmon01:44
ubottupingmon: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:44
pingmoni did, no one is around there, maybe someone pm?01:44
ubuntuaddictedcan anyone tell me, is it possible to install a trusty ppa within utopic unicorn?01:44
OerHeksmint has its own issues01:44
Ben64ubuntuaddicted: no01:45
pingmonits either this or im about to throw out my harddrive01:45
ubuntuaddictedBen64, how come, can i ask? the ppa contains ffmpeg. it's the jon severenson ppa01:46
pingmonprivacy issues incoming very soon01:46
GunArmi'm trying to write a script to launch two commands in screen and then open the sesion but it's not working, what is wrong with this? http://pastebin.com/tshwTyuS01:46
Ben64pingmon: this channel is only for ubuntu, sorry01:46
undecimWhat settings in initrd does ubuntu use to boot encrypted drives?01:46
Ben64ubuntuaddicted: ffmpeg is in the ubuntu repositories. ppas are unsupported and mixing versions can cause big problems01:46
somsip!info ffmpeg01:47
ubottuPackage ffmpeg does not exist in utopic01:47
ubuntuaddictedBen64, WHAT? when did ffmpeg make it back into the repos? it's not in 14.0401:47
somsipBen64: deprecated fro avtools?01:47
Ben64errr... avconv01:47
somsipBen64: that's the one01:47
ubuntuaddictedBen64, yeah, what somsip says. lol01:47
Ben64ubuntuaddicted: yeah so use avconv01:47
ubuntuaddictedBen64, my app requires ffmpeg, not avconv01:47
Ben64they're functionally the same01:47
ubuntuaddictedBen64, my app is hard coded to use ffmpeg01:47
somsipubuntuaddicted: alias it01:47
Ben64sounds like a bad app then01:47
SchrodingersScat!info libav-tools01:48
ubottulibav-tools (source: libav): Multimedia player, encoder and transcoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 6:11-1 (utopic), package size 410 kB, installed size 2896 kB01:48
ubuntuaddictedLOL, seriously? an app is bad because it used ffmpeg vs avconv? they are not interchangable, there are some syntax differences01:48
SchrodingersScatand you can't change it?01:48
link2xi was just about to say01:48
ubuntuaddictedno i can't, i would have to modify more of the source code to get it to work with avconv vs ffmpeg01:49
Ben64avconv works exactly the same way01:49
ubuntuaddictedBen64, not true, there are subtle syntax differences.01:49
link2xcan anyone help with WineASIO? I have JACK configured properly as far as I can tell, but I cannot get Ableton Live or Reaper to work with ASIO01:49
Ben64anyway, if you need ffmpeg, compile it yourself or find a compatible ppa, but keep in mind both options are unsupported here01:49
OerHeksgo back to trusty then, as that ppa has 14.04 packages01:50
ubuntuaddictedim just asking what's so bad about using a trusty ppa in utopic if it's only for 1 package. im asking why it's unadvised01:50
link2xmost pressingly? it's not tested to work in utopic01:51
undecimWhat settings in initrd does Ubuntu use to boot encrypted drives? I can't even get my new install to ask me for a password.01:51
Zyrtecis pentium 1 133Mhz dual core and 128MB good enough for ubuntu?01:55
OerHekspentium 1 dual core, sure, for ubuntu server.01:58
lyntooi can't understand why .... open irc client, and room, and ask,  or just open www browser and web search  for basic question02:01
link2xi'm only here because google failed me02:02
lyntooeverybody may have good reason, i respect it02:03
link2xno i totally here you out, man02:03
gabe__butt muncher son of ########02:06
Zyrtecis pentium 1 133Mhz dual core and 128MB good enough for ubuntu?02:13
daftykinsZyrtec: don't be silly... the Pentium 1 wasn't dual-core!02:14
Bashing-omZyrtec: We say again, no. Unless you intend as a server.02:14
Zyrtecwhat i upgrade the ram to 16GB?02:16
Ben64ram isn't the problem, that cpu is ancient02:16
Zyrtecwhat if i overclock it to 9Ghz?02:17
Ben64troll somewhere else02:17
pingmonis there a channel for os x or filevault?02:17
daftykins!alis | pingmon02:17
ubottupingmon: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*02:17
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lyntoommm smell bad ;)02:18
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OerHeksZyrtec, you can test in live mode first02:19
jason1404 not found02:23
jason1Some index files failed to download. It looks like the admin isn't reachable.02:27
daftykinsjason1: rather than pasting things, it'd be better if you actually formed a question02:30
guest_92842aok, I need the full dd command to write random data to the first 15 GB of the disk. Can someone pleas supply that?02:31
jason1Why is the admin unreachable?02:31
Foxtrot88im studying telematics and i need to make an anagram program in bash or awk02:32
daftykinsguest_92842a: why don't you read the man page for dd and discover for yourself! :D02:32
SchrodingersScatjason1: what are you trying to do?02:32
Foxtrot88can anybody help me??02:32
SchrodingersScat!ask | Foxtrot8802:32
ubottuFoxtrot88: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:32
daftykinsFoxtrot88: no, you're off topic. the bash channel would be more relevant02:32
Foxtrot88Ok thanks02:32
guest_92842adaftykins, because I'm asking you (or whoever might show me the grace to save me the trouble).02:32
daftykinsjason1: no you need to explain what you're running and share some output via pastebin02:32
daftykinsguest_92842a: er, no you should learn for yourself. we all did.02:33
jason1no you need to?02:33
jason1Oui don gotto02:33
Foxtrot88there's no a bash channel02:34
SchrodingersScatFoxtrot88: sure there is, #bash02:34
daftykinssure there is02:34
jason1SchrodingersScat :)02:34
SchrodingersScatFoxtrot88: 953 in there now02:34
Foxtrot88ill search02:34
SchrodingersScatFoxtrot88: /join #bash02:34
jason1SchrodingersScat is it allowed to msg nicks?02:35
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.02:35
SchrodingersScat!details | jason1: so far, afaik, all we know is that you couldn't find something, and you are concerned about an index and an admin..?02:35
ubottujason1: so far, afaik, all we know is that you couldn't find something, and you are concerned about an index and an admin..?: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)02:35
jason1Does anybody have Doug's phone number?02:35
guest_92842adaftykins, This is fine, if it's what #ubuntu would like to force me into. I'll say just one last thing - a question really. If I, or anyone really, can't come and receive the kindness of help on this channel, why would I, or anyone else, feel compeled to return it to someone else in the future?02:36
daftykinslol, never seen someone so resistant to learning before.02:36
jason1The index of the packages for quantal.02:37
jason1404 not found02:37
jason1The ip belongs to Doug.02:37
jason1daftykins: resistant or invincible?02:38
Bashing-om!quantal | jason102:38
ubottujason1: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on May 16th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/quantal02:38
daftykins!quantal | jason102:38
daftykins!12.10 | jason102:39
ubottujason1: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on May 16th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/quantal02:39
daftykinsjason1: you're trying to update a dead release.02:39
OerHekslong time you touched that machine02:39
jason1It is not dead.02:39
daftykinsjason1: yes it is.02:40
OerHeks12.10 canot be patched for heartbleed ans ssl3 vulnerabilitys02:40
jason1Hours of work gone.02:40
daftykins!eolupgrade | jason102:41
ubottujason1: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:41
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Bashing-omjason1: "  Hours of work gone. " -> counts for experience points.02:42
AssociateXHow can I get Internet access via cli. Thanks much!02:42
jason1Is the cat still alive?02:42
AssociateXeth0 is the main connection which is ethernet.02:42
xendodoes anyone here use smuxi?02:44
Bashing-omAssociateX: Unmanaged then -> ifconfig eth0 up <- . change eth0 as required.02:44
AssociateXBashing-om, I did a ifconfig eth0 up and that did not get me connected. I don't get it.02:46
AssociateXI used to do, " ifconfig eth0 up & dhcpd" but that does not work anymore.02:47
ubuntuaddictedanyone in here use duplicity or deva-dup?02:47
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jason1It seems that way.02:48
ubuntuaddictedjason1, i have a ton of files and i'm not sure what i can delete and what i can't. lol02:48
jason1make backups02:48
ubuntuaddictedjason1, i want to get rid of some of the backups as i don't think i need them all but i don't know what i can delete because i'm not sure what's what. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225029602:49
Bashing-omAssociateX: Are you on a GUi usaing "network manager " [or WCID] to manage netwrrking ? Or with a text based install where there is no auto management of networking ?02:50
jason1have fun02:50
jason1I am recreateing memories.02:51
jason1The solution to the large math problem.02:51
jason1Think of it like vader attempting target lock on the X wing.02:52
jason1To be perfect you must first acknowledge perfection.02:53
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jason1I am greatfull of free software.02:56
Bashing-omAssociateX: Does this file exist ? -> cat /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf < -02:56
jason1feel free to msg this nick03:01
undecimHow do I prevent a script in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/ from being included in the initrd?03:10
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=== no is now known as sireebob
forevertheuniHi I kinda selected 5.1 in my hdmi output and now I have to audio. How can I remove my settings for audio (userbased)03:19
iMadperwill updating firmware for my ssd destroy my data?03:20
daftykinsiMadper: it depends on the specific update, read the readme that goes along with it from the manufacturer. they always say you should backup regardless03:21
iMadperdaftykins: okay. I will read it again and try to find it out. Thanks. :-)03:21
forevertheuninevermind fixed it with pavucontrol03:22
GeoHi, I have a gig switch and gig ethernet NIC, but its only connecting at 100mbit. How do I force it to full gig?03:27
daftykinsGeo: are you using cat5e or better? sometimes older cat5 cables won't allow full speed. also, how are you confirming the speed?03:29
Geoethtool for speed (and the amber light on the switch indicating 100mbit)03:29
Geoand I'm pretty sure its cat5e03:29
Geoyep, 5e03:30
jason1Why does not the android phones see the ubuntu wifi hotspot?03:31
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ubuntuaddictedi can't find where duplicity settings are being run from. i've checked my crontab, i've checked roots crontab, i checked the individual /etc/cron. folders. where else would i look?03:35
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Blue1am I the only one who can't get chrome to install under wine?03:36
Soultechwhy would you need to03:36
ubuntuaddictedwhat are all the areas within ubuntu that can run automated stuff?03:36
Soultechunder Wine that is03:36
Blue1Soultech: zoom.com03:37
Blue1Soultech: it is a linux unfriendly site03:37
Soultechhttp doesnt have to do much with what OS you are using03:38
Blue1Soultech: right -- zoom doesn't have a plugin for Linux03:38
SonikkuAmericaBlue1: Why do you want Chrome in Wine?03:39
SonikkuAmericaBlue1: Just grab the Debian package from http://chrome.google.com03:39
SoultechBlue1, not sure zoom.com come wont load for me03:39
Blue1SonikkuAmerica: I need to run an application/plugin the does NOT exist in the LInux realm03:39
Soultechalso what SonikkuAmerica said03:39
Soultechya our point was you dont need to wine it03:39
SonikkuAmericaWhat is zoom.com ?03:39
Soultechi cant even access zoom.com though03:39
Blue1SonikkuAmerica: http://picpaste.com/unsupported-NHTELsPK.png03:41
Soultechwhich would be funny because its a japanese company according ot japan and im in japan03:41
Blue1SonikkuAmerica: it is a video conference03:41
SonikkuAmericaThey make an Android version but they hate Linux... hmm03:42
SoultechBlue1, it loaded up fine for me but guessing cause im on chrome?03:42
Soultechzoom.com didnt work but zoom.us did03:42
Soultechanyways ya just grab the chrome build from http://chrome.google.com no need to wine03:43
Soultechloaded up just fine here03:43
jason1Why does not the android phones see the ubuntu wifi hotspot?03:43
Blue1Soultech: may bad - it is zoom.us -- I was trying to install chrome under windows since they have a plugin for that - but chrome under wine fails saying there is no internet connection -- ipconfig proves otherwise, and firefox under wine works fine.03:43
Soultechnp np but ya you can use chrome 'out of the box' so to say - no need for wine03:44
SonikkuAmericaBlue1: Did you try the Zoom client under Wine?03:44
Blue1Soultech: perhaps not explaining it well - zoom.us won't work under linux -- unsupported os.  ( http://picpaste.com/unsupported-NHTELsPK.png) which forced me to trying to install chrome since they have a chrome plugin for the windows version.  Chrome will NOT install under wine.03:45
moondogI'm pretty sure I use the same Chrome plugins for Chrome on Linux that I do for Chrome on Windows03:48
moondognot sure that websites know or care03:48
Blue1moondog:  will the install file is an .exe so doubtful03:49
moondogah, yeah03:49
pantatoI have two different folders on my ubuntu under two different users. When I try to connect to one folder on my WIndows 7 it works fine . But when I try to switch to the other user it prompts me for a new user and i type it in and it doesn't work. In order for me to other the other folder i have to log out of my windows 7 user then log back in. I went into the settings of my windows to make sure03:50
pantatoI wasn't remembering credentials and I'm not03:50
Blue1moondog I was wondering if there was a trick to installing chrome under wine -- I see that it apparently had issues with v 31 that was awhile ago - current version is 38.something03:50
moondogBlue1: sorry, I don't use wine03:51
jason1Is it possible to use the hotspot with an android phone?03:51
Blue1moondog thanks anyway for listening to my tale of woe03:51
Blue1jason1: you might have better luck asking that question in an android forum03:52
jason1What skills do you have?03:54
Blue1jason1:  http://www.pkill-9.com03:55
oniongirlHello everyone, I was hoping someone could help me out. I have a Mac os X external hard drive (HFS+ w/ journalism turned off) Ubuntu mounts it easily enough but it is read only. I tried changing permissions but it dosent work. Can anyone help me make this read/write?03:56
Blue1oniongirl: how did you mount it?03:57
oniongirlBlue1, ubuntu mounts it automatically03:57
somsiponiongirl: did you do the special thing you have to do for HFS drives?03:57
somsiponiongirl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/hfsplus03:57
oniongirlsomsip,  I don't think so. I disabled journalism on the drive.03:58
somsiponiongirl: I believe that's one step - read through the wiki page and see if it makes sense03:58
oniongirlsomsip,  ahh, yes I tried this before and it broke my entire install I had to re-install ubuntu04:00
somsiponiongirl: maybe some help on the Mac page then.04:00
somsip!mac | oniongirl04:00
ubottuoniongirl: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages04:00
somsiponiongirl: but I personally have no idea04:00
oniongirlIm not actually using a mac. It's just an external I used with an old mac I had.04:01
somsiponiongirl: yes, but it's a mac-formatted drive so maybe users who use macs and ubuntu may be able to help. Either way, that's all I can offer04:01
oniongirlsomsip,  thanks :)04:02
somsip!find remindor04:06
ubottuPackage/file remindor does not exist in utopic04:06
jason1What skills do you have?04:07
geniimad skillz04:07
undecimnumchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills... Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills04:10
AB49KI can make fart noises with my arm ._.04:11
=== Nach0z is now known as NachOz
=== NachOz is now known as Nach0z
sparqHey, any Bluetooth experts in here? I can't seem to get my adapter to enable.04:31
jason1bows need arrows04:33
sparqI seem to be able to get it to unblock with "rfkill unblock", but then hci0 disappears.04:34
jason1times arrow, which way is it pointing?04:35
jason1Working on ground troops for nuclear takeover in deutchland.04:39
somsip!ot | jason1 (stop with the chatter now please)04:40
ubottujason1 (stop with the chatter now please): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:40
lotuspsychjemorning to all04:45
lotuspsychjeim looking for a GUI to enable/disable etc/init system services04:46
ubuntuaddictedanyone use rsync for full system backup?04:47
lotuspsychjeubuntuaddicted: its best you shoot your question04:48
lotuspsychjeubuntuaddicted: maybe this can help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem04:49
ubuntuaddictedlotuspsychje,  is this rsync-include.txt file sufficient for backing up my system? i guess i can't tell if it's exluding my /proc/ and /sys/ folders? http://pastebin.com/3uDf7ky704:50
lotuspsychje!rsync | ubuntuaddicted04:51
ubottuubuntuaddicted: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync04:51
somsipubuntuaddicted: here's mine for rdiff-backup so you can compare http://paste.ubuntu.com/8798009/04:51
ubuntuaddictedsomsip, im using that file i linked with some other scripts so i don't think i can change the syntax04:54
ClockworkHey, can anyone guide me to a guide on installing java from the tarball?04:54
ClockworkThis is Oracle java I am attempting to install04:54
somsipubuntuaddicted: I understand. But your script is so complex you don't understand if it's working right. Mine is an example of a different way of doing it that might help you04:55
lotuspsychje!java | Clockwork04:55
ubottuClockwork: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.04:55
ClockworkI have the Java JRE downloaded as a .tar.gz file, I dont have an internet connection on the PC I am installing this on.04:56
ubuntuaddictedsomsip, and i appreciate it. here's the tutorial i'm trying to follow: http://www.pointsoftware.ch/howto-local-and-remote-snapshot-backup-using-rsync-with-hard-links/04:56
dayaHow can I only update the securtiy update only in Ubuntu 12.04 not regular update.04:56
imastupidguestCan /boot be in a logical volume with ubuntu 14.04?04:57
somsipubuntuaddicted: yeah. I just used rdiff-backup04:57
lotuspsychjedaya: why dont you want the full update?04:57
ClockworkCan anyone link me to a guide on installing the JRE from the tar.gz file? I cant seem to find any guides to install it using this method04:57
SchrodingersScatubuntuaddicted: looks like proc is commented out, as well as /sys/04:57
SchrodingersScatubuntuaddicted: wait, i mean reverse that04:58
SchrodingersScatnot commented out, so it should be excluded04:58
dayalotuspsychje: I just want security update due to my product need integrated in Ubuntu. Doing dist-upgrade will update all the pkgs.04:58
ubuntuaddictedSchrodingersScat, yeah, i'm having a tough time folllowing the syntax. some have + and some have - BUT are within the include by default section and some in the exlude by default section04:59
lotuspsychje!pinning | daya maybe here04:59
ubottudaya maybe here: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto04:59
ubuntuaddictedsomsip, i like how this script creates snapshots and rotates etc etc04:59
imastupidguestNearing the end of an ubuntu 14.04 install and I get the error "Executing 'grub-install /dev/sda' failed" I had placed /boot in a logical volume during the partitioning stage. I thought that was fine. Did I miss some selection where I should have told it to install grub somewhere other than /dev/sda or something?05:01
SchrodingersScatubuntuaddicted: man rsync, go down to Filter Rules05:02
dayalotuspsychje: for this I have to indivitaully select isn't it? Can I only mark the security setting in sources.list and do dist-upgrade does it work ?05:02
lotuspsychjedaya: not sure sorry, never tryed it myself05:03
dayalotuspsychje: ok thanks :)05:03
ubuntuaddictedSchrodingersScat, since / has a + symbol in the (include by default) section and /proc/* has a - symbol i can assume it's excluding the /proc/ folder? i tried man rsync but don't see filters mentioned05:04
lotuspsychjeimastupidguest: are you single boot ubuntu?05:04
anomolyhas anyone seen an issue where an OpenVZ VPS doesn't update auth.log?05:05
Bashing-omimastupidguest: I would think that having /boot in a logical partition is OK, still install grub to 'sda' as that is where bios hands off to, grub's 2nd stage can still be found in the logical /boot partition (?) .05:05
SpuhghettiHey guys, first time installer here. Is seeing a static rectangle of Us in the top left of my monitor normal?05:06
Spuhghettino instal or load bar05:06
Spuhghettiso idk whats up05:06
SchrodingersScatubuntuaddicted: you can probably find the manual online if you prefer, but in man you can also hit / then type FILTER RULES and then hit / and return a bunch til you get to it.  Basically yeah, that's how I read it, you can do an rsync --dry-run and see what it thinks it wants to do.05:06
Spuhghettihalp pls05:06
imastupidguestBashing-om: Not sure what to do differently then...   I'm outa ideas except to do a standard/default install and that's not what I was hoping for05:06
somsipubuntuaddicted: if you've got a use case that it fits, great. Looks like a challenge to me though05:06
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: wich ubuntu version?05:07
ubuntuaddictedSchrodingersScat, i found the filters towards the bottom of man rsync. thanks05:07
SpuhghettiUbuntu 14.04.1 LTS05:07
lotuspsychjeimastupidguest: is this an uefi machine?05:07
imastupidguestWhat does one do what something ought to work, but doesn't?05:07
Spuhghettii can snap pic one sec05:07
Bashing-omimastupidguest: I "think' only grub's 1st stage is installed to the MBR (sda), and within that 1st stage is code to direct to the /boot partiton that is logical .05:08
ubuntuaddictedSchrodingersScat, since im running a rsync-snapshot.sh script i am not sure how to pass it the --dry-run option05:08
imastupidguestBashing-om: Man, thanks so much for taking the time to respond. I'm in a situation where I have to wrap this up tonight so I've decided to do the default insall for now and worry about the complexity at another time.05:09
imastupidguestthanks you05:09
Spuhghettilooks rike that05:10
Spuhghettiguessing its corrupt05:10
Spuhghettistarts out ok with menu and everything05:10
anomolyhas anyone seen an issue where an OpenVZ VPS doesn't update auth.log?05:10
SpuhghettiI select instal05:10
Spuhghettiand then this05:10
Bashing-omimastupidguest: NP, but instaliing to 'sda' with a logical /boot "should" work . I see no different than if the /boot partition were primary, the concept is the same.05:11
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: that doesnt look normal lol05:11
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: what kind of graphics card you have?05:11
Spuhghettiit's an AMD A10 rig05:11
sparqHey, anyone know why hci0 would disappear when I try to unblock it with rfkill?05:12
Spuhghettiso the integrated05:12
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: maybe try lubuntu or xubuntu, just to test if you can bypass that05:12
Spuhghettiwhat are the difference?05:12
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: its just to test the difference05:13
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: they are more lightweight then ubuntu05:13
Spuhghettias long as it run chrome and dota 205:14
Spuhghettii dont care what V it is05:14
Spuhghettiwhich do you prefer05:14
Spuhghettity btw05:14
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | Spuhghetti you can try this also05:15
ubottuSpuhghetti you can try this also: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:15
imastupidguestBashing-om: I had wished things went smoothly. I had planned out a real nice setup for myself. I just don't have access to internet except through a freind who I can't always reach/get to use.05:15
imastupidguestuse his internet I mean  :o05:16
Spuhghettilemme figure out what you mean05:16
pavlosubuntuaddicted, re: rsync ... can you modify the rsync.conf and pass the dry run option in the RSYNC_OPTS= ? just a thought05:16
Bashing-omimastupidguest: Not having internet ( prefered wired) does complicate the situation.05:16
ClockworkCan anyone guide me on installing oracle JRE from source on Ubuntu 14.10? The computer is offline without an internet connection05:17
SpuhghettiStill looking into that parameter but as an update the corrupt screen happens in time regardless of what I do at main install menu05:18
Spuhghettireally odd05:18
lotuspsychjeClockwork: you can try adding cdrom/usb to software sources but not sure that will work on oracle java05:18
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: try the nomodeset option05:19
Spuhghettihow do05:19
Spuhghettireading this article05:19
Spuhghettibut I'm not super code savvy05:19
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: try F1 at boot setup05:20
ClockworkI have already downloaded the JRE onto the computer, I just cant figure out how to manually install java from the tar.gz I have05:21
Spuhghettiis my UEFI bios utility05:21
Spuhghettiwhatever that exactly means05:21
Spuhghettigot a screen tho05:21
Ben64Clockwork: you're on your own with manually installing software. ubuntu has a java version in the repository that works fine without doing anything special05:22
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: no, you need to enter ubuntu setup options where you can change to nomodeset05:22
Spuhghettiah ok05:22
Spuhghettiill try05:22
Spuhghettiit usually corrupts about 6s in tho05:22
ipmuralihello guys05:22
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: try F1 when the purple ubuntu setup screen loads05:22
Clockworkthere used to be guides on this, but I cant find any of them now05:23
Spuhghettiautomatic boot in 4 3 2 1 then rectabgle again05:23
ipmuraliwhen i will get support for loco05:23
pavlosClockwork, http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Oracle-Java-on-Ubuntu-Linux05:23
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: is this usb or cdrom you trying?05:24
pavlosClockwork, step 4 or 505:24
Spuhghettijust made it like 30 ago05:24
Spuhghettiseems to be in order05:24
ipmuraliuae loco is in active for long time how we can revive it05:24
Spuhghettithe program worked just fine05:24
Bashing-omipmurali: IRC support for a loco channel, #freenode .05:25
Spuhghetti4gb stick05:25
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: cant you enter f1?05:25
Spuhghettidont get a purple screen05:25
Spuhghettiits black05:25
Spuhghettihold on05:25
Spuhghettilemme snap this05:25
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: then try F1 at the black screen, before your corrupted screen05:26
Spuhghettionly says enter to boot or tab to edit menu entry05:27
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: how did you create your usb?05:27
sparqSpuhghetti: I might have missed this, but at what stage do you see the white box/05:27
Spuhghettihit tab?05:27
Spuhghettiright when it boots05:27
Spuhghettifrom ubuntu05:27
Spuhghettior I try to install05:27
lotuspsychjesparq: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzLYqug25VfjZjFveFM1WHpIMlk/view?usp=sharing05:27
sparqSpuhghetti: After boot (loading the OS), or after POST (power-on-self-test, i.e., the BIOS)?05:28
Spuhghettiafter post05:28
Spuhghettino functional OS currently05:28
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: did you disable secureboot?05:29
Spuhghettijust a corrupted MS8 rip from msdn05:29
Spuhghettiidk what that is05:29
Spuhghettiso doubt it05:29
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: what Os is default on your machine?05:29
sparqSpuhghetti: Right -- the installer is itself Ubuntu, so I was trying figure out just went it goes kaput05:29
Spuhghettithis is screen05:29
Spuhghettisorry for shit quality05:29
Spuhghettihad microsoft 8.105:30
Spuhghettibut it corrupted itself somehow05:30
Spuhghettido I need to clear my ssd?05:30
Spuhghettiif i can from bios05:30
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: go into bios and disable secureboot, switch to legacy instead of uefi05:30
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: you want ubuntu on single hd right?05:31
sparqSpuhghetti: Probably not needed. The installer will format the disk once you get into it.05:31
Spuhghettithats what I though05:31
Spuhghettidisabling secureboot05:31
ubuntuaddictedSchrodingersScat, don't i want to exlude /dev/?05:31
Spuhghettithanks again guys05:31
sparqdoes Ubuntu still support a text-based installer?05:32
Ben64the server install, or mini is text based05:32
lotuspsychjesparq: i think alternative images still available05:32
Ben64alternative is no longer available :)05:32
lotuspsychjeBen64: oh tnx05:32
sparqthat might be helpful in this case05:32
SpuhghettiI found secure boot05:33
Spuhghettimy options are Windows UEFI05:33
SchrodingersScatubuntuaddicted: I'm going to say that I would, but I also really only backup my /home/ and some things I have mounted in /media/, so maybe I'm not the target audience.05:33
Spuhghettior Other OS05:33
lotuspsychjeBen64: but mini hasnt internet support?05:33
Spuhghettiother OS im guessing?05:33
Spuhghettior "Key management"05:33
sparqSpuhghetti: yup :-)05:33
jason1Its always had text based on the alt05:33
Ben64lotuspsychje: its just a mini iso, it can still install full ubuntu05:33
lotuspsychjeBen64: ok05:34
Spuhghettisame rectangle05:34
sparqdo you know what graphics chip is in there?05:35
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: you sure your screen still works right05:35
SpuhghettiIts an AMD A10 rig05:35
ClockworkFor anyone who may find it useful, how to manually install java jre http://askubuntu.com/questions/325232/should-i-download-javas-tar-gz-or-rpm-to-do-offline-java-installation05:35
Spuhghettiso decent 1gb integrated05:35
Spuhghettijust a dota 2 box05:35
Spuhghettiuse it for my PS4 daily05:35
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: or press button auto resize screen on monitor?05:36
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: we just wanna try all options, doenst make sense white screen for ubuntu setup05:38
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: how did you make the usb?05:38
Spuhghettiwas going thru special boot parameters and it froze05:39
Spuhghettiworked like a charm05:39
Spuhghettior at least i though05:39
jason1The usb worked like a charm?05:40
Spuhghettiturning it into a bootable05:40
Spuhghettiwas pretty tard proof05:40
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: it never booted, how did it work like a charm?05:40
Spuhghettibut I was proud05:40
jason1So charms really work?05:40
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: you have another pc to test your usb stick?05:41
Spuhghettithis one05:41
SpuhghettiI dont want ubuntu here though05:41
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: its just to test if your setup usb works..05:42
sparqHeh. It would be funny if you logged out, and then logged back in with irssi as your client.05:42
ClockworkDoes anyone know how to make ubuntu recognized executable files?05:42
Spuhghettiok how do I test05:43
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: set your other pc to boot usb first, and try05:43
dale_14.0.4 LTS, desktop switcher freezes on changing desktop or moving a window across desktops, mostly when I have Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird open, I am left to use the launcher on open items and it is just a little slow then, got all the upgrades, is there a "clean up" application? ran clamTk recursive05:43
Spuhghettiwont that give me ubuntu on this pc?05:43
sparqSpuhghetti: You don't have to install it.05:44
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: you can safely stop the setup without harm05:44
Spuhghettifamous last words05:44
Spuhghettiok sec05:44
sparqSpuhghetti: the installer image has a "test drive" option that lets you play around with ubuntu without installing anything05:44
Spuhghettiyeah saw that05:44
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: at least we sure your usb stick works after05:44
sparqSpuhghetti: you could try that on your other computer to see if the installer image is broken05:45
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: reboot and run back into chat :p05:45
Spuhghettiif i dont make it05:45
sparqSpuhghetti: better yet, log into chat from Ubuntu test drive :-)05:45
Spuhghettiluv u guys05:45
Spuhghettii hope05:46
lotuspsychjeanother soul saved from winblows05:46
* sparq raises a glass to Spuhgetti05:46
sparqwhile we're wating for him/her, does anyone know anything about rfkill?05:47
lotuspsychjesparq: you have a wifi hardware switch?05:47
sparqlotuspsychje: no hardware switch05:47
sparqat least, not like my ThinkPad did05:48
lotuspsychjesparq: how about a weird 'last state' wifi option in bios?05:48
sparqI don't *think* so05:48
lotuspsychjesparq: i had same problems with rfkill on a medion once, could not enable wifi at all05:48
lotuspsychjesparq: only windows booted that wifi normaly05:49
sparqSo, the weird thing is that I can unblock the bluetooth interface with rfkill, but then hci0 disappears05:49
SpuhghettiForgot I Have chromebook lol05:49
=== __Trullo is now known as _Trullo
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: omg...05:49
* sparq facepalm05:49
Spuhghettitrying to boot on laptop05:49
Spuhghettiother laptop05:49
Spuhghettithe win7 one05:50
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: well at least the pc you want ubuntu on isnt chrombook lol05:50
Spuhghettiim not that retarded05:50
Spuhghettibut close05:50
lotuspsychjesparq: bluetooth drivers show up in additional drivers?05:51
Spuhghettiworks on win7 lappy05:52
Spuhghettifucking shit desktop05:52
Spuhghettiso hmm05:53
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: keep language polite mate05:53
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: ok so doublecheck if secureboot is disabled/ bios to legacy(not uefi)05:53
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: AHCI instead of IDE05:53
Spuhghettiaight sec05:54
lotuspsychjesparq: bluetooth is enabled in startup items?05:54
Spuhghettiwhere do I find AHCI and IDE?05:56
lotuspsychjesparq: sudo rfkill unblock all05:56
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: normally if you have ssd, it should already be AHCI05:56
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: somewhere at sata options05:57
SpuhghettiOnChip SATA type AHCI05:57
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: ok now save your bios work05:58
lotuspsychjeand reboot to setup05:58
SpuhghettiI havent changed anything05:58
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: you sure its set to legacy bios right05:58
lotuspsychjenot uefi05:58
Spuhghettiset to "other OS"05:58
Spuhghettididnt see a legacy option05:59
lotuspsychjeok try to setup ubuntu05:59
lotuspsychjeand F1 toggle after post boot05:59
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: no luck?06:03
Spuhghettigot a new instal screen06:03
SpuhghettiGNU GRUB06:03
Spuhghettilooks scary06:03
Spuhghettibut now my kb wont register06:03
Spuhghettiso cant choose anything06:03
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: you see F keys to choose?06:04
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: like 'modes'06:04
Spuhghettisame commands as before06:04
Spuhghettijust uglier screen06:04
Spuhghettiand no kb06:04
Spuhghettikeyboard is disabled06:05
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: white screen gone?06:05
Spuhghetticant select anything so idk06:05
Spuhghettikb worked06:06
Spuhghettiall black screen06:06
Spuhghettimight be doing something06:06
Spuhghettiill give it few mins06:06
Spuhghettilooks like no dice06:07
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: well i suggest you try lubuntu or xubuntu, same way you made your usb stick06:08
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: just to test out what it does06:08
Spuhghettiill give that a shot tomorrow prob06:08
Spuhghettithnanks for your time man06:08
Spuhghettiappreciate it06:08
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: kk good luck06:08
lotuspsychjeSpuhghetti: dont give up right06:08
Spuhghettifriend can probably help me this weekend if i dont have it figured out by then06:09
Spuhghettiyep cheers take care! later06:09
kamxhelp plz, any chanel name concerning with java and android development06:10
SomeHumanistkamx #android-dev06:11
kamxthanks someHumanist06:11
SomeHumanistno problemo06:11
aruntomarhi, i've a problem with kvm on trusty. i've certain vm's on a trusty host with kvm installed and network configured as NAT. now i would like to do port forwarding to access certain vm's which are behind nat. but kvm overrides the iptables FORARD rules, even the custom rules that i've added.06:20
jason1major victory06:21
aruntomarhas anyone faced a similar issue and was able to resolve it?06:21
jason1if there is a major there is a minor06:21
quinnyHow do you fix  dpkg errors?06:28
Ben64quinny: depends on what it is, pastebin the error(s)06:29
quinnyich wulen06:30
snoopsometimes after i turn the computer on from stanby mode, it does not connect to the internet anymore06:35
snoophow do i fix this?06:35
SomeHumanistsnoop are you using ndiswrapper or anything like that?06:36
snoopnot sure dont know what that is06:36
SomeHumanistsnoop so wireless worked out of the box?06:37
snoopwireless is working06:37
snoopon my other devices06:37
snoopbut the computer is on wired ethernet and it is not connecting06:38
SomeHumanistsnoop if you unplug the ethernet and plug back in does it work06:38
SomeHumanistsnoop but it was working before you restarted? :/06:40
snoopok now its not connecting even after the restart06:44
SomeHumanisti have no clue06:44
SomeHumanistwait around a bit, someone will know more about that stuff06:44
iiioiioiiaiioplease give the Registration Code06:53
SomeHumanistubuntu has no registration code06:54
SomeHumanistiiioiioiiaiio is this the right chatroom?06:55
somsip!mint | iiioiioiiaiio (mint is not supported here)06:55
ubottuiiioiioiiaiio (mint is not supported here): Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org06:55
iiioiioiiaiiook )06:56
jasabellahi :)07:06
jasabelladd supports dumping of ntfs partitions to iso files which can subsequently be mounted right?07:06
JQhey,Gparted has a rescue data option.Can it be used to recover data??07:15
JQanyone there07:15
JQ reetammitra:hey,Gparted has a rescue data option.Can it be used to recover data??07:16
SurendilJQ: never tried before actually, you can always read documentation07:17
reetammitraI am not sure of recovering lost data07:18
JQSurendil: Ok.Its taking too much time ..as i am running it presently07:18
JQshould terminate it, i think07:18
SurendilJQ: i know it can recover partitions, i don't know about data.07:18
Surendiland if it can recover data, i would take time07:19
JQSurendil:dont these partitions hav data07:19
JQhave anyone did partitioning with Gparted07:20
JQtermina says root access.07:20
JQterminal..says root access07:20
Surendilyeap, you need root to access all partitions07:20
reetammitraagree with Surendil, it does recover lost partitions07:21
reetammitranot sure about lost data07:21
reetammitrathe default account is "user", with password "live". There is no root  password, so if you need root privileges, login as "user", then run  "sudo" to get root privileges.07:22
JQSurendil:I currently want to partition my HDD.Does it requires LIve version of unix like OS(using gparted from console)07:22
Surendilsudo -i07:23
reetammitrayou can refer to this link http://gparted.org/gparted-live-boot-param.php07:24
JQreetammitra: can gparted application in bundle provided can be used safely to parttion..?07:25
JQi mean to say not live version..07:25
SurendilJQ: gparted never failed me before07:26
reetammitraI have never used with the application provided in bundle07:26
reetammitraBut I guess it should work07:26
JQSurendil,reetammitra: u have used gparted from live boot??07:27
SurendilJQ: i did07:27
farvaGood evening07:27
JQSurendil:i think in live boot u have to unmount your HDD..in mine case sda07:28
farvaI am trying to setup some ddos protection using ip tables and when I try to run my first command it tells me 'Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.' how do I upgrad ethis?07:28
JQfarva:Its good morining in INDIA07:29
farvaGood morning India xD07:29
Surendilalmost morning in Argentina too =p07:29
farvaThat southern hemisphere =]07:29
JQSurendil:after 7 hrs..07:31
SurendilJQ: live boot should detect all partitions and hdd from the startupp07:31
Surendilwith gparted07:31
c-mosmorning kenya07:31
SurendilJQ: sorry, just finished downloading new TWD ep07:32
SurendilJQ: the walking dead07:32
JQSurendil:Is the series good07:32
SurendilJQ: did gparted worked? and yes, it is GOOD07:34
JQSurendil:I was executing rescue option but was taking too much time and sys was hanging...07:35
JQSurendil: now going to use gparted in live boot after reading documentation..thanx for review07:36
SurendilJQ: it will take around 4hs at least to recover07:36
Surendilalso depends on hdd volume07:37
JQSurendil:Well tommorow i was on this channel but they say no to data recovery..and HDD is 1TB..so much more time07:37
SurendilJQ: like i said, gparted does not recover data..07:38
SurendilJQ: i recommend you to check HirenBoot07:39
Surendilit's a live cd with lot of soft to do almost anything you need07:39
JQSurendil:Hmm...I saw a film "secret in their eyes"was nice.Argentinian movie.07:39
JQSurendil:i will check07:40
=== tvoss|food is now known as tvoss
farvaso I am trying to run this command: 'sudo iptables-save >/etc/iptables.up.rules' and it is telling me 'permission denied' How can I fix this?07:44
Surendilfarva: > /etc/ipta....07:45
farvaoh thank you!07:46
Surendilspace between07:46
jasabelladoes dd support dumping ntfs partitions to ISO files?07:46
farvahmmm, didn't work07:46
Surendilfarva: sudo -i07:47
farvak =]07:47
farvastill nothing07:48
farvasudo -i iptables-save >/etc/iptables.up.rules07:48
Surendilsudo -i first07:48
Surendilask for passwd07:48
farvaI spaced the > in the console07:48
Surendilthen command07:48
farvathank you, that worked out!07:49
farvaso a question, I am trying to setup some minor ddos protection07:50
farvaand when the rule I entered was: 'iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -i eth0 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set' and then 'iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -i eth0 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 10 -j DROP' will this07:51
farvablock all connections to all ports mass connecting? or just port 80?07:51
Surendilfarva: -I, --insert chain [rulenum] rule-specification = Insert one or more rules in the selected chain as the given rule number.  So, if the rule number is 1, the rule or rules are inserted at the head of the chain.  This is also the default if no rule number  is specified.07:55
Surendilbut yes, you are blocking only port 8007:56
Surendilunless there's other rules before, that says otherwise07:56
farvaI am trying to understand how iptables work Surendil  but I am like a month into linux atm and what you are explaining to me is pretty foreign. I read over the ubuntu documentation...but thats like reading instructions on how to build a nuclear reactor written in ancient hebrew07:59
farvawhat I am trying to accomplish is this: http://rockdio.org/ayudatech/how-to-stop-small-ddos-attacks-some-basic-security-advice/08:00
=== che is now known as Guest66084
Surendilfarva: hahahaha, well...when i first started on linux 13years ago i was in the same spot, someone very smart just told me, use man08:03
Surendilfarva: man iptables08:03
wutanghey im trying to install ubuntu, i first tried to install, steam os. kinda worked and installed, tried to install ubuntu studio, no luck until nomodeset. the installer loaded but after two hours still not installed and decided it wouldnt go. tried ubuntu standard it stopped installing a min in08:04
farvayea, I use man all the time, but I have had no tutoring, so the commands mean little to nothing to me, I don't understand any of the terminology and how it is useful to me 90% of the time08:04
wutangany ideas from anyone?08:04
DoverMowutang: check to see if you have weird bios options. e.g. optimus, vt-d, uefi08:04
wutangwhere exactly would i see that08:05
DoverMowutang: in your bios08:05
Surendilfarva: you have us too08:05
farvaso like right now I am just trying to setup a few simple rules to keep weak ddos attacks from happening08:05
farvaSurendil:  you guys are my saving grace, let me tell you08:05
farvaI would have given up by now if it were not for this channel08:05
Surendilfarva: do you have any apache2 server or mysql?08:06
farvaI have not setup a mysql, but I know I need to08:06
farvaand I don't think I have anything apache208:06
Surendilfarva: there are some gtk tools for iptables that would make you life easier08:06
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
DoverMowutang: do you have low ram?08:07
DoverMowutang: 1gb or less?08:07
Surendilnonetheless, using iptable from terminal, is the right way08:07
DoverMowutang: alright. well i'd suspect a bios problem them, or for some reason the disc didn't burn correctly. i've had that happen in the olden times08:08
farvaSurendil: does that work for a server machine?08:08
farvareading up on it, it seems like it is for desktops08:08
DoverMowutang: oh wait08:08
wutangive done several burns on usb and it doesnt have a optical drive08:08
=== Anakat_ is now known as Anakat
DoverMowutang: you also said you had to use nomodeset08:08
wutangthats correct08:08
DoverMowutang: do you know if you have optimus? is it a laptop?08:09
Surendilfarva: if you install desktop enviroment on server only.08:09
=== epzil0n is now known as Guest76702
wutanghttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227573 got this off woot08:10
farvayea, the server machine is remote and that sounds like it would be complicated lol08:10
wutangshouldnt have laptop gpu or anything if i recall08:10
farvacan you tell me if the rule I ran will block weak ddos attacks? I was following this tutorial here: http://rockdio.org/ayudatech/how-to-stop-small-ddos-attacks-some-basic-security-advice/08:10
farvaand I only did step one so far08:11
DoverMowutang: ugh. it has intel iris pro graphics. no idea if those are supported in i91508:11
Surendilwutang: on bios, is AHCI enabled?08:11
wutangyeah it is08:11
wutangother option is ide if that would help08:12
Surendilwutang: nope, ahci is the right one08:12
farvaSurendil: what I am curious about is, did that rule only block mass connections to port 80, or did it cover the whole network? And should I specify a rule for my SFTP port?08:13
DoverMoahci, vt-d disabled if it applies08:13
wutangnot seeing vt-d08:14
Surendilfarva: the rule only applies for -p tcp port 80, you should add rules for every port you need08:14
farvathank you <308:15
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=== tvoss|test is now known as tvoss
Surendilfarva: and as a tip, first you need to do, block ICMP reply08:15
DoverMowutang: okay, do you see any display options?08:15
farvacan you link me to info on how to do that?08:15
somsip!info fail2ban | farva (this might be useful for you)08:16
ubottufarva (this might be useful for you): fail2ban (source: fail2ban): ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.13-1 (utopic), package size 131 kB, installed size 654 kB08:16
farvaoh yes, we have fail2ban installed08:16
Surendilfarva: i mean, block ping reply08:16
wutangdont see any display options08:17
farvahmmm, I think I put fail2ban on the first server, and did not, for some reason08:17
=== ubuntu is now known as grubissue
grubissuehello and welcome to the ubuntu channel mates08:22
=== che_ is now known as Guest94676
grubissuewhat's happening when i try to restore my uefi grub? ubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt/system/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu$ sudo grub-mkconfig -o /mnt/system/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg08:23
grubissue/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `/cow'.08:23
k0nichiwaive got a cloud instance that i have to recreate when i use it, i can copy the root partition probably to a volume08:31
k0nichiwawhich i cna keep around .. would copying it back from that work ?08:31
k0nichiwai guess the only problem are dameons and such that need to be started08:31
Surendilk0nichiwa: see rsync08:32
k0nichiwaeach time i reate this instance it gives me a default install of ubunto 14.x08:33
k0nichiwarsync wouldnt help but  i can copy the root partition to a volume that is persisent08:33
k0nichiwai cant boot off that volum unfortunately08:33
wutangso is ubuntu and Intel Iris Pro Graphics 5200, just not compatibly....?08:34
=== er is now known as Guest55384
TvL2386If I want to install ubuntu-14.04 from usb stick, do I use the disk burner to burn to mmcblk0 or do I need to use the "startup disk creator"?08:35
TvL2386to create the installation medium08:36
geirhathe latter08:36
TvL2386thx geirha!08:36
TvL2386going to upgrade my server from W2012R2 to ubuntu-14.04 :-P08:36
TvL2386my friend calls it downgrade though :S08:37
TvL2386he's not a good friend08:37
TvL2386anymore :)08:37
k0nichiwawindows 2012 server , that must be expensive08:38
=== Malsasa- is now known as Malsasa
k0nichiwaif i copy all of root to and from a separate volume is that going ot create a problem with various apps in use being clobbered ?08:40
k0nichiwai guess there will be some resources that are in use so can't be copied that way08:40
ultrixxhi do you think ubuntu will inklude libressl in the future?08:41
geirhak0nichiwa: main problem is if you hit a file that is being written to; you risk getting an incomplete file, so definitely best to do such a copy offline08:42
|Frodo|hello! wich SIP-client for video calls integrates good into KDE (kubuntu)?08:43
hateball|Frodo|: A googling suggests http://sflphone.org/08:45
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
TvL2386k0nichiwa, my experience with creating backups of life systems (which is kind of what you're doing) is that it doesn't matter much. Of course: if you're running an active mysql server or any other applications that really must be stopped or backed up some other way, you will have to take that into account08:47
k0nichiwai think im going to use the dpkg -get-selections , set-selections method08:48
Bitwise_Hello. Is there a way to COMPLETELY remove a program I installed using apt-get install? I tried apt-get purge and apt-get remove on the package and deleted some of the folders manually, however I can't now reinstall it using apt-get install.08:48
TvL2386k0nichiwa, of course geirha is right, best way to create a trustful backup is by doing it offline08:48
k0nichiwaonly disadvnatage is i incur the bandwidth of reinstalling eacdh time08:48
k0nichiwabut i think amazon is cheap for that08:48
TvL2386Bitwise_, apt-get purge PACKAGE is the correct way to completely get rid of the package08:49
TvL2386Bitwise_, what does it say when you try to install the package again?08:49
geirhak0nichiwa: For the future you could set up apt-cacher-ng to avoid having to download all packages again08:49
Bitwise_TvL2386, http://pastebin.com/B4QPxSyv08:50
rickardo1How to append this to .profile? | echo "eval `ssh-agent -s`" >> /home/vagrant/.profile | When I run this I get https://gist.github.com/anonymous/04ab7c11c4a2ef1198eb08:50
k0nichiwageirha, this is a cloud instance that i have to delete and then recreate .. oh ur saying i could put those packages on my persistent volume08:51
TvL2386Bitwise_, that is definitely the correct way, but it seems to me something is wrong with the tomcat7 package, because it is throwing all kinds of warnings/errors08:52
k0nichiwado u have a hint or search term to suggest on how i could do that ?08:52
=== stephane is now known as Guest47275
geirhak0nichiwa: Just copying /var/cache/apt/archives might suffice too08:53
Bitwise_TvL2386, Do you have any suggestions as to what I can do?08:53
WizardSeems that application menus doesn't want go to top bar anymore in my 12.04.08:53
WizardAny hints what to check besides system look settings (they are ok).08:53
geirhak0nichiwa: Depending on how long it is since you ran apt-get clean08:53
|Frodo|hateball: as far as I can find information, sflphone only supports voice, not video calls.08:53
Bitwise_TvL2386, I would reinstall the server completely and start from scratch however it was enough pain to get it this far.08:53
TvL2386Bitwise_, not really, I've never debugged package installation/removal. I am also not experienced with how it exactly works. Someone else might be able to help you. I would create a bug report for the tomcat7 package because it seems like a bug08:55
|Frodo|is Kphone still a choice to use?08:55
Bitwise_Alright, thanks, TvL2386.08:55
TvL2386good luck Bitwise_08:55
Bitwise_Thanks, it looks like I'll be needing it lol08:56
illeTvL2386: it may can be a feature and not a bug ;)08:56
geirharickardo1: use ' quotes instead of " quotes08:57
DJonesFartbot: Your keyboard works, no need to keep testing it09:01
FartbotDjones: its a farting good keyboard !09:02
rickardo1geirha: ty09:03
chaospsykeHi, has there been any reported issues on the ZA repos? The ZA repos give 404 errors but the DE repos work fine.09:03
chaospsykee.g http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages09:03
TvL2386ille lol :)09:04
illechaospsyke: even US repo get a error. may it be a update09:07
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illechaospsyke: the correct url is http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz09:08
chaospsykeThat's strange. I have resorted to using the German repos instead on our servers at the moment.09:09
nvidi-perdidihello, good moorning. i just installed 14.04 and have severe problems after installing the Nvidia prop. driver. What comes up after booting is a graphics failure dialogue, i can only select 'run with low display options one time" (or so), i can not see my mouse, tab wont let me select other options. nothing happens if I do. is there a way to fix the problem from a root shell or so? how do i revert to nouveau (i think this will 09:09
chaospsykeeg. http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages09:10
illechaospsyke: much mirrors is behind the master https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors09:11
nvidi-perdidipurge is not installled and apt-get remove nvidia* gives me read only /dpkg/lock and unable to write /var/cache/apt. i really dont want to reinstall it again...09:12
chaospsykeThanks ille :) I will check to make sure the repo is updated.09:13
illenvidi-perdidi: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install autoclean09:13
nvidi-perdidiille: im not sure autoremove will remove Nvida but i will try now09:14
=== andrea is now known as Guest71967
nvidi-perdidiille "E: unable to write to /var/cache/apt...." alas! i am in root shell, which makes me sudo09:17
illenvidi-perdidi: google says sudo mount -o remount,rw / but i dont know if it works and if it be other problem09:18
nvidi-perdidiille , thx, it says mount: can't find rw in fstab or mtab09:20
illedo u have / in your fstab? s09:20
illeso it not be corrupt09:20
nvidi-perdidiille oops missed / in command09:21
nvidi-perdidiille now i could also tyr purge invida instead of the autoclean thing? what is better, i am conteplating09:21
lagWhich is the correct channel to ask about Ubuntu membership?09:22
illenvidi-perdidi: purge is allways better so the conffiles will be gone.09:23
illelag: may u find it on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList09:23
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nvidi-perdidiille thx!09:24
illenvidi-perdidi: it works now?09:24
nvidi-perdidiille has run, will reboot now09:25
illehope it works09:25
lagille: You may as well have said "here, look though this long list that you've probably already looked through and don't find it again"09:26
lagille: ;)09:26
lagille: If you can tell me which one is the correct one, I'd be much obliged09:26
wutanggoing to post again09:26
wutangTrying to install ubuntu, i first tried to install, steam os. kinda worked and installed, tried to install ubuntu studio, no luck until nomodeset. the installer loaded but after two hours still not installed and decided it wouldnt go. tried ubuntu standard it stopped installing a min in. any ideas on fixes?09:26
illelag: i dont know what u mean with member, u mean to support?09:26
lagille: I mean my Ubuntu Membership has just run out (I was given 1 day to update it, and that day was Saturday) and I need to speak to someone who can re-new it09:27
illewadie: after you reinstalled. do u reformat your harddrive?09:28
illewutang *09:28
lagille: I remember being grilled by some people from the council, but I can't remember what channel that was on09:28
illelag: okey. sorry i dont know09:28
wutangno i did not09:28
lagille: Okay, thanks09:29
lagAnyone else have an idea?09:29
wutangno os currently installed fully, can i still format?09:29
illewutang: you do the reformat when u install it09:29
illewutang: i think it says "use the whole harddrive"09:30
wutangit doesnt load the install fully when i get there09:30
wadieille it's recommended,yes.09:31
mikaelHey! I have problems with freeze at startup. I have automaticly login, so no login screen appears. I have tried the reinstall desktop and unity thing, and aslo purge the nvidia thing, but still the same. If I start in advanced mode and recovery, and go straight to normal startup, things works fine again. What can I do?09:31
wutanglike i get the grub. try ubuntu, install ubuntu. oem and etc09:31
nvidi-perdidiille: no, it wont work like that its giving me the same dialogue thingie :(09:31
wutangbut then after trying the install without nomodeset it doesnt load installing at all. then with nomodeset it literally only installs for 20secs09:32
illenvidi-perdidi: hms.. how is about to use a beta update or may a bit older nvidiadriver09:33
illenvidi-perdidi: if u check what mikael have write u see he even have problem with nvidia09:34
nvidi-perdidiille: it was the one that was "tested", 172 i think, not the -updates version. mikael, lets found a club for nvidia support haters :P09:35
mikaelAs I understand, nvidia and linux is a bad combo09:35
mikaelI'm in :-D09:35
illeoften nvidia and linux works. if u use ATI u allways got problem. back in the days. no i dont know how it works09:36
mikaelHow do I check my hardware?09:36
nvidi-perdidimikael ille, nvidia worked fine maybe its because i instablled ccsm (i didnt do anything in it)09:36
Guest71967 /load .xchat2/budus.so09:37
Guest71967 /load .xchat2/09:37
illemikael: sudo lshw -short09:37
mikaelnvidi-perdidi I'm new to linux and ubuntu, so I don't now what ccsm is09:37
illeGuest71967: it looks it wont work what u try to do. write that in "status"09:38
mikaelille what does that do?09:38
illemikael: it will show your hardware09:39
nvidi-perdidimikael, compiz editor,, gives u graphical stuff like wobbly windows09:39
cyb3r_anyone on back box?09:39
illemikael: may hwinfo --short works better bc u will see a better view. u got many commands in http://www.binarytides.com/linux-commands-hardware-info/09:40
Guest71967 /load .xchat2/andrea09:40
illeGuest71967: ?09:40
illecyb3r_: blackbox was a long time ago. i remeber fluxbox on slackware. good times09:40
cyb3r_anyone know why I dont have auditing when I add aplications menu?09:40
Guest71967 /load scrivania/xchat2/andrea09:40
cyb3r_back box not black box09:40
illeoh i read wrong09:41
mikaelOk! I have tried to change to the nvidia driver... I'll restart and see if that helps!09:41
cyb3r_BackBox or Kali Linux?09:41
nvidi-perdidiille are you using the standard Unity login?09:41
illei dont use a GUI at all09:42
nvidi-perdidioops * mikael are you using the standard Unity login?09:42
cyb3r_anyone hacker here ? but I mean real "hacker"09:42
illecyb3r_: kali use a much programs. and yes i use kali sometimes09:42
cyb3r_Backbox maybe better than kali?09:43
illecyb3r_: same shit diffrent name. u can allways use pentoo09:43
cyb3r_I find backbox faster :D do you agree?09:43
mikaelSeems like it worked with changing the driver to Nvidia binary driver :-D09:44
mss_cyclistI find arch linux faster :D do you agree?09:44
illei find a clean debian minimal instalation with only the tools i need faster09:44
mikaelNow I am one happy man!09:44
cyb3r_I agree that backbox is good rival to kali :D09:44
Guest71967 /load .xchat2/budus.so09:44
illeit looks it wont work any well for Guest7196709:45
mss_cyclistWhat is Guest71967 trying to do?09:45
cyb3r_www.facebook.com/Cyb3RShzz0R check me out :D09:45
mikaelWell...back to school :-) have a nice day! '09:46
nvidi-perdidiille trying the autoremove thing now, without installing autoclean, what is that anyway?09:49
cryptodan_androinvidi-perdidi: do an man apt-get09:49
mss_cyclistapt-get autoremove09:50
nvidi-perdidiille getting Unable to autolaunch a dbus daemon withou $DISPLAY for X1109:51
cryptodan_androinvidi-perdidi: what did you do prior to this?09:52
nvidi-perdidipurging nvida driver cryptodan_androi09:53
cryptodan_androinvidi-perdidi: why did you do that?09:53
nvidi-perdidicryptodan_androi: i was unable to boot and select options in the failed graphics startup dialogue+09:54
illenvidi-perdidi: if my computer start to bug to many. i allways reinstall it. but may it not a option for u?09:54
cryptodan_androinvidi-perdidi: press ctrl+alt+f1 and login and then sudo apt-get install nvidia-331-updates09:55
nvidi-perdidiille yes it is an option, but i did so many things already, i dont want to lose those09:55
rouge_killer97Hello I decided to boot up my ubuntu partition today to update and play around a bit. I haven't used it in a few months I also haven't changed any of my hardware but When I try to connect to my local network it detects it asks for the password starts loading and then says disconnected. I did force a reset of the account password through the recovery optio nearlier that's about all that has changed09:55
joe_1189hi, does anyone know of a way to connect wget through a corporate proxy?09:56
joe_1189I've tried setting the variables http_proxy and https_proxy, without success.09:56
illejoe_1189: u can use tor09:56
cryptodan_androijoe_1189: you will need to set that up via network manager09:56
joe_1189ille: Sorry, tor network blocked here.09:56
joe_1189cryptodan_androi: Yes, I know that. But that only works in the browser (Actually I'm typing from that machine)09:57
illejoe_1189: what u try tro wget? from a site who is blocket+09:57
cryptodan_androijoe_1189: via network manager it sets it computer wide09:57
joe_1189ille: No. I'm just trying to configure my machine so that it gets updates properly.09:58
trijntjeI'm trying to move an ubuntu install from one netbook to another, but I boot fails with "Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/blabla does not exist". How can I fix this?09:58
joe_1189Can't get apt to work too.09:58
atxqhey guys, after upgrading to Ubuntu 14.10 system freezes onload. Might be an issue with flashplugin. anyone know how to fix?09:58
ghostknifeIs there a way I can bind the keys Ctrl+Alt+Left to be the same as Home?09:58
joe_1189So, can't download the updates. :( It used to work (using the proxy option in /etc/apt/apt.conf), but it no longer does.09:59
illejoe_1189: looks bad a work block good sites09:59
nvidi-perdidicryptodan_androi: ille , this is the last thing i will try reinstall nvidia or reinstall noveau, is it 331 i need? what is the cammand for nouveau reinstallation?09:59
joe_1189ille: I don't think they are blocked, because I can access  the same sites from a browser.09:59
cryptodan_androijoe_1189: http://askubuntu.com/questions/482126/system-wide-proxy-settings-when-on-a-windows-network-with-a-password10:00
joe_1189The problem that I face is that the proxy resolution discards the username and passwords in the url, for some reason.10:00
cryptodan_androinvidi-perdidi: reinstall the nvidia drivers10:00
illejoe_1189: do your apt-get use ftp or http?10:00
nvidi-perdidicryptodan_androi: which one??10:00
joe_1189ille:only http(s) allowed in our network.10:00
sh0neHello folks. What is the most proper way to install GNOME on Ubuntu 10.04 32bit if I only have text mode?10:00
trijntje!10.04 | sh0ne10:01
ubottush0ne: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.10:01
cryptodan_androinvidi-perdidi: sudo apt-get install nvidia-331-updates10:01
joe_1189I tried exactly this: "Acquire::http::Proxy "http://username:password@proxy-address:port/";" and it used to work a like a charm until last week.10:01
joe_1189Now apt (and wget) displays proxy authentication required.10:01
joe_1189407 error.10:02
mss_cyclistjoe_1189: cant you set http_proxy variable in shell?10:02
joe_1189I did that too, in the same format.10:02
cryptodan_androijoe_1189: http://askubuntu.com/questions/54493/gnome-3-proxy-settings10:02
hellohello everyone!10:02
rouge_killer97So anyone got any idea why my ubuntu network manager can see my network allows me to enter a password tries to connect and then just disconnects. Also shows that I never actually connected to the network.10:02
joe_1189My company is migrating to office 365. They started it recently. Does that have an impact on this?10:02
joe_1189cryptodan_androi: Thanks for the link. I tried that too, but without luck.10:03
nvidi-perdidicryptodan_androi: is networking enabled automatically in root shell?10:03
cryptodan_androijoe_1189: then its time to talk to your network admin and system admin to see if the details have changed10:04
mss_cyclistjoe_1189: maybe there is a proxy.pac file in the firewall wich you could open10:04
cryptodan_androinvidi-perdidi: it is if you are logging into in single user mode10:04
joe_1189I see. The problem is that the IT guys don't support a non-windows OS. We have to maintain it ourselves, for reasons specific to our project.10:04
cryptodan_androinvidi-perdidi: I mean are not10:05
joe_1189otherwise, it would have been a matter of calling the up.10:05
cryptodan_androijoe_1189: something has changed on the proxy and you need to verify what that is10:06
trijntjeI'm trying to move an ubuntu install from one netbook to another, but I boot fails with "Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/blabla does not exist". How can I fix this?10:06
mss_cyclistjoe_1189: you could check the autoconfigure option of the proxy.10:07
grubissue hi guys...what does failed to get the canonical path of /cow mean ?10:07
mss_cyclistthere would be a proxy.pac giving required settings10:07
grubissuetried to use boot-repair i got an error....10:08
BlasterHey I'm having trouble setting up a bridged network for KVM guests, as soon as I add one to the /etc/network/interfaces file, my eth0 won't connect to the internet anymore.10:10
grubissueanyone? any grub master?  sudo grub-mkconfig -o /mnt/system/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg and i get failed to get the canonical path of /cow10:10
Surendiltrijntje: the error says it doesn't recognize the partitions10:10
Surendilgrubissue: is /cow mounted?10:11
trijntjeSurendil, but how can I find out why its not recoginsing the parition? the UUID is correct10:12
deitario1Can anyone recommend a less drastic alternative than a chroot with bind mounts if I want to force a game which ignores redefinitions of $HOME to not put its save files directly in $HOME?10:13
Rorydeitario1: symbolic link?10:13
deitario1Rory: The point is to keep my $HOME uncluttered. As is, it's as if Wizorb for Linux insisted on putting its save files directly on the desktop.10:13
Surendiltrijntje: fdisk -l10:14
Surendildo you have swap?10:14
deitario1Rory: A symlink would let me relocate the files, but then I'd have a symlink cluttering up $HOME10:14
trijntjeSurendil, no, I dont have swap, why?10:15
Surendiltrijntje: there's your problem, you need swap10:17
trijntjeSurendil, why would I need swap to be able to find root during boot?10:17
geirhadeitario1: Odd. How does it aquire your homedir if not from the HOME environment variable?10:17
mikaelAs a new linux user, I have a lot of questions. How can I run my already installed windows 8.1 as a virtual machine in ubuntu? I only found a guide where I have to reinstall windows10:17
illeswap is not needed for boot?10:17
illemikael: u can use virtualbox to run W810:18
illemikael: i read wrong. u must migrate your physical mashine to a vhd10:18
mikaelYeah, but how do I set up my already installed W8? It wants me to reinstall.10:18
mikaelAnd how do I migrate?10:19
deitario1geirha: No clue, but `export HOME=/home/ssokolow/.local/share` in the launcher script doesn't fool it into putting the "Tribute Games" folder there. My best guess is that the version of MonoGame it uses is reading directly from /etc/passwd.10:19
mikaelDo you have a link to a guide?10:19
illemikael: virtualbox can read Microsoft VHD. so u can use Disk2VHD10:19
theadminmikael: It won't work properly even if you do configure it to boot from your physical partition.10:19
theadminmikael: You should reinstall it, would be much less of a problem10:19
illetheadmin: to burn a VHD with disk2vhd works very good10:20
geirhadeitario1: Hm, or maybe it's using one of the XDG-dirs...10:20
moonblade168How do i get wifi modules in ubuntu 12.0410:20
illemikael: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/ee656415.aspx run that tool on your Windowsbox. but store the VHD on a external harddrive10:20
mikaelille: I'll try your way first, since I don't have my windows dvd here.10:21
theadminille: Conversion will work, sure, but Windows won't boot from a VHD like that...10:21
deitario1geirha: That's all relative to $HOME.10:21
trijntjemoonblade168, you can use the program 'jocky/additional drivers' to search for drivers for your hardware10:21
theadminmikael: You can download a Windows ISO from Microsoft if you have your key.10:21
trijntje*jockey, damn10:21
illetheadmin: he will migrate his allready installed windowsmashine to virtual so he can run it in windows10:22
mikaelMy computer came with preinstalled windows, and I don't remember if I had to have the key, or if it was in the uefi10:22
AirbanderHi guys10:22
deitario1geirha: So far, my best idea for brining the game to heel without requiring a flip through sudo to get permission for chroot and mount --bind is to write a little LD_PRELOAD_HOOK which hijacks calls like open()10:22
illemikael: it can be wrong with the key bc it is a OEM. but try10:22
Airbanderi need help to install cisco in linux there is any command for that ?10:22
Airbanderand thanks10:22
geirhadeitario1: if you run it with strace, do you see the open and read calls for /etc/passwd ?10:23
hateballAirbander: cisco *what* ?10:23
illeAirbander: install cisco in linux?10:23
Airbanderya guys10:23
RoryAirbander: Which application? Cisco is a large manufacturer of networking equipment10:24
mikaelille: I think I tried to find the key in the system when I made a clean install, but I don't remember if I needed it. I think it automaticly was inserted at installation :-/10:24
illeAirbander: what cisco do u want to install?10:24
Airbandercisco packet tracer10:24
deitario1geirha: Yeah. That's not conclusive, since a library lower in the stack could be using it, but I have my suspicions.10:24
RoryAirbander: Is this a Windows application?10:24
AirbanderCisco Packet Tracer and thanks10:24
illemikael: if it a new computer your serial is in bios10:24
trijntjeI'm trying to move an ubuntu install from one netbook to another, but I boot fails with "Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/blabla does not exist". How can I fix this?10:24
RoryAirbander: A Google search for "cisco packet tracer ubuntu" turned up this http://askubuntu.com/questions/335785/how-do-i-run-cisco-packet-tracer-6-0-110:25
mikaelille: It is 2013 modell... lenovo. I believe it is in bios :-)10:25
rouge_killer97Any idea how i could install drivers for my tplink TL-WN951N wireless card on ubuntu without a working net connection? I'm not sure where to get drivers that work for it either10:25
Rory!fstab | trijntje Read this wiki page and understand it10:25
ubottutrijntje Read this wiki page and understand it: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:25
illemikael: often it is... but allways u can use a pirateversion ;)10:25
trijntjeRory thanks, but I already understand it, and the UUID in fstab matches the UUID of the root partition10:26
mikaelWhy use pirate, when I have a payed version :-S Should be able to get my hands on the key10:26
illemikael: but is not allowed to use a OEM virtal10:27
pdo_fn14Very frustrating why using Utopic with epic ibus-gtk3.0 problem now.10:27
mikaelille: the computer won't allow it?10:27
deitario1trijntje: Have you tried using `grep -R blabla /etc`  to see if the old UUID is still being used by something else?10:27
hateballrouge_killer97: What chipset does it use?10:28
hateballrouge_killer97: Google suggests atheros, but "lsusb" should tell for sure10:28
mikaelille: btw, I'm not able to open your link10:29
moonblade168@trijntje it doesn't even lost my broadcom sta adapter, also it says no proprietary drivers are in use in this system10:29
illemikael: search on disk2vhd and u find it10:29
linociscohi all10:29
linociscomy office have to share internet with another company office over long range wifi link. How can we calculate billing for that link?10:30
trijntjedeitario1, I actually set the UUID of the partition to the UUID on the original system, so it should be correct in all files10:30
linociscois there any solution for that using ubuntu?10:30
deitario1trijntje: No clue then. Do you have a more detailed log I could look at?10:31
rouge_killer97hateball my laptops broken so I'm on my windows partition and can't run that at the moment. Looks like that may be what I need though I could download the package and move it to my linux partition yeh?10:31
mikaelille: It may be the network connection. I'm at school, and they have some strange firewall rules :-/10:31
moonblade168Got disconnected10:31
hateballrouge_killer97: yes you can download individual debs and install, but it helps to know which you need :)10:32
trijntjedeitario1, what kind of logs? Since the system won't boot. I've poked around in the shell I get when boot fails and /dev/disk is missing10:33
moonblade168Where do I get wifi drivers in ubuntu 12.04,additional drivers says no proprietary drivers in use in this system and doesn't list my broadcom sta adapter10:33
grubissue!ubottu chat10:33
mikaelille: seems like the network connection is unstable at the time...I'll check it out later.10:34
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone10:34
grubissue!ubottu channels10:34
deitario1trijntje: Sounds like your udev isn't working properly. It should be responsible for setting up the /dev/disk symlinks when it creates /dev/sd* and friends.10:34
grubissuegrubissue,  !ubottu10:34
hateballmoonblade168: you can try the package linux-firmware-nonfree. also make sure your chipset is actually supported so the modules arent blacklisted or something like that10:34
bcvery1!msgthebot > grubissue10:35
ubottugrubissue, please see my private message10:35
deitario1trijntje: I'm on 14.04 and the rules which generate /dev/disk are defined in /lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules10:36
deitario1trijntje: Also, is it possible that you defined a custom rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/ which used := rather than += when modifying SYMLINKS?10:37
trijntjedeitario1, I dont think so, I've never touched udev, and the file permissions look fine as well10:38
rouge_killer97hateball Any idea which section that would be in on the device manager in windows? I have the hardware Ids but i'm sure that's not what I need10:38
linociscomy office have to share internet with another company office over long range wifi link. How can we calculate billing for that link?10:40
linociscois there any solution for that using ubuntu?10:40
hateballrouge_killer97: Windows is... Windows. You should be able to get the ID and look them up on http://www.pcidatabase.com/ tho10:40
=== Laughing_GoD is now known as lolx
Airbanderi just finished the download of the Cisco plz how install it10:41
AirbanderCisco-PT-610.tar.gz this is the name of the packet10:41
RoryAirbander: The link I sent you earlier had some instructions in, how far did you get?10:42
Airbanderi lost the link send it plz agin10:42
deitario1trijntje: Then I'm at the limit of what I can suggest remotely.10:42
RoryAirbander: A Google search for "cisco packet tracer ubuntu" turned up this http://askubuntu.com/questions/335785/how-do-i-run-cisco-packet-tracer-6-0-110:42
cryptodan_androiyou could always install GNS310:43
Paddy_NIHello can someone help me figure out why /var/log/ is reporting that it is "237.0 GB". http://i.imgur.com/KhuTzfW.png10:43
Paddy_NII am totally baffled10:43
RoryPaddy_NI: Open a terminal window, run: du -h /var/log/ | sort -h -r10:44
RoryPaddy_NI: That will show you all the files in var/log with the largest at the top10:44
Paddy_NIRory, Thank you, I'm on it10:44
SurendilPaddy_NI: du /var/log/* -hs10:45
SurendilPaddy_NI: see were all the GB are10:45
prem_hi all10:45
prem_is there a way i can boot ubuntu from usb iniside windows?10:46
prem_or any other linux10:46
Roryprem_: Yes. I use this. http://www.linuxliveusb.com/10:46
Surendilprem_: virtualbox?10:46
prem_that is making ubunutu to run as a application from inside usb10:46
Paddy_NISurendil, Rory, "60G/var/log/kern.log" and "52G/var/log/kern.log.1"10:46
prem_no without virtualbox10:46
Roryprem_: No, you need virtualbox.10:46
prem_Rory: liveusb is one that need to reboot the machien and boot from usb10:47
Roryprem_: LinuxLiveUSB will take an iso and make a bootable USB. On the USB there is a .exe which will, in one click, launch Virtualbox and run the installation on the flash drive10:47
Roryprem_: No, you can run it in virtualbox as well. Either.10:47
Roryprem_: It does what you want.10:47
prem_Rory: will this work when er insert the usb in linux as well?10:47
SurendilPaddy_NI: there you got 112Gb in logs10:48
Roryprem_: No. The virtualisation only works in Windows.10:48
Paddy_NISurendil, Rory, Do you think it would be safe to do an "rm -rf /var/log/kern.log" and an "rm -rf /var/log/kern.log.1"10:48
Paddy_NISurendil, That is mental10:48
hateballPaddy_NI: Have you had a look at the contents of the logs? A size the large indicates something is wrong...10:48
RoryPaddy_NI: Yes, if those are the files which are huge.10:48
RoryPaddy_NI: Should probably take a look at them to find out what the problem is though, since they'll just fill up again10:48
prem_Rory: i shouldnot install or disturb anything from base OS., all the applications including the virtualbox should run from usb only10:48
Paddy_NIhateball, would I even be able to open a 60 GB log file?10:49
Roryprem_: LinuxLiveUSB will take an iso and make a bootable USB. On the USB there is a .exe which will, in one click, launch Virtualbox and run the installation on the flash drive10:49
trijntjedeitario1, I've fixed it by chrooting into the system and rebuilding initramfs. Not sure why that did the trick, but I guess somehting was wrong with udev if rebuilding the initramfs fixed it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction10:49
Roryprem_: If that sounds like what you want (which it does to me), then use it. Otherwise, don't/10:49
hateballPaddy_NI: "tail -n 100 /var/log/kern.log" should be fine10:49
SurendilPaddy_NI: less /var/log/kern.log10:49
deitario1trijntje: Ahh, I'd assumed you already did that as part of the process of reinstalling the bootloader.10:49
prem_Rory: and will the same usb act as a bootable os when rebooted and boot from usb?10:49
Roryprem_: Yes, if you tick the box during installation to make it "persistant"10:50
prem_okey., Rory can be send me the link from where can i get this., along with virtualbox10:50
trijntjedeitario1, I didn't manually, so unless grub-install triggers a rebuild I didn't10:50
Roryprem_: I already sent, http://www.linuxliveusb.com/10:50
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Roryprem_: And it downloads/configures virtualbox itsself10:51
deitario1trijntje: Ahh, I normally use the Debian/Ubuntu scripts which call grub-install as well as doing other things.10:51
prem_Rory: cool let me give a try and see whether that solves my issue10:51
rouge_killer97hateball It shows linux alread comes with the atheros 9k drivers I'm thinking it may be a problem with ubuntu itself? I may try updating to 14 lts10:52
hateballrouge_killer97: what version are you on now?10:52
rouge_killer97hateball 13 something the wireless did work in the past10:52
rouge_killer97But the installer for 14 i started earlier couldn't connec teither10:52
hateballrouge_killer97: Ah. A possible regression then. Upgrading from 13.x should be done anyhow, since it is EOL or will be10:53
rouge_killer97hateball well i'll cook myself some steak and give it an update might be back later thanks ;)10:54
trijntjedeitario1, do you have a link about these scripts? I don't think I've heard of them before10:58
gamzerahello people10:59
gamzerahow to login with my user on irc?10:59
deitario1trijntje: It's been a while since I needed to, so I don't, unfortunately. If you look up update-grub, you'll probably find what I'm talking about in the "related stuff" links.10:59
Fuchsgamzera: you need to register first if you haven't already, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup or /msg nickserv help register  for the short version. Make sure to use a valid e-mail address and check for a confirmation e-mail after you registered.11:00
gamzeraI did :)11:00
gamzeraI have email and pw11:00
Fuchsgamzera: after that, the recommended way is using SASL, see http://freenode.net/sasl/ for that  (and how-tos for most decent clients)11:00
gamzerabut not sure how to login11:00
Fuchsgamzera: on freenode? Because your current nick certainly isn't registered11:00
Fuchsgamzera: anyway, usually   /msg nickserv identify yournick yourpassword     works, but on freenode SASL is recommended.    (note that yournick  is only needed if it isn't your current nick)11:01
deitario1trijntje: (update-grub is the script that you call to manually regenerate the grub menu after you edit the config file that's used whenever a new kernel triggers a menu rebuild)11:01
gamzeranot on freenode11:01
gamzeraon another server.11:01
Fuchsgamzera: then it depends very much on that server11:01
gamzerait is this one  irc.freenode.net11:01
Fuchsgamzera: there isn't a norm. Some use services that have nickserv, others (e.g. quakenet) use different ones (q, in case of quakenet)11:01
Fuchsgamzera: yes, you are on freenode. And here your current nick  (gamzera) is not registered.11:02
gamzerabut this chanel11:02
Fuchsregistrations aren't per channel but network.11:02
gamzeralet me check my emai11:02
FuchsSee the information above on how to register, do so, then identify via SASL  (see the link I gave you)11:02
Fuchsif you registered and didn't verify  (As per the e-mail) within 24 hours, your nick simply got freed again. In this case you have to re-register and follow the instructions in the e-mail carefully.11:02
gamzeraIn order to complete your registration, you must send the following11:03
gamzeracommand on IRC:11:03
gamzeraThank you for registering your nickname on the freenode IRC network!11:04
gamzeraand I did it.. so is my nickname gamzera or gamzera_11:04
gamzeramaybe that's probblem?11:04
Fuchsyes, gamzera_ is registered.11:04
FuchsMaybe you'd prefer the version without _ though?11:04
FuchsI'd register that ...11:04
trijntjedeitario1, ah, I know about update-grub, but I wasn't sure what the effect would be of moving the install to different hardware so I just did a 'fresh' grub-install on the new pc to be sure11:05
Fuchsanyway, what I wrote is valid then:  you can identify with   /msg nickserv identify gamzera_ yourpasswordhere       but I'd recommend using SASL  (see http://freenode.net/sasl/)11:05
Fuchs[12:04:31] <Fuchs> anyway, what I wrote is valid then:  you can identify with   /msg nickserv identify gamzera_ yourpasswordhere       but I'd recommend using SASL  (see http://freenode.net/sasl/)11:05
Fuchsgamzera_:   short version: I recommend you   1) register the nick without _ at the end    2) set up SASL as per http://freenode.net/sasl/   3) be happy because it works11:05
Fuchsgamzera_: alternative version: use  /msg nickserv identify   to log in, note that this will _not_ work when you auto-join channels that require registration (such as the ruby channel which, I guess, was the reason why you registered), so: use SASL.11:06
deitario1trijntje: Ubuntu inherits quite a bit of machinery from Debian for things like automated grub management, automated kernel module rebuilding, etc. so you generally want to work through that to make sure everything stays in sync.11:06
Fuchsand I'd personally recommend registering the nick without _, but that's up to you, really.11:06
gamzera_okay guys /msg nickserv identify gamzera_ yourpasswordhere11:07
gamzera_what should go in "nickserv" part?11:07
Fuchsonly replace yourpasswordhere11:07
brontosaurusrexgamzera_: nickserv not good enough for you?11:07
Fuchsand again: this is _not_ the recommended way, do not complain if it doesn't work as expected.11:08
gamzera_let me use sasl then..11:08
Fuchsgood :)11:08
bonk3rzzI need some small help??? i want a desktop nonfiction for if someone ssh's into my machine (currently running Kubuntu 14.04) any help / ideas would help11:08
gamzera_guys, I use smuxi client.. there is no sasl support for smuxi11:09
Fuchsgamzera_: use a decent client, then11:09
Fuchsbonk3rzz: you can use ForceCommand in the sshd configuration,11:09
gamzera_lol :D11:09
Fuchsbonk3rzz: then either notify-send or something else that works, e.g. a dbus command11:10
Fuchsgamzera_: jokes aside: if you identify via nickserv's identify: that will work. But if you configure your client to auto-join channels (e.g. that ruby channel) that do require you to be identified in order to join: that won't work11:10
bonk3rzzcant seem to find / install notity-send in 14.0411:11
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Fuchsgamzera_: smuxi maybe supports at least server passwords. If it does, put  gamzera_:yourpassword   as the server password11:11
Fuchsbonk3rzz: part of libnotify-bin11:11
rsmarshallhaving a permissions issue if anyone has 5 mins11:12
Fuchsbonk3rzz: not sure whether that will work though, because the command is executed by a different user as the one currently logged in11:12
Fuchsbonk3rzz: thus you might have to rely on dbus. Or use wall, and hope that your desktop (KDE does it) reads that and sends it as a desktop notification11:12
mikaelille: Still here?11:12
rsmarshalli have a user setup for ftp who can only access their ftp folder and nothing else. They are uploading images with 660 permissions and i want to copy those into another folder for web viewing. I need to do this in a script so can't be typing sudo before the command11:13
rsmarshalltried adding the command to add read permissions for those images to visudo but it isn't working.11:13
christianhello i have a problem. i dont know why but i cant mount any cd or dvd anymore. burning a cd/dvd works though :(11:15
christiani get this error: mount: /dev/sr0: Superblock konnte nicht gelesen werden11:16
christiansuperblock could not be read11:16
mss_cyclistchristian: ls /dev/sr*11:17
rsmarshalli have a command in visudo that isn't working11:17
rsmarshallanything else i need to add?11:17
christiani get /dev/sr011:18
mss_cyclistshould be oke11:18
mss_cyclistls -l /dev/sr011:18
christianis get brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 Nov  3 12:04 /dev/sr011:19
mss_cyclistlooks the same by me11:20
mss_cyclistproblem is with all cd's?11:20
mss_cyclistreboot does not resolve?11:21
christiani get this christian@christian-desktop:~$ sudo mount /dev/sr011:21
christianmount: /dev/sr0 konnte nicht in /etc/fstab oder /etc/mtab gefunden werden11:21
mss_cyclistyou need to specify folder11:22
christianalso when i want to boot from a linux live cd those are not read at boot11:22
mss_cyclistlike sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt11:22
christianyes but then i get the superblock error11:23
mss_cyclistdid you enable boot from cd first in bios?11:23
christianno its second or third option11:23
p3rroris there any web application that save booksmarks11:23
mss_cyclistit should be first if you want to boot a live cd. alternatively you can manually select bootorder at start11:24
christiani know i thought you mean my current setup11:24
mss_cyclistif it does not boot live cd and not mount maybe your cdrom is broken?11:25
mss_cyclistperhaps you could check with external usb cdrom?11:25
christiani dont think so burning works11:25
mss_cyclistthats tricky11:26
christianis there some command that could give you any moore information about what might be the problem?11:27
mss_cyclistsudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /mnt/11:28
christianmount: blockorientiertes Gerät /dev/sr0 ist schreibgeschützt, wird eingehängt im Nur-Lese-Modus11:29
christianmount: Falscher Dateisystemtyp, ungültige Optionen, der11:29
christian       Superblock von /dev/sr0 ist beschädigt, fehlende11:29
christian       Kodierungsseite oder ein anderer Fehler11:29
christian       Manchmal liefert das Systemprotokoll wertvolle Informationen,11:29
christian       versuchen Sie »dmesg | tail« oder so11:29
unopastechristian you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted11:29
cfhowlett!de | christian,11:30
ubottuchristian,: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!11:30
dreamcat4hello. i am looking for ubuntu 14.10 desktop *+mac* download. anyone know where to get it from?11:31
cfhowlettdreamcat4, use the amd 64 version11:31
dreamcat4cfhowlett: i have just tried that one, but it's not recognised and not booting up11:32
christian[ 8101.853895] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 6411:32
Sonderbladewhat could cause the case fans to spin much more frequently and louder when idle in ubuntu than in windows?11:32
dreamcat4there was a '+mac' version for 14.0411:32
cfhowlettdreamcat4, what year is your mac?11:32
dreamcat4cfhowlett: it's a 2006/7 mac mini 1,111:32
hateballchristian: for a CD, use "-o loop"11:32
cfhowlettchristian, THAT is an in/out error = bad cd/dvd11:32
cfhowlettdreamcat4, what year is your mac?11:33
christianso the drive is broken?11:33
mss_cyclistyou could check with a second drive11:34
cfhowlett!mac | christian could be the driver, could be the cd.  easy to check the cd - make another.11:34
ubottuchristian could be the driver, could be the cd.  easy to check the cd - make another.: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages11:34
cfhowlettalso see !mac for assistance = my understanding is that newer, i.e. Intel macs can run amd 64 ubuntu without issue11:34
christianok thanks11:35
dreamcat4cfhowlett: doesn't work with older macs so we really need a seperate +mac iso back to be released11:36
dreamcat4not some hybrid ISO that don't necessarily always work11:37
dreamcat4i can see lubuntu and ubuntu MATE seem to have seperate +mac downloads11:37
dreamcat4so will try one of those and see what happens (if any improvement or not)11:37
funktHi there I am trying to edit a root file with gksudo nautilus and I am getting a magic cookie error could anyone help?11:46
funktsudo gedit filename is also causing this magic cookie error11:47
funktInvalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyerror: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.11:47
Fuchsfunkt: do _not_ use graphical applications with sudo11:50
funktwhat does that mean11:51
Fuchsfunkt: install gksu(do) and use that, and afterwards: check the permissions in your home directory, probably some of them are broken now11:51
funktThanks Fuchs whats broken?11:51
Fuchsfunkt: probably some files in your home directory, configuration files of applications and X, now belong to root instead of your user11:51
Fuchsworst case that happens it that you can no longer log in.11:52
funktI am trying to upadte my localhost11:52
Fuchsif any of that (applications not starting any more, you not being able to log-in), give these files back to your user with  (sudo) chown11:52
funktAll i want is access to a root file in etc11:52
Fuchsfunkt: then either use a console based editor or, if it has to be graphical, use gksu instead of sudo11:52
funktI have a fresh install of Linux11:52
Fuchssudo is not meant to be used with graphical applications. It will break things. Don't use it.11:52
funktahh right11:53
Fuchsyou're welcome11:53
funktstill getting macic cookie with gksu11:54
funktGtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :011:54
funktchris@chris-Satellite-A660:~$ gksu gedit11:54
funktInvalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyerror: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.11:54
funkt(gedit:14631): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :011:54
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PaulVernrunning apt-get update on Ubuntu 14.04, I get:12:03
PaulVernE: Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/r/rarian/librarian0_0.8.1-5ubuntu1_amd64.deb 403  Forbidden [IP: 80]12:03
PaulVernI can't install anything :(12:03
PaulVernlooks like the repo is broken (according to googling)12:03
PaulVernI'd like to just create a new sources.list with different provider12:04
PaulVernwhat's the best way to find a sources.list file for Ubuntu 14.04?12:04
Quatrokingwhich program was used again to monitor keyboard input?12:04
Quatrokinglike, I press the a key, and it shows all the fancy data?12:05
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k1l_PaulVern: go to system settings-> software and updates -> and then set sources to the main server or choose another mirror12:05
QuatrokingI used it a while ago to check if my nintendo keyboard had a hardware-based Fn key or not12:05
PaulVernk1l_, thanks.  doing that now.  Out of curiosity, how would one do this on a server install with no GUI?12:06
jasabelladoes dd support dumping ntfs partitions into mountable iso files?12:07
k1l_PaulVern: edit /etc/apt/sources.list12:07
k1l_jasabella: i copys every bit form one destination to the other. it doesnt mind if its ntfs, ext4 or something else12:07
k1l_!dd | jasabella12:08
PaulVernk1l_, and where would they find the sources.list entries?  Eg. I just chose another server and bam!  sources.list is populated with working repos.12:08
PaulVernhow would a server edition user get that list?12:08
brontosaurusrexPaulVern: vi/nano /etc/apt/sources.list12:08
k1l_PaulVern: au.archive.ubuntu.com is the general load balancing mirror for .au. so you can scratch that au. to get the main server. or you see the mirror list and get the urls12:09
jasabellak1l_... that's what i understand too, but it means i can mount the resulting file on say windows/mac/linux with the right software right?12:09
PaulVernk1l_, Thanks for the info :)12:09
k1l_PaulVern: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors12:10
k1l_jasabella: it can make a 1:1 iso. so if you got a software on windows/mac that can handle that= yes12:10
jasabellaany particular settings i should be using or if i just specify if and of, it will source the other values from the partition?12:10
jasabella(i'm backing up old hdd's onto a new one)12:10
k1l_bs=1M for example.12:11
jasabellathat would speed htings up a bit12:12
moonblade168How do i find the firmware version and download drivers for my wifi adapter (lspci shows atheros network)12:12
jasabellaobs=1M too right?12:12
k1l_jasabella: or better: it will not slow things down where its not needed12:12
k1l_jasabella: bs includes ibs and obs12:13
jasabellawhat about things like alignment or block size? i dont need that right?12:14
jasabellai'm thinking stuff like what you tell mount12:15
jasabellathe file system is irrelevant re: iso files right?12:15
yoshi314moonblade168: dmesg will likely tell you if firmware fails to load12:15
jasabellaum, i should rephrase that12:15
LabrusDoes anybody know a good program for ubuntu where you can use instagram and upload the 2 species of files?12:15
jasabellaas long as the mounting OS has the right drivers, i can read from the iso file12:16
Labrusi am seeing now.12:19
hateballjasabella: normally an "iso file" indicates an iso 9660 filesystem, it doesnt care if its files were added from ntfs or ext412:21
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jasabellaahhh so dd can convert the filesystem12:22
ircfoxhello folks!12:23
ircfoxhow do I install curl on ubunutu server?12:23
ircfoxCould someone help me please?12:23
geirhaircfox: sudo apt-get install curl12:26
ircfoxgeirha: I get : E: Package 'curl' has no installation candidate12:28
geirhaircfox: Hum, which Ubuntu release is this?12:28
ircfoxnot sure, wod do I check it?12:29
geirhaircfox: run   lsb_release -ds12:29
ircfoxUbuntu 12.04.4 LTS12:30
LabrusIn the iconosquare where do i go for uploading using the instagram?12:30
h4kriXircfox: you might need to update ( sudo apt-get update )12:31
geirhaircfox: Ok, you haven't updated in a while, it's at 12.04.5 now. Try with  sudo apt-get update  first12:31
KlakiHello i hope i am right here:) My english is very bad... but i habe got an problem with Ubuntu. Everytime i start it ther come 4 errors but i cant see why there is an error i only can report them:/ what can i do to repair my system?12:32
BluesKajHiyas all12:32
Ironchunk@Klaki when you report your error, you can read where the error came from.12:33
ircfoxthank you geirha! ;)12:33
Klakiokay:) thanks! when i am at home i will look at this:)12:34
geirhaircfox: Don't forget to do a  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   soon, to get to 12.04.512:34
ircfoxgeirha: I already did ;)12:35
Ben64not an ubuntu release if it doesn't have curl12:35
Klakibut one more question how can i upgrade my ubuntu when there is a new one without making a new boot disk and installing?12:35
geirhaBen64: Was just an outdated package list12:36
Ironchunk@klaki sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, probably i prefer a new clean installation instead of that12:37
olsomy question is, i would like to dd /dev/zero my hard drive, but there is catch. i dont want to do it with live usb. i need to do it with the system already booted.12:37
theadminKlaki: The release manager will notify you.12:37
theadminKlaki: Err, the Update Manager, sorry12:37
Ironchunkbut the update manager would only promp if new lts is released12:38
olsois there something which can load ubuntu+dd command to RAM and then i can just wipe the drive from userland?12:38
geirhaolso: Is the system installed on said harddrive?12:38
Ironchunkif you want to use the update manager you have to configure that in software packets etc.. for minor releases12:38
olsogeirha, yes. its possible to do it with liveusb, but i have an optimus and liveusb doesnt come with bumblebee to fix graphic overheating12:39
olsosince 500gb is gonna time some time12:39
jcrbapt-cache search - what is it actually searching? I'm directed to /etc/apt/sources.list but that doesn't seem to have the information12:39
Ironchunkapt-cache search <- search for the package list ... if you have a new repo you have to apt-get update12:40
geirhajcrb: /var/lib/apt/lists/...12:40
Klakithanks a lot for your help:)12:40
jcrbgeirha: thanks! I guess that's it12:41
Vassilis_Hello, I'd like to add a custom menu subitem under Help menu, in EVERY program running in ubuntu. Can someone suggest me links, or a starting point?12:42
Ben64olso: nope, boot live usb12:42
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shomon_hi, what is a simple way of backing up a website's content?12:44
somsipshomon_: webroot and db?12:44
shomon_is there a script to do this or just wget -r?12:44
somsipshomon_: oh, you mean scraping it?12:44
shomon_somsip, yes12:44
shomon_ah thanks12:44
shomon_now I can google it12:44
Ben64olso: you don't even need graphics, or ubuntu even. get the smallest linux boot usb you can find12:45
shomon_I put backup and it wants server access12:45
somsipshomon_: is it your site?12:45
researcher123how do I know if my ubuntu is 32 or 64 bit using CLI12:45
bonk3rzzgoogle is my frienf12:45
shomon_friend's.. they are turning it off so I need to get it before the content disappears12:45
geirharesearcher123: I usually just do   file /bin/bash12:45
somsipshomon_: if it sues a DB, you will only get static content. May be enough for your purposes12:45
researcher123geirha: ok.Let me try12:45
olsoBen64, i know, but the thing is, the nvdia gpu is turned on by default no matter what i boot12:46
geirharesearcher123: If is says 32-bit, then it's a 32-bit install, unless you've done something really weird and isntalled a 32-bit bash in 64-bit ubuntu :)12:46
shomon_yeah it's about 10 pages12:47
olsoBen64, i dont want to run hot for 5 hours while the dd is running12:47
shomon_somsip, putting it back up will be just a c/p job and a bit of wordpressing12:47
somsipshomon_: unlikely, but your play12:48
researcher123geirha: Can u tell me the command plz? Im new12:48
shomon_stackoverflow recommends a windows only tool for scraping :(12:48
geirharesearcher123: file /bin/bash12:48
somsip!ot | shomon_ (not a support issue, and I've helped as much as i'm prepared to)12:49
ubottushomon_ (not a support issue, and I've helped as much as i'm prepared to): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:49
KlakiHello its me again this are my problems on ubuntu: ExecutablePath   /usr/bin/qaptworker2    Package    libqapt2-runtime 2.1.70-0ubuntu4.2    Problem Type Cash12:49
geirharesearcher123: The command named "file" shows information about the content of files.12:49
Klakisomething like that stands in the report from the problem12:49
Ben64Vassilis_: get ready to compile EVERY program then12:50
researcher123geirha: Thanks.It worked12:50
Klakiis there an way to test my ubuntu and repair it? dont want to install it new:/12:51
Ben64shomon_: rsync12:53
Klakiwhat is rsync?12:54
Ben64researcher123: uname -m12:54
Ben64shomon_: rsync is easiest if you have access to ssh12:55
Ben64olso: it isn't going to overheat at a console12:55
funktHi there I am trying to remove the desktop files from  the desktop But not the desktop folder in 14.04 I cannot seem to get the information off the net any ideas?12:55
Ben64olso: console won't run hot, its a console12:56
MManuelaHi. Do you know if there is any improvement/solution  on the "random: nonblocking pool is initialized" malfunction that halts the booting process?13:04
hakimhello everyone..could anyone explain to me how to create a network share from a raspberry pi to my Ubuntu PC?13:10
Surendilhakim: samba13:10
hakim@surendil not sure how to configure it13:11
Surendilhakim: http://pastebin.com/wiqp6Azh13:12
Sven_vBhi! any ideas where i can find a PPA with old libsane versions? e.g. v1.0.1513:14
hakim@Surendil thank you13:14
Sven_vBi have precise and trusty to scan with13:14
Surendilhakim: remember to add user to samba after, smbpasswd -a user13:15
link2xis anyone able to help with WineASIO? I have JACK configured properly but Ableton and Reaper refuse to use it13:16
ubuntuGRAPHICHy.. any man has knowing in graphic card cince ati droped support_13:18
funktHi there I am trying to run gconf editor in 14.04 does it exsist in 14.04?13:21
BadApefunkt: expect so, apt-cache search gconf13:21
funktwhat does that mean BadApe?13:22
BadApegconf2 i expect13:22
funktWhat do I do BadApe?13:22
BadApefunkt: i was showing you how to search for gconf and or anything else you might want in future13:22
BadApefunkt: i have to ask, why do you want to run it?13:23
link2xfunkit: gconf213:23
funktAll I want to do is hide my desktop files from the desktop screen and not the folder13:23
BadApei am sure you don't need gconf for that13:23
funktHow can I activate gconf through the terminal13:23
BadApeactually i have no idea, i don't use unity13:24
funktI would love to know I used to use ubuntu tweak and do it but in 14.04 it really screws up windows displaying etc13:24
funktI was hoping I could use gconf as described in some really old articles13:25
BadApefunkt: did you try googling ubuntu gconf?13:25
funktany idea how I could activate gconf2 via termnal?13:25
BadApethere is plenty of info there13:25
funktYeah with not much help really13:25
BadApei found the answer straight away13:25
BadApetry ubuntu hide desktop icons13:25
link2xcan unity-tweak-tool help?13:26
funktno not available in ubuntu-tweak as far as I can see13:26
funktany idea how I get the dconf editor in 14.04?13:28
funktthanks for the link BadApe13:28
funktStill none the wiser!13:29
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prohoboeverytime i restart my computer, ubuntu sets my text-scaling to something like 0,513:43
prohoboi have one external monitor and laptop screen13:43
prohobodoes anyone know what the problem could be? any help would be appreciated13:44
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prohoboi have to set text-scaling in unity tweaker everytime i boot13:44
david38400Any help with bluetooth please? My bluetooth speaker is all set up but won't connect. Does anyone know how to resolve, its probably something simple. Thanks13:46
yorwoshi every113:47
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yorwosim using ubuntu studio 14.04 , the last time i updated the system , i only updated the low-latency kernel and not the normal one. now that i run software updater again , i no longer get the option for the kernel (it was something x86 for SMP [or something]) , how can i see which kernel was that to try it out ?13:49
yorwos[i use the lowlatency for recording audio but would like to see how gaming goes with the other kernel]13:50
yorwosi found it its the same version just diff name13:56
yorwosi was reading an article about some new kernel from amd ? or something , but i guess it should be old news by now uh13:57
Mathisen anyone had problem with a brother hl-1110 printer here ? it prints okej but the content is blank13:58
Mathisenand no the printer works fine on other systems13:58
Mathisenany ideas ?13:58
od6i'm trying to install ubuntu 14.10 but the livecd graphics is not ok. i need to edit xorg.conf from the livecd and then start installation. how can i do that?14:02
nusri've got ubuntu 14.04 on desktop with xubuntu but my laptop has problems with the same setup. (i set it up not to ask password on return from blank screen butit is is still asking, and typing is a bit laggy). can i install gnome 3 on 14.04?14:02
rsmarshallI've an existing server on 12.04LTS and the openssl version is reporting as 2012, even though it has the latest 2014 patch14:08
rsmarshallhow do i get it to report the actual ubuntu patched version/?14:08
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cfhowlettod6, no can do.  livecd = ram resident state = gone on reboot.  install to HDD, boot with the nodmodeset option and fix your graphics14:10
deitario1cfhowlett: It's possible od6 doesn't know how to install non-graphically.14:11
od6cfhowlett, the problem is with the livecd. i cannot install ubuntu blindly14:11
anonymous_hi folks14:11
anonymous_how are all14:11
yorwosum, what x.org version am i using ?14:12
od6deitario1, how can i start a non graphical install?14:12
cfhowlettdeitario1, so you see NOTHING from the livecd?14:12
cfhowlettod6 ^^^ sorry14:12
od6cfhowlett, i press esc at the beginning and i can see "try ubuntu" "install ubuntu" with boot options14:13
cfhowlettdeitario1, been awhile since I did it, do you remember how to invoke the options menu on liveboot?  nomodeset is there.14:13
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unix_z3hello guys14:18
unix_z3I am looking for an instant videoconfernce for ubutnu14:19
unix_z3the best one14:19
unix_z3i don't wnat to use skype14:19
unix_z3something more secure14:19
unix_z3any advice?14:19
hmmsdshi peeps!14:21
unix_z3any idea?14:21
somsip!patience | unix_z314:21
ubottuunix_z3: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:21
hmmsdsplease fix radeon HW support on mint 17.1 !14:21
somsip!mint | hmmsds14:21
ubottuhmmsds: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:21
cfhowletthmmsds, nope.  this isn't mint.  we won't fix mint.  mint can fix mint.14:22
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A1ReconRunning Ubuntu 14.04. Can't find the network icon in the upper right corner and Network "options" does not open14:24
hotsatelliteA1Recon, run nm-applet in terminal14:26
parallels__how do you guys feel about mint round here?14:26
somsipparallels__: we feel that conversations about mint belong in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:26
k1l_parallels__: if you want to use it its fine. but use their support then , too14:27
parallels__i'm not asking for help about it here14:27
parallels__just your general opinion14:28
A1Reconhotsatellite: The thing is ran this command "sudo apt-get remove *dontremembername" a few days ago. And it deleted lots of stuff, including Libreoffice and very important stuff.14:28
cfhowlettParadisee, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please.  this is the support channel for ubuntu.14:28
parallels__sorry, i didn't realize that14:28
AirbanderHi guys14:28
k1l_parallels__: for polls/opinions we like to seperate that into #ubuntu-offtopic to keep this channel clear for users with tehcnical support issues. thanks14:28
cfhowlettparallels__, now worries.14:28
cfhowlett*no worries*14:28
parallels__sorry, guys. i shall go there.14:28
Airbanderhow to install any program ****.tar.gz ?14:28
A1Reconhotsatellite: Now when I ran nm-applet, I get this.... program 'nm-applet' can be found in the following packages:  * network-manager-gnome  * mythbuntu-diskless-client14:28
k1l_parallels__: no problem.14:29
k1l_Airbander: are you sure its not in the official ubuntu repos?14:29
A1Reconhotsatellite: install network-manager-gnome?14:29
hotsatelliteA1Recon, try14:29
Airbanderguys i'm using Xubuntu and i don't know how install programs plz help14:30
tewardAirbander: a *.tar.gz file is a compressed archive folder containing the source code of a program.  You have to extract the source code and read the README or instructions with the software to install the prerequisites and then build the software14:30
tewardAirbander: however, a lot of software exists in the repositories, so you might want to check there :)14:30
k1l_Airbander: again and more cdirect: what program is it?14:30
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A1ReconThanks hotsatellite14:32
hotsatelliteA1Recon, you're welcome14:32
AirbanderGuys there is a way in terminal allow you to install any program ?14:36
cfhowlettAirbander, of course.  sudo apt-get install programnamehere14:36
theadminAirbander: sudo apt-get install package-name14:36
theadminAirbander: For instance, "sudo apt-get install firefox" will give you, well, Firefox14:37
Airbandereven if you dont have connexion ?14:37
Airbanderthanks for answers i know this command14:37
theadminAirbander: No, in that case you need the .deb file which you can install with "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb"14:37
BluesKajhe still has to download the deb file tho14:38
cfhowlettAirbander, dpkg -i will NOT install dependencies.14:38
Airbanderthanks theadmin cfhowlett  teward14:38
cfhowlettAirbander, happy2help14:39
thirdenderso I recently made what seems to be a mistake and purchased http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA5WR1W95447 . For the life of me, I can't get it to work. Anyone know where to start?14:44
cfhowlettthirdender, no mention of linux support = assume no linux support.  Don't bother fighting, just replace it.  these are cheap.14:48
hateballthirdender: find out the chipset using "lsusb" and google from there14:48
thirdendercfhowlett: it's there, down at the bottom, "Operating system:Windows 2000/XP/Vista,Win7 Linux and MAC OS X"14:49
sacarlson1cfhowlett: thirdender  in fact it says it is linux compatible Operating system:Windows 2000/XP/Vista,Win7 Linux and MAC OS  X; try lsusb14:49
* cfhowlett blushes14:49
thirdenderlol, np :-p14:49
cfhowlettthirdender, sacarlson1 you're right.  didn't read the fine print.14:49
thirdenderlsusb says "148f:7601 Ralink Technology, Corp. MT7601U Wireless Adapter"14:50
thirdenderso I did googling and found old drivers, won't compile in latest Ubuntu14:50
sacarlson1cfhowlett: you probly still got it right when you saw the price tag14:50
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thirdenderbut a few people say it's RT2870 chip, and there is a /lib/firmware/rt2870.bin14:51
thirdenderbut nothing is loaded...14:51
hackar1entem francophone il ya du monde14:55
cfhowlett!fr | hackar1en14:56
ubottuhackar1en: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:56
DeigerWutzSince upgrade to 14.04 LTS, I cannot connect to a L2TP VPN Network. Same preferences I had on 12.04 LTS which was working w/o problems. Can anyone help?14:57
sacarlson1DeigerWutz: does it apear at all as a device?  like is is seen with ifconfig ?14:59
sacarlson1DeigerWutz: if so also look at route -n14:59
robairtHey, anyone else having issues with youtube this morning?15:00
hackar1ensalut ya du monde15:00
robairtnevermind, it's only chrome that's messing up15:01
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sacarlson1thirdender: I guess they found a patch for it http://askubuntu.com/questions/457061/ralink-148f7601-wifi-adaptor-installation15:04
rypervenche!fr | hackar1en15:05
ubottuhackar1en: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:05
rypervencheOh, didn't see cfhowlett already did that.15:06
azizLIGHTwhat is used on 14.04 to edit gconf or what is the equivalent of it on 14.04?15:06
azizLIGHTi want to change the video thumbnailer command15:06
DeigerWutzsacarlson1: No it is not shown as a device. I did connect by L2TP Ipsec VPN Manager.15:06
k1l_azizLIGHT: its dconf for all gnome3 based desktops15:07
azizLIGHTam i on gnome315:07
azizLIGHTi use 14.0415:07
k1l_azizLIGHT: dconf-editor.15:07
azizLIGHTarent i on unity15:07
k1l_azizLIGHT: doesnt matter. everything on the gnome3 basis uses dconf. gconf was the old gnome2 basis15:07
DeigerWutzFirst when I was connected the device was shown15:07
azizLIGHTk1l_: ok, isee. thanks a lot buddy15:08
musicyhi how are you15:08
musicymy root folder has an accsess denied warning what can i do to chang that?15:09
cfhowlettmusicy, from terminal or gui?15:09
cfhowlettmusicy, and it's normal behavior.  you should not be mucking about in /root but if you just must ...15:10
musicyfrom terminal, i don't know what qui is15:11
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k1l_musicy: the "dumb desktop user" should not need to wor in the / folder anyway. so what is your plan?15:11
musicyi want to setup my real time audio15:12
azizLIGHTwheres the dconf equivalent of gconftool /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers ?15:12
cfhowlettk1l_, not the method used ...15:13
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bstarekhello all15:24
brutuzim new to ubuntu.. i have a process that everytime i kill it... it respawns15:27
brutuznot sure where to look..15:27
brutuzthere is no script in init.d15:27
brutuzto use to stop it15:28
fraytormentasome processes are just shells for socket connections, same is on windows15:28
zykotick9brutuz: note, init.d is used for backwards compatibility.  you might want to check in init instead...15:28
rbergits possible that upstart is managing that service look in /etc/init15:28
brutuzi was looking into something like inittab15:29
rbergyep inittab getty stuff is in /etc/init now.15:30
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instigatorHello. if you autoboot linux into the command line (and disable the GUI), does it save power?15:42
CatKillerinstigator: Maybe tiny tiny amounts. Use a killawatt to find out15:43
instigatorCatKiller: alright. thanks15:44
mekhamihey, with the unity desktop, i want to get rid of the sidebar and put it on the top applications button like i used to have, but i've forgotten how to go back to that15:46
mekhamianyone know what i mean?15:46
jcvfenthe dock?15:46
jcvfennever seen that been done tbh15:47
mekhamii want to get rid of that and have the menu that expands15:47
mekhamifrom the top left menu bar15:47
jcvfenhow are you gonna access the menu then15:48
LucasTTcan someone help me?15:48
anteyЩё это за .........15:49
LucasTTwhen i turn the computer on, it won't boot, it will just freeze on the splash screen15:49
jcvfenyou can change position to have the  menu in window title15:49
LucasTTbut if i boot it from recovery mode, it will work15:49
cfhowlettantey, English ...15:49
mekhamijcvfen, the menu on my other machine is like a start menu button on the top left called Applications15:49
mekhamii changed the shell to something else and i don't remember how15:50
jcvfenunity mekhami ?15:50
mekhamiyeah i think it was a version of unity15:51
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codeberry /join puppet15:53
codeberry /join openstack15:54
cfhowlett#puppet #openstack are the channel names15:54
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ac_slater_hey guys ... this is a longshot. My ubuntu systems have recently been booting up to 'Cannot mount /tmp... blah blah R for root shell' (or something like that). This is problematic as these are protected lab machines.16:02
ac_slater_A) why does this happen on ALL of the machines? ... B) If anything, I'd just like to know the mechanism allowing the remote shell16:02
zykotick9!notunity | mekhami16:02
ubottumekhami: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.16:02
mekhamithanks zykotick916:04
RaMcHiP-MobileHello all!  I am using ubuntu for a kiosk and want to turn the monitor to portrait mode.  I was wondering if it is possible to turn the text at bootup as well as the welcome screen?  The welcome screen I think I have found but still havent gotten the boot text16:05
zykotick9RaMcHiP-Mobile: i highly doubt you'll be able to turn the boot text...  best of luck.16:06
RaMcHiP-MobileThat is what I have been thinking :)  it will take luck!16:06
RaMcHiP-MobileI would love to be able to pull it off16:07
RaMcHiP-Mobileit would look so nice ;)16:07
n-iCeis 14.10 testing or stable?16:10
Picin-iCe: stable. It has been released already16:10
InokiHi all,16:11
Inokiwhat's the command if I need to find out what belongs to a certain package, e.g. I would want to install the package ubuntustudio-graphics, how can I see what does it install from the terminal?16:11
zykotick9Inoki: try "dpkg -depends ubuntustudio-graphics" (my syntax might be off, it's from memory)16:13
ansivirusInoki, try dpkg -s packagename16:14
Inokity guys will do16:15
ac_slater_ill ask again since I wasnt logged into freenode. Often I'll fail to mount /tmp on boot. This gives me access to a passwordless root shell. How can I disable that shell access?16:17
felix_hehello world16:18
Inokidpkg -s <package_name> worked, but it didn't show which fonts have been installed, it only shows a few basic programs. Is there anything more thorough?16:19
thirdendersacarlson1: IT'S ALIVE! thanks so much, I never would have found that damn patch... upvoting and linking to that device on Newegg16:20
zykotick9Inoki: what do you really want to know?16:21
guig33khi want to say thanks to ubuntu because on ubuntu fglrx driver (proprietary) work not like on debian testing16:21
Inokizykotick9: everything that comes pre-installed with the given package, so I can see in the terminal.16:21
sacarlson1thirdender: wow I didn't think you would bother even trying16:21
guig33kwhy fglrx driver work on ubuntu and not on debian testing with my card ?16:21
thirdendersacarlson1: lol, I've been trying on and off for a week... it's been a huge pain16:22
guig33kubuntu is  debian based system16:22
thirdendersacarlson1: thanks for finding that link... I didn't see that in any of my searches16:22
theguy312how to include a external files to .bashrc? so I can call functions of my external file?16:22
sacarlson1thirdender: I have a raylink device that I used to have to compile drivers each time I changed kernel but now it's fully supported for rt73 raylink chips that I have16:22
Inokizykotick9: let's say in this example (ubuntustudio-graphics) I want to see all the packages, not only programs like agave, gimp and so on, but also fonts and anything that can clutter the system possibly and run in the background.16:23
InokiI have noticed quite a few KDE instances shown by system monitor and I'm not aware of installing any KDE specific software other than Krita.16:23
zykotick9Inoki: if meta-package A also includes meta-package B, then you'd need to run your "dpkg -s B" as well...  note perhaps, "dpkg --depends foo" would work, sorry my initial one didn't - 'cause i also remember a rdpends switch to check what things depend on it...16:23
guig33kcan i change version of ubuntu by using the packet manager ? i have read it s better to burn a dvd to make the dist-upgrade. does if i do by the packet manager it will be ok ?16:23
thirdendersacarlson1: I was really surprised it wasn't supported out of the box... first time I've had to compile a kernel module in yaers16:24
zykotick9guig33k: NOTE RELATED TO YOUR QUESTION - but you're using dist-upgrade term incorrectly.  it's one of the most misunderstood apt switches, but it doesn't upgrade to a new release version.  see "/msg ubottu dist-upgrade" for confirmation.16:25
guig33kzykotick9: if i use the packet manager to passe to 14.04 to 14.10 it will be ok ?16:26
zykotick9guig33k: i certainly wouldn't recommend it!16:26
guig33kwhy ?16:26
zykotick9guig33k: it "might" work...16:26
k1l_guig33k: yes, you can run the update-manager to get to the new ubunut release16:26
A1Recon_If I tick "Run command as login shell" in terminal's preferences... is it safe? Trying to install RVM as shown here ... http://installfest.railsbridge.org/installfest/linux?back=choose_your_operating_system16:26
zykotick9guig33k: ubuntu != debian16:26
k1l_well, the upgrade get automated testing on ubuntu. so if you did not change that much it should be run just fine. but as always: backup for the worst case16:27
guig33kk1l_: i have read it s better to burn a dvd to passe ti the new ubuntu release. you assure me there are no pb to passe to the new version by update-manager ?16:27
OerHeksk1l_ +116:28
k1l_guig33k: yes. it doesnt make a difference. you can use the dvd-upgrade (if you are on small bandwight etc) or the online upgrade process.16:29
bstarekguig33k, update manager does the job finely16:29
bstarekguig33k, no need for DVD16:29
k1l_guig33k: just if you are behind the support schedule (like running a 9.04) i would say: mae a backup and a fresh install. since it takes way more time to upgrade through all releases to 14.04 or 14.1016:30
JakeI have a mail server set up with Postfix, spamassassin and Courier and I'm having an issue, mail can be recieved correctly but upon sending I get the error "554 5.7.1 <outbound@domain.com>: Relay access denied; from=<inernaladdress@internaldomain> to=<outbound@domain.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<domainname.tld>"16:30
RaMcHiP-TMPSo now way to rotate dmesg 90' left?16:30
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* zykotick9 notes guig33k asked about package-manager (aka changing sources.list and then upgrading, ala debian), then k1l_ said update-manager...16:30
guig33klast question does it better to use fglrx or fglrx-update for the ati proprietary driver ?16:30
k1l_zykotick9: ok, guig33k: dont do the debian way with fiddeling with the sources.list. use the update-manager (gui) or the do-release-upgrade command. ubuntu handles updates different from debian16:31
zykotick9k1l_: +116:31
k1l_guig33k: imho both packages are the same.16:31
InokiA generic question,16:31
InokiI'm about to buy a new laptop. Not sure which is better supported, AMD or Intel for Linux?16:31
k1l_Inoki: cpu wise it doesnt matter.16:32
zykotick9Inoki: do you mean CPU or graphics?16:32
InokiMainly graphics I'd say16:32
guig33k<k1l_> guig33k: imho both packages are the same. you speak about fglrx driver ?16:32
k1l_Inoki: for grafix i would recommend intel if no dedicated video card is needed.16:32
zykotick9Inoki: "PERSONALLY ONLY" i would use ATI/AMD Graphics on gnu/linux YMMV16:32
guig33kwhy there are 2 possibility N16:32
InokiI'm more of a AMD fan, so I was hoping it would run smooth.16:33
InokiI'm gonna post the GFX model for you guys to see.16:33
zykotick9Inoki: DOH!!!  that should be "wouldn't"!!!  ati/amd has poor gnu/linux track record in my opinion.  and 95% of intel graphics work OOTB.16:33
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k1l_guig33k: i think (i am not sure because i never had a ati/amd) the wanted to provide more driver updates with the update package. but ati did not workout with the driver schedule.16:34
kevindfHello, I've set up a OpenVPN server on my Ubuntu machine, everything is working correctly if i disable my firewall, but if i enable my firewall i just won't get internet access trough the VPN, IPV4 forwarding is enabled16:34
kevindfi've tried setting up some iptables rules but none of them worked16:34
InokiSo you guys recommend Intel, noted.16:34
kevindfport UDP 1194 is open, connection is fine also trough the VPN but it's just the internet access that doesn't work16:35
k1l_Inoki: atm its that order for best linux-driver support: 1. intel 2. nvidia 3. amd16:35
Inokik1l_: noted, thank you :)16:35
k1l_Inoki: that might change, since amd told to improve the linux support (like the always tell if enough users complain :X )16:36
zykotick9k1l_: when there is a free-3D-AMD graphics solution... let me know ;)16:37
Walex2k1l_: with recent X and kernel I get full 3D accelleration for Steam games on a recetn AMD HD7850 card16:37
Walex2http://www.sabi.co.uk/blog/14-one.html#140317 for Debian 7/Wheezy and recent AMD/ATi cards16:39
Walex2unfortunately requires a bit of FrankenDebianizing16:40
zykotick9^ i haven't looked at link, but frankendebian is a BAD suggestion16:41
RaMcHiP-TMPPS answer to my question was doing fbcon rotate in grub16:42
RaMcHiP-TMProtates the dmesg..16:42
zykotick9RaMcHiP-TMP: very cool!  well done!  i'm impressed.16:42
* RaMcHiP-TMP bows16:43
RaMcHiP-TMPnow to edit my bios image! LOL16:43
* RaMcHiP-TMP prays to the IT gods16:43
RaMcHiP-TMPI should sacrifice a lamb first!16:43
* zykotick9 doesn't think the gnu/linux god require sacrifice ;)16:44
RaMcHiP-TMPIt helps speed up the process though ;)16:45
RaMcHiP-TMPIts a priority thing :)16:45
RaMcHiP-TMPWelp time to goto office16:46
RaMcHiP-TMPsee yall in a few!16:46
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dxtr_Can anyone please help me with Wifi problem16:53
dxtr_its been 3 weeks now without Wifi , I tried ubuntu 14.04 and 14.10 , the same problem16:53
dxtr_I just need to know if its ubuntu's problem or I should change the laptop16:53
ac_slater_dxtr_: give some `lspci` or `lsusb` outputs16:54
ac_slater_ie - is it a usb card or a pci/pcie card16:54
dxtr_ac_slater : one minute i will give you a detalied specs16:54
ac_slater_dxtr_: I'd paste to http://paste.debian.net/16:55
dxtr_here http://paste.ubuntu.com/8805334/16:55
dxtr_ac_slater : http://paste.ubuntu.com/8805334/16:56
ac_slater_dxtr_: have you tried to build from source?16:57
zykotick9dxtr_: from that output, it appears to me anyways, that your wireless is detected correctly?  best of luck.16:57
dxtr_ac_slater : I tried to follow a tutorial about that , but it gives me problems while compiling16:58
ac_slater_dxtr_: ;) there is your road block. Figure out the compilation error and the source MIGHT fix it.. there is a stackoverflow about it http://askubuntu.com/questions/253632/how-do-i-get-a-ralink-rt3290-wireless-card-working16:59
ac_slater_dxtr_: I have that card on one of my machines and it works in gentoo and archlinux16:59
ac_slater_so it's an ubuntu / kernel problem16:59
ac_slater_ie - the version of the supplied driver doesnt work for you, it's probably not a physical problem17:00
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dxtr_I hope its not a physical problem , Its a new laptop and I lost the warranty17:00
ac_slater_dxtr_: lost? The warranty is usually tied to serial number or something.17:01
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dxtr_ac_slater : it was on a paper with name and serial ... ,17:01
ac_slater_someone has it in some database. Where did you buy it?17:02
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dxtr_hypermarket here in Doha Qatar17:02
dxtr_anyway thnx ac_slater, I will try to follow that tutorial now17:03
aggeloshas anyone managed to set Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11bgn Wireless Network Adapter [14e4:4727] (rev 01) to monitor mode?17:07
aggelosthe kernel driver is "wl"17:08
ansivirusaggelos, by monitor mode do you mean promiscuous mode?17:09
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PedroAny girls here?17:10
PedroME fapo todo17:10
RiddellPedro: that's not approriate to ask17:10
aggelosansivirus, im not sure its the same mode, but i think yes. I want to sniff packets on the air17:10
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang17:10
PedroJust to now how many girls love ubuntu :)17:10
aggelosbut i get operation not supported when i "sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode monitored"17:12
leeyaado you guys know if nginx's init.d script gracefully stops nginx on /etc/init.d/nginx stop ?17:16
leeyaai dont understand the init.d script17:16
Surendilleeyaa: it should17:16
ansivirusaggelos, you are disconnected from wifi right?17:16
ansivirusaggelos, ifdown wlan017:16
leeyaaSurendil: is it possible to confirm somehow ?17:17
aggelosansivirus, yes i bring it down first17:17
Surendilleeyaa: ps ax | grep nginx17:17
aggelosim thinking that i should switch to the proprietary drivers....17:18
ansivirusaggelos, what app are you trying to use? airodump?17:18
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aggelosthe plan is to use tcpdump but i have to set the interface to monitored mode first17:18
leeyaaSurendil: after /etc/init.d/nginx stop there are no processes so i am not sure what does ps ax will tell me17:18
leeyaai just want to make sure that it gracefully stops nginx17:19
labeeb32hello. I want to know how can i connect ubuntu on one pc with windows on other pc with cross ethernet cable? i mean i try according to method shown on internet like ip's and net mask's but it adoesnt work17:19
sixwheeledbeastWhy is Ubuntu 14.10 so slow to boot, now?17:19
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ansivirusaggelos, brcmsmac driver should work17:19
Surendilleeyaa: ps ax = all processes running, if nginx is not there, is not running at all17:20
labeeb32its the last place i come to seek help17:20
labeeb32i swear17:20
mbeierlleeyaa: According to this: http://wiki.nginx.org/RedHatNginxInitScript it only does a sigquit on it.  It is up to the authors of nginx to catch that to do a graceful shutdown.17:20
aggelosi can already capture packets to managed mode, but i want to sniff packets not destined to me as well. thanks i will try that when i have time! ansivirus17:21
labeeb32 I want to know how can i connect ubuntu on one pc with windows on other pc with cross ethernet cable? i mean i try according to method shown on internet like ip's and net mask's but it adoesnt work17:21
ansivirusaggelos, yes monitor/promiscuous mode is what you want.. try that suggested driver17:21
ikonialabeeb32: use a cross over cable, put them both on the same IP subnet and they will connect17:21
leeyaambeierl: im on ubuntu actually17:21
labeeb32is there some terminal work to do?17:21
leeyaanot centos/rh17:21
labeeb32i did it but nothing happens17:21
ikonialabeeb32: what do you mean nothing happens ?17:22
ikonialabeeb32: what are you expecting to happen17:22
aggelosansivirus, thaks for the help! will try that17:22
labeeb32both computer say that connection established but i cant ee other computer on one pc17:22
ansivirusno problem17:22
leeyaambeierl: my question was if ubuntu's default init.d script gracefully stops nginx on /etc/init.d/nginx stop, because i cant understand the script17:22
mikaelHello! I try to install Wine (playonlinux, q4wine, etc) but it tells me to remove an nvidia driver. I have just made my ubuntu work by activate a nvidia driver. What should I do? I don't know if this is the same driver, though...17:22
ikonialabeeb32: see it where ?17:22
x1204I have a problem with mounting. I have a directory /media/user (user and group is set to user:user). When I try to mount my partition "sudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/user" it mounts fine, but I can't write to that partition as user, because it is owned by root. Somehow the directory ownership has changed to root:root. Can anybody explain, what I should do to be able to write on that partition as a simple user?17:23
ikonialabeeb32: where are you looking17:23
labeeb32in network17:23
labeeb32of each computer17:23
leeyaaon red hat/centos it does quit, so it is fine, but i am not sure for ubuntu17:23
ikoniait won't work like that17:23
labeeb32lemme tell u that i am just trying ubuntu( not installation)17:23
mbeierlleeyaa: right, sorry.  The ubuntu one is that start-stop-daemon function.  Gimme a sec to cehck17:23
ikonialabeeb32: doesn't matter17:24
ikonialabeeb32: what do you actually want to do ?17:24
Surendilleeyaa: like i said before, 'ps ax | grep nginx' will tell you if it is running after /etc/init.d/nginx stop17:24
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labeeb32ok, i want to transfer my data from one laptop using ubuntu try. bcos i have to format hard. i cant install windows17:24
mbeierlleeyaa: it looks to be the same: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man8/start-stop-daemon.8.html17:25
ikonialabeeb32: ok do you have any network shares defined on windows ?17:25
leeyaaSurendil: ps ax says nginx is stopped after /etc/init.d/nginx stop. thats not what i care about. i want to learn if it stops it gracefully or not17:25
leeyaambeierl: thanks, so it is doing graceful stop, thats fine17:25
labeeb32what does that mean? i mean i connect by the same methos beween 2 windows but its not woorking with ubuntu17:26
mbeierlleeyaa: as graceful as it can be :)17:26
leeyaambeierl: yes, thanks for that17:26
ikonialabeeb32: that's not how it works in ubuntu17:26
ikonialabeeb32: you need to have a network share in windows, then connect to that network share in ubuntu17:26
labeeb32i see17:26
ikoniaa simple test would be a "ping" test to make sure they are on the same network17:26
ikoniado that first17:26
labeeb32so i have to share some folder in windows and access it from ubuntu17:27
sacarlson1aggelos: I think you will find if you connect to an accesspoint and bring up wireshark you will see all trafic on wifi to that accesspoint that your radio can pickup.  I think it's much like being hooked to a hub not a switch17:27
ikonialabeeb32: yes, but do a ping test first to make sure they are on the same network17:27
labeeb32sure dear17:27
labeeb32lots of love17:27
=== gthank is now known as zz_gthank
Blipseyubuntu 14.04 Package 'unrar' has no installation candidate ? any help?17:31
trismBlipsey: do you have multiverse enabled? check software-properties-gtk17:32
pbxBlipsey, the package is probably 'rar' yes?17:32
trism!info unrar17:32
imbezolthere's unrar and unrar-free17:32
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:5.0.10-1 (utopic), package size 133 kB, installed size 298 kB17:32
Blipseyso wut do?17:33
trismBlipsey: run the command: software-properties-gtk; check the multiverse box, run: sudo apt-get update; and try to install again17:33
wtigerHi everyone17:34
Blipseytrism dont have gui, only terminal :(17:34
Blipseywhat do i need to edit in sources.list ?17:35
km4hi, i need sys on my laptop i3/8gb/500GB17:35
trismBlipsey: where you see trusty main universe, etc, add multiverse to the end17:35
funktHi there I am trying to hide desktop icons in 14.04 and finding it hard I've tried every tweak tool under the sun anyone have any ideas?17:36
sliddjurIs there something like RDP server for Ubuntu (i saw XRDP, but it doesnt seem like it can take over one active session like windows does)17:36
trismBlipsey: likewise with the trusty-updates lines, trusty-security, etc17:36
Blipseydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main restricted universe multiverse17:37
trismBlipsey: yep17:37
Blipseydid a apt-get update, E: Package 'unrar-nonfree' has no installation candidate17:37
imbezolsliddjur: you could use xvnc over ssh17:37
trismBlipsey: it is just unrar17:37
Blipseyoh np17:37
trismBlipsey: unrar-nonfree is the source name17:37
Blipseyfantastic, thankyou :L317:37
sshaccesshello, i would like to ssh to a single user account from more than one server using different key files.17:38
mbeierlsliddjur: nomachine - https://www.nomachine.com/17:38
wtiger_Hi everyone17:38
guig33ki have burn on dvd the ubuntu 14.10 and try to install it but the install is stuck at the begining i see ubuntu and 5 point17:38
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wtigerneed suggestions for a laptop to replace my macbook pro to run ubuntu17:39
imbezolsshaccess: add each "source" user's key to the target system user's authorized_keys file17:39
guig33kmy dvd is reading but it stuck at the begining what i can do ?17:39
sliddjurmbeierl: can you connect with standard windows rdp client to it or do you have to use some kind of nomachine client?17:39
guig33kit s now more than 15 minutes17:39
imbezolsshaccess: i should specify.. it's the public key you're adding17:41
guig33kplz what can i do i need to erase windows of my computer i want install ubuntu17:41
guig33kit s stuck and loading17:41
sshaccessimbezol how can i change the file to include 2 public keys?17:41
imbezolsshaccess: just add the public key to the end of the file17:42
imbezolsshaccess: if there's no authorized_keys file now, create one, containing just the first server's .pub key17:42
sshaccessok, thank you very much17:42
imbezolsshaccess: then add eachg one to the end17:42
morsnowskiI'm looking for a very fast multi channel audio input card, anybody an idea?17:42
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km4guys lubuntu is better than ubuntu ?17:43
guig33knobody can help me ?17:43
SchrodingersScatkm4: subjective17:43
morsnowskiguig33k: what is it telling you on the screen?17:43
imbezolkm4: they're the same except with a different default desktop manager17:44
imbezolkm4: you can install any or all of them no matter which cd you installed from17:44
guig33kmorsnowski, nothing just write ubuntu logo and 5 point passing to red17:44
morsnowskifor how long?17:45
guig33know it s more than 15 minutes17:45
imbezolguig33k: try hitting escape to see if it shows you any console messages17:45
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morsnowskiguig33k: what did you do to get there?17:46
guig33kInput/output error17:46
imbezolguig33k: does it say on what device?17:46
imbezolguig33k: that's your cd.. perhaps a problem with your installation media. is it a cd?17:47
guig33kyes a dvd i have just burn it17:47
guig33kwhen i was on windows17:47
km4this is my first instalation, new notebook so i try to install lubuntu17:47
cosmos_hi is anyone here from baltimore?17:47
guig33kend_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 118420017:47
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imbezolguig33k: verify the checksum of the CD to make sure your download is good17:48
imbezolguig33k: if it is, try reburning it.. if not, redownload it17:48
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orfetheoDoes anyone know how to enable rc6 and fbc on an intel HD5000 ?17:49
mikaelHow can I expand my root folder to another hdd?17:49
cosmos_guess not...17:51
orfetheocosmos_: what?17:52
cosmos_anyone fro baltimore?17:52
SchrodingersScat!offtopic | cosmos_17:52
ubottucosmos_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:52
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A1Recon_Running into some problems while installing RVM in Ubuntu 14.0417:54
A1Recon_Running into some problems while installing RVM in Ubuntu 14.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/8805940/17:54
A1Recon_Somebody please HELP!!17:54
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mikaelHow do I reduse a partition?17:56
andreasmikael: uses gparted17:57
cosmos_on toppinc then, my wifes laptop prossecor runs prettu fast and makes lots of noose anf than it grtd really hot and it just shot off to cull off, whst thst coold be???17:57
guig33kmd5 is ok17:57
guig33kdon t understand why is not working17:57
mikaelandreas: something I have to install?17:58
orfetheoDoes anyone know how to enable rc6 and fbc on an intel HD5000 ?17:58
andreasmikael: yes, it is in the repositories17:58
andreasmikael: sudo apt-get install gparted17:59
OerHeksmikael, use a live cd, as the partitions need to be unmounted.17:59
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andreasmikael: right answer from  OerHeks: boot either with a USB stick or a live CD then you can change the size of the partition of your hard disk18:00
andreasmikael: have to log out now, will be back later again18:00
mikaelOerHeks: I need to expand my root, can I make anther root at another disc?18:00
mikaelOerHeks: or may I put my swap over to another disc?18:01
hayerWhat does "Apparent size"? DU says total disk usage 250GiB, apparent size 128 TiB18:01
mbeierlsliddjur: sorry - no, you can only use the nomachine client.  I have not found a good RDP server for Linux where you can use the standard Windows client to connect.18:03
vuvmbytjakmam sprovoznit net18:05
GforceHey,Any one ever tried ubuntu(arm ver) on android devices?How was the experience?Could you call?18:05
reisioGforce: should work fine if it works at all18:06
Gforcereisio:Works at all?:/18:06
reisioa lot of android devices are locked from having their OS replaced18:06
reisioa hardware (well, firmware) lock18:06
reisioadditionally, if they have exotic hardware, you could need exotic drivers18:06
reisiobut most likely if you can replace the OS at all, it'll work just fine18:07
Gforcereisio:Good,So there will be no problem with calling and other stuff like that?(internet etc)18:08
reisioGforce: nope18:08
reisioGforce: arm is an old and well supported architecture18:08
Gforcereisio:So Why people don't use it?!!18:08
reisioGforce: they do, but if you mean why don't desktop users use it as much, it's because intel got ahead early on18:08
reisioandt hey have about 50,0000k,0000000fa238ru million more factories than anyone else18:09
reisiothat may well change soon, though18:09
reisiomany consider the arm design superior18:09
reisioand ATM they are cheaper and more energy efficient18:09
reisiowhich is why they're used in mobile phones/devices18:09
reisiogiants like Samsung manufacture ARM chips :)18:10
Gforcereisio:Where can I get info about installing it on my phone?(Sumsung)18:10
grafthello all, my work uses outlook for email and calendar invites. I've setup thunderbird to pick up the email, but how can I hook up to the outlook calendar via ubuntu?18:11
reisioGforce: just do a search for your phone model and 'linux' or some distro ('ubuntu')18:11
Gforcereisio:I don't want a simulation, I want it to be directly installed on the hardware.18:11
ikoniagraft: you can't hook in like that18:11
reisiograft: try using evolution18:11
Gforcereisio:Thank you.18:11
graftikonia: why not? isn't it just some protocol?18:12
ikoniagraft: you'd need to export it to something like webdav such as google calandar and then use that with thunderbird18:12
reisiograft: it has two or three different outlook implementations, I forget which the latest one is, probably whatever has the string 'owe' in it18:12
ikoniagraft: no18:12
ikoniareisio: it doesn't "really" work any more18:12
reisiograft: or 'owa', was it18:12
cn28hgraft: I use https://github.com/Ericsson/exchangecalendar/releases and it works well for me18:12
reisioikonia: any more?18:12
reisioikonia: 'it'? There are several implementations, as I said18:12
ikoniareisio: evolution18:13
ikoniawith any modern outlook / exchange implementation18:13
reisioikonia: there are two or three18:13
ikoniayes, and I said "any"18:13
reisioyes, but you're being quite vague, and I've used one only a few months ago and it worked pretty well18:14
guig33ka friend to me has passed to 14.04 to 14.10 and it say to me there are just the mousse and nothing more on his desktop18:14
ikoniaanything port 2008 seems to fail or have very limited functionality18:14
ikoniait can work if it's set to export via webdev services18:14
reisionot IME18:14
OerHeksmaybe lightning 3.3 21-jul-2014 is an option http://download.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/mozilla.org/calendar/lightning/releases/3.3/linux/18:14
reisioguig33k: can you move the mouse?18:15
guig33kif every time there are update there are bug it s make me suspicious to passe to ubuntu18:15
guig33kreisio, yes he can move the mouse18:15
reisioguig33k: right click?18:15
guig33kbut it say to me all has disapered on this screen18:16
guig33kreisio, ?18:16
reisioguig33k: what happens if you right click?18:16
guig33kreisio, it seems to work18:17
guig33kthe right click18:17
guig33kit can start terminal18:17
reisioguig33k: what're the options in the right click?18:18
guig33kbut all his icon are not here anymore18:18
guig33kreisio, new folder new document organise the destop ...18:18
reisioguig33k: okay, start a terminal, then18:18
guig33kkeep align18:18
guig33kreisio, then ?18:19
constantinortmanhow can I disable graphical effects in kubuntu while using battery and enable them when using ac mode automatically?18:19
reisioguig33k: ps aux | grep -i unity18:20
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reisioconstantinortman: mmm, I think a pm-utils script would probably be "simplest"18:20
constantinortmanreisio: how to do that on kubuntu 14.0418:20
constantinortmanreisio: im more or less a beginner18:21
guig33kreisio, ?18:21
guig33ki m with him by phone18:21
reisioconstantinortman: it's a little involved, you'll want to run dpkg -L pm-utils and read some documentation/examples18:21
guig33kwhat do u want it do reisio ?18:21
reisioguig33k: ps aux | grep -i unity18:21
guig33kyes it do it18:21
guig33kthen ?18:21
reisioguig33k: does it list anything other than the grep?18:22
reisioguig33k: what?18:22
guig33kreisio, it say to me it s not arrive to see clearly all end line18:23
guig33kand it s say to me than his screen resolution has changed18:23
guig33kreisio, linux is good but all the time problem you must be computer scientist to make working it18:24
guig33kit s really a problem18:24
guig33kit s all the time not easy18:25
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mikaelI just installed wine in terminal, but where is it?18:27
mikaelHow do I open it?18:27
guig33kreisio, ?18:27
tewardmikael: `wine` is just the program that you call when executing a Windows executable.  just try running the .exe file you want to run18:29
guig33kreisio, ps aux |grep -i unity :18:29
squintymikael:  wine has it's own channel here on freenode  try some of the various links listed when you join it    /join #winehq18:30
orfetheoMy cpu is always at 80%, even when I'm idle. Can someone help me? linux 3.13.0-39-generic18:31
ikoniawhat's using the cpu18:31
orfetheoon a core i5-4260U18:31
ikoniawhat's using the cpu18:32
guig33kreisio, ???18:32
mikaelteward: thanks!18:32
ikoniaorfetheo: check out this http://askubuntu.com/questions/176565/why-does-kworker-cpu-usage-get-so-high18:32
mikaelspuinty: I will look it up :-)18:32
reisioguig33k: if you're comparing installing an OS, GNU/Linux, vs buying a computer with an OS preinstalled by a professional, that is pointless18:33
orfetheo@ikonia thanks. I have this /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/gpe66:14301737   enabled18:33
orfetheoThat's not good, right?18:34
ikoniaread the whole link18:34
ikoniait explains the problem and what to do18:34
orfetheothank you very much. I did search a lot and didn't come across that page.18:34
guig33kreisio, i just see all the time there pb i want passe on ubuntu but if each upgrade there are pb ...18:34
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guig33kreisio, for my friend what he can do ?18:35
reisioguig33k: well, don't confuse Ubuntu and GNU/Linux18:35
reisioguig33k: he could tell me what ps aux | grep -i unity says18:35
guig33ki have say to u18:35
guig33kreisio, it say to me  by phone18:36
OrokuSakiAnyone ever tried to run Trusty 14.04 on ARM? I am.. and I am having problems with.. Gnome fallback.. onboard keyboard is nothing but a black rectangle.. with fbdev xorg driver AND freedreno18:36
OrokuSakirecompiled mesa... no go... Anyone ever tried this?18:36
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sacarlson1why would  Avasti be detecting my wordpress running on ubuntu to be a virus threat?18:36
OrokuSakiI can see x86 people have problems with 2D Gnome Classic?18:37
sacarlson1avasti running on windows 7 I think18:37
guig33kreisio, ?18:37
reisioguig33k: tell him to run this: nohup unity --replace &18:37
OrokuSakiI don't expect compiz to work with Unity.. unless maybe llvmpipe.18:37
reisioOrokuSaki: Unity relies on compiz18:37
OrokuSakiBut I can't even get gnome fallback to work, nor the onscreen keyboard18:38
OrokuSakiRight.... I wonder if it is because I am armhf.. I noticed some ubuntu touch packages may have been installed when I did the upgrade18:38
OrokuSakithough.. I am on the desktop18:38
guig33kreisio, ok then ?18:38
OrokuSakiI removed them... with autoremove.. no idea why they were there18:39
reisioguig33k: then see if it works18:39
guig33kit need to reboot ?18:39
guig33kbecause if not it has do nothing18:39
orfetheoThank you very much Ikonia!18:41
pbxwhen the backups app says the backup appears to be corrupted and that i should "delete the backup and try again"... i've got a dir with about 30 or 40 duplicity tarballs in it, dating back to when i started doing automated backups 3 months ago... what is it saying i should delete?18:42
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bwallumDoes anybody know if there is an alternative to Skype for linux?18:44
Snoerbwallum: jitsi18:44
reisiobwallum: http://talky.io/18:44
Snoerbwallum: jitsi.org18:44
reisiobasically, webrtc will kill proprietary skype-y apps18:45
reisiolucky us ;)18:45
Snoerbwallum: you can use XMPP protocoll to have videochat with zrtp/srtp (don't know exactly)18:45
pbxbwallum, http://alternativeto.net/software/skype/?platform=linux18:47
bwallumthanks, I'm going to take a look......18:47
n-iCeGuys, why would you guys prefer Ubuntu/Unity over others like lubuntu xubuntu ubuntu-mate which are lighter and supposed to run faster?18:54
guig33k14.10 is a beta for that unity not working ?18:54
n-iCeguig33k: 14.10 was releases, it is stable.18:54
guig33kyes but my firend desktop is broke18:55
n-iCeguig33k: errors?18:55
guig33kn-iCe, he has no more icone18:55
n-iCeguig33k: did he reboot?18:55
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fabienne__What would you guys recommend as an imessage alternative, some application where I can sync my text messages across my android and my desktop? If it could work with the native galaxy messaging app that would be preferable, I already know about hangouts18:56
n-iCeguig33k: is the left bar still there?18:56
reisiofabienne__: ask #android18:56
guig33kand it say to me when it start firefox in a terminal he has not the close boutton18:56
n-iCeguig33k: restart x-server18:56
guig33khe has restart the whole cimputer18:57
guig33kbut it say to me he start in different mode18:57
guig33ki have not quite all understand18:57
n-iCeask him to do guig33k sudo apt-get install dconf-tools18:59
guig33kn-iCe, i m not with him anymore19:00
n-iCeguig33k: then how can we help you19:01
n-iCeask him to join here19:01
guig33kn-iCe, but i hope i will not have the same pb it bring me the dvd of ubuntu fo install it19:01
guig33kn-iCe, yes i will say to him19:01
guig33kbut he want reinstall the lts19:01
guig33kn-iCe, at least i don t understand why for him the upgrade beak unity19:02
n-iCehe did something wrong19:02
n-iCe14.10 works awesome19:02
guig33kit say to me he make the upgrade19:02
guig33kand unity was broke19:02
guig33kis a new one on linux19:02
imbezoli also had a number of problems upgrading but was able to fix them19:03
guig33kand sometime i find linux is only for expert19:03
imbezolinstalling fresh from a 14.10 would probably be fine for him19:03
imbezolor 14.04 if he prefers19:03
guig33kimbezol, yes but he have the 14.0419:04
guig33kand if u need a fresh install all the time is not really nice19:04
n-iCeguig33k: do a clean install, don't upgrade19:04
n-iCewe never recommend to upgrade19:04
imbezolwho's we?19:04
n-iCeimbezol: do you?19:04
imbezolyes of course19:04
guig33kn-iCe, what you mean19:05
n-iCeguig33k: download the .iso file, make it bootable and do a clean install19:05
guig33kif you want the last one ubuntu how do u do for upgrading19:05
guig33kn-iCe, but u lose all ?19:05
imbezolinstalling fresh every time is too time costly19:05
n-iCeguig33k: yes, you can do backups.19:05
n-iCeimbezol: it is quite faster than an upgrade my friend.19:06
guig33kn-iCe, men come one19:06
n-iCeguig33k: or just do the upgrade and take the consequences19:06
guig33ki don t want passe my time to reinstall each 6 month19:06
n-iCemy advice, and what I always do, fresh install.19:06
cYmenDoes anybody know how to install a usb headset from the command line? I switched away from gnome and apparently also from the automatic detection...19:06
n-iCeguig33k: then stick in a LTS version.19:06
guig33kso the upgrade online is not working ?19:06
n-iCeguig33k: it does.19:06
imbezolguig33k: like you say.. sometimes linux is a bit for the experienced19:07
n-iCeguig33k: something things fail.19:07
imbezolguig33k: but you don't get that experience without using it19:07
imbezolguig33k: my personal advice is to do the upgrade and tackle any issues you run into19:07
bubbasaurescYmen, see if it shows in a lsusb19:07
imbezolguig33k: usually there won't be any, but occasionally there will19:07
guig33kyes but for people which just want use their computer19:07
kastor_Guys do you know why facebook videos (and videos from other certain sources) may not work in chrome in Ubuntu 14.04.1? They work okay in Firefox but in chrome it even makes the shockwave flash crash19:07
imbezolguig33k: it'd be the same if you tried upgrading from windows xp to windows 7.. there will be issues19:08
guig33kimbezol, so my mom which know nothing about computer cannot be on linux19:08
imbezolguig33k: i would argue that she cannot be on a computer at all without either learning how to upgrade or getting help19:08
n-iCekastor_: never read about issues before19:08
n-iCekastor_: did not have any issue19:08
n-iCeguig33k: she can, just install her a freash clean install.19:09
imbezolguig33k: if that's your current situation why not do as n-iCe suggested.. stick with the LTS releases19:09
imbezolguig33k: then you're only looking at a reinstall every couple yeras19:09
bubbasaureskastor_, Is FF using the 11.2 flash or did you insert pepper in ff?19:09
imbezolguig33k: that's the nature of computers19:09
cYmenbubbasaures: does not seem to19:09
kastor_n-iCe: And I can't find anything about it in the web, I've re-installed Ubuntu, I've installed Mint 17 and even Fedora and they all have the same issue... I don't know what the hell19:09
n-iCekastor_: which chrome version19:10
n-iCewhy not to try beta?19:10
n-iCehave you kastor_ ?19:10
GunArm1can someone tell me why http://pastebin.com/uge4h7EA gives me permisison denied  on the commands even when run after sudo su?19:10
kastor_bubbasaures: I think it's using flash, I mean I just leave it as it comes by default19:10
bubbasaurescYmen, try that command plugged and unplugged, the name in the terminal of the device may be hardware named.19:10
n-iCecYmen: or dmesg19:11
squintykastor: same thing happens here with chrome/chromium (black screen)  afaik, it is a chrome buglet but may be mistaken on this19:11
imbezolGunArm1: looks like you're trying to run the devices you find19:11
GunArm1lol! oops19:11
cYmenbubbasaures: thanks, seems to work now. guess the usb port is faulty19:11
bubbasaureskastor_, My experience with pepper flash is it had crashing issues in FF, not sure anyone here will have details on chrome, maybe.19:12
GunArm1hm I replaced the first $x with echo, and now I'm getting a bunch of blank lines...19:12
bubbasaurescYmen, Cool, enjoy.19:12
imbezolfor x in /dev/sd[a-z] ; do smartctl -x /dev/sd$x | grep "SCT Error Recovery Control" ; done19:13
kastor_n-iCe: Nope I haven't, does that use a different plugin? I'm using the last stable version (38.0.2125.111 m)19:13
kastor_bubbasaures: It's weird 'cause FF works wonders with any video... I just don't really like Firefox, and I'm pretty sure Chrome shouldn't be having issues with videos... I mean come on19:14
GunArm1imbezol: looks right to me, but it's not outputting anything, I think for some reason in that context it's giving permission denied on each smartctl command and then grep is tripping all the lines out19:14
bubbasaureskastor_, Not sure if pepper crashes or has some limitations, with pepper; the included flash in chrome.19:14
imbezolGunArm1: or better... for x in /dev/sd[a-z] ; do echo "Checking $x" ; smartctl -x /dev/sd$x | grep "SCT Error Recovery Control" ; done19:14
imbezolGunArm1: ah.. probably have to have root permissions19:15
GunArm1imbezol: ya thats more what I was going for in the first place with the echo, thx19:15
GunArm1I am running it as in # mode though19:15
kastor_squinty: I didn't see your comment, but yes that's the same thing happening to me. I even went to a buddy's house, installed ubuntu in his PC and it worked just fine19:15
GunArm1oh i see one sec19:15
imbezolGunArm1: if you were getting an error grep wouldn't trim out the error.. grep is operating only on stdout, while errors will appear on stderr19:16
imbezolGunArm1: it's more likely that the line you're looking for is not f ound19:16
qenghoimbezol: Maybe useful: Single-character wildcard in the shell, "?", as in /dev/sd? .19:16
imbezolqengho: that works too19:16
imbezolqengho: his original sd* was grabbing partitions too which is not correct for what he's trying to do19:17
squintykastor_:  might want to try googling for "black screen" chrome and ubuntu... lots of reports about this. personally I am not a chrome/chromium user so it really doesn't affect me (FF for the win! :P)  :)19:17
kastor_bubbasaures: I don't know, it seems like it works fine in everybody's PC but mine. My PC is really old, it's got an MSI G31TM-P21 mobo but it should play web videos just fine. I dualboot with Windows 8 and chrome works just fine.19:17
qenghokastor_: sorry I'm late to the party? What video card? Intel?19:18
mohammadrezahi guys19:18
kastor_squinty: Yes I've done that, the thing is... most of those reports are from when Chrome had flash support, so the solution was to disable pepperflash and just use the flash plugin.. Chrome doesn't support that one anymore and you've only 1 option for flash plugin now.19:18
kastor_qengho: Yeah just Intel integrated graphics19:19
GunArm1imbezol: qengho: combined both of what you said into19:19
GunArm1for x in /dev/sd? ; do echo "Checking $x" ; smartctl -x $x | grep "SCT Error Recovery Control" ; done19:19
GunArm1works well, thanks19:19
qenghokastor_: Intel driver is wonky lately. Should be fixed soon.19:20
bubbasaures<qengho> kastor_: Intel driver is wonky lately. Should be fixed soon.  How can you actually prove that qengho19:21
qenghobubbasaures: I can't. Thanks.19:21
bubbasauresqengho, Than don't make statements like that here.19:22
qenghobubbasaures: Um, no.19:22
kastor_qengho: Did you read about that somewhere?19:22
bubbasauresqengho, heh, well we will be sure to make sure you do. ;)19:22
qenghokastor_: I read the bug report on Cr bug tracker.19:23
imbezolbubbasaures: are you staff here?19:23
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imbezoli find that i often see people telling other people what they can and cannot do here but it's confusing because i have no idea who actually has any authority here19:24
bubbasauresimbezol, No but read the COC< this channel is support not opinions without notice of or proof.19:24
qenghokastor_: Intel direct rendering driver tries to do more than the Chromium sandbox allows. Chromium project knows. Intel knows.19:24
mohammadrezai have problem with my bluetooth....after install ubuntu 14.04 in first it worked.but it dosn't work now...my laptop is dell 5520...what should i do?19:25
daftykinsimbezol: either you follow the rules or you leave, it's simple19:25
kastor_qengho: Mmm I guess that makes sense altho I don't remember if the other PC where it worked had the same driver as mine. I'll check it out, thanks.19:26
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imbezoldaftykins: that wasn't up for debate, but thx19:27
daftykinsdon't worry it was a freebie19:27
mohammadrezai have problem with my bluetooth....after install ubuntu 14.04 in first it worked.but it dosn't work now...my laptop is dell 5520...what should i do?19:28
graftcan someone explain this one to me? I apparently don't know how to use Hash.new() properly... http://pastebin.com/CSjidAPu19:28
daftykinsgraft: this is not a development channel. it is an OS support channel19:29
graftoh crumb, wrong channel, sorry19:29
homi have problem with my bluetooth....after install ubuntu 14.04 in first it worked.but it dosn't work now...my laptop is dell 5520...what should i do?19:32
squintyfwiw, just checked both my chrome and chromium (intel graphic card here) on youtube and the "black screen" buglet seems to have been fixed (update maybe??)19:33
bubbasauresmohammadreza, Use one nick here.19:35
mach20x Does anyone know how to, or where I can find script to verify and secure an installation of Ubuntu armhf?19:38
bekksmach20x: Verify for what? And securing an installation cannot be done by a single script.19:38
mach20xPreferably as a custom script to be run on installation19:39
delanohello everyone!  something just happened for the first time for me..I created a new folder within the save wn19:40
delanowindow while saving a file19:40
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delanobut the new folder wasnt visible in nautilus until I restarted it19:40
delanoit wasn't auto-created in nautilus, I mean19:40
linelevelHi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 on a brand new SSD, with the boot loader on a USB drive. This worked when I did it with 12.04, but now the installation gets to the end but then warns that the bootloader installation failed. Any suggestions?19:41
stan_man_canHi all. When I try to WGET to an https link it says connected but doesn't do anything.. "Connecting to github.com||:443... connected." it just hangs. Non https links work fine though.19:43
compdoclinelevel, Ive had that happen because it gets confused about which drive to install the boot loader to. When it asks to wrtie the bootloader, you can click No and then set which drive you want19:43
tewardis there a way to get the list of unity scopes already installed so i can start to get rid of some of them?  14.0419:43
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linelevelcompdoc: I set the boot loader to the USB device correctly. After it failed, I tried again on the same device (/dev/sdc, which corresponds to the USB stick I want to put it on), and it failed again.19:44
linelevelcompdoc: I tried recreating the FAT32 partition in GParted, and even tried setting the boot flag on the partition (that shouldn't be necessary, though).. no dice. What am I missing?19:45
compdocnot sure. sounds right. why not put the bootloader on the ssd, if thats where the system is?19:46
mach20xWouldn't you have to map the bootloader as ‘sda’ as opposed to ‘sdc’19:46
linelevelcompdoc: The point is for it NOT to be where the system is.. I plan to install a decoy OS (Windows) which the system will boot into unless you boot from this USB stick. :)19:47
compdocfdisk -l shows the usb as /dev/sdc? that sounds odd19:48
reisiodoes it?19:48
linelevelcompdoc: /dev/sda is my internal SSD, /dev/sdb is the LiveUSB stick that I'm currently installing Ubuntu from, /dev/sdc is the second USB stick on which I want to put the bootloader.19:49
linelevelThis all worked fine when I did it with 12.04, not sure why it's having trouble now. That was a different USB stick, but not sure why this one would be different, except that it's larger (64 GB).19:50
linelevelIn fact, I now notice that Ubuntu shows a different icon in the left panel for this USB stick than for others. This one looks like a USB stick with a floppy disk on top. Any idea what that means?19:51
marandihi guys , i install pear in my ubuntu ( 14.04 ) but still got this error ( Class 'PEAR' not found in /var/www/html/contacts/Contact_Vcard_Parse.php on line 54 ) .. what should i do ?!19:53
ansivirusmarandi, make sure you have the correct include path in php_info()19:54
marandiansivirus: alright let me check19:54
CheckDavidIf o run Ubuntu live can I easily install it to the hardrive from there?19:56
mach20xI'm looking to install Ubuntu on my mobile device via Linux deploy as the installer, I want to be able do verify the checksums of the distribution, or even initiate gpg19:56
daftykinsCheckDavid:  yes19:56
CheckDaviddaftykins: is it a.point and click process? Or more complex?19:57
daftykinspoint and click graphical installer yes19:57
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daftykinsCheckDavid: there should be plenty of examples online19:57
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CheckDavidthanks daftykins19:57
CheckDavidBy the way. Can I unetbootin Ubuntu to the HDD?19:58
marandiansivirus: it said : include_path.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear19:58
daftykinsCheckDavid: what OS are you on now?19:59
km4its  fine 200mb boot, 8gb swap, 200gb home,20gb /root ?19:59
CheckDaviddaftykins: debian19:59
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daftykinsCheckDavid: i would just 'dd' the ISO onto the flash drive19:59
marandihi guys , i install pear in my ubuntu ( 14.04 ) but still got this error ( Class 'PEAR' not found in /var/www/html/contacts/Contact_Vcard_Parse.php on line 54 ) .. what should i do ?!20:00
ubuntuaddictedi can't figure out why my screen is black when i just installed the nvidia driver for my GTX 760. im running xubuntu 14.04 with the latest kernel, 3.13.0-3920:00
Picimarandi: how did you install it?20:00
CheckDaviddaftykins: why not HDD?20:01
linelevelcompdoc: Update: I tried mounting proc,sys,devpts and chroot'ing in, then manually running "sudo grub-install /dev/sdc/" -- it failed with: "grub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of `/dev/sda1'"20:01
marandiPici: sudo apt-get install php5-cli php5-dev php-pear20:01
CheckDavidI already started the profess20:01
daftykinsCheckDavid: what do you mean? you can't 'dd' the ISO onto a hard disk :P20:01
km4guys in new install partition 200mb boot, 8gb swap, 200gb home,20gb /root its ok or no ? first time install lubuntu20:01
ubuntuaddictedXorg.0.log shows the nvidia driver was loaded and there's no errors. i checked the brightness of the monitor and that's not it. what else can try?>20:02
CheckDaviddaftykins: unetbootin had an HDD option instead of usb20:02
daftykinsi'd stick to flash drives.20:02
CheckDavidIt will destroy my system? :(20:02
squintylinelevel:  funny you should mention the "stick with floppy" icon... i was just doing some usb stick work and saw the same thing just moments before you mentioned it.  SanDisk U3 Cruzer Micro showed that icon ( my others don't).  sudo fdisk -l reports "This doesn't look like a partition table Probably you selected the wrong device."  It has a lubuntu 14.04 iso installed to it.  sudo parted -l reports no problem.20:02
ansivirusmarandi, is PEAR.php located in one of those directories?20:03
ansivirusmarandi, iirc, ubuntu installs PEAR.php into /usr/share/php/20:03
|m0nkwhat do i do when someone from -nickserv has released my password and i cant use my nick? am i logged in from somewhere else?20:04
linelevelsquinty: Strange. This is the first time I've tried using a USB stick this large (64 GB), so I was thinking that maybe the size is related to the problem, but I still haven't found any answers on Google.20:04
reisio|m0nk: released your password?20:05
|m0nk[22:51:10] -NickServ- CountDickBlast!~m0nk@c-73-48-155-101.hsd1.ca.comcast.net has released your nickname.20:05
marandiansivirus: yes it is , there is a PEAR.php in /usr/share/php/20:05
daftykins|m0nk: go and ask in #freenode , this is NOT network support20:05
ubuntuaddictednormally the nvidia driver just works but for the life of me i can't get anything but a black screen to appear. any suggestions?20:05
ansivirusmarandi, then you should be good. perhaps contact the developer of Contact_Vcard_Parse.php?20:06
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squintyubuntuaddicted:  old xorg.conf kicking around that maybe causing a conflict?20:06
GeoHi, I have a gig switch and gig ethernet NIC, but its only connecting at 100mbit. How do I force it to full gig?20:07
bekksGeo: Change the cable.20:07
daftykinsGeo: ^ i told you this yesterday20:07
ubuntuaddictedsquinty, nope, i checked that as well. i even tried sudo nvidia-xconfig to create a new one but it shouldn't really need an xorg.conf anymore20:07
marandiansivirus: dunno , he/she extend the PEAR in line 54 : class Contact_Vcard_Parse extends PEAR {20:08
ubuntuaddictedsquinty, the weird part is that lightdm does appear20:08
ubuntuaddictedsquinty, ok, new problem. not i do have a gui but theres no direct rendering and the nvidia driver failed to initialize per the Xorg.0.log file.  looks like i have a gui only because of uvesafb. i've never seen this before.20:09
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: i'd be willing to bet you still have nomodeset on your boot parameters.20:10
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:10
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i thought that's required? i didn't think the nvidia driver worked with modesettings20:10
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: maybe you needed to use nomodeset to boot initially, but once you've installed the nvidia proprietary driver you must remove it.20:11
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daftykinsubuntuaddicted: delete your xorg.conf, reboot and hold left shift to remove nomodeset from the boot parameters then boot up and see if it works.20:11
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, OMG for real? i thought i needed nomodeset in order to work. here's the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/8807594/20:12
daftykinsno you totally misunderstood20:12
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: yeah you have nomodeset, go do the above20:12
Geodaftykins: you said to make sure it was 5e or higher. it was.20:13
daftykinsGeo: yeah, probably a bad cable though.20:13
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, removing nomodeset from the boot line and now i just have a black screen20:13
Geoand if its not the cable?20:13
bekksGeo: Did you check the cable? Did you replace it?20:14
GeoI recall from long ago there are client-side methods of restricting to 100mb.. where would those settings reside?20:14
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i am in tty1 though, im working on getting  a log20:14
bekksGeo: How many cable pairs does your cable have?20:14
Geobekks: its 5e.20:14
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8807625/20:14
mach20xI'm looking to install Ubuntu on my mobile device via Linux deploy as the installer, I want to be able do verify the checksums of the distribution, or even initiate gpg. Does anyone know how I would generate a custom script to do that upon install?20:15
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: you appear to have multiple screens, is one maybe a TV and you've not got it turned on?20:15
mjaykHay TheWizard20:15
squintyubuntuaddicted:  Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"   might also want to try nuking that20:16
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, they're both asus monitors, no tv's. both connected via DVI20:16
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins,  squinty here's the xorg.conf file http://paste.ubuntu.com/8807640/20:17
daftykinswhy have you made another one?20:17
daftykinsoh the conf20:17
daftykinsi said remove it20:17
daftykinsrename it to xorg.conf.old20:17
daftykinsthen bootup without one20:18
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ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, ok, will try that now20:18
Steve_Jobsscrewed up my 14.10 upgrade by breaking the update process20:19
Steve_Jobsmy sources dir has a bunch of .list .save and .distUpgrade files20:19
CheckDavidI did a unetbootin to a USB drive but I can't boot the drive20:19
CheckDavidI wonder why20:20
daftykinsshould've used 'dd'20:20
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, same thing, it just a black screen. the monitor is recieving a signal though because DVI flashes from the monitors OSD. and the light is on. the second monitor's light is off and didn't flash anything on it's OSD20:20
Steve_JobsI can't upgrade anything with sudo apt-get update/upgrade20:20
CheckDavidAh damn. Why doesn't unetbootin work daftykins ?20:20
daftykinsCheckDavid: i don't know i don't know anything about it, never use it20:20
CheckDavidI once thought dd was drag and drop20:20
CheckDavidBut instill don't know what it is20:21
tgm4883I think I've only got unetbootin to work once on ubuntu20:21
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, so why would the monitor screen be black? tty1 works just fine20:21
kamxam new here! any chanel with android development20:21
GunArm1whats that option to make e2fsck actually do a full scan instead of just looking at metadata?20:21
ubuntuaddictedkamx, do a channel search. what irc client are you using?20:22
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: don't know. make sure you definitely got rid of xorg.conf then repaste your Xorg.0.log - then try one monitor at a time plugged in as primary instead of both20:22
Pici!alis | kamx20:22
ubottukamx: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*20:22
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, xorg.conf is definitely gone. i'll try 1 monitor at a time. thanks for the suggestion20:23
squintyubuntu_:  might also want to check for any alternate desktop choices in lightdm logon (if you reach that far before "black screening")20:23
daftykinsCheckDavid: it's a command line disk utility. from debian you would run "sudo dd if=/path/to/ubuntu.ISO of=/dev/sdX bs=2M" (where sdX is the device letter of your flash drive20:23
Steve_Jobsproper QA is one where you're doing test automation and automated specs20:24
Steve_Jobsthen you do exploratory testing20:24
Steve_Jobswrong window20:24
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, so what is nomodeset used for then?20:24
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: how did you install this nvidia driver?20:25
BluesKajSteve_Jobs, what are yopu expecting fore example20:25
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, using the nvidia .run file20:25
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: ugh, you're not supposed to use the downloaded nvidia drivers.20:25
speaker1234what is the current winner for encrypted file systems in ubuntu?20:25
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, ive been using it since ubuntu 10.04 probably, never had an issue before.20:25
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: and now you have )20:26
bekksspeaker1234: use ecrpytfs or dmcrypt20:26
bekksspeaker1234: or luks20:26
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, same symptom. the monitor is just black, it's on but just black20:26
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: with both?20:26
reisiospeaker1234: depends on application20:26
reisiospeaker1234: on your application*20:26
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i tried with a single monitor, the 1 that was previously never receiving a signal.20:26
reisiospeaker1234: on what you want and why*20:26
speaker1234bekks, thanks20:27
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, someting is making lightdm be black.20:27
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, the nvidia driver is being loaded per the log file.20:27
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: how-so?20:27
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: well that depends, one of your log files had 'deleting GPU-0' at the end20:27
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, how so what? it says it loaded nvidia module from /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.so20:28
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, this newest log says that also, not sure what that means20:29
daftykinsit's like it's giving up20:30
daftykinsanyway, i refuse to work with a downloaded driver20:30
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, the very last line is (EE) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file20:30
CheckDaviddaftykins: but the problem.is that.my USB is not in the boot options..is this solved by DD?20:30
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i can uninstall it and install the repo provided driver but what's the command to install the latest nvidia driver from the repo?20:31
daftykinsCheckDavid: no, you're going to need to work out how to see it as a boot device20:31
CheckDavidAhh. Then I'm not doing he right thing.20:31
CheckDaviddaftykins: why could that be?20:31
ubuntuaddictedCheckDavid, look into Tuxboot. i've used that to create bootable usb sticks20:31
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: just use jockey once it's removed and you're booted back in. presumably you had no luck with nouveau in the past?20:31
CheckDavidubuntuaddicted: then how do I boot the USB?20:32
lyntooapt-get install nvidia-current20:32
CheckDavidIts not an option on my boot menu20:32
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, ok, thanks.20:33
squintyCheckDavid:  if your computer can't boot from usb you can use a "plop" cd to start the boot process and then complete the boot via usb from there20:33
ubuntuaddictedCheckDavid, OH, if the usb isn't even an option than your motherboard may not support booting from a usb stick.20:33
CheckDavidsquinty: it can but not this one20:33
CheckDavidNot now. It used to boot this one20:33
BluesKajseems a live cd is in order20:34
CheckDavidBut it is. Its just now that it decided not to let me20:34
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i can't use nouveau because im a gamer, it doesn't provide even the slightest decent FPS in games like borderlands 2, the pre-squel, metro last light etc etc20:34
CheckDavidWhy can't I click a button and install Ubuntu? :(20:35
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, the latest driver in the repo's is only 304?20:35
squintyCheckDavid:  hmmm... unetbootin doesn't usually give any problems here.  might want to either (as previously suggested ) use the dd command or check pendrivelinux.com for alternate methods20:35
mjaykubuntuaddicted: no20:35
mjayk [UbuntuGnome] Stuck after login with weird screen in the middle of desktop 120:35
ubuntuaddictedmjayk, issueing sudo apt-get install nvidia-current is installing nvidia-30420:36
CheckDavidsquinty: what if I try unetbootin to HDD?20:36
mjaykubuntuaddicted: through install additional drivers mine installed 331.3820:36
ubuntuaddictedmjayk, sadly im only at a tty1 so i don't have that luxory20:37
squintyCheckDavid:  never tried it personally.20:37
ubuntuaddictedCheckDavid, how old is your motherboard that it can't boot to a usb stick?20:37
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: i'm asking whether you got a desktop with nouveau. i know all that! please just answer the questions20:37
mjaykubuntuaddicted: apt-get install nvidia-33120:38
CheckDavidubuntuaddicted: stop saying that. It runs all the time just stopped now.20:38
mjaykubuntuaddicted: he said it could previusly now it doesnt20:38
vmachinehi is there a website that will show me the last time a company's public rsa key was changed?20:38
squintyubuntuaddicted:  using nvidia-current should install the applicable driver for your specific video card.  sounds like you have an older card if it is installing 30420:38
Ben64ubuntuaddicted: sudo apt-get install build-essential dkms linux-headers$(uname -r | sed s/^.*[0-9]\-/-/g)20:38
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, im not sure whether i get a desktop with the open source driver20:39
ubuntuaddictedsquinty, GTX 76020:39
daftykinspresumably not since you were having to use nomodeset before20:39
Ben64ubuntuaddicted: yeah, you'll probably want 33120:39
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: nah should be a newer driver than 304, that's why i didn't suggest to install nvidia-current as you were told (:20:39
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ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, nomodeset may have been in there from when i had an AMD card20:39
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i thought you told me to install nvidia-current?20:40
daftykinsno that wasn't me20:40
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: i think you might want to read the screen a little better :)20:40
CheckDavidWell I'm doing unetbootin HDD as a last resort.20:40
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: tell you what, you go read up and see what i actually said, then i'll be back once you follow that correctly20:40
hellslingerdoes anyone know what daemon unity or gnome are supposed to use for the power manager? gnome-power-manager doesn't actually install a daemon20:41
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, im sorry, it was lyntoo who suggested i install nvidia-current20:41
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BluesKajdoesn't ubuntu software center have a recommebed driver package for graphics20:43
f_rojasim trying to mount windows share and it is giving me a "Host is down (112)" error. The server is up, the address is correct, verbose output shows the correct ip.  smbclient list the shares, and can connect using the gui. only mount fails20:43
BluesKajerr recommended20:43
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, hmm, i had an old blacklist.conf laying around so it wasn't loading the open source nvidia driver20:44
nuke1989I have a file with the 10 words. One word in each line. So i want to make a script to assign each word as a variable. Any help from where to start?20:44
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, and now just trying to use neovaeu driver i get nothing and the monitor actually isn't receiving any signal. the monitor light shuts off20:44
mach20x I want to be able to ensure the system is a clean install and void of tampering, and then maintain that state with internal checks. Can anyone help me, by at least pointing me to the right materials?20:45
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, here's the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/8808006/20:45
kamxhow can i add a new chanel in my chat! any help am new here20:45
farfi'm trying to change my default browser to Chromium. I already set it as default in the "default programs" setting, and used update-alternatives to change x-www-browser, but links still open in firefox ie in the terminal and hexchat20:45
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farfi'm using xfce20:46
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ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, so the NOUVEAU doesn't work either by default20:47
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: this is beginning to sound like a very messy install. was it a clean 14.04?20:47
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i don't recall, possibly an upgrade from 13.1020:47
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, why would that matter?20:48
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: makes it pretty annoying to diagnose at least. so what's the current state of play? booted to a desktop with nomodeset to get jockey running and install nvidia 331 yet?20:48
nezZarioAnybody have any clue what's going on here? -> http://pastie.org/private/egdrtvg7i8ansa2ek9za .. I tried installing dselect, someone told me that would help, but I can't even install dselect here20:49
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i currently can't get to a desktop. here's the .xsession-errors file http://paste.ubuntu.com/8808049/20:49
squintyfarf:  there is a "set as default browser" setting in chromium itself... maybe try that too20:49
DadFoundMyi like to have one webbrowser window and two terminal windows open on my screen most of the time. is there anyway to set ubuntu to open these windows by default at the size that i want?20:50
DadFoundMyi use xfce if it makes any difference20:50
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: hah, ok at this point your install sounds horrible. got a flash drive handy?20:50
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, yes. i actually have a backup of my / partition which i made pretty recently with clonezilla. you suggest i try to restore the backup?20:51
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i normally try to work through these types of issues cause i always end up learning something.20:52
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, the Xorg.0.log looks fine doesn't it to you?20:53
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, would it help if i had an xorg.conf for NOUVEAU to use?20:53
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: i would just be curious whether your two screens work when booting a live session from 14.04.1 media20:53
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: no, sorry i don't have the patience to follow your approach of wanting to repair this install right now i'm afraid.20:54
squintyDadFoundMy:  for the the terminals  Edit > Profile Preferences > General Tab > custo20:54
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i believe i have a usb stick with 14.04.1 on it, i could try out the livecd sure20:54
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daftykinsubuntuaddicted: good stuff, see what we're dealing with20:55
vanbergeanyone got any ideas why 14.10 on a fresh install would have the touchpad stop working after my notebook suspended ?20:56
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ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i just don't really see what that's going to prove? im currently only connected to 1 monitor and i can't evne get NOUVEAU to work20:57
tgm4883ubuntuaddicted: it would prove that 14.04.1 works on your hardware in a default configuration20:57
ubuntuaddictedmaybe NOUVEAU doesn't support the gtx 760?20:58
f_rojasquestion: im trying to mount a windows share (Windows 2012) and it is giving me a "Host is down (112)" error. The server is up, the address is correct, verbose output shows the correct ip. smbclient list the shares, and can connect using the gui (ubuntu and windows). using ubuntu 14.04.20:59
f_rojascommand: "mount --verbose -t cifs -o user=myuser,password=mypassword,rw //myserver/share /mydir"20:59
f_rojasresponse: mount.cifs kernel mount options: ip=,unc=\\myserver\share,user=myuser,pass=********20:59
f_rojasmount error(112): Host is down20:59
f_rojasRefer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)20:59
tgm4883!pastebin | f_rojas20:59
ubottuf_rojas: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:59
tgm4883ubuntuaddicted: thats the same card I have20:59
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: i have great doubts about your upgraded install right now so i'd rather hear about something untainted20:59
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, my system was runnign great for months up until 2 days ago when i tried to use a utopix mainline kernel 3.17 and when I tried to instal the nvidia driver it failed due to a gcc mistmatch error and all my problem began21:00
GeneralShenanigaGot a dual-NIC atom board I just loaded with 14.04 x64... both nics using the e1000e driver, but only one interface is recognized by ifconfig: p34p1.21:01
GeneralShenanigaHow would I determine the device name for the second nic?21:01
GeneralShenanigatried 'ifconfig p34p0' and 'ifconfig p34p2', and neither of those devices are recognized21:01
daftykinsGeneralShenaniga: "ifconfig -a"21:02
GeneralShenanigathx daftykins21:03
GeneralShenanigatwo more network related questions:21:03
GeneralShenanigawhat are the current best-practice methods for (A) restarting your network services (I used to do /etc/init.d/networking restart, now that and 'service networking restart/reload' aren't working)21:04
GeneralShenaniga(B) hard-coding DNS after you set a static IP21:04
GeneralShenanigajust disable the resolvconf service and hardcode nameservers?21:04
daftykinsyou can't really do that anymore. better to just configure things then do a full reboot21:04
daftykinsGeneralShenaniga: i personally purge resolvconf, configur the interfaces file, reboot, then edit /etc/resolv.conf21:05
daftykinsthen you're set.21:05
ubuntuaddictedtgm4883, daftykins i also know it's not the card since my arch system works just fine with nvidia 343.22 driver21:07
ildefonsoGeneralShenaniga, I have always used "dns-nameservers" on interfaces file to set static DNS servers.21:07
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: right but we're working with ubuntu.21:08
ildefonsoI know that setting up resolv.conf after purging resolvconf would work too.21:08
RaMcHiP-TMPHello all.  I am trying to figure out the best way to run commands before logging in.  I need to run xinput set-prop '10' 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1  -  Where would be the best place to do this?  make a bash script and trigger it in rc.local?21:08
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, im burning the iso onto the stick now. it turned out didn't have 1 made21:08
daftykinsUSB flash drives are not burnt21:08
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, oh come on, it's just an expression. lol21:08
daftykinsthe term refers to the physical etching of layers into recordable optical media ;)21:09
daftykinsyeah but it's wrong :)21:09
recognoscohi, i see a bunch .0 files in my /etc/ssl/certs/ directory (326 of them) - any idea what those files might be?21:09
ildefonsorecognosco, certificates.21:09
ildefonsorecognosco, well, more precisely, symbolic links to certificates.21:10
recognoscoildefonso: oh. cool. so i can delete them. just wondering why all those symlinks are created21:11
guntbertrecognosco: NO21:11
ubuntuaddictedok new issue. this usb stick is all screewed up in gparted. it's a 4GB stick and it says 8.00Mb and i can't create a partition table on the stick21:12
ildefonsoGeneralShenaniga, now, define "network services"... I do not remember ever restarting "networking" service on an Ubuntu server... I usually would do an ifdown / ifup for interfaces (possibly killing some leftover processes, like dhclient and similar).21:12
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: heh it's one thing after another with your system today eh! share 'sudo fdisk -l' output21:12
guntbertrecognosco: they are definitely needed for openssl - why do you want to delete them?21:12
recognoscoguntbert: no? can't delete them? or no i can't know why?21:13
guntbertrecognosco: don't delete them21:13
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i know right. i can't win. lol http://paste.ubuntu.com/8808361/21:13
recognoscoguntbert: ok. thanks.21:13
guntbertrecognosco: try ls -l /etc/ssl/certs/|grep "\.0"  to see what they point to21:14
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: errr wow the kernel does indeed seem to think it's an 8MB drive. perhaps you should go use your arch install21:14
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, is this stick toast?21:14
ildefonsoubuntuaddicted, are you certain that's the right device? (sdf)21:15
recognoscoguntbert: yeah, checked that already. they are pointing to various certificates in that directory21:15
ubuntuaddictedildefonso, yes21:15
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: i would seek another OS/system for confirmation21:15
ildefonsoubuntuaddicted, then yes, try on another OS/machine, and if it fails the same: it is likely toasted.21:15
recognoscoguntbert: i was confused why i have about 100 certificates and 300 synlinks to them.21:15
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, this was taken using my xubuntu 14.04.1 server21:15
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, could i use cfdisk or another disk utility?21:16
guntbertrecognosco: the symlinks don't "cost" a lot - they are part of the package21:16
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: right but my *point* is to confirm what it appears as in another system :) i really don't think it'll just be fdisk seeing it as 8MB. you can run sudo parted -l too though21:16
daftykinsbut i'd hope they agree21:16
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, Error: /dev/sdf: unrecognised disk label21:17
daftykinsthat's all parted says?21:17
recognoscoguntbert: agreed. it just seems like an unconventional way of doing things - creating hundreds of symlinks to certificates, some of which are symlinks themselves.21:18
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, and i can't get sudo cfdisk -P /dev/sdf to work either. lol21:18
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, correct, that's all that parted said21:19
guntbertrecognosco: true, at the moment I can only tell you that I see the exact same on my current debian server, would have to look into openssl docu for details21:19
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i found another 4GB stick. it's alreeady formatted as fat32, i had used it to update my motherboard firmware. can i just use start up disk creator or do i need to prep the usb drive somehow first using gparted?21:21
recognoscoguntbert: got it. https://www.openssl.org/docs/ssl/SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations.html or http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/c_rehash.1ssl.html21:21
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: i prefer to just 'dd' ISOs on myself21:22
recognoscoguntbert: seems like the context objects like to use them.21:22
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jhutchins_wkubuntuaddicted: If you're burning (yes, I know) an iso image to it, that will overwrite any partitioning on the drive anyway.21:22
recognoscoguntbert: seems like the context objects like to use them. the reason i can think of it - if you start a server connection with a context, what if the file changes somehow?21:23
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, ok, what's the dd command?21:23
neredsenvyIs it possible to password protect a folder but allow process like mysql/apache to access it ? Just password protect it so that noone can enter it using terminal or ftp/ssh/sftp and what not.21:23
questionpl0xIn Ubuntu how can I get output from a particular file according to the line I want?21:23
daftykinsyou really ought to learn how to use this utility :) sudo dd if=/path/to/.ISO of=/dev/sdX bs=2M21:23
neredsenvyI know accounts and all but I have a specific folder I wan't locked down/password protected21:23
questionpl0xSo how can I get the 10th line of a file for example21:23
questionpl0xinstead of outputting it all with cat21:23
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, something like this: sudo dd if=/media/500gb1/torrents/ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdf121:23
recognosconeredsenvy: yes. use groups.21:23
recognosconeredsenvy: yes. use groups.  or acl.21:24
neredsenvyrecognosco, No because there few sudoers I wan't this one to be password restricted21:24
trijntjequestionpl0x: you have to combine a bunch of commands to do that I'm afraid21:24
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, oh yeah, i forgot the bs=2M21:24
neredsenvyjust plain old password21:24
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: you've fallen into the trap, you must use the main device, sdf, not sdf121:24
guntbertrecognosco: you seem to know a lot more about openssl operation than I do - what is a "context" in this regard?21:24
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, ok, thanks21:25
jhutchins_wkneredsenvy: Not really password protected, but if it belongs to www-data and only the owner has execute permission, it's effectively locked.21:25
trijntjequestionpl0x: head -n 10 filename | tail -n 121:25
jhutchins_wkneredsenvy: You can specify which commands a sudo user can execute, restrict them to those commands.21:25
recognoscoguntbert: when you open a connection, say a tcp connection, you have to pass it a context that has all the cipher, key, cert, options (like tls or ssl3 or whatever not allowed etc) information21:26
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, what's weird is that from tty1, sudo service lightdm restart  stuff does start occuring but then the monitor says DVI No Signal and it turns off21:26
recognoscoso that the connection can be SSL/TLS connection21:26
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, just waiting for the iso finish writing to the usb stick and thought id try one more time. i've never had this many problems with getting a GUI before.21:26
neredsenvyI was hoping there is an easy way with external software21:26
guntbertrecognosco: I see - the vocabulary was new to me - so my "advice" to not delete them *may* be wrong :-/ -- it should have been a word of caution instead21:27
bobbobbinsI’m having a problem i don’t quite understand…Someone made a copy of a server and just dumped it into a directory on another server. I dont’ see any simlinks set up or anything, but whenever I change something in the copy, it changes my server and vice versa, any idea whats causing this and how to fix it?21:27
neredsenvyBasically I have one folder containing some source code that has not been documented/reformated yet I i would like to keep it offlimits otherwise I get 50 pms everyday about what the code does from people who should have no interest in it.21:27
neredsenvyBut it has some code which is part of a live program21:28
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, hmmm, after that last lightdm restart now i can't even get to a tty. wtf is going on with my system. lol21:28
recognoscoguntbert: i think we can clean them up at restart...21:28
eeerrei'm able to boot live linux distributions from USB, but whenever i *install* a distribution to a USB drive, i'm not able to boot it. any suggestions as to what i'm doing wrong?21:28
jhutchins_wkbobbobbins: Did someone mount the drive remotely?  Is there an rsync job running periodically?21:29
bobbobbinsjhutchins_wk: let me check21:29
RaMcHiP-TMPIs there a way to run commands at the login screen?21:29
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: memtest21:29
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, just as i suspected the 14.04.1 usb stick boots right up to the desktop21:29
jhutchins_wkneredsenvy: You can password protect access through the web server.21:30
daftykinser, you didn't suspect that at all :P21:30
jhutchins_wkbobbobbins: mount would show if it was a mounted share.21:30
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, yes i did, i knew there was nothing wrong with my hardware21:30
recognosconeredsenvy: have you thought about using acl?21:30
recognosconeredsenvy: man setfacl, getfact21:31
bobbobbinsits showing this: /dev/xvdf on /newdatabase type ext4 (rw) that /newdatabase is the directory in question21:31
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: the hardware wasn't what was in question. is the flash drive xubuntu as well as the install?21:31
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, no, it's normal ubuntu21:32
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, both screens work also21:32
neredsenvyrecognosco, Is it possible to hid the folder from users but not from services ?21:33
guntbertrecognosco: they will get regenerated - see http://serverfault.com/questions/159368/what-are-the-symlinks-for-in-etc-ssl-private-ubuntu-server21:34
jhutchins_wkbobbobbins: I think it's possible to connect a virtual disk to more than one machine, that sounds like what you have - the same virtual disk mounted to two machines.21:34
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, the Xorg.0.log looks the same also. has a ton of modlines in it.  heres the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/880853021:34
nettlejamhi - I have a repository question: Say I am using a config management system to provision (ubuntu) servers, and i specify package foo=2.0.1 to be installed. My understanding is that ubuntu's default repos only hold current versions of packages. Past versions are deleted. If I want to create new systems with an older package version in some cases (ie. for consistency in a cluster), what would be a reasona21:35
nettlejamble way to do that?21:35
ubuntuaddictedso at this point I have no idea what to try21:35
bobbobbinsjhutchins_wk: weird, ok, i dunno why they did that…oh well21:35
recognoscoguntbert: oh cool. thanks. i guess no point cleaning them. i was just bothered to see so many of them there.21:35
nettlejamCan we maintain a local mirror of ubuntu's repos that don't delete packages when they're superceded?21:36
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daftykinsubuntuaddicted: but you run xubuntu right? grab the ISO for that21:36
imastupidguestHi, I'm looking at this: http://www.enqlu.com/2014/03/how-to-install-oracle-java-78-jdk-and-jre-in-ubuntu-14-04-13-10-12-10-12-04-and-10-04-via-ppa-or-linux-mint17.html   <--   instructions but I can't tell from them if I will get the jdk (which is what I need). Can someone or can clarify for me?21:37
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, downloading now21:37
recognosconeredsenvy: i would say the files you don't want other users to see - make them root:newgroupx and then add the services to newgroupx21:37
neredsenvyrecognosco, ty21:37
neredsenvyThats my pic21:37
recognosconeredsenvy: but be careful, upstart has a bug with additional groups21:38
recognosconeredsenvy: but be careful, upstart has a bug with additional groups. you might have to run exec with su.21:38
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, well i'll be damned. it's working now and I didn't change a damn thing. it's using neavaeu or however you spell that damn driver21:39
recognosconeredsenvy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/81287021:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 812870 in upstart "Supplementary groups not set for user jobs" [Undecided,Fix released]21:39
recognoscowell he left before i could finish21:39
recognoscohe might be back21:39
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: ;) although this is an earlier kernel, on the live media21:40
RaMcHiP-TMPHow would I run a command at the login screen like I run startup commands after logging in?21:40
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: so my approach to get back to sanity quicker would be to clean install this21:40
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, my panels are missing but that's a small issue. so that was really really weird. i now have dual monitors working again on my main xubuntu 14.04 installation using kernel 3.13.0-3921:40
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, NO, i'm saying it's working21:40
mach20xDaftykins what steps do I need to take to insure a clean server install from a mirror, and maintain integrity thereafter?21:41
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, NOT the livecd, my normal install21:41
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, and i have no idea why cause i didn't change anything21:41
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, now i need to get a proper nvidia driver installed so i can game at reasonable FPS.21:41
imastupidguestDoes anyone know if this instruction is going to get me oracle's jdk or just the jre?  http://www.enqlu.com/2014/03/how-to-install-oracle-java-78-jdk-and-jre-in-ubuntu-14-04-13-10-12-10-12-04-and-10-04-via-ppa-or-linux-mint17.html21:42
jhutchins_wkubuntuaddicted: So booting to the live image maybe caused somthing to reset, and now it works.21:42
ubuntuaddictedjhutchins_wk, i suppose. i did swap around the dvi connections on the GPU i believe also. other than that, i really didn't change anything system wise21:43
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: lol, your install is absolutely nuts21:43
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i know right. lol  although im glad i didn't do a new install. i would've restored that clonezilla image before i did a new install anyway.21:43
imastupidguestnevermind. I see it, how it works.21:44
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: you do understand that any backed up data in your /home can often be what breaks desktop things though yeah?21:44
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, so getting some decent nvidia drivers. looks like i can get 331.38, i suppose those will suffice. :)  it's just that i've never had issues using the nvidia driver from their website until now21:44
daftykinsespecially if this backup is some ugly upgraded thing from the past21:44
daftykinswell the risk is up to you, technically those are unsupported21:45
daftykinsrepo makes more sense.21:45
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i didn't realize that no but it makes sense. some conf file or some hidden file or folder.21:45
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, what repo's are unsupported?21:45
CoC_towlieubuntuaddicted, i imagine any 3rd party repo21:47
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: the manual nvidia driver download21:47
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, ok, i understand what you're saying now.21:47
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ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, here's something really weird. i put the usb stick back into my server to write xubuntu to it but look at what fdisk reports? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8808617/21:47
farfsquinty, i tried that oo21:48
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: yes, sdf1 is 1GB. :)21:48
daftykinsheh oh i see what you mean21:49
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: i shall now remember you as the most cursed user ever21:49
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, weird hey? that's a 4GB memory stick. previously it has 1 FAT32 partition, now after running dd of the ubuntu iso onto it, it looks like that21:49
daftykinsmeh, easily undone i'm sure21:50
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, so im just going to write the xubuntu 14.04.1 iso onto it now but that is just weird21:51
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, so there's no supported way to get any later nvidia driver than 331.38 on my system?21:52
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, that version is like 11 months old21:52
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: don't fall into the trap of thinking a driver version bump will give you a billion more fps21:54
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, no but there's clearly bug fixes from nvidia in the later versions21:55
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: alright, can you reduce the highlights a bit now... i'm actually multi tasking21:55
imastupidguestDoes Ubuntu 14.04 have anything like desktops? I'd like to set up toolbars to have different icons/shortcuts based on the activity I engage in (ie: software development, entertainment, etc, etc... )21:56
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, i hear ya, likewise over here. thank you very much for all your help. do you know off hand if grub customizer works with grub2. im considering using it to remove nomodeset from my boot options21:56
HikaruBGhi guys21:56
HikaruBGhow can I create a symbolic link to a web-page?21:56
execRsymbolic to OPEN a webpage?21:57
execRor just a text21:57
HikaruBGto open a web browser with a specific page21:57
CastanedaHello! Anyone can help me with ubuntu server problem?21:57
ubuntuaddictedHikaruBG, ln -s /originallocation newlocation21:57
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: no idea, but you really should look into the raw methods of doing things rather than prettified methods ;)21:58
jhutchins_wkubuntuaddicted: You can modify /etc/defaults/grub to change boot options (run update-grub after making changes).21:58
daftykinsCastaneda: not until you describe the problem21:58
execRif you want a symbolic link21:59
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, im very comfotable in the terminal and am aware of how to edit /etc/default/grub and sudo update-grub2, i was merely asking. thanks though21:59
execRu should use a normal script21:59
execRx-www-browser 'http://example.com/your/link'21:59
ubuntuaddictedjhutchins_wk, thanks, i knew that. wouldn't it be sudo update-grub2 though?21:59
jhutchins_wkubuntuaddicted: Yeah.22:00
jhutchins_wkubuntuaddicted: Also need to edit the file with sudo.22:00
ubuntuaddictedjhutchins_wk, yeap22:00
execRanyone using irssi? can i disable this logging in logging of of people in the channel ?22:01
nox_debiananyone able to use mutt fetchmail and procmail to get your mail?22:01
daftykinsexecR: joins and parts? yeah, read the irssi manual22:02
imastupidguestexecR: I'd love to know the same for opera. Any idea?22:02
imastupidguestopera's chat that is.22:02
ubuntuaddictedok, next thing. for some reason my xfce panels are missing but when i issue xfce4-panel is says there's already a running instance. i also made sure xfcdesktop was running as well. thoughts?22:02
daftykinsCastaneda: wget http://path/to/file22:02
execRwill try the manual sec22:02
linageecan someone please help me upgrade to 14.10? :( I'm getting "unrecoverable error" when I do-release-upgraed22:03
nox_debianautolog = OFF   execR  ?22:03
jhutchins_wkexecR: See the irssi webpage22:03
execR@ nox_debian where is the file located for the edit?22:03
execRthanks @jhuttchins_wk will do22:04
jhutchins_wknox_debian: No, he wants to hide joins & parts, which is pretty easy.22:04
linageeI get: "Could not calculate the upgrade\n  An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade."22:04
nox_debianjhutchins_wk, i'm grub_issue lol  i solved using legacy boot converting ubuntu to legacy mode.... using boot-repair  uefi was impossible.22:04
jhutchins_wklinagee: WHat command did you use?22:05
linageejhutchins_wk: sudo do-release-upgrade22:05
nox_debianjhutchins_wk, can you use mutt with fetchmail and procmail? i've a problem with fetchmail...i don't find my mail22:06
ubuntuaddictedfor some reason i don't see any of my panels. i only see cairo-dock that i set up. any thoughts?22:06
jhutchins_wklinagee: Try making sure you're completely up-to-date with the existing release, disable any ppas.  What release are you upgrading from?22:06
linageejhutchins_wk: ah. I guess this will tell me whats wrong? grep Broken /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log22:06
Jordan_Unox_debian: For what it's worth, the error you posted here was about you trying to run grub-mkconfig from a LiveCD/USB environment. It was not a problem specific to UEFI.22:06
linageejhutchins_wk: 14.0422:06
jhutchins_wklinagee: To 14.10?22:07
linageejhutchins_wk: I have third party sources disabled, but I guess there's still some things causing grief for it.22:07
linageejhutchins_wk: yes, 14.04 -> 14.1022:07
nox_debianJordan_U, you have good memory... yeah22:07
jasabelladoes this dd command look about right? dd if=/dev/sdc3 of=/media/user/1tbhdd/file.img conv=sync,noerror22:08
nox_debianJordan_U, do yu know procmail and fetchmail22:08
jhutchins_wknox_debian: Yes, you can do that.  You might have a mailbox format problem.22:08
daftykinsjasabella: you could do with a bs=2M too, to speed it up22:08
jhutchins_wknox_debian: I use (al)pine, not mutt.22:08
linageedaftykins: or bs=16M if you just like larger numbers. :)22:08
jasabellabut what if there is a problem in the block? will it mess up 2mb?22:08
execRthanks just disabled joins and parts !!! looks a lot better22:08
jasabellainstead of the filesystem's 4kb?22:09
nox_debianjhutchins_wk, i don't find my mail22:09
Jordan_Unox_debian: No, sorry.22:09
daftykinsjasabella: you can stick with defaults and wait forever if you like22:09
linageejasabella: what if there's a problem in the block = use a redundant level of RAID and never worry about that again. :)22:09
linagee(well, for the most part. hah.)22:10
imastupidguestWell, what is it? People don't like the nick I've chosen or... ? Well I'm confused about the lack of attention ( just saying )   :)22:10
nox_debianJordan_U, what's your strong point? networks?22:10
jasabellais there a way to check everything went ok? like tee it to sha1sum or?22:10
jhutchins_wknox_debian: Do you have procmail or exim set up?22:10
jasabellai guess i will do that after22:10
nox_debianjhutchins_wk,  i have procmail   and fetchmail calls procmail...22:11
jasabellai'll go for 4M, a multiple of the filesystem block size at least22:11
linageejasabella: is there a reason you are imaging a disk like that?22:11
jasabellai want to back it up22:11
Jordan_Ujasabella: What is your end goal? Why conv=sync,noerror?22:11
imastupidguestCan someone at least tell me if what I'm typing is being seen by others? ( I'm just now in the process of setting things up ).22:11
jhutchins_wkimastupidguest: We're all just fellow users here.  It's likely nobody knows the answer - I've never even heard of opera irc.22:11
jasabellaim travelling overseas for a while, instead of taking multiple drives, i awnt to dump them all into 1 drive that i cant mount them from22:12
linageejasabella: dd is a bad way to back up a disk in 99% of cases22:12
ubuntuaddictedafter installing the nvidia 343.22 driver from the website my system is back to booting to a black screen only. it doesn't even make it to lightdm. the monitor is recieving a signal, it's just black22:12
jhutchins_wkimastupidguest: As far as configuring desktops goes, yes ubuntu has multiple desktops in most DEs, which one are you using?22:12
imastupidguestok, you see me at least. thank you jasabella22:12
jasabellanot me :D22:12
linageejasabella: the 1% of cases would be: you want to back up the boot sector.22:12
jasabellawhat's a better way to do it?22:12
imastupidguestjasabella: the standared/default (unity).22:13
jasabellathese were prevously booting hdd but i dont intend to boot from them again22:13
jasabellai dont have unity installed hehe22:13
jasabellai want to be able to mount on win/mac/lin/whatever :)22:13
linageejasabella: there's many ways to back up a drive. maybe tar/gz everything? (probably one of the worst ways, but there are programs out there specifically for incremental/etc backups.)22:13
imastupidguestjhutchins_wk: the standared/default (unity).  Sorry jasabella22:13
daftykinsjasabella: give clonezilla a go22:13
linageejasabella: (open source programs, even)22:13
jasabellai been reading about clonezilla :)22:14
jasabellai want it mountable like an iso file is, so i can read from it22:14
linageejasabella: or don't travel internationally. or complain to your governments that they're being oppresive about searching all data when going to/from a country. lol. :)22:14
jhutchins_wkjasabella: You can get that with dd.  It's easiest to do it by partition, but you can do it by disk too.  Clonezilla makes it easy.22:15
jasabellai dont want to take half a dozen hdd with me!22:15
jhutchins_wkjasabella: plenty of google help on how to mount the disk image, very easy and practical.22:16
Jordan_Ujasabella: While GNU/Linux can mount images of a filesystem easily, it tends to be more difficult to to so with Windows.22:16
linageejasabella: if you're going to/from an oppressive country, I wouldn't take any hard drives with you. install windows on that sucker.22:16
linageejasabella: ship the drives by mail.22:16
jasabellahehe um22:17
jasabellawow clonezilla is an OS22:17
jhutchins_wkimastupidguest: Ok, I don't know the particulars of Unity, but mess around, see what you can do.22:17
l0rdn1xI got a better idea,  'don't go to an oppressive country...' lol22:17
imastupidguestsounds good man. thx22:17
jhutchins_wkjasabella: Not really, it's just linux and a bunch of utilities and scripts.22:17
daftykinsjasabella: no, just bootable22:18
linageel0rdn1x: good idea. go out of the US. I mean... oppressive countries. :)22:18
daftykinslinagee: +1 ;)22:18
imastupidguestjhutchins_wk: ^   ( sorry, I forget to use nicks sometimes )22:18
l0rdn1xlinagee, can't say I don't agree with you there lol,  USA has turned into a Socialist nightmare22:18
jasabellaseems like too much for what i want to do? i can always mount what i dd out and run clonezilla later?22:18
jhutchins_wklinagee: Actually, the US is one of the countries that will confiscate your drive if they feel like it.22:18
linageel0rdn1x: that is kind of silly how they will give you such scrutiny for going across borders with anything but a bright shiny Windows logo, but if you send a hard drive by mail or send encrypted packets over the internet, no scrutiny.22:19
reisiojasabella: just copy the data, with something smart like rsync22:19
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reisiojasabella: images are... well, they're silly22:19
linageel0rdn1x: well... (wait... I could say that pre-snowden. I guess all international packets are searched now...)22:19
jasabellai wont be storing deltas, im not intending to change anything on these drives22:19
jhutchins_wkjasabella: clonezilla is just a menu-ised way to do the steps automatically and gives you something to boot to so you're not running "live" if you're doing your root filesystem.22:19
Jordan_U!ot | linagee jhutchins_wk l0rdn1x, anyone else22:20
ubottulinagee jhutchins_wk l0rdn1x, anyone else: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:20
reisiojasabella: it's not about deltas, it's about copying data reliably and efficiently22:20
reisiojasabella: you could use cp, it's just that rsync is better than cp22:20
dale_is there a way to "clean up" a ubuntu installation (14.04)22:20
reisiodale_: ?22:20
dale_? too22:20
execRclean like all the packages?22:20
reisiodale_: how's it dirty?22:20
jasabelladale_... what do you mean by clean up i think they're asking22:20
linageejasabella: Jordan_U is true. should be asking in ##linux for backup help.22:20
dale_yes, my desktop switcher causes problems22:21
jasabellaoh sorry :(22:21
execRreinstall lightdm?22:21
linageeis this a scary line to see in /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log?  Broken xserver-xorg-core:amd64 Breaks on xserver-xorg-video-glamoregl [ amd64 ] < 0.6.0-0ubuntu4 > ( x11 )22:21
jhutchins_wklinagee: No, he was addressing us and politics.22:22
Jordan_Ujasabella: linagee: Asking about backing up is perfectly on topic for this channel, it's the politics and privacy policies of various countries that's not.22:22
MarcusLawAMD driver issues. lol22:22
MarcusLawI have an R9 270x, I know the pain.22:22
jeniahello. how do I use gparted in ubuntu-live-cd? last time I tried it told me that I'm not root or something like that. basically forbid me from using gparted. How can I use it anyways?22:22
dale_lightdm reinstallation looks scary to me22:22
linageeMarcusLaw: I've never done anything that crazy. Just trying to go from 14.04 to 14.10. :(22:22
jeniaor maybe there's a ubuntu special edition for that stuff22:22
Jordan_Ujenia: How did you try to start GParted?22:23
execRwhy upgrading?22:23
xikkubsudo gparted?22:23
execR14.04 is LTS22:23
MarcusLawI just came to Ubuntu from ArchLinux, such a different community.22:23
jhutchins_wkjenia: sudo gparted22:23
execRwhat up with arch?22:23
imastupidguestDoes anyone use  a note taking application here? I used evernote on my android/phone before and loved it. Can anyone make suggestions?22:23
MarcusLawexecR: P.I.A. to maintain.22:23
CoC_towlieMarcusLaw, how is pacman?22:23
MarcusLawCoC_towlie: A lot more simple that apt.22:24
jeniajhutchins_wk, what's the password for sudo? or there's no password?22:24
k1l_jenia: its the users password22:24
jhutchins_wkimastupidguest: everpad22:24
jhutchins_wkjenia: Your user password.22:24
MarcusLawexecR: Also, bugs are a P.I.A. also.22:25
k1l_jenia: wait. on a live cd just start the program gparted22:25
Jordan_U!gksudo | jhutchins_wk jenia22:25
ubottujhutchins_wk jenia: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:25
tgm4883jenia: I don't think it prompts for one if you start it from the dash22:25
execRi find 14.10 buggier?22:25
imastupidguestjhutchins_wk: Will check it out, thanks.22:25
execRor is it just me?22:25
imastupidguestAny other suggestions?22:25
linageehooray. I got past the "upgrade conflict" or whatever nonsense. (just a matter of going through /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log and getting rid of "Broken" things.)22:25
nuke1989sed -n '1p' passwords22:25
nuke1989 How do i make the number 1 into a variable in sed command so i can get each line on a for loop ?22:25
at_workFolks, I"ve got modern supermirco hardware and I'm experiencing poor software raid rebuilding (following installation of 14.04)  resync = 21.4% (18880384/87825280) finish=93.1min speed=12335K/sec22:26
at_workHas anyone encountered this?22:26
at_workspeed_limit is set to 20000022:26
jeniajhutchins_wk, no i mean in the livecd.22:27
CoC_towlieMarcusLaw, i just use apt-cache search, apt-cache depends, apt-get install, dpkg -l seems to be pretty ok for me22:27
jhutchins_wkjenia: Hm, not sure, try no password.22:28
jeniaokay thanks22:28
linageeat_work: what does your iostat look like? are you maxing IOPs on those drives?22:28
jhutchins_wkjenia: Been a long time since I ran one.22:28
k1l_jenia: just start gparted as a regular program22:28
k1l_jenia: no need for any passwords there22:28
jhutchins_wkk1l_: Don't you need sudo?22:28
MarcusLawexecR: Another big factor is software support.22:28
linageeat_work: you're going to get 200MB/s only if you have many SSDs. heh.22:28
OerHekslive iso is single user mode, no password22:29
MarcusLawexecR: I like being able to install a program in Ubuntu and have it work, instead of tinkering with it for a couple days in Arch.22:29
k1l_jhutchins_wk: not on the live cd. an i am talking about the GUI program22:29
k1l_jenia: the GUI program, i am talking about22:29
jhutchins_wkjenia: They know better than I do.22:29
at_worklinagee, I've never seen something run at 12K on real hardware22:29
linageeat_work: why not? what if your drives are thrashing with other IO?22:30
linageeat_work: iostat = ?22:31
at_workfresh install, box is doing nothing but 1 ssh shell and array reconstruction.22:31
linageeat_work: no remote users?22:31
RedPenguinhey all22:31
at_worknone, now it is going at speed=126158K/sec22:31
* at_work wonders if I have a bad disk22:32
daftykinsat_work: "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX | pastebinit" ;)22:32
at_workno remote network here. I can copy and paste. though22:32
daftykinsyeah whichever works22:33
execR-tag MarcusLaw did you find arch lighter?22:35
=== x_ is now known as DF3D2
RedPenguinanybody know why for an nVIdia 730, HDMI would work for MythTV FRontend but Pulseaudio claim HDMI is unplugged?22:37
daftykinsRedPenguin: talked to the mythtv people?22:38
RedPenguinnot yet, I didn't think it was them as MythTV can use the HDMI, it's the entire system that can't22:39
RedPenguinI mean the system is using HDMI Video yet not audio22:39
RedPenguinThough I wonder if I should switch to the binary NVIdia vss the open-soiurce22:39
daftykinsthat would make a huge HDMI difference22:40
RedPenguinok, first time I used this card in Linux so wasn't sure, thanks22:40
CoC_towlieexecR, ubuntu can be really light, just install minimal iso, turn off suggests and recommends in apt.conf and install whatever you need22:40
RedPenguinwell first time i used to this card period let alone Linux22:40
CoC_towlieexecR, you can even skip lightdm and start x from shell.  also check out xmonad, qmenu22:41
execRCoC_towlie, minimal iso means less bloatware?22:41
Jordan_U!minimal | execR22:41
ubottuexecR: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:41
execRubottu: thanks this sounds great for my netbook22:42
ubottuexecR: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:42
execRok i am consfused now :D22:43
Novice201yHello. I use Lubuntu and want to download HexChat from repo, but it's not being displayed in Software Center. It's fresh installation. What can I do?22:43
CoC_towlieubottu is the chat bot, Jordan_U just told it to give you some info on minimal iso22:43
ubottuCoC_towlie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:43
execRthats great (irc nab)22:44
execRCoC_towlie: how can i see the optional answers of the bot?22:44
daftykinsexecR: there's a database if you google "ubottu factoid"22:45
execRdaftykins: cheers +122:45
k1l!bot | execR22:46
ubottuexecR: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone22:46
noah_Does anybody know how to see a background command?22:46
reisioexecR: he's dead22:47
execRthen see the number on begging and bring it to foreground with: %[number of job]22:47
execRfg %[number]22:48
noah_Does anybody know how to see a background command?22:48
k1lnoah_: what do you mean?22:49
execRjust said? type jobs in the terminal22:49
noah_k1l: Many gui commands run a terminal command how do I know what the command was?22:49
at_workdaftykins, http://fpaste.org/147602/15054986/22:49
k1lnoah_: well, that is not a easy one.22:50
k1lnoah_: a lot of programs use the librarys. but that is to get to know for every program by themselves. you cant say that for all programs or make you see that22:51
RedPenguinthanks again guys, nvidia-340 is working awesome22:51
noah_I running a src file which opens in wine automatically.22:51
squintyNovice201y:  hexchat shows up in lubuntu software center here.  should be in "universe" section of repo's22:51
noah_oppening it it the file manager works fine22:51
treehug88noah_: you can see all the system calls it makes by using strace22:51
treehug88strace -p (PID)22:51
daftykinsat_work: ah it's not giving the normal SMART data table22:51
noah_typing wine [filename] does not22:51
at_worknope, enterprise toys22:51
treehug88try whine (filename) :)22:51
noah_treehug88: how would I use the command?22:53
treehug88noah_: strace (program)22:53
treehug88or if it's already running, figure out the process id22:54
treehug88and use 'strace -p PID'22:54
noah_treehug88: and by program itś probably it's package name22:54
treehug88but probably you want to start the program under strace so you see all the stuff it does (there will be a lot of stuff you don't care about)22:54
treehug88noah_: may not be the same as the package name; or it may be22:54
treehug88noah_: which program are you trying to inspect22:55
noah_treehug88: the file manager. Iń in kubuntu so it's dolphin. It's just that is scrolls really fast. grep did not seem to work22:56
treehug88you might need to get stderr merged with stdout22:56
treehug88if you're using bash try this:22:56
_KryDos_hi guys. I've installed ubuntu on my macbook air. And my macbook now is very noisy. have you met this issue? how can I fix it?22:56
at_worklinagee, I'll need to reinstall again to get the slow performance it seems and use iostat22:56
treehug88strace dolphin 2>&1 | grep STUFF22:57
treehug88_KryDos_: kick it harder22:57
treehug88I kid, I kid22:57
daftykins_KryDos_: have you been reading about your model on the intelmac community pages?22:59
rsullyI'm running 12.04 LTS server and everytime I ssh in it shows me this http://pastie.org/private/zbkvsqpypapqwl836pdcq obviously `sudo apt-get install` is useless22:59
_KryDos_daftykins: no. I didn't know about this community. thank you. I'll check it.22:59
daftykinsrsully: you run sudo apt-get update prior, yes?22:59
rsullydaftykins yes22:59
noah_treehug88: The system calls do not appear to help22:59
treehug88rsully: did yuo try "do-release-upgrade" like it says23:00
rsullytreehug88 i do not want to upgrade to the next LTS yet23:00
treehug88noah_: if it's executing another program, it'll be in that output SOMEWHERE23:00
treehug88rsully: so what do you want to do23:00
rsullytreehug88 I want to "install a newer HWE version"23:00
treehug88I seee23:01
treehug88rsully: does this help23:01
Jordan_Urumpole: Please pastebin the output of "hwe-support-status --verbose".23:02
daftykinsrsully: what kernel are you on? can you run "hwe-support-status --verbose" ?23:02
noah_treehug88: here are some hopefully relevant lines: sendmsg(7, {msg_name(0)=NULL, msg_iov(2)=[{"l\1\0\1\274\0\0\0n\0\0\0\215\0\0\0\1\1o\0\n\0\0\0/KLaunch"..., 160}, {"$\0\0\0/usr/share/applications/wine"..., 188}], msg_controllen=0, msg_flags=0}, MSG_NOSIGNAL) = 34823:02
noah_stat("/home/noah/.wine/drive_c/windows/JohnCast.scr", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0664, st_size=295952, ...}) = 023:02
noah_lstat("/home/noah/.wine/drive_c/windows/JohnCast.scr", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0664, st_size=295952, ...}) = 023:02
rsullyJordan_U (i assume tab-typo) daftykins   the output is the same as what I originally pastied23:02
rsullyI am on 3.5.0-51-generic x86_6423:03
daftykins!paste | noah_ please don't past here23:03
ubottunoah_ please don't past here: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:03
noah_daftykins: sorry23:03
daftykinsrsully: it doesn't give you further details? read here. http://askubuntu.com/questions/496199/hwe-support-status-does-not-tell-me-how-to-upgrade-to-12-04-523:04
rsullydaftykins http://pastie.org/private/nrosoliuretkocwgfhzb9q23:04
OerHeksNoskcaj, a .scr is a windows screensaver extension, likely that is why it goes to wine23:05
OerHeksnoah_, ^^( sorry Noskcaj )23:05
treehug88noah_: you're in good hands now. Good luck!23:05
noah_treehug88: what do you mean by that?23:06
treehug88noah_: I can't assist any more23:06
noah_treehug88: ok23:07
=== Owner__ is now known as Guest83175
rsullydaftykins should I use the same commands as in your SO link?23:07
rsullydaftykins err.. AskUbuntu* link23:08
daftykinsrsully: yes23:08
rsully"trusty" is the correct package for my system?23:08
daftykinsyes, you want the HWE stack of trusty as that's the current newest LTS23:08
euxneksanyone know how to generate tree like images given a directory structure? (ala gource)23:11
_rsullyjust what i needed. wifi drops when im updating a server23:11
euxneks_rsully, screen is your friend :D23:12
euxneks_rsully, oh wait23:12
euxnekshah that won't help nm23:12
_rsullymm it should have helped23:12
_rsullyi could reconnect to screen session after i got back online no?23:12
_rsullydaftykins ok the packages were installed but I still get the message when I ssh in (after reboot)23:13
_rsullydaftykins running hwe-support-status tells me I am supported till april 201723:14
imastupidguestcan someone tell me where .desktop entries are stored?23:15
daftykins_rsully: likely because the older packages are still installed. purge the older kernels23:15
reisioimastupidguest: here and there23:16
daftykins_rsully: this is a headless server yes? or at least pure CLI?23:16
_rsullydaftykins its a VM that I have ssh into23:16
_rsullydaftykins its setup as CLI only23:17
daftykins_rsully: ok good23:17
_rsullydaftykins got a "for dummies" way to purge older kernels?23:17
imastupidguestWell I thought it was /usr/share/desktop   but I'm not seeing anything in /usr/share    like that23:17
reisioimastupidguest: what're you looking for, and why?23:18
daftykins_rsully: pastebin "ls /boot"23:18
_rsullydaftykins http://pastie.org/private/867ovdj1xwqjb39d2hsnw23:18
daftykins_rsully: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.5.0-51-generic23:19
imastupidguestThis sux...   I followed the top answer at: http://askubuntu.com/questions/26632/how-to-install-eclipse   <---   but is not working as specified.23:20
reisioeclipse, why would you want that nonsense23:20
imastupidguestreisio:  ^ sorry23:20
reisioimastupidguest: what version do you want, and why23:20
imastupidguestreisio: off topic but thx anyway23:20
* reisio shrugs23:21
imastupidguestis reisio a troll?23:21
_rsullydaftykins awesome, worked :D23:21
daftykins_rsully: no more complaints about the HWE after reboot?23:22
_rsullydaftykins nope, sshd in and it just says 2017 :)23:22
k1limastupidguest: you use the desktop-file-install to let it put the desktop-file into the right place23:23
k1limastupidguest: and if a howto doesnt work: say exact where it doesnt work and what erors you get23:23
k1limastupidguest: and the path is: ~/.local/share/applications   which means its in you home folder23:24
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
imastupidguestk1l: Yes, that's what I did but the icon doesn't show up in dash (an icon that looks like a file shows up instead). Also, clicking that does not launch eclipse at all. Clicking it does nothing. I'm wondering if the content for the eclipse.desktop in those instructions is correct? Or, generally, how to fix the situation?23:26
=== sins-_p is now known as sins-
k1lfor systemwide desktop files its tha path /usr/share/applications23:26
imastupidguestk1l: There is one step in the instruction that did not work for me (errors out in terminal because the file does not exist). Someone in one of the comments for that post (in the askubuntu instruction- link above ^ ) says they had the same problem but doesn't say anything more about it.23:28
k1limastupidguest: than eclipse changed something in the package they provide?23:29
k1limastupidguest: but that seems to be the thing you need for the display icon stuff.23:29
imastupidguestk1l: I'll check it out. Do you think that changing either of the lines in that file  "Exec=env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 eclipse44"  or  "Icon=eclipse"  are things to change?23:30
imastupidguestk1l: In the past I've used absolute path for the icon  but for making it execute (which it doesn't I don't know if I need to do anything or what it would be.23:31
k1li am not familiar with eclipse. i would first see if the stuff that makes errors is the cause23:31
unstableWhen is apt-get update scheduled to happen?23:33
unstableeg, how can I see how often it happens, and when23:33
k1lunstable: on cli? or by the update-manager?23:33
imastupidguestk1l: np. thx23:34
DocPlatypusHow long do I give aptitude when it is stuck on "Resolving dependencies:  open: 8599; closed: 48964; defer: 134; conflict: 270" ?23:37
DocPlatypusnumbers keep going up23:37
k1lunstable: just see the systemsettings-> software and updates settings, 3rd tab: updates23:37
k1lDocPlatypus: as long as numbers go up its calculating23:37
unstablek1l: Thanks!23:37
imastupidguestWell I've gotten the eclipse icon to show up in the dash but when I click it nothing happens (eclipse does not execute from there). What can I do to fix?23:37
=== Synchunk` is now known as Synchunk
DocPlatypusk1l: I'm trying to install Skype... ordinarily I would not touch the #$%&*@! thing but my mom needs someone to test it with23:38
imastupidguestIf I understood the formatting of the  .desktop  file content better I might have an idea23:38
ikoniais there really a need to swear ???23:38
DocPlatypusikonia: sorry if you're offended by random punctuation marks23:39
ikoniaDocPlatypus: please try to control the language, if you have to start it out, don't use it23:39
TyrmHey I am trying to find if there is official training/certification for Ubuntu, I know they used to have a cert but I can't find official information if they have it still or if if they offer other training paths23:40
imastupidguestI got it. I'll add a comment to the ask ubuntu instruction23:43
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k1l!es  | Al3j4ndr023:45
ubottuAl3j4ndr0: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:45
jason1kite runners23:48
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=== Guest15410 is now known as mamece2
jason1My connection keeps disconnecting.23:52
mamece2hi there, i have a question whose answer is not in google23:52
mikaelAnyone here?23:53
mamece2Can someone help me with the online account, Im using Unity, i need to sync the google calendar. When i go to online account settings i have nothing to add23:53
jason1use paper23:54
k1ljason1: that is not helpful. please dont do that23:54
mamece2in online account i just have this message "there are currently no  account provuiders available which integrate with this application"23:54
mikaelI have just installed windows in virtualbox, and has dedicated 25GB (recomended) for it. If I install a software in windows, will that use the dedicated space?23:54
mikaelAnd can I install drivers etc. The screen resolution is wrong, and I believe it's running on the standard driver23:56
mamece2please help. in online account i just have this message "there are currently no  account providers available which integrate with this application"23:57

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